you4ovi 8 PAGES MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY MAY 22, 1941 IN MADISON COUNTY AND pR-pp ei CA a VC AD BUNCOMBE county rKItL jlU A I tAR T. N. RAMSEY MURDER CASE IS WALTiUT PEOPLE SERIOUSLY INJURED IN AfTniENT NEAR IIENDERSONVILLE Leicester Man Alto A mong Injured A terrible accident happened near Hendersonville Tuesday morning when three men known in this section were seriously injured by a most unexpected explosion. The account as given in the Asheville Citizen Wed nesday follows: HENDERSONVILLE, Slay 20 Three men were injured, one criti cally, here early Tuesday morning in the explosion of an - asphalt sprayer tank which was mounted on a State Highway and Public Works commis sion truck. The three men are Grady (Ted) Allen, 83, of Walnut; Wayne Davis, 33, of Leicester, and Troy McDevitt, SI, of Walnut. Physicians at Patton Memorial hospital here Tuesday night, held lit tle hope for the recovery of Allen, al though his condition was reported unchanged. - Hospital attaches also reported as unchanged the condition of Divas, whose burns were not considered quite so severe as those suffered by Allen. McDevitt, who suffered turns on the hands, was treated at the hospi tal, but did not remain there. The explosion occurred about 6:45 o'clock at the loading station at the tracks of the Southern railway at Sixth avenue. East The three men, aU, state highway workmen, were engaged in resurfac ing the Henderson villeXJreenville highway, and were loading asphalt mixture into the truck when it ex ploded. The pump car and two trucks were badly damaged. ' I. J. C. WalkerTof Asheville, division highway engineer, and J. C. North cott, road eil supervisor of the 10th district, made an investigation. Mr. Walker said that in iaopinlon the explosion was caused by cold naphtha coming in contact with hot naphtha which created spontaneous combus tion. Mr. Nortlnt-sid, that Allen and Davis r experienced workmen and have been with the highway depart ment for a number of years. . The explosion, which tore the end from the large steel tank on the truck shook near-by houses and tore down telegraph lines running overhead. Approximately one fourth of Al len's akin surface was burned by the asphalt. Davis suffered severe burns, (Carried to last page) DECORATION AT LAUREL BRANCH There will be a decoration at the Laurel Branch cemetery the first Sunday in June, 1941, which will be the first day of June, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. On the Saturday before the people are called upon to meet and clean off the cemetery. Those who have relatives buried there are urged to attend to this matter. PRESENTED BY DOMD-BELL "DAVID cdVpERFIELD" (BY CHARLES DICKENS) GIVEN BY SENIORS 'AT HOT SPRINGS Tne play given by the seniors of the , Borland (Bell school at Hot Springs Tuesday ,aigU was said by those who saw it to have been a do lightful presentation. J?ne . attendant said fit was just darfchg". The cast' was as follows : -W; . " David Copperfield, Jean Roberts; Mrs; Clara Copperfield, Jo Lee Kirk; Peggotty, A Ruth,. Jenkins; .Edward Murdstone Delora V Shelton; Jane Murdstone, Helen Hoppes; ; Wilkins . lfirBwhr. :, Mahal- Lee Cavbif Mrs. Micawber.f Eddie "Runniont 'Xunt Betsy Trotwood, Robena Garrison; Mr. Dick, Effle Tilson; Uriah. Heep, , Anne Fox; Agnes Wkkfield, Iva Til son; Jane,; Ruth Evans; The Strang er.Deslena Stone.- ,j -Y " ' Tie play was presented under the direction of Miss Jane Morrow, : a 'member of the Dorland Bell faculty. HAS PERFECT RECORD Miss Edna Faye Myers, above, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Grover C Myers, of Paint Rock graduated from Hot Springs high school in Madison bounty this year with a perfect attendance record for her en tire school career. Mise.Myera mas a member of tb Beta chib, school honor organiza tion; president of the high school glee club, president of the 4-H club, a member of thai (girls' basketball team, the! Rhodora literary society, thai Human Relations dub. aadj served on the staff of thai school newspaper and school; urtesy Aeheville Citizen-Times Steering - Brake - TireS t RULES OF o THEKOAU o Pistoiu-Gas-Oil PumP See. 128. Motor Vehicle Laws of North Carolina:-,(a The driver of hit vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury or death to any person- shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of euch accident." (b) The driver of any vehicle in volved in an accident resulting in damage to property shall immediate ly stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident." "(c) The driver of any vehicle in volved in any accident resulting in injury or death of any person or damage to property shall also give his name, address, operator's or chauffeur's license number and the registration number of his vehicle to the person struck or the driver or occupants of any vehicle collided with :id shall render to any person in jured in such accident reasonable as sistance including the carrying of such person to a physician or surgeon for medical or surgical treatment if it is apparent that such treatment is necessary or is requested by ti e in jured .person." . Hit and run driving is illegal, in excusable and indefensible. Every driver involved in a motor vehicle accident is required by law to atop, i dentify himself -and render what aid he can to any injured-person. S. S. Conference The S. S. Conference-of the French Broad Association will be held with the Marshall Baptist church the 2nd June at 2 n. m. Some good sr rtrsii win wtm an tjm nriivi miii. uel ' r " JWVUJ vuuw, - - FRED JERVIS, Supt . H AT-OLDBUI4 CREEK, MAY 25 MEMORIAL AND HOMECOMING ' DAY SERVICES . Memorial and-homecoming day ser vices --are U be f held at Old BnU Creek Baptist church Sunday," May 26. " The -' program will -consist ot speed-esi singing, end - other' attrac tions. Come, bring your! casket lunch and enjoy the day, with 'us: Chairman of Program Committee ' ELECTRIC PROPERTY IN ASHE, ALLEGHANY& WATAUGA COUNTIES EXPECTED TO CHANGE HANDS According to George T. Bobbins, Manager of Northwmt nam'lln. mi- lities. Incorporated, with headnua ters at BurnsviUe. his Comnativ entered into an oiue Kiuge Electric Membership Cor-. nmvMini, k ..l. - ia. I r-. vuv Nuiui in systems in Ashe, Alleghany and Watanra Conn- ties to the Co-onerativ If is consummated in accordance with th terms of the agreement, the act ual transfer of the nronerties will take place in July. -The Towns of Blowing Sock. Weat Jefferson, Sparta and Roaring Gap are the largest communities located in tte territory involved in the pro spective, sale. Northwest Carolina Utilities. In corporated, furnishes electric light and power service in Western North Car olina and the property affected bv the contemplated sale comprises only about one-third of the total terri tory served by the Company in North Carolina. The Company will contin ue 10 operate its system in Yancey, Madison, and Mitchell Counties, including the towns of Marsl.aJl, Mars Hill, Burnsville and Bakers- ville, and many of the surrounding industries. Mt. Robbins stated the reason for the contemplated sale of this past of his Company's system vwaa due to the fact that Ashe, Alleghany and Watauga .property was . composed of three isolated systems, which could be operated more economically by being physically interconnected He added that it was too expensive, from an economical operating stand- "GONE WITH THE WIND" TO SHOW HERE NEXT MONDAY AND TUESDAY Greatest Fire Sequence There is a mixture of history and metaphors in the admission, but Hollywood technicians concede today that they almost met their Waterloo on Sherman's march to the sa This occurred in the filming of "Gone with the Wind," filmization of Margaret Mitchell's celebrated novel, which shows Monday and Tuesday, May 2627, on the State screen. The complete, full-length picture will be shown for a limited engagement nothing cut but the price. The technicians wrested victory i the screen version of . . Miss Mitchell's novel, by a trick of sneer reality. They burned a replica or the. Conferedate military base in Atlanta, but not until the problem of stark destruction had almost baf fled them. Of thirty huge sets created from three thousand .sketches, the mont pretentious ; was that of the war stormed cityof Atlanta, where muni tions warehouses were burned by re treating aoldiera-A-:i W i Harold'-. Fenton, construction supc" rintendent reproduced the tcene of Atlanta ;, in .1864 on twenty acres. Warehouses, ; cotton ? gins, - lumber, yards and a Confederate arsenal a' rose from a pattern of steel engrav ings and Civil War photographs. A train of wooden box cars was spotted point, for his Company to intercon nect tne s systems, since -they could serve no additional customers from interconnecting lines between these systems, due to the fact that the Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corpora tion is already serving all the terri tory between the systems, which are about 80 miles apart. On the other hand the Co-operative can very easily inierrconnect these systems with it present system. Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation is an REA Co-operative serving rural territory in Ashe, Alleghany, Caldwell and Watauga Counties, with headquar ters at Lenoir. Mr. Robbins further said it was very expensive to provide electric service for small isolated systems, such as these, and since intercon nection with the balance of the Company's main system was im practical, it was desirable to dispose of these isolated systems. ALL NIGHT WORSHIP Thre will be an all night worship at the Laurel Seminary Baptist Church the first Saturday night in June, 1941. Some of the best speak ers and singers are expected to be present. Everyone js welcome. ' F. W. MORGAN, Pastor M 23 J 6 Ever Shot On Screen on the warehouse tracks. The call went out for 1200 extras and that night a crowd, -estimated by Los An geles police at 10,000 gathered in the Baldwin Hills south of the movie lot Lee. Zavita, special effects techni cian, took over. The group of 86 buildings, most of them three stories in height was- piped with a battery of Spray nozzlesi concealed in the doomed structures. A centrifugal pump connected on three 5000'gallon tanks served' the system. Two tanks contained a . mixture of gasoline and distillate. The third was full of water. Lyle Wleeler, studio art director, wLo .with William Cameron Menzies, designed the set pressed the button that started the electrical ignition. The, pump responded with tremen dous pressure through the atomUfng "fog -norales". Flames sprang up in a down-places, at times to a height of two hundred feet The admission for the showing will be 26c and 40c in tte afternoon,: and 66c to all at night No passes are good, -for this showing. There will be two show daily," at 2:00 p. m. and at 7:00 P. m. : Be sure to get to the theatre in time for one or the other shows.. The picture is approximately: 4 hours long, with an intermission of about 16 minutes,' SET FOR HONORED AT UNIVERSITY MISS HELEN TRENTHAM Miss Trentham, daughter of Prof, and Mrs. S. O. Trentham of Mary Hill, has been named secretary trea surer of the college choir at the Wo man's College of the University of North Carolina. Gut courtesy Asheville Citizen-Time SCORES HIGH IN SPORTS MARS HILL, May 21 (Special) Harold Trentham, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Trentham, of Mars Hill, scored 66 M points in track, this year, ending the season second from top in individual scoring averages. Trentham participated in the shot put high jump, and discus throw, university, 11 points against Emory and Henry, a senior college from Vir ginia. 8 points against Tu senium. 15 points against Brevard, 5 Mi points against Milligan. 11 points in the Southeastern Junior College Confer ence meet held here May 10, and 13 points in a four way meet between Asheville - school, ' Brevard, Blue Ridge, and Mars Hill, May 14. ' Coach Dlckerson's charges won meets and lost 2. The first defeat was suffered at the hands of a powerful Furman university team who defeat ed the Lions 80 H2 to 60 1-2: in the other unsuccessful meet Milligan de feated the Mars Uillians 66 to 63. Mars Hill college scored a total of 541 1C points to 3701-2 points scored against them. HOWARD McDEVITT IN W. C. T. C. PLAY Howard McDevitt. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McDevitt Walnut plays the part of Tony Kirby, the romantic lead in the Moss Hart-George Kauf man comedy, "You Can't Take It With You", being presented by the Western Carolina Players on the campus of Western Carolina Teach ers College, Oullowhee, Thursday evening, May 22, at eight o'clock. This is the fourth major role Mc Devitt has taken in dramatic pro ductions this year. He played the title role in- Tom Sawyer last sum mer; George Gibbs in Our Town; and Andrew Robinson in Stephen Fos ter. 195 FARMERS IN MADISON GET LOANS COLUMBIA, S. C, May 20 In Madison County, 195 farmers se cured land Hank and land bank com missioner loans totaling $20200 for tl e period May 1, 1933 to December 81, 1940, according to a release issued by the Farm Credit Administration of 'Columbia. In 1940, 47 farmers of the county availed themselves of the sl.orttenn credit 'service offered by their pro duction credit association, the amount loaned being f 17,880. , Both national farm loan .associa tion and production credit association are affiliated with the Farm Credit Administration. Land bank and land bank commissioner-loans are made for the purchase or improvment ot farms er for' the refinancing of mortgage indebtedness on farm land. . Product, Ion credit loans are made for the grow ing of crops and livestock, and for almost every purpose for which a far mer needs short-term credit '' zs heir, ctsot rrJ He scored I points against Furman lMwf2'2F JfiSf NEXT WEDNESDAY Forty Criminal Cases On Docket For Next Week According; to the court docket for next week's Superior Court to beheld in Marshall, the case of State vs T. N. Ramsey, charged with the murder of his nephew, the late Mack E. Ram sey, attorney of Marshall, has been set for Wednesday, May 28. A list of the jurors from Buncombe County from which the jury is to be selected was published in this pa per last week. Also a list of the Mad ison County jurors has been published in this paper. Besides the above men tioned case, thirty-nine criminal cases (Continued on last page) TO OPEN ON JULY 3 ROANOKE ISLANDERS PREPARE FOR FIFTH SEASON OF "THE. LOST COLONY" MANTEO, N. C Sponsors of Paul Green's Historical drama "The Lost Colony" o peeing its fifth sea son an the site of the original col ony here, July 8rd, predict its most successful summer as a result of the nation (wide interest created by the recent appearance of feature stories on the famed "Lost colony of Roa noke" in such publications as The Ladies Home Journal and the Sat urday Evening Post In order to make adequate prepa rations for the big season which Roa- everything into shape by July 3rd. He conferred this week with Paul Green, famed Pulitzer dramatist who wrote "The Lost Colony" gratis and solely for presentation here at the Nation's Birthplace, and Samuel Sei den.who won national recognition for his staging and directin of the dra ma since its inception. Prom Walnut t REVIVAL AT FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH A revival is in progress at the Free Will Baptist church at Walnut this week. The pastor, the Rev. B. E. Guthrie, is being assisted in the preaching by the Rev. Sherman Rice. CLEAN-UP DAY AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wednesday afternoon, May 21. was to have been clean-Aip day at the Presbyterian church in Walnut Fveryone's help was appreciated. The girls brought the lunches and a supper was served afterwards, Wendell McDevitt Makes $2000 Bond Wendell W. McDevitt former Marshall postmaster, indicted for "violation of postal laws and regula tions and embezzlement by . post master", made bond : in the sum of $2,000 for his appearance at the No vember term of court for triaL An instanter capias had been issued for him the previous day after the grand jury returned the indictment - VACATION BIBLE UK NT l-0u.lAI,l at Tun Mnneneii .rnnTwnaa -nearer : ' -. ; meeting each afternoon in the Mac- 7; shall High ' School building for the'; past two weeks. We have had a aplen- r of Avar 100. Th Bible school com- v menoement proffram will be held ia 1 - Mut..ll U.S.L.JI.SI AkHeutV CitM in w bid nail neuiuuiuv muim, uMi.,1, oay evening at e:uv ociock. a un ren have been doing will be presented. ,-. Every one is cofdjally invited to at tend this" prmnram.