't ' V r 7 ' i 'fin . 'r- f, ' ' , -r: r ' ' 4 VOL. 35 8 Pages MARSHALL, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 6,. 1936 PRICE $1.00 A YEAtt i I 4 -.'''i1-' a'V'-. 'W-i ':J!-- i"s'Vi-'';i -' SEVERAL FIGHTS FOLLOW MEETING OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Intense Feeling Shown Oyer Selection of 'teachers We rafcret tltt we are unable yet to give our readers a listf .the teachers for trtie various schools of the county. The schools that have not yet ened "are. (scHeduled 1 to open August 24. ' Last Monday at the regular meeting of the board, )the office of the-; superintendent was crowded a large , part of the day, bo crowded tht t was with difficulty that people could enter or withdraw. Much idissatief action was expressed at ' the meeting a bout teachers for certain schools. Pactions in the school community were said to be the cause of the dis turbance. One faction was deter mined that the ether faction should not have its way about the employ ment o f teachers S o fierce was tbe feeling that number of V the men went together in fi sticuffs. ;t Blood was reported flowing from a face or two, while others were said. to us their feet, freely either- ae instruments of offense or defenses, So dangerous was the appearance: of the fighters at one tin that the aecr tary, Mrs. Ron Sprinkle,, jumped. . HI out Ore window, Supt, Wells- tells ua tfhat there will be another (ntketiair' of the Board soon-, and' wa do not see how the matter of- tir selection of teachers can be post poned much longer, as the schools - are scheduJed ta open August 24, " ' yDr. J. N. Moore Seriously Injured if HOT SPRINGS Dr. J. N. Moore of Maiall V: confined to his bed as a result 'Injuries received Monday night while mlcfng a professional - call. : As he ascended the steps at the homli 0tr: .and Mr.; K;Q. Porkpy, ia doit founded at him causinar him to' . . Jose hit foothold- and he fell rollina .. down an mhanlamift. flt vttrna m severa sprain "of the foot and other ' injurtes . JleJlr beilBg ttedbt f-r-'.E.ftle Tam.lhrbusrh: lni ,?ay i-and by colored, boy at nijAt. Thf. Jurkey 00110. who was coms'derea seriously 111. was' 4 reported much better Wednesday nigU. Expects Sbon To. . Move Postoffice ft' Thfe U. S. Government never aeemt to b in a hurry about its ac tivities. Several months ago 'the R. N- Ramsey- buifding was leased to become the Marshall postoffice. Soon thereafter utecesriary changes and repair were made to the build ing, but all these months nave c lapsed awaiting the arrival of a safe and other inside 'equipment. We IV now informed by Postmaster pevitt thtot tftte safe has at last I red and they hope to move in F aoon- Vs ZNTIKi? orj OFFICE in Mars Hill ' I town of Mara Hill has new it. A native ton, Dr. Bruce V eon of Mr and Mra. J. . P. i of this place, , has opened his i p here In association with Vrc y Kotunson, Mr and Mrs- Seay, of Heniretta, N.. C, are spending awhile with her parepts, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gentry.- The grandson, (had been here visiting' for two weeks before his parents came for a Visit. Mrs. Rice, who spent about a month with her daughter, Mrs Bob Kirbyi has returned to her home in Tennessee. ' (Mb Doc Summels mother, of S. C. who has been here visiting several weeks . has returned to toer home. Mrs. O. S Brooks and daughters spent Thiurs. and Frf. with her friendi Mrs. Gilmer B. Weatherly and family at Black Mountain, N. C. Rev. , yarner spent last week at Lake Junluska, N. C. Mrs. Sidney Izlar, Jr., and daughter were called here from Ala. because of his illness Mrs. Sadie Jarrett, aunt of Mrs. Chas. Burgfou of West Aaheville, spent Sunday afternoon here. " Oar little town has had- ansi ttiree recent: weddings, but the writer has beeit unable ta goat Ibex names and. where they were map tied, Mrs. Hacelwood was called to the hospital last week. i Ashevi lie, IK C-r tot. aaa- her suoer, Mrs. Cowardv Mrs. G. W. Gorbett is visiting relatives in Kaleigh, N. C. Mrs. Steppe and son Glenn, are guests of her father.. Mr. Lon' Brooks Mrs. Sue Weathers mother, of Asheville, Nt C., is spending tmds week here with Mr. and IMrs. W. T-Davis Mr. C. G. Parris has been a busi ness visitor in Gitlinburg. Tenn. Mrs., Marie Hazlewood, of Wash ington. D, C., is soendin. a few weeks here with relatives.1" VUt and Mrs. C. T.. Garneflo: Of of Marshall, ' K. C.; spent the week mr,A I..M: arUt.'' inml tnlVm U ' i ?. The JMthadist and ,i Presbyterian . Missorary society et .snw ennron for" their ;bn9e"nleeiiasdar suoDer - at sliver mines. " A large A&mber and several vuitors n Joyed the suoper. - ' - Th Baptist - Misnary society A-met luesaay aicemoon at ine f home of Mrs. Civde Hazeiwood. Ice cream and cold drinks Mill be Served at the lawn of Mrs.'' Kirbv, Tuesday. August 18. Everyone is invited. Benefit of the church. FUNERAL FOR MRS. JOHN KERLY .' Funeral services were .held Mon day at 4 o'clock, at the Baptist church for Mrs Adeline Kerly, who was 78 . years of age. She was sur vived by her aged husband, on son and four daughters and about forty grandchildren. Senricee were held by Rev. Varner an4 Rev. McFee. carriss tumns Miss Lucille Collins. oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U S. Collins, HiS School senior o' 'S3, and. Mr. Mrrrla Garrigg. of . Maga- rettjville,' N. C. were, married Sat, Anarust 1st. at Newport Tenn. They left Wednesday to make their home in Magarettsvillle N. C . Their friends wish for them much happiness." SHIR CAMPAIGN W. ft W. MEMBER MEETING IN ASHEVILLE HICKORY DEGREE TEAM PUTS ON DEGREE WORK THREE NEW MEMBERS "RIDE THE GOAT" 'Near.nor the half-way mark, one of the most successful new member ship campaign drives on the 'history of the Woodmen of the World in Western North Carolina the C. R Creasman Campaign named so in (honor of one of the oldest Sover-; eigos in the State, of Balsam Camp No. 1, Asheville was celebrated' Tuesday night in the lodge rooms in the Asheville Odd Fellows Hall, with a District Meeting which had among its netted and well known Woodmen speakers, W. H. Grogan, former District Deputy of W.N.C, who is mow State Manager for the Statie of New Jersey; D. E. Hen1- derson, State Head Consul, and prominent attorney of Charlotte, Sov. Tom Newton State Manager and farmer State Manager of Tex as; Deputies from all over the state and the Rev. AO.' Creasman, of Asheville, for whom the Campaign is named. The crack Degree Team from Hickory, N. C, put on the de gree work, sivinir the Protection eJtegrde and administrating- the oath so aoeat 00 ne canaiaates) aim putting on. the "whole works" to three volunteers out of the new :forksof sandy: MUSH STATE HIGHWAY C OMMISSION BLAMES TO WN ALDERMEHf Have Realized Serious. 1 Condikion Several Years In response to our letter and edW torial two weeks ago, the . State Highway Commission at , AsheviBo -maktei the following reply: Madison County July 81, 193" ' v Mr. H L- Storey 1 News-Record, : , , Marshall. N. C. ' - . Complaint Road ConditiodT" ; Dear Sir: .' " I have your letter of the . 27tbyv rf enclosing copy of an . editorial isf, your paper, with reference to tos'.u dangerous condition that " exist at- vn lower end or Mam btreet nrr Marshall. -''' 1 l-'' ,,We have realized that-this imiS' serious condition and for the past s. Candidate'' list, these" three being '0m Asheville, Cashiers, and Mar- Shall CamD 571. Marshall's "lreea meat" was Leo Davis, son of Mr, and ' Mrs. Carney Davis, of Walnut CreJekL Another membership cam paign will begin the first of Sep tember, land it is hTed that the Marshall camp can regain nts old standing of "one of the best and Hardest working camps in the et&ty." Marshall was spoken of Tuesday night a number of tames by different state officers as being one of the dhief "Hot Spots" in Vaf Aif9rjwi- i)wtaa mam mam- bera and - one officer spoke of the time when Camp 571 of Marshall had the "best Degree Team in the Stafie of North Carolina. Marshall's usual '?'go-and-get-'ta" spirit was manifested Tuesdfiy ' night when service medals from headquarters in Omaha. Nebraska were awarded, to iifdiyidualp sdcusjmg 15 or more. new members,! Marshall cmp was the.' only one , receiving more than one imedlal, G. C. Redmon, Wayne Bris man, Lee Bryan and Howard Ban :s . receiving these medals. It is pped that Marshal with its new bundh of new members can regain itfc..oia..ataaamg;.:; -. A' general but bnf outline Of what Woodmen of the World stand for, the ' standing of the nnasotal end at the fraternity, the number of EBENQl mm BA PHS7 ASSCaATfiEt MEETS AUGUST 20- 21 ATLONG BRANCH AH Churches Urged To Send Delagates ' Tfie annual meeting of the French: Brojid Baptist Association- will be held August 20 and 21, 1936, with thts. Long '' Branch ' church! "A11 churches are urged to send dtele- gatei A letter from the State High way Engineer tell us that the roads to' the church will oe - put in good order before thfe association meets. V W. A. fiAMS,"- Modefatofc , . WADE ; WHITE, Clerk.' a IMt. and Mrs. Ed Stough and children frown Greensboro are visit ing the Rev. and Mrs. R, P .Gibbs at Leicester Mrs. btough and Mrs, Gibbs are sisters. Mr. Stough makes a specialty of teaching class es for Sunday school work. He occupied the pulpit at Teagues Chapel Sunday afternoon and gave an interesting talk on the "Un changeablenless of Jesus." Mrs, Julia S. Shaffer, of Dyers- burg Tenn.; ' Mrs Carrie Copeiand and , daughter, Miss Hortense, of Little Rock, Ark,, and Mrs. J, D. Barnes and son, Reeves, of Augusta, Ga., are visiting Mr. and Mrs C. W. Smith this week. ' " . Mr. Jamje)s Reevea, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ginn, of Adheville, and their guest, Mfisg Joyce Smith from Louisana, spent Sunday after noon with his parents, Mr and Mrs. C. H. Reeves. Rev., R. P. Gibbs, and. Mra: Gibbs. M and Mra. Chaa, , Smith and Ms. Julia Shaffer, spent last weak a tending the conference at Junajus- ka .. r.y-,:ij.- . NOTICE , , The Reeves reunion, will be heii ai Little Sandy Mush church Sun- day Aug. & All relatives are in vited to; be present with ranch an to enjoy the day. . - .... - ... - .' . , asasg iaauiaasE swat, tnnisff ssBjssn- 1$ : late iaiffcotst MC to 1 iBsmaat itil fcrlh Hil uar sactesaatssteatifta; , hlxuiwahvLL -of- f i he news-itecora leginning with our issue of Oct- itr 17, we art publishing below tne names of people who. subscribe or renew their subscriptions to The vKawa-Record within the last . weak. By keeping your subscriptions paid o you will greatly help your local Jtper. Of coarse, those whose sub- acriptions are paid In advance are al- : ready on our honor roll. ' . C. M. Roberts, Chattanooga, Tenh Chappelle Shelton, Ohucky, Tenn. . visa Myrtle Meadows, Spring Creek Mrs J. H. Stines. Mart Hill John W. Rice, Marshall, R-8 " " " (Mrs. M. O- SummerUn, Mars Hill " Tillery Buckner, Marshall - R-8 Mra. C G. Baker, Eiver Rouge, Mich J. N. Allman, Alexander, P-2 '., (Mrs. W. R. Hunter, Marshall, R-2 J. H. Barrett, Ffag PondTenn, Oliver Martm, New York City Mist Ida M. Phoenix. Elois, Mich. ' Mra. S. N. -Eads, Indianapolis, Ind." LD. B. Metcalf, Waverly ; ' i.Mrs. Tex Banks Canton ; .- Mrs. Joe Zimmerman, woneaooro ;, WALNUT TAX KATE NOT YI TFED -fVF7n Regnlir s Routine "Conum- ' Meeting Moaiday ; ' ; : . All three of the )eclulty 'com missfonerS were present t the reg u(ar meeting Monday. Tfte min utes do not show any act "Of the t ar w day at eotstandharr in importance -Several adjustments in taxjta were made due ta errors. The Board ta to meet again . next week at which time i,t is expected that the tax rate- will be fixed and announc ed. FIELD DAY I N IMARSHALL ; BIG EVENT LAST SATURDAY SPLENDID MORNING PRO GRAM FOLLOWED BY APTERNOONi BUSI NESS MEETING news article. The following winners were in exhi bits and the stunts: PRIZE WINNERS' AT FIELD DAY Best Exhibits Canned vegetables Mrs. Jerry Rice. Foods ; Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman. Quilt Topa Mrs. J. M. Ramsey. Dressing Race First: Gloria Tweed & Hope Tweed, White Rock 4-H Club. Second: Eileen Woody St Margaret members belonging, the WOW hos pital at San Antonio, Texas,- : and other items or interest were brougnt out by btate ' Manager : Newton in such tn able manner, that no doubt. most of the approximately. 800 del agates present; went away fired with a new enthusiasm in 'helr. work. : :-' Mr.. Galloway and1 BEr. MeAbee, whe have been putting forward this campaign, also spoke well r on the subject - at' 'd Mtt Orogan t who told ef hiA exencet jnttNe, Jer tey. 1 rV Deliciotia refrehm(ent;8 ware aerv.t ed by he Aville camp before the businesy tnieeting, ani. a. Sry wc-t cetaf ul .mee.togbotMiillj loua -and ligbtertideiaaexnex enoed. -v ... . v , " "'" ' .' 1 . Miss Carolina Biggers Becomes Dean a ,1 mmA fnnr Handaii saac antfi EracixUst JLoUUM;, returnaa: haaue Bam BautmaBK KML, wanar LflPstt Dttsc KanrttiantB wndat waat IWfutt, MMMinw aw rii Ti.arl' bon .infsaueni atr Joan, Hopkma aeeuitali an Is- getting' awssr tlae. They stopped on their return home in Greensboro with their aunt, Mrs. W. J. Fulp, a few days Fredrick McClure was visiting his aunt and. uncle, Mr, and Mra. A. R. Rector of Lansdowne, Md. Mr. and IMrs. R. C Lieb and family of Black Mt., gave a birth day dinner honoring Mrs. Lieb t birthday, Sunday, Aug. 2- Ail children were present except Mr. Walter Lieb and on the account of sickness he could not come. Mrs. S. A. Ramsey and Lou'se McClure have returned borne after visiting Mrs. R. O. lieb, of Black Mountain. . , Miss Mary Emma Ramsey hat re turned borne from Banner Elk, and 'Muss Marian it expected this week for their vacation, v " - WALNUT CHILD DIES Ruby, the 7-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McDevitt of Wal nut died at an Asheville hospital Wednesday night after an illness of about a week of what was . pro nounced 'meningitis. tihoughnot contagious form. Funeral and in terment will be t J 0 o'clock Fri day at '- the Walnut Method: church- - - . - In spite of the inclement weatfiier last Saturday, over 500 persons turned, out , for the farmer's Field Day on the island. More than that number of people were present during the -noon hour. A solenoid urogram was present- i Woodv. Walnut 4-H dub, ed in the morning. Dr. Finley asked Third: Dorothy Rjunnion ft Elita the invocation after which 'Mr. Guy beth Chandler, Hot Springs 4-H V. Robert gave the welcome ad- i club. dress. Music was furnished by a i Ho Calling Contest string band and a' male quartet at First: Mrs. Maude Rannsey. intervals during the program. ! Second: Mr. Bryant F. Wallin- Dr. R. L. Moore gave a very in- Third: fir. D. J. Deal. tzasaivas ttnt' tatamaliwt addraatti. Tjferrafim Kaca followed tar aw, iliti rtaHna anrisjr Firat: Damnr Ditmorav talk by; M E YgTotd. atata-tahatn Saaoadr Battr Ion Darrr- a qwetansn. otktar tmaat,BBtto- Xairds Flrad: RaodalL dnaaa. ww:WblW& ettm.ilat RaJQnarRir Oasts txi&ioAmimpmt?.mtLlliftM Fteti Mra& Ror Riea- prABntt, garsaatw Fe dssatiosj, aarfi aiaanift Mtsa ftantf Marajan. Wcl. Etete Itiiiitm, fttnitar ensnatgr ttaMr Lilllaar. Cram agant. At tit naorainar irogranv, V Wkeelharrow Race due recognition was given Mr. X. First: Bob Bryart & IPaige Bryan, B'ard McDevitt for thjs recent state Marshall 1-H Club. honor, that of Master Farmer from Second: JiD-'Waljin & Clarence Western North Carolina. A hand-Wallin, Wliite Rock 4-H Club. some gold medal was pinned on him Third: Adolphus Bryan & Ted during the ceremony. Mr M. H. Bryan. Marshall 4-H Club Tweed had two fat baby beefs . The stunts were anvusine and (Hertfords) t the Field Day. 1 enterta'ning for the crowd of After lunch, the Mad is Farmers Deoole. They were enjoyed very Inc. held their annual business much bv all present. meeting. All directors were re- A lonar table was built from elected for another year. A report wOuch an abundance of dinner was of this meeting will be' in another served, NOTICE TO mi iM'Tnunnurno; The law requires that taxes for the year 19S5 be advertised for four weeks, starting second week in August, and acid on aecond Monday to September, 1986. (Pay your tax before advertising , date nd save the extra cost. i " ' I ant required to levy oa personal property to satsify unpaid taxea. ' ' . ' ' i I . A. J.' RAMSEY; v 5 . Town Tax-Collector. t v Mars. Hill, July 31 (Special) Miss Carolina Biggers. formerly dean at Meredith College, has ac cepted a position as dean of women at Mars Hill College, President R. L. Moore has announced. Miss Biggers will succeed as dean of women, Miss Ella J- - Pierce at Mars Hill College, who th e year received her Ph. D. degree from Cornell university and who will de vote full time to teaching in the de partment of English For eleven years Miss Biggers has been on the , faculty at Meredith college, as a teacher of primary methods, ; as assistant dean and for the past six years as dean. Before going to Meredith she taught in several of the public schools and teacher training schools of North Carolina, at Black Mountain. Thom- asville, (Rich Square, Mars Hill and Jacksonville. tMSss Biggers, who will assume her duties at Mars Hill this fall, was for three terms a student at the uvaraitir aff Kortfc. CasraUmv 3 i i's? aistexr of Mlsa Martha TlfaMtfa. for twahra- yeses head: f the ee- uaatsaaat ax muaia aft Mr HJU ;CaHeMk. Waan Oup Kates several years we : have Been- 'n! deavoring1 to g&t the town official-" to 1 condemn sufficient RW to thfe road can be widened at this-dan gerous curve, but so far we . hav not. been successful. There, is way that we can ahead with fe construction of this street., due to the, fact that at ia within the citjr , Jimitat until -wa eecwe' a auflacientf amount ,of. Rw on which to-maker the neeeasarr: imnrovements. I ant tore that- if the town1 wiU provide aufficWnt RW the. State. Higfhwajr Comwiiaaloa will wiefsn tMa curvev ufficienUy to take care of thfe cond'tion. . .When you consider thati tlHs pcrtfon oft the r ttreetr leading f ran the house site' that" you own near the forks of. ojd No. ? 20 nd US 25. down to the end of maht street, is on a , 10 . grade? this, In itself , Is a dangerous situa tion, but as far as we can tee there ' ia but little cfeane of eliminating' this grade at any reasonable cost. Very truly yours . jkt'.A-.Ji-iU WALKER. w a". dltion o.-'th Town authnrttln O 'l. .... 4 - -.J ' . -'1,- ..S,,,.k.'...i,..."" tne oner Hand, the Town, official , , expense'or proviaing . a rigot-or- way." . - Meanwftdle thf dangerous link fa the road or street contuiues. te&AKf IXtiffm' Entnete, -' i )lame f6rtthsi; dangerous road ,COn tf , . MADISON COUNTY DANCE TEAM The Woman's Club of Marshall was entertained at its August 3rd meeting on Monday by the Presi dent, Mrs. R S Ramsey, with her daughter, Mrs Mack Ramsey, was joint hostess. Mrs. Ramsey s guests numbered twelve and a very delight ful program was given by the leader who was Mrs. C. J. Ebbs, of West Aneville. Mrs.' Ebbs was assisted during the meeting by M'ss Jories and IMrs C. M. Blankenship. After the usual business, delight ful refreshments were served. Those present were: Mrs. C. J. Ebbs and M:ss Jones, of West Ashe ville, Mrs, H. L Story, Mrs. CM. Blankenship, Miss Mary Gudger, Mrs. S. B. Roberta, Mra. G V Roberts, Mrs. H. B. ' Ditmore, Mrs. R. R. Ran tey Mist Betty Joe Darr and the two hostesses. 1 ''-',"' The next meeting wiu be at if home in Asheville .of (Mrs. 0. S. Bradford and Mra, Rush Duncan will lead. JUNE MEETING Due to the fact that the. aecre- tary was absent, the June meeting of the club was not reported In the paper. This meeting was held at the home of . Misset Nevada- and Mar garet Ward . in Marshall , and the'r The Mountain Dance - Festival which was held July 23, 24, A 26, was participated in by several teams. The Madiaon County danee team did some excellent dancing; but the Enka team did better and won the prise. Those narticipatinr in Vhe Madison County team were: Mr. Bob Hancock, caller and (mana ger, Mrs. Robert Hancock. Mr. H. . V. Gibbs. Mrs. H V. Gibbs, Lee Emory, Mrs Cora Emory Blaine Emory, Mrs. Amy Emory, Lott Carter, Pearl Patterson, Frank Grindstaff, Bessie Gibbs, Mr. Steven Hettie (Peterson. Bill Bryant and Mrs. B'il Bryant. The Cole string band made music. U S. Marine Reports 32 VancanciesF Thirty two vacancies for the U. S- Marine Conps will be filled at the Marine Recruiting Station, Savan nah, Ga., during the month of Aug., it was, aanenncad. by Captain A. C. SntalL tb affiear ia cbargav There ac.altai vaaeaaeiee foe ismaictana who r ejjatiied, to pl aitaardrtua or tswne fjhr aaB taenaaa- tU utatnitt and, trumpetara, it wf ai.nniiawd, , THa- iatiaaffn, afflaa eanaatna tawraasrtt ftaan, trMwit ta Cara- iinas. Southeast Seorg'a and Florida, and is the only office where applicants in these states are exam ined. Full information and appli cation wil be furnished upon re- ouest to young men desiring service in the Marine Corps, Captain Small stated. A. C. SMALL Capaia U. S Marin Corp. CHARLES BURGIN OF HOT SPRINGS HAS STROKE News hat reached Marshall that Mr. Charles Burgin, of Hot Springs, suf ?Vred a stroke last week and is confined to Au's home. Hit many friends regret to learn this and trust he will soon be out again. ' Ewing Millsaps, . county agent of Randolph County, is explaining ther. pew farm program by holding com-" ' munKy meetings with fanners everjrTi ,. night sister Mrt Millard Roberta of , Jupiter was the joint fastest. . very 'enlightening and teterastlrfv caper was read bv Mrs. H. L. Story, the tubject r4 which was "Educat ing the Immigrant'' : .' .-.-" 4 i if- nr.' i4. 1 hi 1

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