1 1 v v ... I J W i " 1 t(T 1 ! i ... - 5: ... THE ESTABLISHED ft EW3PAPEJR ; OB; MA DISON COUNTY VOL: 33 8 Pages MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY; DEC EMBER 27, 1934 PRICE $1.00 A YEAH i ; a ".i UJ BARNARD M A N SHOT TO DEATH John Randall, Sr., In JaU Charged With Killing George Plemmons THROUGH STATE CAPITAL KEYHOLES By Bess Hinton Silver George W. Plemmons is dead and John Randall, Sr., is in the Marshall jail as a result of a quarrel at the IPlemmons home -in Barnard Monday, Randall gave his age to officers a 75 years. Both - were farmers of the Barnard section. PTmmonswas 69 ears of age, and was an one. Randall. Officers said that Plemmons was r ahot with, a 12 gattge.shan while standing ! near his -wn.roj: faor commanding Randall not to enter the Plemmons home where Randair,wtf 4d run for protection from; her hus band. The charge entered .Mam mons' stomach killing him almost in stantly. . The shooting took place about 1 :3Q o'clock Monday afternoon. Neigh bora heard Mrs. Randall and her hus band in a quarrel, and aha then weal to the Plemmons home only a few steps away and was followed by her husband. Plemmons told Randall not to come near the house. The two men then argued for a few minutes before Randall is alleged to have shot Plemmons. Mrs. Wemmons and Mrs. Randall told officers that they saw the shooting so no inquest was held. No date for a preliminary hearing had been set Tuesday, Sheriff English paid. Bond is seldom allowed her when there is any probability that the charge will be first degree mur derfef' ' ,-, .i , -; . .,. JtandaJl was tried here for first, da, grey murder, eve'ral "years '" : ago. ;4n j.nn.w.Hnwwmr th. aHil killinir of fl his first wif e Re 'wfi'4t1iittEii serve 84 years in the 'penitentiary. Part of the time was "nerved and he was then paroled. He served four months for, taking part in the killing in 1900 of Eli "Bud" Lunsford who was allegedly shot 4 by his cousin, James Lunsford alias George W. CONSOLIDATION Sentiment for county consolidations is growing in North Carolina but, the prognosti- cators will stake their reputation that the Idea . doesn't get beyond the dream stage during the coming ses sion of the General Assembly. Home town v courthouse (politicians would howl to high heaven if their Repre sentatives began talking about ia bolishing their jobs and the natives would get into no end of squabbles about the county seats of the new districts. Capitol Hill believes that I. II J-A.S l - 111 L. - pvuiisuiiyaiiua i . counties wuj u mong those things not . done by the i Legislature next year. DEADLY Death takes lew holi days on North Carolina's highway system. The total highway fatali ties reached the all-time high for' one month during November vwhen 115 persona ware killed. The next Gen eral Assembly is almost sure to pass some sort of drivers' license Saw but the more important thing is enforce ment. It will take money to do the job and many more highway patrol men will have to be employed, in the opinion of authorities on such mat ter. The money is in the highway fund to pay for the job but a lot of folks want to use it for something else. ' SANTA CLAUS You can find plenty of prfitically-wise people who believe that there will be a real San ta for sch.op"teachers, highway em ployes ,,nnd other State hired help when the General Assembly meets. Governor Ehrjnghaus is as proud as a dog with two tails over increases In State revenues and he is not expect-S&Mi'VPO- increases 4' State reve-: ones and he Is Wot expected to opposw1 , pf ' m "-;. . Wil l. RF AT UnMF IN "A1 ISRIIPvIacTPD IAMI IAPV 1 ' . , J "mKsm:- T'Tr-eTr"rTaf' " t ivv " " t ilywr in imi . tammmmmlff ' . SHORETWEED MRS. HOYT SHOr who before her marriasre last Sunday was Miss June Tweed, of Marshall. , .'; yr ,- head that Noifi Carolina dtntists are going to quit the.r efforts tc get eth ics inscribed on the statute books just because the Supreme' Court re versed them on their prosecution Of Dr. J. E. Owens, Asheville dentist and close friend of Senator Robert Reynolds. The tooth-drawers are al- 1 retedw at work on nlana f or a bill to' (be presented at the next Legislature f II LL HAS No; th .Carolina is going to ask for increa!fedt .appropriations from the next General 'Assembly. And by the same token they stand a much better chance 'M getting at least part of whbt th'eyj want: than they did two years ago. I; The members of the . (Continue! on 5th Page) Lunsford of DeQuincey, Lr.. who is to be tried for the 34-year-oTd crime next August. Randall is one of the three living eye-witnesses to the shooting in 1900. James Lunsford came from Louisiana a year ago to stand trial for killing his cousin. , Randatt is alleged to have been beating his third wife just before the shooting Monday took place. He was tried for the alleged killing of the first one. The second left, charging cruelty. SODOM LAUREL MAN SHOT IN QUARREL Starling Chandler was shot in the hip as the result of an altercation in the Sodom Laurel section about noon Monday in which Robert Norton took part. Norton is alleged to have shot Chandler in self-defense, officers said. Chandler was given medical atten tion by Dr. W. A. Sams of Marshall and then placed in the jail here. jer crmiegi iVorton la under XI . ()()() hnnd nnrimi ' , -, r a preliminary hearing to be held Janu ry 5. Chandler was painfully but not seriously hurt. iMreages ? .to pit; for the puWc slftves.'fti jtn fact hbbodyf "would be surprised if he recommended a little more' gravy to go with the dry bread. The legislators themselves, as weHfas their neighbors, have more money than they did two years ago and 'ev erything looks brighter. State em" pftoyes are npt failing to hang up their stockings, eveh though some of them may .have to tie up holes in the toes and heels. CRIME All these State and na tional conferences on crime are striv ing toward a goal that can be de which win,?ae )he carelessly nclin i'drffue arid-narrow' o ' surren&erheh urren&eflheir cense. Incidentally they aim to keep yip .iiuiiua ui hue uuuu ju iet"' Avr pair at a saving of money by kicking the unethical out the well-known win dow. .- ' .. JB HAS HELP If kinship has anything to do with it Senator Paul Grady will be President Pro Tern of the neat Senate, in the opinion of these who profess to ' know their politics and genealogy around the ancient "and honorable State Capitol. One 'such gentleman points out that Senator scribed in one word cooperation. !""uy .--. From corner to Supreme Court and Wttive from t Pender and al- still upward to the Governor and 1 !? Cand,date for SlLe8ker of the n, n ' , . . j . i House, are cousins. This same man most, in the opinion of those who handle criminals in State Institutions, is cooperation. All too often' police officers think that the whole system of justice depends on them. Likewise some judges seem under the impres sion that it is up to them to admin ister justice in its entirety from be ginning to end. Prominent North Carolina criminologists are of the o pinion that all these officers and their legal functions should work as parts cf one big machine of justice and that - such cooperation would result in better daw enforcement and iew makes the seemingly extravagant statement that almost all the Gradys, Outlaws and Maxwells in this State are kinsmen. If that is half true it gives Mr. Grady a good start over his A marriage of impressive dignity was that of Mies June Tweed and Mr. Hoyt Shore, solemnized Sunday, De cember 23, at high noon in the Cou- per Memorial Presbyterian church here, with Dr. W. E. FInley officiat ing. About the decoration of the church for the occasion there was an air of quiet simplicity. The altar was bank ed with native mountain spruce. It was lighted by white cathedral tapers burning in tall white candelabra. "The nuptial musical program in cluded Schumann's "Traumeri" and "The Rosary" played as violin solos by Mrs. O. S. Dillard, accompanied by Mrs. E. "E. Ramsey. Mrs. R. W. Zink sang "At Dawning" and "I Love Jo'tf Truly". The Lohengrin Wedding, March and Mendelssohn's Recession 86 were used in the bridal ceremony. .The vows Were spoken to the strains of. Nevin's "To A Wild Rose". Mr. Burwell Shore, of Charlotte, served as best man to his brother. Groomsmen were Mr. John Stafford, ! of AS TO MARSHALL SWIMMING POOL Mr, Zimmerman Shows Anotkw er Side To The Question News-Record : We noticed a news item in this pa per in which the Civitan Club had ap pointed a committee to approach the Board of Education about a swim ming pool for Marshall high school. What worries us is that this com mittee will likely overawe the Boms of Education into granting the pmj ect. In that case we can already envision delegations in the Board of Education room trgrn Spring Creek, Walnut, Laurel and all the' other luck schools wearily shifting fr6m onefe to the ,6ther, waiting qir the Board af ' Education to grant a swihimiiur vot " for their schools. And why not? We are all fine folks and earer to splash in a swimming pool. Besides, we all have to pay for these pool together. But if we build a swimming pool Charlotte, and Mr. Robert War-1 for every high school in the eounty. a X15TILL tfJ,FOCiwith - MAKSHALLjJDec. 15 (Special), Marshall, with er papulation : of ap proximately 120!0y isJcaown mostly as the"iown with (Only1 one street, al though it has more; than one street, and the town that hasj a school house , on an island in the river. Jt is crowd ed between the., mountains and the river and has- spread onto. the sur rounding mountain tops, The laws-of the little :town are of ten thought to be as unusual as the town itself. Many of them have been forgotten and are only occasion ally referred to by the mayor, alder men, or police. Many have just been outgiown. This is especially true in relation to those concerning horses, livery stajbles. and the 10 miles an hour speed limit for the main street. It is still an ordinance of the town that anv person who shall fasten opponent, Senator" Carl L. Bailey, of any horse or other animal to any Washington county. But don't be misled. Mr. Bailey has his following in the Senate where he played an im portant part in school, tax and game legislation two years ago. LOOKS SURE It's no longer any ' secret that powerful pressure is i.o be brought upon the General Ajsem- shade tree . or fence in said town shall be subjected to a penalty of $10 for each and every offense," that "no person or persons, shall feed any horse, mule, or other animal on any public street of the town of Mar shall except from feed "buckets of bags suspended from the neck of FUch animal, nor shall any person BURNS ARE FATAL TO COOPER CHILD AT PAINT ROCK Fatal burns were suffered Friday afternoon, Dee. 21, by Sara Marie Cooper, 18 months old daughter of Dir. and Mrs. Ralph Cooper,' of Paint Rock, this County. . , , . The baby ran through a small fiie built by several children who were playing in -the yard of the .Cooper home. Her clothes ; were ignited. She was rushed to the office of Dr. David Kimberly, of Hot Springs, but Bied soon after her arrW. r ; The mother, "Mrs. Cdoper. was in Newport, Tenn., on a shopping trip it the time and the father-was' in laywood county where he is employ- d by a lumber concern. " The baby kaa in the care of another daughter f Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. , '.-: Surviving are the parents, one sift er, ani two brothers. The funeral lervices were held Saturday after loon. v.' . , I ' ; . (Crowded out last week) .. s , EtEAD; MEN-hairrnanshiFa of im portant legislative cvommittees are beginning to attract attention in the wick, of Winston-Salem, Mr. E. S. Tweed, Jr., of Marshall, brother of the bride, and Mr. B. J. Shore, Jr., of Charlotte, brother of the bride groom. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Miss Pattie Tom Tweed, of Hot Springs, cousin of the bride, acted as maid-of-honor, and Mrs. E. R. Tweed, Jr., of Marshall, as matron-of -honor. Little Miss Nancy Ann Ramsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ram sey, of Marshall, served as flower girl. Dressed in quaint black velvet dress with heavy white lace collar, white shoes and socks, she dropped rose petals as the bride approached on the arm of her father, preceded hv te rin-barer, E. .R. Tweed PI, white, ' satirt, blpua, white jsbpes The .bride fyas stunning in olose-i fitting gownof blue velvet wiUi roll collar of .silver , metallic cloth., She wore a sraalfl hat of matching ma terial, and silver kid slippers. Her arm, bouquet was of pink roses tied with whits satin ribbon. The maid-of-honor. Miss Pattie Tom Tweed, was attired in burgundy crepe and velvet, wearing a small velvet hat in the same color, and gold kid sandals. She carried golden roses tied with golld-tinted satin. Mrs. E. R. Tweed, Jr., wore a rich gold velvet with matching accessories and carried burgundy roses ribboned with gold satin. Mrs. E. R. Tweed wore a gown of black crepe and beaded net with a close-fitting black hat. The groom's mother, Mrs. B. .1. Shore, was gowned in black crepe and velvet, wearing a small black hat. Immediately following the cere mony Mr. and Mrs. Tweed entertain ed with a reception at their home. Decorations were carried out in the seasonal red and green. In the re- v,"""j MKawnjf plants to wannv the water and then add the upkeep to the regular budget we will have sv new crap of tax foreclosures and more relief cases. But someone handy with figures will hastily show us what a tiny straw it will add to the taxpayer camel's back. It is, however, always the last straw that breaks the camel's back, and if we have observed the back of this paper in recent months we know there are already in Madison County several! camels with broken backs or at least with bad cases of lumbago. If the worthy members of the Civ itan Club must meet, why couldn't they sip tea and discuss amicably the whatness of the what without plan-', ning new ways to , ,the, taxpayer's-. ' ' -1 fl somef of. theses" fcuijaJs $Fvuyerj"from the-lumbago T ; After afl, isn't it' frtSl 'wowilmpopl" ant that a child have a home to go,to" ' after school hours, than that he ler f the breast stroke and the crawl- diuv intr school hours? . n : , L. A. .iziMMERMAN J. J. Shore, Winston-Salem, N. C.;.. Mr. John Hanson, Ashe vile, N. C; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ebbs. AsheviHe. N. Cr'-Mr! and Mrs. N. J. Warner, Asheville, N. C; Mr. and Mrs. J. BV Tweed, Hot Springs. N. C; Mr. and.. Mrs. George Warner, Asheville, N. C; and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Joy ner, Union City, Tenn. MARS HILL WINS GAMES The bride and groom left immedi ately for points in Western North i bly to divert highway funds into oth- hitch any animal to any awning, post i n, n!in nnlo MfliranQnAihi 1 r nAtrn ' ,. 1 t ...1. L. ', - n,.n eating such action, in some instances, peirded, nor allow any animal to stand .Motorists are now said to, be paying ; on any sidewalk or crossing of said Carolina. The bride's going-away noil vlla lutiii obate ruvmiuv, aiuuii., many county roads make difficult traveling ror farmers. If gasoline Mars Hill college returned today from a very successful basketball trip through central North Carolina. Three games were won and one was lost. A total of one hundred and seventy points were scored against one hundred and nine. In four games Mars HH scored sixty-nine more uo wo momKorC t hri. i points than the opposition. The dal party and the immediate families teams Plaved and score was: Rther of the bride and groom. A buffet j ford defeated fifty to thirty; Oak luncncop., .was -.Served to seventy , Rid fifty-two to sixteen; Wingate o-uests v" ' " ' ihirty-seven to twenty-five; Belmont HOLD EVERYTHING Don't get ex: cited by recently revived publica tion of the prediction thPt Tarn C. Bowie,, Representative -' from Ashe county, will run for. the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in 1936. Of course, Mr. Bowie may run but .the bridge streets. No car shall be rn.:.i 4-;.. .- mi i - mew posts are par- and Hcen,e money ig turned int0 oth. ticularly eignficant because :of the t channels the roads will not im fact that most legislative work is Urove and automobile taxes will not v -vv.v..utu.yi i oeqrease. uuur is more or less oi a cui-ana-dried affair. The attitude of a com mittee chairman has a vital Relation to the chances of a bill becoming law. You can't tell who will be who in the House 'until the Speaker is e lected but in the Senate it is a differ ent story since Lieutenant Governor A. H. (Sandy) Graham will have the appointments again this year. You might, not be far wrong in a guess that Senator U. L. Spence of Moore county, and Senator Harriss New man, of New Hanover, will head the powerful finance and appropriations committees, respectively, In the Up per House. Both have played impor tant parts on these same committees in the Lower House and their view are not - radically divergent- f rtm , those of Mr. Graham and the admin-; istration. town. i costume was a dress of skipper blue It has been ruled by the tewn fa- adorned with crimson velvet bow, thers that weeds on vacant lots with,- I worn .with brown accessories. in the town limits must not exceed 10 inchej in hoight. All person? IV mg on main, street are responsible for 1'ie ccniition of tbe sidewalks in front of the'r doors. No gnues. box ing o - wrestling rr even marines are to be ,-layed on the streets by any person Per ons living here who drive their cars to work are asked to park them on main street, preferably on one of paiked on the south side of main street for more than a few minutes. The firing of fire-crackers or sky rockets calls for a $50 penalty.-. No person under 21 years of age is al TEETHS DonV get Tit Into h's close personal friends say that he wL'I not opose Congressman R. L. Doughton if that worthy decides to reel: the henor and arouni Raleigh it iV cenerally accepted - fact that the Con-rressman. also a closs personal lowed to enter a pool room In Mar friend of Mr. Bowie's, U planning f o ' shaft Nor is any minor, allowed to do that little thing. What Mr. Bowie loiter en ithe streets here after 8 o' does win depend largely upon what: e!ock in the evening during the wuv Mr. Doughton decides to do, in the o- ter months and 9 o'clock in the sum pinion of mutual friends of both' mer months, without the writtea con tuse political big-wigs. " " t . sent of parent or gusrdian. Much . I - " - - .( 1 of the oia-nme run among youngsters -I WANT THE MONEY Times bainr hi. !. stonnL It I. Mnirfet , ; i what they are everybody and his tying a can to any dog or other ani your , brother working for the State, of mal the line is $5 Asheville Citixen. Mrs. Shore is the daughter of Mr. Abbey thirty-one to thirty-eight, ihis bing the only defeat on the trip. Murrel! led the team in scoring with sixty-four points; Kell was second with thirty-five ; Kropff was third with twenty-nne and Anders fourth with twentyeight points. The team av- and Mrs.' E. R. Tweed, of Marshal . era&ed frtrtwo P'nts per game She was graduated from Queens Chicora in 1933. She was a member of Alpha Delta Pi and held a number , of responsible offices in student ac tivities. She taught in Charlotte in 1934. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Shore, of Charlotte. He is a graduate of Duke University, class of 1932, a member of a prom inent fraternity, and active in sev eral organizations. Mr. and Mrs. Shore will be at home in Salisbury after January L , . jk Out- f -to wn' guests included Miss Dorothy Tyson," Georgetown, S. C. Miss Nancy Redfern, Asheville, N. C; Miss Beverly June Pruette, Ashe ville, N. C; Miss .Blanche" Blanton, Charlotte, N. C-i Mr. and 'Mrs. B. J. Shore, Jr.r,.Chrltt; j)I. C; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warlick, Winston-Salerar N. C; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Weitmore-, land, Charlotte, N.'C Mr. "and Mrs. tit n tT -i . r'V.-i-ti. vt r i r ' j t nKj, vuuiuuv! i.. v., JUJ. , John Stafford.. Charlotte, N. C; Mr. while the opposition averaged twen ty-seven points per game. Old-timers here were reminded of the basketball trip taken by Mars Hill just ten years ago when Lenoir Rhyne, Oak Ridge, Wake Fprest and University of Norh Carolina were defeated on four successive nights. The only team to defeat Mars Hill on that trip was -Trinity and this was by a one-point -margin. ' The team- this year is composed of ' all Freshmen, but one, Hawkins, of. Asheville. States represented on the varsity - ( squad , are : North Carolina, Indiana,- Tennessee, South Carolina. . and Virginia. . The squad will assent- -ble for practice January 1st. the first " game to be January 5th with the Le- 'j noir Athletic. Club. a . . . ... "7 .' ' .Very trufy. i '' - . " ' f . T. H. ROBERTS. - - - -,-;...-'- - . . If your subscription to ha8 expired, please renew The ' NEWS-RECORD , i r,r ' A'. . I 1 . ) . 4 I, !

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