s" r-'V ( ' , .. . a ,J.j,x;"' v . , ' v , ' .P...i Ai...'- .1.' ..;,! ,,t,... ,.v,, ........ I THE NEWS-RECORPt MAltSnAIX, N. C THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14.-1935 . ' . ' V ' . - YOUTHFUL LlIIES ' ANightOut KSQuAtU IN HOUSE FROCK g j i " ' " By GEORGE STORM Tv (fi 1 bobbythatcher-s.ro. lft J071 'MILS TT eiear.v et OFF ) .S-jCX7 ( C . J Cwu2? HAFTA . 'iffll You'll like tlie youthful shirtwaist i rz (!A0V cct "cSaiWKoSS cy ot -V fi w2Cki!55Kl f tMs smartly tallored house . AG 1. (SET---G!r---V SO WE CAM c JyjnTCJiJ C VOU AMD TUBB.. L hZM frock, and you'll like the way you ' - - '"pattern 2071 is available In slzec Bv C. M. PAYNE I " 1 16-18- - 82-34, ss' 401 il , Py K m. rtllL and u glM 16 takes 3 yards 80 S'MATTER POP There's A Difference! ,, , .11 y K Inch fabric. Illustrated step-by-step ji . 1 "III I III ' TT 1 C7 1 "vV sewing Instructions Included. TX- 1 'JrT SEND FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) In J , w7 HrfT f o! I'LuTfo-n ir A Mm' ) I coins or stamps (coins preferred) for 17 .Altflovt. yi 7 U " MAWN H u ' Als pattern. Write plainly name, ad- f 13USTET t-He- KJ XT Mft. MEAM ) f V 'It dress, and style number. BE SURE V VJIM3H- 9 I 15?- A "A A12t l Sorb. S- -V!J .v-a- TO 8TATE SIZE. i V( t fB 7 v RUMMIW ' ? ! ,7 '&Zf Address orders to Sewing Circle -7 1 I J I To S-TWe1. )L J4, I Pattern department, 243 West Seven- j ' yy I k vJ '"" J-d vs r -T Th. Bli Braiou. I.t 1 , 4 I v-aaH. l r- -i "When Jake's dog tipped over a l 11 1 . table In the cafe, four waiters " " ' , rpi D-J I I dropped 'their trays at the same I 1 Proved By The Record tIme.. if "REG'LAR FELLERS" , I I I tes, and I heard that two couples ! I I got np to dance, thinking It was a I new Jan tune." " r TWIS. IS A, v Jhtatl.3-t . . . AUKIK' ( Pbef r'"') WtlTJ'J'S V" JZS -Doesn't It depress yon to read ECHINI ) o" 7 ,. Pte-uu V about so many tragedies In a news- , . J f I .1 C.J -no, it makes me feel grateful that -1 irey I g I ' Woman (In crowded tram, to her . , -j p-. friend) I wish that good-looking "I I ' I 11 I Mitt By GLUYAS WILLIAMS ""SSJSL f Along the Concrete gy m.g. ittner j Mftf5 iU 3 " fl'' II Mm saccy., I b n U - '-"v , -j - 'y.'Z ' it !9T.;tk. werM ; cwDtftNoxtMy, MoscR w - r ntH vam ntCHtfuss-- I - - -7 ' I ; y '- ' ; ;l ILJ Ul . ! r-r , , ' ' 4 - , ' ' s " . . v 1 -: . , - '