PRICE SI. (I'M' MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1936 FINAL EXERCISES O F MARSHALL SCHOOL THURSDAY NIGHT UNIQUE Entire Exercises Broad- A senior , cast To A Large 1 1 'Audience Z . Zeno Ponder yaledlctorian -Lola Ball Miss Virginia McClure -was direct or and the two mascots' ere Master George Freeman and ' little Y Mbs Nancy Ann Ramsey. , Following the class day. exercises, Prof. Guy B. Rhodes made , quite a well prepared and stirring address OFFICIAL LIST OF The class day and graduation ex ercises of the Marshall school Thurs day night of this week Were uniaue the-diPiom..,to m ra-hT r..iZlJ rT "T uu"1"""- members of.the graduating class. The rJ,fhblira " nonn Marshals were: ?1fd o ?" welL I Onnle Robinson, Chief .PiUJ2, Marv Rice i Salutatorlan' Class President . Historian Giftorlan Prophet Poet Louise Rector i . Liston Ramsey Landon Roberts Announcer Mukeiji Testator Miss Joy Farmer Win " Two Events Messenger Boy , A Senior -- - . Lucy Reese Fore -Ethel Pegg Eileen Morgan . Paige Bryan Edwin Mashburn ' As may be seen from the Farm A- - Hugh Bradburn gents Column, Miss Joy Marie Farm . Charles Redmon r, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. - Bobbie Redmon Farmer, of the Little Pine section of Agnes Rica . jjadison County, was jrfrron first hon-- CAMPAIGN MANAGER ..f MeOawM k Modisost County ft- .'ft, -j . V w l F. E. FREEMAN -of Marshall - F. E. F r ee m a n McDonald Manager CANDIDATES TOR OFFICE in md son COUNTY QUITE A NUMBER DECLARED NOMINEES CONTEST LARGE AUDIENCE HEARD BACCALAUREAT E SERMON SUNDAY TWO DEMOCRATS ENTER PRL MARY FOR REPRESENTATIVE Below may be found the official list of candidates who have filed accord ing to law in Madison County for of fice. We give the name, the party, the office, County and Township: FOR SHERIFF Guy English, Republican W. J. Edwards, Democrat FOR REPRESENTATIVE Sixteen Seniors Receive Diplopias at Beech Glen ore in -the 4-H 3nb.c'vSlljaW.it3mley. Jr.. Renubhcan and JUUHKW Kooene was nrsi among the boys. Miss Farmer was adiodged 99 perfect in health. ' But this is not the only honor Miss Farmer has won recently. She has won a flOO scholarship in a business College in Charlotte, N. C. This scholarship was won by writing an article on, "Why Desire a Modern BuBinnesa Course". She is graduating at the Marshall High School this week and expects to enter the business college in the near future. Her course in school has been aimed at a business course in' the future and her winning the Scholarship is an incentive to suc cess in thia field. SEVENTH GRADE PUPILS ENTERTAIN v The entertainment by . the seventh grad pupils, presented Wednesday morning' was attended oy quite number of parents, who enjoyed, the program of which Mr. Ezra Burnett tad charge. XL 0. Burnett Democrat N. Woody, Democrat FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS Jeter P. Ramsey, Republican J. Orville Drake, Democrat FOR STATE SENATE Dr. J. H. Hutching, Republican Lee Bryan, Democrat FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR Paul Shelton, Republican FOR CORONER G. C. Redmon, Republican FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I. E. Burnett, Democrat Arthur Phoenix, Democrat Kelly Hunter, Democrat Shad Franklin, Republican T. A. Higgins, Republican A. L. Coates, Republican C. G. "Chief" Paris, Republican B. E. Guthrie, Republican (SPECIAL) Raleigh, May 12 Headquarters for Ralph W. McDonald, candidate . lor the Democratic nomination for Governor, today announced appoint ment of F. E. Freeman, of Marshall, as manager of the anti-sales tax candidate's campaign in Madison County, MAY CHANGE MARSHALL ROAD , At the last meeting of the Men's Club in Marshall, mention was made that the road leading from Marshall towards Asheville may be changed between Marshall and Ivy. We un derstood, that v if ;; the 1 project v Is approved, arrangements may be made to change this section of .the road from its ,piet"locj&o.fri ;wp per side f 1dili"nirHwiould, not only miae the tXoa&baBrhe flood ataa of the river, but will alse ininate the two ?rawa uswaaiuAs. f J .- . r-RADHATINO WITH HONORS AT LIMESTONE rniiFCF. r; 1 tt-w:1nTI ;;'V ; m am be f stottihat aBn w73t this project may start. HONOR ROLL The News-Record Beginning with our issue of Oct ober 17, we re publishing below the names of people who subscribe or renew their subscriptions to , The (tws-Reeord within the last week. 3y keeping your sutscriptions paid ap you will greatly help your local paper. Of eourse, those whose sub scriptions are paid in advance are al ready oa our honor roll. Harley Cody, Norfolk, .Virginia A. B. Cody, Walnut ..; . . Chan Balding, Joe . . Ferman Fox, Mars HilL R-l a W. Briggs, Akron, Ohio yt J. J. Rice, Marshall, R-8 ;v , Mrs. R. Iisenhee; Marshall, ;R-2 .f W. A. Gentry, Walnut-; s. Frank Rice, Barnard . T . - Mrs. E.B. Christkie, Bridgeport, Conn Conner Tweed, Charlotte, N. Gradua ting At Limestone ., Miss Basel West, daughter, of .Mr, and Mrs., W., A. West of . Marshall, who is graduating ' this spring . at Limestone Colleire. Gaffnev .'S. C has been an honor student ,uyjnany respects being quite ' popular ' both with faculty and students,. She. was president of the - Sophomore h Class, 19SS-34, president of the Junior Class 1934-35, president of Student Body 1935-36, a ; member ' of . tbe Monogram Club, and cheer leader of the Student body 1934-85 Listed mbnr her honorary clubs it fraterni ties are the Clio Delta Pht-Jranorary English sorority nd Beta Mu Kappa honorary ; Science ; organisation. She was a member of the Senior Lue Saving Service, f of" e : Athletic Board, B. S. 17, .Council, 1BS5-88, Lantern staff (school paper), Calciid Staff (college annual) 19S4-85, A- are listed swim mono- her holtl mine, tennis, basketball "and , she is rs. Jim Runyaft.Boyds Creek, ITenn.'! plsnning' to teack as a profession WflUamPaJtteiReptitea , FOR BOARD OF" EDUCATION K. B.' Murray, Democrat Glenn Gardner, Democrat D. G. Chureh, Democrat Wiley M .Roberts Democrat Chan W. Balding, Democrat J. Clyde Brown, Democrat Lee Ramsey, Democrat Wayne Peek, Democrat E. E. Bryan, Democrat Joe Worley, Democrat G. L. McKinney, Republican A. Fred Sprinkle, Republican Otto Rice, Republican A. W. Bryan, Republican M. J. Ball, Republican Guy George, Republican FOR CONSTABLE No. 1 TewuUp C. H. Ramsey, Republican Claude L. Henderson, Republican Fred Rigsby, Reomblican No. -5 Township 'Harris Ball, Democrat Ralph Shelton, Republican No. 7 Township C. Payne, Republican Frank Payne, Republican No. 8 Township H. O. Plemmons, Democrat No. 10 Towoshop Jack Chandler, Democrat .itDawey -WalUn, .Bejablican Hmsa. :a ite W.iiejr,.ot. o.OUt?onkip Fleming, Trtmocrat BlsBihenshjp, Democrat , , Do. 14 Township G. C. Norton, Republican Lee Ingle, Republican J. T. D, Democrat '-,,-. t'No. . 16 Towashtp Everett Ingle, Democrat , li FOR JUSTICE OF PEACE ' No. 10 Township Fred S. Ramsey, Republican ! H. H. Buckner, Republican No. ll .TowBship W. M. Edmonds, Republican . - No. IS Towhip J. T. Bmnkesnhip, Democrat Roy Plemmons, Democrat Hardy Reese,' Democrat Claude Rainey, Democrat , Caney J. Smith. Democrat ' The County Board of Elections re quests that If any1 error 'appears 'In the above list, please make tt known to them at once, otherwise the bal lots will be printed accordingly. 'Any person who faas no pposiflbn in his party win 4c -..M. U4 Dr, Jo E. Clf so Dolivers Address; arte T Crowds Attend Exercises v?.Jt'a!' Sixteen Seniors, ten girls and six boys Received diplomas at the final graduation- exercises of the Beech Glen High "School last Tuesday even- f. "iMeroens of the graduating, class rere: . Ruby Carrie Waldrowp, Edith Lucille Radford, Lot R. Ran dolph, Helen Aline Lovette, .Rosalie Gibbs Carlie Roscoe Rice, Daisy Ly nelle Ponder, Willie Dale Riddle," Lloyd: E. Ray, Marie Lessie Jamer- son, William Frank Mcintosh, Shirley Eva Cox, Willie Kate ("Bill") Clouse, Maymee Harriett Clouse, Vaughn H. Ropinson, and Edna Mae Roberts. The? literary address was delivered by Dr1,' John E. Calfee, president of the Asheville Normal and Teachers College, Asheville. He chose for his theme "The New Citizen," and told the capacity audience that we are liv ing In a new generation and that the great need today is for new citizens who will think. He stressed particu larly the need for the development of the great natural resources of Western North Carolina. , Ptioicthe Address-beaujttful chorus "The Dance . of the - Leaves'' was given by the Girls' Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs. Mary Severs, piano instructor. Professor J. O. Wells, superin tendent of the County schools spoke briefly of the improvements of the Beech Glen school before presenting the diplomas to the seniors. Principal J. V. Howell read a list of the perfect attendance students and assisted by Miss Nell English, seventh grade teacher, presented cer- school to the following: Inez Angel, Kathleen Ballard, Estoy Briggs, Hel en Brown, Geneva Burleson, Edith Chandler, Mae English, Blanch Gibbs, Mary Hensley, Lillie McMahan, Faye Rice, Eula Robinson, Eloise Young, Wayne Anderson, Lloyd Briggs, Roy Briggs, Grady Buckner, Harold Met- alf and Evelyn Roberts. Medals , were presented by rrm cipal Howell and Grover L. Angel, high school teacher, to the following students: Beet-all-round girl student, Marie Jamerson; best-all-round boy student Carlie Rice! Reading Medal, Ruby Waldroup; Declamation Medal, Carlie Rice; debaters: Lynelle Pon- fler, "aafOnttse, 3Emnle Mctatosff.i jws.teMded iBejsnloe viAagfl, TJ ausie piaae s. won a?y Xaungrf,a seuitbradB. . Usseilfroots o sini have shown great hiting power with lots of dash and speed. Several changes have been made in the infield. Alexander has re placed Parker and Wirtz at second. These boys had alternated from pitching to this position. Haney has been placed at short and Brantley on third. This combination looks good and these men will all be back next year. The Friday game will be called at 8:30, and the Saturday game at 3:00. E. HURST Miss Pansy R2ce Gracf- uating at Tusculum - Miss Pansy Ann Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson Rice, of Marshall is graduating this spring at Tusculum College, GreenevUle, Tenn. Before going to Tusculum, she was a student of Dorland BJ1 school at Hot Springs. During her career at Tusculum, she has been president of the Y. W. C. A., pfesi dent girls domitory, a member-of the presidents council, Home Economics Club, Chairman Literary Society,. Wellonts CIu"b, and Religious coun cil. Her hobbies are said to be sew ing, cooking, hiking, collecting in sects and . flowers. She expects to teach biology and practise social ser vice. Mrs. D. C. Hunter Dies at Child Birth Marshall Churches Unite Iri Morning Service at School Mrs. D. C. Hunter died about 11: 00 o'clock Tuesday night at her home on Walnut Creek following the birth of a daughter who is living. Mrs. Hunter was a young and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Run nion of the samevsection. nd leaves one hroQfer aiid two sixers! 11 friirierai services were at 3 :00 o'clock Wednes day afternoon, at the Walnut Creek Bapjtist churchy Conducted by the Rev. Mr. Jackson, of Asheville and interment followed at the Runnion cemetery. The school auditorium was filled! last Sunday morning to hear the bac calaurate sermon delived by Dr. Hoyfc Blackwell, pastor of the Marshall Baptist church. Services began by the choir singing, "All Hail the Pow er of Jesus Name". Prayer was of f ered by the Rev. Paul P. Thrower,, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The union choir then rendered ait anthem,- scripture was read by Dr. Blackwell, and Miss Lace McLean, in her characteristically attractive man ner, rendered a solo, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. W. H. Morrow. Thet sermon masterfully delivered to n appreciative audience and con tained much food for thought by the graduating class as well as others of the congregation. To Preach In Hot Springs Re vival Beginning May 24. . A ' " ' ... J j :',7 , ! i i : ' t V". ll. I ; It- .1- . -On HSsmdar-ewMsitbo ibecAlaU reate sermon was preached . to the class by the Rev. Edgar H. Nease, pastor of the West Asheville Episco pal chuch South, who chose for his (Carried to Fifth Page) Baseball tMarsHm This Friday and Saturday will find Campbell college and Boiling Springs college furnishing the ..opposition a- gainst the Lions at Mars HilL Both Camnbell and Boilins- Borings - have great tensK two of the best In the North Carolina conference. Campbell has yet to taste defeat In conference ptayi'. Mars HR1 has defeated Boil ing Springs once this season 4 E on the Boiling Springs field. J 'Vj'f Wirts is slated la.' pitch , against Campbell' ami Parker, against Boiling Springs. These two )ad are )n reat foraaiand rank among the. leaders in North Carolina collegenci?cles, Fans who attend these games , will see a team that has been developed kere MANPY RAMIFY OIIITF. v POPULAR I ip mi 4 ... . Ml REV. E. H. NEASE of West Asheville Bible School To Start - Here Monday MAY IS to MAY 31; AGES 4-15 MmWiy sey,u nd xene iif liiM i imghtmerf atrwiswtt mn.. The churches of Marshall are sponsoring a UNION VACATIONT CHURCH SCHOOL which begins Monday, at 8 :00 o'clock A. M. The school will last two weeks, five days each week, two and a half hours each, morning. It will .be held at the school on the island. On Sunday evening, May 31, we will have a. special commencement program in the Baptist church. The teachers will be leaders from the various churches. Parents of. the community are especially urged to encourage their children to attend. Let us do all we can these two week toward the spiritual development of the boys and girls of our town. ' There will be no fees. Christian leaders are giving their services There will be a number of things invaded. ;iowrer,if or baietrBient K-f.ha.ytanL.imf lBMlrialtM hcyiyniflnJwat iftinukaa attains mmtikmammmt jMmw odwernv,ii'3aw-tiaes not have his name nrtntediteani that ha ei .j. ni-i.ii.t.-i.i5-!. this rear as were were Iw . oxper. nominee of tis; party. ' --"f s? lenced men 14 begb wrtk ; The ljoys ejaisc3ypti ,Wan!aib. Sunset Parkway, Asheville. A blue ribbon for acrobatics was also award ed to Nancy. The judge was a lady from the R. C. A. Dancing Academy of New York City. ; Nancy was mas cot at the Marshall school this week and will be mascot at the commence ment at Meredith College, June 1st. Two Men Captured Last Friday;' ' Sheriff Guy English and Deputy Sheriir"Hubert Davis captured a car . .- , ' . 1 1.1- -!. AM- a Detter scnooi can maxe i.air -tributions through either of the Sun day. School superintendents or pas tors. Currituck farmers f are exhibiting" interest in electrifying their " farmav' Contracts and right-of-ways are now" being signed from Moyock to Coin As! X-Ray nisi' been, ; Instilled fat used by the doctors of Madison eodn-, tv. ... The X-Rav- cost more than ' av - IT ' .a ..-;;' !., UIOUHDO OIW last Friday afternoon on Big Laurel w Sams office and. will b that eonuined about izuo wortn 01 stolen goods.' In , the car were two men, one having on his person V 8 Rpeckl and the other a .45., Neither would give any name but are thought to be escaped convicts from Brushy Mt, Prison . camp. ; Both are in jail her.' t -. a PPC-rri Rob WilllB,: who owns near , Erwin, Tenn., claimed the . stolen goods. The car Is also believed to Tonsil - Clinic trixii Next W e e Lc' . Dr. iffr L Sams -wishes ts to an- oonee that next Tuesday, May" 3ff v Vi .lint. wilT Tl- L HIS VlllWO. m WUDH ..., ' . be stolen property, but pi report has" jje j Jn wV l DrV Sams will be astv been made toithat effect dy Dr. Edwards, of AshevUe.'-v;"