Marshall, N. C June zi.ivo EIGHTH PAGE THE NEWS RECORD f 'lyr J t'n TIRED? Worn out? Light Camel! It is now known that they quickly turn on your flow of natu ral energy. Smoke all you want... Camel's costlier tobaccos never interfere with healthy nerves. Get a LISI with a Camel 1 NOTICE! MRS. J. W. CARRELL dulged in during these sessions. .This is the third course to be Funeral services for Mrs. J. given here and everyone has W. Carrell of the Big Pine sec-1 proved to be a big success. tion, who died at her home 1 June 1 were held at 4 o'clock "Pardon me, but does this on the following day at the train stop at Tenth Street?" North Fork Baptist churdh. "Yes; watch me and get off The Rev. D. K. Cohn,,the Rev. at the station before I do. C. A. Worley, and the Kev. George Briggs officiated, in terment was at the North Jfonc cemetery. Surviving are her husband and eight children. Also one brother, Caney Rector, who lives in Kentucky, and one sis ter, Mrs Bud Stines of Marion. Four-Game Baseball Series This Week In Asheville "Thank you." Ex. NOTICE! NOTICE! TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the power of gale contained in a certain deed of NOTICE OP SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST NORTH CAROLINA. MADISON COUNTY. Under and Iby virtue of the power in me vested in a certain deed of trust executed by Hujrh C. Brown et al, on the 15th day of January, 1931, and recorded in deed of trust book 3i, at page 8,o ,n me w',--- their vocal &mty tO or Ueeds umce tor wamson uouniy, -o ---- mill North Carolina, to secure certain in-! Summon the wiley porker Will debtedness therein descrfbed and de- have an opportunity to display HOG CALLERS IN ASHEVILLE JULY FOURTH Those hog callers of Madison m County who have been boast- v fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured, and havins- been reauested to trust executed 'by Lee McDamel and do so. the undersigned Trustee, will'-, -elohrnrinn nirnic at the wife, Margie McDaniel. to C. E. at the Court House- Door In the Town dav 1 1 a .1,1 Jm Rector, Trustee, under date of July their talents in the hog calling rnntftst which is to be a fea ture of the old fashioned all- of Marshall, at 12 o'clock M., on Sat-1 memorial owuium in 0..yv.c urday. July 21, 1934, sell to the on July 4. highest bidder for cash, to satisfy! Welcome To Asheville, Inc., said indebtedness, the following de- un(Jer whose sponsorship the 11. 1929. securintZi the indebtedness therein described, the said deed of trust being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Madison ! scribed real estate a t ,1 j-i 1 . Jl t L T" TT1 jy TVTVTT VT1 county, iNortn Carolina, in dook -ucuiTmirnjr on a mne . j Tli. invifino at page 61, default having been merlv a chestnut) between the road "S """"is """ NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and bv virtue of the author ity conferred by Deed of Trust exe cuted bv W. A. West and wife. An vie Mae West, dated the 1st day of Decemlber, 1928, and recorded in Book 31, Page 179. in the office of tthp Register of Deeds for Madison Conntv, Jefferson E. Owens, Substi toted Trustee, will, at twelve o'clock Moon on SATURDAY, JULY 7th, 1934 at the Court House Door of Madison County in Marshall, North Carolina, wU at public auction for cash to the fti&esi bidder, the following land, -wit: BEGINNING at an iron stake in She margin of Friby Branch and also at the margin of the paved street Ifcadini? from Marshall to Walnut Creek; said stake being opposite the Same plae of J. Hubert Davis, and tfhe.. Recognized comer, betvren the Sands- sold by John Honeycutt to G. C. Redmon, and the W A. West Home gfaee and runs South 55 dees. East WSt feet to a stake on top of the J. Wi Eedmon Ridge; thence South 37 degrees West along the Redmon Kidge S9 feet to an oak tree; thenc.' South 55 degrees West 239.25 feet along the top of Redmon Ridge to a ' fack oak tree; thence North 59.0 j degrees West with the W. A. Wost aanVJ. B. Tweed line 528 feet to a 1 atake at the margin of Friby Branch and the Marshall Street lead-, aaj to Walnut Creek; thence alor.i? aaxf with said payed street and Fns . tv. foK- celebration is being conducted tu aA una anttiiueu u iiiusl i"i""6 ai JBKC Ul, uci auit Having "ten mciiv a vucouiub mbnccii bile ivew m j .j : 4U. o.i ;.jKt 1 i tu. .i: d; T,r.r nrmrrnm rf Aftmn'sftmpnla anu lAsheville, June Vd MUCn ednes3( an(j the request of the'Creek and corner of the J. P. Eller field events such as character interftst is beinK shown holder or holders thereof, the un-'Barnett tract and running; thence S. wA Fourth nf Jnlv celebra- lonely graveyard, there we see .throughout Western N o r t h dersigned Trustee will , on th 2nd 84 ; E. 2028 ft to a stake on a ridge Qf fifty year8 agQ and the a mossy mound-there', where Carolina in the Asnevu e -c'ho M"adison ll8-i. whitek; thence S? 5 30 W. I hog calling contest is but one our darling is sleeping m that ball Club ot tne rieamoni- County North Caroiina offer f0r 656 ft. to Ivy Creek thence up and of the many competitive e cold and silent ground. League, which opens a lour sale at public aucton for cash, to the with said Creek, the following cows-lvents. This includes climbing When Gwen's mother would game series with Greensboro highest bidder, the following de- es and distances, to-wit: S. 77 50 E. e greased pole, catching the go on a visit, she would say. 'in Asheville on Thursday. The scrfoed premises to-wit: JVi4" n8. IV greased pig, the obstacle race, "Mama, don't stay long." And team was formerly tneLoiun,- . k . , , , the three-legged race a n d now when she goes anywhere bia bandiappers, Dut was Canev j RamseV) Estate of c. B. 'the mouth of a small branch; Jasper. many others. it seems that she ought to find ed to Asnevine several wccm Mashburn, and others and described Roberts Southwest corner; thence; (Other features 01 the days Gwen when she comes home. 'ago. Games will be played on as follows: lleaving Big Ivy Creek and up the celebration include a patriotic For Mr. and Mrs. Lee Chandler .Thursday, Friday, baiuraa Lying and being on the south sideDranch with Jasper Roberts line. N. parade in the morning with an and Sunday. . i if ",v a.L,tnene?"; address at the stadium deliver- The Ashevil e team boasts M a rock on the edgB of the Toad and N- 26 30 w. 148 Ft. to a stake; ed by the Honorable Clyde K revcrai coiunui piavci, u-iuu- N 76 . E 50 f t t k ing George Ferrell, leagues S- 39 deg. E 50 feet to a rock (io leading hitter and brother of feet east of an oak tree on the bank) Wea and Rick Ferrell, Paul S. 7 deg. W. 160 feet to a rock in the Dunlop. former University of be"d ?f the road; s. 19 deg. E. 250 XT1 V.i: - pM,rQnn leel lo siaKe in ine eagv 01 me 440 ft. to a locust staKe in tne ias- - ,, ...r Nbrth Carolina s t a r Grayson road. thence runoiBjr so a3 to include Ro,berts line and the. most east- for a prize as well as a title of Wolfe, winner ot four letters at the turn in the road constructed by -emly corner of a 16 acre tract, con- the bathing beauty queen Of the University of South Caro- John G. Ramsey as an approach to.veved bv D. W. Roberts to D. H. Rice North Carolina. lina. and Harry Laval, 17-year- building, N. 68 deg. W. 438 feet to a bv deed dated March 23, 1928, and Thero will also . be a bait am ann ftf thp Manafirer. UulV mn""m Hue, i-. t.a recoraea in dook jno. v ax i Ldtvai. Written by MRS. W. C. CHANDLER BIG BRANCH (Near Mars Hill) thence N. 1 20 w. 66 Ft. to a stake; Hoey of Shelby, North Caro thenee N. 38 30 W. 82 Ft. to a Hna. There will also be a bal stake; thence N. 1 30 W. passings joon ascension and a bathing spring at 247 5 Ft.) 445.5 Ft to a beaut contest in which attrac stake in a field; thence N. 18 15 W. ' taAiaa rnmnete. 445 Ft. to a locust stake in the Jas- "ve (Too late for last issue) Miss Onley Bradley and Mr. Glenn Whitt have returned from school. Mr Rnirrl Rnrnptt Vina hout 1. J ... Tl,. full I blooded collies. are auracwnif iaiKe aJ;"u; ivr- d,,,. wn, nnA nn ances. .Da;ly games sUrt at 4 ill i . uuvaii iTauiu vwncu v". - , Big Branch for the commence-'o'clock, the Sunday games at A..s war MARS HILL Sunday games m Asheville f to the - berinnmr. said lot con taining 2 1-4 acres, more or les, be in? the sapie lot conveyed by Caney J. 'Ramsey and wife to John G. Ram sey by deed dated May 20, 1927, and registered in Deed Book No. 60 at page 227 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Madison County; being the same lot conveyed by John G. Ramsey to Wiley M. Robeits by 1Q tViorp 'deed dated the 16th day of June, A in rtoafJ Pntlr Mrt ' TONSIL CLINIC HELD On Tuesday, June Professors R. M. Lee and was a Tonsil Liinic neia in tne Himr officp of Dr. W. A. Sams. 14 I'lVUVVM, "A VX jyv--.0 - - tf&Kfr'Sorth 27 JegVees East.about a week at their home children irom all sections , oi dated August 1928, and registered 8ff??fS. Comer, here, returned .YSSX '"S SyP f t antaining 4.8 acres, more or less. last week to Chapel Hill, by Dr. C P h.awardS, special C. E. RECTOR, Trustee. TPL 13 m? aeCo,Uu 0f ' where they will continue to st of AheyiHe, assisted by vr. J0HNS0N rollins and ' A.Htdv dnZ th surnrn. 7 Sams and 4 nurses from Ashe- UZ2ELL attorneys. R moo aw. Ma, i7, 11, ai mrs. u. .it. vann ana uuis- , ij i- 52 at page 22; bv Wiley M. Roberts and wif to Caney J. Ramsey by deed flETIVfe percent 167.) casn aeposii, aiia. u u uu . u.ue . , -- ... . . idder ter, Cornelia, went aown to ccaoxu. viin.wv. , I Danville Wednesday of last doctors say wicy yvc - nD be required of the highest bi aft tib sale. the 31st day of May, 1934. JEFtffgtSON E. OWENS, SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE L6an No. 2245. J6radTt,14. 21, 28 uanviiie weuiieauoy ui v.w. rf - . , .. j o.v anrl rnmfirl TueadaV of bad cases of large tonsils and this week, spending the time adenoids ;,-V, rr Vnnn at thf O r home I xJx , oama oajo u" " nia,.A t-templating NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA, MADISON COUNTY. I, Guy English, Sheriff of Madison page 107," tu Wrt nnt- of the Record of Madison County, N. Kuu' - . - C, thence with said Rice tract S. 50 stanaing s e m i-i(uityw 05 w. 153 Ft. to a locust stake; teams of the mountain area, thence s. 65 55 W. 132 Ft. to a gnka and Sayles Bleachery, stake in a small branch; thence N. fhjs event taking place at the 76 10 W. 396 Ft. to the South side A" wni. RnH Park of a large beech; thence N. 34 40 W. Ashevi He Ba nPirk. 290 Ft. to a locust stake in or near a The day S festivity Will De branch; N. 6 20 w. 125 Ft. to a brought to a close with a gay stake; thence N. 30 30 W. 220 Ft. to nineties ball in costume with a stake; thence N. 14" 50 W. 229 Ft. prizeg for the most attractive to a stake; thence N. 60 15 W 132 d authentic gown 0f that pe- Ft. to a maple in the branch; thence V'" ""mtr' j m wiii take n. 52 io w. 115 Ft. to the intersec- njd. The dance Will tion of the above small branch with place m the tobacco warehouse white oak branch: thence down White with music by a modern 01"- Oak Branch s. 57 35 W. 350 Ft. to chestra as well as an old-fash- a stake in same; thence leaving said j string band. White Oak Branch and running with v the road S. 83." 10 W. 280 Ft. to a stake at the intersection of the road and Capps Branch; a common1 cor ner of the tracti conveyed by D.' W. iRiolberts to J.. J. and R. E. Rice and Oscar Capps; thence with the read S. 4 45 WllffS Ft; N. 78 15 WV82 Ft ; N. 62 10 W. 148 Ft.; N: 62' 00- W. 115 Ft. and North 61 30 W. 436 In a game SPORTS' gy Kenneth Silver marred by nu- Ft. to the intersection of the road merons errors Sandy Kfush de with White Oak Branch; thence with feateH Leicester Saturday, 18 said Branch, N. 87 15 W. 230 Ft. . M t. Snndv Mush dia- I J C Ct on W DO T?f tn f Via mmifh " " "" ' HI1U O. y'U tdJ , ' . 1 v. v.m. JUST havmsr another -"r .p . . " -w , m.u Mr anH Mr, IT. H. Hunni- similar came, bdoui ouiy ir- t nd Bruner. visited If anyone wants this work done " " " th - of June im t ' - ZL " Green relatives here for a few days see him ana mane about 12 o'clock noon, sell at public Creek th foUowne COurseS and dip- pitched a nice game but was menis. me cui V.C1J,. , , auction to the highest bidder for fance to-wit: S. 29 0 E. 99 Ft.rS. for tbe visitors about two weeks ago. ery smaii. .. . v1i0.v,ot,t hidder for t-it. e oo t-u. 'All children should be looKea Di, -Mr,. '.Co , .no . ille aft( 1 A revival is going on au i, ,tv Church of God at Terris Fork, alter spenaing lwo wCC elble for clinic . .i Miss Alma Ensley has A revival is going on at ., ' .a U Mir.villp after closely about this disabii- tne turneu io iici iiu.iic 'V and orown-uns cash, one Packard touring car, Mo-,160 45 W. 693 Ft.; S. 51 15 W. 132 t.W K2Q47. this car beincr used for ;Ft.: S. 45 25 W. 478 Ft.; and S. 11 !iii 'f..nonnrttinn nf 'infoxicatine-i 25 W. 430 Ft. fo the BEGINNING. tiAcgna vi wiiujv v w-. Coo: ,s blessing Webster and Mrs. urace uraia a..u ... , w. vA Tr0i conducting aaugniei, ii. -."j- combe, left Monday of last week with Mr. and ivirs. r,i as it is a private clinic. Mnna. Landes the revival are . 1 lJ.-i-, Ti7. A revival ClOseu ai uai e - , , I rad'd with baptizing, aest Teasue for a two weeks NOTICE liquor. Is This 20th day of June, 1934. I GUY ENGLISH, i Sheriff Madison County j J-21, 28 Jun-21. TVie Rev. J. P. Mason will preach at Pleasant View school mt bOU people iu .jftn Tn- T i ri Martini home of th estate of Swann Ray, NORTH CAROLINA, We had a good last Sunday from a visit to Co-, house near J. A Martin e i home eceasd late of.Madison County, N. MAJIS0N COUNTY ker College during the com- on Friday night, June atn, a c th.g ,g to notify aJ peraons havinK Under and by virt xck. amg day evening at 8 o'clock, June JJ1 30th. 5 were baptized and iz weic "ip t returned r enn na Mi Rhirlev Gibbs leturneii .flnnl rnilT 11,111 UVJW 1 ' . . were there j .... .1-, . nnwnni Vl O l O XXht MtaT Elizabeth Gilmer of SinT?mn5icomb is not Shelby, was. the guest last u u4.. cv, still verv week of Miss Ada Kamsey sue u uenci, - Mrs Anna Landes was shop- Mrs. Ira Hodge and son, Ira B7iu Asheville last Friday. Jr. have arrived p to spend a ttti.- woo in mnntbr or so here with M". Seville Monday. i?0igeS, Mr. Minnie Radford was AL.E.dwards. J&, . 5 'to Macombe. Bex j-, -d Virnta-Lovm wvisit-.Wik. Forest to enrojH m , . x . . f oohnol wor k-i. Oscar.: var-! SSFOrk Ai-----'-trj5tliam& enjaoIUati-iAtliliio-i A'-vaeatfon-Bible school i fA enmmir m i ( 11 j i same piace ivi -' ---' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Hftvinc Qualified as administrator Kay, NORTH CAROLINA, not supported weBL He got one of his team's two hits as well as struck out nine men. For Sandy Mush, W. Brown was only touched for one hit in r . -I i iua. DADlTBT PPDWU Trustee SftTOll lnnmKS. WdirvCU L1IO.i-v-. 28 JuI-5, 12 . and sjtruck out 10. B. Weus m, relief piWher, abo did good! N II I I I H. T work, fanning 4' men. 11 u a i v u Containing 126.1 acres more or less. This the 14th day of June, 1934 8 n'ffock: also Bro. Mason Will .l:ma -otaim the said estate to ore- ,in me vested in a certain Ded of Leicester preach at J. A. Martin s cnurcn sent the same to the undersigned at trust executed by John weaver ana sandy MUSn at Red Hill on Brush Creek Sat- his home at Revere, N. C. within one wife, Eliza Deaver, on the 8th day of - Batteries: At bat W. Brown starred: for NOTICE OF sale under deed Sandy Mush with 2 singles, a OF TRUST wnlV nnH a double out of 5 times up. team R H E 2 Z 11 18 11 6. B. Green, L. virtue of the powier in a nrHovnt 11 o'clock and Satur- year after this date or said notice February. 1932, and recorded in deed Green anj Rogers; W. Blown, urday at 11 o clock ano oaiu rf w f trust 5ook No 36 t 41 ln R; XJ T J. A. MARTIN 2t HffiESBRINGS (SPECIAL) persons owinjr said estate win the Register or ueeds umce ior mu- nlAn make immediate navment to ,ison County. North Carolina, to se-, 'jne. cur, certain indebtedness therein I This May 14, 1934.4 Idescribed and default Jiaving teen . .'PATTERSON RAY, Administrator made in the payment of the indeDtea- " of Swann Ray. deceased. m M-17, 24.31 J-7, UZt. Inesa- thereby secured, and having: i , been requested to do so, the under-1 signed will at the Conn House door in th Town f Marshall at ,12 o'clock . )f.on Monday, July 16,-1934, sell m tin th hiirhMi: bidder for. cash. to CARL R. STUART; ATTORNEYAT-LAW MARSHALL N.C t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. : Having qualified-; asm executor the will oi tne estaia-or -ruiie 'satisfy said indemeaness, me iohow r APPUCATlOrfr FOR PARDON iOF? SAM FHllira w UFMORY OF MISS GWEN woik. CHANDLER Avaeatron-Bible school is g North ing described reafestat: ' r.J" Madison County being taught at. the loea I hh jk is to notify all persons "FipT TRACT: BEGINNING on North OJgSt the - - nfi'ao Worv Khz.- It was on Sunday morn ng,;we8 '7.7 vo ."I.J l his home at marsnaii, noixn v,ru- fand runs upandwitn Ue nonow o s.m PhilUna convfcUd of ' top 01 tne i-" ," th., M?PS Kutn.A'iaereon ictux-.w. rJ. Jjmiey, paui wi u.e .... th . th undersigned at ea ui ur - cai irreaujriciiau vvt hu hom. -t Marshall. North Caro- viu. th. 1B no!., -trahrht to an iron - " " Charge and is.beingassisted Dy a nr .farm t. 23d da of staka across ton of hill near a red oak TPFW.jy . ifcp pasiors wi. iue 193B or this noUce will be stump; men straijrni wnn lence SI.!..: tm -i Bll Hol M: Cart Brown and little; Methodist "churches. The hool" M 5afB W comer tl I 1 1. L.J Kaon trial ; j...,'ai;Aiial' onA it- r lnn1a ttientut with Henslev and JaT' v : .. . r 1 - - - ' . , . in nxM. All nusoni wna oddobo 'MSa to Anderson at Saluda . pnKzyin,wnen v Mr Cari Brown and h tertoK. CarL who had been visit-(is nonenommationarand ev; weep from day to day. !iLST.J? Cut ean't bring our dear aar-c" Ear back, for she has gone to vi"e, o. v. TTnfl tn, rjv. Oh: we mi3s Listed among to week are: Mr. meet her again aome day. f She' Zeno Wall, Mre, vaa always a home loving giri. mui, u ... EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Che always obeyed" ner par-lMrs. vv. o"" J-T: Having quaiifled executor i the ta. She was so kind to ev- Fndajr,to spend a few weeks of esUt Jamet T . person, indebted to said Estate will iTi t sihrn K. R. rhrht W . .wj .TTO inuiio;, -,ery cmia is coraiaiiy luviiea wj., m.v. immediate settlement ' 1 J.,. ki.T Trt iTirht of STrantin 01 saia paraon are m- t. Green- attei No one overl4 iSSi 22. mt liV?""?: ff4f SSBSflSTr . . tvia01 f So A I .a m I CANST. WILSON, Executor of tne.mouth of the howm.iaw Thi, jun. 4, 1834. the Sick this ;are from 8:30 to 11:30 A.M. afclt, ftf Freeman.. deceased. crewr: ess.-BeinK the , y.i..lliaTHA PHILUPS. ' J. R. story telling, Bible lectures, . oa i A "! w-.i "f-njrtir. 21 - ; 7 . O. Tren- and games of all kinds are h . ; deed date March zg- "z . - ri- 8 i -s-: .istered in the office of the Regnster of r. wrt.,r , f ' - I : awiaave)aelai a aaea MAW - I 1 cryone, ana always Criendly smile. - - : - . When God called our dar-T-? away, He blessed her with Ilir tender grace, and when He r-tk her last breath He leu a Z rtctiful smile on her face.'t 2Iow this home is so lonely - :e dear Gwen has gone. It's I father and mother, one sis- - tnd- brother, vto always :p and moan. There in that had a 'with iier daughter, Mrs.. Geo. ton, late of Madison County, North Oarolina, this ia to notify ail persona havinjr claims against said estate to exhibit them to the vndersiened at his home at Joe, North Carolina, on or (before the 7th day of June, 1935, or this notice wil be pleaded in bar Leibv. Franklin Wilking ' has gone to George Peabody College for summer school work. i Mrs. Josephine Harris and Children, Of "Asheville, were their recovery. All persons indebt gnests of Mrs.' Olive Over the d to said JstaU Will please make " a .. I immediate settlements ? . r W ir"i. nL "Ri of Thi the 7th day of June. 1934. Little Miss Gene Boone, OI ! MOORE, Executor of the estate Asheville, spent last week-end of James T. Shelton, deceased. here with her grandmother. Jua-7, 14, 21, 28 Juiy-5, it Deeds in Book No . " - .... . i Havimr aualilled as administrator t mich inference U hereby I, .Xhtt of W R l . of the Estate of Mary Ann Ray, SECOND TRACT: onUinmg- ap- wf J ?Lul deceased. 1.U of MadlsSn County, N. proximate 1 1-2 acre. SdJwir JlVZAl C, this is to notify all persons having claims aninst the said estate to pre- Mit the um to the undersisrned at In i . n vr rt :av: ais nome at ncveii, v., wivum wu year after this date or said notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons owing said estate will please make : immediate payment to me.- ' ' ' V -- - Thia May 14, 1834. - -PATTERSON RAT, Administrator Mary Ann Ray, deceased, -- M-17, 24, 31 J-7, 14, 21 .' .u. I. J .nMliaiul TMIM U UUI MM W BVVUI mil) inievua - Dearer by deed dated the lutn nay cn -u - -of Jaanarr. 1927. and Rejrlstered in them to the unders gned at his home the office of the Register of :!.fi.lTjFm for Madison County in Deed Book . the, 14th day of June. 1935, or th s No. 47 at pane 632, to which book nonce wu d pieaae 7 yv and pars rerence is hereby wade recovery. All persons indebted to fw flSther and fuU reference. This said Ertate wiU please make imm- beinr all lands of John Desrer ,dr"Iem?"tj . ,OBf 1BS4. wff. n: nunr ' I This the 14th day of June. 193. ft KS, diy of J-ne, 1984. :H. J. JARVIS, Executor of th. esUt, ; . GROVfTR C. REDMON. Trustee . of W B. Ray deceased. . Juii-21, 28 Jttl-6, 12 . w-l,i, -uj-o, x. I