EIG HTH PAGE THE NEWS-RECORD W. F. RUSSELL Pre. & Gen. Mgr. HAL B. Sec'y. WALKER St Tre. W. G. VANN Sales Manager B. H. LEMING Book Keeper A. SQUIRES Auctioneer ANDY STEVENS Mgr. No 2 SELL YOUR T With people ToiS who have at heart. A your interest just naturally LOOKS BETTER and LAMTERS WAREHOUSE. SELLS HIGHER :. 1 & 2, at NO INC Mr. N. B. Clark is verv ill the hospital in Asheville. Caney Fork Church In order to raise money to pay on the debt for the new Caney Fork church, which was erected in ;the place of the old one that was destroyed bv the wind storm, the Ladies Missionary Society has mad: a quilt, which has been a great success. The following ladies were active in thiswork: Mrs. Betty Graham, Mrs. Ibbie Ball Ross, Mrs. J B. Roberts, Mrs. B. J. Ledford, Elva Ball, Louisa Farmer, Mrs. Hannah Dockery, Mrs. Lida Ball, Mrs Tilda Redman, Mrs. Theodore Worley, Miss Hattie Tweed, Zettie Riddle, Mrs. Wayne Roberts, Bealah Meadows, Mrs. James Wilson, Josephine Graham, Sabra Roberts, Mrs. (Richmond Meadows, Nora Dockery and Mrs Bud Banks. The total amount received on the quilt at the present time is $141.70. The quilt has been completed and the women met oji Thanksgiving ta Day and quilted it at the Church. Dinner was served at neon ana -the following- visitors were present: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Redmon and Mrs. Evelyn Wilson from Craggy. The quilt will be sold to the highest ' bidder at the church Dec. 19. 1936- We wish to thank every one who has contributed to the good cau",e. GREENEVILLE, TENN. For the convenience of our many North Carolina friends and customers, we have increased the floor space of PLANTERS No. 2 where tobacco is selling high. It's always higher at mm w at j v i Nos. 1 & 2 ASK THOSE WHO SELL WITH US P i r i ii i i i i i i i i i i i I II I llll llll II II llll llll II.W II Try CARDUI For Functional Monthly Pains Women from the teen age to the change of life have found Cardul genuinely helpful for the relief of functional monthly pains due to lack of Just the right strength from the food they eat. Mrs. Crit Haynes, of Essex, Mo., writes: "I used Cardul when a girl for crumps :r.id found it very beneficial. I have recently taken Cardul during the change of life. I ms very ner Tous, hud head and back pains and was In generally run-down condition. Cardul has helped me grrutly." Thousands of women testify Cardul bene flted them. If It does not benefit YOU. consult a physician NOTICE FOSTER CREEK (Too lste for last issue) Mr. Fred Peek returned to his home here Saturday night from Fredericksburg, Va., where he has spent several weeks. Miss Zora Shelton is convalescing from a tonsil operation last Mon- ' ' day Mrs. Burnie Bnggs has been very ill but seems very much im proved at the present time. Mrs. Fred Peek, who has been very sick, is much better now. Mr. J- G. Johnson and family at tended the funeral of his at Johnson City, Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Boyd Fender, I flO "AFTER A SLASHING SET-TO on the ice, y I head for Camels," says Phil LaBatte, ?( 5 hockey star. "I smoke Camels for diges- 1 1 -tl ! ! tion's sake for that cheery 'lift,'" .jj - i MRS. C SICKLES, a busy mother, says: SgSSSf "What a pleasant help Camels are to i I iOU good digestion! They set me right!" COSTLIER TOBACCOS . -TT.ri, .i ii ii mil inn urn mil mi IUI HU imflM JUWlllLBIOIllI I Flag Pond, were on Foster last homefolks The school children have finish ed their basket ball court and are having great fun. Mrs. Cas Fender and children spent Sunday with Miss Eula Buck- nwther ner at her home on Upper Laurel. Mrs. A. A. Cap,ps is very ill I i this writing. Misses Nina IMIagee 'and Ora Fender spent last week-end with : SPRING CREEK y Mrs. uurge meaaows ana NOTICE QSSBMl IMPROVED SCHEDULES Commencing December. 6th, 1936 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Beginning December 6th, new trains, 131 and 138, will be inaugurated between Salisbury and Washington, handling in ad diSoi to Asheville-Washington, Asheville-New York and Ashe-ville-Raleigh sleeping, cars: - 1 THROUGH COACHES BETWEEN ASHEVILLE AND WASHINGTON; schedule being las follows; - t . no- vorfc Ar 11:45 am jC ;ou lis ' " - . . a .no nn, I PhiladelnhiA. 7:45 pm Lr Washington 1- ' - n.e - At. AakjwvillA . . " la T ...v , . A - ; ,w . -: ;v r. V ' Thii improved service wffl enablo V?tm tojjdtor . -eoaches, to mak. the trg through to J -and New York, with wnly one changei of crWoahingJoiL ; Trte dvmntM of our W fare eo-ch tteMtTw - travel in "safety nd comfort -; : , :y.rt??-.:C' " For further inf ormation, eee yoor,nflft eni or write;,. 9:49 am Ar em Lr 6m9 pm N" .JijgisUnt Generai Pasoenger Aft. NORTH CAROLINA, MADISON COUNTY. In the Superior Court MADISON COUNTY, vs. No. 1840 Jonah Massey & wife, Mrs. Jonah IM'assey. No. 1887 E. B McMurty & wife, Mrs. E. B. McMurty. No 1835 Mrs. Katherine Robinson and husband. No. 1838 R. Y. Caldwell & wife, Mrs. R. Y. Caldwell. No. 1897 Mrs Emily Rector. No. 1695 W. H. Shelton & wife, Mrs. W. H. Shelton. !No. 1722 IRoscoe Coffee & wife, Mrs Roscoe Coffee. No. 1866 D. C. Flemming & wife, Mrs. D. C. Flemming. No. 1876 M. C Kingston & wife, Mt-8. M. C. Kingston. No. 1881 Limbrook Lime Co. No. 1883 F H. Lance & wife, Mrs. F. H. Lance. No. 1926 Henry Snelson & wife, Mrs. Henry Snelson. No. 1916 J D. Wadkins & wife, Mrs. J. D. Wadkins. No. 1919 St. Dunston Realty Co. No. 1997 H A. Graves & wifs, Mrs. H. A. Graves. No. 2027 Mrs. L. D. Buckner & husbend, L D. Buckner. No. 2t45 Mrs. R. B. Ponder & husband, R. B. Ponder. No. 2046 Nancy Parker & hus band, Parker. No 2060 W. F. Layd & wife, Mrs. W. F. Loyd. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as. above has been ' commenced: in. the- Superior Curt of Madison County, North Carolina to . fore close 1934 delinquent rax sales certificates to collect said delinquent taxes dae on property owned by said defendants, and the said defen dants will take .notice that they are required;, and each ot them Is) re quired to appear at the office of !the Clerk .of Superior Court for said County and State thirty days after the 30th day of December' 1936 and answer or denrar to saidyeemprainW in said acton ur'tno plaintiff will ap- NOTICE OF SALE LYDIA SHELTON vs. BROYATE SHELTON l tPursuant to the order of the Court at the October Term of the Superior Court of Madison County in the above-entitled cause, the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 16th day of December, 1936, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the Court house Door in Madison County, North Carolina, offer for sale ti the highest bidder for cash that certain tract or tracts of land lying and being- in No. 2 Township, Madi- . son Cuunty, North Carolina, on the 'waters of Shelton Laurel, and 'bounded and more particularly des cribed as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING on a stake on the bank of creek, corn ier of lot No. 1, and runs down with tne meanuers oi creek soutn bu West 8 poles 16 links to a large rock on the bank of the creek; thence South 26 ipoles 24 links to & white pine on side of the creek from Noah Shelton line; thence South 32 East 48 poles to a stake in Matilda Shel ton line; thence with said line North 42 East 18 poles to a stake in L. L. Chandley's line; thence with said line North 45 west 2 poles to a , stake in the swamp; thence North 66 East 4 poles to a corner of lot No. 1 ; thence with said line North 28 West 46 poles to the beginning, w .containing eight acres more or less. ISECOND TRACT: BEGINNING 1 1 on a white pine on bank of state (highway near the Bill Shelton house i . i i . i . jjmcc; iiieute up nu Willi ine top of the ridge as follows: North 44 V4 West 4 poles 11 links to a white pine; thence Nvrth 26 V4 West 6 poles 16 links to a white pine on top of ridge; thence North 26 West 11 Funeral Of Andy Adolphus Hipps Funeral services were conducted at the Flats of Spring Creek Bap tist church, Saturday morning 'at 11:00 o'clock for Andy Adolphus Hipps, well known farmer of the Freezeland sect km of Madison county, who died in an Asheville hospital, Fridfay morning. While Mr. Hipps had been in poor health for more than' a year, his condition was not known to be serious and his sudden death came as a great surprise and shock to his wide circle of relatives and friends. He was a member of one of the most prominent and widely known families in the Spring Creek sec tion, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mont Hipps. He is survived by his widow, three srns, Jeter Hipps, of Turkey Creek, and two younger sons, and by four brothers, Clcvtland, of Spring Creek, Mitch ell, of Little Rock, Ark-, Lieut. Ferdie L- Hipp?, chaplain, CCC (tnip. Cape Hatteias, N. C., and Lee. of Los Angeles, and fix sisters Mis V. M. Oogdill, and Mrs. Gar field Miller, of Canton, Mrs. Quince Bhinkenship, of Spring Creek, Mrs. B. A- Parham, of Ravcnsford, Mrs. Cenie Green, of Lenoir City, Tenn and Mrs. Renie Clark, of Suuth Hominy. Interment was in the Baptist cemetery, Spring Creek. NOTICE Miss i Constfance Fitzgerald were joint hostesses to the Sewing Circle on Thursday night. After a pleasant hour of sewing, coffee and sand wiches were served. The next poles 7 links to a stake; thence North meeting will be held at the home of J 16 East 9 poles 7 links to a stake; Mrs. Floyd Askew. J thence North 12 West 26 pole8 t0 a The characters for the Junior ,red oak on ridge; then North 12 play, "A Country Cinderella", a 3 ' West 7 poles to a locust; thence Charles George, have act play by Charles George, been announced. The date of pre senilation will be announced later. Rosie Green, Lillian Russell; Sophie Green, her mother, Iona Davis; Ezra Green, her father, Gar land Russell; Henry Brown, from the country, Craig Kirkpatrick; Archibald Gole, an English dancing teacher, Harly Gunter; Dora Grey, his fiancee, Faye 'F'lemmions; Evelyn Gabrille, a wealthy orphan, Ella Trantham; Gerald Banksons; Charles Kirkpatrick; Madam Tou- lce, a French modiste, Lucille Plem- mons; James, a butler, Kenneth G-owan, Felce, a maid, Agnes Pack-ett. Mr. and Mrs. T- P. Burgess spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Sum- merton, S. C. Mrs Lewis Tweed and Miss Constance Fitzgerald were guests of Miss Emma Logan on Thanks giving day. ply to the eourt f or the, rsuef.Uler.lr iwdr!tI!2aldMtlsiB 1 bia' tne 30th noY.oToiBJia r--t;J-.nA"VlJL ME ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as' Administra trix of the estate of Collin Cook, late of Madison County, this is tn notify all persons having claims against the estate to present them to the undersigned at her home west of Hot Springs within a period of one year, otherwise this notice will be. pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make prompt settle-, ment This the 26th day of Oct., 1936 - NOVA COOK Admiaistratrfa of the estate ,of Collia Cook. :- - - vvv; 0. 29N. 5. 12. 19. 26. D. 8, North 88 West 5 poles tw a chestnut tree on ridge; thence North 56 West 7 poles to a dogwood; thence North 85 West 14 poles to an oak on the ridge; thence South 89 West 3 poles 15 links to a black gum on the ridge, Broyett's corner; thence with Broyette line South 40 East 17 poles to a rock on ridge; thence South 20 West 11 ipoles 10 links to a white pine; thence South 15 We3t 13 poles to a dogwood in the gap; thence South 4 West 9 poles 15 links to a white pine on the ridge; thence South 60 East 46 poles to the white pine the Beginning, containing 14 acres more or less. The deed is recorded in Deed Book No. 40 !at Page 211 to which reference is hereby made. This the 16th day of Nov. 1936. J- M. BALEY, JR., Coi N. 19, 26, D. 3, 10. NORTH CAROLINA. MADISON COUNTY. In the Superior Court MADISON COUNTY, vs. No 1877-Ollie Kerley & husband No. 1870-Gaskill Construction Co. No. 1631-Mrs. Ella Johnson & husband No. 1602-Grant Reed bnd wife Mrs. Grant Reed. No. 1620-Miss Neta Gahagan No. 1637-Mrs. E. R. Randall & E. R. Randall No 1625-J. F. Garrison & wife Mrs. J. F. Garrison No. 1646-Hobart Thomas & wife JMrs. Hobart Thomas No. 1856-W. T. Collins & wife Mrs. W. T. Collins No. 1676-G. H. Gosnell & wife Mrs. G. H. Gosnell No. 1688-Crit Shelton & wife Mrs. Crit Shelton No. 1683-Mrs. Dora Ray & husband No. 1689-rCotatney Shelton & Mrs. Coatney Shelton No. 1730-John Keith & wife Mrs. John Keith No. 1744-R K. Buckner & wife Mrs. R. K. Buckner No. 1757-Mrs. G. B. Gardner & G. IB. Gardner No. 1706-Will Cook .- No. 1763-Nellie Horton & husband No. 180'6-Mrs. Jane Teairue & husband No 1818-W. J. Ramsey & wife Mrs. W. J. Ramsey No. 1983 Sol Shelton & wife Mrs. Sol Shelton No. 1980-J. C. Rice & wif Mrs. J. C. Rice No. 184 7-S. K. Brown & wif Mrs. S. K Brown No. 1916-Chas. F. Wood & wife IMirs. Chas. F. Wood No. 1920-F. D. M. Strenchen No. 1961-Nina Sams & husband The defendants above named and designated by ctese number, will take notice that an action entitled above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Madison County to foreclose 1934 tax sales certifi cates to collect taxes due plaintiff for said 1934 delinquent taxes due, and the said defendants will further take notice th'at they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said County and State at the Court house in Town of Marshall, N. C, thirty days after the 24th day of December 1936, and answer 0r demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will fepply to the codrt for the relief demanded in the said com plaint This th g" dav of Nov 1936. J. HUBERT DAVIS Clark Superior Court. N. 26, D. 3, 10, 17. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE , Eavinff qualified as admnistra tor of the estate of Annie Reems, late of . Madison ' County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having' claims against the said estate to pre sent the same to the undersigned at Marshall, N, C, R. 1, within twelve monthsr-from this date r this notice will ,he pleadecLjn, btar of, the yoeW ery. "A4f persons owing said estate will please make ..immediate payment WZ. ,i jeigned r.-iz.--.-J--- This Mrrr.ir -lfi- 4M4at. Asnie-heemsr LOW COACH FARES K VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ' From Asheville, N. C. ; Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. . Philadelphia, Pa. New York , Boston, Mass. . :. Cincinnati, Ohio.' i Columbus, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohiol Detroit, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind. Chicago, I1L Pittsburg, Pa. i Buffalo, N, Y. , r 7.13 9.33 9.88 11.62 17.18 6.43 8.78. 11.53 11.68 8.C3 12.18 12.62 15.23 V.dSS' point. In the i n I J I I IT I 'r.. IfTl llll. A W. . . . DlBrmr a WV. IX..n I - -UIVIUT I fi; -FT IK KOOMY" COACHES. ..jJirvAW'rff J:Jil. I III MH ! Iim hi Mil -' Tk6L '-It ' -. wt A 1 ,- .1 .1 I t J , m. J - r .,. ,-AMistMit General Passenger Agent; 3 1 1 1 W N. 19, 26, D. S, 10, 17, 24. : 3. 10, 17, 24 , - : , Clark SprW Cert " - . v