V- Marshall, N. CI April. 18, 1935 THE NEWS RECORD FIFTH PAGE k 1 NEWS OF MARSHALL AND VICINITY Personal and Otherwise Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Watta and Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Fore from Mar-1 . .... t . 1 ' shall, N. U., are visiting removes, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Silver, Hailey, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Tipton, BIG LAUREL Jerome, Idaho try fine, Mrs, Thev like the coun- Migg Zula M. Wallin of Tusculum College, Tenn., spent five days spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ranee Wallin of Big Laurel, N. C. Her mother and brother, Wood row, returned her to college Wednes- An .w v nnin i. 1 .On . t . 1 1 - i.i Wiley Sprinkle and Miss which her mother and brother mo tored on the Andrew Johnson high (ay HE to Knoxville, and spent most of the day visiting the stock Frances Ramsey made a tripo Ashe ville Wednesday. - rt.7;r I '" Wds which was a show to them. They this section attended the flower show lefj Knoxvnie 8t 4 0-clock on 2g w Middlemount Gardens last of the Sunday. A community dance is being plan ned to be held Friday night at the timber. Masonic Hall in Marshall' ror tne younger set of Marshall, Hot Springs, Walnut and other points in the vicin ity. Miss Sandy Anz. of Walnut, has returned after having spent some time with friends in Chattanooga. While there she was entertained with a buffet supper and dance at the Ocoll Inn given by Mrs. C. W. Lawson. She and her girl friend were also en tertained twice with a luncheon given at the home of Mrs. Sam Bui lard. Mrs. Frank Landers of Walnut was in Marshall Wednesday for treatment for a fractured left wrist, which was caused by a fall. Mrs. Eloise Ramsey Ingle, of Knox ville, Tenn., came Tuesday to spend some time recuperating from an op eration. Mrs. Herman Redmon, of Kings port, Tenn., formerly of Marshall, is recuperating at the Mission hospital in Asheville following an operation, according to reports. Mr. O. S. Dillard was expected to return Wednesday afternoon from Sylva, where he visited his mother. Mr. J. M. Baley's family received a wire Sunday morning announcing the death of Mr. Baley's 55-year-old nephew, Mr. Joe Tucker, at Erwin, Tenn. Mr. Baley and son, James, at tended the funeral that afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Dillard and family attended the funeral Sunday of Mr. Stradley of Hendersonville, an uncle of Mrs. Dillard. Work removing the slide at the junction of the Roberts Gap road with Highway 20 in West Marshall ceased Tuesday. While all the slide had not been removed, the road and drains ere open. ' Mri H, E. Woberts, accompanied by BaJy;Balywnt l Charlotte Wed- which was a fine new hiarhwav to them. .Tjjey saw some damage which last Monday's storm did in Knox county to houses, outbuildings and Mr. Ranee Wallin of Big Laurel is having bad luck with a fine 6-year-old Jersey cow. He had just brought her home Friday evening from Bu low Rice's, a rian that had been feeding her all winter for her milk. She fell down a bank through a fence and across the road into a ditch Sat urday night at 8:30 o'clock, lay dou bled uo there all night, took the cold rain. There's no earthly hopes for her. Up till this writing she lies motionless. : HEARD AND SEEN. AROUND TOWN By LANK old First Wall Streeter Hello, top, how's business? Second Ditto You shouldn't speak so disrespectfully of the dead. Ex. LOST & WANT ADS 25 words or leas 30c for one issw! $1.00 for 4 issues. Additional word Xc a word an issue. CASH First. SALESMEN WANTED There is no bad wolf at the Rawleigh man's door as he earns a good living. There is an opening now for a hust ler in Marshall to supply steady cus tomers with Rawleigh household products. Earn $25 weekly to start and increase every month. We fur nish everything but the car. Write Rawleifeh Co., Dept. NCD-133-B, Richmond, Va. It pd SWEET POTATO PLANTS I have following potatoes bedded Queen South, Nancy Halls, Porto Ricos, Early Triumph, Texas White Spanish Yams. Texas Yams will be ready for early planting. C. F. FORTNER Marshall, N. C. A-4, 11,18.25 pd,- L SERVICES AT OAK GROVE There will be services at the Oak Grove school Sunday, April 21. Preaching will begin at 2:30. The Rev. Geo. Briggs will deliver the sermon. ORIENTAL RUGS Must dispose ' at great sacrifice well matclied set,; six genuine imported rues. Oriental design in perfect eofldition. Wduld sei entire set 'for $10O.-pp'roJri-r mate sizes 9x12 ft.; 7x10; 7x5 3x5, and 10ft, hall runner. Can be seen at storage. Write Rugs The News-Record. BIRTHS Born Friday, April 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Clark Norton, of Spillcorn, a son. Born April 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Car( Norton, of near Marshall, a daughter, Martha Jean. FOR SALE OR RENT 8-room house at Barnard. W. B. RANDALL If interested see Mr. Randall at Barnard. O-A-18 PRINCESS THEATRE MARSHALL, N. C. TODAY - FRI. - SAT. BOB STEELE MONUMENTS Before ordering your monuments see your home dealer first. We can show vou beautiful designs that are priced right. WHITE'S MONUMENTAL WORKS. Office and Shoo at New bridge. P. O. Box 70Q1, Phone 3418, Asheville, N. C. "DEMON FOR TROUBLE" Mickey's Covered Wagon ''.Comedy Matinee Sat, 1 j 00 PM, 3 PM ADMISSION: v 10c . . 20c MONL. -TUE&ORLY GRACE RSOOUE VOONS. NIGHT OF LOVE Ckpbr Ne 8 Lea City Serial 10 . :20rt ': WEDNESDAY f ONLY TOMORROWS CHILDREN" ADULTS ONLY Admission This Date Only 25c Two Complete Show 6PM. 8PM RAY'S PLANT STORE 81 N. Lexington AiheTille, N. C. Vegetable plants in season. Now readv cabbaee. Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefield and Early Flat Dutch ; 100, 20c. Bermuda onions, Certified, 200, 25c. Special prices on larger quantities. WOOD'S TESTED SEEDS LUMBER FOR SALE Framing, 'storm (heating, flooring, and roof (heetin. ailla. bricks, etc OM mill building rased and material to build large tobacco . barn, etc., a aailahla ajTaJboot. half price. K-WS-ftECOR- OFFICE VICTIMS. OF PIRATES TWtSniBae mm! t&r aoS n of 7 Arfaaaiaaa5 Baftiafc xaikh a -wWwna eafr fc ban dit on a ataanuhip off tha coast of China. One of , many interaiting atoriea Aa the American Weekly, itue of April 28. Get year copy of the American Weekly with the BALTI MORE SUNDAY AMERICAN, Sonth'e favorite Sunday newspaper Saw two couples in a large car stop in front of the court house Sunday night to take., a drink at the fountain. One of the girls was heard to remark that "this is the best water I ever tasted in my life". The new traffic signal down at the crossing on Bridge Street certainly is efficient. You can hardly fail to see the red lights and hear the bell ringing when a train is on the block. A lot of building is going on around Marshall now. Down on the street here we have a new filling station in the process of erection. o Several boys celebrating af ter graduating from high school where they spent three-fourths of their lives. Wendell McDevitt taking charge of the drug store in time to serve five young "dames' from Tennessee. (These two items were contributed to this column, and were not written by the "old maestro". Heard, that the name of the young man called "paper boy" and "paper man" around Mar shall, really is Charles Herron. Sometimes n'eknames have a way of sticking so that the real name is never used. Earl Bryan has begun operat ing another filling station in Marshall, making two in this srrrall city. Good work, Earl, being able to expand during a depression. TODAY AN TOMORROW TS ALL CUSTOMERS mm PITTSBURGH Paint Products Get your yardstick, free with every purchase. You may want to repaint an odd chair with Waterspar Quick Drying, One-Coat Enamel, or to have a whole loom done over with l'iu burgh One-Day Paints. Painters tart in the morning ; yon more back 1 in the room that night. Ask as about this revolutionary paint plan. WATERSPAR WAX In paste form for floors and furniture. Makei cleaning easier, l.lb. can 60c One-day Painting with WALLHIDE FLORHIDE Special floor enamel. Re sists hardest wear. Makes floors look new. 10 modern 4tf OO colors. Quart U SUN-PROOF PAINT Lasts 2H times as long as ordinary house r q OA paints. 24 col- 5JU ors. Gallon . Ends days of mess! o r ' Youhanppicturesthe OOC day Wallhide is used. 15 beautiful colors. QTt FLOOR VARNISH This Pitcairn Varnish is un-i 2.50 matched for wear. Dries in , 4 hours j won 't turn white. J GaL WMW.M 4-Inch Wall Brush Famous Gold Stripe quality. , 0.75 Pure bristles, set in rubber. Complete Line Of Enamel At 10c A Can MARSHALL BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. Marshall, N. C. MISS LOUANA DILL Marshall Builders Supply Co. Marshall, N. C. Important Notice Beginning Thursday. April 4th, the nivia Mammnt-Vi MinRtrels will he fea tured at 8 P.M. on WBT, Charlotte. ,We know you nave enjoyeu VS.IU1I U.. V. u.u. II" " - o of day and time will enable you to tune in as usual. Pittsburgh Plate uiass to. yiMLaMMiMiMiyfflyii HENSLEY FRISBY Miss Lucille Frisby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Swan Frisby, of Mar shall, and' Herman Hensley, son of Jim Hensley, of Marshall, route 1, were married at Marshall April 6 by the Rev. B. E. Guthrie, of Walnut. CARD OF THANKS FRISBY OLIVER Miss Marie Oliver, daughter of Mrs. Joe Ball, and Mr. Doyle Frisby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Swan Frisby, all of Marshall, were married April 6 by the Rev. B. E. Guthrie. Mars Hill Officials Are Nominated the graduating address to the 45 seniors who received their diplomas. Geneva Moore Bradford gave the jvaledictory and Lloyd Slagle the sa lutatory address. Those who received diplomas were: Leta Jo Allman, Thelma Ball, Grace Brown, Virgie Lee Buckner, Mildred Crou&h, Marie Dalton, Helen Dennis, Mary Louise Farmer, Pearl Gentry, Pauline Gosnell, Annie Lou Hamlin, Beulah Henderson. Mollie Huffman, Funeral services were held at 3 o'- Nita Miller, Geneva M. Bradford, clock Sunday afternoon at the Dill Frances Ramsey, Thelma Rector, Mae cemetery for Miss Louana Dill, who Kedmon, Alice Roberts, Julia Rob died Saturday afternoon at the home ' erts, Nell Roberts, Katherine Run of Mr. and Mrs. J, G. Woody near ion, Verlie Roberts, Eva Roberts, Peek's Chapel where she had lived for Beulah Sams, Elizabeth Shelton, several vears. JMiss DU1 had been. Athleen Teague, Nelle West, Evelyn sick for only a fw months. JJie.Re. .Vy".; Faulkner, Elizabeth D. jL PondT ii ivfficlfie4'iSn lPi Amnions, Bob Bryan, as assisted DjUafe Wayne. iei Jtneoati, Marvin Faulkner, Roy - a 1 J JT I - If - ii Tt ..1 n Of Mara Hill . iSevarlbnautifu,andwaney, Ulyae martin, ram v ayne, lihliWsslVe Hgs'were'Ub'Mctor, Thomas Rudisill, Lloyd Peek'srChafler tlifrrehJvDnrine 1934 V! (AHri'-Wyatt, Jess mvf&iaa, two o-hef' sistersMrs,; M J, of Pleasant Hill in Buncombe county, and Mrs. J. M- Cash of Converse, S. C, died. Surviving are two broth- TOLLEY MOORE Miss Edna Moore, daughter of Mr ers, Stephen Dill of Grape Vine and end Mrs. Burnette, Moore, and Mr. Scott Dill of East Fork. Also seven Jon W. loiiey, son oi Mr. and Mrs sisters. Mrs. Elbert Henslev of GraDe Marion Tolley, all of Hot Springs, Vine, Mrs. J. G. Woody, Mrs. F. G. were roamed April 6 by tne Kev Clark, Mrs. A. C. Peek, and Miss Re- Moir w. towards. becca Dill of Peek's Chapel. Mrs. S. J. Whitt of Mars Hill, and Mrs. A. B. (' mamma, look!" cried the lit- Silver of Marshall. , &irl on her visit to the country. "There's a duck! And it walks like ) it had just got out of a rumble-seat!" A mass meeting of the citizens of Mars Hill was held Tuesday evening of last week and nominations were made for town officials to be elected May 4 to serve two years. James E. Landers was unanimously renom inated for mayor. W. L. George, IRi M. Lee, A. E. Carter, and Dr. I. El Burnett, were nominated jas town councilmen, three of whom will be elecetd. P. C. Stringfield. Dan Car ter and W. L. George comprise the town board at present. Much Interest Shown In Laurel Branch Revival 'SMHJN THROUGH WELL PRESENTED FLAG POND DONORS m k.'TO KKl CROSS The senior class of the Marshall high school presented their play, I Smilin' Through", a three-act ro-! W. S. Edmonds, a committee for mantic comedy, last Friday night as,cnamy and tne stressed people ot climax to the series of commence- tne L,llue rine section, tne proceeds ment exercises. Paul Payne as "John 'Bein PIaced m Ur- Finley's hands as a Ked cross worker, submit the fol lowing names of the donors and the amount each contributed: $0.25 - 25 .25 .25 .50 .50 1.00 . .2 23 25 50 .50' .25 .20 (REPORTED) A large crowd greeted the pastor, the Rev. G. E. Cutshaw, who is doing the preaching, Sunday morning. 1017 attended Sunday night and enjoyed the splendid Gospel message. The theme was, Do unto others as' you would have them do unto you. He stressed the importance of desiririg to treat others right. He said, God would help us to be a loyal, obedient Christian. ' His sermons are full of Gospel truth end delivered in a con vincing, winning way that takes hold of the people. He speaks as . the Holy Spirit gives him the message. We believe God is going to give us a glorious revival. Everybody is invit ed to attend. We wish to thank those who were so kind and considerate during our sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Woody SALES STROM The marriage of Mrs. Margaret Culbertson Strom and Mr. Guy Mar tin Sales was solemnized at Calvary Episcopal church, Fletcher, Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, with the Rev. E. R. Neff officiating. Only members of the immediate families weTe pres ent. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Culbertmm, of Hot Springs, N. C, and is the widow of the late Ben L. Strom, pharmacist, of Canton. She has been making her home with her sister, Mrs. H. G. Strom, of Lakeview Park, Asheville. Mr. Sales is the son of Mrs. JL. M. Sales and the late K. M. Sales of Asheville. He is assistant general manager and assitant secretary and treasurer of the Farmers Federation, Incorporated, having been connected with this organization since 1922. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left by motor for a tour of Florida, Cuba, and other Souther points. After April 20 they will be at home at 88 Bear Creek road, Mal vern Hills. Rport of the Condition of CITIZENS BANK at Marahall A Hot Springs, N. C 1 ' To the Corporation Commission At the Close i of iBusinesa on the 4tk kf 'M n' 'J Marh, 193,5, .. . '; r RESOURCES Loans ind Discounts !''.. 307,077.0f Overdrafts United States. Bonds ... North Carolina Bonds .. County and Municipal Bonds NOTICE Carteret" had the leading role. Mae Redmon in the role of "Moonyeen", playing opposite Payne, had the lead ing feminine role. Other characters Emerson Wheeler . ere: "Dr. Owen," a bachelor, Tom Mra- ttownie neiton Rudisill: "Kathleen Duncan" Mooji-iw- &- Jonas yeen's niece, Helen Dennis; "Ellen," John Jenkins the housekeeper, Lets Jo Allman; ,J- H- Barrett Willie Ainslev." in lov with'Kath-mra- J- Barrett .. Jean Howard, Hajaue "Jeremiah LM"W"' Sue Barrett Wayne," rejected; suitor, Hugh, Ree - Carver tor; "Maryr Ciare-," MoonyWs aisw w ands VSiiu") ffaniMtfe'a mfltdcr ITTin. Jt. Hafl ,OUmr Hell The Estate of C. B. Mashburn by Myrtle Mashburnu Administratrix Pursuant to an order and decree of the Superior Court, made in the a- bove entitled action the undersizned administratrix will on the 30th day of April, 1935. at 10 o'clock A. M. at the court house door of Madison County, offer for sale to the hitrhest bidder for cash, the followinc notes and accounts: 1 note date 11-1-20. B. W. Gahagan $ 1 note date 12-8-29, E. L. Tweed ..".... 1 note date 2-27-27 E. L. Tweed 1 note 6-1-30 Hume Clark and J. fortner note 3-1-30 R. P. Davis mortgage 1-1-31 John t erguson : 1 mortgage 1-1-31 John 187.2S 11.650i0t 81,000.01 27,750.0t All Other Stocks and Bonds 15,810.81 Banking House 12,000.0 Furniture and Fixtures 1,328. 4fc Cash in Vault and A mounts Due from Ap proved Depository Banks 206.671.2t Other Real Estate 4,570.4 Federal Deposit Ins. Corp'n -. 902.32 TOTAL $668,947.6i Ferguson one note 11-10-31 D. Cohn one- note 7-23-26 Lovin K. LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In .... $ 50l.000.0t Surplus Fund 35.000.0 Undivided Profits (Net Amount) 2,373.0f Reserved for Interest ... 1.639.9S Unearned Interest 2,555.7 I Other Deposits Subject To Check 156,347.6 Deposits Due State of 20.00 North Carolina and Any -' Official Thereof: Secur- 10-00( ed, $5,154.32 5,154.31 68.00 Otner Deposits Secured by a Pledge ef Assets or 25.00 I 10.00 I 10.00 ! 54.00 j 20.00 JL "oSTiTS-f 2f artery Bond . mow i : "uv- neth. Brnov: Thursdao niirht J. Bat Smath- J"1- lwr ersy attorney of Ashevffl delivered Wytk i v. u m r u h,m ii i am wm mu mu win inn ;; mn BRYArfS SERVICE STATIONS i That GOOD GULF Service . Let Us Gnre Your Automobile A Spring House-cleaning Thank You ' E. O. BRYAN DENTISTRY , at REASONABLE PRICES EXTRACTIONS 50c up PLATES REPAIR. , ED : $1.00 up CROWNS . $4.00 up Herbert Thomas J. T, Barrett , Tom Justice Joe Thomas j Mrs. Joe Thomas .Rirhard Rir R. W, Whitt C. E. Cody J. J., Whitt E. M.? Cody one Lewts on note 5-12-28 R. G. ( (Keener . , JMBjHe A. B. Mcbevitt" one note- Georgia Talc Co. LiTwinniiMi-. 1-00 Luther T.nii.rn Mrs. Jerry Redmon Bank of Mars Hill John Ambrose Shelton This April 9. 1935. MYRTLE MASHBITRM standing 5.00' i Time Certificates of De- 138,319.4 4,055.53 2.00' 25.00 PLATES $10.00 up 19 Years Experience Anderson Moore L. L, Shook Ferman Hensley . Hubert Rice i DR. OWEN 2ia N. PACK SQUARE Day and Night Phone 232 H. H. English . p. A. Phillips ;,; Rev. W. J. Ray E, D. Ferguson. Clarence Carver Mrs. C. E. Wheeler J Ivy Ridge Church of God TOTAL CASH .50 .25 .25 .25 .50 .50 .25 .60 .50 2.00 .501 .25 .50 .25 1.00 1.00 .25 .25 .25 2.00 $17.95 . jtosit (Due on or After SO1 Bays)- 204,203.09 25.00 ; savs Deposits (Due on 25.00 or After 30 Days) 64,298.84 300.00 Bonds Borrowed 5.000.0 . 115.00 Admrx. "I HAVEHT HAD A GOLD III FIVE YEARS" n tb oM dm I aaM la tod the amlnt of Winter. I ni ahran nthttaa aolda (MUmt abent half altTa-try- M wort tth ayr Wj aahlof and Ttrj nam o mm. Ma 1 -ftlat k lkM - a r uu lDWll WHO UMIT aMTVMOVi tUmloa A MS D. I MtrM f Uk ttam S!i7a I hmvm hm mH3 um urn. ,J2ieS!mM, falkat . p laatxaa at an a eaa kuwb at oM toraia. Tb auk waak, aktaa woala ..OH thjjmto arcO CM Li r OH JaWjti tnm rmr aracglat today. Daat awmrauoars. TOTAL $668,947.6 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,, COUNTY OF MADISON. A. W. Whitehurst, Cashier, E. IL Tweed, Director, and Roy L. Gud.ee. Director of the Citizens Bank- each personally appeared before me this day, and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the (best of hie knowledge and belief. . ! Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 10th day' of AprQ, 1935. ' W. W. DUCKWORTH, , - - ' - - Notary Public My commission expires Feb. 14, 1931. ' A. W. WHITEHURST, Cashier E. R. TWEED, Director ' : - . ' ROT 1 GUDGEJt, Director ; j