1 il;. : THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OiF MADISON COUNTY VOL. 34 S Pages MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, AtfUARY 10, 1935 PRICE $1.00 A YEAH t:.T fr . i . H if !"' " MARSHALL ISLAND EOODED AGAIN School Suspended Wednesday On Account Of Hih River A tremendous rainfall Tuesday 1 i and Tuesday night caused the French Broad river again to take on one of its angry and dangerous appearances. The power plant of the Northwest Carolina Utilities, Inc., at Marshall, was put out of commission and pow er had to be generated by engines at Marshall and Burnsville. Water al most covered the Island fi'ling the basement of the school building and causing the suspension of the school for a day. There was some property damage on the south side of the riv er. However, it did not rise high enough to come into the streets of Marshall. It was the highest since August 16, 1928. BANKING EVOLUTION By R. S HECHT frttiJtml Amtricam Bankers Association nANKINU at one time was a private business, but more recently has de veloped Into a profession a semi-pub lic profession. Tbis change Has not come suddenly but is tbe result of an evolutionary proc ess. Banking baa grown and changed with the growth and change of our coun try. The banker who bas survived be iriaia ana tnDUia- tions of the past few years has proven himself a man of courage and come necessary. i It is not enough that bankers merely acquiesce in banking imposed by law. Zeal for evolutionary banking reform must be more aggressive than -that Banking practice itself, without com pulsion of law. can and should reflect the changes and lessons of the timet ouu uimcuuies tnrougo Which the na tion bas passed and. even to a greater GENERAL ASSEMBLYVILL BE CALLED ON TO RATIFY CklLll)B6R AMEND MENT TO NATIONAUCOSflTuflON article oreoared an of the it was especially stipulated' in the II fi llf V AftPNTSl deed to the school board from the " 111 JU lULiil 1 J !) extent than law. render bah king more Twenty State Have Ratified; tide except that the operation of truiy a good public servant by volun- Sixteen Mora Ezoected To ?tH F shall be suspended to the Ratify In 1935 tary self-reform. In no small measure Is this accomplished by the better training of tbe members of tbe bank ing fraternity and by instilling con stantly higher Ideals In those' Who are A proposal to ratify the Federal ultimately resDonsible for hanb m.n. n,' Labor Amendment will be in agement troduced at the 1935 session of the As we march on Into the world of Uy General Assembly of North Carolina. morrow the banker bas a greater op- Supporting the Amendment are the ,riU.Itf . k1" UMfU!n.tM thBn ever be- stat LeP"ltive Council composed ,of fore, and 1 hope that tbe service he will -j . , . render to win ! . fourteen state-wide organizations, tlous. so constructive and ao suti.fnn. the America,, Legion, American Le tory as to merit general approva and lon Auxiliary, the State Federation assure him his logical high place and of Labor and other state and - local leadership. BASKETBALL Friday Night, 7:30 DOUBLE-HEADER WHITE ROCK H. S. vs. 7 I V - I Itrr, "i r-rerrT-'ill SPRING CREEK H. S. at Walnut High School . . HECHT HOT SPRINGS H.S. MARSHALL H. S. at Hot Springs Gym CATHOLICS AT HOT, J' ability, and wo may Well expect him to mMt th ninhlAVn ihof Has hAfna' kf witn resolution and sound Judgment.1 Changes at' momentous tmnortanca --ifcave" orred in:our economfc, strac-' tares ana bankers havfc had a difficult rxd to traveli Home will argilie that all -lii c rt . r' of these changes were evoluUonar and w..'-"i-: ""J w fTFtTT" jnviahi ,hnh-r.i,v now catnoitc society t n ot , n v . . vKva m avrwn MVUU UMIUT I t, "i. ,,K - . of them as revolutionary and unneoes-1 . txempt rrom County Ana ary. It Is extremely difficult to trace 1 Town Taxes with any degree of accuracy the real , causes for many of our troubles and It We understand from Mr r.C'S!Sf,22? IT Joha A. Hendricks, who.., has ably represented Madison groups. Twenty-two .National or- ganizatins are supporting it which in clude the National Education Asso ciation, National Congress of Parents and Teachers, American Home Eco nomics Association, American Le gion, General Federation of Women's Cffu-bs, American Association of Uni versity Wome and the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America. The Child Labor Amendment to the United States Constitution is an enabling act, which would give Con gress the specific power to enact child labor legislation. It is PER MISSIVE, not prohibitory. It is not itself a law, and-its ratification will not remove a single child from work of any kind, since the nature of the regulations to be adopted is left en tirely to legislative enactment. The Amendment is: Section 1. The Congress shall have power to 'imit, regulate and pro hibit the labor of persons under 18 years of age. Section 2. The power of the sev- eral states is unimpaired by this ar- extent necessary to give effect to legislation enacted by the Congress. ' ratification will not COMPEL Congress to pass any law. but wiM onlyf apow it to do so, without pre scribing the details properly left to a statute. By being thus confined to a simple1 grant of power without rigid specifications as to how that Dower shftin4 Exercised, the Chid Labor A mendmeiit escapes the difficulties px- perienoj&d1 with the Eighteenth or Town of Marsha)J, that none of the remainder of the island should ever "be used for anv Dumose that nmu'ri in any wise be detrimental to the school. As a matter of fact the school virtually owns the whd:e island. Since it seems the policy of the government of the United States to spend money .for the purpose of e recting . buildings and community houses for high schools like thst at White Bock, and I believe Hot Springs has also been favored with such a building, it is the hope and. wish of the Civitan Club of Marshall OFFICE STOPPED County Commissioners AbeGdi Home Demonstration Agent's Office In Madison The Board of Countv Com missioners in 'regular session Monday abolished the office of Home Demonstration Agent ia Madison County. This office has been filled for several years that every high school in the county by Miss Frances Crafton, who may be likewise favored by our lib-, later became Mrs. R. R. Ram sey. The full proceeding of eral Uncle Sam, in having rected for the benefit of the school a swim ming porfl and building, or such oth- Prohibition Amendment, r nr if of any time it seems advisable to amend, " tT T i " modify br repeal a statute enacted , t0 and !?mmun,ty- . .. under the Child Labor Amendment, I 7 'v,canJ ,UD Marsh this can" be done by vote of Congress T1 ""u ' P ana lor without ren,li . ,nfitH;, . L e" ot the whole county mendmfnt. The sole function of the Amendment, then, is to make the e nactmeni of Federal Chid Labor legislation constitutional beyond any questiol In oiier to become a part of the the meeting as recorded by the clerk, Mr. Jeter P. Ramsey, follows: January 7, 1935 Marshall, N. C. Board of County Commissioner met in regular session; present, Wwl V. Farmer, chairman, T. A. Higgins and B. E. Guthrie members, being the fujl 'board. Minutes of The club has sponsored a number of benevolent things which have spread out to the different (parts of the county. The club had the honor of previous meeting read and approved, entertaining our goqd friend, Mr. 1st. Upon motion of T. A. Hig Zimmerman, at a lunchen some time (gins, seconded by B.. E. Guthrie, that n.4 It- - . . T"l . i Ti 1 1 L in A K United ;States Constitution, the Child w" " 1p sure 10 y 1 !. ' . , . . . . , nave him, and we hope that he may imission to remove the body of James come again. The latch string of the Gosnell from County Home cemetery Labor Amendment must be ratified by 36 i states. Twenty states have already ratified These are: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illi nois, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minne sota, Montana, New Hampshire, New jVl , . T XT 4U Tl-i.- -!. m l"e C'UD ma, vregon, Pennsylvania, Wash ingtonWest Virginia and Wiconsin d ub is on the outside all the time, and our good friend will be a wel come visitor at any time he may feel disposed to dine and associate with We do believe that even to Revere cemetry. 2nd. Upon motion of B. E- Guth rie, seconded toy T. A. Higgins, it i hereby ordered that U. G. Worfey of No. 12 township be appointed con- small association we had with 'stable in place of Austin Worley, re- him hellped him some, and he has seen Twenty-four states which have not fu .,ki,- 0 u have regular legislative sessions in lS35i;ltps entirely possible therefore I Asheville, represented! the town 'oft Hot Springs in the suits; John -l. Hendrteks; of Marshall, repn Madison eorintyi and ' Judgd Frank Carter. of Ashevilie, the Catholic visit us often enough we believe that we may be able to get him on the right line. We do not say that we LT& 1 v It wil make a Christian of him, for he m thin . tins year, opening the way is no doubt that, but we believe that Si M t Tk6 L we can hP W O" the broad SjKb;t bl heNRA codes. citizPenhip. .He is ' a bright SSi''! man, a good talker and a good wHt- BJLtiLte". e shall enjoy haying him ZJ,JT'fT.i7-rA' lrm us aeain. I I Secretary of Civitan Club I .1". i''i MANY APPLIC FOR TOURNATO Mars Hif. College, Mars Hill, N. C. 7 January 134 (SPECIAL) The response to the High School Velopments to distinguish properly be- tv bn er ena onH affaA Lnfori nateiv it hu tmrnmc thn fa.h. County in the matter of the col- I 1 A ! e fS J 1A A. ion to blame on our banking system all 1 ecu on 01 county ana town iax- the troubles which tbe depression bas es on the Safford property in brought As a consequence we hear Hot Springs now owned by the much of needed reform of banking by Catholic Society that the only aw. no one win aeny mat certain ae-v,n i-f QJf,, ,rtM K ; ..k.., v, fects have developed in our existing J . . TT i, 0 ...... . , , banklne lawn whirh nJ rnrrantinn a decision Of the U. b. Supreme 'best this year ever. Already enough and that, certain abuses were com- vOurt. ine Asnevilie Ulcizen teams have applied to hold the meet 1 mitted which no one wishes to defend Wednesday said, :and applications ususally do not come or have remain possible In the future. The U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in very fast untif about the first of at Charlotte Tuesday, uphed the de- February. A few of the teams whose cision of the U. S. District Court at applications have already been re Asheville in the two cases of the ceived are: Edneyville, Henderson Catholic Society of Religious and Lit- county; Black Mountain, West Bun erary Education versus uaittJuM iVTM X M A kVH mi 1 SPEAKS IN MADISON ALL PROJECT 1 SUNDAY MR. JOHN A. HENDRICKS AN SWERS THE REV. L. A. ZIMMERMAN Hot Springs, Marshall Mars Hill Same Day signed. 3rd. That C. W. Bryan, No. 1, W. 4, be released of $2.00 dog tar for 1934 error in listing female as male. 4th. That J. I. Amnions of No. I, be released of $2.00 dog tax for 1934 error in listing female a male. (5th. Tfeat L. F. Tweed, No. 2, W. 1, be released of $ 1927, same being paid by A. W. WhitehuVst (Mr. Hendricks). 8th. That "A. F. Frisby . of No. f T. S. ,be released ot $2-00 dog-.put., . :, for f1934, Iby reason of error jn rBst , , ' injrfemafe as male. . , . .. 7th. That all the broken chains in the courthouse be repaired, or s many as can be repaired, at the prier of 25c each by Mr. Rector. And , , . n . Ireieasea 01 cost if w foj.1930 by reason of error, Jerry Wilson failing to pay tax at the fW Never before were bankers more de termlned than they are today to bring about whatever changes In our banking system are called for by the public wel fare. The best results can and will be ac complished by normal processes and gradual adjustments of our present pri i vate banking structure suitably super vised by proper authority rather than by the passage of still more drastic laws, offering panaceas In the form of more government-owned or civern-ment-controlled financial organisations. The Basil of Good Laws - Lcstiug laws relating to any phasn 01 tiur.ian need are formed and modelled In the rough school of practical human experience and are usually the result of sound evolutionary processes rather than of sudden Impulses to change r. damental principles. If we analyze the new banking pic ture which has developed during the past eighteen months, we cannot help but arrive at the conclusion that evo lutlonary changes which have taken place Id banking, and the economic life of the nation of which It Is a part, have justified much of the banking legtsla tion recently passed. As we look ahead cud consider the new problems which are facing us we must inevitably come to the conclusion 'that some further changes In our banking laws will be- will speak in this county three times The attention of the Civitan Club on Sunday, January 13, 1935, as fol- of Marsha) Il was recenty called to the lows: article of the Rev. Mr. Zimmerman of White Rock, which appeared in tt -4- j r. n r xt u r i- i per time on land m No. 11 township. United Dry Forces of North Carolina.1' At. v . M i W. 2, be released of $21.60 tax for j 1934 by reason of error in listor m TJT.i O : n.cn A Tit uuuiB UK v UC "ut ' ' p'm 1 10th. That Cassie Wallin, No. 15 Marshall 2:30 P.M. , ,,,,- be reieasea oi l lot vaiuea noo iw 1 1934 charged to Corry Wallin tax $18.14. I 1 i tu . . . iL , , ,. be released of 345 acres valued ?289 of county rally of those who believe , , . T J J fny fhrtrcraA tn Mrs. .Tanp. Hl- jMars Hill 7:30 P.M. All in reach of these meetings are invited to attend. The afternoon That James Hagnn, No. 12, the News-Record. Mr. Zimmerman seems greatly ex recised over the fact that the Civi tan Club appointed a ' committee to ask the school board to confer with Morllcnn pnrWhe. Wpavprville. Oaklev. Cand- t.ha nrninpr envernmpnr. nnthni itips. that we OUErht to keeD and strensrthe 1 .... . I , . 1 1 i, T 1 .... 1 1 , 1 ' 1 n.r.liikU 1 .. . .. . U ... 4.a to uounty and the town or riot springs 'ier, a:i oi ouncomue cuumy; vicui- Wno are spenuing money aiong cer- p'""""""" '" j th. That W. G. Buckner, No. in which the society lost in its efforts mont, Yancey county; Ellenboro, Jtain lines for counties and schools, I The meeting at Mars Hill will &e J4 b reeaseci 0f jo acres ' land to have its property in Hot Springs Rutherford county; Scotts, Avery j to consider building a swimming pool in the Baptist church, at Marshall i' ,000 00 for 1931-1932-1933- exempt from town and county taxes, county; Mars Hill and Beech Glen, , and a community house on the island "n the Baptist church, and at Hot reason of error in chartre. in opinions nrenared DV Juaee SO- Jtiauisuii uuumy; oaiuuo, itvir. i-uuiuj. ,ior me oeiiwii oi i-iie scnoui ai urns "i""0 ""f"" per, the U. S. Circuit Court of . Ap- In the past from twelve to sixteen j palace, and others who might desiie npnU lioniAoA tViot tVp rotVinli. enpi. poiinties have a'wavs been reDresent-;tn hkp thp nool. It was not the idea J vtauw vut,ii-'six - a -" I , ety was not exempt from paying town ed and these teams have usually been ! that the School Board would appro- MADISON JVl EN and county taxes on its property, termed the county champion. , priate any school money for the proj- HFI P TO The cases were 'brought in FederaJ' i The rules under which the meet isitct, but that the pool and such build- nrrnDMC court bv the sopiptv as a non-resi- held are: 1 ines as may be aereed upon to be IvlllLir rCLi" UlxIVliJ dent corporation, its headquarters be- j 1. No player shall participate who ; built on the same plan that the com-' . ing in New Orleans, La. ' lis more than twenty-one years old. jmunity building at White Rock high Former Legislators Discuss Si- school was erected. v e understand tuation With W. F. Scholl that the government, through its1 Fear Republicans Would R. L. MOORE The society is the owner of the If he become twenty-one after Jan old Mountain Park hotel property and uaiy 1st he is eligible the home of the late Mrs. Bessie M. Safford here. It brought action in Preaching; Schedule For Sandy . Circuit BRICK CHURCH 2nd Sundays r W:00 A.M. 4th Sundays 3:00 P.M. BIG SANDY 1st A rd Sundays 11:00 A.M. CHESTNUT GROVE i 1st A 3rd Sundays 10:00 A.M. LITTLE SANDY . 2nd Sundays . S:00 P.M. 4th Sundays . 11:00 A.M. 1EAGIIE CHAPEL , , WESTERN CHAPEL 2nd Snndava ,. . " HH)0 A.M. 4th Sundays 7:00 P.M. Federal court to enjoin Madison coun ty and the town of Hot Springs from levying or collecting any taxes on this property on the grounds that it is a religious society and therefore exiempt under the (Vws of KoAh Carolina. The suits were brought on Decem ber 27, 1933. Motions to dismiss, filed by both ' the town and county; were granted by Judge E. Yates Webb, in U. S. District Court. !fhe society appealed to the U- S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld the lower court in dismissing the actions': Judge Webb dismissed the cases last July 23. The arguments before the Circuit Court were presented in Richmond, Va., on October 30. v -. The society's property hojdings in Hot Sprftigf Represent (around 20 per cent of the property inside' the corporate limits of Hot Springss and the tax sums involved amount to sev eral thousand dollars. ' James E. - Hector, attorney of ',-. 2. No player shall participate wno proper channe, spent ?6,000.00 or i has been in high school more than i more, on the community building at! four vears or who has played on a ! the White Rock school. We con-' Change Situation j 13th. That the keeper of the County Home be allowed $5.00 for jbuiia? (including digging grave and dressing the corpse, only). ) 14th. That it is ordered by the Board upon motion by B. E. G.ithrie and seconded by T. A. Higgins that the said Board vote by ballot on re taining or rejecting the Home AgenC" ffective at this date. Upon vote B. E. Guthria voted "yes" and T A. Higgins voted "no", and being a tie i the chairman voted with T. A. Hig- The Mecklenburg delegation to the ' gina to discontinue the service of the high school team more than four j gratulate White Rock high school in general assembly met in the office of jjome Agent years. getting tni3 spienaid. addition to tneir . Kepresentative-eiect w. r . action .3. All p'ayers shall be bona tide schCol, and we trust that it will prove today, received and promised coop students of the s:!iooi tney rcprestni a great DenefU to the school well'eration to a delegation of leading and be passing seventy-nve percent oi ,as tQ the cornmunity. their work. j The High School district at Mar- . 4. Plavers registered after Octo-, oil Vi a a olwaos Kaon liKaval tnnra tvl ber 15 are not eligible to participate. wpo t 6. High school principals or coaches shall submit a list of their players by February 20th, stating names, ages, year in school, year on tc?.m and the complete record of the te?m up to that date. Should more than sixteen teams apn!y. Mars Hill college reserves the right to select the teams. Previous records and class of teams played will have a great deal to do with the selection. AU teams selected will be notified the time to report. Mars Hill college -will furnish lodging and meals for nine men from each school. The date of the tournament is FeO ruary8, K?rA.l na 2- 15th. That Arthur Metcalf, No. 16, be appointed constable of said township. DAVE M. BUCK SUPERVISOR Democrats from the Republican Stronghold of Madison county. The Madison petition was to the , effect that the recent Democratic I the county.. The fact is, that the J representative from that county site of the Marshall high school was passed laws' which .brought about a' donated to the school board by the vastly improved condition in Madison Takes Charge Of Work In This. Town of Marshall. There was a con-; county governmental affairs, reduc- Part Of State test as to where this building should , ing government costs, increasing ibe located. Some of us believed, efficiency of operation . and making Dave M. Buck, of Bald Mountain, with the state authorities, that i,tithe various agencies more beneficial i has been named supervisor for tke should be on the island. The island to the people. 1 farm census in the First census dis- at that time was the property of Since that time, they explained, a trict which includes the Tenth and Madison County. The Town of Mar- J Republican representative has been j Eleventh congressional districts. Bock. , hall purchased the island from the j elected and "they feel' that the good i was appointed on the recommenda County at a very liberal' price and J work of their representative may be tion of Representative Bulwinkle and deeded it to the school board for the j undone. : They asked the Mecklen-1 Representative W(iver. Hcrry M. . benefit of the school. More than burg . and . other Democratic repre-iHall, of Waynesville, was named as-one-half of the island was deeded to i sentativea from the 10th district to j sistant supervisor for the district. , the school at the time, which con-'prevent any damage to their new .Ileadqusrters for the d'Vrict will b tains 13 acres. The writer of this .laws. The Charlotte News. in Charlotte. a' - r. -.1.'. (W f .