!;1 rn 1CGC0J - - . VOL. 35 10 Pages MARSHALL, N.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1936 PRICE $1.00 A YEAH MARSHALL HIGH RED TORNADO HAS VERY SUCCESSFUL SEASON WINS S: LOSES 2. AND TIES 1 DURING YEAR TJnder the handicap of playing most of its frames on the opponents' fields, the Marshall high school Red Tornado football team played a very successful season. With a line that 'averaged 'only 155 pounds, and a backfield of approximately 159 pounds, the Tornado was light ern Carolina H. S. football, this 130 pound flafcikman was perhaps the fastest man on the line, cover ing his kicker's punts well. Taking a Walnut kick-off on his own 15. he scampered 85 yards for a touch down in one of the seasons high spots. ODELL ROBINSON Odell Robinson, tackle, played a Smashing type of game in the line, w e cumpareu w in mosi iuk" , , - ,.,, , , , ..... school elevens in Western North a"d defense- WlU be b'lck nckt 5ur' Carolina Another handiean the J CLARENCE REDMON, JR. Nort '.hi coached men experienced Spilling the interference on op was lack of substitutes, with most posing plays over center, anil visd. of the yames played with only ,'! oiling the ; nemy backlield regularly, 4 extra men on the bench, anil these j made this young man, a guard, a mi xpenenc. d. power in the line. Clarence, a In the county Marshall was un-' Senior, will be missed next year, beaten. For the first time in the c.. L. NIX history of county high school foot- A preat center, reminding the fans bull, Marshall defeated the strong ,f "Husky." form r Tornado, now COMMISSIONERS ORDER SLASH I J AUDITOR'S DAYS AND SALARY MR. RAMSEY, LOCAL LAWYER, WRITES ABOUT SALE OF BEER AND WINES MADISON SHOW VARIOUS CHAIRMEN RE-ELECT REED AND RAISElSALARY OF TAX COLLECTOR Compares Present with, Disnensarv Days SUCCESSFUL EDITOR OF NEWS-RECORD; ! It has been my privilege and 'pleasure to live in Marshall for the NAMES OF PRIZE WINNERS ln-t 2 7 years and I have seen many eh'aiiges during that period of time. I Over 500 farmers, their wive-, I im almost impassable streets , and children attended the first Farm during the winter months, we now ind H me Show attempt'- d at Ma'- Law go '1 urtaced ways of travel Reed Replies To Letter From Commissioners Mars Hill high Wildcats - the first time Mars Hill was ever beaten on the grid by ia Madison County foe. Mars Hill had beaten such strong teams as Canton, Hendersonville, Waynesville, and Tryon-Saluda, and others, including Walnut in the playing with Catawba His tackling was said to be some of the most sav'age on the team. Backed up the line well on defense. Back next year. FRANK FISHER Frank Fisher, guard, is another hi S ,i Sen who played a good steady and Marshall was the only team m t hj t f th ,1Jts this Mars Hill's schedule which was able to score two touchdowns against them, beating the Hill toppers 12-0. They also beat Wal nut 27-12. GEORGE "CY" WILSON Cy, a giant tackle, one of the fast est men on the squad, going down Marshall kscs 6 first stringers i well under punts, is another gre it this year, Ibut still has bright pras- player who will be welcomed back pects of an even better team next next year. ye"1-- TROY HAYNIE GAMES PLAYED and SCORES Gai"s mak: ar,0,un(1 Tl''s . 011,1 mi All Qt 'were i w- nn anie pass receiver, i.- All-Mars 0 un(j ve,.satilc enough to be used i'l Brevard 0 thp backfield when needed, this Spruce Fine 0 :,. ...ni a, ..., ati., mj,s, m,v! C. All-Stvs 0 I .. " Walnut 12 High School G High School 20 High School 0 High School 7 High Sch.ol 27 High School 12 High School 6 High School 0 Mars Hill 0 Canton 13 Waynesville COY HAYNIE Coy, playing in the backfield, line or anywhere, and playing it well will try to carry on next year for his departing brother. Looks good as a prospect for fullback next year. Here's luck to you. HUBERT CANDLER Hubert was a steady player this f&& in h line, Jbotv tackle or guard Was ia n-X tackier, and S?? Un the "ne in fine fashion. Of i Iast enougn for the backtteld. ' the team's 87 points scored this l'"1? of luck t0 vou next year season. Tweed made 43 A Senior ' otner men who are likely prospects this year, his presence in the back-: m'xt ycar are'D. Redmon, V. and field will be missed next vear He ' W. Rector, McLean and H. Worley. "CHUBBY" TWEED Robert "Chubby" Tweed, Jr., full back, weighing 175, led the attack on rushing, ripping to shreds the opposing lines, tile was , dre'aded ... feUPWfe at 4te--tems" .they; 'playeL. On defense, he was a power, back- year. The long standing fight between Madison Ufpublieain and Democrats was renewed Monday when the Commission ers ordered the Auditor'sdays of service cut to e:ght days a month instead full time $nd a proportionate cut in salary. After being notified in Waiting to that effect, Auditor Reed submits his reply. Both Communications are printed below together with a copy of the proceedings Monday of the chair men of the various commissions, of which Mr. Carl Stuart was elected chairman- M'arshall, North Carolina December 8th, 1930. Mr. H. L. Story, News-R: cord, Marshall, N. C. Dear Mr. Story: 1 Will you please print the attached official record from Mr. Farmer and my reply to same. i L. C. REED BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MADISON COUNTY MARSHALL, N- C. December 7th, l'J.'JG Mr. L. C. Reed, Auditor Madison County, Marshall, N. C. Dear Mr. Reed: You are hereby notified that the 10th order of th Commissioners is as follows ,:(! th:.s is al.-o true in many sec oa,, of .ur roui'ty. I have seen of im- fiMne -tsuctui'es along u r tri'ii-- !. 1 n i n by substantial ';!; bu'bliivr.. Wlu-n I first came o .M ir n it w;i- i.uly tlie "horse ii I li.i;;i'y da -" iibiui which wa law In', iii much in the past months Hid th.-j uviv ir i -o l.iU either. In from many ways we might be better off ; (- if they .-till remained with us, but ,ay-, manner-, and things have eh'.mged. There were no automo biles traveling our streets and roads when I came to our little town. It took a longer time to "go places" then but we almost always managed to get there and enjoyed the extra hours on the way, especially if one could drive with one hand or with the lines held between the knees I do not know much about Mar- Earl Coates won first in the i shall during the days of the open Junior corn judging contest; Bob ! saloon, was not here much then. Bryan second; Latretle Woody Occasionally we were permitted to third; and Adolphus Bryan fourth, put on our best and take a trip to Warren Rector won first in the 4-H town to see the sights. I do remem corn exhibit. ber the days of the Dispensary, WINNERS AT SHOW ; being Mayor of Marshall during The following list of exhibits won that 1 ilne' alld drinking and dis- orizes at the show. 1 he list lollows: 1 wa- picny uu men Burley To'bacco shall this past Saturday, December f. .Mi. re than l()o exhibits were en tered. Two single live at ho:', farm exhibit- hod more than li'O ciifrics I'roni the 1'irn: and h nie. Th.-re was a good di play of hand ed barley tob,,ci ... Ii !! corn. i'W. butU r, and lesped. za beside- mall" miscellane us exhi! its. A spec al ili-plav of giinni'jits mad triple-superpho -phaie sacks was ex hibited. The firms donatoig prize money, other cofitribations and the superintendents in charge had much to do with the success of this show. The main purpose of this event is to show farmers the importance of selecting farm seeds, and living at home the year around. 4-H WINNERS First: J. L. Price Second.- (ieorge Smith Third: J. B. Mel)' vitt Fourth: Shufijrd Smith fifth; A. E. Worley Field Corn (White) First: C. 11. Reeves Board of County Second: Warren Rector 1 Third: J. E. Carter . Il .uever, we have had to wait for rn me selling' oi beer and wines to see l()th: That it is ordered that L- C. Reed, or his successor County Auditor, i fourth: A. iv Worley .. .. . be and is hereby limited to not exceed 8 (eight) days per month, unljss the Fifth: W. L. Worley need for nu re work is eminent in which event he will be notified by the Field Corn (Yellow) Board of Countv Commissioners and the Board hereby directs the Clerk i First: J. I). Wallin of its Board to notify J,he said acting auditor, of the action of this Board. Second: J. B. Wallin Lespedeza -iSWtsy our., very truly. Sifcned) WM. V. FARMER Chairman, Board of Commissibtiers averaged 5 yards for carried the Ib'all, was one of best blockers on the squad, and was a hard tackier. ONNIE ROBINSON Another Senior, an expert pass er, an able pass receiver, and fierce blocker, and one of the best 'broken field runners in Western North Carolina high school circles, Onnie Robinson will be hard t0 re place. Specializing in interception of enemy passes and trotting mer rily through their secondary, he was respected by all passers he played against. "RED" WORLEY Truly one of the best punters ever to play .for the locals, W. H "Red'' Worley, Jr., is another play er who sang his swan song in the Waynesville game. Playing most of ine lime in the 8 games, Worley ' tall white candelabra. aaueu to punt out of danger only A tri0 composed of Misses Sarah one time, which is quite creditable Woody, Burnsville; Paulne H'art lor any high school kicker. Another zell, Brevard; Lucille Smith Stony gooa DiocKer, and a really fine 'Point: will sine. "No Candle Was randleli&ht Service A Mars Hill Next Sunday Night MARS HILL, DEC. 7. (Special) The Mars Hill college Glee club, composed of 55 voices, will present ia Candlelight service in the col lege church, Sunday evening, De cember 13. The service will begin with a processional of the glee club, enter ing down the left aisle of the church singing "Oh Come, Oh Come, Im manuel,'' an 8th century Gregorian melody, entering the choir loft, Marshall, North Carolina, December 8th, lDlid Mr. Win. V. Farmer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners, Marshall, N. C My Dear Mr. Farmer: I am receipt of your letter dated December 7th, giving order No. 10 of your Board, may I remind you that I received a similar order land letter from your Board about a vear and' a half agj and ignored it. May I further L inform you that 90 of my duties are set out by SCate Wide Laws, and that I expect to fulfill the duties of County Auditor and County Account ant without any dictation from you, or from your Bolard. I will promise you that I will co-operate fully with you when the interest of Madison County is concerned, and I believe I can truthfully say that I had to beg and plelad with you in the past to do so. May I ask who is your legal advisor, or advisors? In this action let's get to plain facts: If you have the power to cut my salary to eight days per month, you surely have the power to cut it to one day per month, why not cut it to one day per month and slave more money? I am, as the State Laws require, still under a Five Thousand Dollar ($5000.00) Bond for the performance of the duties of my office, surely,. Mr. Farmer, if you cut my job to eight days per month, you know you can cut it to one day per month. May I, in all fairness, ask you if you lare assuming the powers of a HITLER, why is it necessary that I be under bond? Why 2.(10 drunken women on the streets during r,o the day time. I had hoped things 00 of this kind would not happen to us, .50 wnt'n a majority of Madison's citi zens were opposed to the sale of in 2 qo ' toxicants of any kind or form. It i Y,n appears that conditions of the kind jum anove reierreu to are as Dad now as they were during the days r.f lllf. ,ll,nI,vltn,r , ILL. .1 With the coming of automobiles, ft is un.-aie to oe on the highways, ?al mosi any place or any time. Y03 f (J ma,y be oer -yourself WWiP''' not knOW ahnilt thp follnn, nw,tr f Coats $1.00 around the curve iust ahead nf tortV 1.0b . .50 $2.00 1.50 'In i whom yu must meet and maybe) .50 .25 pass. runner, especially around ends. WAYNE BRADBURN The only one of the quartet mak ing up the local regular backfield, I by Gruber-Metzell with echo choir who will be back next year, Wayne I effect. A prayer closes the initial Bdlburn, passer extraordinary,-' part of the service. pas receiver and ; a fitte broken; The service continues with the field rune; proved his j right to .s uuience singing various Christmas quarterback rani call the Tornado hymns, and is concluded with plays, by calling plays which gainr nuwjbars by the glee clufc dipicting ed yardage time- after time,. Coal sceaes- of the Christmas stoi'y in under fire, and ever dangerous five, parts; Answnciation, ShiPherds, once, he paass,d,the scrimattwe line, , Manger, Adoration of Sh'-Bheid. T 1 1 .. . j. . l . .1 . r Diimuuin was u c jttH.nim . inreai miu wki. xne iiritu numof o the full choral group wiU be a Russian folk song from White Russia, "Carrol of the 'Russian Children." Miss Frances Ward, Robersonville, will read "A Candle" by Grace N. Crowell, bringing the service to a close. During the evening a string en semble will give two numbers, and will accompany the glee club. Miss Zula E Coon, head of the Mars Hill voice department, is di rector of the glee club; Miss Martha Biggers, head of the music depart ment, is accompanist, and Mrs which will be decoated in white and green,, flanked on either side by j don't you go further and limit the Sheriff, Clerk of Court, and Register of Deeds to eight days per month? Kindly convey to the other members of your Board that I am still working the number of days I deem necessary, land that I consider that your Board has no Jurisdiction in the matter, and further that if I am not paid when others are paid, that I still have the courts of North Carolina to appeal to, I lam not afraid of theiri verdicts. You seem to delight in playing games and writing letters, when you feel the urge to play games and imagine things come on up to my offic" we will play marbles -- play 'Whoopee-Hide' and1 relieve the strain. Cordially Yours, L, C. REED County Auditor There and No Fire," Lehmann, to be followed by the full glee club singing "Silent Night," arranged First: L- C. Second: J. L. Price Third: Emmet Davis Fourth: A. E. Worlev Best Display of Farm Seeds 1 would like to see our county (home grown) commissioners, and I think it is First: J. E. Carter $2.00 within their powers to do so, place Second: Mrs- Z. V. Amnions 1.00 'some restrictions on the places where Third: Wade Ponder .50 !bet'1' and wine are to be sold, bv Farm Butter jfil'st making a thorough investiga- First: Mrs. Shuford Smith - $1.00 j!10n of. the Party to whom the Second: Mrs. Sallie Bryan .75 llc.ens ls to be issued, and not per- Third: Miss Edith Silver .50 i mlt. the s'aIe in n"ing stations or in Fourth: Mrs. Bob Teague 25 eatln places or in places whera Hen Ee. (Whitel shooting galleries and such like kinds First- Mrs J I Price $1 nn ?f amusements are to be carried on, fecondf Mrs'" Sallie' Bryan":: T SfT T"8 a"d Third: Mrs. T. A. Woody 60 I k,? ? be,-r and wine stores' Fourth- Mrs J A. Dennis 25 1 by J10 lf Umg 'lcense to sel1 Mrs. j. A. Dennis .5 or beer closer than fiye hundred feet t V (Brow) to any church or Sunday School. First. J. E Carter $1.00 Then let our town commissioners foL TWH m H y R ow the same course by an ordinance Third: Mrs. Homer Bryan .50 regulating the opening and closing Fourth: Van Smith .25 hours, regulating the distance? Single Farm Exhibits where same is sold close to churches, (Lhre at Home) by refusing to permit the sale in First: Mrs. T- A. Woody. $3.00 I eatin? places, filling stations or becond: J. JS. Carter 2.50 , - , ulller amusements are car- 2.00 JOS NIX, Perhaps the lighest end in West- HONOR ROLL -of-The News-Record Beginning with our issue of Oct ober 17, 1935, we are publishing be low the names of people who sub scribe or renew their subscriptions to The News-Record within the last vnnr InrAI naner. fir Mnnu thnip v...v.uiv. whose subscriptions are paid in ad vance are always cn our honor roll. M. E. Fagg, Morristown, Tenn. J. H. Jervis, Stocksville . Edward Mason Ebbs, Norfolk, Va. Leo Kent, Marshall, R-2 W. A. F. Kent, Alexander ' R. C Kirby, Hot Springs " V. L. Church, Wolfe Creek, Tenn. Mrs. W.R. Lamb, Wolfe Creek, Tenn j. T. M- Knox, Morristown, Tenn. Myrtle Meadows, Spring Creek M. P. Pritchard, Marshall Istaae Rice, Marshall, R-2 Lonnie Coetes, Marshall, R-2 Billy Baley, Jjhnon City, .Tenn. W. O. Ray,' Washington, D. C John Fox, Marshall, R-J Will Speak At Red Hill Church Third: Mrs. H. B. Ditmore rourth: Miss Elva Worlev rarmer txhibtting Most Quality Product First: J. E- Carter $1.00 Second: J. L .Price .50 Judging Contest First: Earl Coats Second: Bob Bryan Third: Latrelle Woody Fourth: Adolfhus Bryan Guessing Contest Fir;t: Mrs. Berry Redmon Second: M.J. Ball Third; Wm. V. Farmer 4-H Exhibit Holco;be' troiific First: Troy Bryan Sconu: Jaime's Waliin Third: Hope Tweed White Corn First: Preston Anderson Second Marshall, North Oirolma-. December 7th, 1936 The various commissions of Madison County duly repretwnt.d by their sevei .il chaiimen met on the 'i th. day of Decembtr, 1936 rand the folliw. ing .Actions of orlieers wag had. Appointed: It was moved by W. J. Teague that Carl R. Stuart be elected chair man, and seconded by F. E. Freeman. Motion carried. It was moved by F. E. Freeman that W. J. Teague be elected Secre tary, 'and seconded by C. L. Stamey. Mption carried. L. C. Reed's name was placed beiore the meeting by Opie Wells, that he 'be elected Auditor for two years from date, motion seconded by C. Stamey, said motion carried; L. C. Reed was elected by a unanimous vote of 'all the voters. It having been called to the attention of the members of tht meet ing that J.K. Wilson, was holding over by default, that he should have been elected First Monday in August 1935, and upon the default of same, the members present agreed that J. K. Wilson be allowed to hold office as Tax Collector until First Monday in August, 1937. It was fully discussed by the members present the several officers 1 First KpIIv Wnrlpv of Madison CfJunty: To wit: (Tlerk of Superior Court, Register of Deeds, 1 First: W. L. Georee ried on and reauirine- that th 1.50 yindowf. be kept open, that is free -iiom unnas or snades. It does seem that unless we can have some restrictions placed on or around beer and wine stores, con ditions will o-ro'- wnrsi An-n:T.. not any better. It is my hope that the $1.00 next Legislature -will see the need 'Vn I additional restraints with this . .60 growing business for beer and wine - a starter for the boys and girls, the ones who should be protected 50 iiom such habits. Thirty seven .25 thousands were killed in traffic ac .2o cidents last vear We are told by the daily pacers, and that there s a considerasle increase this year 60 more than one million injured, 05 some of them seri.usiy arj per 25 nianently. A large percentage of the accidents, it was established, 50 UUH" irom uTm'kmg drivers Burgess Brown 25 m u' course an tms was Yellow Pom -""f-" oi oeer ana First: Paige Bryan .50 Mr. K. A. Baney, Farm Agent and leader in the Young People's Division of church service, will speak at Red Hill church next Sun day afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, using a subject concerning a Young Peo ple's Meetinor in the church. A Youhc People's service the Free Will Baptist League was recently organised at this church. Every one is lnvnea to attend this speak ing and all other services. and Sheriff's Office were drawing fees and salaries in approximate of $250 per month, and that J. K. Wilson was drawing Irom the county the sum ox $100.00 for sallary, and that same had been heretofore set at $125.00, but 'ng only paid the sum of $100.00 lafter the discussion of same, it was moved by F. E. Freeman that the salary of J. K. Wilson be the sum of $175.00 per month beginning the first day of January 1937, said motion was seconded by W. J, Teague thtet sum be paid, motion carried unani mous. , Members Present: Lee Ramsey, F. E. Freeman, W. J. Teague, C. L. Stamey, Opie Wells, Carl R. Stuart. It was moved by W. J. Teague that meeting be adjourned, seconded by Lee Ramsey. Motion carried. Signed CARL ft. STUART, Chairman ' . W. J. TEAGUE, Secretary J. O. WELLS F. E. FREEMAN C L. STAMEY LEE RAMSEY A trae Copy: SALLIE BRJGMAN, Notary PtbHe Second: J. D. Wallin .25 Third: Adolphus Bryan .25 Miscellaneous Winners First: Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman, Cheese First: W. L- Worky Peanuts and soybeans. Pumpkin Honey wine, over. but how much? Think it J. COLEMAN RAMSEY First: Adolphus Bryan First: J. C. Robinson - Drawing For Christ m a s Gifts Next Sunday A 1-o i , won 1.0 participate la -"r,!:?Ple! !the Christmas gifts to adorn the Christmas Tree at the Baptist church should be there next Sun- day morning Bt ten o'clock the day set apart for the drawing of names. First: Mrs. Z. V. Ammon Hl , , 'Tef tfte Baptist. spreads. Second: Mrs- Crawford Bryan - Bed spreads. - First: Mrs. R. A. Ramsey Dress Second: Mrs. C. R. Cohn Dress Second: Miss Ora Briggs Shirt Third: Miss Marv Sue Rail rtr. Fourth: Hubert Deal n First: Mrs J. J. Hensley Child's4 uress. First: Mrs. T. j. Reeve 2 So.f Many fanners expressed desire for uch kn event as this another year. The show will, be staged earlier in v the f 1L and a ? bigger premium list be paid winning exhibits. Wolf Creek Po.toffice Serving Madison We learned Monday that mail route from Wolfe Creek,. Tennessee, is serving people in the western end of Madison County who have been heretofore served by Hot Springs or Tennetina. -People living along the highway between Hot Springs and , the Tennessee line can get their mail earlier via Wolfe Creek than by Hot Springs. : , -