Aether THIS diving bell, especially designed for exploration nnder water, wai photographed aa it was leaving Ter achelllng, Holland, en a new attempt to recover the gold In the hull of the ship Lutlne, which foundered off the Dutch oast In the Eighteenth century. BEDTIME STORY By THORNTON THE JOKER OF THE OLD ORCHARD AS PETER RABBIT sat blinking and staring at the sober-looking afmncAr who was eittlne where he bad expected to see Glory the Cardi nal, the stranger opened his mouth, and from It came Glorv'S own beauti ful whistle. Then the stranger looked down at Peter and his eyes iwinmea with mischief. "Fooled vou that time, didn't I, Peterr he chuckled. "You thought From That Wonderful Throat Poured Out Song After Song. yoo were going to see Glory the Cardi nal, didn't you?" Thnn without waiting for Peter to mply this sober-looking stranger gave a concert such as no one eise comu BYnm that wonderful throat poured out song after song and note after note of Peter's familiar friends of the Old Orchard, and the periorn Handkerchief Linen A- This cool blue and wfclte polka dot handkerchief linen dress Is the last word in morning wear. . , PAPA KNOWS I -Pop, what Is hospitable?" MR. L. .J ..Rjiuia f 'I 4 si J ,':y'S:; Gold Cargo o' FOR CHILDREN W. BURGESS ance wound up with a lovely song whirii waa all the strangers own. Peter didn't have to ask who the sing er was It was Mocker tne MocKing hlrd. frtil" cnnnerl Peter. "Oh. Mocker, how nnder the sun do you do It? I waa sure It was Glory whom I heard whlstllnir. Never aea n will I De aDie to believe mv own ears. Mocker chuckled. "You're not tne onlv one I've fooled. Peter." said he. "T flutter mvself that I can rool al most anybody If I set out to. It's lots of fun. I mav not be much to looK at. but when It comes to singing mere Is no one I envy. "I think you are very nice looking, indeed," replied Peter politely. "I've been finding out this morning that you can't tell much about folks Just by their Jooks." "And now vou've learned that you can't always recognise folks by their voices, haven't you?" said Mocker. "Yes," replied Peter. "Herearier i hail never be sure about feathered folks unless I can both see and hear thenwrf Somebody told me once mai dovn iii the South vou are the best loved of all the birds. Is that so?" "That'll not for me to say." repueo Mnrirer modestly, "but I can tell you this, Peter. They do think a lot of ma ilnvn there, and It IS ail on ac- nf mv voice. I would rather Hum a heantlful voice than a one Pator nnrided as If he oulte agreed, which, when you think of it. Is rath er funny, for Peter has neuner a uue ooat nor a fine voice, a glint oi mis chief sparkled In Mocker's eyes. "There's Mrs. Goldy the Oriole over wa anM he. "watch me root har' Ha hotrnn to call an exact Imitation r nniriv' voice when he Is anxious about something. At once Mrs. Goldy came hurrying over to nnq out wnai - ,.KU aa Whan aha discovered' U1C UVUUra nm . . Mocker She lost her temper and scold ed him roundly. Mocker na reter laughed, for they thought It a good 1nke. at t. w. linn faa t rt u avrvic. QUESTION BOX near- Mr Wvnn: Is Florida a good place ror one nerves T Tours truly. JACK SUNVILLE. Answer Til sat It Is. I know a man who went to Florida five years ago . hnfoi TTa naen to charee , mu uywcu $2 a night for a room and bath. Now he has the nekvbj io cnarge x night for the same room. - . r" " m ji - Via a f" Wvnn ' Will yon please settle a dispute be tween my wife and me? My wife has a brother who alwavs -goes to other neoDle's houses Just so be can get n-rink of whlskv for nothing. I ciaun a fellow who does a tninff liae tuai Is a "Bponge," My wife says he Is not a "snonce." Who Is rlghtT .lours truiy. A. GNOQ Answer Tour wife is right Her hMthw fiila no on whisky while a "sponge generally fills up on water. rioaat Xtr Wvnn: What Is meant oy -Kace isuiciuei- Yours truly. t POLLY TISHAN. An.naK When a man goes to the twta on a horse, loses all- his money, becomes despondent, and kills himself that's -Baca Buiciae.- -! rtaa Mr. Wvnn: I am a boy nneen years oi age. i applied for a Job In a grocery store, .. hn the trrocer asked me how. cr - - - many ounces make a pound, I said 10 WITTY KITTY Br NINA WILCOX PUTNAM The alrl chum says no young man need feel that he is going to lose feminine admiration If he becomes slightly stoop-shouldered from carrying orchids. WNTJ Servloe ounces. He wouldn't give me the Job. I wonder why? 4 Truly yours, D. LIVERYBOYE. Answer The next time you ask for nnaition In a aTocery store, u ine iyrncer nb von how many ounces make a pound Just say 14 ounces, and you'll get the Job. Dear Mr. Wynn: A friend of mine who has Just re turned from a motor trip of 3,000 miles, told me he enjoyed touring on the roads built by Americans. I asked him what he meant "roads built by Americans," and he said: "Why, Roosevelt boulevard and Lincoln hign way." Then he told me the worst roads he had to travel over were built by a Frenchman. I did not want to appear Ignorant so did not asK mm who he meant Will you piease reu mo the name of the Frenchman who built the bad roads he refers to? Yours truly, MAG NEBTOW. Answer He Is referring to "De tour." C the Associated Newspapers WNU Service. Lee and Grant Fight on Same Side ?. :vS::v:.'-Sv-:ff:-: ' ' i. -v- f j i - f , WHENEVER the baseball team oi tu k-"' - ''Tt.-- a . rame. two descendant, of Gen. Robert E. Lee , Md toWj- S ara to beaeen fighting- 'ErttElZ -are outfielders, and they are close THE VINE By ANNE CAMPBELL THE vine la trying vainly to climb bJgh Upon the smooth boards of my little shack. The sun Is peering from an azure sky, But there la something here that holds It back. Nothing to climb on, that's the rub I It falls Buck on the brick of the foundation walls. Today I'll buy a trellis for my vine. And guide Its tendrils up the strong white wood, Reflecting as I do on the divine And lofty way God labors for our good, Giving us room to climb to heights above Upon the golden trellis of his love. Copyright. WNU Servlc. v 1 FOR THE TEA TABLE SO MUCH depends upon the attrac tiveness of the tea table simplic ity Is the rule, even where the pocket book need not be considered. One need not buy expensive teas, either, for the ordinary ones when treated to a bit of orange peel, a flower or two of Jasmine will have a flavor which will be found quite distinctive. Dainty open sandwiches which take time to prepare but are so fetching in appearance are often all that Is served with the cup of tea. Cut the bread Into one-half Inch slices or a bit thick er, then Into rounds or In any design. One may have hearts, clubs, diamonds or spades If so lncHaed, as there are oil Enrta nf sandwich cutters on the market Spread the bread lightly with mayonnaise, then pipe on cheese with nrhinned crenm. decorate with finely minced parsley, peppers or candled fruits. There is no ena to tne variety which anyone may think up, and use almost any fooS at hand. Many hostesses like to serve pre served fruits for sweetening, such as pineapple, candied cherries, orange quarters, glnced, and various other combinations. With the fragrance of the tea nnd fruit one needs some sweetening. Rock candy makes a de lightful one as it may be bought In various colors to match the decora tion. This adds much to the appear ance of the table. This Is never placed In the tea, but passed that the color may add delight to the partakers. Other candy flavors are In vogue mint Is always enjoyed. Fresh mint dusted with powdered sugar is espe cially attractive. . panut Muffins. Mix and sift two cupfuls of pastry flour with four teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one-half cupful of granulated sugar, one-half teaspoonful of salt one-fourth cupful of peanut butter, and two tablespoonfuls of butter, add one eupful of milk, mix well and bake in well greased muffin tins twen ty minutes. Serve hot with a salad for a main course at luncheon. O by Western Newspaper Union. Highest Mountain Measuring from the center of the earth. Instead of from sea level, the highest mountain of the globe Is not Mt Everest but Mt. Ohlmborazo, In the Andes, according to calculations made by a German scientist says Literary Digest On this scale Chlm borazo's peak Is 3,966.99 miles from the center of the earth; Everest's only 8,965.66. Four other peaks, Huas caran (Peru). CotopaxI (Ecuador), Kenla (East Africa) and Kilimanjaro (Africa) are also "higher" above the earth's center than Everest The dif ference In the measurement Is due to the bnlge of the earth at the equator. k ' f - mmmmmmmmmmmm n . . 11 t. l Wanh In irta baa. a Mend. nbtlterSUwHBooK 59 'improved UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY I chool Lesson (Br REV. F, B. FITZWATKR, D. D. Mntr of FMiiltr, Moody BttU Mr ot raouiiy, Mooay Inatltuto of Chieaco.) ' Wastora Nompapor Ul inlon. Lesson for July 15 - a GOD'8 CARE FOR ELIJAH LESSON TEXT I Klnss 1T:1-16; 19:1-1. I nnT.DBlN TEXT For after all the thlna' do th Oentllea seek: for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have . . . a. need of all these things. Maunew s.o. PRIMARY TOPIC How Uoa took Care of Elijah. JUNIOR TOPIC How God Took uare of Elijah. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC How Does God Provide? YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC God's Constant Care. I. Elijah's Message to Ahab (v. 1). This waa a most startling message. for Ahab had not only led Israel Into Idolatry but Into the repudiation or the living God. 1. "As the Lord God of Israel llvcth." Elijah knew that he repre sented the living God when he came Into the king's presence. 2. "Before whom 1 stand." Be caus Elijah stood before God he could stand before Ahab. 3. "There shall not oe dew nor rain these years but according to my word." The suspension of moisture coniiniiru for three and a half years and was given In' answer to Elijah's prayer (James 5:17). Drought was predicted as a punishment for Idolatry (Deut 11:16, 17) and the prophet was now applying the divine Judgment. II. Elijah's Retirement (vv. 2, 3). As soon as he had delivered tils message he retired from the king's side while the penalty of the king's sin should be visited upon the land. Though God's prophets must he sep arated from men they are In God's presence. III. God Provides for Elijah (vv. 2-16; 19:1-8). 1. At the brook Clierlth (vv. 2-7). God offered a hiding place for his servant who so fearlessly declared Ills message. He was sustained in a two fold way. a. By drinking of the hrooli (vv. 4-6). While drinking of the literal wa ters of the brook he was being nour ished by the living water from the tbrone of God. b. By being fed by the ravens (vv. 4-6). The ravens brought him bread and flesh both morning and evening. Elijah thus enjoyed two meala earh day with Water to drink. The same find who sustained Elijah still lives and we should trust him ror our dully bread. At last the brook dried up be cause there was no rain In the land. The Lord then Instructed him to move. 2. At Zarephath (w. 8-16). Observe a. The place (v. 9) Zarephath was at the west side of Palestine near the -Mediterranean sea in Gentile terri tory. In order to reach this place Elijah had to cross the country from the Jordan to the sea. Perhaps he did this at night In order not to h? seen. Zarephath was only a few miles from the home of Jezebel's fattier. b. Sustained by a widow (vv. 10 12). "Bring a little water and a mor eel of bread," was the request which be made of the widow. This was a great trial to her but God had touched her heart and stirred up faith in her. Her reply reveals her deep distress. c. Elijah's reply (v. 13). This made plain to her ihat It was a case of mutual Interest to do as the prophet said. "The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fall." May we learn from Elijah's ex perience. (1) The particularity of God's prov ldence. He by prearrangement meets our dally needs. There arc- no hap penings In God's providence. The woman of Zarephath going out to gather sticks to prepare the last meal met Elijah and Is helped for two years. i No matter how small our re sources we can do something for God If we will. Let no one De Qiscour cged because he is poor and unknown, is We should give our all to God tmi him for further supply. The best way to help ourselves is to neip others. This woman gave one morsei . fli'i nmnhet and obtained a sup- hply for herself and family for two or more years. i fiod often allows us to get down to great extremity In order to loonh na that all is from mm. (5) God's dealing with this Gentile woman Is a foregleam of his dealing with the Gentile nations. IV. He Sent an Angel to Cook Eli jah's Meal (I Kings 19:6,7). Elijah was greatly discouraged and despondent over the strain of his struggle which (fulminated on Mt Car mel. God was very tender In his deal ing with him. He not only gave" him Bleep (. 5) but provided food for him at the hand of an angel Difficulties Difficulties are here not to be side stepped, but to be met fairly and square ly. A religion that doesn't tret you Into trouble Isn't worth having, and a re ligion that doesn't get you out of trouble Isn't worth having. Remember Daniel and his three friends. E. a Erampe. Submissiva Heart The Bible, the open Bible, the stud led Bible, the Bible In the heart la . the only hope of our land today. H. IL Parson. MAKES RADIO OP HUMAN BODY BY THOUGHT WAVES People thousands of miles apart may shortly be able to communicate with one another by means of thought waves, according to Profes sor Callegarls, an Italian mental spe cialist. He says there are three "commu nicating discs" In the human body one on the right side of the neck, one between the calf and the ankle, one behind the index finger of the right hand. A search for these "discs" was first made In 190S by the late Profes sor Mlngazzinl, but he died before he reached the stage of actual tests, and Professor Callegarls promised to continue the research. In one of his experiments, two nurses were blindfolded and seated ten feet apart, facing each other. A small capsule of aluminum was placed on each nurse's neck at the spot where the human receiving and transmitting apparatus Is sup posed to be situated. One of the nurses was asked to transmit her thoughts on a subject In which both were Interested, nnd the other to try to receive the message. After a while, the nurse who was acting as receiver stated that she felt sharp, burning sensations on the tip of her tongue, pains on both cheeks and the left wrist, also a peculiar feeling of heaviness on top of her head and "emptiness" at the lower part of the brain. Presently she stated that she could see a net work of white radiations, undulating like the waves of the sea, all round the body of the other nurse. She then said that the other nurse was telling her about one of the patterns In the hospital, mentioning his name and describing his symptoms. The nurse who "transmitted" the mes sage agreed that this was correct Left Zero Far Behind An Index thermometer, left at a point near the summit of Mount Mc Kinley, Alaska, in 1912, and recov ered 19 years later, Indicated, as near as could be estimated a mini mum temperature at least as low as 100 degrees below zero, Fahrenheit MercolizedWax Jjfeeps Skin Ybung Absorb blemishes and discoloraUons using ofoctssnch aMadcheads, tan. fawilM and years younger. Mercolized Wsx brings rat your hidden beauty. At all leading drut. I Powdered Saxolittr-y I Beduees wrinkles and other Wai 8- I I ply dissolve one ounee Batemhajf-pint I Intob base! and use duly as face lotua. AGENTS WANTED Easy plan: hundred per cent proat. Dandruclde Mfe-. Co., Tampa. Florida. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT BANNER! His autographed photo on finest bright silk. lOxia Inches. Face changes. It's brand nw. Assorted colors. Silk tassel-cord and trlnge to match. Beautiful creation. Re tails SSc. Really worth II. No sales talk. Sells Itself on sight everywhere. Big, julck proflts. The agents "new deal Per doxen 11 80: three dosen 15.04: six doien It. Be first to clean up. Tour money back Instant ly If you And sales unsatisfactory. Send lie for sample. poBtpsld. GARNER CORPORATION 1TIS Broadway .... New Sara. Cash for Discarded Gold Articles. Gold Boy nBarean, First National Bank Building. Atlanta. Ga. Mall shipments held seven days pending your acceptance of caeck. : . New Improved Moltlplyina; Shallot. Mild. perpetual onion; multiplies every 60 days. ,.. .,.11,. ,,,- urh nlant: 2.000 new seed ISa postpaid. Olar Plant Co Ular, B. ti. Little Girl's Face Inflamed by Psoriasis Healed by Cuticura "My little girl's face was so In flamed that her eyes were swollen almost shut The trouble was diag nosed as psoriasis. She scratched night and day and was not able to obtain rest. The scratching aggra vated the trouble and each finger tip was red and swollen with infec tion. She became so emaciated that she was very patnetic loosing. "After three months' suffering I i.raiioii the Oiitimra. treatment used by my mother. I bought a ake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment and used them according to directions. The first treatment brought relief and she is now healed." (Signed) Mrs. Marie L John son, 4720 Ames Ave., Omaha, Neb, March 14, 1934. Soap 25c. Ointment 25c and 50c Talcum 25c. Sold Everywhere. On sample each free. Address: "Cuti cura Laboratories, Dept. K, Maldee, Mass." Adv. SORE EYES rellsres and emus sot and lnflsiMd wn to aj boars. Helps the weak eyed, egres ask your dranlst or dealer f or 8A I.T f trora Keform lispeBaary . P a Box ttl Atlanta. Os KILL ALL FUES Guaranteed, cfleetlm CO 11 TWMOUI '' I ItBtl fell iMon. iosiLstm TTnrold Sornertt lDfi 1 . I - . .5 I , BeUaTdlsatet WMUServlae.