, 1 THE NEWS RECORD, MARSHALL, N. C, OCTOBER 4, 1934 Modeled to Give Slender Effects ' I i I I n nn m mnnniir i - - . . : . -.z ;.. Mfj JSmiles PETES n B. KY&E . Vf CHAPTER X Continued "1 did, sweetheart Who'd shoot for yon If I wouldn't?" "Good clean shooting," he mum bled, "but too low. Did you get Bab son?" , "I tried and they wouldn't let ma. But I amaahed Henry Rookby's fool bead, dearest. He organized the ruckus at Babson's bidding, but If he Urea after the two raps I gave him with the barrel he'll think twice before tackling another such Job." Nate Tlchenor smiled a terrible smile. -We backfired on the little cum; didn't we, lover He placed an oily finger on her adorable noae and pressed It gently upward. "You'll do. You're a man's woman. I'm going over to the curb now and sit down before I fall down. If anybody takes me from behind shoot him and shoot high and for the middle this time. I'm all out of patience. Look after old Rube." Rube needed looking after, Indeed. He waa unconscious and a three-Inch silt on the top of bis bald head told the story. Also he bad received his share of punches and kicks before Lorry Kershaw's bullets had dropped his assailants on top of him. The two doctors carried him over to the little grassy strip that ran parallel with the sidewalk and laid him out thereon, then turned to look after Lorry's vic tims. As they sat up, Joe Bralnerd photographed them. When that was done he wrote the names of the fallen on a fragment of copy paper and. In bis mind, began arranging the lead for tills, his biggest news story. "Get a truck out of that garage, Joe," Doc Donaldson ordered, "and we'll haul our trade over onto the grass under the shade trees In the plaza. I've used worse dressing sta tions. Every mother's son of them lot It through the foreleg and some of the said legs are busted. 'I only wing tipped them,' says she the little lxen." "You've got to grant her the great gift of charity. Doc. And tremendous forbearance." "Rats. She was saving them for the hangman. Hello, her hired man Is beginning to take an interest In things." Mr. Tenney's- little round baleful eyes had, indeed, commenced to flick er. Lorry bent over htm and raised bis burly head to her shoulder. "How bout you, old-timer?" she crooned. "Shot all to pieces but not fatally." Mr. Tenney murmured slowly. "Where was you, boss, when the shootln' started? I flggered you to guard my rear." "I guarded it, never fear, Rube. I did all the shooting." " I" Mr. Tenney murmured. "Sorry. Spoke out o' my turn, I reckon. I'll be up In a minute; I'll make a hand yet" A small boy .came running down the boulevard as If pursued by a demon. "There's some fellers over to the office of the Register smashln' things up," he screeched. Lorry dropped Rube Tenney as if bis big body was scorching her and ran for the office of the Register a block away. As she came panting to the ftpnt door she saw a dozen men Inside, with axes. They had smashed the editorial desk and the counter In the business office, pled the type for the next Issue of the Register, upset the fonts of type and smashed them and were busy wrecking the linotype when the girl's voice reached them above the clang of axes on metal. "Put 'em up!" v They whirled, facing her, and be fore the menace of her gun their hands went skyward. Thus she held them until Bralnerd arrived with his camera. "Mug 'em. Brother Bralnerd," she commanded. "Steady, boys. Mot , more out of anybody. I'll put bullet through the hand of the man that spoils this picture. This Is a time ex posure, J believe, bees use the Inside light isn't so good." Joe Bralnerd took three photographs of the vandals In his wrecked print shop and turned to the girl. "Where do we go from here?" he demanded humorously. : "To B1U Roohey's calaboose. All right, men. Come out one at a time, In single file and wend your way to tne lockup." - - - They wended It BUI Rooney was In bis little Jail office, thinking things over and gazing dolorously at a bole la a forty-dollar bat when men be - gan filing silently In on him. "What's this?" he exclaimed. Lorry's gan covered him from the doorway. "Take his gun, Mr. Braln erd. Take his keys, too. No non sense, .Mr.' Rooney,, or you'll dance te Bralnerd secured the deputy sher iff's gun and keys, unlocked the two cells and closed . them, again as the . wreckers of the Register filed "dis consolately In. - Then Lorry ordered Mr. Rooney to go home to his fam ily, and Joe Bralnerd locked the jait "The remainder of this party Is yours, Mr. Bralnerd,"' Lorry then an nounced. "IT got my boys to look after mv," "." ',.. Thanks lot Miss KershavV "v "Not at alL No - trouble to show goods," -she retorted merrily. "If were you I'd. see that old Idiot Anson Towle, and swear out warrants enough for these twelve lunatics to seep inem in jail till Christmas I'd acare Towle If I were you. Threaten him with a mysterious fate so bell make their ball the limit" Babson will ball them out of course." "I suppose so, but hell not like It The action will tie him to his gang." CHAPTER XI The succeeding week Nate Tlchenor spent In s hospital at Gold Run whither Doctor Donaldson had ordered blm for observation as to possible Internal In juries. When at last Nate came to the Circle K ranch again. Lorry saw that outwardly at least he appeared to be normal - "Doc thought my backbone bad been tramped out of alignment" he an nounced, as he kissed her, "hue It was only a couple of ribs spruns- loose from my spine. Doc warned me not to move around, but I couldn't stay away. Outlaw that I am, I couldn't neglect you for another week." "I wasn't ready to be a clinging vine; I'm accustomed to man's work and if you're worth having Mr. Tlche nor, you're worth fighting for. I en Joyed It" "I'm almost afraid to marry yon now," he teased. "You'd be a tough wife to handle In a family row. Hav you been arrested yet?" "No, dear. Joe Bralnerd appears to have smoothed over the aftermath of that ruckus. He traded with Babson Babson loaned him the new plant of the Forlorn Valley Citizen and then -jfffil J! "But I Am Curious te Know How You Accumulated All the Money You Appear te Have." had a talk with the men we Jailed. Babson levied an assessment to pay for the damages to Bralnerd's plant and Joe absented himself at the pre liminary hearing of the case, so Anson Towle waited five mlnutea for Joe and his counsel to appear and then turned the men loose for lack of evidence. The men I winged are all going to get well, although they'll be on crutcbea for a month or two; I think they are glad to let the matter drop. We've all had enough undesirable advertis ing throughout the state." "As for undesirable advertising, yon and I haven't had any of It We're heroes." "Oh, do tell me, Nate. I've been afraid to read the papers." -wnen a mon sscks a newspaper plant the entire"fourtb estate regards tne act as a direct blow at the free dom of ;'the press, and Instantly the fight Is no longer a private one. The uoia Run Nugget , has burned Forlorn Valley to a crisp and so have all the other county newspapers. The Forlorn Valleyltes hare been called thugs, mur derers, oaa citizens, rioters, bullies, ana cownras. . i am advertised as a peaceable, well-meaning citizen and a distinguished ex-soldler of whom the county is proud. I sought to do For lorn Valley a signal service and was mobbed and brutally , beaten f and bruisea in return. All of .the pa pers have cried out upon -the Sense less brutality or visiting upon blameless young man the sins of his forebears end ; they have done much for you. In fact they're made heroine of you. You are commend ed for your great charity In wlng tlpplng my assailants Instead of kill tng them. You have - a '-, nickname. You're Wlng-TlpLorry Kershsw now." She turned to him suddenly.. "But am curious to know- how you ac cumulated all the money you appear to have.- ' For you do look like cash money, Nate." "Well, the fact that I have a few dollars doesn't Imply that rm a financier," he protested.' "The Hens- leys had great veneration for cash but Fm only half Hensley. My fa ther waa a paleontologist He came up Into these hills one summer to hunt for fossils. , Nothing would do bat be must be our guest and hare a horse to ride late the bills and a-man to protect aim from the Kershawa, "My mother was twenty-four years old at the time and already begin ning to be regarded as a fossil, so father added her to his collection and stsyed on In Eden Valley and wrote some books nobody ever read, and resolutely refused to learn the cow business. He did manage to put a little bit of culture and uplift Into the Hensieya. I made up my mind to stay out of Eden Valley and forget cows as a first aid to maMng a mil lion dollars. "When my mother and aunts died I was the sole heir to. the Bar" H Land and Cattle company, and the corpora tion was In excellent shape. There was about two hundred thousand dol lars In the bank and no debts; there were twelre thousand head of cattle and the ranch was unencumbered. I decided to sell the cattle and lease the ranch. Rube Tenney, who was in command of the ranch, classed the cattle, so I knew what I bad and what they were worth. I wrote mv attorney to see your father and try to mane a trade. It seemed the fair thing to do to let htm have first chance. He'd always wanted all of Eden Valley. So he bought all the cattle and leased tne Bar H ranch for thirty thousand dollars a year, for five years, with an option to buy the ranch at any time prior to the expira tion of the lease and on verv mh terms. "The result was that early in 1920 I found myself foot-loose and wltb about a million dollars cash In bank. Now, while I was In France I secured a commission. My captain and I got along splendidly together. I got to know this man and to trust him and admire him. In civil life he'd been general manager of a large New York stock brokerage house. He had about fifty thousand dollars and he wanted to buy a seat on the New York Stock Exchange and go Into business for himself. But he didn't have enough money to buy the seat and finance his operations. "I told him rd finance hlra one hundred thousand dollars In cash against bis fifty thousand In cash, his experience and ability, and we should be equal partners. We made money from the day we opened our doors." "And you say you're not a financier." money has never I find, too, that I Fm going to close In New York and "The lust for overwhelmed me. love Eden Valley. out my Interests return here In the fall." "I shall be very lonely while you are away, Nate." "And that reminds me that Pve sent down to San Francisco for a ring and here It Is. If It's too big we'll have a tuck taken in, and if It's too small or you prefer some other stone I'll change It" And he slipped on her finger a square emerald worth at least a hundred steers. It was the first piece of Jewelry she had ever owned and her hot tears of emotion baptized It; her warm Hps caressed It In a silent promise be knew would never be broken. Suppose we get married In a hurrv and make the New York trip a honey moon," ne saia. She shook her head. "Impossible until dad's estate has been settled. I cant leave here now. I have to work this outfit out of debt because can't afford a trousseau until I do However, dear, you run on to New York, complete your business there. and when you return we'll make those two mergers you spoke of. rm too busy now. I've got a lot of those early calves still to brand and I'll have to brand about a thousand late calves In the fait I . don't want to leave any worries behind me when we go on our honeymoon." "And we'll spend our summers In Eden Valley and our winter outside," he suggested. " , , She leaned against him a little wearily and held him tight but did not answer. Somebody once remarked that noth ing can be of surpassing Interest for a period greater than nine days. For forty-eight hours following the unex pectedly painful and highly dramatic denouement of hla plan to sway pub lic opinion against Nate Tlchenor and Lorry Kershaw, Silas Babson suffered acutely, not because he was sorry for wnat be bad done but because the effect had been so wholly unexpected ana pregnant of disaster to him. After having arranged to prevent the expose of the whole affair In court With probable nenltentlarv sentences ior a couple of dozen hitherto respect able but mercurial citizens, he began to view life with a less Jaundiced eye; and when, at the expiration of the proverbial nine days, be felt morally certain that "that Eden Valley gang," as he now referred to Nate, Lorry and Kube Tenney, was going to cling to its ancient tradition and have nothing whatsoever to do with legal reprisals, all of his old Jauntiness and optimism returned. He waited two wet!:s longer and when at the expiration of that period Henry Rookby, looking fWntly reminiscent of a potato sprout put lorth In a cellar, returned to bis labors, Babson left the business of the bank In Mr. Rookby'a hands and proceeded to motor forth among the Forlorn Valleyltes and ar gue them Into signing the petition to the county board of supervisors for permission to organize the Forlorn Valley Irrigation district Having had a surveyor de-limit the areas suscepti ble to surface irrigation, be knew the Identity of every farmer whose signa ture was necessary for his purpose, so a week's time sufficed to acquire the number of signatures legally neces sary, and at the next regular meeting or the board of supervisors, of which Babson was a member, he presented the petition in person and addressed his colleagues at some length and with unusual eloquence on the desirability of favorable action by the board. , The chairman of the board rapped with bis gavel. "The pros appear to have their Innings," be announced smilingly. "Are there any cons to be heard from?" "A man rose in the rear of the hall, walked up to the railing In front of the dais upon which the board sat and bowed first to the board and then to the audience. "Mr. Chairman gen tlemen: My name Is John W. Gagan, a member of the San Francisco law firm of Brooks, Gagan and Brooks, and I appear as the legal representative of the three riparian owners along Eden Valley creek, to wit, Estate of Ranceford Kershaw, deceased, the Bar H Land and Cattle company, and the Mountain Valley Power company, the last two companies, as Is generally known, being owned In their entirety by Mr. Nathan Tlchenor. On behalf of my clients, I desire formally to pro test: to this honorable board against the formation of the. Forlorn Valley Irrigation district and will state my reasons briefly." Gagan Immediately proceded te de so, painting to his auditors precisely tne picture that Nate Tlchenor had painted to him, challenging Lon Mor ton to gainsay one single legal state ment Gagan spoke simply, earnestly; arraying bis facta In logical sequence. When he had finished his address Gagan bowed to the board and started .. 1 .m I I m. to leave roe cnamoer. mere was si lence until he was half way down the aisle, then a storm of hisses and boua broke around him. Gagan looked back as he reached the door and saw that Silas Babson was on his feet hla band raised for silence. "So you're going to refute my state ment eh?" Gagan called back. "Well, before I depart I'll give you and your deluded followers some very good ad vice, free. . The man who acta as his own attorney has a fool for a client" TO BB CONTINUED. ONE WAY TO HAVE PEACE Brlggs saw his neighbor walking up the garden path with a trombone tucked under his arm. "Hallo I Been buying a trombone?" he asked. "No; borrowed it from Robinson next door," said the other. Brlggs looked mystified. "But surely you can't play, can you?" he asked. "No," said his neighbor, with a smile of satisfaction; "neither can Robinson while I've got It." Stray Stories. Somnolence The stranger was met by a crowd as he stepped off the train. "Who are you?" asked Cactus Joe. "I'm Professor Doperlno, the fa mous hypnotist." "The man who puts folks to sleep?" "Yes." "Well, stay right here and catch the next train that comes. What Crim son Gulch needs is somebody to wake it up." Pattern 90 A woman Is as slim as she looks, and by that same token, whatever she weighs, every woman who wears this frock Is slender. It Is that kind of a frock I It takes pounds off one's weight and years off one's age and demands very little of one's time in the making. This white magic Is all a matter of clever design embodied In a long graceful cape collar caught under the belt front and back, and a carefully proportioned yoke on the skirt, pointed here and there where points will do the most good. The Insects Take Huge Toll in Damage to Books, According to Some Librarians Insects of various kinds take a year ly toll In - book, destruction that amounts to millions of dollars, says Scientific American. Perhaps the worst offenders In this respect are bookworms, the larvae and an Insect known generally as the "drug store beetle," and scientifically as Sltodrepa panlce. It seems to hare a particu lar fondness for .practically every thing, and thrives on arsenic, lead, pep per, and other- poisonous and Irritat ing substances. - ' ' 1 Once this beetle lays Its eggs In a library and the larvae begin feeding, librarians are likely to age overnight for the larvae feed voraciously on all parts of books whether they be cheap modern editions or priceless ancient volumes. Many poisons bare been used, by various methods of applica tion, to defeat this foe of i books. Thomas M. Hams of the Henry H. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San .Marino, Calif, In the Library Quarterly, told of several Infestations of the larvae la that library and the attempts to destroy them. t Acting on the advice of Dr. Tracy L Strer of the University of Califor nia Agricultural college, hydrocyanle add gas and several other powerful fumigants were used but wltb Indif ferent success. It was then decided te resort, to vacuum fumigation. This would give perfect fumigation into ev ery crevice or books, of which urge numbers could be fumigated simulta neously. Also, this method would de stroy the microscopic eggs of the bee tle, as wen as the larvae, by rupturing the thin membrane at one end of the egg and permitting entry of the pet son fttv;.r-. . ' , The problem of an Ideal fumlgant waa solved when Dr. Arnold O. Beck man of the California Institute f Technology, discovered that ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide could be combined la a liquid that la neither Inflammable nor explosive. Cm Make 60-Mile Wind ' : At Teddington, England, is a klgV pressure wind tunnel, CO feet long, la this a eo-mlle wind can to) araetei, . Modern Farm Knowledge Stranger Farm products cost more than they did a while back. How do you explain It? Farmer Well, when a farmer Is supposed to know the botanical name of what he's raising and the entomo logical name of the bugs that eat It and the chemical name of the stuff that will kill the bugs somebody's got to pay for all this knowledge, ain't they? Pathfinder Magazine. You Know the Kind "There's a decided uniformity In the contents of my post this morn ing, Julia." "How do you mean?" "All my letters begin with the same word 'Unless'." MUCH THE SAME THING (5 by mm A mil urn t r Vij 9990 "Were you ever pirates, Captain?" "Yes. I've stayed your summer hotels." boarded at several of Smart Applicant (for position of office boy) I may say Tm pretty smart. Tve won several prizes In cross-word and Jig-saw puzzles and word-picture competition lately. Employer Yes, but I want some one who can be smart during office hours. Applicant This was during office hours. Chelsea Record. Small Meneies "Hello!" exclaimed the Investor, who was reading the third quarter report "a reduction, by George I That's good news!" "What! a reduction In profit good news?" "Oh, no, not in profit In deficit" Boston Transcript tucked details afford Just the right amount of ease where you need it Pattern 9990 may be ordered only In sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46. Size 36 requires 3 yards 39-Inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Be sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS, the STYLE NUMBER AND SIZE. Complete, diagrammed sew chart Included. Send your order to Sewing Circle Pattern Department, 232 West Eight eenth street, New York, N. Y. EVEN "What's a Joint account, pop?" "It's an account where one person does the depositing and the other the withdrawing." Dad Had a Supply Mother Johnny, will you go down to the cellar and split some kindling? Johnny Walt till Dad comes. I heard him tell Mr. Smith that hi bought twenty-five dollars' worth of chips last night DISCOVERY I And Not Always Politely "People are not nearly so formal as they used to be." "No," said Mrs. Chugglns. "Near ly every time I go out In the car policemen to whom- I have never been Introduced don't hesitate to speak to me." Professor Bug Ah, this must be e Great Wall of China. Hi Place on the Team Uncle George I suppose you are on the football team? Tommy Well, yes, I do the aerial work. Uncle George What's that? Tommy I blow up the footballs. The Loafer I "How did that fella get out of tak ing his turn at cooking?? "He agreed only to cook the fish we catch." Newark (Ohio) Advocate. Por Kid! Old Lady Aren't you ashamed to be seen smoking cigarettes? Urchin WelL wot can ver do. lady, when the ole man pinches yer pipe? London Weekly Telegraph. The Idea Father Jane, that young Idiot Simpson's affaifs couldn't be In worse shape than they are. Daughter (Indignantly) You for get that I am to marry him. Papa. Tough Break Editor WelL how's that thrilling article getting ont - - - Author (looking up from blank pa per) Too thrilling for words. nn n 2 i i -1 i t I i J 9