ft 9J l, . v j'' ' V ! ' .T, ; ' ... p .I... I! . ' . , ! : . - I t V ;v 1 1 r nr-pni ; i U Uun- J vj! VOL.33' 8 Pages i;v ;Nprr' .. join . Vjl -Vy, y3 ,,J iV-7,V-V u.iX. cross II ' hi i i i i i lnr. ? , .- : . ' THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAI : 6f MA - DISON COUliTY MARSHALL; N. C.yTHURSPA'', ', DECEMBER 13, 1934 BASIiETBAIl TOIJRNAJIENT TO BE HELD AGAIN AT MRS HILL COLLEGE A ( Teams Retiring To Enter Do So At Once ""J-.--: Coach Coach that the Basketball Roberts announced today Mr Hill College. ' - 'Mars Hill; N. C. t ,11 Decs.mber 1934. (SPECIAL) Roberts announced today 10th annual Hiarh fichool :- Tournament would b held at Mars Hill February 26. March 1 & 2. Thi oarnament has embrac ed the best team in western wonn Carolina and each jear twelve to six teen counties are represented. The tournament has srrown to such size that the teams have to be selected from the manv applicants. Until a few years ajco thirty-two teams were permitted to enter. This made far tnn miifH rtnofQf l a anH it waa de ' U limit the meet to sixteen -teams. I These sixteen teams are selected by a committee of five faculty members of Mars Hill -College. Those teams desirous of entering the meet must secure application blanks from Mars Hill and properly fill this out and re- if turn it by February gfltn. U is not necessarv zor any county i" n-jiu tournament to decide who shall come as the committee will select its own teams. The tournament t Mars Hill is strictly an invitation tournampiit. Associated Press and other Press writers hve termed the meet at Mars Hill one of the best in the coun try as to the quality of basketball played, as to the manner in which the meet is carried on and as to the at TO MAURY CHRISTMAS DAY 'l '' ' ; s y V J MISS MARY LAURA VAUGHAN Announcement was recently made in tne News & Observer of Raleigh, that Miss Mary Laura Vauehan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Vaughan of Nashville, is ensraged to marry Warr;n Thomas Davis, Jr., of Hot Springs and Greensboro Christ mas Day. The groom to be is the son ol ,Mr. " "... . . . . . I I IltT HlUUlll IfU Kf ' tendance and interest th public in and Mrs. Warren Davis of Hot general has shown. For the past five Sprln)rg( N. c.. well known residents vears the house has been sold out for tt-Ai.nr.rt.-.v f v. wnnm tn he' the last two nignts Well before game tthr is the cashier of the Citizens honored by, appointments , to this board. The other three are Teunss- see. Virginia, and riortda. j s;.-' : ' Mayor in.Wamboldt attended '- the second annual convention of the f? ganuatlon in Umcago. November 24.-. inclusive,' and took ' prominer t nart m th discussion of various c.t problems brouzht before the meeting, He is one of the best knows mayors in the State and a nooular newsnaner columnist whose articles appear daily in- leading t newspapers througl)0ut the 'country'. ' ?.f.,i ru?. .-.f'' The United SUbis Conference of Mayors represents at tn present .time municipalities comprising thirty mil lion people. It is the first time in history that the heads of American municipalities have organised nation ally to protect and (promote the Inter ests of municipalities. , Although' the municipalities embrace two-thirds of the people of the United States, they have heretofore been but fieebln rep resented in the deliberations at the national capital and in state legisla tures. Heretofore, the individual mayor had to beg for recognition at the national capital. But through the United States Conference f Mayors, the mayors of the nation are lot only welcome in Wasnington, but mm.. 1 : . i ; iultations that affect the welfare of municipalities. It is understood that PresidentwSoosevelt approves the ex istence of a well-knit organization through which hex can directly con tact the municipalities of this coun try. Th; board of which Mxyor Wamboldt is a member, acts in i.jrn odvisory capacitv to the executive committer on matters of Dolicv and program in connection with the press-, ing municipal problems which require action bv the United States Confer ence of Mayors. PRICE $1.00 A YEAR 1932 and earhr'lfr83. If continued, the K):rr-Smlth act. Mr, Brintnall added, v will be assur-: ancajbat production can be controll ed and prices kept far above thta! 1932 level. . . ,.: :.-. . rr ...'.f1-...'. BASKETBALL WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? time. Sylva and Leicester -are the only two teams that can win perma nent possession of the big basketball, as each have won twice Very truly. T. H. ROBERTS. Play Is Fetur Of Women's Club Meet The sale of the Red Cross Christ- Bank at Hot Springs, a ipublic spirit ed citizen and a leader in business, civic and religious activities f his town.f Mrs. Davis heads the Relief organisation of Madison County and is also an active worker in other pub lic activities. The father of the bride to be is a lawyer of Nashville. N. C, The groom la i feulier at Greensboro. mas seals was launched here last . u-vinw mtinateA at the University Thursday evening by a program Jv- of NorthGarolina about two years a- an hsfnre tha Women Club. Mrt. , Tk r-;aA. vr.- Obie Jarvis was . thev-woetam Matraj'T one usea a pntyiev wnica ioa uw the coming event. S history of the Red Cross Christmas -7- Seals. Mildred Lucille Runnion o- . - ; pened the program with a reading. , traveling for several months, Oth r children taking a part in the playlet were Marjorie Carter, Mary Stincfield. Emily Olive. Luther Jar- I vis. Leu Wood, Billy Huff and Wil burn (Jarr. Members 01 the ciuo are responsible for the seal sale here this year. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Locke Robinson. Hostesses with her were Mrs. Stringfield and Miss Ferguson. Guests of Mrs. W. F. Robinson for th? week-end were her sister-in-law, Mrs. iHarding, and her niece, of Mocksville. The collesre closes Saturday for th Christmas holidays. Practically all of the boarding students and teach ers will bii leaving then for their va rious homes -unless Ihy are snow bound, whicn at this time we would not predict as unlikely. December 20 It Operetta Date ' Miss Fitzgerald and Mr. Henry Clay Edwards are using all their spare time at the high school now on an operetta which is to be presented in the school auditorium on the even ing of December 20. High school pupils will giw; the operetta, but the rhythm orchestra, under the direction , of Mrs. J. B. Huff, will have several : numbers on the program. Th adrnis- I sion charges will !be within the reach j of everyone, , and sino no operetta' has been given here lately, no doubt th? audience will be a large one. : spring creek : : high school: 41 ie SENIOR PLAY "Kicked Out of Coll;ge." a college farce in threo acts by Walter Ben Hare, will be presented by the Senior class of th? Spring Cji:k high school in Madison County, baturday night, December fifteenth, at 7 :30 o'clock. A program of this play will be found on another page of this' paper. A Christian is a disciple of Christ, and a discisle of Christ is one that follows Cmst. How many of us get the right thought about a Christian life? Dear friends, when we start out to live a Christian life, it means more than merely adding our name to the church book. It means for us to be Christ-like, and to be Christ-like we must obey Him. I feel like there are many who profess to be Chris tians who are not living np to their duty. ,., . ',-, . ' ; - .'.3 Pure and undefiled religion' before God the Father is this to visit this fatherless and widows in their aflfiic--tibn.i: to keen" , one's $elf jinsaetteJ ' mean sickness t altogether. - If ,w should see .; pdM orphan child or widow in heed or in sorrow and dis tress in any way, e should land a- helping hand and by so doing we lend a helping hand to Christ, for He raid Inasmuch as ye have' done it unto one of the least of these ye have done it unto me. And to serve Christ we must serve one another. And to" keep one's self unspotted from the world is to live a pure life and not partake of the evil things that sinners engage in. How can we be a light to those that are in sin if w hava our lives all smutted over till the light can't shine through. lEIven sinners. when you talk to them about their e vil ways, will say that it's no harm to play cards or take a drink. They will say that church members and even preachers do such thn'gs. God oitv a man that goes out to be a leader for uod's children and that will partake of such evil things. I want to ask vou, how many times vou found in God's Word where Christ sat down and played cards with his friends? How many times did anyone find Him Fires on Monro Castlo-and t V-1'' Nome, Alaska, Received : ;HeipofRd Cvu-yt;:r :,'.,- xorfcerf fjl ' ", " 1 1 '.'; :' A number of tragic and unusual disasters have recently called tor 'Red Cross reliel. ";'.:: ;.'; ;v Included, In them have been flood tn Kentucky; following a series of cloudbursts In August; epi demics of disease which threatened several sections, including some ' caused by drought conditions'.' Red Cross workers found much to' do for the survivors of the ' Monro Castle fire and tor those enggged in rescue work; and Red Cross re lief went by airplane to Alaska when the famous old gold camp,' Nome, burned m September;' ,4' ' AT MARS HILL UNDER FULL SWING ..'Jf ho oil in Vour vessels, and your mwn til gone outT How ead. it.wul te when the door is shut and you can t ofe go ; Into the marriage supper of ie Lamb, We heaf.sp much talk a 1 vui tbe condition,, af, tn- churches t jay. , pear friends.,1 tear there is t o niuth talking tq each other and not 'enoiighytalking -. toi.VGod ; about things. -r' '''if-H;: ' 'tN' y .!'-?l1if hun fcsiUost Its power be causa f Christian not doing their rutK and living- the life they should. Wt 'cannot txpect Cod's spirit to work through iia if we hold any enw or hatred in our hearts toward each .other.- '-, " , ; ..,.s -Christ, k the Head of the church and wS are the members, and each memoear must do bis part toward mak ing the? church what it ought to be. One member can't do the whole work of the-' church; neither can two or threei; put it takes every member, And yrt must go to God to get strength to do the work that is re quired of us. I fear that too many Of us depend uoon our own strength too much. We trv to do something for; the 'Lord and fail to have the suc cess we think we should because we don't.gy often enough to God for His Jrela ii what' we undertake to do. And when we 'ask apythmg. of Him we must (believe that Ha will rive it afed"ve shall, receive it. Dear broth ers ana sisters, as ;w.tP0..a-- ine wprid today and see-so many souls wandering in sin, going farther, and farther", awav from God. let us wake -wt)t,(ur' duty and call on God more Alt filthiness of the flesh-and Spirit and keep ourselves unspotted from th wosld. " For someone is follewiag us, and if we take the wrong step, somebody is going to ake 4hat step, too. f God forbid that .any . of us should take a step. that would ;ause sdmepoor soul to be lost. Think a bout it, friends, and may God help us to keep everything out of our hearts but pure love to God and to each oth- er, ., ::lm us pray for each other more. that God would bind us closer in uni ty ani love with one another, and let us always remember the poor lost souls tcj ask God to exted His love and mereyvig jthem and hasten the time When tbev will wake Un to their Inst condition ;and accept Jesus as their Savioui before they have to go into etetnit unprepared to meet God. and hear; tjhafc awful sentence Depart from smei l ' know vou 'not and: he cast into (outer darkness where there is weening and gnsnhmg i jYouif sister in Christ. . Afe i in North Carolina.',' HOME-RUN - Governor Ehring- :' ;, 1 w -if '--Trust: N. f f Ct f 0-ion, i .n,nDM haus hit on oyer-he f encn whe hsj im JHSlSpira appointed- Brayittoli esiSntan nn? V i-r (SPECIAL) . ,'Baeketball la under full swing at Mars Hilt with more than thirty can' didates out for the varsity team and tramural teams. Only two men: with any previous experience reported1 for th team. Thev are: Hawkins and Hunt.i both guards from 1933-84. j Hawkins was a regular while- Hunt 1 was a substitute, There are several likely, prospects in Murrell, KelL I Jones. IPark'T." Kropff, Parker. An ders, Bankhead, - Prje, Chatham, ' Fleetwood, vHoyler Pearson, Spcer, Yelton and Robinson. . Three games ;, will be played at Mars Hill before thev Christmas vacation, those being with Asheville School, Enka and Blanton's Business Colkge.' , A week's trip wiU be made during the holidays.: Dec IT at Rutherford college, 18 at .'Oak Ridge, 19 at Wingate, 20 atBelmont Abbey, 21. at Spartanburg. February 11, Mars Hill-will leave1 for a trip through Kentucky ", and Tennessee, playing at Pikeville, Ky Feb. , 11. London, Ky., Feb. 12. thsn 13, 14. i 15, 16. games will be played in Ten- nessee with Maryville. Wesleyan, Hi- awassee, - and the Americas Legion injjfewport. "-.v":'. .- rhe- season will run about two , weeks longer this Year thaa usual as , the Southeastern Tournament 4s net . h?ld until March 8. 9 this year. This , , , , . . , 1 will enable Mars Hill to hold her an- Inual ihign school tournament at the TrTTxrrMirxTa n I time it has been held for years: T -V"V" u C February 28. March 1 & 2. THROUGH STATE CAPITAL KEYHOLES By Bess Hinton Silver Walter ' Lambeth has scored with thousand) of North Carolina home owners who had filed application (for loans with the Home Owners Corp- Several of the hest iunior and se nior college teams of the state 'and' South will appear on the Mars Hill floor this year. Among them are oration ouu wnose capers naa not , Tnnt.. WuUv.n ni.n..,,. reached the leal division at the time thp HOLC ord;r stopping applica-1 ..'w, ' tions canie through, Representativp J - ' " 1 Lambeth bucked the line In Washing-! , - i, , - ' , ,.' ' ton and there are hopes that he "wiU restj. who. Has been critically ill for load tne home-owners to victoryl two months and is not expected to ro has been much criticism af the Weaver.!, : Just another occasion when, HOLC in this State. S?nator RobeH Keyholes was ahead of the news ah -R Reynolds and Congressman rank CPttfi:ntial information pre- J one of IHis ahildren. y r :?a, aim, m; $:,!:: iRaleQ. " ' w PLANS ANNOUNCED ,..1 "- FOR TOBACCO VOTE Ati th Hlount Street W MnsioiUrt?kArmJ? tt-.HkW Pubhc;-Jf The Kerr-Smith' referendum in re gard to continuance of the tobacco control act in 1935 will be held in Madison County soon, according to Earle Brintnall. county ag-.nt. Pollinfc places in the county will be open. for. receiving ballots, he said. Mr. Brintnall 'said that the eligible voters will be persons who own or rent land on wnich tobacco was grown in 1934 or who .zievr tobacco this year as owner, rentx. share-tenant, or share-cropper. The tobacco grow er who did not sign the contract is elieible to vot)?. Ii growers representing three fourths of the 1934 tobacco acreaal? vote for continuance of the act, a tax win ne lmzasea in iH3ft on thp an Basketball Games Missionary Society Ho'.di Installation Service An installation service for the new officers of the W. M. S.. was th; main feature of the regular meet lastj Monday afternoon. Mrs. P. L. Moor 3, associational supt. of W.M.U.. had o r 1 ,.u " charge of the service and by display , ft,, 0PT.i!1m of chafU and maps, gave a very ap- L?6" ipropriate talk bringing out the need fvridSy tWk1wofc f,m for willrnjr workers to sot the reed 'T""-" .""" M"r 'J i AY. in the world as a -field.-. Year '.'books" "V',"1'"? r7 "vwo Wi xv and new prraiuoui ,uu cuweicunmraii., . t Viav.a.. Mm .t . ,u rH.'o an umA"J F . MjRot i; F V. Robinson Hi Hill (2) Henslr" (I) SiTifi? dr8m Sh0P,r tobaccoT; gros who h-. evi!nlace? I am sure if vou are fol- si,ned adiustmpnt. mntt. lowing Christ VOU will not: finH Him there. D-3ar friends, examine vour- cplves and see if you are following unnst or nave you lost your way? Be careful, watch and pray for the prom ise s only to them that endure unto the end. And I .feel that the time is very near when Christ will l-idn nut on the clouds of Glory to claim his sig-ned adjustment contracts. If the act fails to carrv the elec tion, the growers who signed con tracts will b; required to abide bv the contracts or return to the govern ment all rental, Ibenefit. and equaliza tion payments received. I However, growers who did not sign would probably increase thhir pro- auction, Mr. Brintnall said, until k-i. A 1 I , V I , w.11 nu he Hv th-Hsh virgins W'to The 00. - - - 1 worKS , commission.. 15 is expeciea jthat he will succeed Mr. Jsffress as- ! Chairman and that Irnena this imnnr- SERVES AGAIN The appoint-' tant job in the .populous Piedmont ment of James L. McNair, X,aurin- section. In addition the Assistant burg, capitalist and sportsman, as a Chairman will appear before legis member ef the Board of Conserva- lativ romrilitteea next session amf tion and Development has brought , that's where he shines. He made an pifaij from spoifmen passing excellent record in the 1931 House of through Raleigh enroute east for Representatives and in the 1933 Sen duok, goose, puail. de.'r and bear ate and enjoys .the confidence of hunting. Mr, McNair is a former members of both branches. That member of the Old State Highway means a lot when time comes to iron Commission and himself (point a out difficulties. It has been charged wicksd shotgun and baits a tempting in the past that the Governor didn't hook. . j knew how to make competent ap- ipointments in line with political wis- CAPITAL PUNISHMENT The ' dom. Such a charge will no longer electric chair at State's prison is go-. hold water with those who specialize ins: to get some attention from the in the gentle art of politics. coming Legislature. Dr. Charles A. Peterson, prominent Sprues Pine HOLDING HIS HORSES Lieu physician and Republican member tenant Governor A. H. (Sandv) Gra of the House from Mitchell county, ham isn't in anv hurrv to start his is expected to introduce a bill to 'campaign for the Democratic euber chansre th: method from the plectric natorisl nomination in the nrimaries chair to death in a lethal gas chani- of 1936. The Liput nant Governor bcr. It is also expected that efforts is first concerned with niakine a rec will be made to give judges power . ord as nresiding officer of the 1935 to impose lif j imprisonment sentenc- 'Senate. He well knows that an nouncement for any other political' office would cast the shadow Nf sus picion on his every act during that session. He'll make up his mind a bout tunninj? for Governor after sur veying his own record as second in command. But you can jt4this down on your cuff Sandy Graham is not a dead issue in North Carolina pol itics watch him. le world as a -field. -. Year '.'books "Xi ? 7 w othrr material were given to the "i8 i ,"i jL u 1. - JBoys'i Line-up: ml?!: cJ?"?"?r s Sarin.- Cr. U21 p., in irew unrcen are;: cresiuent. sua. , -j- ,m . j; W. fluff 1st vioi-pesident, -i Mrs., lP ; UtlUR. J'WV Tf Mlj all-U TlVU-flCDlUC;iU lUiBt tt rjt, . v - G ' . Roberts v substitutes: Spring Creek' ,W Price - and Woody; Beech Gten L. Ray (2) and H.' Robinson. s otines circle leaders. Mrs. W. F. Robinson, Mrs. Guv George.. Mrs. Fiord 1 Hol combe, and Mrs. W. E. Abrams; Y.W. a. counselor, jura. n. m. i;anur? u.a. -.. . . counejor. Mrs. Guy MerriU; Sunbeam 'iWcrnffrllL B'.fc ru.Vi leader. Mrs. Dewey Blakn. -'SKJ",Sr.t 18 B 5? ( T'le yearly reports of the diffoWnt -(V ii V""'' iLii" ill officers showed hat the society had SaK 1? i - 'Au ii grown in numbers nd that more kinds .AVV S'v TaJJIi of work bad been done. The faithfuls :-L G fflj ness and seal of the out-going ores- -r-Mw-ir ' r u' " '' ; pk2. fBLSWS wTXr was bad. tie &LJfiEE? ial iourTwhich rfofleASi "' nrtmr Creek). uom wmm vn vxcitemeni wnicn aiwayi a a ' t r t I j. " t i accompanies the annual re-arrangj-- IVlayor VVambOlat Vfa i ! ' ment of circles. . . .. I k A .1.. rill ' urH'J " i , r Aiaucviuc . nonorea TOM P. JIMISON'S Witty Column of DaiSy Observations -in- if : TllJi CHARLOTJE NEWS Fearless HtoriaI Features Galore es in cases woere tne .lury returns a verdict of guilty of a capital offense but recommends mercy. That would untie judgrs hands from the manda tory death sentence and take a gn:at load off the Governoi and his farole commissioner. AViv iauo snorts are going to De made in the General Assembly to reduce the price of State automo- Due license tags instead .of divert ing highway money to other jurpo;g, The motorists; will like that but; not the., politicians who.vwant- to- collect from . the uncomplaining car-owner and spend the money .alsewhere to avoid ether -more unpopular 'taxes. The highwav department is also go i' - to need several millions to re pair roads and Dut tb:m back in the condition thev were two years ago w-en the Legislature rout legal lim its on how much of the motorists money could be spent for the pur pose for which it was collected. r.;-,'-f. '? Vy i: W . t '! All The News I I.. ? ' - " t Par.M.1. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brirra. of t " Qr.i.i r rv. T..v,ijvV wtfh LtM,Dot !ii?,y t0 SnBBFi. The anoointment of Mayor WickeS mZ7inZ!!!!?il!&F M a member and Mrs. J. G. Brigw, Mis; Athe'ene, of the advisory board of the TTnted f ?ed hrrother to States Coafarenc of Mayors, just 'Mrm i J lZ,? ttell a'i snnounced by the director of the con Mrs. R. R, Riddle ets to I"ve fertnee. is considered -bna..of the hhwff?V?ejpMtait honors ever accorded a . rfx"ne XV meet '!er bn,l,snd and North Carolina Mavor." caughter, wuma, who have been . Only four southern state wers ": " t ' ; -- :. THE CHARLOTTE NEWS ; ''.i- ' ' "' ; ,:. A'-- s-'i ; f. , .-; Twenty Cents Per Week By Carrier I? RESTORATION With continued increases in living costs and some increase in Ktata own ami fnt enUES it is now hplioviwl in , manv Mniormea quarters on Canitol Hill I mat school ' teach :rs and other State employees stand a good chance Of having SOmp of their has aala. ris restored b the General Assem bry; , It's : been lean 1 pickings' for state hird.. help for the past two years. .-'----'. -.--.;. JUST OPINION Several fecisU tive veterans drifting into Raleigh f or i one reason or another have ex presstd ithe i opinions tnat the 19S6 session will not last mora than -nfnptw days. These menDoint jout ,that m- ditions' which kept tie boys ia she Capital City for more than four months during the ipsfc two. sessions hav: just about vanished. The sales tax held the 1931 session long over time- In 1933 closing of the banks gummed up the works. It is orctty generally agreed that the sales tax. enacted in 1933. will remain on the books and no banking holiday is ex pected to upset .the applecart. If that speculation is corr ct members of : the General - Assembly mav not have to write homo for their Palm Beach suits before Sine .die adjourn ment. - V y:..r.A:- RELIEF The auestkm of State contribvftion to tn federal relief program mav not bother the General Assembly ouite as much as anticipate , ed. The federal government is go ing to insist that the se-jsni States kick in on caring for those without ' employment but does not Specify that ' State -governments must' do all the. -chipping in. - It is entirely probable- ' that the master may be settled on a -county basis . with s etch local nnit k'cldng in its shar. In that event the State would not have to raisA so snuch in taxes for relief. .Many coun ties .having few persons on relief rolls might favor county rather thsn - but? relief .taxes. At least, that's wtiat some 'people having rertationa ftANjSi; XtHll BELLt Last ..r week Keyholes told yon thfe vCapus M. Waynick.-v who - had resigned ' hi post-as North .Carplipa Dirrctor ' of the- Federrl Reemployment "projrram to return' to editorial desk on the High Point ; Enternriae. iiht Ht another public appointment.- V Be fore soma, papers had the opportunity lo publish that item Mr. Waynick was "noointflri Assistant Chairman the State Highwav and Public Works Commission, clothed with all the now. era held by the Chairman. E. B. Jeff- for seeing beyond their noses believe-' r f 1 1) t

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