:'S if VI 41 , , . , ' t TOE NEWS-RECORD. RUKCHALL, N. C, THURSDAY. APRIL 11, 1935 II '; Ti, T School Lesson i ' 'Irhe -fflaiii Yonder 1 By HAROLD TITUS "S f :.. SYNOPSIS Able asked and the look In hli eyes was j much less severe. "So you'd heard about Tlncup and started for it from a t-A hw nnn Stuart, old. vary lek man, whom ha has befriended. He signalises " Me eoralng by defeating Bull Duval. "king of the river, and towa bully. in a loa-blrllng contest, ui.k.i.. Brulon the town'i leading elttsen, reienta Stuart's presence. He tries to roroe Jilm to leave town and Elliott, resenting- the act, knocks him Jown. Elliott la arrested. CHAPTER II Continued "Are you guilty or not?" Able re peated and Ben Elliott who had atood at ease before him, slouch hat In his great brown hands, now gave bis neaa a grave twist "Well, if pitching a man off the side walk Into the mud Is called assault and battery In Tlncup. then I'm about a hundred per cent guilty," he said. A stJr In the room followed that and Able frowned, a convincingly Judicial frown. "Guilty, eh?" He cleared his throat were your faTOr. -a . HTH kin, hnnt rnin fllS I at tengui. " caption of the peace, anyhow?" The sheriff spoke: "lou see, Able, 'twas this way. Mr. trer of nuts: Xou like all Unas 7" "Not all nuts; no." The steel-gray eyes were a bit narrowed, now, as Elli ott tried to plumb the old man's mood. "Well, for Instance: like peanuts?" "No. Can't stand "em." "Not at all? Almonds, then?" A twinkle was surely coming to life In the court's eyes but, seeing It, the defendant only frowned. miiii into verv strong for al- VU .rvw w monds." "Or English walnuts or pecansT" "Never did hold them to be what you'd call Irresistible, either." "Hum-m. . . . How about black wal nuts?" "Now." declared Elliott with a nod. "now, you're getting Into real classy nuts!" Men in the crowd looked at one an-, other, not knowing what to make of this. WelL If you like biacK wainura. Elliott looked at Brandon, then, de liberately, carefully, Inspected Mm from his glossy black hair to his mud dled breeches. "It wasn't a very smart thing to do, I guess," he admitted. "It's not likely now, that I'll even get a chance to see how hard a nut this town really is." "And no worse than you deserve I" Able said sharply. "Tou know better than to carry on that way, Elliott I've got to give you a fine commensurate with your offense. I'll fine you a dol lar and seventy-five cents for costs or send you to Jail for a day." In the rear a sacrilegious titter or two. From the sherin:, a grum. Nicholas Brandon a breath oi oi fended dignity and a look that scorched. But on Ben Elliott's face only ap peared a foolish smile. "That's reasonable enough," he said, "but the Joker Is this: I haven't even got the dollar 1" "Well, our Jail's real comfortable, Tm told. A day there'll let you think over the advisability of going around the country muddying up the pants of respected citizens!" lte?" Elliott though, faced even so short a The other considered this question ... irh anything but relish. . . i jaii bwoivhvv - . with great not wuuhj i .j caD get the money easy euuugu. Owl, can he? What are you going to do now, Able?" The other shook his head gravely. "I wish I could give you an an swer ... or myself an answer. All forenoon I've had a feeling In that palm," extending his creased right hand, "as if the end of a rope were slipping through It" "Tough," muttered the doctor as ha went out An hour later Able Armltage left his office. He moved with great alacrity for one of bis years and stopped only once and that was to draw Blrd-Eya Blaine from the throng of onlookers that lined the sidewalk. "Got your car In town, Bird-Eye?" he asked. "Have? Will It still run?" "Run!" as though Insulted. "Say, Able, thut car may not be so foxy lookln' as some, but she's got a heart av gold 'nd " "All right Run her around by tha Jail, will you? Might need you ; again, LESSON TEXT John :14-1T; mans S:8-10; Philippine :5-U. GOLDEN TEXT For God so loved the world, that he gave his only be gotten Son, that whosoever believeth In him should not perish, but have everlasting- life. John 8:16. PRIMARY TOPIC Why Jesus Came. JUNIOR TOPIC Jesus the Saviour. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC What It Means to Be Saved. TOUNG PEOPLE! AND ADULT TOPIC How Christ Saves Us. "Now Just a minute. Art This ac cused has pleaded guilty, as I under stand it I don't see any need of any body else saying anything. He's thrown himself on the mercy of this court. you might say, and lt'a regular and proper and according to the spirit of the statute that I question him before passing sentence. Besides," he added, with a twinkle at Brandon, "I'm a little curious." The sheriff sniffed and subsided, dearly, there was little friendship be tween him and the Justice. "Now, Mr . . ." Able glanced at the complaint again. "Mr. Ben Elliott how come that you go about the coun try tossing reputable citizens into the Kid?" "Why, he was trying to make a friend of mine do something he didn't want to do. Thafe all. I butted In, I guess; he got hard and so," shrug "I lost my head for a minute and put him In his place." "In the mud, you mean." "Yeah. In the mud." "Well, go on; go on. Go back to the beginning. I want to know all about this affair." Elliott drew a long breath. "1 started for Tlncup several days ago, I was V long ways off, over in Minnesota. This morning I got down ouKness. "No, not exactly. I'd put black wal nuta high up In the list all right, your honor, but since you're Interested about my preferences in nuts, Td say that the best nut that ever hung out doors or offered itself for the cracking was a good old -hickory nut" "Real tough ones, eh?" "Real tough ones, yes." Able wiped his face with a palm and wet his Hps. The two looked long at one another and that spark passed which will Jump from man to man, car ried sometimes by a deed, often by a word, frequently by only a glance; that message which toys as piamiy as though Inscribed In black characters against white background: "I Uke you; I am your friend!" It went from the old man to the young and back again from young to old. Nicholas Brandon understood and the lightnings In his dark eyes played more briskly, more ominously. "And so you'd figure Tlncup as a sort of hickory nut?" "I had. Tlncup has a reputation an h mid. "That Is If you, your nnor. ..hnHn aIs.p'U send a wire for VI auui ma H "That mizht be arranged. Where t1 "Here" He reached for a sheet of nurwr and Dendl lying on the table. Swiftly he wrote the words: "Badger Forest Products ' company, Beech Ridge, Wisconsin." He handed It to Ahi "Will von wire them for twenty- . riiiiani and si en my name? Send the message collect" Thafa a big outfit," the Judge said. "Tou figure they'll do as you sit?" -well, thev never have turned me a, tar nnvthinz I've asked. Of course, there's always the first time. If you'll do that . . . "Until that gets back. Sheriff, I sup pose It's me for the brig. ... Is that Ahio was studying the address and when he looked up and grunted an ax Urinative reply his gaze was far away. Far. far away. For a considerable interval arter mi I Hum-m. He Says You're No Good.' Best to be prepared, I might not though, It Is not feasible to consider all the texts proposed by the lesson commit tee, but It is desirable to select the three suggested to be printed and to Introduce several others. I. The Saviour Predicted (Gen. 3:15; Isa. 9:6, 7). In connection with the fall of man and consequent pronouncement of Judg ment upon the woman, the man and the serpent and the announcement of the undying enmity which was to ex ist between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent ultimate vic tory was predicted of the woman's seed. On the cross of Calvary the stroke was made which Imposed the death sentence (John 12:31; Heb. 2:14). In due time the unlawful ruler of the world will be displayed Dy we coming of the king and the estamisn- ment of a universal and everlasting kingdom. II. The Saviour Born (Luke 2:11, SO, 82). That which had been predicted was historically fulfilled In the Dirtn oi Jesus Christ In Bethlehem. When Jesus was brought to the temple as rhild the Holy Ghost revealed to Simeon that Jesus was the Messiah. III. The Saviour Described. 1. A seeker of the lost (Luke 15:3- 7). This seeking or tne iosi is illus trated by the man leaving tne ninety and nine sheep and going after the one which was lost and his rejoicing over his success in finding it. Great indeed. Is the Joy In heaven over the salvation of a lost soul. 2. He died for the lost (John 3:14- J 17). God gave Jesus unnst to ow i make an atonement for tne sins or urn world. As the brazen serpent was lift ed up In the wilderness by Moses, so Jesus Christ was lifted up on the cross. LIKE must produce LIKE The first step in raising prize-winning stock is the careful selection of parents . . . sires and dams whose characteristics have been determined through many generations of perfect sirea and dams. The same law applies in the vegetable kingdom. The Ferry's Purebred Vegetable Seeds you buy this year are the children of generations of perfect plants. They will grow true to firmly estab lished characteristics of size, color, tenderness and flavor. Russian Inefficiency The Russian army was so poorly equipped in 1915-16 that unarmed men had to be sent Into the trenches to wait until their comrades were killed or wounded and their rifles become available. " , ; eii i ik-' Jin, ti.h'h nndriort assent and the old - the Israelites only needed to look Justice went on. at the uplifted serpent, so the lost soul .r: court room had emptied. Abie Armltag. JJZ lectio" s va Oo. AlTwV ve go you'll hear it tatted about as a motlorile88 in his chair. His eye county Jail. Uiy on tne ,h(,tr SflViour receive eter- hard camp. I'd heard so many nmea that a good man with Ideas oi nis own, with Independence and, maybe, with ambition had better keep away from here that I found myself hankering to to the Junction west of here and while get a look at the place." . JlTi. fn, m. tram tot talking to "What's your line of work?" this old timer, Don Stuart who was in the station. Maybe yon Know mm. Judge. Other folks here do." Able blinked twice; hard. "The old fellow Is about all in, I'd say. He's got It Into his head that he's about to die and prob- "I follow the timber. . . . Anything." "Well, Just what for Instance? What are some of the Jobs you've held?" Elliott smiled a bit "Good many. 1 was a chore boy once ; another time I was a road monkey. blv his guess Isn't such a bad one. Seems I've teamed and sawed. this used to be his stamping grouuu.mai he's been away a long time and that lllliil'Ii'''!!! "'I I fill w',:, ... "Guilty, Eh?" he'd started back to finish Mi dayi bare where he could see some old friends. He went broke en the way and was Just sitting there this morning waiting for something to happen. I ' happened. 1 waant any too well heeled myaelf. but t had enough for his ticket so I brought him along. -km wk woold have It I got a eha.nct to pick op a few dollars of Tinnm monev aa Boon as We got In and I had 'to hav It, with the eld timer on say hands. While I was busy getting thla cash this man Brandon vtdantlv saw my buddy and started rushing him back to the depot to Uke the) next train back to where he came from. I dldnT Uke that to weu. i tried to talk him out of It but Mr, Brandon Isn't great talker. That's it-: Here I ami" :r':'- .. aniirv aa ehaned. ehtf Able fom- : bled with the paper. "What brought yon such long ways Into Tlncup, any "Because Td. heard Tlncup was ne nnt ta crack.'' . . a atir in' the crowd, then iharp tk from Brandon to KlUott. worked as millwright and on rivers. Once or twice I've run a camp or two." "But your avocation, I take It is looking for bard nuts?" Brandon spoke now: "Tour honor I" His voice was well modulated and yet In lta quality was something which suggested iron cov ered with velvet "As complaining wit ness in this case, may. I auggest that we are beginning to waste time? This young man has pleaded guilty. Of course, I do not want to be put In the light of one who attempta to dictate to a court of law, DUt i nava pressing matters to attend to and if we can get on. . ." Outwardly this vas only a sugges tion, a plea ; really, though, It was one way of demanding, of giving an order. "Tes, you're a busy man, Nick," Able said and nodded. "I'd sort or ngurea hoina busy here today, myself. Sort of wondered if somebody wouldn't bring In Bull Duval on a cnarge or as aault and battery. He trimmed my man Harrington so badly that nes mn and -rav operation s without a .VMV " " .... boss today. I sort of thougnt Deing Interested as you are In law and or der, that Duval might be brought In." "That Is something i Know nouung about" Brandon eaia severely. "Likely not Ton cant be expected to keep aa close track of the men who work for you aa 1 do of mine. That la. It Isn't reasonable to think a man of your caUb wouia" He spoae amy ana nanou, wbuoi the two, .conia aee vm stung Brandon. The juauce straigni- sat motionless tin held that far-away inaiw and now and again ne 1UW "k" ' picked up the scrap of paper bearing the address young Elliott had written and scanned It closely. "By cracky!" he said, an hour after being left alone. "By cracky by JIng! It might be, you know. ... It may be. possibly, perhaps might be !" Thereupon he rose, went to a wall telephone and put In a call for Nathan Brldger, general manager of the Bad ger Forest Products company, of Beach Ridge, Wisconsin. After this he stood for a time In the front window, peering out Into the street A man came along the side walk, a man of about Abie's years, bearing a limp and rusty bag which stamped him as a physician. He waved a hand to Able and then, as on sudden trin able of the bunks he found there, smok- on nlm a their Saviour 100K, Staring I Atnn- ralllna. tharafnrp at m and staring at the dingy celling. ni. handa were clasped beneath his head and his feet were crossea; u attitude of relaxation, surely, but his one foot twisted on its ankle around ami around, most restlessly. A man of action, this, not accustomed to Idle ness or restraint He raised his head sharply when a key grated In the big steel door leading rh cell block and atopped puffing on his pipe when the opening barrier led Able Armltage. n.iin Jndffe!" Elliott cried and grinned. Ahla wasted no time. 'Tve Just been talking with Brldger." Hrldserl He here?" "Oh no. I called him on long dis tance." Able smliea as uie ouicr u. a nuzzled frown. "Brldger and i are nal life and, therefore, escape condem nation. 8. He knows his own (John 10:14). The good Shepherd nas a aeiiimo knowledge of the lost ones. He there fore seeks them out and gives his life for them. 4. He keeps his own (John 10:27- 29). Believers are unnst s sneep, buu because they are his sheep, tney near hia voine and follow him. He not only knows them personally, but they, in turn, know him. He not only gives unto them eternal life, but hows tnem In his omnipotent handa IV. Some Blessings Received Through the Saviour. 1. Justification (Rom. 5:1-11). The T m...la- la hV one wno receives ueaua vuno. ih. n7ini find declared righteous. His Aluminum Plentiful The most abundant metallic ele ment In the earth's crust Is alumi num. Believes Sluggish Feeling Night or day, when you first begin to feel sluggish and need something to straighten out your bowels (to relieve constipation) take a dose of reliable Thedford'a Black-Draught "We take Black-Draught for bili ousness, constipation and any bad feeling that comes from these con ditions," writes Mrs. Luvena Owens, of Spnnger, Okla. "Btack-Draught cleans the system and makes me feel much better after taking it" Freshen up by taking this purely vegetable laxative, if you have a tend ency to constipation or sluggishness. THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT Impulse, changed his course and ap- M MenAs, we fought Spain together removed and he is given the nmarhed the entry, "Big day, Able." as the Justice opened the door. "Teah. Big." "Old Don's back." "So I heard." "Bad shape, too." "I heard that Real bad. Emory?" Emory Sweet nodded gravely. "Heart's Uke a sponge. He can't last long. . . . Nick was all for send ing him back to Hemlock but I told him it would be murder to move him now." "Oh,' Nick showed up, did he?" "Came right from here. Said he'd been providing for Don for these last and wanted him with somebody or other in Hemlock who'd see he didn't get hold of hooch again. Was quite provoked when I opposed mov ing him." "Nicholas doesn't Uke the notion of Don's being In this vicinity." "It's about as popular with him as smallpox. When I'd prevailed on him to let Don alone I told him the truth: that he can't last more than a few weeks and Nick looked Uke a man whov. . well. Uke one who's heard good news." . Able nodded. "Safer for Brandon to k.. htm in his arave. But wnen oiu and malaria when we had Spain whipped. I think a lot of Brldger. I've a great respect for him and his opin ions." "SoVe L Everybody has." "Hum-m. He says you're no gooo. Elliott started. "Wha-a-at? Why That' fnnnv. Do von mean ha wouldn't stake me to the money asked for?" TO BB CONTINUED. Beirut Has Seen Earth's Mighty Men Come and Ge On the face of the rock which over looks the scenery from Beirut to Trip oli art, written the names of every same standing as Jesus Christ himself. Because of this, the very peace of God settles down upon his soul. He has the assurance of God's love and Is able, therefore, to have Joy In God himself. 2. Freedom from the power of sin (Rom. 6:1-7). It is not enough to be freed from the guilt of sin, there must be a dynamic which will enable the be liever to live a life of victory over sin. Being vitally united to Jesus Christ in the oower of his resurrection life. the dynamic is provided which enables the believer to triumph over sin. a rto la free from the law as a means of sanctlflcation (Rom. 7:1-6) tne ipHBd svria front nhrist's death nailed the law to conqueror u.v------ - . . hn ltal, the Asavrian uowu w tree. iu m - ened In his chair, however. - "-oe. uke the last chance -Bnt maybe we are delaying thing u.on 7:" ,k. hm nn-a tone ... onn think It a I ' niOW, air. ohwih - Unless be'U talk Uttle out of the way to come into a town, total arranger, auu that town's precedents? If you, In stead of one of Mr. Brandon's hired .M .iabmam nn ma mi nisassi ssaaa rfor lnuncV it mlghtlol have known drunkard at the time. It hP- . pntn and Pick OUl tne one man I conuviwu "1 In Tincup who hasn't been struck or .n threatened In longer than I can too." ? ; ."Looks that way. before he dies." "Even so, It wouldn't amount to mnrh ; Ba'i an old bum : he was a . . - k-. recall a man wno is regmww about Uke most folks would regard a baron of the Middle bin mt tote the mndl Why. Elliott. that's not ever bappenea Mil hnt raura." "And mine without any Jurisdiction In sure-enough trouble.' fionnapherib Field Marshal Allenby, who conquered Palestine In the World war. That mighty testament to Syria Ttnrinna Dast is one of the few color- fni tnnrnea to be noted around this uannrt at the foot of the Lebanon, The climate Is damp and stifling in hot weather. To make Ufe durable, toems people take to the mountains where cedars such as those Solomon Imported for his temple stlU grow In numbers, although the slopes are no longer forest-covered, in almost every direction, trips ny motor out of Beirut bring one in touch with the Immemorial past Not fat down the Mediterranean coast lies St don. Oxen now plow the fields where once stood .the great temple of A tarte. Tyre, which the Syrians call Sour, to farther soutn. unce u mignuva. city of the East, It la now a fisher, men's village. ana . Bidon Skin Torment Itching, roughness, cracking.easily relieved and improved with soothing- - Resinol NEED BUILDING-UP? lin. T. E. Adams of 1205 No. Franklin St.. Plant City, Fla., said: "I was in nidi a weakened state of health I could scarcely stand on my feet. I suffered from low of appetite, and I was as miserable as could be aid not feel like lifting my hand to do anything. But Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery soon had me feeling fine my appetite returned. I gained ta weight and strength nd was abto to attend to my household duties without feeling all worn-out." All druggists. I'TilllH , I s n a v bl.sbw Between Beirut: ana . siaoo am B-.ift. to where Cleopatra is tup. I , tnnrnevM. tor bar final The doctor started out but halted j he eat oat d?2fWiM.; : for the battle of Acttanv t i "Hear Harrington's gone." , . . -Tea. The nun ran mm -i -..,.., iw t WetU Wtmet. fastest nog in ta Tfee wh it rfMnt hurt Nick much, I town." ' but there are ws reeling. . . w,n ri-r 1 world, to a cross Are. Ton aabamed rfjgmnj .people a 7-5, Hoot 1 hound and th. tem-. ft.e.a A Iftftr U BIX. aMWIUWBI I UW w united to Jesus Christ by faith died with Christ The law, therefore, has no more dominion over him. 4. Victory over the flesh through the indwelline Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:2-6). The Introduction of the law of the spirit of the life In Christ Jesus enables the believer to tree nimseu irom uw dominion of the flesh. 8. Christ is the supreme example to the believer (Fhll. 2:0-111. necauaa the Saviour became incorporated wltn the race through the incarnation he la able to Impart life to those with whom he is Identified. Furthermore, because he thus Imparts life, the beUever is able to make the Saviour his grand ex emplar. The World's Three Evils The three great evils of the world are Impurity, inequality, and hopeless ness. The world doesn't know the character of God, therefore it to nn dean. The world does not know the love of God and therefore men are not hmttiera. The world does not a now the life of God, therefore rten despair alike of the present ana tne xuture. Goes Dewper Religion doth not prescribe nor ! ..MafiA with such courtesy as gees ae deeper than words and geaturea, PARBOIL cases throbblnc nam: altars Inflam- nationt reduces swelling: lessens tntnn. anickiv heals. Relieve these painful, aasigbtrjr conditions with ww erfully medicated CARBOIL, Results gaaraatsed. At yew dranrtat. writ Btarlack-Neal C Nashville, Teaa. WNTJ 7 15-85 FEEL TIRED, ACIIY "ALL VJOItn OUT?" Get Rid of Poisons Thai Make Ton HI IS a constant backache keeping you miserable? Do yon suffer burning, scanty or too frequent urination; attacks of dizziness, rheumatic pains, swollen feet and ankles? Do you feel tired, nervous all unstrung? . V Then give some thought to Tour kidneys. Be sure they function properly, for functional kidney dis order permits Poisons to stay la the blood and upset tne whole sya tUse Don.! IHBt. Doom's are tot the kidneys only. They help the kidneys cleanse the blood of health destroying poisonous waste. Doan't Pitta are used and recommended tha world over. Get them from any; druggist, ' ' Dontrs mi 1 0 Of -O. . . rood C note, are or T. - ww m

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