VOL35 SPages MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1936 I PRICE $1.00 A YEAU J THE TOWN OF WALNUT MAKING RAPID STRIDES IN PROGRESS Both Boys and Girls E merge Victorious iii Basketball Tourney Youthful Band . Being. .Trained Under Minbter' Leadership Visitor at the Madison county basketball ; toprnament, which was held in the high school gymnasium at Walnut last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, were greeted not only with thrilling ffames (between contending teams and enthusiastic cheering from fans and refreshments sold for bene fits by the school, but they; were given entertainments between- games by recently formed band of young people under the leadership . of the Rev. James L. Hyde, of Walnut, This is rather unique band,' in that the oldest person in the band, except the director, ia thirteen years of age, and their age run down aa low aa nine. Of all the twelve participants only thre are boy, and, their skiU' witb 4 their . instruments is remarkable waen , I one conaidem their - age and the4 length oftime they have been in train ing. Most of the instruments are the property of the Rev. Mr. Hyde who has trained a number of bands in the past. At the request of the publisher of this paper, the director furnished us with the names the ages, the grades, and the instrument of the members of this band. . They are as follows: picilo, Marie Meadowv age 18. 7th grade: 1st clarinet. Margie Henderson, age 18, 8th grade; 2nd clarinet, Kathleen pttntlV, ;T ' 1 .7! ,T r i. Carol Ch,ndlre.ia. 6thtd. : .tuaiAflv unnrnna. it ikiia i hit ' V, ' . " i rwe g-jmu, BCTrw, ,in l.ifrdina.Irums; Evelyn found an account' of the tournament. This again, speaks well for Walnut. Despite the fact that the highway left Walnut off to one side, this eom lar?q measure to its educational ad munity is geflng forward, due in a vantages and the perseverence of its citims. HONOR ROLL -of-.' - The News-Record- Beginning witfi our issue of Oct ober 17, we are publishing below the names of people, who subscribe or renew their subscriptions to The News-Record within the ' last week. By keeping your subscriptions paid up you will aeatly help your local paper. ; Of course, those whose sub scriptions are paid in advance art al ready on Our honor roll. ' Miss Navada Ward, Marshall N. C Robert Lewis, Walnut, N. C. Frank MiUer, Luck, N. C. . J. A. Ray. Paint. Rock, Ni C ; Jake N. Ramsey,Mars Hill, N. C. rLewt4lawnttn Jri 4 rf Mr. Jesse Clemeirt'4)eiBftoi,iMich; J.Henry Roberte, Marshall r-I. ' J. Burrell Aieapaer, . ann Tweed. -Alexander,:.: C .3in Cody;g,12llm eth.gradt: Victor H. Reynolds, wnianoa. ..;fem.illarshail o AviU.r. 4s i-l- Mrav-M r. rriicnara, - Quotea -ns -aayuTgwi-ue was ri TOnrlnnn. Mtttnall.'r-1. ;i ifniul.fin ant,T'm orazv about him". 1 REPUBUCANS CROWD COURTHOUSE. - TO HEAR SPEAIUNG LAST'SATURDAY Former Congreissman George ? Pritchar4 Makea Principal : SEVERAL' LOCAL MEN : HEARD V. ARE iCf-nrHinnma in Marshall WM practically nnea .l""u",i, ., hear tho ' addresses and .PoUt'cal 'f speeches which hsd been advertised by tho chairman of the Madison Coun- ty Republican Executive committee, Mr. C. R. Edney1. The meeting was called to order and presided over by Mr. Edney and the principal speak er of the occasion was tho Honorable George M. Pritchard. former Con gressman from this district. Preced- ing blm were thort speeches by hr. ' J. Herschel Sprinkle, repress' itwe , for tha last two terms ln.ne in on. a V Sprinkle ! rrnlina legislature. Air, lV i"L.T.u . H.it b. thia 7e; but would Tend W. support ti . Governor of Kanans, who my oo neiqoucan canaiaaw iw , President Friday, Feb. 28, World Day of Prayer Miss Marv Morris, of the Lit tle Pine secaoneauarom At tention to World Day of Pray er, which is to be Friday of this wAlr February 28. Miss M6rT' tiaxeilB us ipa wcrv svwi.vp v" Wrf.KWW S-MLi i.rr ivi.i in .nraiuin uu lud buvjwvi - ' i s . says i s s i r .winia' - wiu Teuow? mw or mvwy n ;,Wyer. en the WWdyWrj .tiinmlii, fWionmearfrf th heed for peace, and fo the personal ( Hini.wl bring, peace : Let us ask our Father to bless all peoples ajvi their governments: in their effort to secure pecf r 'a tiona reconsider their ways, and pre pare for peace. Woman Appears ' On Scene in Courthouse a.-'-v . : trl . voiiowinv cna ventencca 01 Ajrio , i tt I. ."'It., f Wf t U . , ,., ,. ..X 253 MatS bftll!-B-h Glen, Cox Parker, robbery case this week, . before ' the nrfannem, were taken froin the 'court house, a young woman came forward nt hurst into tears aa she Put her arms around the neck of ftichols. Ob nervarR wondered if ehe was k-SisteV. wif,. or what, and Wdnsday's Ashe- JcooW4) ville Citisen enlightens u,; She w"!jrweedn2 married last September 14, four 4ays j haSBn (2) " ' r i was under an assumed name, tie "r" I ing Catholic; the ceremony wa to be Menormea aain w.n a mnum officiating ;.t ..the,Asheville jaAJb- lore the -prisoners tare vtaaen i-raayg-'liaw,h the person' nominated to make the race for representative. Mr. Edney, before introducing the other speak' ers, declared himself in the race for Congress, opposing .the -present . in cumbent Mj6r Bulwinkle. ; Before introducing Mr. Pritchard; Mr." Ld ney called on Dr. J. H. Hutchins, a former representative of Madison County, i Following Mr Pritehard's addreaa, speeches were made by Mr. Ira Plemmons, a former State sen ator from this district, and business man of Hot Springs, Mr.. James M. Balev. Jr.. oromiaine Toung lawyer at Marahall. and others. Before the mveetnig adjourned, most of the peoEbbs(4) pie who had assembled, at the begin- mng, bad leu tne auanonum, a might bo expected, the New' Deal came in for a bit of criticism and riHirnle. Such ralllet are nsuTFv a- muBing because of thr jokes aiwi the j mr,irit s. whiph thav ar told. It is impossible to give a word picture of each meetitig. umy tnoso wno ao-ir. tend know what takes place. J White Rock Girl; Mart Or RECORD CROWDS ATTEND The annua Madison eoupty 'high school basketball tournament champ ionship mes wrsaptwdiby the hoys and girlt teams of the Walnut bigh school -last weea-ena w.ien . ne series were played off on the Walnut court. Silver loving cups were entail tw tha winning outfits bvthe members of the county Schoolmas ter's Club, sponsor of tht turny ! Several teams went inio we con tests with almost the tome average ratings, and almost all the eon- tests wer evenly maicnea ana wen played;- The largest crowd ever to witness the tourneys- of -the ; county were reported - ';: ,r TKb Snrino- Creek Hisrh School girls, champions for the iast six years met defeat, in the preMmihrjr,jnet during Beech Glen-Spring game oy me sirrag oeecn wen -Creek game..everal harsn . moks tet by a bare margin of 24-28. The lf,om th Spring Creek guards Guy Beech Glen boys, last years champ-. v, Tweed displaying accurate shoot ions, after a brilliant victory wOverrme though, his team lost to Mars Hill am. springs dp j' . " ,7 luninarv mme. met defeat at the hands of the Mars HiU five in the semi-finals by a score of 1610. The most thrilling game of the series was the final game between White Boek gkk and WaWut girls in the ftnal -round. Neither- of .the teanw bad w.4bW khryeiti Wahrav flmlly wfaning- y W.lmit knva. tsftel n thd Anal games at the last two tournaments,) were victors in a Bard rougtic . gam with the Mars Hill boya, l-i. The complete line-ups of tha en tire tourney are as follow: THURSDAY AFTERNOON J 2:00 o'clock: it GIRLS; ' WhiU kek(2S) v..(14)Hot Springa Franklln(9) (jyGrubba RofcerU(6) Payrte(ll) F' U. Wallin r CntskaUT I T trL""- V a(r oi'doelC: ' "" B01 w. - a. (lTMassa"! Hbdersont8) F i fcKt 6)Nix "Wy() ' F1 110)rHghsaith C ? Robinson O . (2)Tweed Johnson (4J 1m(8) : - Keamon Substitutes: Walnut-McDevitt. Wal t. ' Wal- droup; Marshall, GieMntanner, Brad burn. 4:00 o'clock GIRLS: Beech Gl.n(26)r.. (24) Spring Creek LovetteUl. F A CILl P. Ray (12) P (7)Daekett Ponder (10) F (S)Kirkpatrick L. Ray G Ferguson Roberta G Askew x Holt Briggs, Robinson. THURSDAY NIGHT 7:00 o'clock '- . (25) Man HiU (9) Peek (6) Carter (l)Jarvis (6) Davis F F O G snereon iif Franklin (2) SubBtitute G Whitaker J Substitutes: Mar HU1. Higgins (3). ,fl0 0tclock. iTRLS? fMr Hill fS Gkntaonlol (51) Walnut I :-Ff G G (2lMcDovi!?:nkl!n.i3) Fv. r .Brian Tt Jrn. .Anderson Murray v G fistlbstitutes: Mam Hill, Carter. bouirh. Willis. Summernn; wainui, Doan (14), Payn(6). Thomas(l) Beck, Lunafora, weoo. 9 :00 o'clock . BOYS: Beach Clan (40) v. (27) Hot Spring v., Robinson (12) F ' (18)Ramsey Ray(8) F ' (4)Moore H,Robinn(10) C U)Kirby m n fziFowier Buckner : G (Z) Justice Substitutes: Beech Glen.Randolph(2) a.aauMs a m - Clouae'v sawver. McMahan; Hot Springs," Paris, -"vf FRIDAY NIGHTS SEMI-FINALS) 7 K)0 o'clock V " - , w , Spring Cr (17) I Vsi (31 Walaat Fergueon(8rw :F (10) Henderson Woody - ix)itamscy C v ! (6) Johnson C.D. Kirkpatrlck(l') O (4)Hotchins C. Kirkpatrkk ( 1 ) G Lewis Substitutes: Spring Creek. Gowan (3) j Walnut, McDevitt. Waldroup. 8rfl0 o'clock GIRLS; .Boeh Clraj(22) (M)WhR lurm. ..,.' Lovette(D . F s (U)yn. Hill Boys, Runners-Up HEARD AND SM: By "POP' i J s Uhr BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT f 'PLENTY of Mud outside the school building; .during tne enure lourna tnent.i....aevral scratched and bent fendesa, paused y slidbig crs,,larg CM crowds 1n history-attehding tour- nMent.....gross receipts around $248. (K.;,...weU ver; the' 1988 - receipt.... Marshall cagers giving Walnut a scare fw .tliru . inirtni. ..i T3vtt. .mirtllMF f.i.....Walnut girls smotnerea me mars Bill girls. getting a White Kock payer's nickname wrony. I yelled for ' Puny" for three quarters peiore E was informed that it was supposed l be "CutiV;.;....Some of the Hot anrhiea girls Aeinir well chaperoned v. the Marshall boys........Lucill Bay doing gome good (,. idUl Gene Lunrford, of ralnut ......... Bob Bamsey piaymg a iat'game in the finaj though he flat oh the floor about a tenth of e time plenty of good pass work r the Mara HiU team ......... some iahts nice looking eats in the Home So. room Dr. jBtutchins' happy mression after the final game ( J games well officiated by . Ernest eague with very little criticising be ingidone some splendid music by It. Hyde's band. . The band is com posed of very young children but they ian certafnlx handle those irhtru- ,ment '.;L.'.& Dr Sams keenins score.. (7)Fowle jl. plenty, of jam . each night after (4)Colunh jj-amaa m thenain entrance ...... r Paris yjlttla disorderly conduct duriAf MniDnris t 9 tournament the losers tak-' Z between- tho JaWyatJUl, 'Bteeh GIaWMtt' Back dm .. .i wonder wnica team no mi .the songster some li4v.Rnddv Hutchina. of Walnul BfecH 51t bore completely off form egaimt Mara Hill ....."Goofy." Bed jmon -being "booed" ...... good sports- manshm from practically every team. ITI.-T,m. hwtinr ., fc.- em from all angles against Beech Glen. Catherine Rector playing great ball during the tournament .....also, Pon der,of Beech Glen. all games starting "on the dc" plenty of excitment during the final games. - B ,P A ayuv p..wv... I "T ironaer yiz ( L. Ray Parker Jkrvia F (9) Roberts G A. Wallin G G. Wallin , G Cutshall Beech Glen, Roberts; Gahagan, Gosnell. . Substitutes: White Rock, 9:00 o'clock BOYS: Beech Glen (10) t..(16) Mart HiU V. Robinson(7) F (2)Carter Ray (2) F (4) Peek H. (Robinson C (4)Jarvis Hennley(l) G (2)Whitaker Buckner G (4) Davis Substitutes: Mars Hill, Murray, Hig- ! gins. ; SATURDAY NIGHT (FINALS) 7:30 o'clock GIRLS: (26) Walnut (10) Rector (6) Chandler McDevitt Lunsford Bryan Ramsey RO0!?9' J A. , Wallin ' & i'rrfSii G r - Substitutes: White Rock, Gahagan, Gosnell: Walnut, Doan (10), Thomas, Payne, Beck. 8:30 o'clock BOYS: Wahrat (18) HnderjtoM2) ... (14) Mar, HiU F Carter F (7) Peek C Jsrvis G (7)Davia "sa fSW" Lewis Hutchins U) G Whitaker Substitutes: Mars HiU, Higgins. OFFICIALS ; Referee; ERNEST TEAGUE Time Keeper: KELLEY RAY Scorer: CLYDE fiOBERTS Mars Hill H. S. Tourna mentThis Week ' Tho 11th annual Mars Hill College Bio Schoor Baaketball Tournament for County high schools will be held in the collet o gym. l n-jmiay inrougn Saturday. Sixteen teanu from twelve counties were selects iot par ticipation by the tournament -earn-' .Vttee '' " . '-. : - : Four forrrier winners, one of them a two year winner, are eater ed in this MARS HILL BANK GET FROM 38 POU ANNOUNCES FOR GEORGE ROSS POU Ooergo Rose Pou, who announead his candidacy for the Democratic STATE AUUIIUR ' .. ,' . ! ' . if i I n 1 ' 1 nomination lor State Auditor on s injuries, saia mat sne was a pa Monday, is a native of Smithfield, Ian Aeheville hobpital for ofur weeks, Johnson County and the son of the and had not yet fully recovered from late Congressman Edward W. Pou, the wounds inflicted. The other four who represented the Fourth Congres- .participants fa this robbery had been sional District in Congress for many .previously sentenced to 38 to 40 yearn years. ' in the state prison at hard labor. This Mr. Pou ettentfed Wake Forest has been a remarkable case in that aU College and the University Of North six of The robbers were apprehended Carolina. He is an honorary Vice- and given the limit of the law. Ha4 President for life of the North Car-1 Miss Sanderlin died, they would pro olm Sheriff's Association and last bably have paid with their lives. i year served os National Vice- Presi- A punrber of cases of mwor fan dent of the American Roai Builders portance are being tried this week, lav Asbociation. , He is member of ,thf .MarsfcalL One ralher ., interesting Junior Orderi the , Democratic PK among tho number was that of and tiia .American Legiop.r, Ha and.th State ys Wesley Fower, fajrhch Mrs. Pou have .large farinjng inter- tho jlefendont wa chardwitb oell-ostWak k " IX ;?r' ' ,v-r--f.wf.rtiiMawii. woen sne Dougiiv n sc . ?U?Hlaxaaeit4a oW'lsBalif 4tmpaTgnr ploiftajKGENOTJGH .TrrSEbWm-WlQXfe-lCOO saots..vr.,VBilly,;cBaleyfwa: bjr far tne fastaat on tne -.floor Tput seiaom took i 'shot at the basket. Dr.' Ray mond McDevitt played a fast game although his wind seemed to slow him down in the last quarter. From ev ery angle, the spectators got a big "kick" out of the game. In an All-Star game, after the com ical one, the Walnut All-Stars trounc ed the Asheville A&P team, 39 to 13. This was a fast game throughout. Tjhe Walnut Jboys displayed some accurate shooting to win. year's event. Candler high school, last year's winner is one of the four along with Tipton Hill, Syiva, and Edneyville. Sylva has twice won the title and stands a good chance of win ning a third time this vear to take the cup home with them. A team winning the cup three times gains permanent possession of the trophy. Games will start at one o clock Thursday afternoon and continue un til eight games have been played to send eight teams into the Quarter finals. ffuarterfinal imatcheg will bestretohert of the' old road. Record Crowds To Witness Games On Walnut Court PROCEEDS FOR W.H.S.A.A. The Western North Carolina AU Star Basketball tournament will be gin next Wednesday afternoon, March 4, on tho Walnut high School court. Tho preliminaries will be played Wed nesday afternoon and . Wednesday night. The semi-finals Thursday night and tho finals Friday night ; Eight teams, most of them from Mad ison county,' truT enter this tourna ment, which is sponsored by tho Wal nut Bigh School Atheletie Associa tion.. A . new Basketball will be -warded the winning team. All these gasaes are. scheduled to ho closely con tested with competent officials ' in charge. Record crowds are expected to witness this tournament. The 'ad miasion will be" 10o and 20e.: The pairings will ho draws later.,- v ' TO 40 Moat Remarkable Case Ends in Superior Cdurt In Marshall This Week 1 noisnit.p Mont able pleadings br Governor Hooper of Tennessee an4 Mr. John McEIroy, of Marshall, in be half of the defendant, Kyle Ramseyr who had submitted in the bank rob bery case, Judge McElroy fixed their terms at thirty years at hard labor in the robbery case and not less than eight nor more than ten years in no shcotiw? case, which means that both Eddie Nichols and Kyle Ramsey are to serve 38 to 40 year at hard labor for their participation i nthe robbery and shootine which occurred Septem ber 10, 1935, in Mar8 Hill. Miss Dorothy Sanderlin, the Mars Hill stu dent who was shot and seriously wounded by a stray bullet during the Sit-away, and her parents, Mr. and ns. W. T .Sanderlin, of New Bern, N. C-. were in Marshall attending the I court as witnesses. Mr. Sanderlin lm rmillnil In ttoa -4tnesa lit tail and' testified . aa to his daTightara heing. - stricken by the bullet, descriMd ner Shop: property, tho license not; beine: ; c . , isWftltsiMev a-wrdlct oTgniKy fnthhr as;n4 - t he has paid Mrs: Roberts ?44.50 and -' also cost of action. ' -'-" i--' Walter Goanell and Joe Cutshall charged with anon in the burning' of Bircharof Shelton'a barn, -were sentenced Gcsnell, 8 to 7 years and -Cutshall, 2 to 3 years. played from ten until twelve Friday morning and two until lour Friday afternoon. The semi-finals are sche duled for eight o'clock Friday night and the finals at the same time Sat urday night. t af Tennessee Road Beingr Built to N. C. Line There is a large force of men building a road from Flag Pond up to the Rice Gap at the State line be tween Foster Creek and Rice Creek. It is the intention to build a good road on the Tennessee side to tho State line. Considerable machinery is beingr used and r'oek blasting going on. This is on Flag Pond mail route No. 1. The present road is beimr en tirely rC-eraded j.t nome n-f thn noor "Doctors" DefeM "Lawyers", 28-16 The Marahall "Doctors" defeated the Marshall "Lawyers" 28 to 16 in one of the most humorous games ever seen on the Walnut court. Tho "Doctors" got off to on early lead and were never ovsrtaken. The fast stepping forwards, Dr. Hutchins and Dr. Sams proved too fast for tho "Lawyer's" guards who were Jin Baley, Jr. and Eldridgo Leake. Tho "Doctor's" star for the night was Dr. Cush" Chandler, who Ishot most of their points, although Dr. Hutch- ins shot several Pretty 'tcrips'Y "Bill" McLean played a good game at for ward for tho "lawyers" but couldnt - find, tha basket with any degree of accuracy. Bon - White, whoso job -was' to guard . Dr. Hutchins, played very well, hut of course; when "Doc" ran into Bon, it was Just too bad. S. 6. Wells played a graat floor gam bnt had tough luck with ' Us , long; nil Y

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