rati THE ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER OF MA DISON COUNTY VOL. 34 8 Pages MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAYS DECEMBER 12, 1935 PRICE $1.00 A YEAR 'V MAOISOn COUNTY FARMERS TO MEET IN MARSHALL HEXT SATURDAY SHINING EXAMPLE OF 4-H CLUB WORK AT MARS HALL CIVITAN CLUB Latin Student Wins Recognition Books Wanted For Marshall Library d GATHERING OF INTEREST TO ALL FARMERS IN MADISON COUNTY o ,-New Way of Making Money to be Presented to Farmers Letter BWing Mailed to Farmers by County Agent It is holed that the courthouse will be filled to capacity next Saturday, December 14th at two o'clock to hear disciiissed a matter that should be of vital interest to the farmers and busi ness men of Madison county. It is impossible to convey (to our readers the ideas that ,will be brought out at the meeting. Fol lowing is a letter being mailed Out by the commftte appointed by the Civitan Club: Marshall, N. C. December 10, 1935 Dear Sir: There will be a meeting of farmers in th Court House Saturday, Dec ember 14, at 2:00 P. ll., to discuss the posaibiUtjr of operat'a cooperative cannery m Madieon County. Leading farmers think a cannery for wild blackberries, tomatoes, and Inarms would 1-wrtbr much money te producers. Thia would give farmers aicaah' tmmm duringrthe' sotfrnwr, and labor for the unempJeyeaV M J. ET Barr, air experienced catmenynmi, will be present. AKywne ioterdMtfgnwhig these-crof should arrange to be at the- meeting. A good attendanoe' la necesary to encourage the establishing! of this plant to market yor fresh- asffd panned 1 vegetables; Make ptarawrto- be at tnr-netlng. v Very truly yours,.. COMMITTEE: Geo. W. Miller Craig L. Rudisill Herschel Sprinkle Mr. Ernest Harrill, Mars Hill Col lege student, received a notification The Marshall Parent-Teachers' As sociation has set aside the week of Monday from Shipp G. Sanders, of December 16-20 as Book Week. The Chanel Hill stating that, he had won I Mm bringing in or donating the most third' place in the state translation Jbooks will be given' a free matinee to contest for colleges, commemorating the movinir picture show made nossi- tne zuuuth anniversary or the Latin poet, Horace. This contest was held under the auspices of) the American Classical League, the assignments be ing given to the different states by a National chairman. North Carolina's assignment was the eleventh ode in Book 2 of Horace, First place in this contest was won by Miss Catherine Zimmerman, of sue ouege .or as. uenevieve oi sne An invitation w extended to all Fines, Asheville. Second place was tt.i. .Amt. otnj a. won by Frank S. Poe, of Davidson annugj meeting of she Asheville pro college, the notification stated. . ducsien Credit Association at Ashe- ftiinuuncemems oi me winners in 0Jj January ble by the splendid cooperation" of Farmers Invited To sHeyUle, Jan. 17th SOCCER FOOTBALL AT MARS HILL .5 This Saturday at two thirty p. m. the first soccer football gaine ever layed in this parfof the country will WkeJace iiit Mara Hill between Mars Hill, . eollera and Asheville School The game will be free to all arid plen Laurel Lad Gets Prize Offered by Civitan Club Congressman Bulwinkle In pressed by Boy'a Speech The. last ty of sesta are available, also ample Club was one ofl the most inteiathur Three guests of Mr. Barr, above mentioned, addressed the Civitan Club at its last meet ing and impressed hie hearers as one who knows what h is talking1 about. Be sure to hear him. Madison county needs ready money crops and means of marketing such produce. Such a plant s will be discussed may mean much to the people of the county. Orphanage Car Valued At Nearly $800.00 The Rev. J. L. Bragg who bag had . ' jicharge Of collecting and shipping the carload of produce which went tor- yaxd jd tha - Tlwmafc.OrttnoWeJ Mjirahf ILat he . stra ff jSJBflle l Thanksgiving' days ha received state- mentg from the Orphanage showing the value placed on every articleand the amount, contributed by every church. (He was mailing! Tuesday, statements to the various churches which showed the Orphanage's esti mate and the total amount 'sent in the car from the French Broad Associa tion and the Newfound Association amounted so i ioo.iz I. o. o. mamas- - . ville. The Southern Railway cut the mad freight, rate to one-half on this ship ment, making the freight amount to slightly more than $61.00. S39.92 of thig amount was contributed in cash by the churches toward defraying, the freight. In other wordst. the var ious churches mentioned in our last issue contributed toward this cause a been killed on Little Pine, and which Mrs. Yelsey Treadway Passes Away ' . . . . ... 1 -1 tL;. knn l Footoau iians win Ke uns kbiuc f"" were ipresent-4j. D WaJIin. verv much as they are close akin. ' Congressman Bulwinkle. Mr j v ..J h. kull uVMioJ frnm nn end of1 J. D ' Wallin 1 or January 17 th in th, Court d". 'he other the 'only rule, of Mr. .n'd Mrs! Dewey WaHin0', Ta Hav nf STnraoa Ttnn A , ,TC ? y---- being tnat a Player caunuw use iub -uxci aecuon Of Madison fount it The Foreten Lanuaw club f, ar?W7 o'th Aociation. hands to advance the ball. The play , the special guest of honor at the m! rourh the BHsoeia- " o j it r-ik.. -Jf-Drlze in sue . 1 over Hie wm ii nm yo-nwu," vt miihiui ciuh cnnto ZfuZ f now making ie. first aptfeareneea in growing tbe. be catU. andrn m, eeting of thifl theountrV. . .. Iw mtroducad hy Mr K Mars HU1 will opew her basketbaU najl , oftNawton , N. C, fomer demon season this. Saturday night at. ?:30 stratio aant 'of MaX CouX Horace at their regular monthly borrowed money, through the aasocia. wwjr vtx. o it a stockholder and iwy ana is ws at tn time-that Mr. aHumi thi. .ni.oi moot. Huff mad puWic the recognition1 that stockholder which is held for the nm, oeen given ar. warriii a trans. nurpoa ofl hearing a complete report Mrs. Edd Huff Die at Hot Springs tttthfc year's work of the organiza- Astewjll. School also fiurmshio? i who started th 4-H club wort Ttul tionfc the election of officer and the u a i, nf ennntr Tr "uo. work 10 the transaction of such other business as .k.ui sn k. n hand t hi ! .i!. r .ral..a rert of max some before the bod. 1TZ. " TLT-LT" 1:"" b and Mrs. inwoome peiorj? sne Doajt, Mra Hill to see the opener. oejved the heartv i .77" - "We- w.U 'be- deUgfcted to have al, Soccer games, have been- arranged present, The report foHows farm era who am .nnt : atrvkhnltrWa ol. -i. . " . it.: i r--. F" r -lu'iows. SO attend the meetmo' Mr. Dvernll ilk fi,... j uiwiuue ..j u: j Vl 1 .C . ,r . :coiiejfe, lfhviuouu cunKc i" na was called was also Edd Huff, 66. died at her id4 "in 0f.der that they might learn ; Tw0 ' es wU1 be piayed with each hort speech follow.ei,P home at Hot Springs Sunday nu?ht 01 W rean service which is offered team one at Mara Hill and one on the ' Wallin. Mr. BulwinkU nrai .i Soon after midnight last Friday, December 7, Mrs. Wesley Treadway passed away at her home, in south .4. no F' cii. J.VJ.J. been- aTmfferef for- year' or more from cancer ofl the stomach. Funer al services were at three o'clock Sat urday afternoon at the Methodist church at Walnut, conducted by the Rev. B. E. Guthrie. Mrs. Treadway is survived by her husband, one son, Dock Treadway, and one daughter, Lucy Treadway. ' Dog Killed Little Pine on MADISON MAN KILLS HIMSELF at ll:30oclock, following an illness t0 .the, farmers ofl this section by the campus of the other college. oil only two daya Mrs. Huff suffered XT It ,, a heart attack Friday night and did Xhf , officers of the Asheville associ-j not rally from it. She was a devoted "N0" arev J1?n A. Hudgens, Pre?d-i and active member of the Baptist ti' A- ,f Dlssa- vice-president; W. i i.u : 1.1 i. . 1. overall, secretarv-1 rMsnmr. Hil- hv oil n7i. irno v ou ia .,,r,,!,,,i He West, Asst. Secretary-Treasurer. by her husband, one daughter, Mrs.' Edition to the President and Vice Frank Lunsford, of Hot Springs three J?8"1 otherpirectors are: Harry sons, Melvin T. of Sah Diego, Calif., xvarasey, ana a. . Claude. H., of Asheville, and Swann Bonnftt- ' B., of) Hot Springs; three sisters, Mrs. i v T" 1 1 : W. B. Swaney, of Paint Rock, Mrs. ' -pin nilDV n r w e Carrie Roberts, of Laurens. S. C, and F. C O JY J Mrs. James Lusk of Woodruff. 8. C. I CULL SWEET POTATOES nd ny aaveral grafidc1inderiT 'wt. -v al services were irt the local Baptist Unmarketable sweet potatoes may church, Tuesdhy morning at 10:80 j be fed to dairy cattle with excsllent o'clock, conducted by Rev. P. T. Mc- results, says R. H. Ruffner, head of Fee and Dr. W. E. Finley. Interment ' the animal husbandry department at was In Fairview cemetery. State College. Active pallbearers were W. A. Both the tubers and the vines make Long, Frank Brown, Floyd Harrhon, a good, palatabh feed which will Jennings Runnion, . F. Tweed, and produce milk and butter of high quali- boy f0r his Tfir:h"" ; j asked that the Civitana Yo evehing possible to promote farm the boys and girls in the county. Mr waste ct "k the 1 and th tkt L u- by sueh erosion, an the advisability of ionnoti. L 77 Mh ert of our soil and to fnrnUn a means of livelihood tor fZ mre generations. lVfr Ran. .L. ).- '. Lying in a critical condition from of !, ; .:s LFfr3"'11 speaker an illness of influenza and pneumon- than is uaialk, .nXr r!L tlm?- t -B.T rt 2 l on is i.. " v v uu aa nifFHror mm rwmoKivu, 09-vr-utu tne Clrfb. i Ho U 1 T Clarence Candler. Hotnorary pall bearers were: Dr. G. F. Ross, Ira Plemmons, C. H. Hazelwood, J. D. Hensley, U. S. Collins, Rov Hender son. Will Fleming, R. C. Kirby, L. B. Brooks, H. J. Candler, D. G. Church, G. C. Long, Frank Lawson, D. 3. IPrice, W. T. Davis, and Lee Fowler. Flower girls were: Gladys Harkle road, Mildred Grubbs, Edith Collins, grand total of $828.34. Poultry Expert In Marshall Mr. H. S. Wilfong, hatchery and flock inspector, of the State Depart ment of Agriculture, of Raleigh, N. C. ia in Madison county this week re testing poultry flocks that sell hatch ing eggs to state approved hatcheries, j ne Biaies inut mere are aDOUI louu Mr. B. J. Ledfbrd of the Little (Pine section was in Marshall Tuesday ana sent to Kaleigh by tha Carolina Special, the head of a dog, which had Cllie'Paris, Mildred Harrison and Hel uccu &uieu on Ldtue rme. ana wnicn n rtairia was saia so nave bitten a horse and several cows. The report from Ral eigh Wednesday was to the effect that the dog was mad. We have not learned whose animals had been bitten. at his home. the shooting, Pennington's wife and a friend, Clarence Suttles, had start- d to erive the sick man a dose of med- : . : mi i : : : . I r t But livestock men can afford tojpiHs. accidentally dropped, and the feed only cull potatoes or those which two were on the floor retrieving the cannot be marketed for human con-ipms wnen rennington enui niraseu farmer of the Keenersville. section the jUaAtf?6' Madison county,, near Joe ,Post " suddenly pulled a gun ,from under- 60me thirty ' vSii; wan i 'JAi.j nA 7. " eperiencS'in the iicauii J.u iri UUIXnWeSS in CSIln Dm rr , shot himself to death Monday night ed hvti. wB?? ?e M employ i w n . . . .11. in ii. flnliT an tTf a r. t hafnrA r - Mw,iii.te ..... -.ncstcrn iNOrtn I rn n Beech Glen Cagers Wriley P. Allen Passes Away Last rites were conducted at 3 o' lock Tuesday afternoon at Gabriel's Creek Baptist church for Wriley P Allen, 58, who died Sunday a. hi home m Asheville. The Rev. Perry sumption at a fairly good price, Ruff ner pointed out. Sweet potatoes contain about on3 ourtk the total feed value of an equal weight of corn. Consequently, dairy men cannot afford to allow more than one-fourth the price of corn for sweet potatoes. The shooting occured at 7:30 o'clock. Sheriff Guy English and Coroner Gro er Redmon investigated. Pen nington was shot through the heart and died almost instantly. Several persona said they heard him threaten to commit suicide on previous occa sions. Pennington bad lived in Mad- Hnan Qaann Sprinkle, assisted by the Rev. G. C I ox officiated. T. , . . , , , , Burial was in the church cemetery. birds, maily Barred Rocks in Madi- their 1935-36 basketball schedule last T Radford V S Buckner V V son county ft-om which hatchng eggs Saturday night when they met the .CoffeyfLeS Ballad and Wa r cidy IlSaSiiS STeffl fJTr r LaxXI1 i Mrf AlleZ who waTa retired frm hI 2"thnMSSTi 5X? !W1e ?0ck. Aler otf Madison county, is survived by . " j . " , ri . Yr : " tuuii. me local sexiene one sister Mix etnllip Ptupl-npr nf made a good start abk& thia line, but barely nosed out the Laurel girls girls -tBtZSoUarMt has a long way to go. Eor instance, i.ik .ii- d u wesl Asnevnie, one niece. Mrs. urace he says, in Wilke countr mors thatr fiW ZiZ"T ZZJC:.bWer J vvest; Aheviue: and two 40,000 such bird.ar kept.. dS U. Bo"th .,G . T teams promise plenty of competition .Beach Fla 'in the Madison county cage schedule ' '- In the issue of November -28,. un- tM, yeK Mi Angusta Jafvis, mem SJ5 ISSrnJS. the Juto wa recently r;" r" ...'"-."V""1 eiectea captain 0f the girl's seam Sweet potatoes may be fed cows j ison county about two years, coming i m 1 1 tt it . i vT'll r -r I in place ot corn snage. uime mcic nere irom &ousn niu, va. tie is sur are 25 pounds of digestible nutrients vived by his widow and one child. in 100 pounds of potatoes, while an equal weight of silag contains only 17 pounds, the cows will not need as iCpDfPTI IR A I much potato2 feed as silage. V.Iir 1 UK ,r . T When sweet potatoes are fed, the ! GIVING cows should also get eight to ten; pounds of legume hay to balance the j - ration, as potatoes consist mostly of My attention has heen called to an siarr-li nnd iicar. Ruffner stated. error in the statistical table No. 4 of This left nl "ZT' fit I cleared lfor" thT clZ and Papa gave me $10.00 for the fod der, making me $46.00 profit. From 25 pounds to 30 pounds of the New Found Baptist association '. sj,evije t Vej A canninr in TT . impressed th "CIZ 72 M mVc? t, i. . . o ox me ciuo that he was ninij , . . Marshal, ,ext Saturday a - Vu "lee"ne: of farmers at the ST6 A- tW icIock' when it2 hoped somethmg deflinite will be dona fiffKameIeVfnT years oJd and the Son 7m6 n Laurel Hifh School, the son of Mr. Dewey Wallin I had two entei prizes for this year beaevrre f Crn and tw baby The j"cu ou du. per acre- potatoes a day mav be fed the av.ci- i Minutes, where age cow. but it is advisable to feed chuich paid their pastor $26.92 for'case 1 1 .111 ;- j ! Ui Hx I i i,on,.wy uir oui. is improving ai Kermit Buckner, popular all-round Til a ?.T. o y-i ""ember of the Senior class has bej,i iLS? -hji eea:Mt- Swarj choBen 'or the boya Profess- . w , uukbu ui mis. jiunaiu mi i We regret this error very teams. JOIN RED CROSS ii nr l ti i. mp ivieauow rom . A j -1 onlv five to ten pounds a day at the the year ending August 1, 1935. Itwere n g0od condition tv.! i ey start. The quantity may be increasea jsnoum nave .peen 'o.a. i am sor- weighed 905 lhi Tk i J gradually as the cows learn 10 eai ,ry of the mistake and this is mty only . weighed 44i lh Ul 1 the roots. , way to correct it now. jk 7 ' 75 The swe3t potatoe vines may oe w-e are not- nsnnr our nastors e-Hh k i. .7 "-cinea 4tA grazed off bv the cows, or they may nnh. Table- Ni 4 shows only two ibs per Jhundr3 be polled and fed in the barn. Each churches nassingr $3U)0.00 for pastor's of '3 iL m- j,v ?Ver!,?Ja ?aitt cow can consume trom ju so sala y for the year ehding August 1, these palwa n7? j 0Z pounds of vines a day. Do not allow 1935 md omy tej, churches paying o7 ifi rtj ,.i - le a ?rofit of them-1 eat more than this amount, to Mt,(. f started tn ?25 f the Cf ves whl Ruffner added, 1 The present financial condition in irif3 '.!" wa 14-00 v., v. j j a.. c J.o-W- cost S29.01L giving is needed whereby ev-! af'ter the ' Robetts, much. V. Howell ia coaching both HONOR ROLL The News-Record O. F: Cooper Passes Away at Azalea ery member of every organization in With this mon to Newnort! a church may he enlisted in a ystem- Tenn. anf, hJ Je"L:t:eW?"r auc plan ofl giving, amd then it's eisy registered white-faced heifers . . . v" J vx WU1 1 HIS 19 TY1V oannrtA in 4H 69. who died Monday morning. Dec- errfher 9th. at Ytia tinma near A vnlra. Beoinninrf witfi our issue of Oct- innfiirtut t 1 1 vln.ir Ti,iIbv ober- 17, we are publishing below j morning at the residence. . the names of people who subscribe Burial was in Azalea Methodist or renew their subscriptions to The church cemetery. News-Record within the ' lest week.- Mr. Cooper was an employee of the By keeping your subscriptions paidAzaiea woodwsrkin company an1 'uo yon will aveatly help your local member of Asalea Methodist church, paper. w course, tnoss wnosa hd- ig wrvived by three sons. Walter and , the churches seems to demand that a FW boriiT T V0A a a nciF a r r ZIlfTtX QmnfM man of giving is needed whereby ev- !flX XJzJJl $731 miiVi3nAL.L nva presents (A Comedy-Drama in three acts) Friday Night, December 13, 1935 Time:7:30 P. M. ionei y,i.nde' 60 far, as financial this work. tii i noii 1 1 iurii ouif a i iniTnu i rvi i u . t . lVlI.OllALili JTlaAjrl IWWL -a-a 1 Wivivm anu tanouui De running on lour. II a. friST OF CHARACTERS) i "urCn.'s oemna with running expens- Funeral services fter O. F. Toooer. 'MR?. EITTH RTTJ55?T?.T.I.. Rihrd' neeond wife Lucv Reece Fore es. it dampens the spirit of the mem- MRS. OLIVER WOOIXRUFF i ural rhurchea have hoon r,,nniV, nn I 7v . ?econa year one vlmder n fa, finPiflrUD W0,rK and 1 exPeCt to continue scriptions are naid in advance are al ready on our honor roll. O. E. Roberts, Mars Hill, N. C. H. D. Rice, Mars Hill r-1 ' . -G. C Myers, Paint Rock, N. C. E. V. Russell. Bluff, N. C : . L. T. Freeman, Marshall r-1.' ' Mrs. JTK Rogers; Marshal, r- Frank Keith Marshall r-2 ,-. Monroe Redmon,' Marshall, 1 1-1 -J Miss Hasel Angel, Cullowhee, N. - Luce's Bureau, New York City . Hubert Deal, Marshall, r-8. . . Hobart Fender, Flag iPttnd, Tenn. Bob . Cooper, of "Asalea, and Ralph Cooper, of Paint Rock; thre daugh ters. Mrs. Ruby Phippt and Mrs. Nel lie Harrison, of Asalea, and Mrs. Gay Murphy of Bnrnsville: two brothers. Jim Cooper., of Knoxvttle, Tenn., and K. L. Cooper ofl Ohio; and three sis-f ters aU of KnoxviUe. : ' Mr. Cooper was well know" in the Paint (Reck section of Madison coun ty, where he spent sometime viu his son. ..- . 7.- -. -- - ' JOIN RED CROSS MRS. EMORY SCOTT BRIGGS, The Russell's Butler bers. The lack of 1 AOnnH nracHrnl ) Society Matrons, wilm Ramsey ,estful financial system cripples all her friends j tww Qmith thl ork Ln chucn' ) l Dorthy Smith Ofken.the castor must va umnaid. Two Madison Men Jail ed fn Tennessee Two Madison county men are in ureene county. Tetinessee. with (participating in th jail m barged LUCIA RUSSELL, Their daughter DUDLEY HUSSELL, Their son RICHARD RUSSELL, A financier List an Ramsey and forced to neglect his duty to his robbery of two filling stations ia June E. Ramsey church in order to provide for his own i Greene county Saturday. F. Ray Frisby nome and family. I . A. B. McDaniel, of the Walnut we- Charles Redmon " The cry of the orphanage must fall tion. was arrested near his home Snn- ELIZABETH (Bess) RUSSELL, Richard's daughter from the - n def ears, or at least on eara of day afternoon and, waiving extradi- -, ' v. s west Eileen Morgan ,ose unable to respond. In suchltion, was taken to Greens rountr to GEORGE GARRISON, presumably Lucia's admirer Edwin Mashburn churches, there is never any money await a hearing. Jesse Gahagan. al- ETHEL ASHELEY, a society girl LUCILLE CHRISTY, young society girl FLORA FAKJNUM, Dudley's inamorata . TIME: The present. home PLACE: The Russell home in Chicago. SYNOPSIS OF ACTS Act L Living room of Richard 'Russell's fashionable in Chicago An afternoon in spring. Act II. - Same as in Act I. Evening several months later. Act III. Same as previous acts. Three o'clock p. m., two days later. .. 4-.-; : Admission: 10c and 20c Tjiii!p "RAi.tnr.for needed eauinment. Geneva McCurry j. Therefore, one of the pressing needs Gladys Payne n every Baptist church is an effective , Tlan of continual giving. ) There . are four churches not re- oorswff a treasurer in the New Found. ihe church organisation is not earn pleted without a treasury. ... ". Vm. 41.. VV- - 1 . ' 1VHI, IVI VII C ' i. HENRY ROBER1S. Clerk New Found Association.' JOIN RED CROSS so of! she Walnut section, surrender ed to Sheriff Williams, of Greene county,' Monday afternoon. in rot be ry--of the two fHling sta tions is reported to have nesed $76. Suburban Resident: "It's sunpl fine to wake up in the morning and hear the leaves whispering outside your window. ' x City Man: fs all right to hear thi leaves whisper, but I never could stand hearing she grass mows . - h

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