X r rn TW " Lb,UU THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER -OF MADISON COUNTY VOL. 33 8 Pages SEVERAL MADISON COUNT Y PROJECTS SHOULD BE STARTED MARSHALL, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1934 Civitan Club Names Commit tees To Look After Public Improvements" The Marshall Civitan Club in regular session at the French Broad hotel Friday discussed several matters of importance to this section. A committee SPORTS MARSHALL DEFEATS .SPRUCE PINE, 14-10 shall made numerous errors which were very costly. Reid led the Marshall hitters, get ting three hits for five trips to the plate. Southers, Spruce Pine's pitcher, struck out 14 of Mar shall's batters. The game was very unintercif g and onesided. With only a handful of spec- tntnra hara MnraVinl) want nn a J X i.U XV. mir . . ' " . " - a iiaiu w .M ui.u hitting spree last Saturday, TROY ROBERTS DIES IN MADISON COUNTY SALES TAX IN N.C. AND CALIFORNIA Comparison Of Two States Interesting PRICT" 0 A YEAR TWENMGIKSjilJOTARY .go""'- SCITOOLS OPENINMADKOPT , By W. E. PRICE Greensboro,. July 25 North Carolina and California are vounir separated by the breadth of Trov Roberta. 28. i r ' ' ----ci,, .... , ,. i.i.i ud with the State Hiarhwav V.. ,r,rTT"; farmer of the Barnard section tne nation ana nave itue con- -.r!mmMiA aflFnr t I ".I"8MUJt V mt8' UT W1 of Madison countv. died at his, tact except that Calif ornians VlllUVV4A A IkVW 1" f J m A VW hdOAn - tm ' I 1 n-l tne main street oi jyiarsnaii wi dened, raised and the pave ment extended at the lower smoke Tar Heel ciVarettes and thrSCnPine nin6' 14 to 10- day of last week following an 'North Carolinians are enter Marshall got off to a six run t k of heart digease He jtained by Hollywood movies. end of town, recommending IX iL nSfp naa Deen ln 800(1 ftea,tn aU day !v. x i " x I that some of the buildings be o S v7 nd aPPeared or" h?Z mutuaI ,nterestf ?n i, i M:wo Vme.s ln tne nrst innin2 'mal until the attack state .government question of mittee was to make an effort to, ; Al ,i P t ? "".S.X ri-SS'.?.'T.'ST.!S: ci. 1 1 1( 1. uil y iwvyuV'i i.o win V. - 00 , t HOT SPRINGS (SPECIAL) Mrs. R. A. Plemmons, moth er of former State Senator, Ira Plemmons, is very critically ill at her home here. Mrs. Plem mons is 78 years of age and has been in failing health for some time. She has been in a semi-conscious state tor the past three or four days and the Faculty Of Schools Beguuunff Work Monday " 1 1? i: . r i np nf thp worst storms in ""K"011' imnaie xuuuci, The following schools witit teachers as named opened in Madison last Monday, July 23: Oak Grove Neva Ponder. Piney Grove Winston Rice and Katherine Roberts. Rice Walter Ramsey and Tillie Buckner. Big Laurel Eva Rice Sams and Mrs. Haynes Wallin. Ebbs Chapel Roscoe Phil lips, Edna Honeycutt, Edna and get the Marshall-Mars Hill firaf fi,7a fu;Q road hard-surfaced all the way be a safe ead ut in thg sixth 10 Mars mil. it was repuneu tnar tne conxraci now iei caus-niatl uroo xfm.fl Mnr,nil xtxu i, o " x a . . . ... . . n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a v iLirui.i . li nrst nve innings tn;s looked to ters Mrs- Maude Payn Ma., tax at about the same time. A- It was reported1- 0 " "c bel Roberts, and Leta Roberts -uvui uie oniy umerence is mm M wa iinnmg, Spruce Pine crossed the Rarnnrri. ,nH fiv. hmthw. I California collects 2V- Der cent came back m their hail ot the mMv to. T3..vf uQ,. California taxps all snlpa in AA a 1 1 Y 1 UCMC, 1IUH. ClllU iJ-WUVVA 1 ' .Mr-u ... ' 1 1.' J 1 1 of Barnard. ,eluding the basic foods. products when sold by the orig inal producers. In each state the tax is kept for a certain number of miles, which stops short of Mars Hill ;sixth to score 2 more runs that by a distance of more than aput the iocalg 5 run8 in the wt iU T4- m V Vi-H 1 . . . .. . . r. :VZ.i:Mfl- V?. the .8vth ?"ni? .'LAST RITES FOR CHARLES, and farm, forest and mine m TVh rtr i ?pr,ce rine' W ,n tfle am 01 4, BRYAN HELD SATURDAY will not permit these two gaps jCosty errors and a timely home is,?a lnIv.i? iLT run by Sufins, scored. six runs! Funerai services for Charles 33mfxT ""'X fcito j overtake Marshairs lead Bryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'separate from the selling price C?S 6 Thf foa un l?rnd ff0 int? theJe,a,d 9 to 8- Lewis Bryan, of Mars Hill, who of each article. Stnn Trll f nrWhEH0ffeer;LM.Sr 1 ?!?d tw died in an Asheville hospital As might be expected, the SSJ tfJ Ll ?;mp if r ,n ie"' half of the sv" Friday morning at 12:30 0'-.California yield is vastlv great- 7a7rniX o h m1 .r .1 runs m e c,ock' were held at the home er, some $4,000,000 per month, IvPJ Jf com" eighth to put the game on ice. near Mars Hill Saturday after-jthan is returned from the sales .cCu ... .... .. xu;. uurneu, iviarsnau s ace eaten- noon at 2 o'clock. o "1 - ? m" u .11 s,0060. one 0I, awaras The Rev. L. B 0jive pastor WWB VS ITIMVUMII A committee composed of Messrs. O. S. Dillard, A. W, Whitehurst and C. L. Rudisill was appbintvj '. .v-k. efforts to get st.nv t-iing done m Mar- 8Core m0re than one run in the Hill cemeterv shall by the PWA with refer- ninth with t m.n nn h m cemetery, ence to a gymnasium a n d !anj two out Caldwell tighten- TOTAL OF $700 RAISED swimming pool. Xhis matte ed down nd out Swann pop mar un 1 rri 1 rr.F W. C. Ingle. Lower Little Pine Ibbie Ball, Evelyn Wilson, and Elva Carter. Upper Little Pine E. N. many years visited this section Saturday night. A wind that had the proportions of a cy clone almost, accompanied by tVmnHpr liofhninof rnin nrr? 0, ...... 1IT. . , n T7- . . 1 hail, did considerable, damage, vv'ana"u"y e,nt- nj. to growing crops shade trees 1 Highland Mabel Radford, and buildings. The rear of the ' Revere P. N. McDevitt and Wade HamDton brick cottaee Mrs- Cora Stines. North (that stands on thp old Monn-' Spill Corn Gennell Fox and Carolina exempts basic foods jtain Park hotel grounds was 'slants on the nose that cleared ef the Mars Hill Baptist church tne leit neia Danit ior a. nome officiated, assisted by the Rev, run in the eighth inning. tax in North Carolina, where it has run something ovfr $500, 000 per month in the first year of operation. The inclus-'on of &pruce rme tnea to put on the Baptist church in Mars ,a late rally but was unable to Hill. Burial was in the Mars J. R. Owen, former pastor of 1 basic foods in the taxable col- was particularly stressed It to end the game. Redmon and was pyuimu uui " """ i Burnett led the Marsnail at- a total of $700 was raised shall could furnish its part, W tai.k with three hits in-five trips tofgJFe $2000, a project could be sta!to the. plate, two of urnett g a , f0S ffl weeklitS tedthatldnWfc the community this amount ; bfe-, Caldwell kept Spruce Pine's aiumnit the S. and W. cafe ing multiplied by four. In oth- hits well scattered until the teria 1 er words if Marshall could aAVpnth inniW whn thPV oi-'a u raise $2000, an $8000 project .hunched threp hits with four n. d t tvt o.-x f .h,jnfi a rv-; t ;i M, i , ... 1 . xJ I , .v. XJ. iuuui Ci uicoiucub vi uiuui i. 1 1 c muciivau XJKiom- V.UU.U uc iuiuijiiiw:u vyivu "-, rviarsnaii errors tin score s x tu ui . tv, tj ao, ta nacn.iof,nn ...v,;u ..,t nresident of the countv alumni led the ODeration of the sales in 1 umn in the Pacific coast state accounts for something of this difference. The chief cause is, of -course, the tremendous su periority in buying power which exists there. In the o- pinion of well-qualified observ ers Tiowever, still another fac tor exists. They believe that .Jlection of the sales tax in CalMwhia has been accom plished with more uniform e-ffectiveness. This is further indicated in a I i.ixa.oi employment relief labor. The 'rwnSi committee was urged to start Marshall something as soon as possible. Cohn, 2b Another matter discussed at Redmon, cf length before adjournment was Burnett c wui9uu 9 iiiiccst in tiic j.u- XN1X rt posea scenic parK to parK nign way. 1 Mrs. Warren Davis Has Narrow Escape Rector, lb j Roberts, 3 b j Ramsey, ss Caldwell, p Thomas, If Reid, If Reims, cf Mrs. Warren Davis came i near having a serious wreck j Thursday afternoon of last j week. Crossing the railroad Spruce Pine just about the time the light Young, cf signal was turning red on ac- Swann', lb count of an approaching McNeiil ss freight train, she found her, car q Burleson, 2b whirling around in the road, Henline rf ' slippery from a recent rain. Edward's, 3b-p When it righted itself, it was Stuart, If headed . in the opposite direc-.guujn8' c ' tion and was on the railroad, h. Burleson p d UMlJJMlg UUb U. WHr KM , BUM AB 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 1 4 0 R 1 9 H 2 3 group; W. ti. mpps, Asneviue it states, rney tound (Janior attorney, and Frank Wells, su n?a's 2 per cent levy netting perintendent o f Buncombe 1 48 per cent of the state's total countv schools. it a x collections while North blown down; the home of Mrs Thos. A. Russell was badly damaged, many roofs were ripped off and giant trees that were many years old were up rooted. In many cases the tops of trees were twisted off like corn stalks. No personal in juries have been reported. The Carolina Power and Light Co.'s line was broken down by an up-rooted tree and the town was in darkness Saturday night. Eighty-two new CCC enroll ees have arrived at Camp Alex Jones, local CCC camp, this week, and are undergoing treatment that will last for two weeks. With the addition of these enrollees and four expe rienced men, the full strength of 200 men, at the local camp has been attained. When the new men have been condition ed accordingto-orde"-they-will be placed in the French Broad division of the Pisgah National forest, building reads, trails, and doing fire preven-, tion work and many other i types of work that come under can?P. placed under quar this department. antlne by the camp physician, Dr. David Kimberly, on Thurs The Rev. Moir W. Edwards, day afternoon, to prevent the ntnr nf tv,0 TTnt SnHnfrs spread of meningitis. One of Thursie Green. j Lower Big Pine Zenna Par is, Ruth Guthrie, and Alma j Henderson. Upper Big P i n e Albun j Buckner, Selma Worley, and Jonas Chandler, Jr. I Doe Branch Gordon Rob erts. 1 Roaring Fork (Mrs. Gertie Suttles and Thelma Davis. JPoplar Gap Caney Smith. Long Branch Vahn Carter and Bessie Roberts. Sandy Mush Marie Rob erts. . California Creek Ronald Higgins, Thaida Carter, and D. Hill. Rice's Cove Mrs. Mary Franklin. Bright Hope A. C. Hill and Orlena McMahan. Foster Creek Glen Jarvia, Roby Reece, and Mamie Rice. Ivy Ridge Clive Whitt and Rj&Jervis. . ..v ,Grape Vine W. E. Abrama and Iva Glen Coats. Keener Carrie Davis. Cross Rock Mont Hannah. Carolina's, 3 per cent sales tax Methodist charge is conduct- tne members of the camp was yielded but 15.8 per cent of the 'intr a 10 davs meeting at Fair- stricken with what appears to Will you send some nice cut- tol state revenues in the first "Hello! This is Mrs. Jones. jyiel lets right away?" five months of its application "I'm sorry, but we haven t Illinois with a 2 per cent sales 0 any cutlets." tax got 27.8 per cent of its rev- 43 14 17 5 AB 5 5 5 & 5 4 4 5 5 H 2 1 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 "Well, then, a couple of nice ienue from that source up to the lean pork chops." 'time of the survey, which was "We haven't any pork chops I made about- the first of the either, Mrs. Jones." , year. "Oh, how provoking ! Then j a small sirloin rteak will have "We haven't any steak." PAINT ROCK : "For heaven's sake! Aren't . you Smith the butcher?" Misses Mary Gardner and "No, I'm Smith the florist. ! Helen .C.hockley were in Paint view church. Mr. Edwards j "e n,ciui.Siu mm vao iu.vu being assisted in this meeting10 uteen hospital ior treatment 0, " "Oh! Well, send me a dozen IRnrlr Mnndav afternoon 9 white lilies. My husband musti Mr. JRobert Keller and i daughter have been visiting 0 be starved to death by now 0, 1 and to determine just what was the nature of the illness. The quarantine will be lifted just as soon aaall danger is passed. Miss Mildred Grubbs return ed home Wednesday from Loudon, Tenn., where she was guest of Miss Christine Lefler. Billy Brooks is spending a ot Flag c.viieJ to those accompanying hvr. to ?eave f the. , car ; nd ..they stood &i.d saw ttio freight train take off the rear end of the au- A P 0 0 0 tomobile. ' Mrs. .Davis was Mar. 220 hardly, conscious that she hadi mj. Koaa 43,10 11 ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R HE 0 0 3 6 0 1 10 11 3 20224x 14 17 5 I iMiss Dorothy Pope returned to her home -in Asheville L j i .i n m 1 fi 1 xu x rrw-voc i inuuiao, i nursaay alter visiung ner w Vr T1!! B? grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. taught ?hlt was .'.SJl, aMfeVoahyrV of t i u i. o r whirlitio- nrnnnd I Buriesbn r home runs, Burnetti Miss Cortta May Roberts of Though: miirtu nnlb l.L d wii, Caldwell, 2; off Burleson. l;,Week as the guest of Miss H- leson, 4,, Edwards, 2; stolen - - Messrs. Harold and Bobby bases, Marshall, 8; S. P., 7. brought to her office by Mr. Robi. Tweed.. She was re turning from Morganton where she -had' taken a patient, the father and brother of the pa tient accompanying "her, : SPRUCE PINE TRAMPLES :( MARSHALL ' DENTAL CLINIC Under the supervlsio Buckner of Asheville ' have I been, visiting on Paint Fork for .the past two weeks." ( Miss Eutha and Mr. Joe Ma- uV:. " 'i.- '?:v,J;'."': 'j. hey were the dinner guests of After defeating Spruce Pine Mr "and Mrs W - W Anorel Sat- QaimitA'XIiit V lliimfliBU XAiiM j' . ; uaiuiuaj, vuc woun vcniu UrQaT ElgllU v v lost, their return game Sunday r Mr.' and Mrs. Bob Gentry , to spruce Pine by the score oi y8Pent Sunday with Mr. and xe 114' to '2. None of Marshall 'a Mm cvnoof r.artar . Relief Organisation, ;DreXJn regular pitchers made the trip.-., Mr." and' Mrs. John Rodes derwood is - holding a dentahPaui - Roberts, w h o.s started, were the guests of Mrs. Rodes' clinic in- the -rural schools "bf-pitchinflr tot 'f: Marshall. . was sister. Mrs. r Wvn Briflrmon. Mrs. Keller Mr. Hardy Woody was visit ing in Paint Rock Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. James Cannon of Greeneville, Tenn., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Holt. Miss Mabel Woody, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woody of Marshall has return ed home after spending a week with her grandmother, Mrs. E. H. Ricker. " ThejRev. Mr. Pegg and Mr. Charlie Thornburg of Alexan der were in Paint Rock Sun day. x . . ' Misses Margaret and Adrian Martin and Mamie and Thelma L- b attended prayer meeting Wednesday night of last week at Antioch. by the Rev. J. P. Mason. Re ports so far are very encourag ing. Miss Elma Currin of Hen derson, N. C, is conducting a Sunday school revival at the lo cal Baptist church this week. Miss Currin has a wide repu tation in this field of work and . is meeting with much success 'while with relatives here. A large congregat on at- p0nd, Tenn. tends each session and the lec-1 Miss Alice La Rue of Greene- tures are open to all the other viue Tenn., was the week-end church denominations. At the guest 0f Mrs. Heilman. close of the Sunday school re- Mjss Emily Lance is spend- vivai, the Kev. j. u Bragg, oi mg a while with relatives m Hendersonville, N. C, pastor Asheville. of the local Baptist church, , Mrs Henry Plemmons ha will begin a two weeks series been seriously ill the past of revival services. The con- W(,pir , gregation of the Baptist church . M'sses Ellen Brooks and Ma under Mr. Bragg's leadership, inr;p o'Dell left this week for has grown by leapsjnd bounds tne short course at State CoU and the Sunday school is the iege( Raleigh, N. C. largest in the town. The, Mrs. Brown has as her guests? church did not have any pastor thig week ner daughter-in-Ia' or Sunday school before Mr. ;an(j tw0 sman sons 0f Tampa"; ' Bragg was called to the pastor- jrja ate. ' Mrs. Glenn Brooks and little-, Word has been received here daughter are spending this- of the death Thursday after- ;week in 0ld Fort, N. C. noon of John Scruggs Brown : FOR THE BLLNU, Paint Rock Sunday. The young peonle of Knoxville, Tenn., at his sum mer home, "Chateau Beau mont" at Flat Rock, N. C. Mr. Brown was 77 years of age and was widely known as a manu facturer. For several years he -I . . M mi .d.lX was president ox- ine ruuou Miss Helen Shipley was in ICo. of Knoxville,. Tenn., retir CRIPPLES, AND Mars Hill, 2fc'V July 24, 1934 (All . parents who have crip- pjed children, blind or deaf, He announces that he will also scored Madison -County f o r,-children Iblasted from' the box, in theSunday" from six to twelve years of age. ffifct' inning when. Sprueeraer(i$6Jaie An'gell. returned a ; sux runs, - tyy wn oniy to 4er home Saturday week al out -;"RedReidelievedter yisiting Miss Mary Sniith strong Spmci conduct a clinic schools of . the they open. in the . high one county when .Roberts bufc.coiild not; stop the iind"M'sa. Irene TKirkpabick :"of oprov rine nine, .uvcpnng ureer zor two wee lea. iur a few years-ago from all of ' the ihusiness connections.- He mar- Methodist church are present-Tried Mrs. i Carolyn Rumbough ing a rplay, "Our Neighbors." j Marshall several .years agoJare-reauested to take them ta Saturday night, July 28, at the . who survives him. He is well tthe Biltmore Parish House on Methodist church. Everyone is known here, having visited this 'July 28-r-this coming Satur invited' to come. Admission place " quite- often. Funeral July 28 this coming Satur 10c and: 15c.,- The characters (services were to have been held day for free examination, v are given elsewhere in this is- .in Knoxville Saturday. Yours truly, sue. ; ; Camp Alex Jones, local CCC MARION EDWARD3 .... . u . " -' Wt 1 . r v.

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