if A 1-4 i I THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MA DISON COUNTY 1 VOL. 34 8 Pages MARSHALL, N. C., THURSDAY; JANUARY 31, 1935 PRICE $1.00 A YEAR MOTHER AND CIED - BURN TO DEATH O N SANDY MUSH BIRTHDAY DINNER Father Also Seriously Burned In Rescuing Loved Ones The modest home of Curtis Led ford, age 25, was burned last Satur day morning, resulting in the death of his wife and four-year-old daugh ter. The young man made a fire in th heater and' then went to the 'A kitchen some distance away to build Yt another fire. He had iust finished whe he heard a scream from the shack. Looking (back, he saw the lit tle cabin in flames and caught a glimpse of his wife's frantic face at the window. He raced over the path to find the door smoke-filled. He tried frantically to open the window. It was caught fast. He hurtled through the door and brought his wife out through the smoke. She was burned severely on her face and many parts of the body. He forced his way back into the cabin and brought out little four-year-old Kyra, their only child. She was so badly burned that skin tore away as he picked her up. Hailim? a truck driver for his employer, Ralph Sprinkle, Ledford, whose own hands and face were bad l"iy burned, got his wife and daughter down the mountain and friends pro vided a fast .car to take them to Mis sion hospital in Asheville. Little Ky ra died at 11:50 o'clock and Mrs. Ledford died later. Ledford was suffering so from pain and shock that doctors had not told that their little girl was dead. Lcdford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Ledford of Alexander, his sister, Oara, and his groom. After the wedding cake was cut a delicious buffet supfper wks served the guests by the bride's sis ters, Mrs, Ola Bvjd and Mrs. Norma Carter. Couples attending the announce ment party included the following: Miss Carter and Mr. Edney, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ander son, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bagwell. Miss Constance Fitzgerald and Mr. Wil liam Elliot Moore. Miss Gladys Tweed and Mr. Robert Sams, Miss Nell Eng lish and Mr. Grover !. Ansel. Miss Faye Ebbs and Mr. Tilson Fleetwood, Miss Thelma JUlanKenship and Mr. J. R. -McMahan, Miss Mary Fitzgerald and Mr. Dan Carter, and Miss Nita Gahagan. Miss Carter is to be the recipient of many entertainments in her hon or during the week. Mr. Edney is very prominent pol itician, having been a candidate for Congress in the 10th Congressional District last fall. DR. GAMON HERE SUNDAY Mrs. W. A. Sams on Tuesday eve-" ning. January 29. entertained mem bers of the family at. a birthday din ner in honor of her mother. Mrs. Van Davis, who celebrated her 63rd birth day. Mrs. Vivian Rector and Mrs. E. E. Ramsey gave a dinner honoring their annt, Miss Jessie Sams, Monday evening. BRYAN'S FILLING STATION ROBBED A daring roibbery was effected at about ten o'clock Wednesday night at Bryan's filling station in Marshall. Two men in a car bearing Tennessee license plates and flourishing sawed off shotguns entered the filling sta tioa and proceeded to take $15.00 in cash, ' several- cartons of cigarettes, and then filled up the car with gas and oil and left. Worth McDevitt, of Marshall, and mis , juucille Brigman of Walnut. They escaped with minor cuts and bruises. An occupant of the truck, whse name was not learned, suffer ed two oj three broken ribs, it was reported. $335,000 In New Roads In Madison .Si ;..r Services at the Presbyterian church in Marshall were held last Sunday j morning by Dr. Gamon. A pulpit j committee has been named who will make announcements of services for that church. Mr. Dave Harris Making Good In Canton THE If You Have TOBACCO MONEY and owe NEWS-RECORD According to a press report from Raleigh Jan. 26, Madison County is to have spent -in two years on new construction of roads the sum of $335,"bOO. This is for state highways only, and not for county projects.. w MARK HAYNIE DIES IN MADISON 44,559 ACRES OF MA DISON CO. 4 SOIL LOST BY EROSIOPf As To Abolishing Home Demonstrator Resident Of Near Enka Laid To Rett On Waljnut Creek Monday Last Sunday's Asheville daily car ried under its head, "Folks Worth ont M.i T. T Pnlf lfPTit viiril nt the hospital all afternoon. Mr. Sprin- j wnue m western ortn v,aro.ma, kle was there too. The cabin burn- ' Dave H. Harris, who is making good ed down in a few minutes, Ledford t in Canton, having recently resigned told his mother, destroying every-. as tax collector for the town to ac thing the young couple possessed, in- cept a position with the Champion cludine their money. Ledford and Fibre Co. Mr. Harris, in 1928, mar VnWin Maz-MnHmv. juhAHra 22 vears ried Miss Norma - Ramsey, of -Mar' old, were married five years agw. shaiH, daughter of Mrs. Minnie Ram They went to live in the cabin last sey. spring when Ledford obtained work j at the sawmill. Sunday afternoon at CIVITANS TO MEET FRIDAY 3 o'clock funeral services were con- J ducted over the burned body of little j The Marshall Civitan club meets Kyra at Flint Hill Methodist church every first and third Fridays. It hap near Alexander. The mother never year wi gtart off wh Friday The Knew tnai tne cnua aieu. ueuium meetmcr this week win De aat tne own burns are serious but his condi- French Broad hotel at one o'clock, tion is not critical. His mother said the family betyieved the heater had dried out the wall of the cabin, and whe the fire became too hot the wall Please Come In or Send It . o Many are renewing and new subscriptions are coming in. HOW ABOUT YOU? Mark Haynie. acre about 84. for merly (of Madison County, recently of near Enka, died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Ed Bryan, of near Marshall Sunday, Jan. 27. Funeial servicers and interment were at the Walntfb Creek Baptist church Monday afternoon conducted hv the pas! or, the Bey. Mr. Bragg of Marshall. Mr. Haynirf an undo of Mr. Pote II iy nie of 1 Marshn'l is survived liy oni1 son. V ck Hayrr'e of near Enka. and one daughter, Mrs. Ed Bn-an of ear MarshaJl. We understrnd he had been with Mrs. Bryan only a few-cays and diad of heart failure. WOMAN'S CLUB . The Woman's Club will meet Sat urday afternoon, Feb. 2, with Mrs.; lead the program. A full attend ance is. desired. The program will include special music. EDNEY CARTER BEN NAUGHTY KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE SATURDAY blazed up. Mrs. Ledford and the Ben Naughty wai found killed on i i i .i t AtA the highway in the Laurel section oaoy were sun as ccp wnen ueuiuiu - ,- ,. ' , , , o Saturday and the coroner's jury left the csibin to go make the fire in Monday foud that he came to his the cookhouse to prepare breakfast. i death by an automobile driven by unknown person or persons. . He was , , 17 J TT JJ" at one timejn jail and was written up Carter-tdney Wedding by Ripley on account of his name. Plans Announced For February 3 SPRING CREEK SCHOOL CLOSED Friends have received the following: MR. AND MRS. JAKE CARTER request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter PALMA to M'R. CAL1VIN R. EDNEY on Sunday Evening the third of February nineteen hundred thirty-five at eight-thirty o'clock Mars Hill Baptist Church Mars Hill, North Carolina BIRTHDAY DINNER 'MARS HILL Woman's C'ub Presents Play The literature group of the Wo man'sClub had charge of the pro gram fjr the regular meeting held pn Thursday evening of last week. Miss Bnnie Wengeit was the pro gfatn chairman and introduced the topic far the. evening. Folk Plays of the vCajolina 'PlaySnakers. speaking especially;; the v work of Paul Greene..? following; .:Vtniie:-takJ';ttMasf-; nolia'f Mat4,'hy;f Gertrndes jjso CbffllCf g r-T!it" romedTrwk 'T)lo j (SPECIAL) Wide interest will be centered a ) ; Tound the marriage of Miss Palma barter, youmest daugnter 01 ir. ana rs. J. F. Carter, of ivy, and Mr. ialvin R. Edney. nrominent lawyer f Mars Hill and Marshall, which has een set for Sunday evening, Febru rv 3. at 8:30 o'clock. The cere- Imony is scheduled to take place at the Mars HU1 Baptist cnurch, witn the Rev. L. Bunn Olive, pastor, of ficiating. ti Mrs. Kelley Ray, of Mars Hill and vy, will be Miss' Carter's Matron of llonor. and the bridesmaids will be His , The Sprine Creek school closed l Tuesday on account of. an epidemic ! Will H of flu. It was reported that it would open auain Feb. 4. A hundred cases of this disease were reported at the school. Mrs. L. L. Storev entertained at a delightful six o'clock dinner Tuesday evening honoring her mother. Mrs. Morrow, on her birthday, AT OAK RIDGE CHURCH SUNDAY iss (ilatfrs. iweed, juarsnau: miss , tn artv; k.,f h0 Nell English, Mars Hill; Miss Thelma : Bible Blankenship. Just; Miss Nita Gaha- I IIF . -BB-w. TTAl . . UV . 1 ' n f 1 The invited guests were Mrs. Tom Morrow, Miss Mayme Morrow, Miss Mary Gudger and Mrs. H. L. Story. N. B. McDevitt, Jr., Injured In Wreck N. B. McDevitt. Jr.. is" i a serious Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock, just 'condition at his home in M3rsnaii as- after the young people's service. Ev-;a result of injuries received rnaay e1bodv is cordially invited to attend l efternoon in a collision between a this service. Mr. Clark is a youngltrivk and his car, a roadster. The man starting out in this work, but ' accident occurred at Laurel Kiver RDriage. vuier uucupunts 01 uie Mr. Everett Clark j'ill preach at I Oak Ridge community chuich next. ter and Mis. L. H. Bagwell, of Ashe rille. LAttie Doris 'Jean Anderson pill be the flower girL The groom will have for his best ILLNESS IN FAMILY OF DR. RICE Dr. Otto Rice tells us that he1 is havintr his troubles on account of an his brother, Mr. E. J. Edney, of , illness in his family. His only son, enrose. The ushers will be Dr. W. , Otto, Jr., has been very ill but aas Robinson. Mars Hill: Robert Sams, if ought bravely through his illness for sheville: Grover L. Angel, Soring the last several weeks and is now re- reek; Dr. J. H. Hutchins. Walnut; cuperating. In the meantime, Mrs. aul Bruce, Mara Hill; and L. H. Kice has entered a samtonum in srwell, Asheville, N. C. ' 'Asheville for her health. 1 The fcride will be given In marriage f her brother, Mr. Ben Carter, of heviiie. The nag ceremony will used. - The engagement of Miss Carter d Mr. Edney was announced at a htrilliant party given at the home of VUO VllUV V fnCAA(4 4UUUU4y BlCUlllg. The announcement , was made by each guest receiving a letter contain ine a wedding bell on which was written "Wedding bella will ring for Palma am1 Pstirl Valtviian. ' A i ropriate tramea were played and sev eral beautiful musical selections were given by Misses Constance and Mary Fitngerali, Gladys Tweed, and Mrs. 'Kenneth Anderson, t ' , ... The dining room waa artistically I The regular meeting of the Mar- oecorawa in vaienune colon and tau IghaU p. t. A. will be held at the eandlea in silver holders. In the lll., .t.. -.t. tenter of the table waa . Iari kit 8Cho1 next Tuesday afternoon, Feb. wedding cake decorated with pink s P M. -A full attendance is JiearU and a miniature bride and' desired. , t Presbyterian Ladies To Meet The Ladies Bible Class of the Pres byterian church will hold a meeting in their Class room Thursday, Febru ary 7, at 2:30 P. M. A full attend ance is desired. P. T. A. To Meet Next i Tuesday were Miss Marian Morpow, Mr. John SO OR MORE COMICS! Each week the Baltimore Ameri can prints 50 or more famous comics in the new, handy-sized Comic Week ly.Everybody is pleased with this new Comic Weekly. You'll like it, too! Buy your copy of the BALTIMORE AMERICAN from vour favorite newsboy or newsdealer. ing from ordering a" husband thru a matrimonial agency, was presented 'by other members of the group. Mrs. H. C. Edwards was director; Mrs. V. E. Wood took the part of Miss Tish Davis; Mrs. R. M. Lee played the part of the widower, Newt Norris; M'ss Edna Ferguson ws Magnolia Staines; and Mrs. L. B. Olive was Bartholomew M. Burgess, of Arkan sas, the man from the agency. Al though the play was given only for the club members, the players used costumes, and the proper stage set ting and had Tut much time on the reparation. Hostesses for the eve ning were Mrs. Ashe Carter, Mrs. J. G. Holt, and Mrs. John McLeod. High School News The regular meetintr of the P. T. A. is scheduled for next Tuesday eve ning. Feb. 5, in the high school audi torium. Prof. Nolan has promised a ig-ood program and it is thought that a large number of parents will attend. Another program that promises to I be interesting is a costume recital or musical playlet, "Mrs. B. Natural's Party,'' to be given at the chapel hour on Thursday, Feb. 7, by the mu sic pupils of Mrs. J. B. Huff. The rhythm orchstra will also appear on this program. Personals The Rev. nnd Mrs. W. C. Taylor, S. B. C. missionaries to Brazil, arriv ed here last week to spend several months in the McOal! rottige on tV hierh school ridge. The children ai e registering for study in the college and hisrh school. Mrs. R. R. Riddle has been spend ing a few days here at her home, making arrangements to join her husband in his traveling job this year. Miss Dorothy Walters, of Wingate. N. C. is here visiting her sister, Miss Leon Walters, the new telephone op erator. Mrs. Frank Gibbs of Enka spent the week-end here with relatives. Mrs. Nathan Runjyon was called to Erwin, Tenn., Tuesday because of illness of her sister. Mrs. Paul More ley. ' News-Record : Many women of Madison County, especially of the outlying communi ties, have nQted with dismay that our County Commissioners have abolish ed the office of Home Demonstrator. The pressure is strong 0n these good men to do everything in their power to relieve the taxpayers. That they have acted toward this end has earn ed .them the good will of all hard pressed citizens. Nevertheless, there are considera tions possibly greater than the mod est economy effected by the abolition of the office in question. In the era of rugged individualism, probably now passiner. It was "everv one for himself and the devil take' the hind most;'' but now we are becoming moie considerate of the under-nrivi- leged. It used to be unquestioned that the people of the "cities and towns were entitled to the be -t of ed ucational and social advantages while those "in the sticks" ot "what the little boy shot". But now we have achieved the more Christian .iit'tii'Ie of recording everybody cnMlli'd to the good tilings of life that all he"p to o eato. If pe-.-p'e cannot get to educational centers we bring educational centers to t:ie people. The el'ires of the I County xg('nt and Home i lemons' -a- tor represent the latter movement. One is probably as important as the oilier. "An unthrifty woman throw.-: out with a spoon what a thiifty man throws in with a shovel." Very probably the citizens of the little towns of Madison Count v where the schools may be provided with home economics and domestic science teachers, do not fee' the need of the Home Demonstrator hut wouldn't they like to see us of the outlying communities also enjov the mysteries and new discoveries of the hearthfire and the kitchen? If the Commissioners are aware of community feelings involving the personality rather than the nfficA nf tthoi Hom-DruHati sive to rnose leeiings; but being ru ral men thev should know that in order- to swan horses it 'is not necessary to burn the barn. The office of the Home Demonstrator is an institution which would be sadly missed bv many farm women. MRS. JUANITA ZIMMERMAN. Madison County has lost the value of 44,559 acres, or 15.96 percent, of its total area be cause oi aggravated erosion, according to the Soil Erosion Service of the .United States Department of the Interior. Of the 279,040 acres which com prise the county there are 24,851 a- cres already abandoned due pri marily to severe erosion, the report shows. Also, there rare 62,000 acres having 25 to 75 percent of the topsoil igone. The government has found that the county contains 156,381 acres of forest, and that there are 37,128 a- cres under cultivation, 36,157 acres of idle tillable land and 24,523 acres of open pasturel'and in addition to jthe twenty-four thous J d odd acres ,of abandoned land. The section of i the county most seriously damaged ; by erosion is French Broad Valley. The report is the result of an e losion survey made of the entire ftale under the direction of W. D. Lee and W. W. Stevens, soil special ists of the North Carolina area of the Soil Erosion Service, to determ ine the geneial land condition in North Carolina. Regional headquarter- of the Soil Erosion Service is at High Point. Erosion Survey Of Madison County Present Land Use Acres of To tal Area OPPORTUNITIES 4-H CLUB GIRLS WILL MISS WITHOUT THE OF FICE OF HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT When home demonstration was put into the county eight years ago, my mother sent me to the 4-H Club and kept me there until I was large e nough to realize the opportunity and the value of it. I have been a club girl eight years, the first two years we did not have an agent full time. Mrs. Sara Porter Ellis just came part of the time to the County as she was District Agent for the moun tain counties. Since November 1928 we have had a full time agent. This office gives to the County and rural people what they cannot get fiom the schools or any other office in the county. The 4-H club girl and bov will be the future ru.al leaders of the coun Through these offices we learn oiganization and leadership. W e: have advantages the State and Fed era! Government give us that home economics in schools can not give us. Then it would npt be nrabable for the girls in the remote sections of the countv to receive any practical know-, f('g" f nOT.r Cultivated land . . 37,128 Idle tillable land . 30,157 Waste land .... 24,851 Open pasture land . 24,523 Forested land . . 156,381 . 279,040, Steepness Of Land Level to undulating . 5,600 Moderately rolling . 8,400 Strongly rolling . . 33,600 Low hilly 44,800 Hilly 79,600 Very steep .... 107,040 Extent Of Erosion Little or no erosion 172,481 Severe (up to 75 of topsoil gone) Very severe with gullyinig- 44,559 Total area severely eroded, gujilied, and abandoned 13.32 12.95 8.90 8.78 56.04 2.00 3.02 12.04 16.05 28.52 38.36 61.81 62,000 22.21 15.96 106,559 - 38.17 Meeting Of School Masters Club economics other than office of home demon- ALL-STAR TOURNAMENT POSTPONED UNTIL WEDNESDAY Illne Of Mr. Marvin MeClure -Causes Postponement PROBABLY 8 TEAMS TO ENTER TOURNAMENT The annual All-Star Basketball Tournament of Madison County will start next Wednesday, January 30, at the Walnut high school court. Probably 8 teams will compete in this tournament, Much interest is being shown in this tournament and capacity crowds are anticipated at each same. - The applications have been sent out, but the playing ached ule has not yet been selected. The Beech Glen All-Stars, who have de feated all opposition this season, are top-heavy' favorites in the tourna ment. ': The preliminaries will be played Wednesday night. February 6. and Thursday"' night, February 7. The semi-finals will be played Friday night and the finals will be played Saturday night. Garnet will begin promptly at 7:30 and 8:30 o'clock. A small admission charge will be made to cover expenses. Each team will appreciate your cooperation by your attendance and support - . through the slration agent. I have not taken rdvantaUs of all the oppoitunities it gave to me. We must work in 1-H club because we nre competing with other club mem-1 bere in the county, state and nation. , I have competed in the local club con-! tests and wen $7.50 in money. TIave taken part in county contests, district beal'h contest and the state dress, ! record and judging contest. I found i the sir's in the counties where home demonstration work has been for years were better prepared than I. However, I won a medaj on my rec ord and was second in judging and dress contest. I am working harder for these contests when I attend the Short Course in Raleigh this sum mer. I- feel that whe, I enter col lege this fall I shall be better prepar ed to select my vocation in life be cause of the experience I have had mostly through club work. There are other club "girls in the county that fee the same and want to see the work kept. ELLEN BROOKS. 4-H, Hot Springs. Mrs. Marvin McCIure Seriously 111 Mrs. Marvin McCIure is seriously (1 at the home of her mother at Wal nut Mrs. McCIure was before mar riage Miss Margaret Leaker and is a teacher in the Walnut school. : Her many friends were deeply concerned about her the first of the week. She was much better Wedensday. The Madison County School Masters Oiub met Thursday evening, January 24, 1.935, with the following members nresent: Supt. D. M. Rob inson; Beech Glen, J. V. Howell, Hill; Hot Spring, W. L. Rikard, Young; Mushall. O. S. Dillard, Huff. Alden ITomberlin: Mars Hil'i, Nolan, T. K. Gilbhs. P. K. Ray; Spring Creek, Bur Igess, Angel. R. O. Meadows; Walnut. j. 0. Wells, C. M. Roberts. The I club entertained as honorary guest Mr. W. T Davis of Hot Springs, wno h' 1 ! ai b ravel v through a many-min ute resume of the pedagogical salary scf'e o the pa:st few tei'ms. Mr. Robinson made a strong plea, efpecially to uie high school princi 1 that thev use every available method to cut expenses this year. He emphasized the fact that the trans portation budget would be exhausted long before the end of the current i,erm unless principals and bus driv ers observe the strictest economy. Mr. Robinson always shows the high est spirit of cooperation with the whole school system in order to ob tain the most education for the least expenditure. Last year the club selected as an issue for county-wide high school de bate the present three per cent sales tax in N. C. This year the club de cided that the schools will not debate as a county unit, but will adopt the state-wide triangular query. The Hijrh School Debating Union has a dopted the query: "Resolved, .That the United States should adopt the policy of extending federal aid to general pubic education". Some of the schools have already started work on this question. Madison County has sent debating team to compete s. i the finals at Chapel Hill let's to again this year. ' J As the Basketball Tournament for the high schools is not far in the fu ture, anxiety has been felt as to the winners. Currents of. rumor as to the eligibility of certain trayers en the winning teams is always heard after the. Tournament. To avoid thia feeling all the principals will submit s full list of their players for the thorough examination of the mem bers of the Club at its nert meeting; February 14, 1936. 11 Hi i f 1 1 t ; 4 4 hi