, I ' ' I r 1 V 1 I Join CROSS U;:;u - - 1 THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MA , DISON COUNTY .'AA?A VOL. 33 8 Paset MARSHALL, N. C THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1934 .-kTsloo a yeah n ..' '3 SI?(w; J4 ! ' .... l ..r .'vTT:!- - f . -- CHOOt PIASTERS CLUB 1 HOLDS IMPORTANT Mmm years ' of. athletic represenUtion in the hlirh school which he. or she is ttendiiii&M,'.'.- I..' .V''ff?s.'-,'- -.7 -..No atndent'' arho faecam itren ty-on (81) years o vn o.nriefore' Sept: 1, of the present school , year shall be 'jtdble to represent his scnooi in the mter-scnoiastie. 'contests. S. Ans jchool failinjr to eive two days' prior notice of their inaibility to comply with the adopted basket' ball schedjiU shall he-subject to a fine of five dollars. Li Rikafd. Young; J ! r : fhterMting Progriutt And Rules Adopted ror imerflcnoiaius j ' - V - - ' Contests ifhe School' Masters Club met ' hursday evening:, November 28. for ne of the most important meetings if; thx year. , The followina; were, reaent: Sunt. . D.-: M. : Robinson: 1 Seech Glea, . X. Howell, Tomberlin; I oi" Springs, W. 1 Kucara, xoun UarshalU O. S. DUtard, DUHnfcham, lJ ' 'X ft- - A --. two f the sreatest junior college teams of the South will meef at Mars iJllL Brevard coBew in her three conference nmes has scored fifty eiirht points to nothing; Mars Hill in her. four eojnference tames has scor ed seventy-nine points to si.v Both teams hatt played' JT Intate and tees- mcnaef in tnese twff jrsmes Mars iiiu has scoref fifty-three points to noth ing! Bretatd . haj ' scored ; thirty-two point ;to 'nothing'. Brevard will have more weiiht while Mars Hill will per h? Hvethe fastest set of backs: . i if - " "7" CRBinNAL CC-ff MADISON COUNTY RAfCXS FIRST IN LOW ADMINISTRATION COSTS . " -'. r".t T" ' ' o l .' We unJergt,nL f t om t;h County Agent's office am IN MARSHALL two Murder cases being TRIED; JUDGE P. A. Mcelroy presiding that ELECTED "MISS h MAR SHALL" IN A RECENT BEAUTY; CONTEST ' j the farmers of Madispij Coutar haye received this year in rent. Hw AAA J iL, lit' "i Teasrue. Alden , Tomberlin, wible ; Mars HiU. NohtnrT. R Gibbs. P. R Ray; Sprinsr Creek. Birtreg8, Antrel, Meadows; Walnut, J. Q.-Wells, H. O. llllen. C. M. Roberts. Connell Rob erts: White Rock, Winston Cook, 1 r; ' n wr n4.i.l. I. n.w4I I" lr Iv commended the organisation on ns . ittppott of a better school system, in j. Madison County. j The program consisted of a series ht reports by the hwh school princi-', tals on the results of the state-wide j ieventh'wrade tests given last year. The consensus of opinion showed con- . clusivelv that the test is a reliable ) criterion for iudtfinir promotiorr. With' few oxceptions. the reports, or Uie.fr principals showed a close correlation betwe. the nuoil's test achievement. knd his abiiitv to do hixh school work this year. St. Robinson insisted that the principals give these tests this year in all the grades in order that each teacher and pupil ntisrht realise exactly what should be accomplished before making the steps to the next grade. .... 1 A a-eport including a schedule ana rules, was rendered for the Club's approval bv the County Athletic Com mittee, consisting of J. V. Howell of Beech Glen as chairman, R. A. Tom berlin of Marshall, and T R- Gibbs of Mars Hill. The Madison County Basketball Tournev will ouen Dec. 7. the opening half scheduled as follows: Dec. 7 Walnut vs. Marshall, at Walnut; Hot Springs vs. White Rock at Hot Springs; sprint ireeic Beech Glerii at Spring Creek. Tine. Mara Hill v Soring Dec. 14.Walnut vs Spring Week at Walnuti White Rock vs Marshall " worePrPUgn. n... 20Waln ttnf Rnrinirs went on a truck Sundaand Tturn- mmm wmm and. adjustments afeDroximatelv J58.0OO and thev will re. I cejye a total of about $ 100,000 S0,060 of tha amount ifor i rentea acres, pan oi it oeinir naid. in June and mor nt foiia. ,923,000 was paid out in the first ftdjustnieht and about io,uuu more is yerw come on tnia mo, justment in the spring after.the selling neariyeauaj the first adjustment. Mr. is a deficiency payment which will com sell a sufficient amount of tobacco to fi oi this second adjustment, the local ad to be taken istmnt A second ad feason has closed should mtnalr says, 'and' there to throe who' do not their allotment. Out listrative expenses are Miss Julia English Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Roberts, of Marshall. T Sfrm Of Mnrlianrl t!i Re-3tQiked With Fish Dec.- 20 Walnut Vs Hot Springs at Walnut; White Rock vs Beech Gle at White Rock; Spring Creek vs Mar shall at Spring Creek. Jan. 1 Mars Hill, vs White Rock at Mars Hill. Jan. 4 White Rock vs Walnut at White Rock; Hot Springs vs Spring Creek at Hot Springs; Marshall vs Beech Glen at Marshall Jan. ,8 Hot Springs vs Mars Hill at Hot Springs I Jan. 11- Spring Creek vs White Rock at Spring Creek; Marshall vs Hot Springs at Marshall. Jan. 12 Beech Glen vs Walnut at Red Oak. Jan. 16 Mars H01 vs Walnut at Mars Hill. s is-. With minor changes the eligibility rules governing Madison Countv in ter-scholastic contests ast year were adopted. Thev follow: 1. All students representing a school in athletics must be bona fide students. That is. the student must ed Monday srht. Mr., Fortner tells us they, bad line lucic bringing the fisli hardly any dyinjc v in transit. Some Marshall sportsmen paid ex? pense of tranoorting the fish from the hatchery. - BJLL DOCKERY IS WOUNDED WHILE HUNTING Administration Costs Lowest In Madison In this connection it is interest hg to note the lojur cost ef administration in, Madison County.; Wr. John W. Goodman, district extension agent, says that,:oki: idering the number of contract the work has been carried on n thist county at less ex pense than in any other courity in the state. That fact aiyoirt our local agenf s office is well worth Consideration. We onder- sxana aoout yu to 5 per cent of the farmers of Madison County iHeu up. a vote is to oe taxen among the farmers of the na tion in the near future to determine their attitude toward the AAA. 'Vffivl I Mr. Brintnall tells us that gpwnment officials are predicting that tobacco will brinir this vaar an avprao-P nf 1 Eo to 17c-almost 50 per cent increase over last year's price At last j a ii vvvuiu imvc ian.cn apuuija million pOUnuS OI lO- oacco 10 nave orougnt into tne (jounty the - amount received irom adjustment payments. ; ; " Superior Court for the hearing of fcrjipinal eases convened in Marshall rHonday. Judge P. A. McElroy pre siding.; Severs! minor oases were dis posed of before taking uo the first murder' case. Wednesday morning. As we go to press Lola and George Lbgan Franklin are being tried charg ed with killing Son Landers July 7, 1932. The trial of Jack Rice charged with killing McKinley Shelton and wounding Delbert Shelton in Octob er. 1930, is also scheduled for this court. 1 We understand court will not recess' for Thanks,giving Day. PURPOSE OF GOVERNS NT . ACCLAIMED "JUNIOR MISS MARSHALL" IN A CONTEST HELJ) RE XENTLY IN MARSHALL NATIONAL PARKWAi R OU T E National Parkway Route Will Traverse Famous Scenic A V Of. Western North Carolina RGE NUMBER OF ENTER ARM AND BODY BUT IS RECOVERING ha An iirt(ffiranrAHiiflt.A i rACpiilnv of.' tendnce taking the regular prescrib ed high school course. 2. To be eligible to represent anv school a student must be in regular attendance at ,t:iat school at the time of the inter-scholastic contest, and must have made an average daily at tendance record in that schoo! o' at least 60 per cent, measuring from tha Bill Dockery. of Enka, son o' Sir. and Mrs. William DockervVf.the Litt!e Pine section, was painfully in jured last Saturday afternoon while out hunting with two of his friends. A load of small bird shot aimed, at a - bird as he flew entered the left arm. side end hip of Mr. Dockery. He was rushed to an Aaheville hospital where his - condition was at first reported se.ious, but late? reports Wore, id the effect that the injuries were not so serious. Mr. Dockery wis at one time a member of thp, Walnut school faculty and is well known at Mar Hill,, where A3 a college student he was a football star. It is expected Asheville, N. C, Nov. 26. When the $16,000,000 Nation al Park to Park Highway, con necting the Shenandoah Na tional Park in Virginia, and the SHOT Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Park in Western North Carolina and eastern Tennes see, is completed, tourists trav eling the route will enjoy a panorama of some of the most noted scenery in America. In addition to the national parks themselves, (areas se lected for their outstanding scenic attractions), the 400 miles of the Parkway will re veal the great peaks and val leys, the tremendous rolling v'stas of mountains which are- characteristic of the southern and highest portion of the Ap- m v.i "T-VLTae a student must ' h ver in a few day,, make a passing grade on three regu- . - lar hisrh sphpol subjects. provision A student, need . ip oicla three subjects for graduation and.sbl. to take only .the three, must . pass tha thre subiecta taken. Note: The eligibility of the above rule is to be determin ed at the end of each school. " Rjpnth. ''iV'-''-i':'V'V';iY-,-; ...I t 4. To b eliprible a student must IFve within that particular school census district Which he is represent ing. - , a. 'Provision A student living : outside of a high school dis trict may be, eligible to rep- Smokies, the ' parkvay route will take the tourist at a high elevation over a broad motor way with easy curves through an area which will reveal to travelers on the highway an ev er-changing panorama of scen ic beauty. The parkway will avoid ci ties and will follow, to a large extent, a new route not touch ed by existing highways. Since it is a federal relief project, its construction will be started at the earliest possible moment and its completion expedited in the effort to provide employ ment. From Virginia, after travers ing that scenic section of the highlands lying, to the south ward of the Shenandoah, the new national parkway will en ter North Carolina at the fam ed Roaring Gap section, a re sort region of note Between Roaring Gap and Blowing Rock N. C, the route follows the 'y f -- I! v";"-filii ! --" ; if " ... Little Miss "Louise Sprinkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wi ley Sprinkle, of Marshall. MARSHALL P. T. A. NOTES The conception of government law as essentially social welfare av gencies . will have to be substitote for the conception of government aw essentially military in character. Toe end of the state will have te se thought of as justice, not power, sosi the purpose of government as social we11 being, not merelv as nrotectiaa against, enemies and the promotios ef prosperity. Political parties shoaloV be associations to secure. iuxtW mwA welfare for all. and not mere conHfet groups to secure selfish ad vantages for their own members. Pa triotism should be regarded as a vir tue onlv so far as it leads to unselfish service, not simply of one's own state, but all of humanity. I think this would be a high con ception of democracy, and of a sys tem of government such as our own, but it is not higher than the dreams and aims of the men who founded our republic. That we have not a yet realized these ideals does not mean at all that we. should abandoa them for lesser and lower ideals. For nothing can be condemned as un workable until it has actually beca given a chance to work. . It can be said truthfully, I think, that the last four or five vears have done more to show our citizens the value, of this new concept of over ment than all our previous history. The last four or five years have seen economic conditions in the United States that have been without parallel in our 150 years of history. The people want the "NEW rEAI and have so shown it by their vote in the recent election. Now, hats off and shoulders to the wheel and posh. "Nothing can be condemned m. workable until it has actually been given a chance to work." For, the last five years our peo ple have been in an unusual state of mind. We have been through one of the most devastating depressions and We have been nrettv miirh in dumos. W could The landmarks are indistinct aad neople have found fault with 'most everything. Sarcasm and irnnv mr the popular thine. Ptriotim love of country1 are hardly tolerated. -' As a Portle we are inclined to go 1 fromone extreme to another. And Wep have- , hltlt ' BAlr4vni A.nfo1 .4- r 1 ; . . ; ., kv.vM0 ..null. ...I , - -;- wjwmjt wciuuing our lamiiy, onr government.' and perhaps our God.--1 You know we have to have someone, or something, to Wlame our trouble on besides ourselves. We ' have another sitnntinn frontinsr us as citizens and it has been for some time that is a very serioav matter. And that is communism m4 all its associated "ISM'S" atheism, socialism. These "isms" are all directly or indirect!,, in definite opposition to American cjtienship. I feel that we will soon return to a realization of the fundamentals of life and citizenshifp common hon esty, fair and friend! v Ho.il vn n. rwith another, hard work, conscien tious endeavor and real, honest to goodness character. Thomas Jefferson in his inaugural address said. "Error of opinion may ine r.-i. a. win meet on uecem-, k. i.i.j . : . " - her ll. Tuesday, at 3,0'clock. instead ' X i kL f .v e rea81"' 18 le" i-L H. rrt 1 a. n vu"'""' SURSIIHL tWALEOPS -: rWINGATE Mars Hill Cellpge: N. C Mars HiU. - 26 November 1934 . (SflEeiAL v, srr Football . fans of Western North Carolina saw one of the best .teams ever to represent this section of the state in action here Saturday. It was resent the nign school. .. . v.:. truckriuS CVeBi J!; Va atndan .1,1,1, t... wcjruiiB pimyea encuy iounoen nun- WO Student Which has partici- tp. .rln twnf nointu Anr-in this time pa ted in any form of athletics in junior or senior collar, will be al lowed to represent a high school in athletic contests. 6. A student l allowed only four WALK".)? BAZAAR WALNUT it: tv ' METHC rilOPIST BAZAAR held at .. 1ST CHURCH " - WALNUT, N. C. Saturday, December 8 v Fane Work and Refreshments To Be Sold EVERYBODY WELCOME " N-29 D- Every man of the. squad saw action for at least fifteen minutes and the scoring continued. The sec ond and third teams scored fourteen more points and to outdo themselves they sco ted three more touchdowns only to be called back because of penalties. This gave them a possible score of thirty-two points for the three periods tht the reserves were In the game. - Tha outstanding fea . tore of thn game was the offensive and defensive work of the Mars Hill - line. On defense, not a single tackl was made by a back, everything Win gate offered be ins? smothered bv the line. On .offense, seldom did Wia " gate lineman atop a Mars HHI clay. . fcheir tacks having to make ninety I percent of the tackles. -Thanksgiving day . at two-thirty. palachian highlands. . According to the decision of ; North rarnliW Rino mdv th Secretaryof the Interior Hr-f frontal range of the highlands old . L. Ickes,' announced. No- j f aC (ng. toward th piedmont, vember 11, the route of the : At Blowing Rock, which Prkway..has been selected as .its,iname; fromtla jutting .eeflding.aouthward through pinnacle with a peculiar u Virginra into : North CarolTia ward current of air, the route and into the Great Smoky enters the central portion of Mountains National - Park, on the highlands and begins a its eastern approach at Chero- gradual and easy climb toward kee, , N. C. At this point the at crescendo of mountains Parkway will connect with the gurrounding Mount M tchell. trans-park highway which ex- j Beyond Blowing Rock, the tends over .the great div de of j route approaches Grandfather of on the first Tuesday. At this meeting on December 11. a program of Christmas carols will be rendered. Mrs.' 'Earl' Brintnall and Miss Hunt are preparing this Christmas music and it is hoped that many parents will attend. A Community Cook Book is going to be nut out by the P.-T. A., and all women ih'the.'community are urged to send a favorite receipt to any one of the following; Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. A. J. Ramsey, or Miss Thomas. Christmas seals will most likely be sold by the organization and we plan to have each business firm and fam ily solicited. The money will prob ably be used to help pay for clinics next spring. Yours for ths best, J. HENRY ROBERTS Mrs. A. O. Carter Dies At Mars Hill motor gar ItMonsale New Auto Tags Going On Sale December 1st Mrs. A- O. Carter, age 79. died suddenly Wednesday morning about 5 o'clock at the home of her son, Mr. Ash Carter, a stroke being the cause- of her death. She had bee. in declining health for. some time. but. was able to be up until the stroke took her. The .funeral service will be Thursday afternoon . at In stir " ; . 4 V one o"- Mrs. Carter is survived by the Smokies to-, Gatl.nburg, Tenn.1 -as-an approach to the national - Parkway f from the Included In the Voute of the Parkway'5' In . North , Carolina, will be such famous points of interest as Blowing Rock, the Linville -Falls a n d Gorge, Meunt Mitchell, highest moun- ta'n in the " east, ; tlie Great Craggy - Mountains '' crowned with a vast area of purple rho dodendron. Mount Pisgah and the massive Balsam mountains. The route of the great, scen ic motor route' was chosen af Mountain and passes around the shoulder of that f ambu vel- cvauon ' wiui lis commanqmg views of the rolling mountains on every hand. The route then passes near the deep Linville Gorge with its high L'nville Falls, passes through Gilles pie's Gap famed as a gathering place for the King' Mountain men and gains the beautiful high country which bears the title of Little Switzerland. . .Through Buck Creek Gap, the new highway will approach Mount Mitchell and pass with in a short distance of the sum- tef v careful consideration ofi mit 0f that famoua highest ele- proposea routes, ine nnai aes- ignation of -the route being vation in the east. From the Mitchell Range, tna mut then made by Secretary Ickes. From crosses to the Great Craggy the Shenandoah to the Great (Carried to 4h Page). North Carolina automobile license plates for 1935 wiB go on sale at the Carolina Motor club office on Pack Square in Asheville on December 1, Frank Miller, manager of the motor club branch announced Monday. Although, the plates maT be pur chased on or after December 1, they cannot be used until December 16, Mr. Miller stated. . .. " ; , A meetinir of manure rs of branches of the Carolina Motor club in Western v . bar husband. Mr. A. O. Carter sons. Messrs. A- E. and L. J. Carter; eae dauehter, Mrs. L. A. Bryan, an) eae sister, Mrs. Laura Haintd, ofiPar- rotsville, Terin. , ,, (, ' ... r. V tt, -Mrs. Pejsey Ball hisbeen, - ill ff or several weeks at her ham' near aere. - , j t I', LAUREL BRANCH BAPTIST CHURCH December 2nd, SiOO P. M. 2 P. M.r png Service leI by E. Morgan ; North Carolina was held Monday at 2:15 Devotional: "The Church"- the Asheville-Biltmore hotel. Talks' W. C. Blount , were" made by C W. Roberta, of 1 2 :45 Necessity of Bible Study-Mrs. Chatlotte. president of - the motor . C. Bryan -' " , clob; I ST Harris director of the 8:00 Reaching the Loot Through tker state' motor: vehicL - bureau: J. V. - ' . S. S. Miss Ethel Gregg . Webb,' of the state motor .vehicle ba-1 S:iB Offering and PejKirts reau, and, others. , - i v , 3:30 Senort of Orphanagjs Work - - Licenses for passenger csrs will , i (Robt Tweed ' . . range' from 112.50 to S35 and from ,3:45 General S. S. Address R. II. $16 to S16tf for trucks depending on . Lea the Weight. Mr. Miller explained. '4:15 Announcements and adionrar n.- - J .V . !!, December 31 must hsvo 1935 license, plates Asheville' CMun. 1 .'. 'l...r.-;.:,',sy..v,,As -r , -;: men m ' FRED JEnVIS. E-rt, ' LOLA ARROWOOU, Eecr t I i I '.It O . -- - N

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