THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MADISON COUNTY VOL.34 8 Pages . MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY JANUARY 17, 1935 PRICE $1.00 A YEAR SHERMAN TYSON OF MARSHALL DIES HAD SUFFERED AGONIES FROM BURNS FOR NINE MONTHS r Ramsey Boone Storey Teague Dillard Substitutes: E. Teague; Walnut Ans. Pos. Walnut A. S. F Guthrie F- Rector , C Ramsey ' G Reeoe G Roberts Bulldogs Bedmon, Funeral To Be Thursday Afternoon Sherman Tyson, age 25, died at his home in Marshall Wednesday morning about nine o'clock. For nine months he had suffered every agony possible for a human being to suffer. Only a skeleton from his waist down, not even covered with skin, the spirit of life remained buoy ant and hopeful and perfectly con scious up to the very hour of death. He was literally burned to -death in April, -1994, when the truck which . he was driving turned over, catching him in such a way that he could not escape the flames which enveloped the truck. When found, he was thrown by those who found him in to a branch of running water. Since then, he spent some time in an Ashe vifle hospital and with different rel atives, considerable time being spent with his sister, Mrs. Fred Morrow, later being moved by another sister to rooms over the store of Mr. J. & Wtt where be died. At the time of his death he was in the care of Mrs. Grace Sorrtlli and -- Miss Pauline Tyson, and was having med ical attention from Dr. Sams. How ever, dopes narcotics could not be used, except in the mildest forms. His endurance is a marvelous illus tration of what appears impossible. He is survived by his father, Rob-, ert Tyson, the father f 13,' nine of whom survive as follows: , Mrs."w(n Moody, Mrs, Tm Thornton, rlfjrsv Tobt Sherrod, Mrs. ?rJess. .t'Kofma James Tyson, -all of Knoxville; and Robert Tyson, Mra. Fred Morrow; .Tyson of .Muwi. , t f Funeral services are set for 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon, a short, service to be held .slj the home followed by other services and interment at Rec tor's Chapel, the Rev. Arthur Hens ley to officiate. Active pallbearers will be Ernest Anders, Wallace Pegg, Hagan, and Everett Marler. Honorary pallbearers are Dr. Sams, Ralph Sprinkle, Dedriok Bowman, D. Webb Griffith, Chester Hensley, Craig Rudisill. The family wishes it said that he dren were visitinr at Mr. Claude made a profession of faith while in pr0ffitt's Sunday P. M. .1 1 1 . . , , - i . , . Tne nospiiai ana lea a consistent t i ip m SPORTS MARSHALL BULLDOGS NOSE OUT WALNUT ALL-STARS 12-10 Marshall High Loses Double-Header To Hot Springs STATE WIDE FOREST FIRE CONTROL PLAN IS SOUGHT By C. F. Fortnei In a high spirited game last Fri day night on the Walnut court, the Marshall Bulldogs nosed out a strong Walnut quint 12-10. Very little shooting was done due to the fine guarding of both teams. The Bull dogs took the lead in the first quar ter and never lost it the half was 11-7 The. Teague brothers and Dillard played a great defensive game while Ramsey, Bull dog forward, shot most of the points. Reece starred for the losers. Before this game Hot Springs H. S. took a double-header' from Mar shall high school.; -t The , girls' game was one-sided but the boys' game was closely played. The final score was 22-21. The line-up: Bulldogs This is one of three articles prepared by County Warden C. F. Fortner m cooperation with the North Carolina De partment of Conservation and Development in the Depart mnt's three-point program of objectives which embraces (1) State-wide forest lire control, (2) State Park, frame refuge, and Dublic hunting and fishing I j ro c ;i The score at 8w8 ? uutuoor necreauun. STATE-WIDE FOREST FIRE CONTROL available at the end of the last fiscal year, June 3d, 1934, to 10,181,000 of the approximately 21,000,000 acres of forest lands; in worth Carolina, The State is in a position at present to furnish funds for cooperation in this work to only 44 of the 100 coun ties. It has been impossible during the current biennium, because of the lim take several counties desiring to es tablish organizations for the protec tion of their woodlands against fires into the cooperating system which in volves the matching of county appro CAGERS Walnut High defeated Mars Hill high on the college floor at Mars Hill Tuesday, 84 to 27 eight points, topped the winners in scoring. . ;- i "-The line-ups r Walasrt (30) Pee. McDevttt 2) F Lander (1). F Cayri?) ;C Goldsmitk (8) C tl WALNUT FIVE UCKS MARS HILL fire control- would wipe out the in justceJofJ having to refuse some counties the advantages extended to Goldsmith, with 1 , ctfA fSfi-j th same consideration and services as those in others but such is not pos-' srble under the present system. No cooperating county is adequate ly protected when its neighbor makes no effort to check the spread of fire into its (borders. 'Under the present system permitting ' counties td disv Mars H. (27) McMahan (7) T. Higgins (2) Jarvis (5) , , Willis U)i' Johnson 3), Lewis? Mars IfiU, Biggins, J, Bradley (1), Carter (3). 1 TER CREEK - 4 The Sunday school at the Baptist church is progressing nicely witn good attendance, C. M. Farmer, su perintendent and Mrs. G. A. Peek, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Cas Fender and chil- Chiistian life to the end. The re markable fortitude manifested in his last days and the spirit of optimism were proofs of his abiding faith. THE LORDS ACRIJ Program A t Marshall Baptist Church Next Wednesday Henderson 44) tl Utn.hB-ifiMrt kteit cooperates 'Organization W placed at a great Asattvarttage. . suspension of control Measures, even temporari ly, permits the undoing, often within a few days, of the efforts of years. If fires are allowed to sweep over an area out of which they have been kept for years in a day, the entire effect of the long-time efforts is com. pletely lost, Damages from forest fires during the past decade or more in North Carolina have averaged appoximately $1,000,000 annually. Effective for est fire control measures on a scale even approaching that furnished by line Legislature is now in session at Raleigh. That forest ry m4y progress in North Caro lina it is g&ng to be necessary that-certain legfelative meas ures 'be introduced in the legis lature and we hope such meas ures will become laws. - . A. ' . 1 1 j, wei. ao noi want eiaoorate laws hor do we want to offer proposed measures that will be objectionable through increas ed--taxes. Two courses are O' pen. either of which will stabi lize the work. The first is Stater wide fire control, and the second is a five or ten year co operation agreement. State-wide fire control would enable us to, put intq effect, a long-time fire' control plan and remoye the uncertainty now ex isting under the present law. t would stabilize forestry and thereby make the future secure for thf wood-using industries. meeting of the officers of the bank. Mr. J. B. McDevitt was elected vice president; Mr. A. W. Whitehurst, cashier at Marshall, Mr. Warren T. Davis, cashier at Hot Springs, and Miss Stella Carver, assistant cashier at Maishall. Mr. Roy L. Gudrq:' succeeded Mr Crai L. Rudisill as Re8idence Completely Destroy guau man vi 1,11c uuui u ui uukwio, FRED SPRINKLE'S HOUSE BURNS Others on the board are Mr. Rudisill Mr. R. A. Edwards, Mrs. . Myrtle Mashburn, Mr. R. R. Ramsey, Mr. E. R. Tweed, and Mr. A. W. Whitehurst. ANNUAL MEETING ASHEVILLE P. C A. JANUARY 29th SAM SWANN KILLS HIMSELF Madisoa Farmer Commits Suicide In A.h.Tille Sam Swann. 25-year-old farmer of the Middle Fork section, Madison County, shot himself in the left chest at the home of his sister, Mrs. Burgin Honeycutt. at Woodfin, Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, and died within 10 minutes. Ed Swann, an uncle, told the offi cers that the young faimer had threatened to take his life. : SPRING CREEK : HIGH SCHOOL (Too late for last week) Spring Creek Defeats Ht Spring Spring Creek high school's Wilcat basketball team added two more vic tories tn their score last Fridnv nicht twhen thpv defeated the Hot SnriiMm Th annniil meetinir f the Amv hieh school teams on the latter's ed Monday But Contents Saved ha Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hensley werethe y g Forest Service on Federal Sunday P. M. visitors of Mr. and iand8 should reduce this" loss more Next .Wednesday evening, Jan at the Mai shall Baptist church a pro- oTflm illnsfrntino. tha "T jrA' Airo" . movement will be put on. Stereopti- can slides will be used. We undei stand that this has been us ed by the Rev. J. R. Duncan, at. two of his churches. It is hoped that the visitor will have a large audience. Mrs. V. E. Peek. Mr. A. A. Capps is improving at this writing, we are glad to say. Messrs. Glenn Jarvis, Fred Peek, Ervin Peek and C. M in town Saturday. Miss Ruby Wilde was visiting on ea jand Foster Sunday. Miss Orla Fender was on Foster Sunday. A n.ljht school began on Foster -Monday night. Quite a number were 23, enrolled. Glad to have Misses Frisbee and Anderson with us. than nine-tenths. Fire loss on 6, 056,590 acres of protected land in the calendar year, 1933, amounted to only $324,592 in comparison with Farmer were $3 014,884 damages to approximate ly 1,000,000 acres of unprotected for- ville Production Credit Asaociatien senring) the counties of Buncombe, Henderson, Haywood, Madison and Transylvania will be held on Jan. 29th-:(!.. the Court House in Ashe- villeV N C, it is announced by R. V. Morrow, secretary of the association. Not only are all of the farmer- borrower "from the association, the holders f .Class B stock expected to be resenVbut Mr. Morrow said re cently thaa mct cordial invitation s alsf extended to all other farm- rs in the territory served by the as- ocfatioft and that was hoped ttm twgeEbeeb1u ?Jvery; member of the associatiob?' said' Mr." Morrow, "is urged to bring one or mpre non-members with him as it is our desire that every farmer in this section shall acquaint himself with the credit service which our or ganization has to offer. "Directors of the association for the ensuing year will be elected at this meeting. Every member of the j association is entitled to cast one vote, regardless of the number of shares he owns, and it is to his inter est to vote for men of the highest integrity and business acumen. court, the girls winning by a total of 22-8, and the boys nosing out their opponents by a bare margin of 12-11. During the Christmas holidays the boys' team lost Oliver Suttles, regu lar guard, who launched out on the sea of matrimony. The Hot Springs game saw Hugh Burnett Ferguson, last year's ftrst team forward, back in the line-up for the first time this year, but in Sut tles' position as guard. Ferguson was in the hospital during the Thanksgiv ing season and was ill a part of the Christmas holiday season. The Spring Cek. hoys hvbMnJbaB-!j; tapped " rrortpfflie begnronr ef .the seasorf" but ' have thus ' far made a good showing, having lost only one county game this season. , The, girls, having lost four., of last year's first team, are still managing to hold their record- and have not lost to anyone this season. Girls' line-up: Spring Cr. (22) Pos The residence of Mr. and Fred Sprinkle of Marshall was pletely destroyed by fire Monday mng. The alarm was sounded sens six o'clock, and the fire departassss responded only to find that a If drant was near enough for use. Bs fore the fire fighting equipment ar rived the flames had gained asjes headway that it was impossiWe Ut save the house. However, the hold and kitchen furniture was tically all saved by the timely ance of neighbors and friends. Tier fire was said to have originated ns the . kitchen arid had . gained ahiseufc uncontrollable headway when discov ered. It occurred at the time of day when people were just ready te leave their businesses downtown aad in a short time practically everybody in town had (gone to the fire. When it was seen that the building could not be saved, efforts were then con centrated on saving the garage and the residence and garage of Mr. aad Mrs. C. L. Rudisill next door, water from garden hose being used. Tie loss is said to have been mostly cov ered iby insurance. Ebbs (12) L. Plemmons Meadows (8) Lewis Packett Caldwell Substitutes: Hot Spgs. (8) Grubbs (4) Harmon (4) O'Dell Fowler Collins F F C CG G G Spring Creek Duck- Yf Am nnisYmTto m. im iJnim. Mrs. C. G. Parris and daugMem spent last Monday in Asheville. Mrs. Dave Melton, who has iweav real sick the past few weeks, hi av Httle improved. Mrs. S. J. Johnson of GreeneriBe, Tenn,, and Mrs. Chas. Burgin shopping in Asheville last We day.'--1- 1 i 5, , t T--;. 1 -'ff 1. floMii t'MnVi '?" daughter 4e .sfcle to Ja up Mgfts after having had flu. ;, , t ..,, I J. . Born to r and JUrs. Bill fwmev a son. -.......!.. The Ladies Missionary Society isieS Tuesday, Jan. 8th, at the home f Mrs. Glenn Brooks with Mrs. Brwefcs and Mrs. J. w. Morris as joint Host esses. After the business hour a so cial hour was enjoyed by all present Salad, nuts and coffee were served IjT" the hostesses. Mr. Stamey was a business visitor in Marshall, N. C. Mrs. Jack Heilman has returned Paris home after visiting her mother, Mrs. Boys' line-up: Spring Cr. (12) Pot. F F "At the meetinz a complete report of the year's operations of the asso-iett (2), Woody and Ferguson ciation will be submitted. The Pro duction Credit Corporation of Co- lurrjbia wiU. be represented at the meeting 'by Mr. Ernest Graham, jJ. Price (4) President, who will outline the set-j Clark (6) up of the Farm Credit Administra- H. Price tion of the third district, the meth- j Kirkpatrick od of control and operation of the 1 Ferguson production credit associations and Substitutes will give an explanation of the asso- nd Ebbs, ciation's operating statement from! Officials: Runnion (Hot organization through December 31, i and Davis (Spring Creek) 1934. PRINCESS THEATRE FRIDAY : MORE MONEY IS SET ASIDE FOR N.C. HIGHWAYS : North Carolina furnishes from State appropriation only $2,755 an nually during the current biennium for forest fire control, but receives $50,560 annually from the Federal government for the same purpose. Virginia has appropriated $20,000 his year for the maintenance of E mergency Conservation Work done y the Civilian Conservation Corps, ."florida is providing $40,000 for this year fo.- forestry work, an increase .m nr,n ,, it Q, i tha face ; Mr. E. R. Tweed, prominent me otner .appropiia- . jresitlent CITIZENS BANK OFFICERS REORGANIZE Mslnturf in Greeneville, Tenn. Mrs. Conley spent the week-end in Knoxville, Tenn., with relatives. j Mrs. Tweed had as her week-end Hot Spgs. (11) ! guests her -parents, a brother and Ramsey (3) ! sister of near Lexington. N. C. ' Graham ) Mr. F. Smith and Mr. Phil Brown C Justice j cf Burnsville, N. C, spent the week- G O'Dell , en( here with friends and relatives. G Treadaway j Little Jane Patty also spent the week- Spring Ceek Woody ;cnH here with friehds. I Mr. and Mrs. Poe Eskn'dge spent ,a few days in Rutherfordton, N. C, with relatives. 1 Mrs. Ebbs is in the Asheville hos pital and her daughter, Mrs. Parker, is a!o in Asheville wiih her mother. (2) Springs) ; HOME AGENT'S SCHEDULE SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK E. R. Tweed Re-elected President i Monday, Jan. 21 Anderson I I H e(;nesday, Jan if drastic tions. cuts was of the Citizens Bank of Marshall aqd Hot Swings it a icent Friday Branch women 23-Bull C.eek girls and women Thursday, Jan. 24 Hurricane women Jan. 25 Alleghany women. ERROR CORRECTED Under New Management Cushioned Seats Installed - ; MARSHALL P. T. A. NAMES COMMITTEES ON LEGISLATION -' .,: - Wnt hinvton Bureau o The Asheville Citisen WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 Appor tionment of $2,938,657 to North ar ol.'jw for highway construction in the fiscal year, beginning July 1, was announced today. Scretary-of Ag- The Princess Theatre In Marshall "culture Wallace, in making the ap- TneuHo.r nftemnon in the auditorium is to reopen Friday, Jan. 18, at 7:30 portionment, called attention to the f fhe MahaU Kil00l j. w. Wibie, - - !LM!i. . M o J.. .i! 1 a siaU'a f. M. The first show will consist of :J-OB",uuu7 "umumi U1 .teacher of vocational sericulture in a feature picture starring Mary Bri an and John barrow in "Monte Car lo Nights"; also' selected short sub jects. The theatre is under new man agement, Mr. C N. Rocket, formerly of the Piedmont Theatre, ' Spruce RICKMAN DAVIS TAKES PART IN PLAY In the account of the funeral of Mr. H. Holland last week, the name of the officiating minister was given as the Rev. M. H. Shelton. This should have been given as the Rev. J. L. Hyde of Walnut. Pine, N .C., fa charge..' Mr.' Rockett has installed cushioned seats through out He plans to have a show every night, with complete change of pro gram twice a week of the latest pic tures possible to obtain. ' Admission wil be at the popular prices of lQc snd 20c Watch the News-Record for further programs and announce ment. . - At the regulaf meetirg of the Mar shall 7 Parent - Teacher a sociation apportionment through the operation lhe 8chool gaye g report of work of the provision i the Hayden-Cart-1 fe done fc hijJ (jla8ges of boy9 wright set relative to the diversion , A a ma jority of thj boyg high of gasoline Uxes and other taxes on fchoo, wW eventually become fatm motorists. i,m Iv. t.no4. t Ka- m.. . rj.. .1.. ..j.i .!J " 8"- " come good farmers, he said. Mrs. O. S. Dillard was sppointed Aflirma. of enmmitte to canvass highway, at least the amount , fcomel f 0r recipes to fill the communi vided by law on 1934 or. fcook compled by that purpose from the state's goHne t.teachw Q w and-vehicle taxes and other special , committea ar: Mrs. A. J. Ramsey, taxe, on moto, vehicle owners. , JMr. p A Dodson, and Miss Lucille for a state's highways shall be re duced . unless the , state , uses for Rickman Davis, who is a member I of the senior class at Tusculum Col- ege Greeneville, Tenn , took the part of Will Scarlett, a leading speaking part in the operetta, ROBIN HOOD, 1 . INCORPORATED, which was recent- ly given by the combined G'ce Clubs of Tusculum College, under the di- rection of Professor Frank H. Barn-i. hart. This operetta, with music by ' . SEND $1. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY for tha next 5 month of ichool in the mutter of 'aw-making lythe present Gene:tl Assembly, is to be headed by Mrs. S. B. Roberts. Others on the committee are: O. S. Dillard, principal of the school, Guy V. Roberts, and Mrs. A. J. Ramsey. Onlv a small number of members were present because of rain. The inl8 Pr' " . ? . 1 Hf AKE the most of your reading c'ass of MttW-W. K. McLean won the , AIe" ""T" m " ! ill hours. Pnjoy the wit, the wis picture given by the group for the cnt7' S""1" e ",gn f K.chard , c0mpanion8hipj th. one having the largest number of .Jl6 Lin-Hertt King r England. . cham that h th, AT- parents present The Te fTTVTt LANTIC, for seventy-five years. Mrs. C D. Bowman, president of ft ad in the courtyard in the Royal . America9 m08t qu0ted and most : w h 1 nv is( aTm inaisar aim Kin v . . the P.uent-Teacher association, ury- f JUfiw i , r V. IS , JL" I A legislative committee, -appoint- the persons making the canvass reach mjCXirc DCrnDH THE NEWS-RECORD L, to look after the interest, of the he hornet THE NEWS-RECORD Hunt ed all women in the Marshall school district to forward recipes for the cook book to any number of the com- iiiicicq. ..A ictab vu iwiv lo j calendar ed to be sent in from each home. The , , ,' women are asked to cooperate when j sets were designed and constructed 1 , cherished magasine. by members of the classes in Dra-j, Sed $1 roatic Arts. - The operetta is one of the biggest annual events on the col- SUBSCRIBF. TO 1 (mentioning this ad) -: to 'i---The Atlantic MoatMy, S Arlinctoa St, ' ' Boetoa . 1. r

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