or 4 ft . .v. , ;r IT n nr U U UL Li THE ESTABLISHED NEVVSPAPEIl OF MA DISON COUNTY VOL.33 8 Pases MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY;! SEP TEMBER 13, 1934 PRICE $1.00 A YEAR SPEOAL-PAINS SHOULD BETAKEN WITH EXHIBITS FOR FAIR 1 P.-T. A. Group Discusses How To Make Fair A Success Reported by Kenneth Silver best could what the choose if the store, color. - and Earle Bnntnall, county farm should be be considered as housewife would she were buying at Size, uniformity, trueness to type Nolan, Burgess. j Secondary Schools: Grover r. ttODinson informed the C Anarel. Snrfn -r1r; Mm. group that a state-wide move-Sarah Thomas, White Rock. ment was on this year to im- .Community: Coleman Ram- prove tne present school cur- sey, f Marshall: D r Finlev. riculum. Each county i. to work out a curriculum, adaot- ing it to the local needs. He said the club 1 could set as its aim tne improvement of all the Ray,' Beech Glen: Miss major; subjects in the curricu- Ramsey, Mars Hill; White Rock. FOR THE PRODUCTIVE COMMITTEE: Primary Grades: Mrs. Kelly Bex Mrs, MARS HILL COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL BOTH HAVE FAVORABLE OPENING considered f when ium. or. it could Donsor . nrn. iFmnVim wv,u o-i, franf inM mnri thin nltV . malMntr Hin otinfoa " ' orMm maMalinIni in 4.,.. si j ir -o " r . , v.n ti A . , '2 7. -i'vww.wmb " uo u ummmw uraaes: Mrs. v an memoers 01 me jamnu irr- j. s. uwara, principal oi tne neias. Alter a thorough dis-'da Wooten Marshall' Mis inweacner association x uea--scnooi, toia tne group tnat in cussion it was decided lo adopt Thelma Blankenship, Beech tasv oraer to Keep me wgn Bcnooi language ag a special SUDject ulen. depend en- standardized and to raise the to develoD. lea vine Health a ay aueruuvu wi . flat they must not tirely upon the president of standing of the elementary secondary Bubject to be worked na Hyde, Walnut; Miss Carrie that group to make a success of ; grades a large number of but- out by the principals of the va- McNeely Hot Springs the fair scheduled for October side books and much more e- rious high schools. Although) Administrative iRurepss LB, but that each member must quipment would have to be every teacher in the county is Spring Cree.k; Rikard, Hot cooperate wun ner in puiuuu oougni. inere are not enougnio participate in this attempt Springs; Cook, White Rock; tVio f air nvp.r. marallel hooka in tho rtieh tn dant nur schnnla mnro nonr. t -. cm wiu xfi..A. tt n' "Special pains should be tak-!schpol library for every student ly to the making of good citi- Beech Glenn. . ,en with exhibits for the fair,"to have one at the same time, zens, special committees were' J, V. Howell, principal of he said, r The executive com- ne said, it win take more than selected to constitute a nucleus Beech Glen, was re-appointed imittee will, of course, prepare $50 to build up the music de- around which the whole will as chairman of the County Ath ia list of the exhibits and what partment of the grades and work. The representatives for letic Association. Rules were College Has Largest Enroll ment Ever At This Time Iwill majke up each of them. We 100 books in the library, with the various departments are FOR THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: Primary Grades: Miss Edna Ferguson, Mars Hill ; Mrs, have been told that there a number of other features that swould be no livestock exhibit-'will bring the total cost to more ed at the fair, but that poultry ,than $200 before the grade de would be shown. This seems partment will be standardized. unusual as we always think of The Parent-Teachers voted to nie Davi3, Walnut chicken3 as being very much a- standardize the school th;s Grammor Grades live. year. Hunt, Marshall; Miss "In choosing poultry for. the , Mrs. Vanda Wooten, a teach- Chandler, Hot Springs. fair every effort , should beter m the school, was elected ma Ha tn fit. pvAP.t.lv t.ha re- 'secretarv tf the crou-n for this quirements of the committee. Jyear. The Rev. Ralph B. Shu This should be done in all lines 'maker, pastor of the Marshall of the exhibits. In vegetables Methodist church, opened the and field crops the best exhibits meeting with a short devotion are not always the largest. The al service. t According to figures in the registrar's office, the college enrollment ha3 reached 460. This is the largest enrollment, for the time of year, ever in the history of the college. On the 16th of September, last year, the total was 411. The high school enrollment, while at the present is enough to maintain one teacher lost last year, is expected to im prove after the new buses ar rive, and it is hoped the other teacher will be gained at that time. Mr. 'Ray Gibbs. of Whittier, is on hand as the ex- FORMER MARSHALL WOMAN AND HUSBAND MEET TRAGIC DEATH Democratic Party And Roose velt Policies Attacked By G. O. P. Leaders And Ab sentee Ballot Denounced adopted denning the eligibility of athletic participants for the ensuing year. Prospects are Dromisiner an Min-even more efficient organization Rhyne, and Miss Ferguson. jtni3 year, we have a larger ine opening exercises ot the Miss membership, all male teachers, school Monday morning were Lula in 'the. county being eligible to 'attended by a large numb?r of join the School Masters' Club, parents. Inspiring talks were made by Pastor Olive, Dr. Moore, Supt. Robinson, and Prof. Nola"nd.. All indications point toward a successful year. Mr. McMaster Woodrow, of Washington, D. C, arrived Tuesday to spend a few days with his mother, Mrs. Kate Woodrow, in her home here. Dr spent Miss Iva Dell Edwards left last weeK xor uetroit with ner brother, Mr. Ralph Edwardsv and his family who had been home on a ten days' visit. Th was Mr. Edwards' first visit in eight years. Misse3 Bonnie Ammons and Ada Edwards left last week to return to their school duties in Snow Hill and Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Mrs. Beaman of Snow Hill was a visitor here for a few days last week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stines, having brought her daughter to enter college. News has been received here of the marriage of C. Y. Tilson, Monday, September 3, to Miss tra high school teacher. Other i Cara Stover, of Heath Springs, new teachers this year, besides S. C the principal, Prof. A. V No and, are Mr. Kelley Rav, Mrs. SEVERAL SPEAK AT REPUBLICAN RALLY AT COURT HOUSE MONDAY Was Known In Marshall As Mrs. Mark Lance J J .1 Mrs. Henry. Stephenson, who was : Mrs. Mark. bance qi jvl ar shall, a' native ? of Madison County and sister to Mr. Tom Wallin and daughter of Dr. Wallin of the County, and her ) husband met tragic deaths Sep i tember 4 at their home in Flor ida. The following Clipping from a Florida paper sent by a friend to Mrs. John Hendricks tells the story: tion; if for lowering of taxes; for the elimination of non-taxable bonds which bear inter est; "approval of Federaliza- - tion f the criminal law; the The Republican rally set for elimination o f burdensome jlast Monday afternoon was Federal bureaus, the 20th anniversary of the held at the court house, the Mr; Edney said that "in or marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Ste-, lower floor beinir nearly filled, der to reduce taxes an em.i. phenson, when they went to, some Democrats being present, table sales: tax should reDlace j Mars Hill boys who left last week for Wake Forest are H. Clay Cox and Virgil Cox, Oscar Carter, Falk Johnson, and Franklin Wilkins. Carl Carter will leave next week for West ern (arolina Teachers College. I iMrs. R. R. Riddle is confined to her room this week because of an infected foot. Professor Hoyt Blackwell, who is having a year's leave of absence from college in order to study in Edinburgh, waa present for the opening last week and spoke in chapel. He and Mrs. Geo. Leiby , was present, also, on two other the week-end here with occasions. An account of hi Florida to make their home. WATOfTEOT TOURNAMENT RESULTS friends and Mrs. Leiby's moth-, marriage on Wednesday Sep- er, Mrs. W. rJ. Wilkms, while tember 12, to Miss Uhve Brown they were en route to Harvard of Erwin, will probably be in where Dr. Leiby " has a year s the daily paper before thia is scholarship for research work. published. A number of Mars Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Poole 'Hul people will attend the wed- spent a few days here recently ( ding and three are to take part with Mrs. Poole's, parents Mr 'Mrs. p. -C. Stringfield aso-. IS I The meeting was called to or- the one now in use: the pw Ider.and pressed over by. Ex.- eral fO' -rnment should aid in -Senator "Ira Plemmons of Hatjnaiiiwiii.iischtfoUnra .Springs. The music of theFd- visions should he i marl, fnrl wards string quartette (3 sons cheaper credit for the farmer lson from Florida, were, here; Miss Margaret Lee as -flower . . ! and Mrs L. A Brvan. ' Mr-..! cali.soloist.MVD. M ttobin-.-..'. le foYlFooI I Stephensons Kill Selves Orlando Couple Had Poor Health of R. A. Edwards and one son and for old aire and work in- oi John Metcalf) drew the peo- surance. Dry states should be pie together- and . entertained protected from alcohol broucht them at intervals, Mr. John A. in from wet states. The sol- Hendricks was called on first, dier bonus should be Daid. Pa- as he had to leave to attend an- tronage in CWA and relief other meeting m Asheville. money should be disoensed Hendricks praised the without regard to Dartv affili.a- i Funeral services for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson, 'aged Orlando After mnnv slelava tha final m at Vioa nf fho Wnlnnt Totinia Mr, Tournament finally got under (speaking ability of Hon. Isaac tion but according to the needs way Friday and Saturday. lMeekin3, whose son, W. C. of the people. Gasoline has County-wide, interest w a sMeekins, was principal speak- become a necessity. The price shown in this tournament. The l er at tne rauy- me chairman oi it should be uniform and final results were as follow : MEN'S SINGLES J a m e s Baley defeated Roy Thom'as, 6-3; 6-4. WOMEN'S SINGLES Bea- then read a telegram from reasonable Hon. Jake Newell, regretting he could not be here, and call- The chairman then called on ed "On Hon. J. Herschel Sprin- Editor Jim Barrett of Hender kle to introduce Mr. Meekins. sonville calling him the comic too, for a short visit. girl. COUNTY-WIDE TEACHERS MEETING IN MARSHALL SEPTEMBER 22 urged to attend. Members, please attend the meet'ng Thursday night to get plans. JOE H. EADS . ' . - : : . njri.: j j j.; . 1 1 , a ct ZA.A. j j i : ivi f vikhh mm itihiio a irfiriii nmc fin r i rna KflnnhiinM rv C0UPfln 7 Z iV nAt et,r Hutchins, 6-0; 6-l. eech presenting his side of ganization and Mr. Barrett had rB-filloH amrtment at 2R Ruth at.. v imj. i tt u a i , ... . : i . - in -m a nriTTTJT i?c i?o,r ine uuuucai snuauon. lie (lis- mem laucrninir ior a whi e. AIM. U 41 lUWlUUkJUiHJ - I " . . . . Tuesday morning, had not been ar ranged last night. . Carey Hand wes in charge. ' . Mr. Stephenson, ; 77, a forrr.tr sheriff of Volusia county, and Mrs. Stephenson, 65, were found dead in their (bed by an ice man, G. T. An ' derson, who delivered ice at 8 :30 a.m mond McDevitt and John icussea ine iioeny league, rouowmg him, Mr. Gibbs, Chandler defeated Roy Thom- the ooidiers1 Uonus, the in- seeking election to the N. C. as arid Jonas Chandler, 6-4; crease of bureaus, federal ex- Senate, spoke, followed by 7-9; 6-1. t iPenses, attacked Bulwinkle and Garrett Baily, of Yancey coun- WOMEN'S DOUBLES Be-tne -State government, school ty. A motion was carried that atrice McDevitt- and Marie ounaings. reacners, ana tne aD- tne puoisner oi The JNews-Kec- 'Hutchins defeated Mary Jo sentee oauot. ie ciosea ty ap- ord advocate the abolition of peanut lu tut?- yevic bu iu me ausatee uaiioi. oeverai MEETING AT BIG PINE ic ."' '"r .. V : "' Phanrfler anH Atrne TJricmian. pealing to the people Wininwa Af mi iTunnint wero , -or-o --o . , . ... , n..i , a, . ... ' : - '6-4' 6-4. : - ,ine pons ana vote ana see mat. iaaies araenaea tne meeting, a .lJ..- MIXED DOUBLES Ray-' women as well as the men cast few staymg throughout the Iney naa eviaenuy aiea some nine rT-jx r- j T--i:- thif hn 11 fits. Aftr a nn0ih mnro fhnn t-xxm during the eight Mft'nvltt,.iiifiifi Rnv Thnm--by Marvin Rich, of Mecklen-making.. a. After investigation ooroner oara -"t" . " - hiiw lifo-lnno. rtomKot nnw A meeting in the interest of Sunday school work waa held at North Fork Big Pine Baptist church last Sunday, from two Supt. D. M. Robinson wishes us to announce that a county- wide teachers' meeting will be jheld at the High School audi Jtorium in Marshall Saturday, iSept. 22. All teachers in Mad jison County shouldLtake notice. Reba Hamlin Dies Of Diphtheria 10-Year-Old Seminary Girl Buried Sunday Reba, the 10-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ham- to four o'clock, in the after-, Hn, of the Seminary. section, noon. The meeting was well j died at the home at 2 :30 Sat attended by the local people, urday afternoon. September 9. with a few from other points. -fthtW .aid there would be no inouest. as anq mary y o. vnanaier, o-o Mr, Stephenaon wag Mra. Stephon6-4 , on's second husband, and Mr. Ste- rdrrrTvT ... nmnnm asr .tns s scnoomASTERS-' Lance, an employe of the state comp- "iiafl 'Ronuhlirnn - ind nnmp '.'words by . Chairman Plemmons. WAWSJrSFi?5 JJ7 Marvin' Glance,, candidate ELECTS-O FFIC E R .for Solicitor opposing Zeb Net- 1 1 . . 1 J 1 -I 1 ? T TT1 V xies, mirouucea taivrn ft. iiiix- Offlcers of the Senior class Walnut High School for are as follows : ,ia nwn hohftlf . Mr ninnrp J resiaent-Miiarea uianKensnip The Madison County School-wa nuitA fluent in his introduc- Vice-Pres. Sam Roberts C T II R Rf r? I?T ney. taking advantage of the ?LLn ILUD lllCfil opportunity to say a woitf in "34-85 " t - r - Yiia-Ann hphftlf. Mr. Olnnrp Jresidenl Rosa Anz troUer's office, who lives at 808 Har wood. He was unable to attribute a motive for the couple's act, other than ... .,. : . - - . r v.ma that they had Dotft been m poor Masters' Club met in the Home fiAti . ) health. ; :.. - - r . Economics department of the Mr rcdnv v anrxowlmt t Class ReporterEv.line Reeves mr. cvejwienBoii h " xttarsnau mgn ocnooi iuesaay a disadvantage, following - so ouoiaaj tuBainM; dent of tn. state ior ou. years. evening, Sept. ,11,. 1934, for many 'speakers, but he inject f was sheriff f Volusia county in he their ' first meeting of the cur-' ed considerable fire in his j 0's. , Both were inenibers of the Ma- rent school yearw Those pre3- speech as he said in part: -i aic order. ; :;: ;'.ent were.: Supt. D.- M.-Robin- -. "If elected. I will stand for ! V'--U ? " ':r;on; Marshall : O. S. Dillard, the New Deal when it is right It will be recalled by the old- Dillingham, Huff, Tomberlin. I wfll 8Und against it when it i er cmzens mat xurs. oiepnen- wibie;- not springs: KiKard, is' wrong., There are 'certain son's first husband, Mr. Mark Young; : Mars Hill: i Nolan, parts of the New Deal that are Lance, was shot bjr Banta Rec- Jtay, Gibbs; Spring Creek: childish. T h establishment j tor in March, 1900, 'and lived Burgess,? Angel- Meadows; 0f initialed departments of the ' about a month after being shot Walnut: J. O. Wells, Allen, CV government is the greatest ? through the body the - victim M. Roberts, Connell Roberts; piece of chadishnes ever seen dying of blood-poisoning from White Rockr Cook, Shelton. in the American government the wounds ; He built the rest- . The following officers were It is just like a child playing - dence now occupied by Dr. J, elected: J. O. Wells, Chair-. with building blocs.'?x--; . T. M. Knox and lived there one man; Supt D. M. -Robinson, In stating the planks In his month before he was shot and Secretary; Tomberlin, Treas- platform, Mr. Edney - said - he one month after. He is said to urer; C M. Roberts, Reporter, was tot the following?. Oppo have been a' rood citizen-and The program committee ap-' position of any form bf-regi-p'aar 'Mzhl20,X 1934, wav pointed were : ; O. 5, Dillard, mentation; restriction,' or dicta- Hazel Henderson Gertrude Gahagan, Dorothy Brigman Mr.-J. O. Wells, class spon sor, has also announced that he will escort the entire Senior class to v the Cherokee Indian Fair. :fvv'V:r:" . , e JUNIOR ORDEA TO HAVE ' - OUTING ' The members of Council 343. Jr. O U. A. M- will have an outing next Friday night Sep tember 14.-r" , - They will go by truck and cars to- Dillingham for this out ing and will stay all night All members and their families are The' devotional part of the service was conducted by Wil liam Worley, of Marshall, N. C, using as a subject, "The A bundant Life," John 10:10. W. A. Sams, M. D., of Marshall, led in prayer. 1934, after an illness of only one week, diphtheria and com plications being given as the cause of her death. The child is survived by her parents and three sisters and one brother, who reside on the property of Mr. J. A. Dennis, Mr. Hamlin being a merchant and miller. The next speaker was Mrs.; Funeral services were Sunday L. L. Vann, a teacher in Mars ofternoon conducted at the.' Hill College. Mrs. Vann told home by the Rev. Ralph Shu- of her conversion to the Chris- maxer ana tne Doay was taken tian life, and of her experiences to Bald Creek cemetery in. . in the Christian life. She also Yancey county for interment spoke of her travels in the Holy .the concluding service A being: Land, and of seeing many of conducted by the Rev. Starling the scenes spoken of in the Bk'onaer tne grave, rou ble. Her talk wja quite in- bearers were Frank Kunmon, teresting and. helpful. iO. Q. Coats, Albert TweedV Dr. Sams made the conclud- Don Fisher. ing talk. "He spoke on the de- , , , . ., , , . nominational program, and Dr. Knox Tn Pniirh - - urgea tnac.ait memoers join in in carrying out the program, i Farewell Sermon Sun d a y N i g h t The talks were liberally in- iersDersed throughout with ex cellent singing. , by- the local . Dr. . T. M. Knox will preach choir. TXchoir.is to be com- a farewell sermon at the Presv mended for its ever, readiness byterian church next Sunday and ability to sing, u 1 - : night He will leave next week . The benediction was pro- f or his new field at Morris nounced by Kelly Wild, of Big town. Tenn.- The Bantkt catw Pine. N. C ; gregation will attend the l'-t semovli.,iC'Ml -I