NEWS OF MARSHALL AND YICIMTY : : HEARD AND SEEN: : AROUND TOWN : Personal and Otherwise By LANK A 1034 V-8 Ford coupe was ruin' ed bv being burped and run off the road near the lyy bridge Friday niftm. -'The owner of the car was not known. Miss Ruby Smith of Marshall at tended the singing convention at the French Broad Baptist church, Alex ander, N. C, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jasper Ebbs of Trust came o ver to Marshall Monday on business. Mrs. Claud Sawyer and Mrs. Cub Sprinkle were at Mars Hill Sunday afternoon visiting Miss Marjorie Sawyer and Miss Jeanne Sprinkle. Mr. and Mrs. Guy White and son, Billy, spent the week-end in Mar shall with Mr. and Mrs. William Wor ley. Miss Vena Isenhour and Miss Lou ise Anthony of Lincolnton, N. C, spent the week-end in .Marshall as j the guests of Miss Isenhour's sister, Mrr. Sam Rudisill. Mrs. Craig Rudisill had as dinner guests Saturday evening, Miss Vena Isenhour, and friend, Miss Louise Anthony, both of Lincolnton, N. C, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rudisill. , Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Zink have mov ed into the house on Main Street re cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. James Penland. Miss Ritby Davis is spending the week in Asheville with Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Davis. Mrs. L. E. Forster is spending the week in and near Marshall with rel atives. Mr. Walter Davis, of Asheville, is leaving for New York Monday morn ing to see his sinter, Mrs. W. H. Young, who has been away from Mar shall for several years. Mrs. K. R. Tweed, Jr., and Mrs. Ted McKinney were in Ashevil!e Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edney have returned home since the above was set. LOST & WANT ADS 25 wqrds or leas 80c for one issue $1.00 for 4 issues. Additional words lc a word an issue. CASH First Attorney James Balev wield- ing a broom Tuesday A. M. a urojten winaow Dane in the court house. Five women canvassing the town for subscriptions. Doc Dinwiddie says that when they approached him, he told them that he was merely a Door so- found On Marsnan, itouie z, oe da Jerk) and earned a dollar a strav hoar. Owner may obtain same j .v-t I i T r-k i , m I worK, uoc. uurmanv oi tne men couldn't resist the wiles and charms of t.he young la- R. L. Marshall, N. It pol ' RADFORD C, R. F. D. No. 2 STRAYED A hog. Owner may ob-, and these gentlemen, to ... . . 11QA anma Karl oltannr rrr 1 r 1 ' tain same by describing the hog and paying for the feed and this adver tisement. See R. L. RADFORD Marshall, Route 2 O-M-7 SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Man with car. Route ex perience preferred but not necessary. Rawleigh, Dept. NCB-133-M. Rich mond, Va. F-7, 14, 21, 28 WOMANLESS WEDDING AT BEECH GLEN On Saturday, February 16, at 8 o'clock, the Parent-Teacher Associa tion of Beech Glen high school will present "The Womanless Wedding.'' The role of the dainty bride will por trayed by Mr. Solomon Swift, while the lucky stalwart groom will be rep resented by Mr. R. Oscar Young. rrl Ill l. ttnnm-ln.l frY-i,- ivlnn Mr. and Mrs. John MoF.lroy and u.y -v, Mr. nd M.s. Carl R. St.nnrl have re- Pa,lm' casl. ' - turned from a pleasant stay of sev eral weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. moved to an apartment Bank of French Broad. use some bad slang, "got took.' Some very amusing remarks made in one of the local stores by a woman, said remarks be ing exceedingly derogatory to her husband. UNSEEN & UNHEARD CAN YOU IMAGINE HJ Ei Robterts Ja,s juvenile court judge? JoHn A. Hendricks operating the machines at the local the atre? P. V. Rector as soda jerk in one drug store, and Craig Ru disill jerking soda in the other? "Red" Tipton attorney-at- law? A. W. Whitehurst as black smith? Eugene Rector as Farm Dem onstrator? Ernest Teague as a garage mechanic? F. A. Dodson as chief of po lice? Howard Norn's as postmast er? Terl McKinney as sheriff? J. Coleman Ramsey manager of the A&P store? Doc Sams railway agent? A. L. Plemmons as medical the as a local Rosebud Delicatessen, the bride Solomon Swift; Archibald Hercules TT II:. ..U T? ( VAiinrr. , r. 1 , i , IlUiHUIKIIL LUC tiiwiir it. v. iwiiiif,, Ibride: Miranda Peasbloom. aunt of 1 Jeter P. Ramsey Ithe bride; andora Crutchfield, jilted tonsorial artist? A. W. Coats operating the City Mill Co.? ri:cc. fv... r Kvwlo (More of this nonsense next time) Herman Gibbs; Sophronia Delicates- MUCH DESIRED SON BORN motner of bIiae-Mr- One of the hasl couples in the I A" admission fee of five and ten community of Marshall are Mr. and !cents wil1 be charged and everyone is BIRTHS 1 sweetheart of the bride Tom Tweed; , Flower Girl Mr. Mit Anderson; Asa bride Mr. Mrs. Troy Redmon who at last are ihe parents of a son, born Friday, Feb. 8, 1935. Mr. and Mrs. Redmon are grand- urged and invited to enjoy the side splitting entertainment, CIVITANS MEET TOMORROW The regular meeting of ,the Mar shall Civitan Club will be at the .'French Broad hotel at one o'clock to ' morrow, Friday, Feb. 15. They have six daughters. TWO SHORT STORIES parents and have wished for a son Sund in ,he Amepi'c.n Comic Week- many years. This time the stork ly, the big magazine which come gave them a surprising delight. ; reguiariy wun tne dhliiiiiuhi, sunuAi AMLKitAn, the aoutn s I moat interesting Sunday newspaper. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Deal are the In t"n to these short novels t n Ar a aim m fit tf-inm t in tar sAfl a I ft n H .1 Af 1 1U t their home Monday, Feb. 11. It has been christened William Howard. merican Weekly by ordering the Joe Rice of Marshall. The Rev. H Born to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Shel- BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Lm Phillips of Mars HiU was i he of eacn weeK. RICE LANDERS A marriage of much interest was solemnized Sunday, Feb. 10, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Anders, articles of interest on current topics. ' ' B Make sure of your coPv of the A- Miss Emma, became the bride of Mr. ton of No. 2 Township, a daughter, Sunday, Feb. 10. SERVICES AT FREE WILL CHURCH HERE THIS MONTH BANQUET OF SOPHOMORE ECONOMICS CLASS The Rev. J. A. Martin will preach at the Free Will Baptist church in Marshall the fourth Sunday in this month. TOURING IN CUBA Mr. And Mrs. Calvin Edney Enjoying A Trip To Cuba A card received Sunday from Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Edney reads as fol ' lows : "We are aboard the S. S. Florida shown on opposite side, bound for Havana, Cuba. We are havens a wonderful time. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Edney." Mr. and Mrs. Edney had a very beautiful wedding at Mars Hill Sun day evening, f eb. 3, and are on their wedding tour. ficiating minister. Messrs. Fern Arrowood and Blaine Emoiy were in charge of the music. Mr. Arrowood picked on his Economics i,n'l nS "Blue Eyes." Messrs. Ar rowood and hmory sai'g, uid l ai BE KIND TO YOUR EYES DR. OTTO RICE Lin Marshall Every Wee'i Day OVER CITIZENS BANK C. G. PARIS PARIS-DUNN FUNERAL HOME HOT SPRINGS, N. C. EMBALMING AND COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICES AT REASONABLE PRICES I The Sophomore Home girls of Marshall hierh school sponsor ed a banquet at the high school last Of Yesterday." Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The The home decorations consisted ;.f !room was decorated in Valentine col- Pine, fra'ax 'eaves, and ferns. The ors. A delicious supper was seived matron of honor was Mrs. Herman by the Freshman Home Ec. girls. Gibb?- The bridesmaids were: Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Dil-,Misses Melba White, Rosalie Gibbs, lard, Miss Clarine Bryan, of Marshall, and Ellen Anjders The best man was Mr. Terrell Brown of Mars Hill, Miss Mr- Herman Gibibs. Christine Edmonds, Mr. Jeter Higgins I The guests of honor were: the of Mars Hill, Miss Sadie Ball, of 'Rev. H. L. Phillips, Mr. Jay Beach- Marshall, Mr. Harry Davis of Mars Doa-d, Miss Dessie Whitt, Mrs. Edd Hill, Miss Lucille Rector of Marshall, Brown, Mrs. Joe Luther Walker, and Mr. H. E. White of Mars Hill, Miss Mr- Donald Whitt. Marie Sprinkle, of Marshall, Mr. Immediately after the ceremony p.,,,.,. m, .-,. f Mo-- Hill Mi dinner was served for about 50 UlUVVi lUUlIHJT VJ- AVJ. AI O 11111) m SWU Frances Dodson, Mr. Bruce Hunter, friends and relatives, of Marshall, Mias Tera Katherine Da- For the present, Mr. and Mrs. Rice vis, Mr. Edwin Mashburn, Mias Violet remain at the home of the bride's Tate, Mr. Frank Roberta, of Marshall, parents. Miss Frances Bryan, Miss Ruby Mar- lor, Misa Pansy Worley, Miss Nell RUNYAN FRANKLIN - Rector, Mies Janie Lee Fisher, Miss Joy Farmer, Mr. Harry Lee Giezen- Coming aa a surprise to her friends tanner, Miss Ruth Jackson, Miss June was the announcement Friday of the Rector, Miss Elizabeth Ball, Miss Lu- i marriage of Miss Geneva Lou Frank ii du, ti,i- of;-. n and Mr. Jim Runyan, of Knox- cille Roberts, Mss Thelma Stines, vie Te The weddirtir took place Miss Gwendolyn Rice, and Miss -Olive (Saturday, January 19, at Maryville, Miss Gwendolyn Rice, Miss Kathleen I Tenn., the ceremony being perform Frisby, Miss Annie Blankenship, Miss ed by the Rev Oliver Tarwater, of ,. . hi. t n rrr0j the Methodist church. Caroline Dillard, Mr. J. B. Tweed, bide whrf has bee teaching Miss rean Burneii, jbliss mary -o schoo in Murphy since last Septem ber, has made her home with her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Martin, of Raleigh, for a number of years. She is a graduate or tne eastern uaronna Teachers' college, of Greenville, N. C, having received her A. B. degree in 1932. Prior to going to Murphy, she taught in the Marshall high school. A charming brunette, she has attached herself to a host of friends in the eastern and western parts of the state. 'Mr. Runyan is the son pf Mr. and Mrs. Bob Runyan. oi Knoxville. He was educated at the UntVersity of Tennessee and Knoxville Business , college. At present he is in the real .estate business. Mrs. Runyan left l Wednesday for Knoxville to make -her home. Asheville Citizen. STARTING FRIDAY FED. 15-EN DING MARCH 2 Close-out On All Winter Goods Children's WINTER COATS - 97c 1 lot Children's SHOES & OXFORDS . .. 79c 1 lot SWEATERS a 39c 1 lot Children's TENNIS SHOES 39c No. 2 rib Bear Brand HOSE, 25c grade 15c Boys' and Girls' Winter UNDERWEAR, sizes 6-16-35c Special on Men's SUITS .... $8.75 and up Men's $7.50 BOOTS H $5.90 Men's $4.50 BOOTS ... $2.95 Men's $1.00 grade heavy weight UNDERWEAR .. . 75c Men's 75c grade winter UNDERWEAR 63c Men's Sheep-lined COATS $2.49 Men's heavy grade LEATHER COATS $3.95 Men's $16.50 OVERCOATS $9.95 Heavy weight wool mixed BLANKETS, $2.25 grade .. $1.65 1 lot full sized SINGLE BLANKETS 65c Men's blanket-lined OVERALL JACKETS $1.35 Close-out on Ladies' WINTER COATS $3.75 up 1 lot yard-wide OUTING, 15c grade 10c We are well stocked in all grades of TOBACCO CAN VAS at best available prices We have the biggest assortment of SHOES in o u r Bar gain Annex we have ever had Prices ranging from 79c to $1.89 TWEED'S CASH STORE - MARSHALL, N. C. PRINCESS THEATRE THURS. - FRI. - SAT. BUCK JONES in "FIGHTING CODE" also Krazy Kat Cartoon Station Song Short Matinees Start Saturday At 1 :00 P. M.-3:00 P. M. MON. - TUES. - WED. JANET GAYNOR in 'SERVANT'S ENTRANCE" also "What A Night" Cartoon ADMISSION: 10c . . 20c her daughter, Mrs. Aaon Waddell of Greeneville, Tenn. Mrs. Willie Runnion and daughter, Katherine, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. James Waddell. 'Mrs. Luther Ball, who has been very sick, is improving now. Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick and small daughter, Virginia, were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilde Sunday afternoon. Mr. Dalson Wallin, Clifford Am nions, Runion, and Hubert Price were visiting Mr. Frank F. Runion Sunday afternoon. Air. Hiram Wallin accidentally got his foot cut last Saturday afternoon, i .Medical aid was given by Dr. Moore, j Mrs. David Kimberly is getting a Iong nicely in the Biltmore hospital. The high school here closed for few days this week because of se many teachers being sick with flu. Mrs. Sidney I&liar, Jr., returned here Saturday and will remain with her mother until she is able ta re turn to her home in Tennessee. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hoche Reever Wednesday, an 8 1-2 lb. daughter. HUSKY THROATS Overtaxed speaking.sin: ing, smokin by iC0 i 8 rZ tumult rfSSaaB HOT SPRINGS WALNUT CREEK Mr. Louis Davis of Long Branch death, was visiting friends on Walnut Creek this week-end. Miss Hannah Ball was visiting Miss Ruby Runnion Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Nelson . Buckner and son. Frank, are spending some time with Miss Margaret Treadway and Mr. Will Bates were married Saturday, Feb. 9th. Mr. Bates' home is Rocky Mount, N. C. lEditor Story was in town Monday. Mr. Docke Summels was called to Laurens, S. C, because of his father's Madison Students At Wake Forest Ramsey, and Miss Olive Thomas. SE GOES THEPRICE OF SHAVING COMFORT mm E. E. DUNN 1 L I "tie, flr ,iM.r fVk ...i),- LAB BS2 PRABAK J X TM dig us pat orr OTHER PATENTS PENOtNO Probak Junior fits all Gillette A Probak razors check COLDS and FEVER fint daT HEADACHES LIQUID - TABLETS in 30 ninut.. SALVE-NOSE DROPS Wake Forest, Feb. 12 Three me, I from Madison County are listed on i the first semester honor roll whichhaf I just been leleased at Wake Forest 'college. This distinction represents work between 90 and 100 per cent perfect. All three aie from Mars Hill. They are O. W. Carver, F. S. Johnson, ani F. B. Wilkins. Carver, a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carver, is a junior in the academic school, and F. S. Joh nsOTl a son nf jMr. and Mrs. Walt N. Johnson, is a senior. Wilkins, a son of Mrs. W. jE. Wilkins, is enrolled in second year medicine. . r-mnmrawiiM gmmmm-2fiiiL4 jmnrnnn imi - JT SV (Lefi) FAMOUS EXPLORER-. O ' ',c-me, have a rich flavor that r v A- I can enjoy. They refresh my ; ( t' dr" ' eergy and steady smoking I f A " never upsets my nerves." ; W - (Signed) HAROLD McCRACKEN J "... W,j '-'n .if . it- i&tX (Right) "WREN I'M WORKING V, bard, a great way to keep op my energy is to smoke a Camel" (Sigmtd) f, HALSBY, San-M -r