- c I , , , ' t ATI 1 '"l 3UU' UJ 1 THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER C MA DISON COUNTY VOL.34 8 Pages MARSHALL, N. .Q.; THURSDAY, F !AR CH J, 1935 PRICE $1.00 A YEAR THREE YOUTHS GO TO DEATH ROW FROM MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL COURTHOUSE CROWDED FIVE FULL DAYS TO HEAR MURDERtASES j Dramatic Scenes As Youths Are Sentenced To Die May 3 " Judge Warlick Make Fine Imrjression One of the most dramatic courts ever held in Marshall was that last week which ended .Friday evening a bout 6:30, when the death sentence was read out Ty Judge Wilson War lick, for three youths, Arthur Gos- nell, 22, Oris Gunter, 19, and Robert Thomas, 22, of Madison County, to be electrocuted at the State Prison May 3, 1935. Though the three had made a complete confession which had been written out and sworn to, every effort possible was made by the State to give the three boys a fair and impartial trial. Three of Mar shall's attorneys had ,been named by the court to defend them- Mr. John Hendricks for Gunter, Mr.' Hack Ramsey for Gosnell, Mr. Carl Stuart for Thomas. . Assisting Solicitor Net tles in the prosecution were Mr. John H. McElroy and Mr. Calvin R. Ed- ney. The jury, drawn from a special Miss Lois Church spent a few days venire of more than a hundred men .here with home folks. the killing Jan. 25 of Ben Naughty of Little Laurel. The cage will be heard by R. S. Ramsey, magistrate, next fMonday. To Speak Next Sunday In Asheville E. E. Lee. our Southwide Baptist Training Union Field Worker, will speak at a mass meeting at the First Baptist church. Asheville. Sunday at ternoon, March 10th. at 3:00 o'clock. Every Baptist in reach is invited to hear him. JSveryone interested m B. Y. P. U. work is URGED to hear him. MRS. PEARL T. AMMONS, (Buncombe Asso. B T. U. Pres.) HOTSPRINGS Misses Ollie Parris and Lucille Col lins spent Saturday in Asheville. iMrs. Dock Summerel was shopping m Newport. Tenn.. Saturday, Ranger Johnson and Mrs. Johnson of Greeneville, Tenn., spent several days hTe with friends. Mrs. Baker, who has spent most oi the winter in, KnoxviIIe, Tenn., and ueorgia, returned to her home here Monday. of Madison County, was composed of the following: Lawrence Kirkpatrick, Claude Wil lis, Alvin Robinson, W. R. Reese, Frank Randall, B. J. Ledford. M. B. Worley, H. H. Hamlin, C. H. Reeves, Lee Sams, A. J. Hensley, R. A.' Ed wards. The prisoners were charged and convicted of murdering in cold blood William Thomas, 74-year-old mer chant ot the Gontej-town section of Madison County on the morning of Feb. 15, 1935, the purpose being to Mrs. Chas. Buririn is spending sev eral days this week in Tennessee with her daughter, Mrs. Sjdnev Izlar, Jr., and family. Miss Ernie Freeman spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. Jj WiT Morris. Mr. Roy Poette has returned home after spending three weeks in Geor gia. His. mother died with pneumo nia while he was there, and his fa ther was. seriously ill with pneumonia put is now much -Improved w,t , Mrg. C. T. Parris and Mrs Ira Plem- mons were joint hostesses Monday night at the Plemmons" hotel with a miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Mar- rob him. which they did while the old man lay dying between his store jgrrtj. X where he slept and the home of his jnough oveljf and u8efu, to start uttugnier, wnere ne wa bccuswiucu ; Housekeeping at once. However, to eat breakfast. Efforts to prove I they are now spending a week with Gosnell, who struck the fatal blows, parents in the eastern part of the taA ah w on 8tate- Mr.Batts will either be sent j. i to Max Patch or the eastern 4art of uvunauie space including swimiug tne state after the 10th. room was taken at the court house, Mr. J. J. Scisjn and Mr. Neal Lewis so ereat was the interest in the two are able to be out again after being murder trials-that of J. W. Randall f.aTdMrl Kirby and familv are coming before the three boys. Judge m0vine to Erwin, Tenn., to make their Arthur Gosnell, yc; Live been in dicted, triedt and convicted by a jury of your county of the crime of niurJcr in the first de gree of one William M. Thomas. The law prescribed that the ', punishment far y our crime is death. The judgment of the court, therefore, is that you be remanded to the common jail of Madison County, there to re main until the ad jourinient of this court, and upon the adjournment of this court, it is or dered that you be conveyed by the High Sheriff of said County of Madison to the Pen itentiary of the Stae of Nojrth Carolina,; and by him delivered to the Warden of said Pen itentiary; and it is further , ordered and ad judged that you remain in the custody of said Warden until Friday, 3d day of May, 1935, tnd that on said day, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and three o'clock in the afternoon that you be taken by the said warden to the place of execution iri said penitentiary; And it is adjudged that the said warden then and there cause a current of electricity of sufficient intensity and; voltage to cause death to pass in and through your body until you are dead; and may God have mercy on your soul. The same sentence was given each of the other two. WAKE FOREST - MER EDITH SUMMER 4 SCHOOL 'UNIT TO BE HELD AT MARS HILL NEXT SUMMER Bills Introduced By Representative Herschel Sprinkle (Many Will Attend Mountain Division From June 10 To August 10 nior class. The cast is as follows: Ting, a bell-boy, Edwin Mashburn; Sam, a porter, Liston Ramsey; Wil liam Winkler, from New York, C. L. Miller; Aunt Jane, his sister-in-law, Hope Holcombe; Jane, his niece, June Eulaine Ramsey; Susette, a French maid, Wilma Ramsey; Bobbie Baxter, in love with Jane, Ray Frisby; Ben jamin Moore, a bachelor, Charles Redmon; Kitty Benders, an. actress, Mrs. Louise J. Buckner O f Asheville Passes On February 27th House Bill 98, "To Authorize and Empower the Board of Commissioners of Madison County To Appoint the Tax Listers and Assessors" was introduced and sent to Committee on Judiciary 2. On the same date House Bill 499, "To Provide for the Election of a Tax Collector for Madison County, and To Fix His Salary" was introduced and sent to Committee on Judiciary 2. The bill would provide for elec tion in 1936 and biennially thereaf ter. The salary would be $1200. WALNUT CREEK DEFEATS MARSHALL 7TH GRADE The Walnut Creek grammar grades defeated the Marshall 7th grade Wed nesday afternoon. 23-17. W. Ramsey starred for the winners while Joe Nix was the outstanding: scorer for the losers. MARS HILL Woman's Club To Have Program On Home Mother Of Mr. Cauley Ebb To Be - Buried Friday At Jupiter Mrs. tto'uise J. Buckner, former res ident of Marshall and mother of Mrs. Caultfy' Ebbs, 'died about eight o' clock , Wednesday morning, March 6, 1935: at, 'the home of her daughter, Mrs.' S. F. Whiter in Asheville. Mrs. Bucl er hflr) ten HI. for quite a long tim,C-ghe'TiHirvivetW5y the follow-! msr sons, land daughters: James Buck ner of Granger, Wash., Emmett Buck ner of fLeaksville. N. C, S. Garfield The regular meeting of the Wom an's Club is to be hejd on Friday eve ning or this week in the home oi Mrs. E. R. Elmore. Mrs. Jno. Mc'Leod is program leader. Miss Gladys John son, Mrs. Bryson Tilson and Mrs. P. C. Stringfield are to take part on the program. Associate hostesses with Mrs. Elmore are Mrs. H. C. Ed wards and Miss Beulah Bowden. . Personal torn to Mr. and' Mra. ST O. Tren- tham Friday, March f. a baby daugh ter. Miss Myrtle Elmore is attending the conference in Asheville this week AIN FULLY HURT IN ; Buckner of JuDiter. Mrs. H. Martin A I ITniwnR.il F ArnnFNT.and Mra. M. Montrose of Atlanta, for the county chairman of the adult AUlUMUBILt 1 Mrs. C. J. Ebbs, Mrs. Pollie Fore and educational work. Mrs. White of Asheville. She also Misses Bobby Gray and Kathleen Ganelfe, the 10-year-old daughter leaves two brothers, Marion and Elmore will both be home over the Warlick complimented the six law yers who appeared in this case. Es pecially did he mention the defense attorneys, .as they had so little to work on in their defense. The charge to the jury was clear and explicit, ending soon after five o'clock Friday afternoon. Tt was said that the jury after retiring had prayer and then - took one secret ballot which revealed ,hc;ir most n unanimous verdict. Mfltlioro nH iwere served, other relatives of the. boys screamed as , the sentence waa concluded, one mother fainting and taken out by Sheriff English. A gloom was cast over the court future home. Mr. Kirby has been in ine grocery Dusiness here lor the past several years. The Ladies Aid and Missionary So ciety met iuesday afternoon or Dor land Bell school. A Dlay was given. several readings and a duet bv two senior girls, and the program was very much enjoyed by all. About thirty members and several visitors were present. After the business delicious refreshments C. W. CHURCH DEAD Charles Wesley Church, 80, one of the oldest and best known citizens of attendants ,not that the verdict orthe Antioch section of this county, sentence could have been other than idied at the home of his son, Vernon, given, tut because tljat such shame at Antioch, near Hot Springs, Thurs should have befallen the county to day morning at 11:30 o'clock, folr have produced three boys that could I lowing an illness of two - weeks. contemplate such a crime, of Mr and Mrs. Jack Nix was pain- James Kuykendall of West Asheville; week-end because of spring holidays f,,ll iniured Sundav moVninc when l. jKnucmuren ana .o.iiew Kranu- "'" "w. J"":. , , ' " children struck by a car near the Free Will two "o'clock Friday afternoon at Baptist church as she was leaving Jupiter Baptist church. Sunday hscopl. Mr. Fred Sprinkle, whose car unfortunately struck the DOINGS OF THE child, was driving up the hill and an- CIVITAN CLUB other car was coming down at the 2f.' . . . , . i; v., ;4. juqge wiison wanucic, vwmcnor 00",c1 w." " HU"" """" tr Settles, Court Stenographer Emer- ker, Mrs. B. M. Canup, Mrs. L. B. 01- ff " s j ri...- t PJ :ive. and Mrs. fioyd church. It was said the child jump-1 , . P'an the former is a student and in the Wilmington high school where the latter is teacher. Mr. Roy Wall has been in bed this week with influenza. Leonard Carter has been confined to his bed for two weeks on account of illness.,. Mrs. IR. L. Moore, Mrs. Eugene Co- Wake Forest, Feb. 27. During th summer of 1935 a division of the Wake Forest-Meredith summer school will be operated at Mars Hill Col lege at Mars Hill, as a result of action just taken by the respective boards of trustees. Dr. Daniel B. Bryan, who for th past 15 years has been dean of Wake Forest College and general director of its summer school, stated that the establishment of the unit in the Blue Ridge would make possible the ad vantages of a four-year liberal arts college curriculum to a wide area that js now without such facilities Professor Bunyan Y. Tyner, head of the Education Department of Meredith College, has been elected di rector of the Mars Hill division, and Prof. I. N. Carr, dean of Mars Hill College, will be associate director. The new division will be an integral part of the Wake Forest-Meredith summer session which will continue to operate at Wake Forest. Having the approval of the State Department of Public Instruction, the new unit will offer courses of in struction which will be identical with those given at Wake Forest, and credit may be obtained on the North Carolina teachers' certificates and on all four years of Bachelor's degree work at any of the three institutions concerned. The faculty will consist of profes sors from Meredith, Mars Hill, and wake Forest. Fees at both unite will be identical, andjdates of opera tion will coincide, June 10 to August The present sumlr school at Wake Forest has assumed full re sponsibility for the offering and ad ministration of the Mars Hill division and maintains authority for approv ing faculty selections, the character of courses, and policies. Wake Forest College News Bureau By J. L. Memory, Jr., director. 1 fHnn4- - C 1 1. . An. , . .j L . I. 'club at the regular meeting Friday mnlrinn nif.iHpnf linn vnidnhlA It. I & 6 j Sy-S of tv, Fronoh Hrnnrl Vintol WrM was at first feared the child had been I , " ,. , . , , juage warncK torn me Were guests of the Marshall Civitan killed. of Dr, lve. and Mrs. Floyd Holcombe are ning to attend the State W.M.U. Convention to be held in Durham next week. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K,:j.-!W. C. Taylor, who for several weeks. She was rushed to the office I " " ? """ '"""Miaa been in the Aston Park hospital - mar. rtapmiKo Rnmo or ma no irhhAra v . . . . J. L McElrov where she was " ' . 6 ' sunering irom a Dronen Done, js lm- , u i4. this county and prospered, he be-, have her home again in a few weeks. er were that the injury was not so serious as was at first feared. Catawba county had moved to .proving and the familv exoects to (lieved Madison is a good county in ville road just beyond the John Am nions place, died Tuesday. She is survived by her husband and six chil ren, the youngest onlv an infant of a few days. She is to be buried at White Rock Wednesday at two o'clock. TREADWAY DAVIS Final Rites Held For Mr. Either Runnion On Monday Mrs. Esther Anderson Runnion, 65, Gets 8 To 10 Years For which to make a permanent home. Solicitor Nettles and Mr. Eve made short talks. Mr. Eve said he traces his ancestry to the first woman, as w'dw f W. L. Runion, and a life " ' T 1 TVI a MADirlnnl. f Mar. U:iT A is. A at A v v r ii m XT 4-1.1 icjiuciii Li AAti a 11111, uicu -5UU- Of interest to manv friends is the ca" w seen V lne name- Mr- wemes idenv here Sundav morninc. announcement of the marriage 0f was lad to be a guest, to sit at the j Mrs. Runnion had been critically ill Miss -Ruby Davis and Grover Tread-;laD'e wren ana enjoy the leuowsnip "T "'' "elorfter "er ' rt snmo Mnrohn l. pifi. i health began to fail a year or two way- . , , ,, ago she was active in the social and The wedding took place Sunday ze1?- And Mrs- Edney' recenty a religious life of the community. Even fHmon Feb. Path ot A -nin o'clock bnde. was fittingly recognized and in recent years her interest in the Death was due to influenza and heart lat the home of Mr H. R. Ramsey. ie-cefully responded. church and the life of the community 'trouble. ! I At the business meeting of the d,d not I lag. ...... ";uuii8 vvco 4uicuji 1 , , . o tj d.u t I one i suivivea Dy two sons, in. j. M- rL..i. t... j i i. . r . . ... ... rlnh f;nv V. Rnhprts S R Knhprrs. 'r . ....f .... " ' ait. ui.uicn was oum ana rearea in ibv a few close inends-of the Driae ' . . . ' ,ivunion oi Mars niu and vy. L. Kun- 'c a . l ! the Antioch section. He married 'and eroom Whitehurst, the Rev. James ion of Asheville, and three brothers, ? aling, Automobile; Miss Susan Barrett, of Sandy Mush,! (Miss Vziiift, attractive and only Hyde' and CraiS U Rudisi were i; W t! I'A nd 1 . . . , . . . DICULeil UUCULU1S. lXilCBL XtUtEUC. - ' aaugnter oi rar. ana mrs. uscar ua- - . . , . . ..... ... . treasurer of the club, was aDnointed vis of near Marsnau, received ner ea- .... , , XO suiicib uiuiicy w ueiitty CAUCliacs -' ' ' i," : I Buncombe county, 52 years ago. Ceorge Wilson was convicted' of i Four children, all of whom survive. the larceny of the automobile Of Dr. Iwere born to this union. They are: n. a. o-idb oeverai montns ago and I Vernon, Ed, Dennis, and Mrs. Hoke was sentenced by Judge Warlick last i , ,week d a term of pot, less than eight I Mr. Church was active in communi- nor more ihAn ten years in State Prison at hard labor. -The prisoner was guilty of other similar offenses, which explains why. he was given so many yeara.;-.i.;" ".. t- . v- RANDALL TAKRN TO STATE PRISON Ury'- K . J.. W. Randall was taken to the Play At Marshall State Prison at Raleigh this week to School Friday Evening vegiu ui Knwnw oj io io is years. ty affairs, and was a member of the Antioch Methodist church. ' i - Funeral services were held at the Antioch Methodist church Friday morning at 11 o'clock with the Rev, Moir W. Edwards, pastor, officiating. Interment was in the church ceme- If he lives the 16 years, he will be 92. -t,-.;v'r ; V-'iy:':. ARRESTED IN CONNECTION WITH BEN NAUGHTY - J MURDER , .'' fcv "-"'Jv - ' ' Elmer Cantrell and Feraan Frank lin of the Laurel section are being held in Marshall jaU charged with ucation at Marshall high school. Mr. Treadway is the son of Mrs. T.i. via TrMilvan n via Mr TrASlf). ' . . ... Stnto tnhp.rulnRin snnitorinm way is connected with the fibef mills at Salisbury, N. C. The couple are Making their home temporarily at the home of the groom. for a 14-year-old girl of the Walnut community who has been sent to the S. S. CONVENTION Funeral services were held at 3 o'clock Monday , afternoon at Mars Hill Baptist church with the Rev. L. B. Olive, officiating, assisted by the Rev. J. R. Owen, pastor of the French Broad Baptist church of Asheville. and Dr, O. EL Sams, vice-president of Mars Hul college. Interment was in the family plot in. the Mars Hill cem etery. V Active nallbearers were the follow ing nephews of Mrs. Runion; Ralph BIG BRANCH Near Vlar Hill " ; The Junior class-of Marshall High School will present a three-act com edy, "The Arrival of Kitty"; Friday vening, March 8, at 8 o'clock, in the high school auditorium; . The play Is fall of laughs and will provide an vening of fun for all who attend. Admission charges are . 10 and 25 cents, and the proceeds will be used 6 4 a Ima . r . , . i . ... ounuay ancrnoon, raarcn. me ora. ) The meeting was attended by a large number of people, which repre . sented several of the churches of this , , . , - r section of the association. A hearty We were very triad to learn of Mr. -,. jj 4.. .11 v Bated Burnett's" buying the R. P. Mc- 'Xr v Z "? ;Cracken farm on the Branch. ; : i . n intemstSna- nrnn-m Burnett was burning some jij .ooneration .rvaii.H tt,rnnrhnn. The monthly meeting of the French flroad Sunday School Association was 'Anderson, Rome Anderson, Harry An eld with Locust Grove Baptist church jderson, George Anderson. John Rob- Mr. bnoont sage on his farm Monday night the meeting. The program was ren eid bia xcitee1nt.Most all dered by a. group of young people the people. came in to helo him fieht th. Vk. r .u...v rir ''"v'w Vui ' " i v heir Pa8tr' Brov Eugene Cooker, in Dr. W. Y. Hutchins and family of .charge of ; the 1 devotional message. Kingsport; Tenn were visiting rela- others On BTOgrem were Mr. William r rr -tt .lrcn1s,1' ounuays aiso (Worley. Mr. Jeff Roberts. Bro. Wade Or. J. H. TIutchins and son, Howard, , White and Bro, Brodcutt new pas- Mv,Fech t' - . tor of Laurel Branch church. The 1 he farmers have been verv btnv n,.; iiuni.. . r r - -t burning. tobacco beds for the past Calvarv BartLt rhurrn Wm A.. for the school paper and for 'the Ju-JTrk Sao d " ' ,vi,le' Mr ,T?uckn?r brought a fine , work also. message. His subject was, MMan'4 ert Anderson and Ramon Anderson. Honorary pallbearers:- R. L. Moore, L. Z. Elftr, Paul Bruce. N. S. Whit akertK. B.. Murray, X. F. Holcombe, Ur. VV. I Robinson. Calvin R. Ed ney,. J. P. Sams, E. Z. Stines. Roy wail, J. V. fcmith, and J. . Ammons. Mrs. Tommie Tweed Dim At Her v Home Near Here Mrs' Tommie Tweed, who for only a few months had lived on the Ashe- Greatest Privileges". W ' ' ' Xhe next meetino- will be held with the California Baotist church. Anril the 7th, 2.-00 P. M. All the churches are expected to send representatives to this meeting. The neighboring churches of this territory should at tend in large njimbers. . DEATH OF MRS. MARGARET HANEY OF MARS HILL, ROUTE 2 Mrs. Margaret Haney, age 52, died at her home near Mars Hill Monday night, Feb. 25, at 10 o'clock, hea.t trouble being the cause ef her death. Funeral services were held at the Foster Creek Baptist church, where she had been a member for 36 years, and were conducted by the Rev. Tom Eatmon. Afterwards the body was laid to rest in the nearby cemetery. Pallbearers were: Messrs. Frank Ramsey, James Wilson, John C. An derson, Gather Ray, Horacle Wal droupe, Andy Fender, and Charley Fender. Mrs. Haney is survived by her husband, Milton Haney, and 7 children: Messrs. Andrew, Harry, Si las, Floyd and Paul Haney; two daughters, Mrs. Nellie Riddle of Lei cester, and Miss Mae Haneyof Mars Hill, and three brothers and three sisters. t John F. White Admitted To County Home At the regular meeting of the Board of Coutoty Commissioners Monday, all being present, John F. White, weft known resident of the Mars Hill Be&- tion, was admitted to the county home. Miller Ward was appointed regis trar of vital statistics ot the Foster Creek section. Other recorded items of the meeting were adjustments as to taxes in several cases. KENO PARTY . MARCH 14 A keno party will be given by the. Marshall P. T. A. at the Marshall school auditorium at about 7:30 P. M. March 14. ; Practically all the busi ness concerns of Marshall are contrib uting prizes. A small admission will be charged. ' The game is very simple and enjoyable, but requires no ( ex perience to be able to play. 7 r I A i ' I " f