' . v V J ' ' fa I 1 41 K V'c 3 U . uu 'I i-i ' Si?1"' VOL. 49 NO. 12 8 PAGES MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1950 PRICE $2.50 A YEAR MADISON COUNTY'S I NEWSPAPER I) V FOR 4 9 YEARS JJ At St ELECTION BOARD OVERHAULED IN SURPRISEMOVE EIGHT COUNTIES EFFECTED; CAUSES POLIICAL ', REPERCUSSIONS The State Board of Elections, in a move spearheaded by Chairman Charles M, Britt of Asheville, Satur day overhauled the county election boards in Madison, Buncombe, Hay wood, Avery, Cherokee, Clay, Swain and Graham Counties. The board ignored the recommen dations of state Democratic Chairman Everett Jordan and the Democratic Executive Committees in these eight western counties and also the Re publican recommendations in Hay wood and Swain Counties. Its action is certain to cause seri ous political repercussions in top Democratic circles. Reports reach ing Raleigh Saturday indicated some of the counties may resort to man damus proceedings to force the board to follow the state chairmen's rec ommendations. Attorney-General Harry McMullan lias ruled that the board is required by law to select the county board from persons recommended by the ! atate chairmen of thev Democratic and Republican parties. In Madison, the State Board pick ed two new Democratic members but named tie top choice of the Repub licans, Craig L. Rudisffl, Marshall. Brown Amnions, z Mars Hill, and Dewey Wallin, Marshall, route three, itemed V the Democratic members.. vTh Madison County Democratic' Ex Vxcutive . Committee' ha recommeiid 'VI Judaon Edwards,. Mars HjllrAyK. - cf "Walnut, and HUHard Teagu ' -1; The old board, is om : len Reems, Byard Raj a Y. Farmer... " rVVM" "czti Republican To Licet At Spring v Creek On Friday ::FIUi SHOWING ATOMIC BOMB s TQ BE SHOWN; ALL COUNTY -: ' CANDIDATES INVITED l VA ftee show featuring the Atomic '' Bomb will be presented at Spring T f Creek High School Friday night at 7:80 -o'clock. "This film is being brought to Spring Creek by the Young -Republicans of Madison county who ' open' with the atomic Mast the first ' in a series of precinct meetings to V be held in the county," C. N. Willis, -' " Sr.," chairman of the Young Repub licans of, this county, stated. '' The public is invited to. attend this meeting. It is expected that R. Spencer Rice, - candidate for representative of Mad ison County, and A. W. Whitehurst, candidate for Congress, will be pres ent j , , Jim Cox, chairman of the Repub lican Executive Committee of Mad ison County, his indicated his inten sion of being present to assist the Young Republicans. , - All candidates for public offices are invited ' -.d Dog Quarantine I low In Effect .JoaCoxTcounty sanitarian, an- "ced this ; week ' Wat an eign , .rnntlne was now in effect tain areas of the county. No i ave been placed in these areas t residents can tell where the ine is effective, v .. ' ' -js in these" areas mnst & I pt np except wbea led by I'r. Cox explained.- ' - 1 dog has already Wtten s and a cow i All these e been WUed, 'according stion of ' everyone i.ls -,t further damage. " t of dog owners wbo r animals vaccinated i that if the owners ' ' e animals in one l e tfad to vaecV- SEEKS SEAT IN CONGRESS A. W. WHITEHURST Mf Whitehurst. of Mar shall, who was selected by the executive committee appointed . k iweent 11th concression- al district convention in Ruth- erf ordton as the nominee for the 11th congressional seat. Whitehurst is executive vice president of the Citizens Bank of Marshall, a trustee of Mars Hill College and has extensive business and agricultural con nections. Farm Bureau Meeting Saturday Night, March 25 According to an announcement of Farm Bureau officials, an-important meeting of all Farm Bureau jnembers wlU be held In Marshall High p$f on Sarwdy fcht Ma5fi , . . .x .. i . .a. 'ft iOfY . anil Jill r. dmmii ' momhoTa are ursred to Lot. . effort to attend this meet, rfiiui - " . . , jevciui iujiuw i- ters are to. be, discussed nd Mf. George : Farthing, Field' Representa tive of the N. CvFarm' Bureau, will discuss several Items of interest to all farmers. String music will be furnished and an excellent program has been ar ranged. Largest Paper Ever Published In WNC Next Sunday MANY PAGES WITH EVERY W. N. C. COUNTY REPRESENTED t u,,r.n,.p of its 80th anniver- 111 " L.,,, The Asheville Citizen on ouu- ,sary, ine Asnevn. day, T7ZrZ emZ ever est and dt"?. 5 r ZZ Zi hundreds of In many stones ana nunar u P!CtUre8' itioTi" 11 the sto y niversary Edition , will tell the y rd en. that, it wu. - couragmg lJ velopment rtvT this mountain re- Every county in this glon will come xor - mi. ftT, ilAalinir with the anni- ino - i4.i. e,-sarv will be in ten sections, wiui outstanding stories and pictures teu- JS great detail not only the sig - ing in gre' fcn.nJnterest nificant, oui -- miicani, duv n this beautiful moun- n country tbajf has, to 0 vears. rown from a relatively . , .j ;.. intn ne of the great: i "loiatea - - nr-ressive areas of the new South. There will also oe unuau-v v-y nres, with etories, of old-time sports ',res in Western North Carolina ,nd the trends in fashion and aocUl Mf-. Practically every pnase will be treated In order to five a iw- -nunded view of western q Mlna in'tbe past 80 years since The Ttiwn was founded in 1870 by Rm oiny Abbott ShotweB.. ' f "The Aahevtll Citiien-Times Com ny, ta reeottnltion of the fact that .t. .ji. uv tf welth of histo- 4el material, wffl be of permanent ference e value, wiu ,im..-" r Vrosends it axtra'eoples. HundredV thw'wilr b onn 'ul1 laced in scnnol. eolleyes and libra- Charter To Be Presented At Civitan Banquet Here Tonight Everything is in readiness for the Civitan Charter Night banquet which will be held at the Presbyterian Church here tonight. The beautiful recreation room of the new church will be ready and the ladies of the church, assisted by others, will serve the dinner, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Over 125 persons are expected to enjoy the occasion when the Charter will be presented to the new Mar shall chib. The following program has been announced : Call to Order Toast master Eugene Benge Song "America" Invocation Rev. A. Ray Howland, Chaplain of Marshall Civitan Club Dinner Presentation of Charter D. W. Lambert, Governor-Elect of N. C. District Installation of Officers G. O. Shepherd, Former Field Secretary, Civitan Interna tional Introduction og Guests Eugene Benge Reading of .Messages Donald M. Cox, Secretary Marshall Club Introduction of Speaker D. W. Lambert Address Harvey S. Strawn, Past-President Civitan In ternational Presentation Earl Ralford, President Asheville Club Civitan Creed Membership John O. Corbett is President ttfjdie Marshall .'dub and. Donald f ika Building Program Plans Corrected On White Rock School In the last issue of the. paper, it was stated that the White Rock School would get three high school J classrooms; this should have been 4 classrooms instead of 3. Original Play Night Enjoyed By Audience . , . , mh.v ncht n the Mar shall school auditorium with plays oresented and written by the high hool students of the county. The auccessful and a not- d improvement was detected over can be secured, all high u esented with a plaque listing name of school and play, date, writer and cast The casts seemed to enjoy presenting the BOrtrayed the individual. manner I , f p. , T 1 Wildlife ClUD l O 1 2 . 1?-S J-i," WiaU Meet Friday Night A very important meeunif ui ladison County WUdlife . Club has een called for Friday nigbt, March U, in the courthouse at Marshall, according to an announcement by V. Holloway, Club President v The meeting witt: begin i at 7:80 nd all club members and other peo ple interested to wildlife conservation re urged to attend this meeting. A ery interesting motion picture ihow the world -series, baseball games between, the Brooklyn Dodgers and He New York Yankees will be shown. -iere will be no admission ' charge nd the public . ia invited to- ttend Ma meeting. - . . The " question f i closing, some of Se streams In the refuge area , will j taken up and the trout stocking rogram for the coming year will be CIVITAN PRESIDENT JOHN P. CORBETT L ARGE CROWD ATTENDS YOUNG REPUBLICANS MEET GROUP" TO BEGIN HOLDING PRECINCT MEETINGS; FIRST , ONS AT SPRING CREEK i The ' Younflr . Renublicans of Mad ison County laid the groundwork for theirs activities and elected officers for the- remainder of the yesr at a meeting to the court house here in 11 Saa Ttinrwiav nivht. One in Mswson;! county listenea intenny to speech es by several dumngxiUhed ReDublicans of the county. James M. Baley, Jr, newly elected " GOP Chairman of North Carolina, voiced his appreciation to the Republicans of this county for their support in his campaign for the state chairman ship. James Cox, chairman of the Republican Executive Committee of Madison County, pledge the Young Republicans the party sup (Continued On Page Eight) Aid In Establishing Spring Pasture Ends Next Week, March 31 As announced in previous news articles, approvals for assistance through the PMA Program in the purchase of seeds for establishing r improving pastures will end Friday, March 81. This means that farmers of the county who are interested in carry ing out this practice on their farms have only one week left in which to make application at the PMA office for assistance on the purchase of pasture seeds. The County PMA Committee in making this final an nouncement concerning approvals on purchase of pasture seeds, said that each year some, farmers wait until 'fter the closing of the practice to nake application thereby losing the ivailable assistance en the practice, and advised all fanners interested to act at once.'-' BULLETIN! The State Boafd of Elec tions exceeded its authority in appointing Coards of Elec-; tJons in eight western coun ties. Attorney General Har -rv McMullan ruled Wednes day. '. McMullars ruling was re leased t o t v Associated Press in T ' It was rnade t i -ft of Charles R. I " , 1 c "rman t " 1 i&rd cf Elective.. COUNTY ROADS TO BE PAVED ARE LISTED Some 680.97 miles of secondary roads will be paved under the first and second phases of the $200,000,000 bond issue program in the 14 coun ties of the Tenth Highway Division, the Highway Commission has an nounced. Commdssioner Dale Thrash of Asheville already has let to contract 182 miles of bond money roads dur ing January and February. Bids will be asked for additional miles in the March letting, rounding out the 264.4 miles which constitute the first phase of the division's paving pro gram. Work will begin later in the spring on an additional 422.55 miles of pav ing in the western counties. Announcement of the individual road selections in the Tenth Division already has been made in 14 coun ty meetings held during the last two months. Commissioner Thrash said that weather conditions and other faem wUZ datarmim how much of this program is finished during the 195o paving season. The Tenth Division has concen trated on its stabilization program during the winter months while plans were being made for the paving pro gram. The $200,000,000 bond issue pro gram will move into high gear all over the state when the paving sea son opens this spring. Roads announced for paving under the first two phases of the Tenth Di vision's program in Madison county are as follows: .FIRST PHASE: US 25 and 70 to Barnard, 1.5 miles; of -pavemeurop ' Waln Heck Creek, 5.20; NC 218 to Old Cen ter school (BuH-Creek),1.7; Mars Hill to US 19 and 23 via Big Branch, 1.1; Paint Fork, Beech Glen School to Waverly, 5.6; Terry's Fork (Ham burg) from Paint Fork, 2.0; total, 19.25 miles. SECOND PHASE: Upper Shut In Creek from US 25 and 70, 3.0 miles; Meadow Fork from NC 209, 6.5; Big Pine From Bar nard, 7.7; Little Pine from Red mond, 5.4; Big Laurel from Belva to Forks Walnut Creek oRad, 8.6; Gun W Town to NC 212, 2.9; Grapevine from Center School, 2.9; East Fork from Center School, 3.1 ; Big Laurel from Grapevine to NC 36, 4.1; Up per Gabriel Creek to NC 213, 1.7; High School to Upper Gabriel Creek, 0.4; total 11.7 mites; grand total, 30.95 miles. Parent' Visitation Day In All Schools Friday On Friday, March 24, all of the parents are requested to visit their school. A program will be given in each school for the benefit of the parents and they will be requested to visit the classrooms in which they have children. This will afford the parents an excellent opportunity to discuss problems involving their child or children with the teacher. The parents are extended a most cordial invitation to visit their schools on riday. Clean-Up, Paint-Up Week To Be Observed All schools are observing Clean-up, "aint-up Week this week. Each year ne week is set aside for this drive, the- purpose, of : this drire is two fold: first, to teach the children th? value and appreciation-of cleanliness " tso, by their having a share in thr D rogram, they will become morV miscloua of the necessity of herplnr A keep the building more attract! v tnd mote sanitary; two, it is a prac Heal" and vital part of their health urogram. - pnly the ' health period? luring this week should be devotee to the cleaning of rooms. All school will be inspected and graded by Ihr Superintendent' during the week o' March 7-SJ. ' . MARS HILL TO SEE OWN FOLK DANCE TEAM ON FRIDAY PROGRAM BENEFIT COMMUNITY CENTER; LARGE CROWD EXPECTED The Mars Hill Folk Dance team, together with their musicians and singers, will present a program in the Mars Hill Grammar School audi torium at eight o'clock Friday eve ning along the lines of the programs they recently gave while on a two weeks' tour of Oklahoma and Texas. Every performance was enthusi astically received and they were asked to return to many of the places they visited. Don't miss an opportunity to have your whole family see this team per form at Mars Hill1 Friday niirht." one of the program committee mem bers stated yesterday. A small admission will be charged, . the benefits to be used for t.ho posed Mars Hill Community Center. All-Night Singing Here Saturday All singers are invited to ioin th all-night singing program which will be held at the Marshall High School Saturday nigbt. The nuhli. ia diaHy invited to attend this program. mere win be n0 admission charge. RICE NAMED TO WELFARE BOARD Roy Roberts, chairman of the County '; Commissioners, announced today that R, Spencer Rice has been named a; feember; to the Madison County SBoardf Welfare to sueeeed tUnwus. -cislu jRheae tenneT- pires April 1, J950. T"" EASTER SEAL SALE IS NOW STARTED The annual Easter Seal Sale for the benefit of the Crippled Children's Fund started in this county Wednes day, March 22. Mrs. R. R. Ramsey, chairman, stated that the county goal has been set for $1,000.00. - The Madison county chapter is com posed of the following officers: Mrs. R. R. Ramsey, chairman; Mrs. A. A. Gregory, treasurer; Mrs. George Pritchard, Mrs. Overton Gergory and Mr. Fullen King, vice chairmen. Other officers include G. W. Gahagan, Roy Rice, Mrs. Cle- ophug Ward, Mrs. Emmett Plemmons, Mrs. J. V. Howell and Miss Gayle Isensee. Consultants are Mrs. Frances G. Ramsey, Supt Dept. PubKc Welfare, and Dr. W. C. Whims, County Health Officer. "Madison County has many chil dren who need medical care, braces, crutches, sight, hearing and speech -therapjand other types of assist ance. ' -7You can help them become ' happy, self-sufficient individuals by donating to this seal ' sale," Mrs. Ramsey stated this week. 5 i.'. ' 1 - - Aft Exhibit Week Jthis' week all elementary schools will exhibit 'samples f the best art work7 done during , the -sehoel ' Year. -4 Xt tha; beginning of the school term a the teachers , are requested to -save $ ' their best," art work 'from their art s classes and display this during Art v Exhibit VWeeL- - . TTie Art Committee will vis ft tTie ; schools on March 22 and 23 to j ; the art work. The schools are " according to the bert f'l ro-! ' - liil'.ts. r.ecfal rfc""-' i i in rooi'i t 1 t ' ' ' " Hi J ! ! 1 f . les aB over western Norm uarouna iscusseo. , i 1

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