V , If 'V . Mr nra; 1 ,'.. . 1 "1 v . i i h - i I I Z I 1 I I I j LJ LJ I 1 LJ VJ I J V-j V , . '4 1 - THE ESTABLISHED NEWS? t OF MA D1S0N COUNTY VOL. 33 8 Pages MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, i GUST 2, 1934 PRICE $1.00 A YEAH MARSHALL YOUNG JIAN DROWNS IN FRENCH BROAD At'-" THE GREENWOOD POWER PROJECT v .(V.. WHATEVER IS IS BEST PURSUED BY OFFICERS FOR BOOTLEGGING, RUNS" t ; ,-. IMTA' DIVrD ' T Irnnnr as mxr i-fa irmiiri n1tal And mine eyes have clearer w I w 4wr WB puv sight : : v ; (iPW''r'M"111? A' (Editorial in Biblical Recorder) - Greenwood, S. C, is asking the Public Works v Administra- ifPPORT OF rUDLIC SCHOOLS The body of Otis Marlor, 24, That under each rank wron ?Jan to furni?h electricity) for of Marshall, was found Wed- somewhere,? '.- i?mf?'' Hrianli..and.'". rur1' nendav morninnr bv Charlie OX Thar. Mi root rtf Rio-ht ie murines in wic while t.h 'latter was raisinor his TVit aoih nrrn'haa ita mir- county in wnt;h the trnt Jin. ahrtv Martin's Rock aa .' .' ,ureenwood is located m town of I in- the French Broad River just By the sorrowine oft un- .Tn? VA oas ma.de l0?n below Marshall. Marlor had , guessed, ' ' J iwice tne amount to tne cuy been missing since Sunday af- But as sure as the sun brings 'A vamuen, iew jersej, jusi a- morning, Whatever is is best. Selected cross the river from Philadel phia, for the construction 0 a municipal power and lighting plant. The difference ia that the Greenwood plant proposes "An anonymous! definitely to furnish industries who does not j power and the Camden plant doe's not. This proposal has aroused opposition by the power com panies to the Greenwood proj ect. The obvious reason for their objection is Greenwood project come into competition with the business of the power compa- ternoon when he was chased by officers who believed he had . whiskey in his possession. : Three quarts of whiskey were . SlEf Where he ""'I Teacher: a WoHtiMdnv person is one afternoon found that Marlor wish to be known whp.s that came to his death by drowning, laughing m the class It was further found that the Voice: An anonyjnous per offlcers were not to blame. son, teacher. Ex. ; , , When Marlor was found he was still wearing the raincoat officials say, by the growing, he had on Sunday afternoon, sale of TVA power. ! When first seen by Deputies Payment of the $40,000 in- rtn4i..L- Rmitmon anA C. T Ml1. Aifaiaft tViot sales frnm Wilson 1WHVH MAIM V. A. ' W 1HVM klll.K UWVkl ' . . - ... ... Mahan and Policeman Hubert. Dam were in the neighborhood ana cux.aown tneir pronra. Worley he was on the railroad, of a million dollars. Jh,s would mean less income Burnett Payne and Dewey "I am happy that the Au for all owners of power corn Naves were standing in the thority has thus been able to P?"? ?tck- eluding Duke U- fhv moU q tuhBtsntinl nnvmonf. fn niversity, several colleges in saw the officers Payne motion- the state of Al&bam." David pur State and in South Caro-'g ed for Marlor to run. He ran E. Lilicntl.al, director in charge ana tne uuKe rounaation ejgrft months' term thrmio-h a nrn.filH to the riv- nf nnwpr. said in askinsr Mr. wlIlt" ""w ou'8 er and was follow?! by Depu- Neely to present the check to lwork in North and South Caro ty McMahan. Worley fired his the Governor. "The people of lma m Promoting public health pistol into the air twice. Mar- Alabama have shown a fine and furnishing hospital service lor waded into the shallow wa- spirit of cooperation with the f those who otherwise would ter for 'a short distance from work of the Authority. IVnot.ffet it. the north bank and stopped, should be pointed out that the I A11 would regret to see any The officers soon left. people of the state are benefit- of our colleges crippled or the IPersons living near the scene ting in, two ways from the op- work being done by the. Duke of the drowning noticed Mar- eratjons of the Authority. Not Foundation diminished, but lor standing in the water fqr a? onljiFwill they be in a position there can be no doubt that the bout tern minutes. There were to1 receive personal dividends power companies will be oblig no eye-witnesses to the drawn- in the form of very much lower to submit Jo the inevitable. inor. llfflcprs thought that ne electrir. rates; but aa a unit or"""" "iv"'"" " ; vy1" had reurned to the north of h rlver and iwa&ig, out" from them,' so no was made for him in the river, V v aummafv of nublic achool r slaltion r enacted in several s. Les the past year found in school and society shows that tfcj states are turning more ar 1 more to state support of thup.' schools. ' Michigan pro- vi es for its schools fifteen mil lit j dollars from a retail sales tf iq- supplement the local sc.iooj taxes. California takes pyfer; the : entire support of the sc'iwjls with revenues collect etiby the state. North Caro- uraiilso provides for the sud Ptrtibf its schools hv r. -r ... .. r . .r ce jectea dy the State, partly bVJa.Bales tax. Ohio and Penn ylvania use sales taxes on lux uries; in partial support of the scrpols. Several other states usei income taxes to aid in nub lie school suDDort. Amone that the Ctfplina . and South Dakota. W 0 U 1 U .Ttnnaaaaa Tioa TMrixrilor in-Vif WULvuvuaia uy uuiiu issue revent the closing of her ols. the support of schools h Carolina is doing about ell as any other state. Our le have had three years of support and a year of the They like boll and will keep both: There ar;'S0me questions of control, sutyl ' as . the power of local schlol cpmmittees and county supirintendents, to be worked outland some new adjustments to.le made. There is also a COUNTY-WIDE REVIVAL TO START IN MARSHALL NEXT SUNDAY TO SINft AT REVIVAf . . td'U scho Mde government they "will receive search their tax burdens." .Theyevgoing hav. Rights NE W SALES TAX RULES EFFECTIVE He had just completed a three months sentence for violation of prohibition laws. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Dolly Marlor1; three brothers, Joe, William, and James and three sisters, Ethel, and Rubv of Marshall and Mrs. Maude Littrell of Flat Creek. Burial will be Thursday morn- terv in the Sandv Mush sec- and Regulations governing the ada, tion. and power for their homes, and cheaper power for their indus tries, and this will doubtless Inter-Denominatibnal Swk By Vuitinr Minuter AmI Singer With Marshall Churches Co-operating CHARLES O. MILLER The "Reeve-MiUerM Meeting In Marshall School Auditorium r-u,i r Tiyr:n ... A Ithe good old days, will do the A County-wide revival meet ing will begin m the hiarh school auditorium, on the Is land, in Marshall, next Sunday night, August 5th, at 8 o'clock; and continue every night at the- same hour. These meetings are to be inter-denominational in character, with the four churches of Marshall, Presby terian, Methodist, Baptist and Free Will Baptist, co-operafc-ing. All churches of the coun ty are also invited and urged to co-operate in this extensive effort for a better county. Will the pastors and Sunday school superintendents throughout the county announce these meet ings in their services next Sun day morning, and urge their people to attend services ev ery night next week? The Rev. George G. Reeves, a native of this county, now of Asheville, youngest son of "Uncle Mallie Reeves," famous singer in revival meetings in direct the music, is a native of are 1 v r Mni4t. roi.'nn j nn iy lvlr- hJ as, had his musfcal education Tf7jJ;S; largely in Chicago and Boston. recrth8:"!Inf; . Charles O. Miller, of who will di- Mr. Miller is a graduate of the music department of the fa- Dr. Reeves is a graduate of Belle Institute High School at Walnut, attended Mars Hill college two years, but received the Bachelor of Arts degree Eiwniing to pay lor tnem Music. Boston. Mr Milit ia o t".Xtf V"1 w " V. waier- Vrh th Is not yet settled. The'80nr writer, teacher. HfaSjnSfi'.f."18-. ana tn? Bachelor question or supplementary tax-, mrtI19 MonHv T,hi0 Tnntifnto es Ind -ronger school terms in Chicago, also a student of the dl'W, that desire them and New England Conservatory of h Question,, however, is one jan(f soioist. He has had -Mte IHSJJ! ovnin i. j iuu j. iicujujficai oem 'iary , DOB" m of rpver.ue. (Our schools need Iv ent ' niilloa 'dollars a year, (nU Uv uiOneyust-bew found somewvhere.TPfobaby-the next legislature will modify, the present sales tax so as to have a graduated tax, higher on entail a dimunition of the pro- ,,, .Ura iiimM ba fv i tG PWer compames m, lower on necessities aijd with this State. . 'stamps on package goods. If There can be no defense of a ;,,, wpro Anna u0 ania fnv i l i 1 , 1 ' v, "V- J" system tnai wouia Keep eiec SSTean of resident study, Pre- camps throughout the country t?3: nlanl en rfnnW th WnrM'War. TheologicaI Seminary, Louis- ' ' " -. tr. A IX thirty T 0Au during the World work has been in some different states. Mr. Miller! In addition to the above, Dr. HT. Ti i J X - PvfpnHa o orHinl invMatini. tn iuu. Yi'0- icuuxiiea w wmilri viiAA noarlv nr rmio oil n . j. .n Boston in 1932-33. and cursued tncity from country homes in the monev needed for the Dub-I.' Z .11"?" iPostrgraduate studies in New- , u 1I,SUIC, l,'c pxuciiy l!c schools. It is almost certain TVA PAYS $40,000 INSTATETREASURY The TVA July ltt paid $40, 000 on account into the State Treasury of Alabama. EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1st oi coueges ana nospixais. in that our Legislature will not A copy of the Revised Rules tne province oi untario, uan-itry trt money for schools by d Regulations srovernini? the ada, and in great sections of ; fav nn real eafafo nnH ntVier administration and application iew iorK otate cneap eiectnc property. The day of confis of the Sales tax is being mailed current has wrought a great catjng f a r m s by taxation to every merchant in the state, transformation in rural life, should be over in North Caro These revised rules are pro- and brought prosperity to in- una There are other forms mulgated by the Commissioner dustry. Soon the Tennessee jof intangibles which may be of Revenue and will become Valley Authority will be fur-jtaxe(j ut which as yet have effective August 1st. " nishing cheap electricitiy to a: been made to bear no just part Important notice is also be- section 400 miles in diameter. of tne burden of government in ing mailed to every Sales tax- There are other projects pro-North Carolina. If our Legis payer calling to their atten- posed or being built in other , Jature will find some way of in tion that sales tax reports and parts of the country. The more getting at these we shall have ramitia-nn mnat ho maAn hv ffeneral USe' of electrir. Current .,1 . 4.1 a .wwAr !,!. 0 Wq0 r""-". " .j "' zr. ... : cu"uu '" tu pay Uie umw the loth oi tne montn as re- i a oiesanig to every coramum- expenses of our State govern-rl-?rIi B' 5: H'Sf' luired y IT 18 NECES-ty that has it. Any professed )ment and provide handsomely rpv a c'''u"f w SARY THAT THIS EE ul VtiiN pniianmropy tnat stanas in tne;for our schools. Editorial v. MT?ho7 p a1!'.. IMMEDIATE ATTENTION-, way of such a desirable end,The Biblical Recorder. x u i r Fit3Mu- uiHi li. In order to avoid the imposi- appears m a sorry ngnt. can contnbute In this substan-' tion of penalties and damages:. It is just as evident that the tial manner to the tax revenue for failure of making monthly cotton mills of North Carolina ?l ie 8tate' r Ml' NeeI tol sales tax reports; it is essential must have elecricity at , the the. Governor. f . v , . . that each month's report be same rates as those which use ' IamureiherStaUT ury cn use iras to gooa tui within flftT dva; after- ther Tennessee valley- Authority.' ori ftntaira in v'r nnAmWiMW: ' K jfv "r: , 'i i i vantage. Jn ; providing ;for its, c. eaehr month: i they, must cease operations. If CHARITY NOW join the big chorus choir, '. rpv . . 0 . and help to make the music an .3 KX'k outstanding feature in the 1". a C meetings. Apart from the big tb"dn' !dmg t0Warda chorus choir, there will be in- inilvj. degre r v dividual choirs and quartets 'n? VSttC who will render special num- Dr" Re.eves has had fifteen bers from time to time. Also a ,y!of.l1ltinUOUa. Vcm anu fasiuiai cApexiciice, Hav ing held pastorates in the fol- low'jig states: Michigan, Maine, Masschusetts, Ohio, and North Carolina. The sermon subject and text next Sunday night will be, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Psalm 11:3. large chorus of boys and girls. ' CANNING SCHOOLS NEXT WEEK IN July 30, 1934 News-Record, Marshall, N. C. Dear Mr. Story : Since studvincr the lesson for next Sunday I come to the con- The Canning Schools con ducted by the FERA under the direction of Mrs. R. R. Ramsey, Home Demonstrator, will be held ..at.' the following places during the coming- week. Monday, August 6 White Rock High School Tuesday, August 7 Mars Hill High School; Wednesday August 8 Hot Springs Community House Thursday, August 9 Walnut High School Friday, August 10 Marshall High School Newspaper Praises Revival At Hickory public school system and other, The law nrovides that there there are considerable areas us, ,- . - shall be added not more than .where industries may have The State may expect to re- 100 as damages or penalties, (cheap power industries in 'all ceive greater sums with the together with interest at the other area's, especially other TVA yardstick program in full rate of one ner centum tier contiguous areas, must have swing. .(TMs -v 140,000. --repre--'mnn'th' , an-.. thv. tar .w.tram .ha cheaD nower or oDerate under elusion: All charity is credited sents a payment on ; account time Sales tax was due. - a serious handicap. If the j to the church directly or indi from. revenue during our first j Mrs. Sara Jt Huskins, Deputy present power companies will rectly' if rightly given and ap year of operation which, as pvmm rnmm!.uinnir fn fhla furnish that cheaDer Power. 'pied. Sometimes I think the y 0 f 'il V10 f r m . distridv es, .everjt... taxpayer .the' industries will doubtless be . church fair weakening in the'wa?esj The leader of our of truth, spirit, and everyday Jtc a ' ' 3' y file reports with. remittance content,, but in some way they minas 01 so-many, people since church is gwi The following clipping; was. given us by those who wilr ihave charge of the. Mawhall :revivaik;T . tarvH(l.;j;.: ; "Many attended the- Reeves Mttler tent meeting Friday night and enjoyed it from first to last, in song, word, and spirit, according to those in charge,. The music by the band was up-to-date, and thesermon Colored Maid (to mistres3: on "Procrastination, Puttinjr "Will you please, ma'am, Off Life", like all the sennonsv 'vance1 me 50 cents on my 'of Evangelist Reeves, was. full The Act of Congress under . a iatoP than ffa 1 nth nftor will demand and vet the chean. 'charity SO CALLED is he- w nicxi ." me 1 v a was createa thu Mn nf fha mnnth. in nHor er nower. ;ln this demand we insr wrunz rrom tne manv in - ' 4.1- .X B .i T . w - . . . " ' ' . . .. . ' ' ... . M 1 . i . provides that five per cent 'of that no penalties will have to the gross proceeds received be imposed. 'r ' - ' from the sale, of power gen-', : LL erated at Wilson Dam, or from, any other dam built within the state, should gal annually to the state of Alabama. The same provision guarantees the' state of Tennessee an equal percent age of gross sales from power generated .. St dams in . that s State. - - That thia - initial will be low compared with fu ture obligations is indicated. FRENCH BROAD . ;; . ASSOCIATION forms of taxation under pro test r "GOD LOVETH A CHEERFUL GIVER." What is take it they will have the co operation of all the pepple of those areas, for they; will not tolerate easily the threat of re- pure RELIGION? "PURE RE- moval of their industries to ILIGION AND UNDEFILED other recttons' It should be BEFORE GOD AND THE FA- evident that even to the bene- THER IS THIS, TO VISIT THE ficiariesQf the power cbmpa .FATHERLESS AND WIDOWS nies that ' North Carolina and IN THEIR AFFLICTION, AND TO KEEP HIMSELF UN SPOTTED FROM THE James 1:27. Just The French Broad Baptist South Carolina must hava now. Association will meet in its er at as low a Drica a Tennes- ; i 127th annual session with the 'see and Alabama if thev are to .WORLD payment i Upper Laurel Baptist church .compete wttti Tennessee and ja thought in mine, August zo-zt i34. (Alabama in the FRED JERVIS, Clerk world. industrial f Yours truly, ' LESLIE GAHAGAN. gwine away and we minded lessons to saint and want to give him' a little mo-sinner. mentum." -Ex. - N i It is one of the best, if not ' : ' - i,' ' n , 11 t 'the best, revivals ever held in HTUTTTiATO Tfi UVPTK mckory' The sermons are lljllllUO 1U DLulil timely, and full of truth and SUNDAY AT ENON . ' . . ' 1 ' - ' 'well as to the young. Those A series of meetings will be- who have not attended it have gin" at Enon Baptist church missed a Pentecost outpourinsr next ' Sunday night, August 6. of the Holtr Snirit. Manv are The Rev. Ralph Morgan of o-lad that it will continue next Mars Hill will assist the Rev. wk. W all need mora of - D, K. Cohn of MarshalL : .Uch rosoel and sDiritual train- The public is cordially in- inv. ani Ut u nnt "nrocrairti- Vited.-' . -.i--.- snA nut ff life.. ..,,. i . z . . ' .-. V

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