Marshall, N. Oct. 3, 1 93S THE NEWS RECORD FIFTH PAGE NEWS OFMARSHALL AND YldNITY Personal and Otherwise A The Rev. J. A. Martin returned Monday from Spartanburgl S. C, where he was met Saturday ny frienlds in that vicinity, who had made arrangements for him to preach at Whitney and some other places in that se.ction. He reported a de lightful trip. - . . Miss Nora West of Marshall, R 2. was in . Marshall Thursday. Mr. M. A. James and Mr. George Pritchard.. attorneys of Asiieville, were in Marshall Monday, on bust i) ess. . Miss Frances Robinson, of Gas- tonia, is spending this wedk with her sister, Mrs. Paul r. Thrower. Miss Robinson is a 1935 graduate of the sheville Normal Teachers Col- Mi -a Thelma Runnion, who is teach ing at Woodfln spent last week-end with her aunt. Miss Nora West. Mrs. Gus Tebell and two children, after spending the summer with her mother. Mrs. J. C. Tilson left Sept. 19 for their home at University, Va. , Mj&3 Jessie Robinett, is spending sometime with her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Tilson, on the Marshall Mars Hill Road. Miss Mamie Frisby left Monday for Charlotte, to enter a hospital there for training. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Story, accom panied by Mr. William Worley, went to Mars Hill Tuesday morning, where they heard Mis Frances Pierkins, Secretary of Labor, who made a de lightful address to the students, mem bers of the faculty and some other friends of the college. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Fisher of Win ston - Salem attended the funeral of the late Thomas Wallin Mrs. Fiaher being sister of Mrs. Wallin. Mr. Arthur Ramsey left Sunday for Atlanta. Ga., to resume his studies in dentistry at the Atlanta Dental College. His father, Mr.' J. Cole man Ramsey, accompanied him to Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunter of Knox- ville are visiting Mrs. S(im Hunter. Mr. Charlie Sarten and Miss Nell Kilgore of White Pine, Tennessee, spent Sunday with Mr. ad Mrs. John Anders and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jeter Bryan and small daughter were the guests of Mrs. John Anders Sunday afternoon. The Young People's Society of the Couper Memorial Church is hav ing a weiner roast on the Island Fri day evening. They are asked to meet at the church at 6 n. m. Mr. and Mis. Max M. Roberts and small son from Craggy, N. (X, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Banks of Mar shall were visiting Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Banks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Anders of Walnut Creek Sun dav. '" Dr. and Mrs. Porter Marwney and children have leased one of the new apartments recently finished on Main street, owned by Mr. Ray L. Gndger, and are now occupying it. "We under stand that the .ither apartment will be occupied by Superintendent and Mrs. J. O. Wells. Mr. Harry Lee Giezentanner has gone to Forest City, where he has a position with an A '& P store. Mrs. Vivian Sajns Jtector, who was critically HI at the first of the week, following a rupture of the appendix 'and a subsequent operation, is re ported ' convalescing at an Asheville hospital. Mrs. Vanda "Wooten is able to be out again, having recovered from an operation for appendicitis. Mr. James Smith from Youngs- town, Ohio has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Fortner for the past week Mr. Wythe Payton, Asheville post master, and Mr. E. L. Hayes, also connected with the Asheville post office, were guests of Sherman Ram sey at his Sandy Mush farm, I he three men. enjoyed a squirrel hunt Wednesday moraine. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jackson, of Pineville. were guests in the manse Thursday and Friday. The latterl is Mr. Thrower's mother. ASKEW- CLARK Mies Gladys Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burgin Clark, of Spring Creek, and Mr. Edward Askew, of Spring Creek, were married at Bluff, N. C. September 2 by the Rev. C. L. Miller. DO AN BALDWIN Miss Allie Baldwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, of Knoxville, Tenn. and Mr. W. B. Doan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Doan, of Walnut, were married by the Rev. Arthur Hensley at his home. RAMSEY CARVER Miss Eunice Carver, daughter of Mr and "Mrs. John Carver, of Flag Pond. R. 1 and Mr. C. G. Ramsey, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Rameey, were married at .Little Creek, Sept. 7. by the Bev. Hubert Carver. RJCE NORTON Miss Neta Norton, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Norton, of Marshall OR. a. and Mr. Felix O. Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rice of Marshall R. 3, were married September 6 by the Rev. W. C. Reese, at his home. MOORE ROBERTS Miss Ruby Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts of Hot Springs, and Mr. G. B. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Moore, of Hot Springs, were married at Hot Springs September 17 by the Rev. W. E. Mc Falll. NORTON SAMS Miss Pearl Sams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sams, f Marshall X. 2, and Mr. Dan Norton, Jr., soi of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Norton, ef Mar shall, R. 2 were married here Sept. 14 by the Rtev. Frank W. Morgan. PENDER CAPPS Ms Lata Capps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Capps, of Marshall Route 2, and Mr. Charlie Fender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fender, of Flag Pond. R. 1 were married by the Rev. R. R. Phillips at his home Sept. 21. : BEARD AND SEEN: : AROUND TOWN Bypop" ,' "Red" Tipton and. Dr. Sams get ting the mirror ready for the biff Iseriesj Alefe, several boys selling baseball "pools". All the Chicago fans a-oincr wild after the first game, when Rowe lost a ipitehers duel to Lon Warneke. Thursday afternoon, hpwever, the1"! bright faces of the "Cub" fans changed, including myself, when the "Tigers" won the second, game of the series. 8 to 3. Oh. well, as Dr. Sams would say, "The Sun doesn't shine on the same dog s head all the time." An ambulance rushing town Wednesday morning. through Several of th local boys telling of their squirrel hunts this week. PAINT ROCK FRANKLIN CHANDLER Miss Agnes Chandler, daughter of Mr. and Mr&. A. J. Chand'er, of Mar shall Route 3 and Mr. Ferman Frank lin, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Frank lin also of Route 3. were married here by e Rev, W. B. Robinson, on September 21. WILD RAMSEY Miss Helen Ramsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kiamsey, of Marshall, Route 2 and Mr. Abner Wild, son of Mr, and Mrs. N. F. Wild also Of Route SI were married here by the Rev; J. L. Bragg, September Z8. -. Mrs. S. D. Ramsey has returned from visiting her daughter in Indiana, Miss Ruth Lawson left Thursday to begin her work (after spending her vacation with her mother and father Miss Edna Faye Myers spent Sun day with Miss Hazel Lamb. Miss Flora Trent has come home to spend a few djays before returning to school. Mr. and Mrs. George Ramsey re turned to Woodfln after spending a few weeks with Mr. S. D. Ramsey. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thorn burg a girl, Mary Ann.- Mother and baby re getting (along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Myers and family were in Hot Springs Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Briggs spent Sunday afternoon with his family it Wolf Creek, Tenn. Miss Viola Myers spent Sunday night with Miss Elizabeth Cooper. Mr. Edwards is building a walk from thehurch to the road, which is improving the looks of the church. Several preachers from Walnut were here over the weekend and gave some very interesting sermons. A large crowd attended the Deco ration here Sunday. To Preach At Laurel Branch .REVIVAL AT RED HILL A revival is in progress at Red Hill church on JSrush creek. The pas tor, the Rev. J. A. Martin, nas Deea ably assisted by the Rev. Ervin Slu der and a great spiritual awakening is reported. The- meeting "start ed Sept 16, and it is not known at this writing when it will close. IMBS THEATRE MARSHALL. N- C. FRI.- SAT. OCTOBER 4-9 KEN MAYNARD . "Snet Trail" Also Coipedy and Cartoon Matinee Sat. 2 p. m. MQN and TUES OCTOBER T. ; . SHIRLEY TEMPLE GARY COOPER : - CAROL LOMBARD "Now AndFowrer" ; , Also v ; Chapter 8 "WOLF DOG" - - And Cartoon - ! AND ALL. FOR, THE SAME PRICE 10cand20ciiS Rev. J. L. Bragg will preach at Laurel Branch next Sunday, Octo ber 6, at 11 o'clock a. m. We un derstand the Rev. Mr. Bragg has been extended a call to became the pastor of the Laurel Branch church. WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET SATURDAY L There will be a meetinsr of the Wo man s Club Satucflay aftenoon, Oct. 5th, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Ms. O. S. Bradford. The time has been changed from Mdnday to Sat urday in order to give the teachers the privilege of attending. POUNDING GIVEN REV. P. P. THROWER The Rev. P. P. Thrower, iustor of the Marshall Presbyterian church, was given . a pounding at his home last Friday evening. About 29 mem bers of the congregation were pres ent for the occasion. Laurel Br a n c h Extends Call NANNEY - CLARK A marriage of wide interest to friends and relatives was that an nounced by Mrs. Carrie Murray Clark of 2 Boston WAy, Biltmore, of her youngest daughter, Miss Johnnie rrFort Benni'neoSri. .JS WHY NOT BE IN. BUSINESS FOR Mountain, N.C. Mi Nanney i the , . YOURSELF? youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. We will finance a Beauty Shop, From UPPER FOSTER !i Everybody is busy cutting tobacco and taking care of their fodder. Mr. Hilliard Riddle had the mis fortune of falling at the school Thursday of last week and break ing an arm. His school mates wish him a speedy recovery. I iMr. Charlie Fender of this place i and Miss Lala Capps of near Mars Hill were auietly nlirried Sunday morninjr at the home of the Rev. Bas ctfmb Philips of Mars Hill. His friends wish them a successful life. The weddine dinner was- (riven by his narents."Mr. and Mrs. Fifink Fen der. A number of his friends and rel atives were present for dinner. Mrs. D. E. Fender is not improving very much from a fall she had about a week as. , The children of Mrs. Lee Rice gave he-" a surprise birthday dinner Sun day. All the children were present but one who was not able tt be there. They all reported a nice time. Those who visitied Mr. and Mrs, Mr. B. G. Gunter's Son ANNOUNCES For SHERIFF I will be a Candidate for Sheriff of Mad Uon County next year on the Republican Ticket. OVAL GUNTER Johnson last week end of Marion, N. Mr. Woodard Riddle and Mr. L. C, were Mr. and Mrs. Otis Fender, D. (Buck) Fender visited Mr. John Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rjrkleford and Fender Sunday night. Miss Marie Trent. Miss Rellia Fender has returned home from a week's visit with her brother of near Beech Glen. Those who were visiting Mrs. Jim Riddle Sunday were Mrs. Robbie Why We Are Here Fender. Mrs. Orln Hnvlo nnrt IVIrva Fiank Fender and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riddle's niece. Miss Marjorie Riddle of White Oak. Mr. W. L. Roberts and son How- ' i i i rri-.. t i mqJnu srrunusun laie renuer were LOST & WANT ADS 25 words or less 30c for one issvo $1.00 for 4 issues. Additional words 1c a word an issue. CASH First MALE HELP WANTED There is no bad wolf at the Raw leigh man's door as he cams a good Hvinc. There is an ODenintr now for a hustler in Marshall to supijly steady customers with Rawleigh household products. Earn $25 weekly to start and increase every month. We fur nish everything but the car. Write Eawleigh Co., Dept. NCJ-133-B, Richmond Va. For Sale BEAUTIFUL BABY GRAND PIANO. We have small Baby Grand (Piano with bench Deing re turned to us. We will transfer this account to some responsible party allowing all that has been paid and sell for $181.10 at $10.00 per month. Piano fully guaranteed prominent make. Give reference and we win advise where to see piano. Quick ac tion necessary. Address Drawer C, Co JNews- Record, Marshall, N. C. FOUND: Key 607. Call News-Record. FOUND: A blief dase, with no name on it near Petersburg. Owner . XT r 1 may call at tne iNews-necmu um;, pay for this ad- . visiting Mr. George Roberts of Flag Fond, Tenn., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Fender visited his mother Sunday night. Mr. Porter Johnson called on Miss Maggie Fender Sunday evening. Miss Mfafra Fender was the guest of Mrs. Ffed Peek Sunday at dinner. Mr. Everett Johnson is - spending some time with his sister, Mrs. Sam Driggers. in Buffalo, S. C. Thomas B. Wallin Hangs Himself WANTED Middb aged woman, preleraDiy, to do general house work. Work is ight. No small children. Appiy u P. O. Box 227, Marshall, JN. . 4 T pd. Nanney of Black Mountain, The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. H. Yarborough on Octo ber 23, 1934, at hia home in Chester, South Carolina. Only a few inti mate friends witnessed the ceremony which has been kept secret until Sunday. September 29. Mrs. Nanney is the granddaughter of Mr. Thomas Clingman Clark, of Marshall. Route 2, anjj of the late Thomas J. Murray and Harriett Holcomb'e Murray of Mars Hill. Mrs. Nanney received her educa tion at Biltmore High school, and for the past three years has been secretary and assistant to Dr. Ernest M. Cunningham Mr. Nanney received his educa tion at Black Mountain hie-h school He has been in the United Sfates ar my for the past six years stationed at Fort Benning. ror the present Mrs. Nannev will reside with her mother but will join Mr. wanney In the ndar future to mane tneir home In Fort Benning, 0 SALVE-NOSE DROPS LIQUID-TABLETS check Malaria in 3 days Colds first day. fONIC and LAXATIVE A call to their pastorship for the coming year was extended by the Laurel Branch Baptist church last Sunday. Sept. 29, to the Rev. J. L. Bragit Mr. Braear will be there next Sun day mornir. October 8, at 11 o'clock, to begin his work, and everyone ia invited to be present at the service. Laurel Branch has been without a pastor for a while, and is happy at the prospect ; of Rev. Mr. Bragg's leadership, - . Presbyterian Church (COUPER MEMORIAL The Rev. P. P. Thrower THE BRASS BAR Fried Chicken Regular Meals Short Orders Wines Been Soft Drinks . Cigarettes A Complete Line of Tasty Sandwiches Try Our- Jar-B-Cue and "Haatkwger Specials" And Remember U-R always Welcome Here & We R aJwars Clad 2-C-U OPEN ALL "WIGHT . Mr. and Mrs. Wa. Helenas, Managers For a email down-payment and the rest in small terms for one year. Write o Duchess Beauty Supply and Equipment Co., Inc. 7 17' "Market St., Knoxville, Tenn. l"t pd; SHORT STORIES If you enjoy short stories you will find good fiction in the AMERICAN WEEKLY, the big magazine which comes regularly with the BALTI MORE SUNDAY AMERICAN. Get your copy from your favorite news dealer or news boy. Walnut Bows to Mars Hill, 19 to 0 Coach Stines' eleven from Mars Hill High school defeated the Yel low-Jackets of Walnut high sc.iool last Friday on the Walnut grid by the score of 19 to 0. It was the open ing ramp for the Walnut eleven. 1 he two teams were pretty evenly match ed but the Mars Hill line seemed to have the edge on Walnut's. Walnut has a heavy line and will probably round into better shape later in the season. Walnut had numerous chances to score when Ramsey threw "bull s- eye" passes, only "to have the receiver miss them time and again. Mars Hill scored their first touch down in the second period and added tVioir nfhpr- two in the third period. Earhart crashed over Walnut's line for the first touchdown and a pass Earhart to Davis resulted in the sec ond touchdown. J. Davis, back for Walnut, fumbled behind his goal line and Hitrcins recovered for the last touchdown. A pass Earhart to Pon-1 der was good for the extra point. Funeral of Sam Hunter . m m ' m i -Si m n Marshall monaay The community was shocked last Thursday to hear that Thomas B. Wallin, age 54. of Walnut Creek had committed suicide that morning by hanging himself in his bam. Sus- pjended by a rope around his neck, he was found a'bout 7:30 by mem bers of his family. He h'ad acted strangely on several occasions prior to this. 0p this particular morning, his daughter Mrs. J. W. Kilpatrick, who lives a short distance from the home of Mr. Wallin, had gone over to Mr. Wallin's to get some eggs for breakfast. She went to the barn and found Mr. Wallin in the barn and he asked her not to come in, that he would get the eggs for her, which he did, running up the stens unusual- I ly biiskly. He later went to break fast and ate a hearty meal, his daugh ter having one on to her home. Shortly after breakfast, raembers of the family went to the barn and found him dead, his neck having been broken by the rope as he jump ed from the loft. For several months he had appear ed pessimistic, his health not being the best, and he had worried some what over financial affairs. How ever, his son-in-law stated that there I was no apparent cause for his worry-1 ing. The ;body was examined by Dr. ' W. A. Sams. A coroner's jury, headed by Gro ver C. Redmon, coroner, investigated and found a verdict of suicide. The jury was composed of Wayne Brig- man, F. A. Dodson, D. C. Bryan, Porter Bryan R. S. Sprinkle, and P. A. Allison. Funeral services were at 2:80 o clock Friday at Enon Church, con ducted by Rev. N. H. Griffin, inter ment following atthe cemetery of Madison Seminary church. Pallbear ers were: Jasper Rice, Hugh Rice, Oren Rice, Porter Bryan, Homer Bryan, and Herbert West. Mr. Wallin is survived by his wife and two sisters. Miss Duffie Wallin, of San Francisco, California, and Miss Lettie Wallin, of Buncombe county. Three sons and one daugh ter survive him as follows: Fowler Wallin of the home place, Mark Wal lin of Leicester, and Fred Wallin of Fayetteville, N. C, and Mrs. J. W. Kilpatrick. Mr. Wallin is remembered in Mar shall as having delivered milk here several years ago. .10 a. m. Sundy School .: Morning . Worship and Com munion '. - ' : 11 a. m. Subject: "Tne Bible the Inspir ed Book" Young People's Meeting 6:45 P-. Evening .Worship . 7:30 p. m. SuMeet: "The Authority of . the Master' Ministry" . AO are cordially invited to attend thesa services. u r . Rev. and Mr. Thrower wish to express (heir deep appreciation for the "Doundiazf at the manse last Friday evening. As they lull new friends they realise that ruch n occasion' and-affair is a means of the members and friends express- in' their great interest in the work of th Master's Kingdom, - DENTISTRY .- V.. Y-i: at - reasonable Prices EXTRACTIONS 50c up PLATES REPAIR- ED . - $1.00 up CROWNS. PLATES $4.00 up $1000 u p 19 Yetr Experience) i ' DR. OWEN 2VV N. PACK SQUARE - Day and Night Phona 232 Samuel Luther Hunter, age 89, died abouf 7 o'clock Eastern Stand ard time in Knoxville. Tenn., Satur day, September 28 at a hospital where he was taken tseptemDer it, injured by a blast on a government highway. According to reports Mr. Hunter had prepared the blast and the one who ignited it did not give Mr. Hunter time to vuthdraw a suf ficient distance fsefore igniting it. He was working on the skyiand road next to Clingman's dome about 14 miles from Smokemont where con struction work, was being done by a Baltimore contractor. . The rocks from the blast struck Mr. Hunter in the back, injuring his arm and shoulders, one small rock piercing his spinal column, paralysing him from his waist down. &-,.. 1 The body was Drought to Marshall, and funeral services were held at the Free Will Baptist church at 10 o' clock last Monday morning. The services were m eharg of the pastor the Rev. Bascomb Brigman, assisted S. S. CONVENTION FOSTER CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH Oct. 6, 2 p. m. 2 p. m. singing. 2:15 Introductory sermon. The Rev. Wm. Fleming. Mary E. Hollifield. 2:40 Some Bible Heroes: 1. Joseph: Mary E. Hollifield. 2. Ruth: :Pansy Emory. 3. Esther: Kathleen J. Clouse. 3:20 Singing, repprtSi 2:30 Address. The Rev. Hoyt Blackwell. 4:00 Singing bv Foster Creek and PleEsant Valley Classes. 4:15 Adjournment. FRED JERVIS. Sunt Try CARD UI For Functional Monthly Pains Women from the teen age to the change of life nave found Cardul genuinely helpful for the relief .of functional monthly pains due to lack of Just the right strength from the food they eat. Mrs. Crit Haynes, of Essex, Mo, writes: "I used Cardul vhea a Ctrl (or entmpt and found it very !bMOelmL I hem resentl? taken Cardot Snrtnt the ehanft et Ufa. I vaa rwrj Mr- ' fen had haad and back- palm and WM la LtenenUlr rnn-oown eoodiUon. . Cartel l balpad bm iraaUy." Thousand! ef weara toatlfr Cardnl beae. Otod thata. tt It does not benefit TOO, Mils Alice Jarrett Aw a y t aiiei Miss Alice Jarre tt. an 20. died at tVia knm. Var n.t-onf. U, ..j by the Rev. Arthur Hensley. Inter-'Mrs. Jack Jarrett, of Brush Creek taent followed at tht Srank Rector! last Saturday. She had been ill for cemetery. r.,.:- ' Iseveral years. Funeral services were Mr. Hunter is survived bv his wife at Antioch church Sunday afternoon. and two brothers, Mr. Joe Hunter .conducted by the Rev. Ervin Sluder. A.noirme ana Air. bod - nnnieriu" nrrei mb aurvivea oy oer par- Marshsll. or of Jents, three brothers and two. sisters, speaker. The following, which was read at the recent Ramsey reunion at Marshall, is published by request: "AkPuj- the middle of the seven teenth century, one Robert Jones of; Wale3 came to America as a boat swain on U British Man of War. He fell in love with a young lady of Norfojk. On the night previous to sailing, while the ship lay off Old! Point Comfort, he leaped overboard! and swam ashore to his betrothed. They soon after mUrried and settled near Norfolk, Va." Their descendants cover the United States. This Robert Jones was the great grandfather of Willie (pronounced Wylie) Jones, who was the foster father of John Paul, known to his tory,' American Admiralty and Revo lutionary fame as John Paul Jones. The accompanying! paper is based! on the above historical facts and other authentic data. So many have bsked for a copy that I thought some of your readers might be interested in its publication. I am most respectfully, . JNO. A. JONES A lad from Wales went down to sea On a British Man of War. His heart was rife with a Miilor's life. He would be an English tar. He'd be the master qf a ship Aud roam the seven seas; ' He'd gather health, reknown and walalth. From every passing breeze. He'd be an admiral, serve his king, Make for himself a name; To England's Fleet, by daring feat, He'd bring enduring fame." He came to a land of uncrowned queens, Saluted the Union Jack, Jumped overboard for one he adored And vowed he would never go back. He swam ashore resolved to wed And quit the rolling main. He won success, with happiness. And proved a worthy swain. History now recounts the act; Virginia was the scene: Adown life's road these lovers strode. ivna cupid walked between. They lived mid scenes that tried nifl's souls; They stood the rigid test. In spite of fate they gave the state Its bravest and its best. Their progeny have played their part In every field of thought. In civil life, in stress and strife They've counseled, served and wrought. , t. They helped to carve from wildeUUaa A nation truly great. With pioneers and volunteers They've added state to state. They ve counseled nation, state and church; The Congrera they've addressed. In wagon trains they've crossed the plains To "The Winning 0f the West." Mid the stining scenes 0f seventy six Their courage won applause ror every man, rank partisan ' Espoused his country's cause. On many a bloody battlefield, They dared to stay in tv,e Vwi. r the fray, Till li country's wrongs were righted. And like Gibralter stand. They blessed the hour when Brit ish Power Was swept from sea and land. bGulffr PCaCe frm Lakes ia From Ci Thai a J - Rwicix oirana. They, dared for right and won their- njftfit For home and native lanH A "foster son'' u,n !; For victories on the sea An English fleet had met defeat AMERICA WAS FRKV The Congress had la medal struck lo witness hin There d fly at last from staff and mast The "Stars and Stripes" forever. The lad from Wales wl-s Robert Jones, Who shipped from British quay. Tw'd hu'8 ,ife t0 wo I hats why we are here today. A"0saJhe tearth our kindred sleep. Vn State they have luster ted. Wherever hian have died for right They fere bivouaced with the dead. We weave for them a mental wreath mAnd place it as love's token. Until death's seal ig broken. .. ' -plno. A. Jones. . ' - Del Rio, Tennessee. Service 3 Sunday :'j at .;-.'...Ceinei,;:sV" Sunday, afternoon at X o'clock, at " Anderson cemete4r, located a'bout one mile north of Paint Fork church : in Madison countv. Dr. R. T. Wyatt, of Asheville. will be the principal 1 .1) KL'SlCLiiN Vavtaat

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