mi 1 . ULL3 v; o-U- I TT ? j T 1 -1 r-vT-n .... v .d'M m " lJ,L;J!i::Lj ... rT VOL.34 8 Paget MARSHALL, N C THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1935 PRICE $1.00 A YEAR Meeting of Couijty Demonstration Farmer A number of county demonstration farmers were here Saturday -afternoon to attend the-' meeting;, iwhic) shows their interest in promotitir the farm improvement of this county. Hr. Lynn, Assistant County Agent oil Yancey County, was here and gae a very interesting talk on the! dem onstration work and explained the " constitution and by-laws of the- Yan cey County Soil Improvement Asso ciation. Short talks of interest were made by local attendants.. ' 1 ' We decided to meet on January 18, 19S6 and orsrwnize a Madison Coun ty Soil Conservation Association, and I hope on the above date we will have a 100 .per cent, attendance. It ia ab solutely necessary to attend this meeting if yon expect to be a jjem onstratton fanner. We will disems -nlans tor ISM. : We 01 Iuh some oBtstmBdrojrtnan in the wark to apeak at this meeting. $3,000,000 PAID N.C FARMERS The Agricultural Adjustment Ad ministration poured almost $3,000, 000 into the pockets of North Caro lina farmers during the months of July, August, and September. Rental 'and benefit payments to fanners cooperating in the crop ad justment programs accounted for $278,086.79 of the total, said Dean I. O. Schapb, of State College. The largest, sum wsnt to tobacco growers, who received 11,443,792.83. Cotton grower got 1 $997,218.78, corn-hog producers $128,642.57, and Wheat growers $8,482.63. y an addition, cotton growers wno slaced euplus tax-exemption tertifl- -catesMn the national "pool recivea CHRISTMAS SERMOTI This called for the incarnation. "A virg!4 shall be Wi$h' child and shall bring forth eon; And they shall call his name EmmanW,H which being in terpreted is, GOD -WITH US." TjsJ is the heart ofl we tniirtmaar. story "The Word yttmmiiM:kmiim amoni us" u 'timm-mwwmM?-?M declapMlbnS ever meus n The $487,904.53 in administrative expenses ' went "largely to pay com- toter the programs locally, Dean ' mitteemen, farmers who help admin- Schaub .pointed out. The rental and benefit paymen are still flowing to the farmers, added, but the amount for and November have not been it ed to date. The payments are made from raised by processing taxes o commodities covered by the vj Benefit navment nn all eromfTi this county for July, August.-to September were $6,589.69. If . : Brother of Miss Rorta Rogers Found Shdt To Death In Asheville . : A long story appeared in tfe Ashe ville naper last Saturday about, the body of Mr. J. Hoy Rogers, V" Leicester section, being fo Asheville with a bullet hole tl his head, evidently from the Mr. Rogers was a brother of M berta Rogers, well known b woman of Asheville, who was time a resident ofl Marshall, other members of the Roeers have recently died. They have . tives in Marshall. By CHARLES H. DICKE1 Behold, a virgin shall and shall brimr north a shall call his name Emu being interpreted is, bettKtta mm child. ;d they ieT which with us. 1:23 The world never Wli? what God was like until He batwne flesh and dwelt in it. Tfce dream of thsT human race bad hem foransisl Coi. Plate gv exsrasaion te 'tttt stnircraa! hanger whem lsaad, "W took for a Gd. or whe wiB e away the Jesr. when he Hfe. ffih. ima-fi J jr.) si -how'.mrtii.' dark- mm IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN 1935 from the Files rs-Record time speaking by hi Son, who was the brightest of' hi glory, and, the express image of his person." In the incarnation, he 9id not take on himself the nature of anigels, but the nature of men. For it behooved him, in all things to be nut like unto. his own brethren, that lie might be a merciful and f Jt hq priest to them ia. the ttunn peprtaning to God. us ear duty. from same yearn; sion in knew wh PhUip vo when he that is The vinywezv1 guag was .jrrth Of world's Savior. H'wa bora in 'aW.;; Bethlehenfr'The sreat aveiS'&iiha mis uwyetsai nitti hml:'deiaara ilmsVIQie 'WoMtocaMTrV raada flesh. 0&--f--mm md. they-beheidHis gloTylB BWW; an, is woridiMltlfe- trthe tafMmM Ana enouia n seenv4jmpMDie 10 you nivseetion- was. thatAbere should be b0fituman and fjtoorain., restaur m (miore lum1nou.t as to theer ofb An fen anxei inadatne Hortone declaration . y- '., . . , , !. Mtar: watch WfpK iteMM&ISfiKt ik e giaa'twunga mmmm4smsmm&A s hiWMM7Bm -granting of the first charter iSf the l !?lW fat PW'lha.3 become fla oW ia. 1859. -l f ? longH W'-tot aorV us.' To' we, too, '-- Feb. 28 J. W. Rai)?tSr. of ;ion, or rtvM,. .-v .. j UA .Wttl Barnard, pets 16 to 18 yeteerhard Ia- rtYI . fhe world had always jffljne Being. But F . . . . . . wscu iais7 r aviivt .iia nuvn Son,bf that Being. It wanted to . - v.. fbe able to say, as the Samted John;. ..fcTv .ini. later on did say, "That which ws '' , UK""D 3 . - . . -i . . .' , . I still gathers over op! eyes. The ans from toe beginning, which we have lonrfn u seen wii our eyes, which we have . . . , vl. , . looked upon, and our hands lv I . . .... ... anA handled, of the Word of life; flor the I . - . . . v,nrf,f , , - , , , uWI v A tvaM iaaaM iai3 wavwbuw 1ic was made manifest and we . . to us. have seen it." . the tW in mash tack. iJRo- usiaess tft'iine emt&rj expecrve 1 H. other pltctt in l.Aftlt set apart foWev flONOR ROLL jTr-oflj:,, , The News-Record l' Beginning witfr our issue of Oct ober 17, we are publishing below the names of people who subscribe 7 or renew their subscriptions to The News-Record within the last week. By keeping youa' subscriptions paid up you will -g-atly help your local paper. Of course, thoss whose sub- Zl scriptions are paid in advance are al- - ready on our honor roll. J. O. Revis, Marshall, Rf d 1 :; W. A. F. Kent, Alexander. N. C. Mrs. Elsie iPayne, Marshall, Rfd 1 A Bernie Payne, Barnard, N. C. , James W'aWn, Marshall, N. C. rfd 8 : Mrs. Lizxie CargUe. Mars HUH N. C :"- J. S. Buckner, Barnard, N. C. - T. J. Anders, Marshall, N. C. rfd 1 J. E. Griffin, Marshall, N. C. rf d I R. D. Rberts, Big Laurel, N. C. ; . I E, Fender, Flag Pond, Tenn. ,f . Isaac L. Worley Worley, N C . ' v Thomas, S. V. Marshall R-$. Chester Brown, Marshall, N. C. rfd 1- .;. Arthur Edmonds, Flag pond, Tenn.' ; H. E. Carver Leicester, N. C. .eeiieaM. ii ia;. fT . f the Jan. 8 .Mr'Ouy-Y: Rbm and Mr. James Jfi'BalPy, Jtv bare fmd a full vvrtt&litVx.' JialJhii' been aeswatev W1'- iSww' the past year; der of court. Hearing set by Judge Warlick for May 31. May 30 Jack Rice case contin ued again. Dr. Blackwell accepts call to Mar shall church. June 6 Injunction against Re publican taxlisters dissolved by Judge Warlick. June 13 Minstrel to be given by Eastern Stars progreesimr, fine. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Campbell to eave Marshall. Hill College has- year. Basket- record with scored. a 27 City may get flunds for tion 'Park on Island. 4 D. M. Robinson appoint- ;ipal of Marshall high school. all retained for two years. Redmon appointed coroner. Sri HendrtcKs is elected of Civitan Club. . W. R. Johnson is killed more t mm mm Dix, famed wonmaa col- ainfee,gust m:,, Whitehurat jwesents fSf??TO,t 15 C. J. Rich will dot mf.-Z-i-: . WJ'&teKXX-i!Wm position as county agent. rTrr, , ZT&iCrttsnmm uauaora here ror trial. SSS!.ora' "?SeM2iftipiet 22 Criminal term ofl ,iSKf;.;ufcor court to convene Monday. Madison County high. Monday, Sept. 2. leave taken Thursday James Lunsford. Miller succeeds Earl i or ine cast tnree years. Tmna o4. o ' ut tu... ojii- iasx NDW.aBWmw -PiMnded bv Mart ff'AX hanlr oWhra. .falilMMM Beech .C'.GlenwderAatS ti;l. k. Mane- Hill YornUadisam. All I W FefcAl Charter Bav' brated ttV: Mars Hill college, Feb. 15, with a srogramtin 4efee. auditorium in commemoration I Barnard, pets 16 to 18 yelt;hard la bor aflter eubmitting' to "4cond 'de cree, murder.! . j SDrine Creek girls: Bfeeclt Glen boys win Tournament epps. March 7 Arthur Oosnell, Oris Gunter and Robert Thomas fro to iSsahail water supply thoroughly-. th.fcol- !Jid.?L Sia-ABix dseerted children left fGtlot o si t mereVof eounty officials. Marstfejr'Fjiteit 6fice promoted to ecohd JelJ Qhe JtaM&Hlill bank bandit captur d in Tmwk JlaudeUidn passes away, apt. ffifi&HR. A. Edwards passes my- f Second vflftlfiK robber caught. Oct. Si'-.'Oive suspects arrested death row from Madison County. MarsKfo-iank robbery SHOOTING FIREWORKS It has long been the custom in this section of the country to shoot fireworks at Christmas time. Folk from other sections seem aghast at the idea, their reaction being that it is almost sacrilege to so celebrate such a sacred occasion. It seems to us merely a difference of opinion as to whether fireworks should be fired in December or, in July. None can say there is a deliberate attempt at sacrilege on the part of those who have been raised in a section of the country where it is as natural, from babyhood, to shoot fireworks as it is to ex ' pect Santa Claus to arrive on December 25th. 'But there is a time and place for all things and certain UAitalions to all liberties. We do not care whether it is in Dec- ?uly or Octember, nobody has a right or should even right to shoot fireworks in Roanoke Rapids or any the world. Sa Iks hayegaj d'dy to stay 2. "In the streets or highways wher and other vehicles traveling. 3. Near hospitals, or churches on Sundays. 4. Under anybody's feet at any time. There is no need for us to explain the dangers, the annoy ance, the discourtesy and the seriousness involved in breaking any of the above rules. : ' ; , So far as we are concerned, shooting fireworks ia pne way many folks have of reaHy enjoying Christmas. We want them. to-keep on having their fun,; But always in the proper places ana ac ine proper tune; vj. ied'ffexcept possibJ;qnone nighty .j" 2I T Up late) . 4&f!X'?&&.-. west have . ... .fAMm3. 2-'...C. Mrs. E. R. f TTbe Roanoke Rapids Herald, Dramatii- scenes hs vontha aro en Wiake Foresit4Menedith summer school unit to be held at Mars &ill next summer. f March 14 Dr. Hutchjns to open office in Burnsville March 21 V The Associationa Missionary Union to be held at Mar! Hill. March 29 March 28 GREAT DAMAGE DONE BY STORM IN MADISON COUNTY MONDAY. Many 'homes and other property destroyed by wind. One man killed and many more injured in storm stricken sec tion. National Red Cross to assist desolate people in regaining homes. . Aw-il 4 Public Funds bill erf Madison County sent to Senate. iRed Cross organization set up in Madison County. , April 11 Fowl play suspected dnannerance of Mr. Caney Edm All traces of Flg Pond man Marshall. April A&fr Annual J banqueffOT the Serine school-gOb held in Safdiy. night, Apr? Easter aaerninr service by the"1tev. J. R. Duncan, the Methodist church. pril 25 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. have sold their home to Mr. and R. Tweed Jr. May 2 No opposition in Mar shall munic'nal election. C D. Bow mm to be Mavor. J. M. Baley, J. J. Ramsey and W. A. West were nomin ated without opposition for alder men. ' ,-. May 9 Miss Olive Thomas be comes the bride of Mr. J. W. Wible, Mav 4th. . Chain letters begin to circulate in Marshall. May 16 MADISON REPUBLI CANS DECLARE WAR ON MAD ISON DEMOCRATS. Mass meeting resolves to boycott certain ' officers. High feellna spreada through Mad ison county aa Sarinkle's legislation la defeated. . May 2.1 Recubhean Ta Listers of Madison County restrained by or-f jr. senw thitffi OlMWfl J. Wr.iWme, former auditor ofl fadieojfrfebiipty, laid to rest Wednes- Octfi&f Funeral rites conductad or thrgetladison boys who were e ecjrocutfd for the murder of William "nomas.' ' )nMars&ll tramples Hall Fletcher, 20 to o;. Oct. If Madison Belief office to be moved back to Marshall. MarHall reservoir nearing com- Oc?i4 Canning plant may be locafejf at Marshall. .jtti'N. Riimspv lairl tn rest Satnrdav. lt. 31 Mars HU1 bank robbers ced to 38 - 40 years eacn. shall and Walnut tie 7-7 in ng football game, and Mrs. Dinwiddie to leave arshall. Nov. 7 Car to be loaded at Marshal Nov. 27, for Mills Home. -Joe Eads made manager ofl local A&P store. Nov. 14 Lewis Tweed suddenly killed. Armistice observed in Marshall. Nov. 21 300 neotde ia Madison now being out on Relief work. Mrs. Belle Runnion passes away. Gudger. building to be used for orphanage produce. Nov. 28 JOHN A. HENDRICKS PROMINENT LAWYER AND CIT IZEN OF MARSHALL PASSES A WAYJMONDAY, NOV. 26. Dec. 5 More than 30,000 lb of produce shipped to orphanage. Farmens well pleased with prices of tobacco on opening day. Dec. 12 Soccer football started at Mara Hill College. Madison county farmers to meet in Marshall next Saturday to discuss canning plant - Dec 19- Duckworth sells inter est of Service Motor Sales, Inc., to Zeb Whitt. . Marshall houses torn down last week. ; New' druggist at (Roberta Phar macy. . ; ifft:;;! V'V'?;'",'..'.'' . 6b - Si 0 1 , ' ' 1:

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