TDE NEWS RECORD, MARSHALL, N. C SEPTEMBER 6, 1934 Y. : 1 -i, Here's II RBGAKDED at first as a mere whimsy of a fanciful inventor, W. J. Kremer's Breless steam locomotive is being Dccessfully utilized In the Brooklyn Navy yard. This latest product of the machine age dispenses with the con ventional Are box, but boasts Instead a water tank. Capable of moving at 12 miles per hour, the engine has treble the pow of other engines Its size. BEDTIME STORY By THORNTON PETER DISCOVERS LINNET P DIDN'T take Peter Rabbit long to find the sweet singer whose hap py try Is had caught his attention. He spied him sitting on the Up-top of a fir tree In Farmer, Brown's yard. Petei didn't dare ge over there for al ready It was broad daylight But he didn't have Jo, for the sweet singer flew over In th Old Orchard and alighted Just over Peter's head. "Hel lo, Peter I" he cried. "Hello, Linnet!" cried Peter. "I was wondering who it could be who was singing like that I ought to have "Hello, Linnet!" Cried Peter. - Mown, but you see K is so long since I've heard you sing that I couldn't remember your song. I'm so glad you rame over here for I'm Just dying to talk to somebody." Linnet the Purple FInch,,for this is who It was, laughed right put "I see you're still the same old Peter," said he. "I suppose you're Just . as full of furiosity as ever, and Just as full of ueetlons. Well, here I am, so what ihall we talk about" " . ."You," replied Peter promptly. 'Lately I've found out so many sur prising things about my feathered friends that I want to know, more, I'm trying to get It "straight ln,iny head who Is related to who, and Tve - found out some things which have be gun to make me feel that I know very little about my feathered neighbors. Iff getting so that I don't even dare guess who a person's relatives are. If yon please, Linnet, what family do .you belong tV ??:;;.' . ' J -: - , Linnet flew down a tittle, nearer to Peter. "Look me over, Peter," said be with twinkling eyes. ; "Look me over and see If ybtrcant tell for yourself." Peter stared solemnly at Linnet He saw a bird of sparrow sis whose ntlr body was a rose red, brightest n the bead, darkest on the back, and palest on the breast Underneath be was "whitish. His wings and tall were brownish, the outer parts of the feathers, edged with rose" red. .;" His bin was short and stout Before Peter average-size tree with a spread tt SO feet of foliage under normal condi tions throws cS five bar rela of water Vrdar in the form . cf vapor. This' is at tracted, to t' s clouds and re turns to tha earth aatauu. m '-''" -r S7f4t . That - an the Tireless Steam Locomotive FQR CHILDREN W. BURGESS could reply, Mrs. Linnet appeared. There wasn't so much as a touch of that beautiful rose red about her. Her grayish brown back was streaked with Mack. Her white breast and sides were spotted with streaks of brown. Had she not been with Linnet, Peter certainly would have taken her for a sparrow. .She looked so much like one that he ventured to say, "I guess you belong to the Sparrow family." "That's pretty close. Peter, that's pretty close," declared Linnet "We belong to the Finch branch of the fam ily, which makes the Sparrows own cousins, but they never can mistake me. There Is nobody else my Bize with a rose red coat like mine. Hello I Here comes Cousin Chieoree." -ftl.W, Bursaas. WNU Service. FAVORITE RECIPES THE following recipes have been chosen from prize dishes or cher ished recipes; " . . --,-, , A Prize Salad. Take one pint of shredded cabbage, one can of . white cherries, one can. of sliced pineapple, one pound of blanched almonds, one-half pound of fresh marshmallows and one pit. of whipped cream. Cut the cherries Into halves. Dice the pineapple, shred the almonds, quarter the marshmal lows and mix all together with the whipped. cream with a few tablespoons oi any gooq saiaa creasing. Almond Soup. Blanch one-fourth of a pound of al monds By dropping them Into boiling water and after ten minutes drain aiM add cold water to cover. Put the al monds through a food chopper. Mix with, two bard, cooked egg yolks and add a quart of beef or chicken stock. ake a paste of a teaspoon of flour Ixed with a- little cold water and. add to the broth! cook slowly, season! wttb salt and pepper and add One cup of cream, Serve" very b6t Top with" I whipped cream and sprinkle over It a few shredded almonds. ' Prune Dressing. Take two cups of cooked prunes, oue-balf cup of cooked rice, using the prune Juice la which to cook the rice. Add six large chestnuts blanched and chopped, butter, salt and pepper to season. Mix well and stuff the fowl. . -Piquant Cocktail 8auc. '( Take four tablespoons each of to mato catsup and -white grape Juice, one tahlespoon 'each ' of lemon and orange juice, one-fourth teaspoon of cinnamon and one-eighth teaspoon each of salt, paprika, sugar and cloves. ''", Eggnogg. . " ' " Separate the egg white and yolk and beat both well, mix and add one pint of bot milk, beating welt -Flavor as desired. y Western Kewsnamr Onloa. . GinsTiOai cox By ED VmUI... The Perfect fool Dear Mr. Wynn : " 5 I know yon are an actor and a stu dent of the theater.' Can you tell me. when the . first theatrical entertain ment took place and where? . : .-.-- : . -"Tours truly, " , IMA THESPIAN. 1 Answer: The first theatrical enter tainment was In the Garden of Eden when Eve appeared for Adam's bene fit. . -. ; ,:t:'X-:. ' Dear Mr.' Wynn: ."" I am schoolgirl and TnyEnglUh teacher wants me to writ a sentence with the word "and" five times In sue cession, and still write It sensibly. Can you betp m ootl " ' "V.'-. , : . .; " V CToBra truly, 'vi' L TALLIAJI. . Answer:. That Is very simple. Say you were, having a sign painter paint f ' sigwbiclv should read "Sllka and . - ' Satins" and say the sljn painter con nected the whole thing like this: "SILKSANDSATINS" and you wanted him to paint It over so It would be right Tou would say to him: Paint this sign over and be sure to leave a space between "silks" and "and" and "and" and "satins." Dear Mr. Wynn: I have Just arrived In America from my home In Ireland. I always heard this was the land of opportunity. In fact, since childhood I have heard you can pick gold up In the streets In this WITTY KITTY Br NINA WILCOX PUTNAM The girl chum says the people who read late In bed can never hope to be popular with .burglars.' WNU Servioe. I PAPA KNOWSH Pop, what Is boredom" "Dog under stove,". . A Bell Sjradl oat a. WNU Sarjrlc. Hb u, kt s.n rjif.i.i 3--M Muscle Man Learns to. Be an Actor MUSCLE MAN. young ton of Chief Loud Vole of the Tuscaroraa, Is ham seen rehearsing the part he is to play in th pageant drama of Old Port Niagara, th great historical presentation which la to be en feature of the rour-fiation celebration at Niagara, September I to 0. Muacl Man la on of 600 Indians La th pageant drama's full-costumed cast of S,00a. PETUNIAS By ANNE CAMPBELL THE fragrance of petunias Drifts on the morning air. They summon, me In memory To lovely gardens where Grandmother grew In days gone hy Those sweet old-fashioned blooms. Their presence brings remembered springs And quiet, homelike rooms. The humming birds came every year To Grandmother's bright flowers. The brown bees zoomed in the per fumed Enehantlngly quaint bowers. Moss roses graced a hollowed log. A locust tree flung high Glamorous boughs against the house. White clouds sailed In the sky. I never see petunias Without a thought of home. Their spicy flowers recall the hours I wandered (happy gnome!) Down paths I would be glad to see Bathed In the present's glow. On happy feet Td run to meet- The friends I used to know! Copyright WNU Service. country. When I got off the boat yes terday I saw something shining on the ground. I picked it up and, sure enough. It was a five-dollar gold piece. I was going to put It In my pocket when I noticed a man holding his hat In his hand and a sign on him read: "Please help the blind" so I dropped the five-dollar gold piece in his hat Did I do right? Truly yours, M. E. GRANT. Answer: Tou did the right thing giving the gold piece to the blind man, because you can see to pick them up. Dear Mr. Wynn:, I live In the country and am twelve years of age. My boy chum of the past four years doesn't play with me any more. We had a fight He says that my father went over, to his fa ther's home and stole the "gate" from In front of his father's house. If this Is true why doesn't his father say something to my father for taking his father's "gate." Truly yours. IGO BAREFOOT. Answer: The reason his father doesn't say anything to your father for taking his father's "gate" Is that his father Is afraid that your father might take "offense" (a fence). Cb the Associated Newspapers WNU Service. Silk Crepe Turban "Anne Nagel chooses a smart turban of navy silk trepe for wear with ber sheer navy afternoon frock. The chic of this, softly draped turban Is en hanced by a nose' yell which lends fascination to the eyes,; The veil may. also be worn turned back, forming a lacy frame for the face., 1 ' - IIVirKUVtU - UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY I chool Lesson (Br KBV. P. B. riTZWATEK. D. D. Member of Faculty. Moody BHjle Institute of Chicago.) A br Western NewsDaoer Union. Lesson for September 9 HEZEKIAH LEADS HIS PEOPLE BACK TO GOD . LESSON TEXT II Chgonlclei 0:1 S7. GOLDEN TEXT For If ye tura Sain unto the Lord, your brethren and your children shall And compas sion before them that lead them cap tive, ao that they shall come again Into this land; for the Lord your God la gracious and merciful, and will not turn away hie face from 'you, If ye return unto him. II Chronicles S0:9. PRIMARY TOPIC A King's Call te God's House. JUNIOR TOPIC A King's Call to Worship God. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC What Makes a Good LeaderT YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC Oodly Leaders In Civic Life. It Hezekiah Calls the People to Keep th Passover (w. 1-12). The way for a sinning and divided people to get back to God and be unit ed Is around the crucified Lord. The Passover was a memorial of the na tion's deliverance through the shed ding of the blood of the sacrificial lamb. 1. The Invitation was representative of the nation (v. 2). The king took counsel with the princes and the con gregation to show that the proclama tion was the expression of the na tion's desire. 2. The time was unusual (vv. 2-4). There was not sufficient time to sanc tify the people nor to gather them to gether at the regular time, so they re solved,' Instead of postponing It for a year, to hold It on the fourteenth day of the second month. This liberty had been granted before In an exigency (Num. 9:6-13). 3. The scope of the Invitation (vv. 5-9). It Included all of both nations who would come to keep the Passover to the Lord God of Israel. "Israel" Is now used to Include both kingdoms. The effort was to win back the nation which had seceded. The posts who were sent with the message were au thorized to supplement the proclama tion with an urgent exhortation to Join as a united nation. This urgent Invi tation was tactfully put as follows : a. It touched ancestral memories "Turn again unto the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel" (v. 6). Both kingdoms had a common ances try. b. Recent bitter experience "Be Hot ye like your fathers and brethren who trespassed against the Lord God and were given np to desolation as y see" (v. 7). c Teaming ' for captive kinsfolk "Tour brethren and children shall find compassion before their captors" (v. 9). d. The Instinct of self-preservation "So that they shall come again Into this land" (v. 9). e. The forgiving mercy of God "For the Lord your God Is gracious, and merciful" (v. 9). God will not turn any sincere seeker from him (John 8:37). 4. Israel's reception -of the invitation (vv. 10-12). a. Some mocked (v. 10). This ur gent and sincere Invitation excited only opposition and ridicule by certain tribes. b Some with humble hearts come to Jerusalem (v. 11). In Judab God gave them ode heart to accept the summons to unite In the Lord, around the great Passover. II. The Passover Kept (w. 13-27). L Removal of heathen altars (w. 13, 14). - These altars were erected m Jerusalem In the time Of Ahaz (23 :24). Before there could be worship of. th -true God, all these traces of Idolatry must be removed. - 2. The Passover killed (v. 15). The seal of the people was. shown In their going forward with the service, though the priests were not ready. - & The priests and Levltes shamed (rv, 15-20). The seal of the people put to shame, the. priests and the Levltes. They were stimulated .to per form their duties by the law of God as given by; Moses.. They even took charge of the killing of the Passover, since many of the officers were not sanctified so as to render this servtc for themselves. The Lord healed that Is, forgav the people. 4. "The praise of glad hearts (vv. 21. 22).. They continued tor seven dayi to tola. clad. 'artek t --tvf-f- .. a. The Levltes and priests sang God's praise dally on load Instru ments (t; 21). b. Hexeklah spoke comforting words to th Levltes (v. 22) and eommended them and their teaching of 1th knowl edge of God. c. They mad confession of their sins to God (v. 22). This was th evi dence that their action was genuine! V Th Passover prolonged seven days (vr. 23-27). The King's object la prolonging th feast was to mak a lasting impression npon to people a as to result to thorough conversion. - ; Shako CatM of Hall "Glv m a hundred men who fear nothing hut ale and desire nothing but God, and I car not a straw whether they, be clergymen, or 4aymen; sack alone will shake th gates of hen end set up to kingdom of God npon earth. God does ' nothing but In answer to prayer jolm Wesley. v.o i - Lmi th Bab "Learn to BIN throsgh th Bible, th Old through th New Testament; either can only b understood by th MMda f thy heaxt"-Joha Toa MoUor, Delicacies for the Winter Menu Preserving Season at Hand ; -Abundant Supply of Cheap Fruit. Midsummer Is a time looked for ward to by the thrifty housewife, for with It comes the pleasant task of canning and preserving for the family's winter, need of Jams, Jel lies and preserves. Market reports Indicate a plentiful supply of pears, peaches, grapes and other delicious fruits. Here are two tested and econom ical recipes: Concord Grape Jelly. 4 cups (2 lbs.) juice V, bottle of fruit pectin 7 oups (3U lbs.) sugar To prepare Juice, stem about three pounds fully ripe grapes and crush thoroughly. Add one-half cup water, bring to a boil, cover, and simmer ten minutes. Place fruit In Jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out Juice. (If malagas or other tlghr-sklnned grapes are used, the Juice of one lemon should be added to prepared Juice). Measure sugar and Juice Into large saucepan and mix. Bring to a boil over hottest fire and at once add bottled fruit -pectin, stirring con stantly. Then bring to a full rolling boll and boil hard one-half minute. Remove from fire, skim, pour quick ly. Paraffin hot Jelly at once. Makes about 11 glasses (six fluid ounces each). Ginger Pear Jam. (Using- crystallized ginger) 4 cups (2 lbs.) prepared fruit to 1 cup diced crystallized ginger 1 bottle fruit pectin 714 cups (J 14 lbs.) sugar To prepare fruit, peel, core and crush completely or grind about three pounds fully ripe pears. Dice about one-half pound crystallized ginger. Measure sugar and prepared fruit, tightly packed, Into large ket tle. Add ginger, mix well, and bring to a full rolling boll over hottest Ore. Stir constantly before and while boiling. Boll hard one min ute. Remove from fire- and stir In bottled fruit pectin. Then stir and skim by turns for Just five minutes to cool slightly, to prevent floating fruit Pour quickly. Paraffin hot Jam at once. Makes about 11 glasses (six fluid ounces each). This prod uct may take a week to reach s usatile set. By the Pomad Jackie (seeing nurse weigh th new baby) Nurse, how much a pound did baby cost? Smooth Off Ugly FiKldes.Blaclat.eads Nature's Way Here is an inexpensive, guicir way to skin beauty a way that has been tested and trusted by women for over a generation, iou can whiten, clear and fresh en your complexion, re move all trace of black heads, freckles, coarse ness in ten days or less. Just apply ' Nadinokv Bleaching Cream at bedtime tonight. No massaging, no rubbing. .Modinola speeds Mature, purgink away tan and freckles,, blackheads, muddy, sallow color. You see day-bv-dayituprovement until your skin is aU'Von kmgfor; creamy-white, satin-smooth, lovely." No long waiting, no digappointanenia; money-back guar antee. Get a large box of Nadinels Bleaching Cream at your favorite toilet counter or by mail, postpaid, only 60c NADINOLA, Bo? 19, Paria, Tenn. Can't Know It All One who knows a great deal Isn't ashamed of what be doesn't. KEEP COOL SAVE TIME SAVE WORK SAVE MONEY "? with tii) Tins Csfcaasa felUbetlns IfJ will a save von am tone ana work than a tldaoo wuhtoe machkel k wlU an tout cranftk... help you U betm trooio saskt and quicker at leaf cost. tartn wHh matches or torch ... no wmitias. The eea)HMaed double polntad Imw trans SaimsMi with fame stroke. Latse slat, smooth bass alkks easier. Irocitnf tfcae seduced eoe-third. Heats fcsttf k ftiTwhera. Economical, too... costs ion VW an hat to operate Se yout herd wire at bouaeruraahina dealer. It local dealer deeent hmtkdle, write ue. THE CpLFHAW LAMP AMD STOTB CO. fctWM, Wkhlta. Kane I CWeam UL .TraaMatekla, BaJ Los Aaselaa. Calif.! IVnojta. OatoHa. Canada leva Dont cfidnr pimples and blotches. Allay them quickly with pore Reslaol s Soap and safe, eGeadoni f- I . v ( ! I 1 1 i I I i V s n Sv- - konra. i- 41 t) .. k i. , t. WNU 7 85-S4 a 9 If