4, V'; x, nM ON COUNTY ill"- as . 'V'..', 'i.. '.. i . - ,J -r . ' ; , '-A. - f " . :' ':".'',; .''.''v. '' ,,'...-' ''' V, ' ' ' ' ' ''v'N.rtV"' THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPEI VOL.33 8 Pages MARSHALL; N. n C; THURSDAY, AUG U PRICE $1.00 A YEAR TO OPEN NEXT MONDAY ' I j-a 'v m a W mr ILn HUI Hitk School To Op.- ( ML ilMS The high Bchools in Madison ;? i with the exception of the Mars TennU Tournament Drawing time 1 ;t in : potinnl T ii e to some; TuMdav a,ifll-ovi.v- - , fihangea to be made jm im om hool building at mars nui, tory of this place fell here MnndAv niirht. Following a Irterrific thunder and lightning display, the ram came down in torrents. Between four .and five inches of rain fell, but no serious damage has . been re ported. The crops and pas A Fi ' TIT A I TIFP tures In this section are the best U T f! ALfNU 1 many seasons, and: an? a- bundance ' of feed and food should be realized at harvest- DETROIT MINISTER IN MARSHALL that it: tatVi testa f ' Th tion t at the three ifa" it . riocz tion i the . T. K. South coming in . . t pass the i-Uflcates.; MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL TO HAVE STRONG FACULTY NEXT SESSION sing if exhibi : id ay i evening hundred fight ,Nin Colleges Represented In Quito n number of Marshall the opening ; was postponed, people as well as people from Jr. A. V. Nolan , wu De ine ,wainut and otner secuwns are 4.: irincipal this year, Ir. Nolan entering .the Tenni8 Tourna- p"" an ior seven yews of'- menc, wnicn w huw gewug u- mftrT,: it. nlpasure of wy1 ji .v,io Me- j J.-.; tv, rin ntr morning naa tne pleasure oi . juucjii, -" " , a , hearinir a very able minister www - r f ' ;o juars mu. xuMjr. SPRING CREEK SCHOOL FACULTY Tunw RrtrnnT-T. P. Bur- jess, principal; Grover Angell, lomain Meadows. r, August 14, at no - - . TWwurr rrl v. Kir. clock Crowds are expected - " Bartmlnrter to watch the matches. BnDKt0riQr Vi,irpVi-wVin was . 1 1COUJ bUiiuu VfA "w " GIRL SCOUTS ON ronte to Montreat. Dr. Bridg gr.am ond r next od the fights -ed: Four ol j re fast and fu r one wanting ac ; - ty. ; Cullers got i '. over I Mitchell J , : Ilted got the de- t Garrisg with a 4 Urowni.TutteroW i .Lassiter and Bill wtT from Big Jim m Peraonnel Of Teachers The Marshall High School will open Monday, Aug. 20th, at 9 o'clock. A 1 1 natrons. friends and the public in gen eral are invited to be present, A verv atroncr facultv has been secured for the school this year. I do not believe that any hiirh school in Western North i irora Dig Jim i. i t u h .. T K. O. in the sec- X BU" " tiiiau t bout ;will be held r evening begin- pti route to Montreat. tr. tv-v , . . CAMPING TRIP 1?nox?appened r hear him . 8 . 'clock. . tent A " VF j- ramnbfi. , ill he the referee. The girl scouts of Walnut making some inquiries, made were on a camping trip last himself, known, and prevailed . . TUT J 4-ill '" 1 I 1 . J Dmaui juwmwi" , weeK irom vv euneauay w upon mm 10 stop uvei aim P.BATlPi? JeSSie Ramsey, o-...o of a nm'nt holnw Rlin- l Tf f.norl nut that . xTnio PnKorrs. fith ; Harriet mi iia vaouti. n u 'j i v, v. Ellen Phoenix, 5th; May Met- ful site on the Laurel River before. fnalf. 4th: Pauline Davis, 3rd; ol1. j t'r.amn Orand-daddv." Ethel Kirkpatrick, 2nd; Annie The xip wa3 planned by the ?uavis. ist; vioia ruwiu, Rev. Viola Fowler. 1st; R v r a l Hyde, who was Mrs. T. P. Burges, music and abivai9ted by some of the , m mi. yv.itn ENDORSE PROGRAM Campbc l Ill'he the referee MAR5IiALL, DEFEATS CCC JyTq4;c h MaBhaH defeated the CCC baseb.tll.-fcine Sunday on the Hot -Springs- fliamond 6 to 4. Monroe Jlahseyjied the Mar shall Titers, r ating a triple land t o si Je9.'Iledmon and teachers have had a number of years expelrience. With thia faculty and the cooperation of the patrons, I believe that w& will have the best rugh school ever held here, lln the elementary schools, the following teachers will have charge of the grades indicated: Ezra Burnette, seventh; L. 0 Huff, seventh; Ralph Ramsey, sixth: Lucille Hunt, fifth: An nie Tweed, fourth-fifth; Nellie Marshall. The teachers irs-mio-Vi. fourth; Winnie Rrvan- been chosen because of 'third Mrs. Vanda Wooten. ' assistant. I HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL f FACULTY f HIGH SCHOOL W. L. Ri torH nrinrinal: Selwvn MC present were: Marian Ramsey, STATE AND GOVERNMENT Mary Emma Ramsey, Mary Jo PROGRAM ENDORSED Chandler, Hazel Henderson, Mae Doan, Catherine Rector, Resolutions adopted at Farm and Margie Henderson. They and Home week at State Col- iUevitt, uarrie mciieeiy. nu xxb" uv..uv..... - - - - . GRADES Frill Young, 7th; were chaperoned by Mrs. Min- lege this year included hearty lEula Buckner, 6th; L u 1 a nie Davis. endorsement of government I Chandler 5th; Mite. Harriet Among the invited guests of crop control and of the State ?Runhion, 4th; Mrs. Jobie Hen- the camp were Beedy McDev- program for rural electnfica derson 4th; May Boone, 3rd; itt, Florence and Helen Hyde. tion. Hazel Sprinkle, 2nd; Mrs. Ro- Iva Lunsford, and the last Both of these measures were ten Ebbs 1st: Alma Phoenix, night, four of the Walnut boys seen as vital to advancement ,ten rjuus, in, gQ efficiently helped es. ln the immediate future. Rec- iJArillTY OF WXLNUT tablish and break camp. ommendation of higher teach- vHnoL' 1 A Awimming pool was found er's salaries and . improved " .;,s7ir V ti,o in the Laurel river, which the school facilitios for the chil At Walnut this season the J", visited twice a day. dren looked further ahead in faculty wm m ""' ""''., n They had a wonderful time the development of men and Wells, nrincipal: Mrs. Moody roughing it Misa Aiuia Robert shr -d' the pitching honor.- '.--"r ' ' Mai . ' V I - i. the CCC hitters, gettmf v, o f,Batt ' s CCC,- Vail, Col lSas a; . Y ler;-: Marshall Redmc ,T i ts and Burnette PETET a TO 0 2-hit pitching of isey-Petersburg ;te Rock , 3-0. F. !T Ilavnlft starred ' Haynie listing a atadng his list of hits, r scored two in the have their special fitness and experi- ,third: Jessie Robinette, second: ence in their chosen fields. Martha Catherine Ramsey, The high school faculty is as first. nnH Marcarpt. first- and follows: iMrs. Rnmp'n Ferffnson. second. Mrs. C. M. Blankenship, a I Several changes will Be graduate of the Woman's Col-'made in the course of studylli lege of the University of North the elementary field. It m a y r - 1 1 o tiTkiA mi tiio f n n l u ,t , it i jxl uinia, vv 1 1. j win itatu mo- j-jp tflflt til 6 WOTK tory; S. B. Churchweil, A. a., m the sixtn and seventh grades will be de- ' - 1 ' . - ajiu cvcillll fiifluca win uc wc- University of Mississippi who ,partmentalized. Miss Lucille itull iAntU Uici'r Atr KlAlAfftr i ii i i s , will teach history and biology; Ws B. Dillingham, A. B., Uni versity of N. C, will have charge of the Math, dep't; Nita noVioeran M A Tnlnno TTni- Jiife In four trips jvergity, Lati'n and English; Maude Kiser, A. B., Tusculu'n College, with graduate work from University of North Carolina. French: Mrs. W. K a TRIMS WHITE j McLean, Chowan College, En- GRADES Mrs. Ernest Teague, 7th; Billy Peek, 6th; Mrs. J. O. Wells, 5th; Miss Jennie Lee Chandler, 4th j Miss Marcraret Leake. 3rd; Mrs. Eu- aena Rpphp. 3rd : ' Mrs. Naomi ii i ii I ' r. z' if.tf,iff)ii..fr.q Hmmpn of tomorrow. I . ,A 'f airer systenvv of taxa- HOT SPRINGS (SPECIAL) The tionwlthr provisions thati up to $1,000 . be 'exempted from tax on the value of homesteads higher tax rates on big in comes and inheritanclei and etrirtpr reculat'on of bond is- second annual reunion sues and debt-making by pub- of the Duckett family will be lie officers were approved as August 26th, at set torth in tne propo3ea new church on Spring State constitution. Creek. The Rev. Bryan Shan-. (Farmers of the ttate were kle, pastor of the church, will urged to adopt soil and forest hold a devotional service at ry conservation practices and Paul Shelton ; Vio hinr.h will be sDread on Extension Service in develop- Roberts. J. W. ti pViumVi crmmds. In the af- ine nermanAnt ,'and effective Tweed 2nd; 7Mrs. Vivian Rec- 1 htor, 1st; MrsMinnie Davis, fdMXd&. f Ast. Creek. The I WHITE ROCK SCHOOL FACULTY H. W. Cook, principal; Mrs. S V Thomas AT I a Tlrtrrtthir miaa iv.vwij , - hue w o ... " . nrT.,J4-. IVlS-co T.iirilfi KrUT- 4-Annnn 4-Via nnrroorntinn Will farm orcanizatlOnS 111 U J C V lit , iUWO " " " o UVUU '-'"ft0" o J. J man, Miss Clara Tillery, Miss be entertained by singing and Acreage control does not de Hazel Cantrell, Miss Edith speaking, Hon. Zeb V. Nettles grease the need for cooperative Shelton, Mrs.. Nell C. Franklin, and W. Handy Hipps. of Ashe- marketing and buying, the Miss Catherine Morrow, Mrs, ville, and 'William Byar3, ofl farmers pointed out in corn- Lewis Tweed, Mrs. Emerson Waynesville. will be the chief mending the support given tne SDeakers. Others will be call- farmers' cooperative movement Rs. Dy rresiaeni r ranK uunam oj. tv.1 rn.Vott fnmilv is tViP Univer3itv of JNorth caro- widely connected in Madison, lina and by the State College Haywood and Buncombe coun- Extension Service, ties, and is well and favorably The farmers stood solidly known All relatives of the beh'jad the State department v . v . . . 1.1.. M Z-m 4-V. a inaiofanta n ri.nl Mis Constance Duckett family are urgenuj ui nguituie m u ...uvv Fitzgerald, Eldridge Hill. requested to attend and to . - BfflSSS T - . ..SERMON SUBJECTS FOR fltV..-Mra .T V. HOWell.-Otn: Ulie Ol mc WJlin Mrs Cnrrv Wallm. It will be interesting to note ed upon for short talks this scnooi nas me same lavui ty as last year. BEECH C.EN SCHOOL FACULTY HIGH SCHOOL J. V. How ,,Beh: i Raymcj.J shutsou' . Haynie t at bat, home rv Petersbt fourth 'c.i -' r. Haynie's single &nd H. 7:aynie's homer, and added 1 .'r -other marker in Baelli - Petersburg-Raymond , Rim sey and Robert Ramsey, Conn. White Rock Tweed and Nor ton.""' BASEBALL! i... DOUBLE-HEADER! SATURDAY, AUG. 18 2:30 P.M. Greenville, S. C. vs Marshall Barnards ville vs Marshall Admission 10c & 25c fflish: R. A. Tomberlin. A. B. Tusculum College, Science; Ol ive Thomas, B. S. High Point College, Home Economics: J. W. Wible, B. S. Alabama Poly technic Institute, Vocational- Agriculture. ' As will be noted, nine col letres are renresented in the a- bove list. Practically all these Miss Nelle English, 4th j Miss ; heaviest rainstorms m the his Janie Anderson, 3rd ; Miss An intfr. Kate Briggs 2nd; Mrseiryi w'-JJq"- . . , !lj;MissJe,Sle-Metcalf;-s IScWToB Btitute. LCnAr.W.hpHn the Walnut. Church RArH f nniint Commission- nuwnins was ?iCte u cjmma- " Tlio r T . . . man :. Vilr ' H linMr. V1CMnair "VV". - i -- . TnaaHav tha ffita AT TAX la uiui ':-- ' . REEVES-MILLER REVIVAL Hunt will have charge of the Public School Music in the grammar grades while Miss Bryan will as3ist with the pri mary grades. Miss Hunt will also heln with the suDervision of the elementary school. Miss Hunt holds the elementary school principal's certificate, and is now at. the Universitv of ! North Carolina taking special work m grammar grade super vision. She also holds a degree from the University. Through the efforts of the P.-T. A. and other agencies we expect to put our elementary school back on the accredited list this year. Quite a lot wa done along this line last year, but we lack a number of things yet in meeting the state reuireneijti,'; ,M ..;v..-;!' I wish to urge upon the par ents the importance of starting! their children on the first day of school, and keeDintr them in school continuously. Nothing1 so handicaps a pupil as to get a late start and then have to miss school every few days. Also, let me urge upon you that you do not allow your children to go to town unless it is absolutely neecssarv. and then that a note signed by fa- tner or mother askine tor sucn be sent me, This will prevent a great deal of trouble and an noyance. The same bus drivers will drive again this year. The ' routes will be practically the Office, formerly located imsame as ia.sl- n mere are Washington, h a s been moved changes or improvements that to Memphis Tenn (!an be made consistent with All borrowers are requested r budget, we shall be glad to to take notice of this change iwork them out, if you will let and not forward anything to .us know. the Washington office, which is ... Let me again thank you for discontinued. All correspond- ;he splendid cooperation you ence should be sent to the ; gave us last year. And may Memphis office, or direct to S. we all work together again this S WTTJJAMS Field SuDervi- year ior me interest 01 me can- IORTATif All Darents or others having second-hand school books to dispose of will confer a favor if they will send them to the high school Monday or Tuesday. The Marshall P.-T. A. will conduct a book exchange dur ing the opening' days of the school. Mrs. C. D. Bowman, Pres. CROP LOAN OFFICE MOVED Notice has been received that the Seed, or Crot Loan remainder of the week: week. The place has been en Tuesday tne ratroi .; Mfa9 A . Brinan. changed from tnescnooi auai- Madison was x reduceci irom "rrArz nt ""-fT ia torium on the island to tne .55 to $1.50. . . , .; . iarh(kAn;A to meet next month Baptis r ATTI V ARRIVING with Piney Grove. rVAn nK?.Vt, of ; t IN MAniSON ti( m orrt rmnN ON ' the Rev: George Reeves for the - A truck load of cattle passed through Marshall - Tuesday en route to the NO REFLECTION ON Sormon Subject Wednesday night "The Sin of Prayerlessness Thursday night "The Early Church Growing Friday night "Christian Endurance" Saturday night "The Nature of Iniquity" Sunday night I 4" What A Man Thinks About When He Thinks" -Last service Sunday night COMMISSIONERS Tn statin r last week that the i - uvuviwj 1 mmm - Pnii-ntv r!nmmiMtonMH ordered IUUtt3 tU IUC - jl ocvuvu, : - - , t fV.. t1l U TiaotnrAd uits started for collection Of c nuC un; . - j I These wereome of shipments taxes for yeaw 1930, 1931, and i unloaded in Asheville from the 1932, there was no intention to." 1 d r o a g h t stricken western intimate that the commission-. 1 states. From Asheville they ers arbitrarily ordered .- this. are being trucked nto various The truth is, they had no other counties I n Western North recourse, and were merely car- Carolina.- T h o 8 e f passing rying out the act Of the legtsla t through MarshaU appeared In ture, which it was their daty ..fine condition. . .. ,'vt0 do.v -..K-Vv'v'- REPUBLICANS TO MEET iir v . SATURDAY lEIARSHALL ALL MADISON COUNTY REPUBLICANS ARE URG ED TO MEET AT THE COURTHOUSE IN MAR SHALL, SATURDAY, AUG. IS, AT 2;W O tLUWb ? V' IMPnRTANT MEETING CO ME I ''-CALVINR:EDNEYf T"-'1 -'t CHAIRMAN ' -.' , , ! - REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMiTTEE sor for this 'District, at ASHE VILLE, N. C. FREE WILL BAPTIST GROUP PLANS MEETING Idrpti nf this rnmmunitv. Your3 very truly, O. S. DILLARD, Principal Republicans To Start Fireworks The French Broad Associa tion of the Free Will Bantist nkiiMili innlit Jtniv oil f ison county, and part or Bun , Calvin R, Edney. Chairman combe county, will meet Au- 0f the Republican executive gust 23 at the Reems Creek committee, has announced that dhurch in Buncombe ctountyi. a masg meeting will be held at The Rev. Baxter E. Guthrie, of o o'clock Saturdav afternoon: Walnut, is moderator. The n the auditorium of the court- Rev. Georsre Bnggs, of Foster , Creek, will preach the intro-1 To be discssed at the meeting; ductory sermon. , will be the manner in which re- . 'i Mat la hai'nrr tiaod In tills roiintV- ENTERTAIN DAVIS plans will be made for the CHAPEL P A R T Y coming election, and several - - - short speeches will be made by Mrs. Marvin Silver enter- RAnnhliVn leaders To be ivis Chapel Monday afternoon, Qf tne people will be the school were played and refreshments fund commissions, and , the county tax prooems. rnnslatinir of lemonade, cook ies and candy were served. Present were Junior Davis, Al lie and Herschel Haynes, Helen Of esnecial interest will be a di'srnssion " of the ' manner in which employees were choseit j avt . w m ii- , uiuv CCB TV Ci O VUWVM and Janetta Griffin, ' Rut h'to work on the Marshall street Crough, Nina, Fritz Rector, Lni on the Marshall-Mars Hill ' Gertie Griffin Jasper Treada-'ro. This has been under Cref ; 'way, Marie and Ollie Griffin, here' since the town street Wavr and Edith Silver. . . . 'started, fltfT .''T.t'w j