"I In n f 1 I II , w f- ri - i aw. i . if ......aw. . 'V a t v s a a a w . ... . I V J VJ w I ,L U t - , N- fQL. 35 1 8 Pages T MARSHALL. N.C.. THURSDAY UUNE 18, 193b PRICE $1.00 A YEAR KNIGHT PROWLING CAT IS DESTROYER OF WILD LIFE r inouKn im ct mors v . m ; ful in destroying 1 mice and other Marshall Churches .1 O Hold Union bervices rodents; S. Z. Pollock, wildlife spe iioHof. nf tViv. Snii Conservation Ser vice in Lexington, Bays that hd is probably the greatest enemy of game ana song Diras. Cuts have a habit of eating P just ready to hatch. They delight in capturing young song Diras m ne TiBta. - often iust when they are ready to take flislit. Cats eat young "'"""n V,'lZa; irW nA don- rabbite .nd quail, and. when thej ' .rf.Titiwv and have consumed - their fill, they Mil r , Hovt BlackweU. pastors of for the fun of it. , Pi.hvterian and Bantist churches . The practice of allowing cats ";Aiviiy. whicih will f cwried dom at night ana eany morning en a tries them to hunt at the time when they can be most destructive, says Pollock. Some people have the habit, he continues, of takinlgi unwanted , In Various Churches the Rev. J. B, Duncan, pastor f 'the dule hs been made out that far a- cats into the country in sacks and dumping them, a Pwj'S ihead and may continue that long or a vicious effect upon wildlife, as " tf . dMd , Announcements f,cV.a?1 in m.08t, a! STSSi arexpected o appear in this paper to obtain their livelihood by killing J"-'. .jiw. v.. .nrfM valuable game and insect-eating ZiFyJo,. folWin Sunday night. birds. sl.iJ -.ill K i nreher. The Ail tnis nas a aenmw fo Sanday in June was at the laT.Saerirtaiarll 'itattterr - sahrubv ?lant aft SSSSK aStecva arttreefold pwpose ySSSSi .and wvetJor -j-wiltt game - ana Jau i,.,.. b,-:Tk0 -,0-unir. 3 Tliejildlif e, to turn, proves its -et and other iwsts,- as welKas -enhancing the aesthetic aspects of f antt life, . Therefore, Mr. Pollock reasons, if the cat 1b allowed to destroy val uable wildlife, he is an enemy to erosion control. MARS HILL a Mm. Holt and son, Dobby, moved last Monday to Greenville, b. y.. where they expect to be located ior the next few years. Prof. R. M. Lee. who recently pur hased the Holt property on the high rM(ri haa alrea.dv beeun re- WUWWi v . AV .Aoiln .nrf hnnes tn move to- this place before'the summer is over. airs. ias. unggs ! u Gay Dean and Lane, are spending this week in ISieit Point with her eldest son, Kenneth. Bruce EUen who graduated two weeks ago -from State College, Ral eigh, came home and immediately ac cepted work in tue cnemicai airfc ment of plant in Canton. , Mrs. Kenneth Phillips and two small sons left last Saturday for fftatesville, where they are to mane their home. Mtv Phillips has accept ed work there and had been on me reBpively, which will Jf cameo: Ant . intended. mean that theyeva- i 4 tiia three Marshall churches named will unite to services every aunuay evening :wiu " -ibu wuik - until October 1. At least the ache-Mob about two weeks before he could - ki.a 4m fVt a fttmilv Prof. J. B. Huff has returned xrum HOTSPRINGS WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE SEWING ROOM PROJECTS? MANY GARMENTS MADE? HOW MANY WOMEN EMPLOY ED IN MADISON COUNTY a " a . MfoQ Uri r.len Waddel. of KingS- :f :Tinn in anondino- awhile here! with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Waddeii sr. HOW Mr a. S. Brooks was on Dusinese --- lin Knoxville, Tenn. Wednesday. Mrs. Harry HUl is spenamg weeks in KinirsDort, Tenn. with her her grandchildren. Jars, sue weatners was caueu AshevilU N. C. because of her mother beinej Beriously ill. Her mother is mucn Detter tins wee. . , A , - , , jia. Mrs " John Kurlv remains sdoui , visor oi ivur euuuuw w ws the same, trict and passed upon by Mr. Brice, Mr. Bill Collins left from Ashe- Uirortnr nt W. P. A. nroiects in the Wneo Way ball with Martinsville,.,- MmiAMcttf th 7th district, irives Va.1 Then be was sent to Union City " - - . , thgk and then-had two games in St. Louis some idea of the magnitude of the and He ot a. hit in each erame. He sewing room projects of our county. went to jnaydille, Ark. and is still jtr. Tilson supervises Madisont Mit- The by Mr. following report submited R. Y, Tilson, special super- nlnviiiir-?- He in the onlv son of Mr and Mrs. N. S. Collins. He is ex pected to -tie transierrea again soun Vlim nlnntf '-frinHR arn hnninir ha. can stand (Up to his' work and the terrible heat ana ean nnisn . out tnis season chell. Avery and The report says; Yancy counties. Prof. J. a. Hun nas reiunnea neat ana ean nnisn out L A Ataxrm trial tn hig BOn.LeOnard. lnA wiarh&im tnamr mnn in Sylva. Y Mrs. Calloway returned home Tues- v A large number of the summer ,day aftr'' Upending several days here school Udents and teachers will v'S'tvith he mother, 'Mrs. Chandler. the Craggy Gardens Wednesaay ternoon. MT n SntnmArlin parried her 4,S g AUa yy"iv--- " jAr .Wlnipftt.Ar for: the r- union, f .AaR mother's family on Sat urday, . Mrs. Jsob Kirby has nwuV.hor ftf . Tfinn. I- -Master ohn iReeves is -visiting rel atives n'' Sandy Muah. I ,.Mrfnd Mrs. Howard Runnjon and 'children of wear -Danville, Va., re MADISON COUNTY htfttttithje Kev; R: Duncan ireenng. tirnhlisi5d in last Tha following 2SundaynWtM in l88t aerviceiato U held at the Methadisffjay Citl8e oUows- Presbyterian Church Rev. Paul P. Thrower. Minister Sunday School - 10:00 a,, m. I Mr. j. Coleman Samseyt supt, M ! . TIT l f ' nnnsninn niirxinn aavaaau w-j 11 A.M. 'eh ffraM ni .near . uanvuie. v a., mre . m i aJawa . a knm a .IftHL I .. ir .1 i I. 14.U. 111. Wek and brought with him his taide ipents nd friends. i VV W 1UJ. - . . 1U; MJU UBUgltrev vf oun' hearMarshall, spent a few ,day here chnrch.5irith ithfcRavj K P33usower preaching. - Read this paper every week and keep the schedule in mma. These union' services are proving vara int.rt.iTi anH the ioeonle of the community should attend. R. A. Tomberlin Heads Leicester School Mr. R. A. Tomberlin, a former Marshall teacher, and last year a member of the Flat Creek School faculty, has been elected principal 01 the liewester nyn Qcnooi, n succeeds Mr. W. H. Plemonons' who has bse'n "elected principal of the tee Edwards School in the city o; ABne vflle, f ' 1 . '.Si U'1. TO P'OVE JO LOGAN ; V I Z,ir".,Z3ii' HIlwZDtuNCE SnhioTri "TKi. lAa Pnt.har." Younger group (under 15 years of age) . , 6:30 pm Older group (ages 15-25 7;H pm Evening Worship .. ,, n?. 8:00 p. Union Service at Baptist churchat ? 8:00 P. M,. Sermon by (Rev. J. f r '. . Duncan. , , .J , v. . . , . - I , We appreciate having had present - at our church tha large unii Bft""d ance laot Sunday-evening. We were also happy tor have had the Rev. Hoyt Blackwell, the Baptist minister, oc- cupying me puipiu - You are reminded to remember in. rayr our Synodical meetings, which are to be held at ' Maryville college, MaryvHle, Tenn., July 23-26, m, The Rev. H. L. Weir, of White Rock, will be our visiting minister and will preach at the Union service which will be held at the Methodist church the evening of June 28. There will be no mid-week prayer services at our church the next two weeks. YOUNG PEOPLE AT CON- FERENCE THIS WitN The f ollowirg younsr people of the Christian Endeavor Societies are en joying themselves at the i French Broad Presbyterial Conference being held at the AshevUle Fam SchooH g.M.iMi. - N. C.i - Heleh Rudisill, SaVa Louise Rudisill, Hope Holcombe, Lucille Rector, Lucille Robertsr, Ann 1 sw r.iiiii. The mev. Paul Throw- tt'mn nmm to some of our i ... .L M tv. fratia fac . . -i. J K n.. W1.lt a Captain O. M; Brown, who has barge of the prison camp near' the Countv Home ' of Madison. , is ex pecting to move, his family to the Lo gan Henderson residence on the Mar-Ishall-Walnut road sometime in July. leapt. Brown has had charge of the camp for several months, but he naa nnti mnveH hin family from Hender- sonville, yhere they have resided for years. Attend State Demo cratic Convention uty f)aeain t ilacil toEtomimim"!"-''' ii uies esM1N IS BRIDE OF 4niWM m - ' MR. F. ANDERS O1 Of interest to friends in this vicin- i,w ta tha nana nrhirh lias reached here of the marriage of Mr. Fred W. Anderson, of Mars Sill, and Miss Lu cile Freeman, of Colerain, N. C. The ceremony took place on Saturday morning. June 6, with the Kev. a. r. IMustain, officiating, and was solem niv.H at the home of the bride's sis ter, Mrs. W. D. White, a Colerain. i The vows were spoken Dei ore " imnrovised altar of ivy. Cathedral anllaa nnH haaVata nt nink roses and Queen Anne's lace added to thm I effectiveness of the scene mor -w? Ithe ceremony, Miss Tbelma Freaman ton, of Raleigh, Bang 4' At Dawning, 1 by uaaman ana "i uo,ve- iiou i by Carrie Jacobs Bond, : , V ' " ; irkA ,kiia rao Arnrfl i-n .a- niinny and lavender ,' chi2pit-eJiseraJe...wiUi fgrey "accessories and wore -a corsage of talisman roses and lilies of the val-ley-v Miss' Clara Vann Freeman, wearing lavendar and white costume and a arr nTlH laVen- der sweat peas, was her sister's maid of honor. The flower girls were, Jean White and Dorothy Lou Singleton. ' ' Attending the . Democratic t. State Oonvention in Raleisrh last Friday from this section were: Mr. F. E. Freeman, Mr. J. O. Drake. Mr. W. K. McLean, and Mr. Woodrow Ro berts. .s - i' New Reaidenta f Marshall "Z . UftXersaaw mt a" w-nkmw H'W? fiha,hmftiMa -AiMri el with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack itanaion. The District Women's Division of Works Prosrress Administration in the main, has conducted sewing room nroiects in each of the thirteen as her guest COuntiea of the 7th district. These ewing rooms are located most con enient to the imajority of the work ers. tThe sewing rooms projects in ach instance are sponsored , byjfte veapective . County Commissioners in Leach county. ' The total Bmber sewing room projects in operation in the earlier part of the year, was ap proximately 98, with the total num- AKtthildriV? day nroeram was . .kn odaa Luiju.7.i.,.i!-.nt t. hiirh the sewimr room, the women are grades and little Nancy Lou Brown given instructions, rehabilitation and ittla; 'Beverly Smith were chris-j enefits, and a scheduled amount of fH " . lt. time is allowed, two periods each ImZ Sh VbTe month, for the teaching and giving cliobi va given at the MeUrodist instructions in tne Deitermenc u ArlaitiVMlt .A era in 'Utr f hiinV fall f.h i.each- liAma AAfiHtfmiia ViPlt.h hvcrieH,e. was v 4 fasjW'H,! sw . iivuiq vwh"""' o- - ars Jor helping in this work, for it ood yaiea, balanced meals at low is -right much work to try to teach, . f8jmi, budget benifits of iSUVUD ILlJlVIjr ' Vll4ti 1H. , Jail BB ata , tui Ii ..-n et if t i .hnnl .irardens. etc.. are discussed. WW t mis worK is unaer tne airecwon w ",Jay nights in the lawn, the jiiss Ruth Catlin District Supervisor inrr Society ladies and a num- .u tn:!j. .' m - j I'.. ber i -.lers -.are giving the young nd bovs a . party at 800 p.m. pe a ! irra nwrnber will.be pre- ad cold tonjts wiu .... .-i' Miss Pauline Church, youngest daughteri ' of Mr. " and Mrs. Vern Church, and Mr. Neil lewis were married Friday nurht. June 12, near Marshall N. C. Miss Church wore a. white flannel suit and her going owav amt w.a hinA with accessories to match. Miss Church is very at- fessional projects. There has been used, in the sewing 1 be played and sand rooms throughout . the District', ' a total yardage . of .cloth ia the amount of 608,167. This ciotn was purcnasea from mills in North Carolina with the exception of the denim. Types of materials being purchased in North White ana juorotny ou""" ; . , . .ii. They were dressed in pink and blue tractive orrandie frocks and carried baskets filled with old-fashioned flowers. The ring was carried in a white lily by little Gary Singleton. The wedding marches from Lohen grin; and by Mendelssohn were used and during the ceremony "Traumen" was played. n it. jai trin tn Western 'North Carolina, the bride changed to white wool suit, xne Dr i -graduate of Chowan college and as taught school at Vanceboro, Winston Salem aqd Warsaw She lathe daugh ter of Mr.tmd Mr L. P. f Colerain. The groom received We ed ucation at Mars Hill college, Western Carolina Teachers! college and Be rea college, Berea, Ky. For the.past .. . . L..WIJ . nnilt.ina II MSCD' year ne . . , ' . ..a.aa .nrf athletic coach at fjl.- Ui mint. . SVi 'ViaH her beauty shop here for the past year. Mr. Lewis is signal i main tainer for the Southern and hasrnade many mends in mis section. They went to Louisiana ana Tpvbs and are expected home soon. They will have rooms at her sifter's for the present. Marion. Two Shakmpeareaa Plays To ,B Given Hera v Quite treat is in store for play lovers on June 80." On i that date mt. TVorara wiMi a NW York cast, will present Othello In the col lege auditwrinm at 2:00 f; M.. in the evening at 8rf)0 e'clock, they will present the Merchant of Venice All seats are 40c. ' ' ' Post Office To Aid Bonus Applicants The 23,000 World War veterans who are eligible to receive bonus bonds in June will Ibe informed of the arrangements for their distribur tion through tr mails by Ernest Green, postmaster, early next week, it was announced here. The bonds will be nlaced in the mails after midnight, June 14. Exceptional car wjll be taken, Mr. Ureen said. v assure placing the bonds in tha hands of the veterans to whom ney wui ha ailHranBAit and the usual custom of permitting ' relatives to sign for them will not be permitted. Present mlana call for nositfvc identification I . ' . . - A xl by some one wno is Known io vne carrier and even : stricter identifica ition is to be reguired for cashing the eertiiicates, accoramg to me post master.- . '". Carolina are: Sheeting, Percale, Suiting, Chamv- bray, Outing Flannel, Huck, Towel- ing, Turkish Toweling, Terry Towel- ing, Birdseye, White Sateen, Cotton Twills, Ginghams, Bleached Muslin, Unbleached Muslin, Broadcloth, I White Lawn, Black Sateen, Ticking. Cotton Bats and Quilt Tops. From this cloth the total number of gar-" ments made is 170,444. There haar been distributed to the respective counties 162,978 garments. Tha distribution of the finished product, garments, wearing apparel, sheet. bed clothes, etc., (see enclosed listf is turned over to the Count PnhTfr Welfare Asrents wh riiotrihnfa tfcAm to the needy individuals and familfca in the county. (See list of garments, etc., attached hereto.) Materials issued srarments mad and delivered, and the total number of women employed as of May 22nd ,in the sewing rooms. County MH;n Yardage distribution 1 7 a Garments . made a41 Ganmants i delivered sis Women employed 77 (NOTE: ' This figure represent 'Women amnlnvH 'Vomen's and professional nroieeta." although the majority are employed in the sewing rooms.) Supervision and instruction are maintained and given in each sewing room. Due care is riven to condi tions under which these people work the same as in keeping with the beet practices in private industry. Work ers' in many instances who are un skilled in needle and sewing work " have improved in skill of their work thereby fitting these workers better for industry and family activities. W -TYPE3' OF GARMENTS MADE Ladies Smocks, Ladies Dresses. Child' Dresses, Middy Suits, Child Jumpers, Boys 'Shorts, Childs Sun suitsf Childs Blouses,.' Girls Blouses, uiris tfonnecs,' w omens snorts, uiris . Combination, Misses Jumpers;"' Boys I Shirts, Mens Shirts, Women's Step ins, Childs Bloomers, Misses Bloomers, Women's Bloomers, Childs Under wear, Brassiers, Childs Slips, Misses Slips, Ladies Slips, Childs Pajamas, v Men's Pajamas, Misses Pajamas, Ladies Pajamas, Boys Pajamas,, Childs Gowns, Misses Gowns, Ladies Gowns, Overalls-boys, Men's Over alls, Men's Overall Pants, Boys Over all pants, Childs Aprons, Women Aprons, Towels-Turk, Towels-Terry, Towels-Huck, Pillow Cases, Quilts, Comforts. Quilt Tops, Sheets, Bed Ticks, IKllow Ticks, Mattresses, Mat, Rhm. Bathrobes-Child. Misses uain- robes, Ladies Bathrobes, Girls Shorts, Misses Shorts, Womens Shorts, oy Suits, Rompers, Boys rants, Mr Pants, Bbis Underwear, Mens Under wear, Childs Panties, crio onccw Crib Quilts, Crib BlanKets, wr Shirt Diaper, Baby Bands, aD Aprons, Baby Dresses, Baby Slip, Baby Kimonos Baby, yowna, rinuw ev.aa nhalr Covers, eanoage, I HONOR ROLL -The News-Record ' 1 X,. Beginning with our issue of Oct- ober 17, we are publishing below i the name of people who subscribe ! 1tati nfisorinttnna tn The I Kewa-Record within the laat week, i fev keeninsf your lUbscrintion paid I .1. . 1.1 n 1...1 Bp ' OU Wui gtwawy np jruux .ww aper. Of course, those whose aub- . scriptions are paid in advance are al ready on our honor roll. J ( -a I ' Mil oa ., a. a - a. iAtr that or.eTirr ed June AVUl i, vww- " , 4. when a bullet aimed at a vaoi; nl.tiKu) anl atrnelr har risrHt foot. ' Thl. aaoiHant haa urevented her from being about her duties, as night oper- BfnK al cm, inaai uiewwnv : uvuwk n Her many friend wisa ner a speeajr recovery, ' Herbert Hawkins, Mars Hill . 1 ev. J. L. Bragg, marsnau C. C.' Fox, Marshall, R-2 Klst Harriett Phoenix. Cullowhee , JiTra. John 'Anders, Marshall, R-3 W. F. Henelfy, Hailey, Idaho , ,, , Taft Coward, West AsheviUe s I. L Blevina, Eannspolis, N. . C . Iemuel Kent, Kar-' -'l, R-l imey Davis, liars' :'.l, R-3 I ss Fandy Anz, Earriman, Tenn, f lorn Morrow. Tarboro, N. C. " I Mr Everett Tweed.' Jr. Crowned Queen; In Beauty Contest The beauty, contest, as an inter- lude oi me piay vv! ,wvtvi: staged at Walnut last Friday night, resulted 1Q Mrs; a. n iwrou-- 'Wma crowned tha. oueea. Only th. - vmmnar enLereu ivi nicu v "o L j n,.o.nf Tha iudfrea were: Mr. ana rm Mill f Mamohia. tourist who l.j I.(..n'rf !n nv of the AOtt- testents, hence, were impartial. .Other con teste tits were 1 misses nuw derson. Ksthrina Rector, Mary Jo r!...roi. .Tea a T.nnsford. of Wal nut, Lloi's Reese of Mars Hilta nd Lucile Kay of Beech Glen. ., Shades, vnau- w . ------ i..-a- a.U--. W , .?aUTi . t IjJ' it !.Tir:i"L.iIL.i ni r. r L avwasc.idejttiniiatawiiwwvwi Of TO . Sponsors of W. F A. rrojecww Tha h airman and ' members Board of County Commissioners. . .mi r?itv Manajrera jlty mnjiuia "ii . . County Superintendent and Board of Education. - V; All other Board or , Government U ne . A. All Civic organiaation, Uiuos, m general public or wiiereawju are invited to attend. - . This meeting iB to be new t :o P.- M., W the cOUWty couruiuua MarshalL.N. C' . v - . -at. r-'S&..l.ri.' uta .with lond- speakers will be installed to properly transmit Mr. opicine ana uuwr and the program can ne neara. nu .j.!.uilu ammlnvaaa will be in attendance at the meetings. ' All pro ject worfers are requested to attend, SInzinsr ITowcrs "1 at Ml li. ' C.'nnfna Tanrara arfll fSOUr , . tweij W8ii v"v -T--', ant tha malodia- eouivalent of that haan in tha mnvin business for about five years. He promises the people of -Marshall and . vicinity tne iai;es nlatiiM' and alaA tilans to improve. both the lighting and of the pictures and to v air-condition the theatre. u i nnnmriupnt An tha STOUnaS. bXVU, 4 . -f-- The Sinteing Towers, or Bouna pytuo as vney: are ' ecnuM;jr "vnu, - nart of the $160,000 radio and public address system built as the commer- ai.i avhihit of the Gulf OU corpora tion. 5tijs:;f'!"s;"fi v-;?v :- tja will- have 'three "complete changes Filling a long felt need m World '0f program each week. - There will vaim tho avstem can be used either , , .w ivtrv niht except Sun- for entertainment br for news or e- jday. You can follow the theatre ad mergency announcement in. U parts eactt week in the News-Record ' fot of the grounds. So v versatile i the 'information. : There will also be a public address :" neiwor mat. n matinee ejfery saiuraay uwrawn aii be brojten uownt ? inuw 01 ijs.ow. systems of ona or snore singing tow-j . ' rs each. Thus, music or entertain-1 , . ' i ? - a ment suitable - to distinct section t y p n O I Q inocuiauuu of the ground to possible. - , I , v '-"Year " ' - ? , Thosa iriUvsJ' THB CITIZENS OF MADISON example, may be greeted witn uaS, . coUNTYf -- - ' iaspirationaK or, march muc,..whilei - TvohnSH lnv- visitors v to the livestock area may ;doetol'rt once. be listening to a HUi-DUir, nana ' a .AMS " ohetr.Vft .ootl'- J;- -'.r a-n be heard . ".0 WPW-(. eiehday'.' operating radios broadcasting will be open to perioa. - - , To my friends in North Carolina: I wish to express to eacn my greatful appreciatwn 01 your support of my candidacy lor ? Auditor, and a, your next Stat. , Auditor, you wUl always door wide open to you and I shatt . always appreciate you asking me , Ynu f oueht . a splenav , j, -; battle, and you have won a gloriou .. . victory. - . ' i - Your ineno, -, , . GEO. ROSS TOlI ;. ' ,. Memorial , at : Rector " ; ; - Cemetery v- "' ' '. - in.L J.;n ha a memorial servica at the.Uncle Frank Rector Cemetery, . . about one-half . mil east ei n Chapel on- Sundly June 28, beginmsr :i at o'elock. , ,We expect a r4 .program and - every one is cordm- r Fy invited to attend espicauy u have relative and friends : burn V;;': -if i 1 w . i