. Marshall, N. ft. Dec. 5, 1935 THE NEWS RECORD FIFTH PAGE NEWS OF MARSHALL AND VICINITY Personal and Otherwise Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Ramsey and daughter. Miss June Eulatae and Mr. Romeo Ferguson were igruests at the annual Community Thanksgiving Din ner served in the recreation room of the Maikle Handicraft Building at Higgins, N. C. last Thursday. They enjoyed the delicious turkey and ev erything that goes with it to make a real Thanksgiving f east. After dinner, they saw some of the beautiful things being made by the students in the Craft School. Miss Bessie who in Director of Wo men's work in the schoool came home with them to spend the rest of her week of vacation. Misses Helen Hyde and Catherine Roberts students at S. T. C, Fred ericksburg, Virginia, were among the group who went to Richmond, Nov ember 18 to hear the Richmond Sym phony Orchestra. Mr. Federick Jazel, from the Metropolitan Opera Com pany was guest soloist, who sang dur ing the program. her home on account of illness. Mr. William Silver, of Detroit, Mich., ia m Marshall visiting relatives. Mr. Warren T. Davis, of Hot KSprlngB, was ifi Marshall Wednes day on business. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph House have returned to their home at Beaufort, N. C. after attending the funeral of her ftather, the late Mr. John A. Hen dricks. Mr. Leon M. Jones, and Mr. S. H. Williams have returned to their home at Raleigh after being in Marshall last week to attend the funeral. Mrs. D. 0. Purkey visited Mrs. H. A. Penland and daughter, Helen at their home near Hot Springs, Thanks giving dby. Mr. J. T. Highsmith of Clayton, Ga., spent the week-end in Marshall with his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Highsmith and family. Mr. Clarence Highsmith spent a few days last week at Clayton, Ga., visiting friends and relatives. GUTHRIE METCALF "My wife libs the smartness and roominess of the Ford but iAj HIS V-8 ENGINE'S ' Mr. Doyle Guthrie, of Alexandjr. r-2, and Miss Beatrice Metcalf, of Marshall, r-2, were married Friday evening, November 29, 1935. Rector Hotel Under . New Management Mr. Union Mr. tend Mrs. William Holmes are unit! roodif tn ivplrnma thair manv and Mrs. Douglas Joyner, of friends in Marshall and Madison City, lenn. came Tuesday to . county to their new location, at the spend sometime with her parents, ;iRect0r Hotel in Marshall. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A L.. Plemmons. urs Holmes were formerly of Colum- I ia, S. C. but fior the past four months Mr. Bill Redmon, who is a student jnave 0peilited the Brass Bar cafe at W. C. T. C. at Cullowhee, spent j , Marshall. The formlal opening the Thanksgiving holidays here wn of the Hotel, under the new manage rs mother, Mrs. Ella Redmorv. menti was Sunday, December 1. 1935. I All day dining service and short or- Mrs. A. J. Hemphill, of Black Moun-ider are installed in the new lunch tain, spent Saturday in Marshall. !room, which was originally the hotel 1 bbiy. T:ie fumous old rotating table, Miss Eva Roarers has returned to her home, after visiting relatives in Gaffney, S. C. for several das. the only one in the south now in use, which was .made by the late Mr. Pat , Campbell, is being used in the hotel j dining hall. This table has been in !'-- for approximately fifty years. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Nanny will con tinue to live at the hotel. I Mr. Holmes Bis been in the cafe r.uj- ns lor 'rty years, having served as chief chef at the Hotel Tullcr, at Detroit, Mich., for seven yeai Mis. Holmes, who was ior- merly Mis. Grace Jones ( sister of I Mrs. A. B. McDaniel, of Marshall and ' Wlilnul, is well known in this se-N Dr. and Mrs. J. L. McElroy. Mr. ;tion. and Mrs. Emmett Plemmons, and Mr. Leo White were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McKinney Friday night. Mr. Leo White, who has been visit- ine his mother, Mrs. Annie May White, left Saturday for Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Shelton and Mr. M. L. Shelton, of Greeneville Term, spent Sunday :n Mln shall with Messrs. Shelton's sister, Mrs. Verna Roberts. m M Y EYES!" ENGINEERS have known for years the undisputed ad vantages of the V-type engine i . . simplicity, economy, com pactness, ruggedness. But until Ford announced the first Ford V-8 in 1932, no one had found a way to bring these advantages to the low-priced field. Since its introduction this en gine has been constantly refined and improved but the baste features of Ford design have re mained through the production of over two million V-8 engines. This is the engine that powers the beautiful 1936 Ford V-8 . . . and, because it is V-type and compact, gives "all that extra room", that many a woman has wondered about in the Ford V-8 body. This is the engine which proved sparkling performance and eight cylinder smoothness are economical if you have a V-type engine with a dual-down-draft carburetor that takes the "gas" used by a four and splits it into eight equal charges. This is the engine you need for quick, sure, cold-weather start ing this winter the engine that's "opened the eyes" of over two million enthusiastic Ford owners. You'll find such an engine in no other car at anywhere near the price of the Ford V-8 for 1936 So why not arrange to drive one today? YOUR FORD DEALER V8vrl936 if QO Standard accttmy tnup mcludmt bumpm and tin extra. Ban ttrms tbnmtb Ututnal Crtlit Co, tti Authorized Ford fmamct Plan. ON THE AIR-Fd8TmDhonrOicWr..8andyEvwliiFrrf WariM. Tu.w bun Columbia lMtwork United rnm WOT iwn nq yrqTvJ!r2Ija BEAR CREEK SINGING CONVENTION AT ' GRAND VIEW There will be a Singing Convention held at Grand View church on Dec ember zytn at I o ciock p. m.. ah, m Vo n. .nnk dnner at classes, quartets, duete and solos are L, . ... ,, RQt. TmpsH iv ! The Sunday Schools on Bull Creek i are croeresi-vntr fine. They have a sins-ine convention in tncveai i mo. - nttpI1(ianp Sunday. forget the date Dec. 2!th. . ,. . , p t th k of especially invited. Come on, sineers let's have one more pood spiritual convention in the vear 1IKS5. Don't forg-et the date Dec. 2!Mh. J. G. REESE ! Mrs. Verna Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Shelton ( and Mr. M. L. Shel ton were in Ashevffle Sunday after noon. Mrs. William Silver is confined to Presbyterian Church Rev. Paul P. Thrower, Minister Phone 23 Sunday School 10 :00 a. m. Mr. J. Colman Ramsey, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m Subject, "Witnesses of God" Young People's Meeting 6:15 p. m. Evening Worship 7:00 p. m. Subject, "The Book of the Law" Pihyer Service, Wednesday 7:15 The public is cordially invited to attend all of the above services. We are especially glad to have had the people of the other denom in- ations enjoy with us the Bible lec tures given by Dr. Samuel Dodds, of Butler, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Thrower wish to ex press their deep appreciation to the women of the church ffor the Thanks giving offering found wrapped in many packages hi the rear seat of their car which waa parked on the street. PRINCESS THEATRE MARSHALL. N. C. THURSDAY FRI. - SAT. KEN MAYNARD "Alias, ThSId Man" also Cojjw4y. wul Gactooa WON;, apri TUES; cUx.kUBBE ad ZASU PITTS Klotag, ffgnbrew" And Cartoon Also Chapter 12 ' "WOLF DOG" 10c and 20c Children's Colds Should Have This Safe Treatment Young Mother Benefit from Two Generations' Proof of This External Treatment For Fighting Colds. IT AVOIDS CONSTANT "DOSING" pitWxt55! mere s notning luce IMKTi i a child's cold to upset Ci'-'fp, 13 a young mother. And erations, anxious to help end colds, have denended on Vicks VapoRub. It ia effective external ana safe. It avoids the risks ef con stant "dosing," so often upsetting to children's delicate digestions. Just rubbed on throat and chest at bedtime, VapoRub acts two ways at once: 1. By stimulation through the skin, like a poultice or plaster 2. By inhalation of its penetrating medicated vapors, released by body heat and breathed in direct to inflamed air-passages. Continuing through the night, this combined vapor-poultice action loosens pklegm soothes irritated membranes eases difficult breathing-helps break congestion. A Practical GokU for Mottian Each year, more and more fami lies are being helped to fewer colds and ehorUr colds by Vicks Plan for Better Contrel of Colds. Vicks Plan has been clinically tested by practic ing physicians, and further proved in everyday home use by millions. Full details of the Plan in each package of Vicks VapoRub. S3 'Minion vica akm una Taony or Better Control ef Colds For Bad Feeling Due to Constipation Get rid of constipation by taking Black Draught as soon as you notice that bowel activity has slowed up or you begin to feel sluggish. Thousands prefer Black-Draught for the refreshing relief It has brought them. . Mrs. Ray Mulllns, of Lafe. Ark., writes: "My husband and I both take Thedford'a Black-Draught and find it splendid for constipation, biliousness, and the disagreeable, aching, tired feeling that cornea from this condition." With refer ence to Syrup of Black-Draught, which this mother aire her children, she says: 'They like the taste and It gave such good results1 BLACK -DRAUGHT end with her sister, Mrs. Kenrvtli Silver of Marshall. People on Bear Creek and Pino Creek tare celebrating Thiink-.5giving in a b' wy tn s ytal w'tn lotJL-:l Turkey and other good things. Mr. Will Davis waa the guest Miss Edith Lunsford, Sunday. Miss Lou Ball and Mr. James Coop- rifiinc. SnnHflV. Miss Veina Wilson was visiting her for sometime, QiVtor Mrs. Paul Henner. of West , Asheville, Sunday. Mr. Plato Clark of the Can.-y Fork section of Little Pine, has ac cepted a position with the sawmill above Mar-hall. Miss Rachel Ball, attract've duu.uli ter of Henry EMI an:l Mr. Kudelow Frye, on of Mr. Frye, of Bear C:eek 1 motored to White Rock, Sunday. Mr. Fred Lewis was the guest ofl Mise Pauline Cooper, Sunday. Mr. Mike Clark retuilned home Wednesday 'mortning after missing J. H. HUTCHINS DENTIST OFFICE s OVER CITIZENS BANK MARSHALL. N. C From JUPITER We Drivers A Series of Brief Discussions on Driving, Dedi cated to the Safety, Comfort and Pleasure of the Motoring Public. Prepared by General Motors ! STARTING DEC. 16th I I TOM MIX in 15 Chapter SERIAL "MIRACLE RIDER" DON'T iMISS A CHAPTER DR. J. E. OWEN ' General Dentistry ' New Location 2Va North Pack Square . Phone 232 ASHEVILLE. N. C ' OFFICE HOURS 9:00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. RECTOR" HOTEL LUNCH, AND DINING ROOM MEALS AT ALL HOURS Delicious Fried Chicken Dinner Sandwiches of ALL kinds Short Orders and v REGULAR MEALS NOTICE! WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT Mr. Paul H. Dinwiddie Formerly of MARSHALL, N. C. is now associated with us as PHARMACIST . at MOONEYHAM'S Drug Store Pack Square Asheville, N. C. We shall be pleased to have his . . friends ivirit us. LAST RITES FOR MISS ADDIE WILLIAMS Mr. and M . Wm. Holmes, Managers I - SAVE YOUR EYES Yon need them always. And yet so many handicap themselves dai ly by offering eye strain with ent the welcome relief of glasses It coats no mora to hare year eyes examined by! specialist. If needed ho will prescribe restfal, correct glasses. - . CONSULT DR. T. GILBERT HARPE " Optometrist -IS Years la AsboHOo 14 Flatlron Bldg. - Phono Ml Last rites for Mtss Addi Williams, ST. who died Monday November 25, at the home of her sister. Mrs. R. O. West, Marshall R-2, were- conducted at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Nov. 2d, at Gifepeviae Baptist church In terment followed in the church ceme tery. Officiating ministers were: the Rev. E. H. Nease, the Rev. E. F. Sprinkle amd the Rev. J. C. Pipes. Pallbearers were. Carl West. Bryan McKinney, Myers Teague, Gae Wil liams, Bradie Duncan and Clarence Watkins, nephews of Miss Williams. Floral bearers: Mrs. Effie Duncan, Mrs. Ollie Watkins, Mrs. Lois West and Mrs. Clara McKinney, neices of Miss Williams. . Miss Williams k survived by three sisters Mrs. R. O. West, of Marshall R-2, Mrs. I. M. Teague, of West Asheville. and Mrs. S. M. McKinney. or WQoann. Miss Williams has nisde her home with her sister, Mrs. West since last January and she is greatly missed in our home. We hope to live a life that we will meet her in the home to which the has gone. - We feel that our loss is Heaven's gain. , v CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their nelp and kindness during the illness land death ofl our dear sister. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. West Marshall, Boat 2. No. 4 OUR BRAKES WE'rs all noticed that whenever a train makes a long enough stop in a station, there's somebody on the job, dodging in and out under the cars 1 making sure that everything is in good shape for the train to continue its trip. One or tne tmngs cnecnea at every inspection point is the brakes. For nobody knows better than railroads how important it is to be able to stop when you have to stop. Now, it we think of it in a certain light, we people who own automobiles are all running little trans portation systems of our own . . . just like the rail roads and airlines and bus companies. Home is the main terminal and there are lots of stops along the line . . . flag stops, you might say, and regular sched uled stops like the office, the grocery store, the school, the theatre, and our friends' houses. Just like the railroads, one of the main things we need to look out for is our brakes. Of course, every body knows this and yet somehow or other we're apt be a Utile careless about it. Not that brakes don't give us plenty of notice when they're going to need adjustment. As time goes on we find that I can push the pedal lower and lower, till after a wiile we can shove it down almost to the floor teards before the brakes take bold. Even then we oometimes wait quite a while before we have them adjusted. It just seems to be human nature to put off things like that. They tell us the result is that one-third of all cars on streets and highways at any given time have something wrong with their brakes. The trouble is that when we let our brakes go like that, all of a sudden we may have to make an emer gency stop, and we may find it rather embarrassing. Engineers say that if we realized what goes on in brakes we would see why we ought to keep them r becked up. As they explain, it's a story of momentum and friction, the same old forces we've talked about before. They ssy that when we get going we build up a certain energy in the form of momentum. Now when we want to stop, we can't just destroy that energy, because, scientists tell us, Nature never lets any of its energy be destroyed. We can only convert it into some other form of energy. What brakes really do is to, convert tpeti-rn Into ht-enrtn. When wo push down on the brake pedal we press the brake lining against the brake drams and this creates friction that, changes th energy to heat When we have changed all the speed energy to heat, then we come to a stop. Now modern brakes are very powerful. In fact, a 100-horse power car will have about SOO-horsepower brakes. They can stop us pretty quickly even from high speeds: But when they do, they simply change those speeds into a great deal of heat, in a very short we sometimes build up temperatures in our brakes as IRAKI DESIGN MULTIPLIES Mr. Hoikey filled his regular aj pointment at the Jupiter Methodist chuich Sunday night. The B. T. U. Is rapidly improving. The Rev. B. M. Canup was elected pastor at the Baptist church recently. We are glad to get him. There 'will be la play at the Red Oak High School, Saturday Dec. 14. Everybody invited. Admission 10c Said 20c. Misfs Jessie Burrell visited Miss Lee Guthrie, Saturday. Misses Pauline Fox and June Hon eycutt spent the Thanksgiving holi days with Mr. Ottis Peterson. Mrs. Ruben Metcalfl, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Metcalf, Mr. (and Mrs. Ronalfl j Hunter and small son, Harold, Look ' an A lWr on1 Mra nnvlrt .1 ! , - - ..... avjt.c uruiuue LOOK supper with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Guthrie, Sunday might. We are ,g'lad to hear that Miss Joe honner Fox is improving. Mr. Walter Roberts, the son of lurs. Miiarea Koberts. is Rlri proving. Miss Lizzie Guthrie lumdly. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hunter took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rav. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Fisher took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Brigman Sunday. Miss June Honeycut spent the nite with Mir,s Pauline Fox, Sunday. Mrs. G. W. Briggs visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mcintosh, Sunday. Mrs. Alton Roberts and hilrl- spent rt-turday evening with Mrs. W. B. Guthrie. Miss Alma Guthiie, who is at Swannanoa is expected to spend the week-end with her parents. lr 1 ni ls improving SPILL CORN 40 FT. STOP SOFt STOP 1 StCOSM time. The fact is high as 1400 degrees! It's easy to see that heat like that can cause a lot of trouble. Some of us may think it's fun to rush up to sudden stops, but we might as well realize that we have to pay for that kind of fun in' excessive brake wear. It simply doesn't pay to build up brake heat a 'lot faster than it can be thrown off. And we certainly get hardly anything back in time saved. For instance, if we're going SO miles an hour, our brakes can stop us in 40 feet if they are all right; but It takes them less than two seconds longer to stop us In twice that distance. How much better it Is, under any normal circumstances, to begin to apply the brakes a few seconds earlier and, with gradually Increasing pres sure, bring our car to an ey stop. As a matter of fact, smooth, gradual stopping wherever the circumstances permit; is generally taken as a sign of a good driver. Now if we want to keen our brakes safe and sound- it's imnnrtant ia ra. member what these fast stops do to them. But it's Just as Important to re member that all stops generate some heat In our brake. Thatis what vradu. ally wears down the linings, and sooner or later makes brake-adjustment I necessary. And that's why we must watch them and see that adjustments are made when they are needed. i. j So maybe It would be a good Idea to keep oa nM..g of our ear, M 1 private transportation systems. If we keep them in good running condition, they will serve as with safety and satisfaction. . AT 30 M.P.K. y StCONSS Mrs. Alpha Tweed Kid son, Mr. Clyde were visiting he- sister last week-end. Mrs. Charity Arwood was taken to a hospital in Greenev lie, Tenn. and has returned home not much improv ed. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Norton Baley is very ill at this writing. Among those that were visiting Mrs. Chin itv Arwood Sunday were, Mrs. Harlin Shelton, Mrs. Ednei Cut shall, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cutshall. Mr. Marion, Williams' who has been very ill is reported to be improving. We httDe fo.- nil thn sik in nn. j community to recover soon. HUNTER CREEK of Mrs. uivae Ball was the eunat If in a s . Mrs. jim waaaeii. sundav. M'ss Elsie Crow snent Saturdav night- with her grand-parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crow. i Mr. Andrew Ball returned last week from Waynesville where be nas been workmr for the nam two months. . .. Mr. Frank Ball look firmer Witt Mr. Frank Buckner, Sunday nigit. tar. ueorge Keece returned to Hun ter Creek, Sunday. i4

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