I, ' J LnlUa r fannies THE ESTABLISHED NEWSIER; OF MA DISON COUNTY VOL.34 8 Pages MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1935 PRICE $1.00 A YEAH THREE MADISON PROJECTS OBJECTIVES OF CMTAN CLUB TV A Representative Heard At Club Last FridAy Three projects were mention ed and adopted as objectives by the Marshall Civitan Club at its regular meeting last Fri day at the French Broad hotel. The mattjer of a gymjnasium and swimming pool for the Marshall school has been a project under consideration for some time and it is hoped that some of the nearly 5 billion dollars relief fund to be provid ed by the national administra tion may be applied to this EDNEY CARTER (SPECIAL) A marriage characterized by im pressive dignity and splendor was solemnized at the Mars Hill Baptist church Sunday night at 8:80 o'clock, wten Miss Palma Lowe uarter, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jake F. Carter, of Ivy. became the bride of the Hon. Calvin Ransome Edney, of Mars Hill and. Marshall. The Rev. L. Bunn Olive, pastor, was the officiating minister. Because of the large throng who attended the rites reservations for special invited guests were made in the central divi sion of the church. Artistic church decorations con sisted nf a harkeround of native nine may be applied to this . and rhododendron. On the altar, project as well as to the others lighted with 35 cathedral candles in mpntinnpH. Th nt.hpr r w n white candelabra, were large baskets projects mentioned were the iviompletion of the street from the Jarrett home on the hill a round by and encircling the Pritchard cemetery and back to the P. V. Rector residence. The third project mentioned was the hard-surfacing of each candle holder was tied with white tulle a small bouquet of the same flowers. 'Miss Martha Biggers, church -pianist and head of the music department of Mars Hill college, was in charge of the music. Prior to the ceremony Miss Mary Fitzgerald, of Asheville, sang "I Love You Truly," by Bond. Miss Biggers played "Thou Art Like time she has been .a popularteaicher in the Madison County public schools, having held positions at Hot Springs and Beech Glen. Her ancestors have played an important part tn ther historical and civic-eocial affairs ox Madison County. Mr. Edney, prominent lawyer-pol?. itician of Marshall and canddaite for Congress in the 10th Congressional district last fall, is the so- of the late Mr. George and Mrs. Edney, He f graduated at the University of North Carolina in the class of 19 17, and received an A. M. degree from that institution in 1922. He is a former nrofnssnr of Viistorv and economics i HiT XT; 11 J r'ai.asinJKTotirflnnii I and held important positions in South Carolina, Virginia, West Vir ginia. Colorado. Oregon, and Utah. For several years he was associated with the Federal Land bank and the jthwtic Joint Stock bank. At pres ent he is in the active practice of law tm Marshall. . Both the bride and groom are verv popular memoers oi ine suciai ev and the wedding at"icted a great deal of interest in western North Carolina and in other sections where ey are prominently known, bince the' announcement of the engagement ip-week ago the couple has been tne Ipients of many entertainments in colleges. He has travelled extensive 1 eir honor, Organization MADISON COUNTY; PERFECTED FOJTVA ASSISTANCE A LETTER TO THE CITIZENS i OF MADISON COUNTF The Co. Home Agent Since the Home Agent began visit ing this community a 4-H Club has From Jeter P. Ramsey, Regitf Of Deeds It is my policy to give the best posv sible service to the citizens of Mad- been organized. Through this club;""" TrtT much ororress has been made among ' therefore I feel it necessary to the the girls along the line of cooking, readers of the News-Record to know sewing, etc. a few facts, that perhaps need to This being one of the rural ctrai- Hmjj munities of the country, we will suf- , . T - ' ., . fer a great loss, and a great handi-1 lst: 1 fi"d that there are mmbe VI uccua v ii uak ill HUB wuitc wiuvi, I believe have been paid or satisfied ' in full and are not cancelled of rec- Representatives For Every Township With J. B. Mc Devitt A8 President 1Ti. a T?n i? i T" : i. " A mU, M One T1,, ly."1" riuwer, oy xvuumiswiii, anu '"e""" iw. i.v;iiUiui.c..iU,MrSi W- K Anderson, of Ivy, sang the Tennessee line Via White At Dawning" trv Cadman and "My Rni-lr TVio Mmmittcu n tlipao World" hv Geehl. While the tnners i . Aiivuuinii.wv , . - - I discussion projects ia composed of O. S. !1er,?Tinl,iRhtei,M!S8 B"rae p,1" , took place Dillard. Dr. W. E. Finlev. ud,? ""'.r-l'liiation was named from every town. A well attended meeting1 of farm ers, business and proiessionai men, was held at the courthouse in Mar shall lartYiday afternoon when H.- A. Powers, representing the agricuWi t.ural division of the TVA. told the audience something of the plans and: requirements for a county to have the assistance offered by the TVA.: TVie mooting woe nrPsMpd over hv Earle Brintnall. County Agent. Fol lowing the visitor's talk, an informal led by Guv V. Koberts -riLitook place. A member of the organ Two visitors j Wagner was used for the approach of , f ed from No. 1 Township, and two Guy V. Roberts. aim piuapecuve meiiiwtjia ui ",. l-rB . " " I from No. 2 Township. the club were recognized by ''URr.V" r7 ?, j?u J. B. McDevitt of near Walnut, President J. H Hutchins after 'it the .dd'S'w- president of the o am Which he Called on Mr. Earle March from "A Midsummer Night's ! lE X,th Kenne.th Anderson, of Brintnall to introduce the guest teMd2h 1?. SSASS speaker, Mr. H. A. Powers, of j iiglnmnA1.1 naed J- w- wjb,e- vocational the agricultural division Of the ivyMrneeKeS Bonnie' Gilus ,H c'olS i ural teacher in the Marshall Tennessee Valley Authority, classmate of the bride was the Ma- sch.o1' as h.s choice for the post of Mr. Powers spoke very briefly iron of honor, and wore B gown ofi?",Bcy'rent' wnich sugKe3-- ci tne. purpose oi tne meeting i""r '.u a"" "u nf fsrmora t h0 V,01H thof of icut in one contme wn a Deautituiiy r , araped blouse which molded into a REGISTER '4 r YOUR BABY was aaopiea. j Members of the county committ$ are ternoon and the club was in- 'ihw sheatv, vinw: Th h,r.v w!L- Coates. c. w. Baldwin, jake mic. vited to attend. X)MMBSIONERS STAND FIRM e DacK was r t' m.u--y- given interest by the V-neckline and ner- ae Kamsey w . n. j the buttoned elosin X with : k 1ona i"wson' a. wavis, iww-u w.. iappe( fitted. bouquet of briarclin roses and baby' Dreath. nome Lemonsiraiion ftgeni o Mrs. Ben Carter and Mrs. L. H. Bag Office Not Re-instated Despite , well, Asheville. Their gowns were Pressure Of Women Interested of taffeta in pastel shades, made on . princess-lines en train. They carried The office of home demonstration ! bouquets of snapdragons baby's , j, -w j- breath, and maiden hair fern tied agent for Madison County remains ith tulle matchin(r the dresses. abolished, so far as the County Com- j Little Miss Doris Jean Anderson, missionens are concerned. Despite Ivy, was the flower girl. She wore a the pleas of quite a number of wo- P'nk satin frock ruffled from neck to men from Walnut, Hot Springs, and h and carried a basket of sweet various sections of the county that ,peThe best man was Mr. E. J Kdnev the office be re-instated, two of the of Penrose, brother of the groom. Commissioners remained firm in their The groomsment and ushers were: decision. Mr. A. W. Whitehurst was P- W. Locke Robinson Mars Hill; i. j i ! j .l i. ii. 0010 Grover L. Angel, Spring Creek; Rob present and stated that the 33 l-3ert &am8 an(j l. h. Bagwell, Ashe- dollars per month from now until ville; Dr. J. H. Hutchins, Walnut; July ljould Ibe paid by some private and Paul Bruce, Mars Hill. They party so that it would not cost the !werea"ire1d, in f dre!f suits. 1 , " Bride Wear Gown Of Satin county a cent . Arguments were pre-j ne bride was bJ h(I sented that the women were entitled brother, Mr. Ben Carter, of Asheville, to something, but no amount of per- who gave her in marriage. Her suasion would change the board in its g0.wn W(V? of bJ',ide!s satin made on tt p .. j. , princess lines. The long tight sleeves dec1S.on. However, ,t was repeated ame t0 a Doint oveer te more than once that this attitude was ( neckline was high cowl in front and not because of any ill-feeling toward ,' opened in the back with buttons to the present incumbent or her hus- the waistline. - The lovelv train be- hand. Chairmnn Purmsr stater! that f5 slightly above the knees and McDevitt, Jeter Ramsey, and J. E Rice. The next regular meeting of this committee will be at 10 o'clock Sat- Hill; Miss Thelma Blankenship, Just; H, mTmne- f eDrual'v v. in me ui nr' n n . ... t -Tt . nee f the countv ae-ent. I The bridesmaids were Miss Nita Gahagan and Mis Gladys Tweed, of Marshall; Miss .Nell English, Mars Sleigh, Jan. 31. .'According to lation, we "buy more cradles and coffins than any other State in thfcljnion," the late Governor Thom as Walter Bickett toldl the North Carolina Society of Pennsylvania in !Pnjlidlphia December 4, 1920, in nuxaow lamous auures on no, rur C&fKna". T.Tbe records show that our death ratejis the lowest, and our birth late thi highest, of any State," this State's war Governor said. Since thai? time the State of Noith Caro- ' S' hnay has maintained this hrst al most every year, especially in the highl'birth rate. Some claim this is a questionable honoif, ias did Fianjk i-Smethurst, in his "In My Opinion" Column in the News and Observer las iPriday. But, he maintains, hav ing? 'been born, any baby in the State if ySflue the consideration of having tnaijbirth recorded. i Records for 1933 cap will ibe placed upon the members of this club if the home agent's office is discontinued. We, the members of this club, feel that we should not be deprived of the aid rendered by the home agent. We hope that the Home Agent may continue in order that the girls of our rural communities mav not be de prived of the only aid offered except the schools. 4-H CLUB GIRLS OF UPPER BIG PINE! "THE GAY PRETENDERS" ord. If you have any deeds of trust which have been paid it would be wise for you to come to the Register of Deeds office, if you have not al ready done so, and have same can--celled of record. The same applies to chattel mortgages. 2nd: I have noticed the attorneys for the Federal Land Bank and other corporations making loans to individ uals on real estate abstracting the ti tles of the land of the persons owningf the land in their official capacity can- B. C. Brigtrs, W. L. George, As t1c?rqs Ior uie nKures arei. not. yet available snow mai North Carolina was second only to We .Mexico in birth rate that year, A thrie-.act play, presented by the Del Rio Dramatic Club, will be eiven at the high school building, Hot not pass a title as good and sufficient Springs, Friday night, Feb. 15. at 8 title for the reason that several deeds o'clock. The play is being sponsor- . . i aa ,;J .... , .. , by law in order that the chain of ti tle might be straight. This also ought ed by the Hot Springs Baptist Sun- i day schoo. Be sure and see the side splitting pretenders. MARS HILL P. T. Program Given Before Large Audience tiew luemo m uinn rate luhl vcm. i i lcavaa TP 12. Jarv a Kannath Am. I . . -------- ' ' I slirt en train.,- ; She . carried f J," : " l!' W.SZ i' iwi-.- . on. t count. The ninth grade, whicFTiaa t'fr1?'"? ?arr " " , . V . " I' won the attendance reward each The name of the organization will probably be SOIL CONSERVATION ASSOCIA TION OF MADISON COUNTY PASTOR BLOUNT RESIGNS Will per 1,000 population, but had only 11,596 births. Utah's birth rate was 22.9 per 1,000 population, but that State had only 11,857 births. No:th Carolina, with a birth rate of 22.9, had 75,102 births, more than three times as many as New Mexico and Utah combined. If North Carolina had a complete record of 1933 births, it might even regain its former p'ace at the top, even going ahead of New Mexico, The largest attendance at a P. T. gathering in the history of the Mars Hill high school was the record made on last Tuesday evening at the regu lar monthly meeting. It was estimat ed that as many as 400' were pres ent. However, a large part of them were students. And vet counting the adults separately, the attendance reached high score. The grade counts month except one, won again, with 20 parents r.e.'nt. The fourth grade received honorable mention with 15. A full report on finances was given, showing a balance o hand of about $50.00. A large rramber of bills, al so, was presented by the principal. The body vo'.ed to clear these and al so to help with the purchase of sweat el s for the athletic group. The chairman of the irade mother group reported that they weie planning to spo'sor a basketball game in order to laise money to supplement the grad- Hl B.lmril liKvafir Mr. Smethurst writes. The "Regis-, jjhe Reneral topic of the program ter Your Baby" campaign now in for the evening was character build-nroe-ress in this State is seekino- in line. After a review of the previous Preach Farewell Sermon L.f tv,;0 ita j n ,. I programs of the year by Professor fcVU WHO 1 V.W1 J WJUMIWIV A1IU 11 Mttl I XT T .1 J! 11 i-:ij i ...ui.: i ,.i-l'"'" " cina ui uniiuidl UUI II Wll-iilll Liiu j,.irL Sunday Morning- year are asked to see that their The U. S. Bu reau of the Census, the State Board of Health and the State Emergency j Relief Administration are seeking a 1 11C 'HOT. TV llliaill V UlUUlll, ittJLVl , . . , of the Marshall Baptist church for lbabies are registered. the last three years, resigned last Sunday morning land will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday morn- inn. IT . I .1 . ,1 V . Hn.'M.n 111K. 11C UIU liCllUTJl HIS ICSIEIIO- . . . tion to see whether or not it would """'"clB ' '-accepted. lhe resignation was final and he is havin,? their furniture plw.t Rminrl 9rc Of m-d this week to the home of his f ,rS.1. "-ou"a COreS KJI daughter, Mrs. Briggi at Landrum, MadlSOn County All S. C. In presenting his resignation . vtri 1 Sunday he said that he and Mrs. Otar 1 OUHiament Which Blount had had this matter under c-.J X7.JJ.. DIMf consideration for several months, but started Wednesday t M did not state a reason -for his resig' gaj siignuy a Dove tne knees aMiulu. "f y ji i6 i II a. Xr i . 91 gathered in fullness until it formed 'nation We understand that he had Marshall, 28; Walnut, 21 ne n invuC1 Hume i,u1k.ciucui .a-epread fan at the end peen advised bv physicians to retire n , ri Wi .. D plan which he thought would be ! Her veil was white 'tulle held in ' from t3ie ministry, but apparently he ,Keecn -ien, oo; wnueROCK, ii 4 die? hnd not heard of this worth more to the county-tho George la9 at the face with orange' bios- is physically more vigorous than for- Reed Foundation. Some of tine la- bo.8- M wore white crepe shoes 1 1"c''-: 'with orange blossoms nn thn toes. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. B'ount ! nnmhaM fvionta in Iff o ia Viol 1 o i lire rr wiiit tuiido ! DAY) : Mara Hill vs Walnut CCC Some of the most outspoken women wtud of present were Mrs. )Epps Haws Mc- The bride wore a necklace of pearls. the town, and community. Since they ; ciur; oi wamut. Mrs. vjrawiora- a kiiz ui tne srroom. iac un i iv u-cu ! ' ' . .. I ! 'I . t Jl ' . 1 1 a Bryan, of Walnut Creek, Mrs. Wiley t inmeWQr toimwing the cere-1 jwe a d y i eir s ons w aa ugme r t. -i l- i,.i r - ""Juj small rcceuupn wm MM II "v' kju-i... ". m. iuut, oi wttie nne, airs. v,. the home 0f Mr. and Mrs Kelley i North Carojina, the Jtoungent son I C. Brown, of Hot Springs, Miss Mary Ray for the bridal party and the mem-'now 8 ministerial student at Boston, i Dr.cmCMrr. T Mni-!- nf T ittle t. HT fi V hare nf tha 1 rij. i i Without. PVlpntinn it wnnlrl ia rlnrd : OLD KE.31Ut.INCt. IU DC ... v . . .... v W1.M A Ulv. UllSi UUV ' 'J . .lliv uoiivi AUU 1'j U11CV J. 4111 i - - v - -w " - Roj erts, of Marshall, and others. jilies. The Ray home bore decora- to find $ flPer family of people. As tions or (potted plants and winter i nmj- ana uostess m tneir nome me flowers. After the bridal party had Key. Mr. and Mrs. Blount could received in the living room, delight-i hardly be excelled. They are a re fill refreshments nnnsistinv of a nl- fined southern family. ad coarse, weddinar cake and nunrh i Church conditions have been very ' Company for a filing station, The monthly meeting of the French were served by Mrs. Ola Byrd, sister 4 unsatisiactory the last few years in Broad Sunday School Convention was of the bnde. She was attired in,"tne cnurcnes and tnj$ pastorate in held with the Pinev Mountain Baptist rose satin made with a high neckline Marshall,- has been a difficult one. church Sunday afternoon.-. An in- and draped bodice and fallinjr in However, the Rev. Mr. and Mra. terostg program was rendered. The straight lines. The only ornament .Blount, by sermons, deeds, Bnd pray- Devotional was given bw Mr. Frank was a rose buckle decorated wih errui attention to the sick of all de- According to figures in the regis trar's office, it is found that 36 of the KflR alliiiontc oni'illlnil at trin tt nrrti Tweed' Store vs Barnardsville'have made the first honor roll, and Nolan given: Tableau, showing correct and in correct table manners, by members of the home economics group. Paper on good manners, by Alma Jarvis. Demonstration of a wheless equip ment by Howard Olive and Dobby Holt of the science department. A short talk on the value of teach ers' visits to the homes of pupils, by Jane Pope. Playlet, showing value ifl home studv and use of leisure time, g:ven by several members of the English club. Short talks commending the im proved standard of the school and urging cooperation, were made by j Dr. R. L. Moore, Dean I. N. Carr, and j Mr. Roy Wall. i Col'ege Honor Roll Announced to be done by the persons owning the land to see that all the deeds back as far as thirty-five years .have been 1 ecorded concerning their land. Un recorded deeds cause many civil ac tions in court. 3rd: The 1933 Act of the General Assembly requires that all persona living in any county in the State of North Carolina who marry in other states after the enacting of this law are required to file a marriage cer tificate in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county in which they live. Many have not done this, mere ly, I think, because they do not know the law. have been Register of Deeds I have noticed that in a great many cases where commissioners divide the land of the estate among the heirs at law of the deceased and after this report of divisions and allotments has been approved by the Clerk of the Superior Court, as provided by law, same has not been transferred to the office of legbter of Deeds in compliance with tthe order. This ought to be done by the persons who own lands which ;hey have inherited. 5th: I have in my possession many deeds and other instruments of writ ing which were left here a long time f.go ,that have never been called for by the parties; merely an oversight, perhaps. If I have any papers belong ing to you it may be to your advan iige to call because you ought to have your deeds at home after they ,'i:e recorded. For the reason that one never knows when the Court House might be burned or destroyed by fire, which would mean that your deed and record would be burned. Safety first is a good policy. I shall be glad to talk all these :r-atteis over wlh you ,any time. Call to see me. Refpectfully, JETER P. RAMSEY. Another Hold-up In Madason Attempted S. S. CONVENTION Preparation is boing made to re move the W. H. Morrow residence to the adjoining lot, the residence 1 linvinor heen leased hv the Pure Oil services there. Mr. Daniel Lewis, of the Grape Vine section ofMadison County, who celebrated his 89th birthday, Feb. 1, was in Marshall Monday and is quite .1 LI- - n. . V! News item: .One m. is knocked Hill hio hnni in t9T ! ttnrtH wif u;.. down i fcy n , automobde-every ten Western Carolina Teachers' College, Rebecca Coats, have been married tninntes in Chicago. One would think at Cullowhee, where she was grsdu- more than 66 years. Mr. Lewis bad She was attired in'al'.the churches and thj pastorate in .THANKS CONGREGATION OF SHOAL HILL The Rev. G. W.1 Briggs takes this was given bw Mr. Frank was a rose buckle decorated wini enui atiention to tne sick or all de- metnoa or tnanKing tne gooa peopie W.Morgan. .. , .lhinestone sets. nominations, have endeared them- 0 shoal HilL church for their many Topic for discussion was The Or-'. Miss Faye Ebbs, niece of the bride, e'ves to many who seldom if ever ... recentlv in at,Dreciation of his Maiserf. BihTa i .. Thn. t.l-i who netiJoA of nph hnwl attended church. And their o-o nr ia a glIls recenwy ,n apprecianon oi nis rait on the program were Dr. R. L. "in a black taffeta evening gown with distinct loss to the community. Moore, Mr. Erskino Plemmotis, Mr. a tht fitting bodice with rhinestone uiaude council, liss"LiOuise Roberts ftraps. She wore silver suppers, and Miss Lola Jo Arrowbod. ' Honaymoon Destination Unannounced The meeting was well attended. ! . -After the reception the bride Nine churchea, were represented. The donned a traveling suit of green next meeting will be held at Locust .tweed, with brown beaver fur and Grove church, March, the 3rd, at 2 matching accessory anoVthe couple P. M. A good program will be ar- let .for a brief honeymoon of an ranged and it is hoped that all who unannounced destination. After Feb are interesfed in, better Sunday ruary 15 the couple will be at home schools will attend! this meetingvy at Mars Hin. - - me, bnde graduated from the Mars STILL ACTIVE AFTER 66 YEARS WEDDED LIFE Evidently the tame robbers that i1H nn mA rohbpH Rnan'a filling flmnnir thpm i onp frnrvi M,nHismi i.i . in i.i. ..-j i.tj 17" "T m ... .. . T A., I station at marsnaii acenijieu a nuiu- County Mis, 1 iith Mcintosh. Oth-' near white Rock. Mr. Marion ers making a giade of B. or above, Edwards of Mars H 11 tells us that MOVED ? an suojects, are v,i..v li v.v ' he and Harry JeVvis were retu nmg west Asnevnie; Ernest eymms, Ashe- u.om Tennessee " two unsuccessful ville; Howa.d Richardson, Black ! attempts for a similar party were Mountain; Helen Thomas, Swanna-;toHp . tn hold " them nn about two Inna ,'1 int,i( U AJa n -1 .. W7 n ..a.Ii, ,. -' . . .. , , w i "tAouuu, avcuj, i nours neiore tne niimg station was "'-. VJU.01U, roboed wednesaay nignt oi last ween. Earl Brockman, Gastonia; Loris Do- : ver, Shelby; Judith Eller, Greens boro; Betty Elliott, Detroit, Mich.; Roll. Others from this county mak Kath.ryn Ellis, Clayton ; William Flem-jine an average of C or above on all ing, Drayton, S. C; Ruby Lee Gibson, i subjects are James Whitt. Melba Charlotte; Ernest Harrell. Forest ' Holt, Shubert Holt, Martha Navy, fJK " Eleanor Harrington, Greenville: Margaiet Anderson. Lucille Bryan, brownlow Hastings, Monroe. La. ; i Ruth Carter. Harlev Cody, and Clyda Clay Hemrick, Cycle; Edna Jobe, j Mebane; Brice Keller, Charlotte; An-, nie Belle Lee, Fallston; Nina Gray i Liles, Peachlandi Harold McGuire, Andrews; Christine Nash, Statesville ; i Margaret Hatillo. Florence. S. C. : Ed Porter, Newport, Tenn. ; Iris Rabb, Marion; Mildred Ripny, Tryon; Eve- Scronce. There were 42 students from this county enrolled at the col lege last semester. Two Music Teacher To Give Recital j - tyn Shepherd. New Orleans; Felix jiSpeer, Boon ville; D. L. Stallings, it would wear him out Ejc date of his. marriage but was quite certain that it was Dec. 8. 1868. Mr. Lewis is one of the few left in the County who was a Civil War soldier, he being on the Union side. Both he and Mrs. Lewis were born in Madison County and have lived not far remov Biidgeton; W. R. Teague. Henderson: J. R. Thompson. Worthville. Ky.; Mary D. Tinnin, Salisbury: and Ruth Turner, Chesnee, S. C. 'Another Madison county student, Mary Alice Huff, Mars Hill, made the B. or above, record on all subjects ITwo members of the music depart ment of Mars Hill College, Miss Mar- Felix garet Whittiiyrtqn, teacher of voice. and Mrs. Spencer B. King, teacher of the violin,, will appear in recital Saturday evening,, February 9, in the colllege auditorium'. . , Both Mjss Whittington and Mrs. King are appearing in recital for the first time at Mars Hill, this - being: their firsts year on the faculty. Music (but one receiving a C plus, or next j lovers in the vicinity of Mars Hill are ated in the class .pi 198L Since that some difficulty in -Remembering the life. ed from their jjresent home all their highest grade, on that one subject, i looking forward with interest to the; uikucbii fi eauVft UU VI I tab yu luujvvkf i vvaiiiK av " e v va iv. ""J-v v and is classed In the second Honor I appearance of these musicians.