1 , i F-' . : "S; e v H V Ii ' r L ' Ik k r si , X r 1 :t it . VOL: 54 NO; 10 ::-C:::::::::!3 To Co eprcfcd Ono Vc:r Dy ilJclantary :!ici toticns ConqniMionem Approve Initial Funds To B Sought The Madlon County commission er went OS record Monday as ap proving ft bookmobile fend county li brary aervice fpr Madison County but ttated ht the county, at the present, vas nble to allocate suf ficient 'funds to start the project rchs ipisskiiers unsnlmows ly agMsd tft theonnty should hsve a bookmebile: and expressed confi dence that they would do sverythnig possible to set as a governing oard and assist in its establisbntehV a tomtoittee. headed by tHH. H. B, Ditmore as chairman, ineluihg Mrs UMnun " v" w , - - . Dorothy Shupe, Mrs Walter Karaaey.j thV'Rev. V - pnreiW1 nB Stery met vrltb the eominissloners i Monday afternoon and presented the initial plan for a eoumywiae umm i ty serviee. The cossjnissioners were ' . L tm nrevlous meetings rflield here in connection with a book mobile and of the $500 fsirpremu wn which will be used to aid in its establishment. The commission6'8 wi" name ? ....i t iLa fnf.urA which ; .Trustees u V will be selected from various parts of thS county. It was stressed that Kootmobile would cover the en- iire! county and would have schedules s to where the bookmobile would be Un certain dsys of the month. Si.h a nroiect would assure rum. -f.,3! . 1.4.1. 4MM1WI and aIiI. of ed- ' - iicational, -entertaining and suitable y: books on practically every subject de- aired. A central "storage .library" vai be secured Where hundreds of "T. ' books wilj be obUinaWe on short ns- f . " Alsor't ve4" at tha, matting w.ss !m2WiiHocaf'fwIa JBadison,Cowty,h already, "lost" (Continued on Page Eight) (First Section) MADISON GRAND JURY LAUNCHES VOTE PROBE A Madison Superior Loun . . . A jury Thursday asked for court help ""launch an investigation oi aiien- . , ii. : !..;;., in fhp pions ot election incguiiiw .. fcounty Nov. 2, 1954 general election. Judge Zeb V. Nettles immediate ly instructed Robert S. Swain, mn j;,;, onlii'itor. to nut under sub poena for the next meeting of the grand jury all persons "who know or may know anything about any election irregularities ..." The next grand jury session is scheduled for May 23. The grand jurors, in a supplemen tal report' issue as they completed their work for the term, expressed concern over publicity received by (Continued to page seven) (First Section) ZohoPcndor f' " Z. 'id yestCTdajr he was not notified of nf marketing law charge until The' data was nesrly three months ) .rter the dsta Assistanlj DUtrict At Wtorpey John , &uegr' ' arKnosvUlo, asrean4-s:i Pondet as Indlctsd.'- 5: j - Po"r. a Democrat' ta- chairman of r 5 V 9 ilsdispn uuupty coara m 1 s and a former vies presi - ( : c:.e North Carolina Farm B- r r' innocent yesterday U. ". trict Court at Greens-. (Co. ci- to Page Efehti. V ' trirst Section) ! 16 PAGES FRIDAY NIGHT The Madison County 4-H Council will give a "Friends-of-4-H Bahquet" in the cafeteria of the Marshall High School Friday evening at 7:00 o'clock. , The occasion is in observance of National 4-H. Club Week, which is March 6-13. Miss Glinna Ponder is president r,t fha MnHiann Countv 4-H ClUD v. . t- CouncU and Miss Ruth Ann Tweed is secretary. Several activities were planned by the 4-H County Council and are be ing carried out by some of the clubs in th,e county. Two ;ijery attractive window displays can -.b sfeeft jri Mar-shaUr-ne ft Belk-Broome Compa ny and one in the show window at Chandler's Hardware. " Other clubs have put up posters and' are plan ning special programs in their schools. Awards will also be made at the banquet to some of the club members who have shown the most . progress in club work during 1954. ,v.. CARRIER; COUNTY MEN NOW IN JAM ifcrMt')rhomiu,n, -sdnolF'" f f Tf 1 oe uavu. zst son i auu w John Davis of Walnut areifctWi la the. Madison County 'jail (wai$ng FBI action in- connection with ithe tv,off n 1flR! ForHor Ford sedan ' .i af,, morning Sheriff E. CAR STOLEN FROM Y Ponder stated thai Thomas has'ketball Tournament is now in full admitted taking the car off a Cen- 'swing at the Enka gym in Buncombe .Tnp Davis's home on the Marshall-Asheville Highway: Buncombe County, about ten nines ' According to Sheriff Ponder, the car was driven off the carrier 'which was loaded with new cars while the driver was at the Davis home. Af - ter Kcttinif the car ff the laree car- rier, it was driven to Tennessee and returned and parked near the Davis home Saturday nijrht. The loys are being- held pending outcome of fingerprints. j Stolen Car Caught In County Saturday A stolen '51 Ford Tudor sedan j was capturea Dy Jasper irrauwai, -hief of police at Weaverville, and State Patrolman Gene Ervin" Satur day at Turkey Neck on the Marshall Asheville Highway. Lewis Clark and Buford Wanty, both of Rock Hill, S- C, were arrest ed arid taken to South Carolina Sun day to await trial. MARSHALL JUNIOR WINS DRIVING TESTMONDAY Billie Jean- Reunion Quicker i On Brake Thaw V V Senior Boy S'M .'- -' 1 ,'..'' ' The screeching of tires 'and rack Of revolvers which shattered th qi et of the campus at Marshall High Bchool lebnday? afternoon Vvetttft caused by polics chasing robosTs Tb. noise came from Marshall ptnr dents who were patting on a- af er driving : demonstration to disprove the old hromtdo that a ear can "stop on a dims."; g '-;.'f;;' " Eesults' were sobtrrfg.'; Ttf chief jv.;(ConUnue4,;to ,1' :s7tefef3.''s. ; " . '' (First -EccUun)'-' MARSHALL, N, C., WELFARE DEPT. ACTIVATES ARE DISCUSSED HERE Mrs. Frances Ramsey, Supt, Speaks At Civitan Meeting Mrs. Frances Ramsey, Superin tendent of the Madison County Wel fare Department, was the guest speaker at the Marshall' Civitan meeting here Tuesday. She told of the many services and activities of the welfare department, giving informative statistics concern ing the department. She was intro duced by the Rev. Jack Gross, pro gram chairman. J. J. Rattsey, president, appoint ed a nominating committee who will announce the ' slate of officers ; Sit the next meeting on March 22. On the committee named are Jim Story, chairman; A. W. Costes and Wade Huey. It was also voted to combine the offices of secretary and treasurer. John Corbett spoke in behalf -of the current Boy Scout Drive. 19 members and one visitor were present. Town Officials To Be Elected Here On May 3 Necessary steps for the town elec tion, which will be held on Tuesday, May 3, were started here Tuesday night when the aldermen and mayor met at the City Hall. The election will' be held at the City Hall when three aldermen and a mayor will be elected. .-t; More complete . information cos- rnrntnir the election will be 'nublfshid I county in vias8- Tourney At pnka ! The Western District Class A BaS' County Coach Glenn Painter's classy Wal nut High School Purple Panthers, m r i ' T . f 1 , I .-. c 'will represent Madison County when they square off tonight (Thursday) i at 8:30 against Bethrl High School, nonK contenders ior tne cnampum- , snip ot tins tourney. Many Walnut, Marshall and Mad ison County fans -are expected to make the trip to watch the boys play. Walnut Marshall Stores To Start Closing fJext Wednesday To Continue Through October 19; Merchants Elect New Officers The Marshall Merchants Associa tion met at the City Hall Tuesday night and unanimously voted to ob serve Wednesday afternoon holidays beginning next Wednesday, March Iff and continuing through Wednes day, October 19. Practically all bus isness firms will close at 12:00 o'clock noon each "Wednesday as has been the custom for several years. This half-day holiday provides need ed, time for the employees to work in their gardens and at home and allows' them a half-day each .week to f call their own' Mr. W. F. Holland made the motion concerning' the clos ing dates and E. C league seconded tins motion. The 17 members pt f;.!" lrregn thei voted nnaalmonslr to s.ill-te.llsv then Voted unanimously half-day holidays nt Wednesday. J vKew officers- for tht ansulng year were elected ,and took offlcs at ths meeting. Elected wars Bon Sprinkle, president; W, F. Holland, vica Pres ident; and Delmer Psyns, secretary treasurer. - ' t j i Tr e kssociation meets every second and f ;urtV Tuesday - igh i ihe ay :v.L 2 . ' - : ; THURSDAY, MARCH i MADISON MAN IS ACQUITTED IN GUN DEATH A Madison County Superior Court jury Thursday acquitted Ray Wor ley, 24, of the Spillcorn section, of murder In the January 8 shotgun slaying of Kimsey Curtis. -Worfesaidhe acted in self de fense when Curtis went after him with an open: pocket knife. Sheriff C Y. Ponder said Curtis was wounded fatally following an argument. . (WlWesses said Woriey grabbed the gun and" fired ones after Curtis Started jtoaJhbjK ? .; ' Th Jury' returned the verdict af ter a brief deliberation. Amonir other cases disposed of last week; Include : two divorces ; Les lie Harris forgery, two years; Erlis Johnson,'' non-support and . abandon ment, eighteen months: Hubert Jons4Ublic drunkness,. thirty days; Clarsnce .Butris, driving drnnk, four months; Carl Linkus Meyers, trans porting S500.00 fine. and. costs; Carl B)turhesj trsnsDortinir. $250.00 . fine and Qst4f.; . t'A nnniber of smaller offenses were disposed "tsnd many prayers for Judgp vera continued, - Fh -.ty Home -tiow Meet i v karch 11, at 10:00 a. m., Istration agents and del o'tne demonstration clubs Arry, Watauga, Mitchell and :ey eounties will meet with Mad- i County memners at tne mm- shall Presbyterian Church Sunday School Chapel to hear reports from delegates who attend the United Na tions. The training school will be under the direction of Mrs. Theta Barnard of Hayesville. We are happy to welcome these nroipi-t eaders to our county anu ladies of the communities are invited to attend and join the group 111 ex tending "Hands Across The Border." BALEY DEFERS COMMENT ON VOTE PROBE U. S. District Attorney James M. Baley Jr., said Saturday he will not comment on the Madison County Su perior Court grand - jury election probe unless and until subpoenas are issued by any federal officers. At the request of the grand jury last week, Judge Zeb V. Nettles di rected Solicitor Robert S. Swain to cause subpoenas to be. issued for all persons who ; know or ' may know this would 'presumably Inclnda sn number of , federal offieeri in addi tion to Stags ' Bureau of Investiga tion agents and 'private citisensv V 1 Both the FBI and the . SBI have conducted investigations la the wake of complaints beginning "early last fall thst absentee ballots were being misuiwd 4n a number of WNC eftun- 10, 195S UqlnaiDoys (Sep 1 5 COUNTY TO HAVE NEW DRIVE? IN THEATRE SOON To Be Located At Brush ' Creek; Will Open First Of May i, Mladison County's only drive-in theatre is now under construction and is expected to be completed and ready for business by the first of May. The modernly-equipped the atre, located between Marshall and Walnut at Brush Creek, will accom modate over 200 cars and covers 6.2 acres. The theatre is owned by a corpor ation known as The Madison Out door Theaters, Inc., composed of Marshall businessmen. The drive- in will be known as "The Madison," according to Mr. Hubert Edwards, manager. Mr. Edwards stated that the pic tures will be cinemascope, super scope and wide-screen varieties. AH equipment at the theatre will be of the latest type. Concession stands where sandwiches, soft drinks candy and popcorn will be sold, will also be constructed before the first open ing date. The theatre is located .4 miles from Marshall Oti Highways 25-70. BILLWOULU UTlApiSON Ralefci. .MarcKTJ Isriatixal allow Mtdteoj(vouniy,'s commissi Son- era to ajopropriate surplus, non-tajrl funds to attract, new industry to the county .was introduced today by Rep. Fred Holcombis; The bill would al low $5,000 to be appropriated for advertising and to be used in other, ways in attracting industry. The bill also would permit use of some tax funds for this purpose if approv ed by the people in an election. Raleigh, March 3 Reps. Fred Holcombe of Madison and Mark W. Bennett of Yancey today introduced a bill to bring1 Avery, Madison, Mitchell and Yancey counties under the statewide primary laws in the nomination of Democratic candidates for state senator. Seek Data On Madison Men Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the following listed registrants, who are delinquent with the Local Draft Board, please get in touch with the board immediately or call 3241: Charles R. Kent, Bluff, N. C; Paul William Moore, Spring Creek, N. C; Roy L. Robinson, 617 Blaine St., Detroit, Mich.; Robert F. Davis, Walnut, N. C; Clarence Flyn Jr., Rt. 4, Asheville, N. C; Thomas Rowe, Rt 1, Mars Hill N. C; Alon zo Riddle, Rt. S, Candler, N. C; Danny Sams Jr., Ravencliff, W. Va.; William Henry Cox, Myrtle Beach, S. C; Larry Lee Silver, Route 2, Mars Hill, N. C. 9$ y v v v Legislative Summary ":rMi '"i series' of ? wktf tmtnarie$ prf Wfred ty tk ItgxtUtiv ttaff Ms InttitHts Goirwmnt on tks mrk of th North Carolium Generml A lemblv f 1955. It confiiud to iiteuMiont of mmttori' of, ttntrol intmtt and mayor portoeO ' The Department of Revenue - re ports that.r 'es tax collections eon , (Con'.' vi si T, - Three); f ' ' ; ( cond I c.,a?n ) '. 'w f,UUU7U PRICE; $250 A YEAR Walnut Girls, Marshall Boy Are Runners-Up ; Very Successful Tourney Coach Clyde Peek's smooth-playinjr sextet knocked off Ralph NeilFa Walnut team, 1954 Champions, Fri day night before a capacity audience at Walnut, 65-61 in an exciting game from start to finish. Edith Shepard pumped in 48 points while Emogeae Allen hit the basket for 28 pointa for the losers . The Mars Hill team earned the county championship by defeating Laurel in the second night of the tourney, Walnut in the quarter-finals and again in the final Friday night. The Mars Hill girls, however, found they going mighty tough int. both games with Walnut. In the first meeting, they barely edged the Walnut team who rallied to within 2 points to win, 62-60 as the roar of the crowd was deafening. Fifteen 1 seConds remained in the game when Walnut got possession of the game (Continued to page seven) (First Section) SOCIAL SECURITY TO BE DISCUSSED I IE MERCH 18 Several farm men and some women of Madison County have asked ques tions in regard to the Social Security for fanners and very Jew people in the county understand enough about JiWTrjtf ota fofarmwto,givr,thei ccwecf lawers. In view faf this theTSoMeculftv fo itlUh , . vKJ, me meeting In the Madigjrji' County Court- .. . m. ,. .1, -., t 1 n nn IF fi. III., VM CAfJlAUl tiio .uutiai UCIiUlHJ as set up' for farm people. Any in- ty'rested person in the county may attend this meeting and ask any and all questions which they may have in regard to Social Security. Walnut School Entered Early Saturday Morning Clarence Reed, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed of Walnut and Grant Thomas. 17, son of Eulas Thomas of Marshall RFD 3, are being held in the Madison County jail where they are charged with breaking and en tering the Walnut High School ear ly Saturday morning. Sheriff E. Y. Ponder said that the two boys gained their way into the school by breaking a window and entering through the window. Among missing articles at the school were 84 half-pints of sweet milk, orange jbice, bread, coffee, raisins, canned beef and gravy, to matoes, crackers and a coffee pot. arshoHGirl ... -- X 1 ' .' - ' , v ' ' lllillliiili.. J VI jj sf . tt ;f thU week mkrks ths 43rd nU versary pi the Girl Scouts, Tl of the thousands of girls in S2 tionsef the world who ksve rtoc gethet' and said i'Ca xr.f I will try 1 v V to doy d' and'my eonntry . ; to 1 people at all tim-s i , , to CW Scott Laws." ; V" ' Girl Scout We i ! if Troop- S5 of I' ciall activity j'' 'tCoEr- 1 ,:

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