'V ; 1 M ... V r '.vr. v- .1 VOL. 35 8 Pages MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2; 1936 PRICE $1.00 A YEAR -1'. - Vv - V, . , . .. . FRENCH BROAD RIVER IS FROZEN ALL ACROSS FLOW OF ICE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS WHEN IT BREAKS UP The lone continued cold spell for the last ten days of December has re sulted in the French Broad River's being ftrozen practically solid, and the ice banked to the level of the dam near the depot. It is said that the ice is packed all the way from the Redmon dam up to the Marshall dam, and all up towards Asheville. It is feared that when the ice begins to break up it will be dangerous to pro perty along the river in the vicinity of Marshall and below. The resi dents here say that this is the great est freeze the river has experienced eince 1917. Miss Emma Craig miles of Hot Springs Dies In Asheville Funeral Services To Be Held Thursday Morning In Asheville Miss Emma Baird Craigmiles, 79, of Hot Springs, died at the Norburn hospital. Asheville, Wednesday morn ing at 12:25 o'clock. Miss Craig miles underwent an emergency oper ation 10 days afro and on account of her advanced age, she was not able to rally from thfi effects of the oper ation. Miss Crtigmiles was born and rear ed in Buncombe county, and was the daughter of the late James Madison Craigmiles and Sophronia Baird Craigmiles. She was, widely connect ed in Buncombe county, befng close ly .related to tne wever-$aira-Key-nolds families on her mother's side, .and oi the . Craigmiles family; a promment Jamar'Clyeland.Ten neesee. She had 'lived; jnv Madison county for the pasi 45 ;yeaxs, and had made :fcer- fcome wrth hex broth ers, John and. William. . She, is -sur vived by three brothers, t John and William, of Hot Springs, and Joseph, of Bakersville; one sister; Mrs. Hai ' riett Runnion, of Asheville, and by maar nephews a&d nieces. Funeral services will be conducted at the Reynolds Funeral home, Spruce street, Asheville, on Thurs day morning, at 10:30 o'clock, with the Rev. Woodward E. Finley, of! Hot Springs, officiating. Interment will be in Asbury Memorial cemetery at Grace. Active (pallbearers will be Tom and John Davis, Joe Smith, Horace and Woodrow Stradley, great nephews; of the deceased, and D. F. Roberts. BASKETBALL AT MARS HILL Invitations have recently been mail ed out to coaches of high schools over North Carolina to enter the 11th an nual Mars Hill College invitational Basketball Tournament. This tour nament is held each year at Mars Hill in the college gym. This year's tour ney will be held from February 27-29. Of the number who express a desire to enter the tournament a total of 16 teams are selected to compete in, teamsisrto8iiWeare-.seleeted ? cause 'they. re 'county hohampions." IhJ many county champrons have entered. Moi-e than.thirtv thauaanri.vrfhnii have witnessed ) the tournament eincfei 113. jB,nn.u iirio. ; is -is regarded. -as theixxutstanding JbaskilJIiall tonma ment in Western North Carolina and since the North Carolina State Col- HONOR ROLL -of -The News-Record . Beginning witja our issue of Oct- oDer 11, we are publishing below tne names of people who subscribe or renew their subscriptions to The News-Record within the last week. By keeping your subscriptions paid up you will greatly help your local paper. Of course, those whose sub scriptions are paid in advance are al ready on our honor rolL Floyd Smith, Flag Pond, Tenn. Van Wallin. R-2, Marshall. H. W. Cook, Hot Springs. G. S. Enslejr, Barnard (. A.. J. Gahagan, R-3, Marshall ' Mamlo Friaby, Charlotte, N. C. Miss Cleta Edwards, Mars Hill 5 . v Ben Frisby, City Mrs. W. R. White, R-2, Marshall Th Three Laurels, R-3, Marshall, r . Mitch Freeman. R-l, Marshall . Mrs. Ines T. (Powers, Jacksonville, Fla J. O. McGalliard, R-l, MarshaU 7 John C Shelton, Jacksonville, Fla. '. William Boone. Union City, Tenn. " lege tournament lia no longer held it being regarded as one of the out standing tourneys in the state. Last year's event was won by Cand ler high school of Buncombe County. The Candler team defeated the Cove Creek team of Watauga County in the finals. ' Other winners in ipast years have been: Sylva. 1926; Leicester, 1927; Sylva, 1928; Bakersville, 1929; Lei cester, 1930: Edneyville, 1931; Glen wood, 1932; West Buncombe, 1933; Tipton Hill, 1934. SAFTY WORK PRAISED An earnest appeal to police and motoring authorities throughout the world to make an intensive study of the remarkable automobile safety campaign waged for the past year by Police Commissioner Lewis Val entine, of New York City, was made this week by John D. Collins, sales , manager of the Tide Water Oil' Com pany. A safety campaign that saves, one Ii3! is worth white," said 'Mr. Collins, "but a campaign that eaves hundreds of lives is something that should com mand the immediate attention of ev erybody. "Commissioner Valentine has quietly but efficiently gone about the business of reducing automobile acci dents in New York and he has done a splendid job of it. By posters, newspaper interviews, radio pro, grams, special schooling of policemen, providing of safe playgrounds, mov ing trucks mounting wrecked cars with gruesome wax figures oft acci dent victims, and in other ways he has this year reduced automobile (jpfeidqnts in itJbe metropolitan dilsr jriet ;8 per cent below last year, while the average for the rest of the country, including; New; York, S,tate 1ftL 'm4 .... 4 K maW Afltai " -; . Last years record of. aato deaths and injuries. in thl country was the Msetvtifc amtr;md ':stitute a national disgrace. ThU'yeaf the tot al wiillr ha awea hfA'ei." . ".. : ; i The .automobile industry, motoring authorities everywhere,, police and .public spirited bodies of various kinds are etudyifng the problem and doing what they can. .But the situation' except in New York City is growing worse. Commissioner valentine has worked out a recipe for safety which seems to be working. If it can work there it can work in other places. Let's apply it everywhere and save ten thousand lives. A man who robbed the L H, Black store at Verdel, Neb., was just jok ing. He took $50, Out it in a sack, left it outside the door with this note: "Better get a new cop." Two men in Boise, Ida., received letters containirs $105 from a man in San Francisco who did not s;gn his name. As 6 year old Eddie Hightower of Toledo. O., climbed ud the steps to his flront door a bullet, supposedly fired by a prowler, glanced off a but ton on hia clothing. Miss Carrie Ellena Davis Weds the Rev. Weaver James Keener A marriage of cordial interest was ithatt -of i-Miss vCasnier .Silesia nDaris, idatqchtec jpf. 1MnaadMrsi'B T:Davis .1 JamesrKeener, - tot Joe, 1 -N 0. whch was solemnized at the groom's! home. The Rev. Burton Doyle, pas tou eftthe" Firsti Christian chtircb in VNw: ' Port, I'Teanessee. -performed rthe oereimmy "an the presenc - i of tMrs. ;Ioiyl'nd-mejnbw-s of he immediate family. ' The bride is a graduate of the Afsheville Teachersi' Collfcge. She was a student at Western Carolina Teachers' College dn '33 and '34 and lacks only a ffew. hours of work hav ing her A. B. degree from there. For tne .past four years she has been teaching in the Public schools of Madison county. ' Mr. Keener js the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Keener, of Joe, N. C. He is a student of Johnson Bible College, Kimberlin Heights, Tenn. He will receive his A. B. degree m the spring of 1937. Last year he was among the group on young' men cho sen by their college and sent out to do evangelistic work in the rural Isectiona of cfur county. He and his partner held revivals at Draffin and Myra, Kentucky and at Pound, Ira, Greendale and : Meadow View, Virginia. There werjs several con verts and much good was accomplish ed by the meetings.'" ' y, immediately following tne cere mony the bride and groom left 'for wedding trin to Atlanta. Ga. After which: Mrs. Keener will return to Joe N. C. and resume her work as teach er there. Mr. Keener will return to Johnson Bible College to - continue his college work. THREE FAMOUS SMITHS 'iui.i.'.iii'..a Winn' f "" i" 1 J '., ( " h "SI. I 1 f . . if S j wS -V-. "v" Year's Highest Football IT'Smever happened before in the entire fifty years-since Walte Camp,"father of modern' football originated" the Mea tof picking as all -America football team every year. Three men of the same name on the all-America! But that's the way it has come out this year and the selection is the final and great Because her cat yowled so much, at night Mrs. Thomas Gentry tooK, w ytr hnmn in Mackav. Ida.'. 85 miles across Lost River Desert and abandoned it- The cat was noma 30 days later. ' 4' the football .frchedqle f.'as announc ed iiera today, is practically Ihe same as that played last year. -But one change is. noted, that of Campbell college to the list ofl games to- be played. Mars Hill wjll pay every team in the North Carolina Confer ence. The only game in question is the one with Rutherford College, as no information has been received as to whether or not they will play next year. The date of September 26th has been offered to them. SCHEDULE: .. Rutherford college at Mars Hill, SepU- 26; Wingate, at Mars Hill, Uct. 9; Campbell, at Mars Hilk Oct. 16; Lees MdRlea. at Mara Hill. Oct. 17; Bel mont Abbey, at Mars Hill Oct. 24; Oak Ridge at Oak Ridge, Oct.31; Presbyterian college, at Mars Hill, Nov. 7 ; Boiling Springs, at Mars Hill, Nov. 14; Brevard, at Mrs Hill, Nov. 26. Aifjira Hill Collerre An-f .'. j , . . hi-, er- i-.r;1. 1 I ha or ran vflara Will . " nOUncet ;T DOIDMI n tastfespecttlly k team of hmpion- 'Iff ' . . t . - : io '-, ryvicora second to none, eigyaiauv in Her Slogan Won $1,000 a Year For Life, or $12,000 Lump Sum IJOW. does. it.Xael,ie via a.thon- 4-sand doilara yaar(olifiof 1 412i000idn one cash payment? MMrsi Ji-WUBloomerfol (Dorringtiut : Wyoming; can tell yon the answer because she has Just won first prise t ilni ithamaUoB-wide! Camayi -Bk)g: i contest sponsore by The Pvoctei i ' lOatebla ' Company; No., wondeivnsh is smiling! Mrs. Bloomer Is picture! Just after she received the award from Governor Leslie A. Miller of Wyoming. Frederick J. Forster, S3 Aberdeen Street, Rochester, New York, took the second Camay slogan prize of $500 a year for life or $6,000 in one cash payment The third prize was awarded to Miss Helen McCrelght, 2318 West 17th Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. Miss McCrelght will have the choice of $100 a year .for life or $1,200 in one cash payment. The three price winners will be ' given two weeks in which to choose whether they prefer the cash settle ' ments or the life incomes. The an , nuiUes, if chosen, wUl be purchased by Procter A Gamble from a reliable ' Insurance company. ' A complete list of all prize win ' ners in the Camay contest will be -, sent every entrant In the contest, it was announced by the sponsors of .''the contest. . .- .... , la addition to the t grand prizes, 1,210 other prises will be awarded as follows: 10 prizes .of $100 each, ' 100 prises of $10 each, 100 prises of $5 each, and 1,000 prises of $2 each. The Camay slogan contest, which i " 1 mi in I W - Honors Go to Them. estrbf all the all-Americas 4he Col lier's team which is a perpetuation UWslter Csmp's original and offl ciaJonS.'TKeithree Bmfthsare from JiitoBmrtavOWo Btateana Alabama, and they are placed at tackle, guard and Quarterback positions. Left to right, Richard Smithy Minnesota; Inwobd Smith, Ohio State, and Rfley Smith, Alabama. ... F 'This schedule of nine" games will i nlaved by the varsity while the fB" an wUl also play at leisst uX games with local institutidna and ether schools. Of the eleven that started most games seven will be lost hv graduation. Both enda, one tck- te, both guards, quarterback and halft pacK WUl graauiate. xo ouua a xeum tnat Can compare, wiw ie ine ior ,oe a, ainicuiv otbaVfToa her class. Of thriast twenty games played, eighteen have been won. two lost aad one tied. There are few teams in the coujitry that bad match this record Mrs. Lockaniy Dies Funeral services were conducted at Fairview Methodist church, near Hot Springs at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning, Dec. 81, for Mrs. D. F, Lockamy. 17. of Fayetteville.'-who idled at her home there Sunday night. Mrs. Lockamy, before nor marriage was Miss Carrie Ledford, daughter of Mrs. Martha Ledford, of Hot Springs. Mrs. Lockamy is survived by her husband, her mother, and one sister, Mrs. Herman A. Furyear, all ofl Hot Springs. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Robert M. Varner pastor of the Methodist church. 1 : t Mrs. J. W. Bloomer was sponsored by The Procter A Gamble Company closed on Septem ber 80th, after arousing tremendous v interest . throughout the country, . The contest was open to all persons -" In the United S'ates and Hawaii v" other than emou.yoes of The Proo- y ter A Gamble Oor nwiiy, their adver-' Using agenei'M-. j.ini Hir families. ' KathTia ( .1 ii .'.i"ger. Associate Editor, Wi:in..v,-' ne Companion, , Hilduga: a i i a. , Beauty Editor. , : McCall's iW .. , end Ruth Mur .: rin, Beauty EdJlfr, Good Housekeep ;. . ing Magazine, were in charge of the ' ;. Judging. - j " i IJS1I.U- -U..U-S . I - ' ' KYLE RAMSEY LODGED IN "BUNCOMBE COUNTY JAIL DEATH OF ROY ROGERS EXPLAINED Woman's Confession is Made To Sheriff Brown According; to last Sunday's Asheville Citizen - Times the mystery surrounding the death December 19 of Roy Rogers, brother of Misa Roberflla Ro gers, has been explained. The Asheville paper's report says: The confession of Essie Carver, 23-year-old Rankin avenue woman that she and her first cousin, Her schell Carver, 35, of Leicester were with J. Roy Rogers 48-year-old Tur key Creelff armer when he wias killed December! 19 w'as announced by Sheriff Laurence E. Brown late last night. Sheriff Brown said the woman ad mitted, that the three of them were in Rogers' car on the . Goodman road near ' steam power iplajit . of the. Caro lina- Power, and, .Light Company,- at Craggy where his body later was Sound lyinjg beside the road. The Carver woman said she got out of the car near the scene of the killing, Sheriff Brown asserted, and had spiked 40 or 6p feet down the road when she heard a shot. She had left her cousin in the car with Rogers, she admitted. She returned quickly to the auto mobile, Sheriff Brown quoted the wo man aJ saying, and found Sogers, dead. ' ; - A , . - Divided Money .Sheriff Brown- said the Carver woman told him that sba -and her cousin then drVided the--fnoner; on Rogers' ipersorf,' less than -lOrv,) the exact amount VndetermitiAi.ii -iaifii i; 1 -The bbotywas 1 domnedV besids .the VUe WWF muwwwiiwiw in the Jd&i6 lsec1ioh.e V . lAccondnng o. the" sheriif;' the wWm-1 an, admittea: tnat Tuogers picned ' up her., and tor' coiisfn luptown on 'the daV of the killing and that they were together jnractidalty': all day. The shootinu oecurfed aittle'after" sun- set. Sheriff Brown said' Carver will be charged with murder. It as expected that the Woman will be charged with being an accessory to the murder. He declined to say what iff any-, state ment Carver had made' regarding the "UNCLE GEORGE" PASSES AWAY 94-year old Veteran and Bach' elor Buried Wednesday One of Marshall's most well-known and unique characters is gone. "Un cle George" Lloyd, age 94, died a bout ten-thirty o'clock Tuesday morning, December 31, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alston at Rollins. He had been one of the most active men of his ege known an this section until he was struck by an automobile about three months ago. Since this aocident he had. been tMB&nedVto.hi home, and hiai. health had beert fiii Vinx. 'The bfttfy vwast.tekenTTuesda: Afternoon - to T Johnson CGity, j'T-ennj,, for burial .Wednesday in the national eemetery there. : . ''Uncle . George'V as- everyone- call ed; him,' had been' a resident bfJiMaiJ-, shall for. a' uiber. ftftyeareilHe-. uub hcvci niuiiicu. tic wilt uv Kicav- ly missed m this community. French Broad S. S. Rally at Paint Fork Jan. 5th at 2 P. M. The French Broad Sunday School rally will convene at the Paint Fork Baptist church, Sunday, January 5, 1936 at 2 p. m. 2 p. m. Song Service. 2:15 p. m. Introductory Sermon I Rev. F. W. Morgan 2:45 p. m.i-The Standard of Ex- cellence. , Point 1j Zilla Chandler Point 2. William Wilsob , i Point 3. Howard Ball. Point 4 Clyde Srounce Point 5 Bess Roberts Point 6 Willard Higgins , , Point 7 Lucy May Fore., Point 8 Marietta Hollifield Point 9 -v- Iva Glen Roberta , Pbint 10 Hollie Corn. . . r f ; 8 :4 5 Offering." - Reports. ; ' i 3:55 & S. Address by W. L. Phoe- j nix. " v 4:20 Adjournment. ' ' . - Music will be fhirnished by Middle Fork, Paint Fork, Beech Glen. - v , Suspect In Mars Hill Bank Rob bery Brought 'From Ten nessee Last Saturday Kyle Ramsey., charged with' being one of the bandits who robbed the Mars Hill Branch of the1 Citizens Bank, of Mar shall, in September, and shot Miss Dorothy Jjanderlin dur ing the hold-up, was brought to Asheville Saturday and lodg ed in the Buncombe county jail. The Asheville paper gave the following account of it: Kyle (Ramsey, charged with parti cipation in the robbery of the Mars Hill branch of the Citizen Bank ofl Marshall September 10, was brought to Asheville yesterday from Knox ville by Sheriff Guy English of Mad ison county. He will be kept until his trial, probably in February. Ramsey first arrested on a Feder al warrent charging him with fleeing from. jurisdiction of this state .to es cape,, .punishment. Sheriff - English, Solicitor' Zeb; .Nettles, , f ... Asheville, and deputy Sheriff" Frank "Meeser, ofl this county recently attended a hear ing on the warrant before a U. S. Commissioner at Knoxville who ruled in favor of Madison county. Ramsey appealed but his appeal has not been heard. Lateif a state warrant charging hint . with bank robbery and assault with av deadly weapon was issued and the Tennessee governor honored extradi tion papers far him." . ' Miss Dorothy Sanderlin, 17-yeajv old, Mars Hill College freshman was wounded seriously by a stray shot during the hold-up and for a time it was feared .she nught not live. How ever ' she, I has practically. recovered from the wound. ' -'.J j' . Another man alleged, to nave paxV ttcipatedjit tho- obberr Eddia icb , pis; alias hurley' Wftholasaritstetf 5 in- Marion, Vi Bhas not' been v re- , tuotfd to Nrth-Carolina. ; Four other members otiie alleged gang have "Been convicted of the rob bery and a fiftlr was found guilty of conspiracy and-harboring the B&nst ibefore the robbery. , : Members of the bandit group told officers that Nichols Ared : the shots as they emerged from the bank One oft them struck Miss Sanderlin; murder. "The case is virtually closed,'' Sheriff Brpwn said last night. The charges will be presented to the grand jury convening January 27, Inmates Thank (People The inmates of the Madison County Home wish to thank the many kind people Who made fhefr Christmas more cheerflul and pleasant by the candy, fruit, and other resents) which they sent. MRS. R. L. CROW Dr. John Massey Dies in New Jersey i Uncle of Mrs. O. S. Bradford Buried Christmas- Eve rBrJtfarfTMaesey.igefcbout 60, ofvAtlantfic ceity,,'N. f J.i'died at his home, v fefii heartf failure r 'Friday '-Pec. mber' 20j 1935 according to a mes sage received by his niece, Mrs. O. Bradford,, of Marshall. Dr. Mas- sevwtes. a . native: of .iMadison-icounty, biit)eople;i3novyjg MnemtMdierffiOimty unions at Hot Springs, and his death was quite a shock to his relatives and friends. He is survived by his widow, and three sisters, Mrs. Martha Atchley of Rockwood, Tenn., Mrs. Rena Kin.?, of Knoxville, Tenn., and Mrs. S. M. Connattser, of Clanton, Ala. MR. AND MRS. MILLER . . ENTERTAIN YOUNG PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. George W. Miller en tertained his young people's, class of the- Presbyterian church , at their home Tuesday evening, the occas'on beinar the celebration of the goi iff - of the old year and the approaching: new year. The Rev. and Mrs. P. P. Thrower were invited. Bernard Bradley Dies Bernard Bradley 29, of the Wea verville highway, who -died Thursday December 26, in an Asheville hospi tal, was buried in Beech Baptist church cemetery. The Rev. J. "R. Owen, officiated. " Surviving Mr. Bradley are bia par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bradley; av sister, Miss Fae Bradley; and two) brothers,: Eustace and J. R." Bradley, - The deceased was a nephew of Mrfr J. N. White, of Marshall. - . , If ' , r 1