.,'V J - ' -J 1 1 I I' 1! i i THE ESTABliSHEDE vni 33 8 Pages MARSHALL, N. C., THURSDAY, AUtt UST 23, 1034 INTEREST SHOWN IN TENNIS TOURNAMENT Much interest isbeing shown s week in the tertnia tourna nt .which is being held at alnut. . ' , The tournament will not end til the finals are played Sat iay "afternoon. , The prehmj aries are now being played ery day to determine who ill play in the finals. In the girls' matches thus V, Marie Hutchins is favored Uurn back all opposition and in the Girls' Single crown hich is now held, by Miss Ag is Brigman, who did not en r the Single matches this r . aar. (Jonas Chandler, 1933 Simgle tie holder, is favored to de ;at Roy Thomas and enter the Hals, playing Jimmy Baley, of Marshall, who has already de bated Leake, Guthrie and Mc Jevitt by decisive scores, to get i right to enter the hnais MARSHD1 Two Upnwual Services The' morning-church service here ' last Sunday was a very impressive one, since the hour was given over to a baptismal service for the new converts who had joined the cnurcn during the recent revival. rn-ty-one was the number bap tized. The majority were of the junior and intermediate nrrc hut- there were seveioi rM, tn in T.nR irrouu. it is thought that this is the larg est group that has been baptiz ed here in several yars. At the evening hour, Mr. J. R. Graham, of Hamlet, who for three. year3 was iy mission- try to India unaer cne umwu IlgllL LU Claw Mc uu..... j I try lO IHUia uuuci iuc Next week's News-Record p byterian Board, gave ... ..-11 ..4. r-f fhO . . . 1 11.. 4-r-. last reeV a corn stalk which had a heavy ear of corn; grow ing out Just a few inches below the corn tassei. FOOTBALL AT MARS HILL q UST 23. 1034 " -I'iiiOTODnWnc f INF1RSIAR PRICE $1.00 A YEAR Hll eive a full account of the iinal matches, and as many others as is possible. & ; 1 : 1REENVILLE TRIMS MARSHALL 4 TO 1 I ' Hunter, Greenville south jaw, limited Marshall batsmen to one hit here Saturday, as the South Carolina nine let Mar shall down oh the short end of a. 4-1 count. Greenville scored twf in 4-h p second inning on twrt ninnies, al walk: and anoth-i. er single; and added two more runs in the Seventh inning on a singlepi 'double,; a"walkt3and gathelf tSirtaliTf&t t inning Caldweu was saie on San error. Ramsey (running for iCaldwell) stole second, and fscored when F. Thomas lined a triple to right, field. I Hunter struck out 14 batters. irnve ud one hit, ana wameu most interesting Ulustratea lecture on Ir:cia, her peopie, and their religions nf oa onnwn. ware Mr. Graham himself during his stay in India. . Personals nr nnH Mrs. R. L. Moore ' and son, Ernest, are away this week oh a little vacation trip, possibly going aa far as Charles ton S. C., before returning. ii filif. .UiCK agan ig uie uuev for: jwhifef of ;hfa isterrs. Kenneth? urray,jeuiu N C, is spending a few weeics here with relatives. . Mrs. Ricks and daughter, Miss Marian, are among the visitors, here this week. Mrs. Allen Martin and. little son, Bob Alien, ickuc, two men. Caldwell struck out Texas, arrived Monday morn fi our men, walked three, and iiwno tmioVied for eight hits fjGreenville made one error to none for Marshall; Marsnan ..fimnleted three double plays to none fdr Greenville. , Hunter and Williams lea their team in hitting, each get ting two for four. Batteries: , OreenVille Hunter and Wil liams; Marshall Burnett), ing for a two weeks' visit with Hot Springs Dam Is Under onsirucon The town of Hot .Springs is building an impounding dam on the watershed to supple; mont'-th ft water supply for the town in dry weather.' The' dam Will De locaiea ai me and will take care of several thousand gallons . of water. The present reservoir will alio be repaired. Mrs.- Martin's sister, Mrs. L. L. Vann. Miss Edith Howell, oi Encino, N. Mex., niece of Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Vann, came a will remain throush the winter as a college student., , Miss Ada. Edwards and nephew, Ira Hodge, Jr., re turned Saturday from a week s Caldwell and ;trip to Chicago, The Kev. J. u. oorzme, ux vinmhio nm'veH Monday eve- ning to spend the remainder of ronV. Hron R. Roberts is making preparations for next season's football campaign which will be the hardest to De attempted by Mars Hill Col lege in a number oi years, me addinir of two more crack se nior college teams, Tusculum and Milligan, promises no set ups or. breathers in the ached ..i . Movt npflonn Mars Hill U1C. i.-.i -- , will nlav only the strongest junior college teams in the a.iViOQst rne weaser unco yUW'uwv have been replaced by senior colleges. Pnhorta in order to face the strong schedule with hopes of winning has worked witn un tiring efforts to secure real foot KqII tnlpnt. More interest has been shown by the faculty and heads of the school than usuai Thev are aiding Roberts in ac n.iirincr crnnrl material. As a The pic-! result, high school stars from taken by .fourteen states are planning vi arrann v rx nni Liiia vcat. Roberts believes that ne win have the greatest team that has ever been turned out at Mars Hill. Before leaving Northwestern University, lie named the following new men as the reason for hi3 optimism over a winning team : nam sev. Mars Hill High; Tutor, Rockingham, N. C. ; Garrisoife Christ School Ends; mggin M.ifcT sv HUli High, powenui Trinmonr Indiana j. Mars Hill . High, Parker, Hen dersonville, star high school quarterbacks; Jones, Newport, Tennessee; Greer, Abbington, Virginia, Cohn, Marshall, half backs with strong reputations; Ogle, Gatlingburg, Tennessee, two hundred and twenty-nve nonnd fullback. These men. with no Question no tn their abilitv and reputa tions, should easily replace those lost bv eraduation. bev- enty-five men are expected to HffTSPRlNTiS ' (SPECIAL) ' i'Tho V.narvf.ie.v Relief Ad- ty Is putting on an intensive 'drrye among the relief - f amr Uesj of the county to -get every flilftg possible canned this sea gfon. Before the canning sea- aton opened, Mrs. Robert k. Ramsey, of Walnut,; County Demonstrator, i; h e 1 d. weekly Planning schools in each 'of the five districts in the county, to t&ach the canning leaders, the litest methods of canning and preserving. W T h e s e leaders, thirty of them, are now engage ed in direct ; contact with the families of their Tespecive dis tricts and are teaching the lat ent methods, to each and every family on relief m the county; MJss Sarah E. Elmore of Mars Hill is canninjc supervisor for tie, entire coufnty. She is. a graduate of women s uonege nft,tha IT r, '. at fireensb'oro aid took "special training with t h e Lewis Hotel Training Krlinnl nf Wkshinfirton. D. C. She received her- preparatory . . i If tTOI rn)irr . education c main xin INFIRMARY . TO BE BUILT AT MARS HILL COLLEGE Ground will be broken with in the next two weeks at Mara Hill college for a $9,000 infirm ary, a memorial to the lata Dr W: F: Rnhinson. of Mars Hill. who for many years was a trus tee and patron oi tne coiiege and itg physician. Thv tiftw structure will be built of mountain rock such as was used in the recent addition tn thei librarv and will be locat ed about 100 feet behind Treat dormitory for girls.; While no definite date has been set for its completion,.Jt is believed that it can be nnished witnm three months. The building will be fire proof. It will be T-shaped, will have two stories, ano wan easily accommodate 18 beds. On the first floor there win oe the office and rooms of the nurse, rooms for 10 beds, and a kitchen. ,The second floor will contain two wards with four plant her! a each! A heating will be in the basement. fho rayitur of Treat dormi- im..Asneviue. i.or lyww uu a,.---. ., , hitt viirs ftiiH was dietician delayed m oraer to xane care half years, and was aiexu.iH jj5f?rt0i 0Henf who. M r. -Sphnn tor tne Jjeai. . - report for practice, Wednesday f , es' tiriraiitoh- for four vears 'One day each week Miss El- rJta 'rnaota With ' thft Canning leWers in their respective dis- Icts, and together witn tne. reiifcf women, engage m can ning vegetables for. the lunch rooms of ..the high schools for the coming winter. The relief families mave been iurnisneu ittiirijars j. ano1; subi, . - ""r. tVn'fjaX t?i yiiicfntintJeei ohioa' a avmiiit.- The can ning through August 2nd-had been on for nine weens, anu a total of 35,017 quarts had been Miaa Elmore's office by the different canning lead ers. They hope to more man double this amount before the season closes. ' ( At TTnt. Snnncrs. Mrs. War ren T. Davis has a farm project on whereby she hopes to pro duce some 750 bushels of corn; orminH 1 .000 calkn3 of mo- and several nunarea records indicate, win be there in the fall. At the first of the month the number of prospec tive students who had paid their fees for the reservation of rooms was 53 ahead of the correspondence figure l a s t Wir . The tireaenf innrmarr y"" r .T.-iTJM is located in Treat : aormiroror and will be converted into uv- an niefa f Of VOUnff Women when the new building is occu- firaf aten m a contemplated en largement of the campus cen September 5. In addition to the seventy-five men for the varsity, 50 men are expected to turn out for the Junior var sity which is under the direc tion of Coach Kinjr." . Respectfully, BRUCE SAMS. iV. nara with his wife I UIC 1UUU111 iwv ' I T . and daughters. . ' I rs. j ones was spenamg a nr tt n n-u- V,aA on onipsts dav in hed' with a bad couch. mrs. xi. j. vjua o- j --- - - - - , f nverthe week-end her brother, and her husband was working Mr Murray, and 'some other in the garden, hammering nails relatives from Tennessee. tin some Wood. Presently his JMr' and Mrs. Frank Carter neighbor looked over the fence nH amilv. nf Alabama, spent. and asked, VHow's the'wife?" last week here with Mr. gar ter's mother, Mrs. Mary car ter, ; and other, relatives. .: Miss Marye Carter leaves the latter part of this week for The dam is, located on government ; : reservation and tho water simniv ir urotecieu r . ' ii hv lorest ransrers. -5 ine North Carolina ERA; t.l 1 Duplin county where she will tne, v.. j.Hoo oa foacher in I resume her duties as teacher in the Chinquapin High School. . Mr Vnnrf . Mrs. rArthur . Gra m ham and Uiree sons, who have luiesi nam and tnree, sous, nau ac is bc'ng furnished thropgh the jen t r here f or about , three North Carolina ERA;- - ff"' months leff Monday for. their f'. J 'm'home in Hamlet;';'A!'',rW IT! A III. A ft IN J- Richardikwm be "Nnt well Jnnea tnld hini "ts that her coughin'?" "No. vou fathead, it's a new hen house." Ex. ter. When Treat dormitory & rnred and a new ffirl s dorm-' tory is erected, the space b- tween the present quadrangu lar arrangement of the build inirs . w i 1 1 ' be considerably lengthened. The contemplated girls' dormitory will be on line with the infirmary. Mrs. W. F. Robinson, Jctf ; memory of her husoana wno died last year, gave $2,500 tov ward the new infirmary; the faculty subscribed $2,000 and $500 has been received iron. miscellaneous sources. Com mittees composed of Buncombe? county friends and trustees are at work to raise the remaining $4,000. For work among the women and their missionary unions the following group hag been selected: Mrs. J. R. OWen, Mrs. Carl Renfrow, and Mrs. Naomi' Ledford. The com mittee of men includes? tne Rev. J. R. Owen, of the Frencn Broad Baptist church, Asne- ville;f the Rev. J. C. Cox oi tne RanMst church. Weavervilfe; and the; Rev. W. W. Williams chaplain at Oteen.A " j Civitan Club Discusses Movement Koio nf feed The corn and kJtlKs& V mnlnaaea will he distributed a rnv ho relief families in the inv5 "" - , . r-niintv and the feed will help keep the cows ot iammes on relief. Plans are new being made whereby the scope ot re lief farming for 1935 can be largely increased and more families can be given employ-, ment and more food stuff pro duced. The Madison County Board I of Education is constructing a school building at Meadow Fork, , to . replace the pne de stroyed by fire last winter, ine building is being constructed Out of the material salvaged from -the White Rock 1 high aohnnl hnildinff. that was a- bandoned after the modern stone building was erected at that nine. ,The. work at Mea dow Fork 13 under the supervi nf FA Roberts, of Mar shall, and a Mr. Drake, of Mars Hill The labor is being fur- Inished by the Madison County TJelief nrcramzation. i ne Duna- ing will be ready for occupancy in about six weeks. The Hot Springs public sphnol will ooen next Monday, according to present plans. Several of the teachers have arrived Prnf. W .L. Rikard, of Batesburg, S. C, will again head the school as principal. Gradv (after Riley had fall en five stories) Are yez dead, Pat? Riley Oo am. Grady Shure, yer such a li ar, Qi don t know wnetner w believe yez or not. Riley-r-T hat proves ui m dead. Ye wouldn't dare to' call me a liar if Oi wur alive r &x OPSTICKED WOMEN BARRED SmTONTpEDCO. the guest of Mrs. I BvO live for a few days, the latter part , of tms'weeK. .. v XONDON, Eng. Lipstick is agitating the Church of Eng land. . .; , . ; , 5 A Londpri. clergyman, Father Humphrey Whitby, who is vi car of Saint Marv the ' Viririn. ihas announced that the chalice .withhold Communion from anyone, but it is unpleasant ior tn n Annie t.ft receive ..the chalice with traces of this stuff left on it ....... .AfrAii -v&on wna. n Hiinei.i.ui . . . t. i, j., nlta tmoVfirmtr in : Florida, .has Announcenieiw- ju uv .v. , - of the transfer'of gtock.irt theldemonstrated. his, ability, as a Shelton-Tweed Wholesale: uro-.potato grower ini uus i ;::t;:t':t:;'i',i will henef ori h withheld WHITEHURSFAND TWED PoUto Patch-Has Urg.YiM from womeh presentng .them.: SELL STOCK TO SPKlNKUfc l ' 2 i k,u -V their faces. ANP SHELTONrHIHa .- ul K iadood haTer Church of England clergynen are ; contemplating similar, ac tion, and that the Church As sembly, composed of the Bish ops; may, discuss the advwapu frV of a veto on the use of lip stick by women communicants. Frnlaininc th , reasons for his lipstick prohibition. Father Whitby said: v ; : 1 , "Tf 'TIT ATI! ATI will not take the trouble to vash this'objection- able ma.tter from their iip9 e- fnr ominor ti church, they can receive the Host, but not an rA- oa fAMnwst .Mr. li.. K. Tweed and jir. AW. , White hurst have sold their stock in ho inTnnav.ti Mr. J. Herschel Sprinkle and Mrs. Nelle Shel- iton and children, m tne trans action, the four buildings on Main Street ; known as I .the Sprinkle-Shelton buildings are transferred to Mr. Tweed and Mr. Whitehurst. An official no tice of the dissolution of this f-rteKhfp sppears elsewhere ITrnm hia Inaftrh nf 43 rOWS. he ihas gathered 43 bushels of I rish potatoes, all of which are of good size and many oi- wem being unusually, large. He has placed them on 6 iow woouea rack, under some . shade trees, I of tar 1x7 o sh.nor them thor- auu vw 0 . oughly, has covered them witn sacks, for protecuon irom sun during the caring out pe- Next door to Mr..eicn, ir.;.tne cnauce. . II. B. Brown had on exhibit ; ."It - is not "I do not think it la inflicting any hardship. to ask' people to cleanse - themselves- - properly before attending Communion. I think' lipstick.' is ridiculous m any 'Case dux it nas hoibjuk u do with me outside J;he sanc- tuary,"...-., . . v TWa ft faster Pinchard. vi- m . - - . . ... car of Saint John jno uapt -Father .Whitby's ac- T r " ' . - . . - j. tinn. aoreed with s tnav there was no moral question in I im.... !. .AtiT Ih.nlr. M1V moral objection to lipstick," the .Mass.-It vicar-said. ,VYou , cat call the "fnend Donates $1,000 To Mars Hil College A check for $1,000. wai re- .'ima h Mm Hill college last week from "a friend" who designated that the annual in terest, on the sum be used as a scholarship for a ministerial student who win aevote at least a part of his summer va cation to wdrk in, the country churches of Western North Carolina. , . . 1X " Th administration of the Icollege. is delegated to : select the one who shall Denent irom, this, scholarship; ?. The donor reserved the .right to re-desig-nate the purpose .of this fund at the end 01 eignx years This check was signed by a former student at Mars HiU who is' ' now doing graduate Work at Harvard and at New ton-Andover, ;evp"i wen is understooa ma .' nlant . this ' x. w . .... , K, The Marshall Civitan Club meeting at. the iar neei yxa loo TiVidav had as visitors the : Rev. George Reeves and Prof.' ' J. W. Wible, of the vocarona; a m.nltiifA TlAnt. of the. MaPf '. shall school. Before the speak via neiv uimium""! Xi ij.-Vii Zb" invtmtnt trt vstabll.i 1ri Madison County an expert. ment station for tobacco, nayr and beef cattle. The commnV 4. nnnriTitarl tn nrOmulflTate tec apv1"" x - this movement was composed of Guy V. Roberts. Chairman, Earle Brintnall, and J .W. W ble. The club went on record as favoring the road project from Mars Hill to coxes bridge. Considerable discus sion arose over the proposition, to sandttie road from Bull Creek to Parmer? Ford. It re sulted in the road committee being asked to take the matter up through the Board- of Edu cation on account of its being a school bus route and with the state and federal authorities on account of its being a mail route. Prof. Wible was then introduced and briefly outlined the proposed department which he is to head in the Mar shall school. He asked that not tno much be expected the first year as it takes more than one year to get such a depart ment to functioning properly. The Rev. George Reeves, con ducting a revival in Marshall, was then introduced and spoka briefly, saying that he was a ' hemhr nf the Kiwanis Cub, who do things very much as the local Civitan Club is aoing them. The meeting was pre sided over by the president, tne Rev. Ralph Shumaker. xou; cn?i . w'r' r-'rrrz v,;a ... 1 1 ..uMitHta wiAnnr rn r.nv accuuiik ui wa ciy intention, to , rather, silly f ashion, .thougn I-.. - ..Ki,larlir hloaaant one in a communicant" Asnevine Advocats. '." V.V. virH it. tn the collesre. President K. U fiioore ex- LaaAJ Ha crrotitndo for UllS lunexpected gift. ' . . . REPUBUCANS GATHER AT . COURTHOUSE KiiVfln mpt'iur held at the' courthouse last Saturday y t afternoon, was .Said r xo nayw , been attended by a representa-. f tlve tnougn no v jr , i crowd. Mr. Calvin R. Edner, 1 , Republican candidate foK.Con- gress opposing ;- Bulwinkle '. Ispoke and . received enthusia- . . . t l L.' ki. imniSnrtpr tlC Support ujr .-.. -'-,f- present. Mr.. Edney is full f , his opposition to the policies of , t h present administration. His speech,' while a spienoia Ai;t,Vl rlnfiimpnt. is SO lonff that we doubt that our .readers . would Itake the time to reaa u thrAinrh ' It sounds better tJ hear him deliver it in person, , Mr. Edney is a rood s-'.z.. .

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