-1 v-v.-v-'w 1 THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY VOL. 33 8 Page MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1934 3H0WS OBJECTIONABLE SIDES OF MADISON DAM PROPOSITION By Kenneth Silver In the last issue of the News- lecord Mr. Story (may he live to be a hundred and fifty) ad vanced in a front-page editori al that all citizens and eivic or ganizations in Madison County ' i .should make it their solemn shall has little to gain and much to lose. The erection of such a dam just east of Marshall would prove a constant menace to the town, at least for a few years, until, like the Ivy Dam, it be comes only a frog pond, and not i t Jutv to advocate the erection a very srood one at that. The i Of two government dams in the 'land would be ruined. Backed County, one between Marshall al the way to sexton on cull I and Ivy river and the other at Creek and Pelk's Cliff on Ivy LDeep Water bridge, a short dis- and almost to the depot at WL 1 IT.l O ! - A U ft,- niIfi 1 Inlrn iSerious thought should be .will be full during the winter given to this proposition. In 'months when there is no need ,the first place, what benefit jfor it and below normal In the would it be to Madison Coun- summer months when such an jty? We grant that for a time, eye-sore will hurt, not help jit would bring considerable j tourist trade. money into the county. Busi-j Civic organizations should jness would flourish. There .think twice before trying to 'would in all probability be a have the dams placed in this boom. But what lasting effect county which, as it is, is one of would these dams have on, the best situated, financially, .Madison County? in the state. It would prove a I) Mr. Betts advanced the idea boon for several years but then that the railroad run fromiwhat? Let Asheville and the Knoxville to Ridgecrest, Now ( counties on the headwaters of the people of this county think .the French Broad scrap for the very little about the railroad, dubious project. It is a pipe In fact, we seldom ride on a dream and is likely to prove a train. . But of the $126,301.95 white elephant on some coun this county must pay as taxes ty's hands. ana i n . ; i i j. j ;i so,oio.' is paia uy me ran MARS HILL H. Clay Cox Called By Death road. Add $3,610.86 to taxes for the town of Marshall and approximately the same a mount at Hot Springs .and it makes about owi-fourth of the county taxes. If the govern ment takes over several thous and acres of land in the coun ty this will of course be tax exempt, raising the norma' tax burden to at least twice its present rate for those of us who are .still fortunate enough to own landY 'v Song Convention To Meet The French Broad singing convention will meet at 2 o' clock Sunday afternoon at the Madison Seminary on the Mars Hill road. H. V. Hunter, chairman of the convention, invites all classes, quartets, and groups of singers to attend. ""The cool auditorium room of the Sem- ine erection oi a dam would hnw.h ,,ii k .noofniiv hot afternoon. RiShway" between Marshall and Asheville would be inun dated. This i8 one of the most beautiful drives in North Caro lina. Traffic would be e'ther through Mars Hill or through the Sandy Mush section or the I There will be a Decoration main Asheville-Knoxville traf- at Shoal Hill cemetery July15, c could be easily turned beginning at 10 o clock in the DECORATION AT SHOAL HILL CEMETERY rough Yancey countv bv way , morning. Preachincr will be of Cane River or swing south- at eleven at the cemetery, ward over the Doggetft Gap I The Rev. B. E. Guthrie and the road. This would of course Rev. J. A. Martin will speak elation at Queejn-Clr'cora coV legeV and was a member of Kappa Delta sorority there. Shtf attended the 1930 debu tante ball in Raleigh. The groOm went to Boiling Springs Junior college and Wake Fprest college, starring ath letics at both. He is a mem ber of Pi Gamma fraternity. Following a wedding trip through Western North Caro lina, Mr. and Mrs. Wall make their home here. Garden Club Has Guest Speaker The garden club, which has taken for its summer project, Intoprovement of the Town's H. Clay Cox, 47, prominent business man and Republican leader of Mars Hill, died sud derli' at his home here early Saturday morning He had been in declining health for two years, but was seriously ill only about a week. Mr. Cox was chairman of the Republican Congressional com mittee in the 10th district and was manager nf the camDa'crn of Calvin R. Edney, of Mars , Appearance," held its second Hill, the Republican nominee meeting of the season last for Congress in the 10th dis-, Thursday afternoon in the trict. He was also campaign horrfe ot Mrs. W. t. Kobinson. manager for Charles A. Jonas, feme YYeaverville has already of Lincolnton, when Jonas was mad much progress along the elected to Congress on the Re- line nublican ticket in this district, th Mr. Cox was former secre- the tarv nf thp ritv school board cur j ri ii i 1 novi M la fl Iniifrl oc Wnhm tnn I at oneiDy ana was a salesman ivmo-.., ( PRICE $1.00 A YEAR EMINENT HOT SPRINGS WOMAN TAKES OWN LEE JULY FOURTH SPORTS Poor Health Believed To Haro Been The Caiie Of The Rash Act By Kenneth Silver Mrs. W. R. Ellerson, 43, member of a prominent family ,Piney Grove added another of this section, and a sister of to their list of victories last W. N. Garrett, of Asheville, Saturday when they swamped committed suicide about 8 o' Walnut 11-3. The boys from clock Wednesday morning at out at Jewelhill ddn't seem to her home at Hot Springs by be hittintr the ball, erettinsr only shootincr herself through the two hits off Caldwell while the right temple with a revolver, two Thomas nitchers allowed dying instantly. She was a fourteen. The game was loose- lone in her room at the time. ly played. Batteries were: Marshall, Caldwell and Burnett; Walnut, Thomas, Thomas, and Ramsey, Thomas. "Husky"' Rector led the hitting with 2 for 4. a dou- entioned. the president of Kip nri triDle. rden club of that town, ev. Mr. Castro, was se hv thp leader for the INDIANS TRIM MARSHALL Her dauerhter. Miss Eliza beth C. Ellerson, and her nurse, Miss Clara Blankenship, who were at breakfast, heard the shot but thought it was some one shooting birds near the house, they explained. The nurse found Mrs. Ellerson's body when she went to attend her a few minutes later. Mrs. Ellerson had been in poor health for some time, members of the family said. for the Davis Manufacturing to tei oi oeginnings tnere. nis The Cherokee Indians trim- company, of Knoxville, Tenn., taiKJbrougnt out the tact tnat d th Marshall team in the qhp went t Asheville Tuesday u in ula fA v,; tourists nnH visitor rememher T i i. i. ii,. Bne weni w 'V"' A uco u"u,c 111 1V- " J ' .;r 7, , 7r: rourrn oi duiy encoumei w uie for treatment and returned tirement irom active Business tuv.is w.u. wen pw tune of 7-6 in a 10-innmg h th t night in a highly two yeais agu. iuoveu w " 6-"" struggle tnat was lnteresiing prvft condition iviarg nin num oneiuy imcc .i.v r-j au the way. uaiawen, pixcn- years ago. vla TeutWfnuy r Pre ' ing for Marshall, was strong was active in church work and i,vin in the men's Bible class. Mr. Cox was a , native of Tennessee and attended Carson-Newman college at Jeffer son City, Tenn. He is survived by six sonSf Don, James, Quen tin. Lyndon, V lrgiL. and Sco in Hu lah ers oi the club are entm- llr,f:i u u0 fifv, frame C f.uUt fe-. fuea- K when he weakened, allowing j r ithe bases to be loaded ana tnen walking in a run. Marshall scored in the hrst, 'The Uill' are lending a hand, too, lis campaign. IMrs. J. B. The sheriff and the coroner were making a formal investi gation Wednesday. Mrs. Ellerson was a member of a well known family of this section, and was a native of 7" , T. 1 IViarsnail acoieu 111 ine inau, oInc CV, n,00 lihrarian Mrs. LiPpard Miss Beu- third( eighth and tenth innmgs Hot i Spring She was librana towden, and Mrs. J. W. -. u du,, ,,;. n , . 1 i. 'l-U "1111 I11C XWV UOIVJUO i uiiwti6 associate nosiesses witu yer gcores in the fifthj seVenth, dn 1Leiand tenth. Batteries were: Mr Robinson, served H. re the !nd Pf the pr?" I Marshall Caldwell and Ram sey; Cherokee Bradley and ni, t L -.i6 iniio" grafi. Other out-of-town guests "u ""CAr"":rA:r, r werl Mrs. Graham, of Hamlet, ville, Tenn, and Paof La - andtMrs. Padgett, of Grover. folletteijfenn., and iwo sisters, I Mrs,-Charles Marlowe, of Vas-t pen Tjfcfcrt; and Mrs. McKinley e fimerat-service -"erefij 5ttihburgr: Tenn.tvhere held at 1 :30 o ctock sunaay they carried Mr.i rrentnam is afternoon at Mars Hill Baptist mother, who had been with church with the pastor, the them for about three months. Rev. L. B. Olive, officiating. Miss Julia Cox and brothers, Burial followed in Mars Hill H. Clay, Jr., and James, return cemetery. Pergonals olessor and Mrs. S. O. t,.theeek-end Shelby Girl Is Bride Of Zeno Wall, Jr. Shell. three years. ' "n. Surviving are her daughter. Miss Elizabeth C. "Betsy" El lerson two brothers, W. N. Garrett, of Asheville, and Rob ert S. Garrett of Wembley, Al- i J...L1.. tr f ri o. uaiieu "rrKr. berta, Canada; and one sister, nakle for the Indians got a tri ple and starred at shortstop. ed last Thursday trom a month's visit to relatives ki Tennessee. J Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hunni- ....JJ: ..u; nur., cutt have been spending a few Mjolr wnio of two prominent Shelby fam- Mrs. Kate Huebner, of Minne apolis, Minn. Funeral services will be held at the home at 11 :30 o'clock. Friday morning. -. .. The Rev. Woodward E. Fin- ley of White Rock, and the Rev. W. Bruce Boyle, of White The canning schools con- Pine, Tenn., will officiate. Bur ducted by Mrs. R. R Ramsey, ial will be in a plot on her es County Home Demonstrator tate. for the Emergency Relief Ad- Act-'ve pallbearers will be: ministration, will be held next Hugh C. Brown, W. C. Britt, week at 9 A.M. at the follow- Leicester Chapman, Morris G. ing places; Buquo. W. T. Davis and Harry Rock High Hill. Honorary pallbearers win School he: O. W. Grubbs, G. C. Long, ;n ,.,,c, fV,ot f Mioa Rntli Mav iw;o0 ir,v,;i,r i nuion q n rl lipsdav Mara Hil ti. a. Ur. llavia KimDeriy, ur. leave Marshall in the same po-. There will also be smging at fcautrhridge, to Mr. Zeno Wall, Petrev Brown, of Weaverville, Wednesday Hot Springs George Floyd Ross, Hugh B. Jr., Friday evening at Central were the guests last week of oommunuy nouse iove, ui. 7'11LU."'1-"- MotVinHiet flinrfVi T1P hride tVioir onnt Mrs T M Rnhin- Thursdav Walnut H. S. Runion, A. W. Whitenurst, ia h Hancrhter Mr. and Mrs. an ' " Friday Marshall H. S. John H. McElroy, Roy Brown, sition that Walnut U in with i the church Sunday afternoon. reference to the main highway. 'All singing classes and quar From a civic standpoint, Mar- tettes are invited. , MADISON OFFICERS CAPTURE ROBBERS FROM BUNCOMBE Two Pistols, RiHe, And Other CONVENTION HELD Weapons Found In Car J Larry Fant and James The Spring Creek Conyen Wright, who gave their ad- t,0I heldT lts lar meeting dress as a small town in South Sunday, June 24th. at Liberty. Carolina, were captured Satur- The convention was opened by day night by members of the Prayer br Bro- Bright -of Bluff. Sheriff's department after the 'The visiting classes were Marshall officers had been no- Shelton Bros. quuMte from tilled that the iwo Juoj's had Clyde and Waynesville, N. C. driven awajr -from the JAlexan-! The Spring Creek classes der service station without pay- who attended were Bluff choir, az their bill. They were Bethel choir, Ball City choir, charged with highway robbery Lusk Chapel cho'r, Liberty and turned over to members of choir and Mt. Pleasant choir, the Asheville police depart-1 There wa8 some wonderful ment singing rendered, and it was The two boys, Mr. Evins the greatly enjoyed by an, especi station proprietor said, stopped ally the quartette from the at the station and ordered gas- Shelton Bros, oline, oil, nd -Jm ettes. After j We wiah to thank each visit. the car had been serviced the choir for partiCipating with boys ordered drinks and while U3 in the singing and win be they were being 'brought glad for them to be with us a toward Marshall. The Mar-i -n shall officers were notified and K met the car at the Panhandle j To any and all singing class curveo It was raced back to es, we extend a hearty wel Rollins before it'was stopped.'come into our singing conven The boys did not resist arrest Itions, held each month. The dn the automobile were next meeting will be at Bluff found two .38 caliber pistols, a Baptist church and on the 4th .22 rifle, along razor, a pair of .Sunday in July, rubber gloves, and a number of j The public's cooperation 12 gauge shotgun shells loaded, with the convention, shown by with buckshot and lead slugs. ; attendance, will be appreciat Deputies making the arrest, ed. were, Manuel Shelton, Eldridge ( Again we invite you to the Leake, and Hubert Davis and singing conventions. Hubert Worley, town police- MR. DOCK PLEMMONS, Pres. man. . ; A J D. C. KIRPATRICKj Secretary SARAH E. ELMORE, William W. Walker, John C. Supervisor Sanders and Charles Burgin. HOT SPRINGS GIRL WINS IN BEAUTY CONTEST Roger Mill-v Laughndge, and The Rev and Mrs. Luther the groom is the eldest son of yann and children, of Bakers- Dr. and Mrs. .Zeno Wall. The vif' have been the guests of churcn was auracuveiy ueu- jirs l. l. Vann during the orated with evergreens and preachers' school. They, with ! summer flowers, interspersed Mrg olive, attended the V. M. with cathedral tapers in y Conference at Ridgecrest : branched candelabra. The fam- Monday. ! ily of the groom formerly re-1 Mrs zeno Wall and daugh sided in Asheville and has a ter) Mj3g Ada Ramsey, and wide connection in Buncombe sonS( Woodrow and Yates, ! county. have .returned to "The Hill" i a f m,i. after being away last week for a; ,oa rpnHorpH fiv Mrs Hu- tie weaaing oi me eiuest oou, aavernsed last weeK xo nave had Womanless Wedcfing Postponed Mis, Izlar Of Hot Springs Wini "Miss Westtrn North I Carolina" The "Womanless Wedding", bert Plaster, organist, Mr. John ?eno: Jr" an account of wh -ch been staged July 4 in Mar PnrhoH QTirl Mr WoorfrOW glVCU m Wa.IT, vocalist, and Dr. Hubert this paper. Plaster, violinist. D . Attending the ?ride were COmeoj lOJW Uivcn Miss Mildred Laughndge, her only sister, as maid of honor, and Mrs. Ollie Harris and Miss Ada Ramsey Wall, both sisters anorner piace in shall, was i later date. postponed till At Mars Hill July 11 Much interest is being shown in the play, "Oh, Professor, BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jess of the bridegroom Mr. f oe isF to te given here on .English, of Mars Hill, Satur Laughridge and Mr. Walter Wednesday p j of next week. :day, June 30, a son. - v : nnnn I n fT tl 1 d I ITT I K , blJJte must peui"e -" no ...v. bride, served as junior glooms- - r The p A- men. snerB were air guuert the affair which Wilson, Mr. Alfred Eskridge, ,,Antr " hnhv ftftnw and Mr. James Eskndge, Mr. John- mi of interest. FORE COATES Welcome to Asheville, Inc., 11 counties represented from which to select the most a beautiful girl. This was one of the July 4 stunts. Miss Jeanne Sprinkle was "Miss Marshall," Miss Catherine Roberts was "Miss Madison County," and Miss Mary Lee Izlar of Hot Springs wa3 "Miss Hot Springs. line contest result ed in the prize going to Miss Izlar as the most beautiful girl in the eleven counties rep resent, she being named, "Miss Western North Carolina." No Sunday School Rally Mr. Ollie Fore, son of Mr. T TT C "hfn -n V. n 1 1 n A tt j i tut t tt1 some Utuer utms ui uikiwi. jesse rure 01 wimoiiou, aim , . ., ny Hendnck, Mr. Pegram Hoi- ,Migg Emmie Durham is direct- Miss Delphia Coates, attractive At North Fork Big Pine ijtnu, wuyv oii-u, uu . , f th Wavne P.'Anrhtr of Mrs. John Coates t ,,miio Mr. Holland Jamison, oll'lori- gewell pucinjr Company of ;0f Marshall, were married quest of Nort rl R. his brother's best man. I Atlanta, ua The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. An at tractive brunette, her wedding! The class composition was on gown waa of brocaded white "Kings," and this is what one taffeta made on fitted lines, .boy wrote: She wore a shoulder-length "The most powenui kinq on nee witn tne re- North Fork Big Pine aorfh i Wnr-Vinor tVift laziest. worn as a pendant, as her only Shir-king; one of the worst, been running meat market ornament Her going-away kings, Smo-king; the wittiest, beside the postoffice, is now op- costume was a swagger suit of Jo-king ; the q. u 1 e i est , eri.uiK ui w natural color tweed with brown Thin-king; the thirstiest, Drin-,grocery in the bW ow accessories. king; the most stylish, Win-ly operated by the Rector Mrs. Wall received her edu- king, and the noisiest, Tal-king. Cash Grocery. June 30 at bpartanDurg, a. i. Baptist church, and for rea We wish for them a long, son3 that seem to be justifiable, happy life of joy, peace, and the Sunday school Rally at that prosperity. church next Sunday has been ' 1 cancelled. The Rally, how- MOVES STORE ever, will be held there two . months later, the second Sun- Nat Holcombe, who has day m September, at 2 P.M. This July 5, 1334 Sincerely, WILLIAM WORLEY Supt. of Sunday school work in New Found Baptist Association i