t TOE NEWS-RECORD. MARCI1ALL, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 11503 THE FEATHERHEADS Br Oitw, Silent Confession V7ith the Always : 5 "Before sbu '-VHuhj i wquldnt Bf LOOKriMS" AT p our face if Your ) i idc ab JuimiUrt . 9 , ropular Rulllea START- I MIGHT it YOU A VAJBLL TELL. XARLIMS- BUT YOU I CAW TBLL Wulp IF YOU'RE, VOUBU. IF I I i Inn tstimmJ I ! r attorn im I T IUI ICC wiiNar VtBLLr Go oti 1 f vMTM Your. ) j r STORY is LET IT Si FINNEY OF THE FORCE BrTOtMfUb ? iMtm Hi (lata IWHUT? MRS.SNCO?)lrW PONY IbU KhATOI vMiLL' UsuRE-I'LL SW AW'WTSp ..II WELL- OlVE BEBJ I Of vA . i,s..i' y l-r. ,9 .,in lal BP v -n.c iT ..m llDYEZ. KNOW ruA.il mnl - .... . I vEignEp?J (7fJ?$ 'I (jbreak -m Ej-' Wcrr-rr ( MESCAL IKE By s. l. huntley S'MATTER POP Little "Fix It" I I j if , 1 1 -yir- n s. L ( Th Bell Syndicate. Inc.)' "REG'LAR FELLERS" NOW, VO J V f BOY6 W.AY X2S5 ASOUMD TVt J?y ( YARD Ttl I jkv COMK HOMC1. J PQrPrfPetve n u " rtbTU IT Is Right On The Job D By M.G. KETTNER WllU STAtV MRS, 1 with wu, ry v dvfpyV I WOKJT VOU, ) Jr V J fCoayrlghl. by g. PINHCAO. THK.RE'5 a GrHOST IM THAT CUOSET WHS.RB t KEEP THS COOKIE.! IMCUM DO trACi MIX msiwrmx-wmf : cDVER5,Hovtfii,"W(r : oder neon mm-tidcr, BR006HT W70 ACTION, VST' WHEM B0Tl5UPS AND MM-" Tl VAV OF ML W5RPP "BX rWEiAfiWWSlWBY u W H6 SbMACH, IT IS - uw.iur rvwu i ,, ptoh. -n r'AirE WT S exits Weigh Off IF SCALES IS IfJDEED AMD I'M QLA& TfeR SEE VOU'RE NOT AS BIS A FooL as YA US1ER BE Woman's Intuition 0 Th AsocUtd MiwipaHn B7 GLUYAS WILLIAMS KPtS ty&HK IT W OitCKTAWEO BV iota huxd, rw ri vmmesf tt cn v.tilk r :ra v.tj. t A-a For The People I By C. M. PAYNE F fc7 you ALWvr& yJBmsMe. ) BLAME M&? - ft I MOV to Yocf V .1 IV I KKOW IT lK'T I 1 J." Vtme. iMO&T wot swifes. I JP5 zzzu Perhaps the reason girls lor ruffles Is because men "adore" them, fou'll be rery definitely "dated" (In more ways than one) when you ap pear In Fashion's newest scoop- Double Tiered Ruffles some Sun day afternoon ! .What more heavenly than 2220 made up In soft powder blue printed chiffon? That ruffle that starts and ends very conserva tively at the waistline, looks Its flut tery best at the shoulder with the help of the sleeve ruffle! A cool way to eliminate sleeve difficulty, too. The skirt takes Just enough flare to give It graceful movement Less ex pensive but Just as lovely In organ dy or sheer print cotton ! Pattern 2220 Is available In size 14, 16, 18, 20. 32, 34, 3G. 38 and 40. Size 16 takes 3 yards 39 Inch fab ric Illustrated step-by-step sewing Instructions Included. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) la coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly name, address, and style number. BE SORB TO STATE SIZE. Address orders to Sewing Circle Pattern department, 243 West Seven teenth Street, New York City. SIMIAN SAGACITY 'Would you consider It a disgrace to be descended from a monkey?" Not exactly," answered the pro fessor. "A monkey Isn't so bad. He doesn't use alcohol or tobacco or profanity, aad In moments, calling for discretion knows 'exactly when to climb a tree." Stand Not Understood "What do your constituents think of the atand you are making?" "I don't know," observed Senator Sorghum. "Every time I think. I have made a atand some of 'em get together and threaten me with no tice that it's my move." Bargain Rata Big Sister Now run along, I gave yon a dime to tell Harry Td meet him here. , - Little Sister Gimme a quarter and HI tell all yer beaux to come along. WNO 7 2335 M., i.. ;a 3 I . 1 1 13 V