1 V(5 A ,j ijt I '-. s , "7, ' ' i f v u. 4 - I,' j -f .35 8 Pages MARSHALL, N.C., THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1936 PRICE $1.00 A YEAR MDONALD AGAIN SPEAKS IN MARSHALL Introduced bjr . Plato Ebbs, of I Aibtnlle SroraptIy m the hour of 3:30 roll ed around Tuesday- afternoon, Dr. Balph McDonald, campaigning' can didate for. Governor of North Caro lina, waa before quite a large gather ing at the Marshall, courthouse. '' In (fact, the courthouse auditorium was 'practically filled. The weather had .been favorably for the meeting. It poured rai Jn the morning and clearedi"-'1jf fiit nooffl. It was there, f the to work 'on the farms Only gather come to town. ortoV tha crowd "was attracted Into . thi" court room by radio music, and. those on the outside could hear! also, as tha speaker was provided with an amplifier. . The meeting was 7 n-J i- J i il ii - rainu w.oruer oy ue couniy mc .Donald Manager, Mr. Fred E. Free- maa,' who briefly ' introduced t Mr. Pla;.EU of Ashevilla,. who was aJ nathn rf Maitison : County, and CRIMINAL COURT . NEXTJVEER . More Than , Hundred . Cases On Docket for Judge McEIroy Superior Court convenes in Mar shall next Monday 'for tha hearing of criminal cases before Judge McEIroy, of. the government buildings, and About a hundred cases are on docket, publican governor could not ;c(!ijm plish even if elected. McDonald ap peals to many when he fights the sales tax and the ..Baleigh .r'nf$;jflj. machine and holds out hope that' )iie can make the large corporations pay the taxes that the poor people are now paying. Especially was he ap plauded when he said that if elected he would- as their terms expired call in little Lloyd, little Capus, little A. J., and the other little officers who occupy , the "swivel-chairg", in , Ral eigh and think they own ,the wyole former staia- senator. . apefca at .soma lengthy menthming setae f the aeasnres he had-spo- ssssad in the lcghdatnrebr the bene fit of Madison County, as well aa for the benefit of his adopted county, Buncombe. He mentioned jsll the four candidates for governor, saying they were all his personal friends and nun . men. m tneu vraw wivn one he was Introducing and practical r admitted that the other three were I the old state machine, and eom Wed Ralph McDonald with Wood- Jbw Wilson, "saying -4hai both Were- Jchool teachers and that Wilson, Was hardly heard of until he became Governor . of New Jersey, tfie pre dieted a revolution in Korth Carolina politics under the leadership of Ralph McDonald. . Ordinarily, such a long ipeecn or -iniroaucuon wouia , njive been outjf placa,fpr when the peoi M tit heF i-TiartiAIt:1inaa npeak, Chejr do not Jika ta have his ame taken op by.WO .much, speaaing rom me iniroaucer. . out nt : m ase, it waa different. Plato Ebbs Is well known in Madisow County ad his speech was Interesting,, not only the audience but his speech must ave been ' (Juite .lnteresttng to the ihool teacher, and aspirant for high ffice, for he was saying some things hat were more to the interest of the candidate than what he could say limself.. ,A . ., , McDonald's speech, which had ra ubstance been delivered at the school milding to the teachers, and , others ome months agot. was well received y the audience, made up of f many epnbllcans as welL as democrats, a ew women being present, ' . His cam aign - against the" Raleigh ' machfa truck a sympathetic chord in Mad son -County, where. year, after year for many years, tha democratic leg-, atufe has not heeded .."the wishes )I , the people ox jnaoisoni vouujr, presumably because Madison has al ways been a Republican county The LAif.n th.t Mmiv.Mad,j atfcaWii'aiinTWse Tiinii H 1aiha fnTfltt - JX Teh bushels of Jarvis Golden cetl TMsdapnigm eairymg 240 gallons io3j s,hbJ tifled see corn have been diatrajntedi oSHqntav. TbOvCaptare was just east xh Smoky Mountain TiaiL ta corn ciun . memoers oi onay w ""hp nmw. County. I viBe. The driver escaped. The truck " ..- . Jwhich isheld was a Ford Pandle De TKa aerease to Irish potatoes b : livary- The . liquor waa destroyed. tell them one by ana that thej have been' having a rood time for a long time and now they may take their bags and go back home. : He promis ed that ha would see that . Western North Carolina was not a "forgotten province" under his regime as it had been under the regime of the Ral eigh "machine". McDonald's speech, has been heralded through the pa pers of the state, by radio, and other wisev and we have the space to men tion only- a few of the high spots in his appeal for votes. Saying that "he is not a politician does not seem In but he was well received in Marshall, keeping with his alluring promises, but no outstanding , cases, such as murders. The names of the jurors appear in this paper., We under: stand there are IT or 18 in jail for such offences aa driving while intox icated, violating tha prohibition laws, assault and battery, and so forth. 240 - Gallons . Liquor Captured Tuesday Night 120 Gallona Lael Saturday Night ' , Officers Hubert Davis and Harri son Treadaway captured a truck. 12Q gallons of liquor. He is out un der bond. He was driving a 1934 Ford, coach. Did You Know That 1. An alligator's nest contains atout sixty' eggs? 2. There are 1,400 different kinds of mosquitoes? 8. ! Most migratory birds make their flights by night? 4.11; Halibut as large as 650 lbs., have been: caught? ,i 5 j A gallon of sea water contains about a pound of salt? 6.: The Pacific ocean is almost twice the -size of the Atlantic? , There are thirteen species of rattlesnakes in the United States? 8. If it were not for birds, insects would soon overrun the earth? . The alligator is the only A mericsn reptile that will fight to de fend: her young' from harm? . ' -10.' If all the gold dissolved in the sea could be recovered, there would be 80,000,000,000 tons of it? U. We are a careless people, and we pay heavily for our carelessness? 12.' Blood circulates from one arnr to the other in eighteen seconds? 13. S. C. H. S. will close MayN7. McDowell County will be decreased Last Saturday night, Jack Parret, of ; After deducting all expenses, W. B. Shahan of Yanceyville, Caswell Coun ty vnukde a net profit of $47.50 on a lot of 200 Barred Rock chicks fat by 20 percent this season. Newport; Tenn., was arrested with 'tened and sold as broilers. MARS HILL COLLEGE COMMENCE MENT BEGINS N EX T SATURDAY" . : MARS HILL : a a a a Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Moore returned Monday from St. Louis where they attended the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. . Among the teachers who have re turned to their homes here are: Miss es Mae Boone and Hazel Sprinkle, from Hot Springs, Miss Marye Carter from Chinquapin, Miss Bernice Am nions, from Maiden, and Miss Kath leen Amnions who returns this week end from Elon College. Misses Irene Willis, Bex Ramsey, Catherine Anderson, and Elva Car ter left Sunday for a week's vacation trip to the coast. Mrs. Ferrel Edwards and little son, Ferrel are spending awhile here with Mrs. L. D. Edwards. ' The' Garden Club is sponsoring a clean-up week and is creating some interest in yard and highway beauti- fication by offering some prizes for such work. It is hoped that large number will enter the contest. 1936 SENIOR CLASS OF MARSHALL SCHOOL H warn ., V " T.mm A:, .V" hi J!' M. ;'! i r. i ! a: he caa-aaeompllsh . thing that a re- MARSHALL SENIOR CLASS First row: left to right; :', Nancy Ann Ramsey, mascot; Virginia Mc Clure, spokvsorj Gorga Freeman, Mascot; Second row: left to right: Blanche McDaris, Lola Ball, 'fi Ethel Pegg, Agnes Rioe, Dorothy Smith. Joy Marie Farmer, Louise Rector, Violet Tate, Julia Tipton, Geneva Photo by H. K. Rogers, MarhU, N.C, McCurry; Third row, left to right: Hazel Deal, Ed Ramsey, Sadie Ball, Lucy' Reese Fore, Jessie Robinson, Hope, Holcombe, Wilma Ramsey, June Enlaine Ramsey. Fourth row, left to right: Mabel Teague, Zenp IPtonder, Frank Wallin, Edwin, Mash burri, . Liston ' Ramsey, Charles Red- mon, C. L. Miller, Paige Bryan, Eu gene Treadway. : Fifth row, left to right: Hugh Bradburn, Elva Ball, Minuard Sexton, OUie Mae Flynn, Paul Huey, Opal Roberts, Pauline Buckner, Jack Dalton, Rath Jackson, Bruce Hunter, Eileen Morgan, Cote man Runnion, Kenriit Cody, Aaon Whitt, Ray Frisby, and Arvil GosneU. 4 1 - XJesjBBimifnn Aa'."JjiBB. TBasssiaUfiMiil aaiita fitojkmVeiti 1isliaiiiim,nMnsniii I sfium liirts tfrn ( ftUwaex-sy"paaka.'asar thlB minaiFiuBBSiWL 1 1 im iiii ir Timr 1 ' 1 1 . .The News-Record Beginning with our issue of Oct- iber 17, we - are publishing below he names of people who subscribe t renew their subscriptions to The Jews-Record within the last week. y keeping your subscriptions paid jp you will greatly help your local paper. Of course, those whose sub scriptions are paid in advance are al ready on our honor roll. . ' L-.C. Reed. Barnard and Marshall. . G. Gunter. Marshall, N. C. rf d 8 ick Ball, Marshall, N. C. rf d 2 . W. Grooms. Mars Hill, N. C. rfd 1 1 B. Brooks, Hot Springs, N. C. 2 D. Wallin. MarshaU, N. O. rfd 2 - rs. Estelle Neighbors, Spartanburg T. H. Ball. Marshall, N. U.nd 1 . ; ass Constance Fitigerald, Cherokee. emo. Valley Authority, Knoxville. Irs. M. E. Chick, Everett, Wash. Z. Tipton, Jerome Idaho. - ' 1. C Fisher. Asheville. N. C rfd 1 L. Cutshall, Marshall, N. rfd 8 1 Irs. Guy English, Marshall, rN. C. i attie Ramsey, Marshall, N.C, rfd 8 . H.- Roberts, Jr. Worley, N. C. , 3aney Payne. Worley, N. C. - ' ' !m Cmntrv Vanhall. R-S ? -V". :-J-.. DP. r : V . r ; Hearing thm nalf-tof mark on hi$ grealttt, EUtworth Fines, Jr ha mada m clean neeef, '.: of tha sectional pro' ; tennis tournament to data, having tattek, tha Eaton, " , New England, s Middle State and Western1 tourney, and- proto to enter the national, eompettttom in JNem York i Angnmi an overwhelming '" favorite, .fines MraMeir ; the talma of m Carnal. , .-. after herd exereUe r "Camel,' ho ear, "have m refrmehlng vtatfi i t hrmgtng mf energy ,aa to m higher leoeL'T i WILEY MJ PICKENS; .'. i i''' A''l-'.t'J:j (Special) m. C- Highways Are WsJT Shown: On Mktti North Carolina can now boast of Cities . having the most beautiful highway map in the united states as tnose who have seen the new map have des ignated it, according to chairman Ca pus M. Waynick of the State High way and Public Works Commission. Only a few copies of the new maps have been received here as yet. although 100,000 copies have peen ordered and are now being printed Waynick said. The map is printed in four colors, with the U. S. hard' surfaced highways shown "in red, the hardsurfaced state highways in dark blue and the gravel and topsoil roads in red and . white spaces. The Great Alountains National Park area 13katiaV rarits are snown m green, wnue mam body of the Juap is a buff or deep Cream color. Rivers and coun ty lines are shown in tight blue. All of the routes are correctly numbered and a table of distances between leading cities in and out side the state is also given. The new Blue Ridge Parkway, now under con: struction, connecting the Ureat Smoky Mountains National (Park and the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, is indicated by a red dotted line. Tha back of the man. however is expected to attract even mope atten tion. since it contains photographs," in four colors, of places of outstanding interest from "the mountains to the sea." Along the top of the map's back is a four, color picture of an artist's drawing of the park-to-park Blue Ridge Parkway, said by the printers to be the longest print ever made in four colors m the nistory of color printing. It shows how the parkway will wind and run along the crest of the -mountain ridges and thmiigh the water gaps from the Vir- gjntama iratS' It reaches ties Great jxmni Six On Program Fromt Madison County ALUMNI ADDRESS BY REV. PAUL GULLEY, OF RICHMOND, VA. Commencement exercises for Mara. Hill College begin next Saturday, May 23, with the oration contest, Sunday, May 24, at eleven o'clock; the sermon will ,be preached by tha Rev. John T. Wayland, of Monroe, N. C. Wednesday, May 27, the read ers', contest is scheduled, Thursday morning, will be the annual meeting; of trustees and the oration-essay contest; Thursday afternoon at 2:15 the debate will take place. At 4:00, the reunion of classes of 1906, 1911, 1916, 1921, 1926, 1931: at 5:MX, bus iness meeting of alumni association; at 6:30 alunrvnii supper; and at 8:00 p. m., annual entertainment by mu sic -and expression departments, Fri day morning, the presentation of di plomas and the alumni address, with, appropriate exercises will take place, Oa this program are six studenta from Madison County as follows: Elizabeth Fleetwlid, "The Mia- "A Tale of Two Marion Sprinkle, "Meeting in tha Convent.". All in the readers' contest. Lois Churchf in the oration-essay contest, -her subject being "Earth' Treasures" Jerome Peek and James Whitt sup port the affirmative in the debate. -t-rs WINS HEALTH CONTEST" a .is ' , LANDON ROBERTS son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy V. Roberta ' of Marshall. Ladon was winner among the boys in the recent. 4-BI" health contest conducted by Msv George Miller, County Farm Agent. - Can You Beat It? Mieehfe-Tlinaaaiaiisa mini iJlH ie)sasiiaest uniili ' I OrltiTOTJPSSliasaaw iiiirStn anuiii isaaw aiwiadjit;.i i iwaSssliiaM 000 iansHi iliiuiiiima TTsnniwahT saMd Requests for the map have been re ceived from every state in the Union and from many countries in Europe and South America Waynick believes it will greatly stimulate toursts and travel interest 5n North Carolina. "The Church of the Air" To Broadcast "The CJhurch of the Air; program will be radiocast over the Columbia Broadcasting System on Sunday, May 84, 1936, from 12:00 tol?;S0 P,.M. Eastern Standard Time. vThis pro gram will.be conducted by Mr. Er- Win D.. Canham.'-uanager yvasmuir- aia4sBSBtjnBaassrtasal.&im-lath m Burewl 0f The Christian Science Monitor and may ba irea over Sta-i JrtCiVCllm aw MAW ymav waa perintendent i Ltecolhton't V Cir Schools, a past post commander, ' past district commander and ' pan department vice icommahderr is' a candiUUfo the department tonW mender of tha American Legion at Ha annual convention W'be held ra Asheville in Jnlyj 1 tions WBT; (1080 kilocycles). Char- lotta, N, C, and WSJS OS10 kUo cycles), Winston-Salem, N. C." "V . ' -"'. Farmers are pleased, (wnerallyf with the tise irf peat moss th tobacco plant bed this winter.,-. Geo stand of vigorous plants Wert securearuey report. , ..; .-'." A-nuuuJn. lawn-,,"!-: wideusi.withaTOwnipTimngfr ' t&a steps tet.asgyfalliai My mother-in-law the step sister of my son, also his grandmother, ba cause he is the step son's child. Mf" father is the brother-in-law of my child because the step sister is the? wife. So I am the nephew of my own son who is the grand-child of my step mother. I am ' my mother's brother-in-law, my wife is her own child's aunt. My son is my father's nephew, and I anx. . my own grandfather.'' : J. HENRY ROBERTS .. . . . ..... .... -Vg -Wf, Faybrt; Refund ' ' 4 I - J-r' T ,o Countiesr - $-irjSZ'A''' ' ' 'j ' -v J Mrs. "Helena Robertson' Wohl, ieait "? didate forState - Treasurer, favor refunding", to 44 counties certaia amounts contributed by counties for, -; h I g h w a. jr i construction, ' Madisoev' ; e6unty-,Wd'iVlaek'$lll.9riJ' Yancy- f 180,000; and Buncombe-, A' 122idlThe J largest ; amoanT; wWld go toJUnoh County; l,245r- 496. The "" total ? accordng to ha; figure would be 8,t61,160.80. . i .,4 .;T