1 I K . j. VOL.33 l-f 0 Paget LOCAL MASONS INSTALL OFFICERS I Jesse' J. Bailey Succeeds Dr Sam As Worthy Master T MPRESSlYE CEREMONIES ATTEND INSTALLATION Tuesday night at 7 :30 o' clock.' the Masonic Lodge of , Maralinll Vialrl inatfl.llat.ion cere-1 . monies at their hall," Members j of the Eastern Star order and ' some otner: visitors were reviv ed. Dr. W. A- Sams,? retiring Worthy .Master, read, the ritu al of the order, as each officer was presented Dy juarsnai a. . a m -a. r . a W. Whitehurst. Officers install ed 'were as follows i ' J.lJ:Buey.-Worthy Hasten MiBahiy: Senior Warden ;'A, A. Gregory, auaar .-Warden RalohvFialnr..Secretary Jack Ramsey. .Treasurer: 3r.irl B. TWtmtfre, BenJt"BcimiyXaaud Sawyer, .Juhior epgty; J rrtt Freeman, Senior Sentinel ; Mr. L. Bnttain, Junior Sentinel ; Bob Rector. Tyler. " The acceptance ; speech of the Worthy Master was timely, welt taken and masterful. Part of ,ttMuoted below? Follow ingjtlijs sfceeclfc several visiters were upalled upon and respond ed ftitfcshonspeechefcAeloA. er o6fieration between the two oVdrsJpasona; "and:! Eastern Starsw-was fcojnissL "Refresh r"'rrwerej;s?rvedl.l7"'th:la' session was held "by thV order before adjournifeentii irj- 1 Worthy Master's -Address. We, the people of -the United( Na tion of the Worlds have lived hard er, moved faster, climber higher, and wrought more gloriously in- the last twenty-five years thin in any one to tal century since dawn first smiled upon the bleak raw universe. In all the epochs of time from thai famous garden party in Eden, man-kind nev er before aimed so high, planned so broadly or achievd so splendidly. We know the schedule of the Comets and the age of the stars. We have become fishermen and birdmen. We swirl I like eagles triumphantly in the face, of the sun. We have replaced living beasts of burden " with throbbing, whirling steeds of steel.' The hate ful, merciless battalions of plague and pestilence no longer creep with in oar wails. " With microscope and antieceptk, science is '' devastating the hords which -once played greater havoc than the sword. The legends of tradition, .song and story are trite and commonplace compared with the GYlINASimi ANftSWf' wia nan uub Xieinj er -a are v -Pvrpose v ? MR. BETTS MAKES PROPHECY ! ! At the last meeting', of the Civitan Club: which was. held at the Marshall Baptist church. where tbe women of the church served a delicious - dliner ' for the benefit of missions, three matters were discussed and committees appointed to look into these matters: . . ' 1. A gymnasium and swim ming pool to be built in connec tion witn tne gcnooi ontne is land. It is thou crht that relief will be more in the line of pub lic works and it is hoped that this project may be approved and that work on it may start in the near future. Dr. W. E. 4 -.r..-: : SPECIALIST TO MEET FARMERS SAT. DEC 29 - Mr. L. L Case. Livestock f Cattle Extension Special- 1st, will meet farmers of Avery; Madison, Mitchell, "" Yancey counties interested in vmrfflV 'itMkei' SAW JEARLEXt -words that flash from ships a thous and miles apart, with trains that rum- Ible under the Hudson Rivera across the Kocky Mountains, wim scam that weiglr the down of lutterlly'i wings; . We press a buttem sad a city flashes to light, 'W ttffe a o and w hear a nrtstef ,Vowe Durst Into soiu. ,This W the hour o( the .hftstjpa- I stands for what Tie. u tend owns what -he, .can t htfully reach. The narrow, r i,' c in " ir reacfy WrepIiMse t.im."Tiie ybung man is Challentrinjr'his ability wt ToK" lss lie constantly irtnews his vitality finit revtnw' hi lcnbwledfrtf:'n!ess he keeps posted' land keeps pacing; unless he adds tolTiis mental ;Wt the newer tools of thought and trade, the newer systems and newer economic he cannot hope to competes in the building of tomorrow. No-mmd rest can do its best. There Is : nO end to the greet road of "achievement. You can only advance toward per fection you can never reach it. Real ambition is insatiable. It is flame to be fed with fresh fuel everyday, There is always a' higher target at which to shoot. When you succeed,? one task it simply proves that you ' AA.n4AM tH . ma Ir a .aunt llAt. The ox cart would,, never have evolv ed into, the automobile. The tage coach could never have become the Dixie Flyer; the oil lamp coqld -never have brightened into the Incandescent bulb if self satisfaction had, blunted the eagerness and vision of our fore fathers. You do not know what you can do until you try to do JJ. We are beginning to believe in- hnpos- s-V-... . j v rv-- r-- , rs?iu named , oa this conrmtttee to confer with the Board of Edu cation -and ; see what can be done. " " : " i- -' 2. The pole at the - lower end of - town which supports power wires wa8 reported to the fib by the Rev. W. C. Blount u a menace to traffic. All agtdcd that it is a menace, that the highway should be - , nrra4 2 i io-3 tttr made wider at that point. Mr.ghared equally w'th other citi- V MARSHALL, N. C...THURSDAY, igi:orus HIGH SCHOOL GLEE The Marshall school is propariflg to stage an enter tainment Friday night, Dec.,21 at 7 :3D,jhat all the patrons of the school should attend. ' It is to be absolutely free and out of the ordinary school entertainment. It iito We a pageant of a bout 150 characters all the way frojnMe lower grades up through the Tiigh school. One of the most interesting features other tmimmm&it z?zt llHtln sibUities. we -e 4thaatteg "n;;thferlpoWplaced,Jl8e'wher'e. minas soout men wwa vwion, xney are having a remaAable inning in this century. Our civiiisatioa. has seen more improvement in "one year thanking George beheld in his en tire reign. In fact, we are the wisest and boldest adventurers and crua4 era that ever walked across Che pages f human history . (We have Come to tbe magicians- more potent than the wizards, of, ldand ,yet 'this ,very shrewdness continually threatens our progress- if l ;not .our; very existence.' From'the; existence of timeandvfof ' 2 . ntvW to Cvs the piliplc ry huVe-'been "and;".!!! be the r"t oundaCioft lpon7) whka ,rvilisa- Ltion' exists Will we decUn to xarryl on n un xavevoi '(umcHiuea c vtu we sacrifice some hunuMq personal and,' physical effort for the genera tions to come? The question, is -yours. I thank yon. ' . .. r , J. A. Campbell, who is connect ed :with the power company, Was asked to see about having rim ;rn iu n u ma m um u n u im n u bjii REPEAt dFGAiS TAX DI VERSION MAJOR PROBLEM FOR LEGISLATURE Gasoline , tax diversion was piciuren not amy as umu lu motorists but harmful to the a ' - j i tt a t entire state, in a statement ,4s sued by Senator Horton e of "It ifl like taking money from a son; who earned it and giving it . to : a lazy son who didn't, . the. Senator said. "It is bad for both. Keen it up and the industrious son. will quit earn invide:feI:.ff Jairs8i.Vd4ert dvwuiigfhigb Wy dpartmfcTids tdthr dertmsMrlsiintil Jtadfrd-tae is therein singling out motors ists to xarrs: even a Dortion of the; burden , of the general fundv That fund should be sup ported by all citizens, 'not by any one particular group. ' ,; i. ."Motor vehicle owners pay personal property taxes' on au tomobiles as well 8. bn other property'.. As a"clas. they' are among the - state's' promptest tax payers. -After . thev have .7 O , V .. L MBER 20, 1934 .DH OTHER 1 i i r LLS TO FURNISH near- the depot - was reported toe tarraw,-. making it danr gc"-! for two oars to cross thj rr ' -If at the same time. Mr. G - ',) Roberts, attorney for t! , then was asked to take t' ter up with the railroad c y and have the crossing l ider. ' ' ' Anson CU : Betts, of , c. vtrvjlle, who happened to e in I farshalDwas Invited to ten J 'he ' :r: C!!d-apbh short speech, Jir. '4etidiijA !fw words, e' laTpl that the Southern" "Kauwaya tracks woudi'be "hloVedutbf th6 river from' Newport to Asheville ami 'that' data would ; be, rbuilt'"-above : Hot Springs which .would back the water almost to Marshallone of the .finest power danis being ctthsidnsdr.by -ihe : TVA. It u;rai ima m n u mi w ;im mjmimin bjj ni va aiens in the cost of state govern . i. : . i i x ' mnt, it is rank injustice to re quire them to pay more. Senator Horton endorsed the campaign initiated by the Highway, Protective League of North Carolina and said he be lieved .the next legislature would end diversion. "It is. a question," he said, "the legislature must solveto osWnen)tning; an,average f iwniljefitoreai motorists rap- rMteithiirjii jof iour;4otal. I siace popuauon. i nai is too " i . rrv a : rapeo Abaye oweT!hW8:.-?rt8tr4e.w en care of, Our; highway de partment is second to none, but its personnel is going to pieces because :.tof . layoffs, and low wages. -We .must stop, that. People can't live decently on what many of our highway de partment employee are, get ting. ' -j-f ' V . . "The Highway .Protective League is r ght." Gas tfex diver- sion should be stopped.; Proper maintenance ana neeaea new J FEATURES WINS CAR IN ASHEVILLE TRADE JUBILEE ..- CONTEST L MRS. FRED SPRINKLE To a Marshall woman comes the distinction of winning the Plymouth sedan offered to the persottyjgetthig the jreatest number Of votes in district num; bear twOi. which wag composed oWatauga; MtDowell; Avery, .MltehelYaheey 'and MadiSoh courltien tbtrkde iubilee-of A.;!-.v 1' !-lerch r"-- K 1 "t- ng considerable! interest for about two monthfti Mrs. .Sprin ge wonove? a number ,of ,con- (escanis in,, tne aooye namea counties. Mrs. Sprinkle polled 8,856,100 votes to - win .the Plymouth. The next highest in Ir . l r a . r ' ' lvinaiBun vounw was,, jyusa Shirley Gibbs of Mars Hill, who had 1,895,700 votes. aa ntA tfcof O,rt-T0 i,j vv ao ont yv-vjs , kiv ck ou-a v j aacs already , been made ; by ' the Southern with a view to taking the track out of the river The next meeting of the Club vill be Friday of next week at Lone ,o clock at the rrencn Broad hotel, the fme having been changed on account of the Christmas holiday rush. tS1rothers SERIOUSLY ILL ADOLPHUS -ROBERTS AND BROTHER EDDIE NEI , TER VA Bi. E TO rMrs MrV Daviai'irf fimWf aiHRbfcerts settoasly -in. nts miy brotheirr ..W .Eddie RobWts, t Jthe Jupiter section of Buncombe county is also seriously ill. . Mr. Adolphus BURLEY GROWERS TO VOTE SATURDAY ON TOBACCO CONTROL .- t . . -.5 constuction must bo-provided. A long timeplan must be made ana ac.ea on- PRICE $1.00 A YEAR' mmm . , PROTECT THE ROADSIDE SHRUBS LAW ABOUT CUTTING TREES AND SO FORTH "Consolidated Statutes Section. K&f- . injury to trees, woods, crops, etc., near highway; depositing trash near highway Any person, not being his own lands, oV' without the consent oi the owner thereof, who shall, within one hun dred yards of any State highways of North Carolina or within a like dis tance of any other public or highway,, wilfully commit any damage, injury or spoliation to or upon any tree, wwi, underwiS W," ! tiittfcer; garden; $SrfBgr4th i t Shall be.'gallty of misdemeanor,. ing fifty dollars (S50) or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days: Provided, however,' that this act shall not ap ply to the officers, agents, and enr ployees of the State Highway Com mission or county" road authoritie while in the discharge of their da ties. (1924, c. 54) Yours very truly, CHARLES ROSS, . f. General Counseli Mrs. L. C. Roberts , '-.Peit$A!w..y'- .1 - . ' .- ' "'iT 1 ' - viaiu , io nesy-wiiiMWHjr .;, w ; Mrs. H C. Roberta, age 61. wiftt aT, the Rev. "L, C. Rdherts, of the Lais' rel Branch' section, ' died about nie-. .o'clock Monday morning at her home She had beeain declining health fear several months. f'.'.-ShV was brought home from a hospital Saturday. Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon at 10 o'clock. Interment was in the Lao- rel Branch cemetery. Services werev . ... - conducted by the Rev. Alfred Brad ley and the Rev. Wade White. PaB bearers were: George Hunter, Res. Cohn, Howard Jarvie, Adolphus Fox, Clyde Roberts, Carson Roberts, am. Vance Edwards. Surviving are her husband, the Rev. L. C. Roberts; two daughters, Mies Maie Thelma Roberts and Mrs. J. L. Howell; two sisters, Mrs. D. K Cohh of Marshall, and Mrs. D. O. Hunter, Of Asheville; one .brother, Mr. G. C. Smith, of Houston, Texas; one half-sister, Mrs. Jake Edwards, of Bull Creek; and three half-broth-em,- McKiniey Sm1T: GeMham Smith. aT BerdSmmTlftfnem-el js remeraJbered y wiany many frietidb in and eat BarshaU, who will regret to learn of his ill ness. Letters Sent To Farmers Giving Place And TimeTo Vote ; ; At fhe various precincts in the County, . burley tobacco growers are to cast their: bal lots Saturday; Dec. 22t from 9 A; ' M. till, 4 P.. M:v expressing themselves as to the: AAA at-'; tempt to control the growth of tobacco. Indications are that - the-act will be approved by a ; tarpe1 maj oriiy. ...... . , . Xkr-, -. .1

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