" 1 u r,f W I? . y v . ' v, " ' (I. f 1 "4 i ' , i ' I'll''' n n "5; the tall! J '.OaU q) jp I it ( t Ms V .VOL.54 NO. 11 Plans Discussed For Recreational Program Here This Summer Family Life Council Take Lead; Recommendations Are Suggested A meeting of a tentative group composed jf Rev. R. N. Rare foot, Mrs. Walter Ramsey, Jack Ramsey, Mrs. John Corbett, J. C. Dodson and Ron Sprinkle met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McKlyea on Redmon Road Tuesday night to dis cuss community recreation plans. Rev. Mr. Barefoot opened the dis cussion, representing the Faniliy Life Council. The meeting was an outgrowth of discussion at a recent meeting of the Family Life Council at which time the concensus was that each town should form or work with its own committee, usini; the Family Life Council as a clearing house for projects and ideas. The group at (the meeting was hastily called to gether in order to start some action iby people representative of various clubs and associations within the Town of Marshall, pending approval by those groups. The main points arrived at are as (follows: 1. There was general agreement on the need for a supervised, integrated program utilizing present resources of pool, park and school playgrounds. providing approval can be secured tfrom the agencies in charge. That this program should be under the leadership of trained personnel. That rummer program could serve as a proving ground for future planning. 2. Concerning the financing of such a project, it was proposed that a tentative budget of $600 be sub mitted tot a six weeks' program to the clubs, organizations and -church es, plus interested, individuals, in or 4er' (Continued to isc rage; MARSHALL 01S. ELECTS OFFICERS MONDAY NIGHT Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Sprinkle of Marshall was elected Worthy Ma tron of Marshall Chapter No. 35, Order of the Eastern Star, for the ensuing year at a regular meeting of the chapter held Monday night in Ithe Masonic Temple here. F. Ray M FriSby was elected Worthy Patron. ' Other officers elected were Miss Ruth Guthrie, Associate Matron; Wade Huey, Associate Patron; Miss AMeen Waldrurf, Secretary; Mrs. Carlene Frisby, Treasurer; Mrs. Nadyne Worley, Conductress; and Mrs. Miriam Zink, Associate Con ductress. The Worthy Matron-elect will an nounce her ten appointive officers later. A public installation of the new officers will be held in the Masonic Temple, Saturday, April 9, at eight o'clock. Special Meeting Of Burley Producers Scheduled Tuesday A very important meeting of all county burley tobacco producers has been scheduled m Madison for lues day. March 22, at 9:20 a. m,. at the cni4hp n Marshall. K. L,ee laUin, chairman of the Madison ountv ASC Committee announceu Mlier todav. Uinciais irom me xvu- ' icco pivision of the Department of -Agriculture will be present w ms V ub the.aituation confronting Burley producers at the present time. Mr. " Wallin'pojnted out that the production and marketing problems facing Burley produoera-V,re more 8erious tisn - inort' farmers realize and that all in dicationvare that if some action is . not taken to remedy the present sit- " nation that' there la serioo danger of lo-rfn-f our tobacco program. All farmer,' representatives of all ag ricultural agendes farm organisa tion officials, - business .men, . and i r 'ivei' of ; civic , organlxa vrged to attend this meet 's a part la the discussion. 12 PAGES BROADCASTING IN CHARLOTTE HOME IMMENSE IN SIZE SI, OOO Square Feet Of Floor Space: To Be rvicated On April 13 Charlotte, N. C, Ma-ch 15. l!ir,r W'RT Radio and WRTV Television began broadcasting and telecasting from their new $1,250,000 home on Jefferson Place here today. The new building, first in the na tion to be specifically designed for telecasting in color, contains 51.000 square feet of floor space and was l.'l months in construction. Designed around an "operational block," the edifice houses three spa cious radio studios, two television 1 studios, one measuring 40 feet by J i'( feet and the other 40 feet by 40 feet, an employees' cafeteria and the I usual executive and departmental I office facilities . WBTV is one of the first television stations in the nation having dual color film and slide projectors, with a Dumont multi-scanner and an RCA "3-V" unit being utilized. WBT Radio is the third oldest li censed commercial radio station in the United States and WBTV was the first television station to begin operations in the Carolinas. The two stations, along with WBTW Tel evision in Florence, S. C, are own ed by the Jefferson Standard Broad' casting Company and the new Char lotte building will serve as the home office for. the company Joseph K. aryan lis presiaen; oi , ins jeiierson Standard Broadcasting Company, and Charles H. Crutchfield is execu tive vice president and general man ager. , Thomas E .Howard ,vice president in charge of engineering, was in charge of designing the technical fa cilities of both WBT Radio and WBTV Television. The new building will be dedicated April 13. Three Wrecks In County On Sunday Within 25 Minutes Rains and slippery roads were per haps responsible for three wrecks on US 70 in Madison County within 25 nv""tps la.f Sundav afternoon, ac- cord;ng Patrolman P. S. Bagwell, Jr At 5:45 o'clock a 1950 Plymouth, driven by Oakley Coleman Reeves, of Marshall RFD 4, ran off the road at Walnut. Reeves suffered a cut hand but his wife and another pas senger escaped with bruises. The car was a total loss. At 5:45, a 1955 Ford and another vehitCe collided headon near Hoit Springs. No one was injured. Both Continued to Lut Paget One Killed, One Injured In IVreck Monday Harrison Wilson, 23, of Barnard, was killed, and Geter Roberts, 33, of Barnard, was injured, in an ' auto mobile accident on U. S. 25-70 in Buncombe County . Monday, March 14, 1955 at 5:10 p. m. . Wilson was killed instantly. ' State Highway Patrolman Pfc. A. V; Harrison said Wilson was a' pas senger in a 1949 Oldsmobile being driven north on U. S. Highway 25-70 Nby Geter Edward Roberts, 83,. also ?. (Continued to Last Page).,;;; MARSHALL, N. C. DEWEESE SPEAKS TO LIONS HERE MONDAY NIGHT Karl P-ewecs-, a member of the Haw Creek Lions Club and finger print expert of Asheville, was the guest speaker at the regular meeting :f the Marshall Lions Club at the Rock Cafe Monday night. Mr. Iknvecse discussed ably the scientific aids to law enforcement, dwelling especially on fingerprint ing. His remarks were informative and entertaining as he told the club about the various methods of identi fication in tracing criminals and sus pects. Positive identification, he said, can also be traced from the palms of the hand, feet, hair and blood. -Mr. Doweese also told the club how modern methods in solving crimes had improved, citing that thread, rope and string are so classified that any found at the scene of a crime can be traced to its manufac turer and on through its sale to the customer. He also explained how car paint and even tires could be traced from manufacturer to cus tomer. Following his talk, many questions were asked Mr. Deweese by members of the club concerning solving of crimes. Mr. Deweese ably answered all questions. President Walter Ramsey named Lions Ralph Neill, Joe Nix and Ov erton Gregory as a nominating com mittee to name a slate of officers at the next meeting. In addition to Mr. Deweese, Cecil Parham, C. K. Buckner, and L. C. Buckaloo of the Haw Creek club, were guests of the club. King's Men Quartet To Present Sacred Concert At Walnut The King's Men Quartet from As bury Theological .Seminary, Wil--more, Ky., will present a program of sacred hymns at the Walnut Meth odist Church Saturday evening, March 26, at 7:30 o'clock. The quartet is internationally kndwn and has traveled in many for eign countries where it has been well received. MADISON MAN INSTANTLY KILLED IN WRECK pr-- - , T o Shown above is the wreck which occurred on Pike's Straight Monday afternoon; killing Harrison Wilson, 23, of Barnard and injuring Geter Roberts, S3, also of Barnard. Jhe : Car was traveling1 from .Asheville toward ? Marshall. 'After striking- ithe rock cliff - (right foreground) the car tkidded 129 feet to sfrp against the steep bank. u n . V Cut eoartety Amivillt CUitn-Tinu$. s. 'i.'vw' i"-' " - s , THURSDAY, MARCH WALNUT SCHOOL COMPLIMENTED ON SAFETY MARK "Walnut School has the best record in Madison County for school bus safety," according to J. K. "Speck" Alexander, supervisor of School Pus Safety for the western distii.t. He spoke at n meeting of the Walnut PTA. He strongly urged parents of children who ride the busses to be particularly careful at this time of year, however, about their children playing in the roads while waiting for the bus. Other phases of safety in the home, on the farm, in bicycling anil in scouting were discussed by a pan el consisting of Mrs. Elizabeth (!. Baker, nurse; Charles Buckner and Patsy Redmon, scouts; Coach Glenn Painter and L. A. Zimmerman, panel moderator. Several girl scouts from ths Mai- shall troop with their leader, Mrs. Jack Gross, and district chairman Mrs. Overton Gregory, spoke on scouting for girls. The PTA voted to sponsor a troop for the Walnut girls. Officers for the coming year were elected, with Mrs. Paul Roberts be ing renamed president. Other officers include Mrs. Alma Jarvis, first vice president; Mrs. Queen Ramsey, second vice presi dent; Mrs. Grace Dockery, recording secretary; Mrs. Zora Huffman, cor responding secretary; and E. O. Bur nette, treasurer. Auditor's Office, Co. Commissioners Exchange Locations ' .:1oViJrfflak'vnore convenient auaicpr BV,vy jlB -ww, Deen movea w the first furor iwhere the commission, ers usually meet), and the commis sioners' room has been moved to the second floor where the auditor's room was formerly located. Also on the second floor is the office of the Home Demonstration Agent. The new arrangement seems to be much more practical and convenient than the former arrangement. 17, 1955 Red Cross Membership Drive Now In Full Swing In County Vote Probe In Madison Has Paused U. S. District Attorney Baley And Solicitor Swain Have No Official Comment The Madison County Mipernii' Court investigation of election ir regularities in the county has paused lor court officials to prepare sub poenas for federal authorities. Two weeks ago, the Madison Coun ty grand jury asked the court to help in an investigation into the last general election and Superior Court Judge Zeb V. Nettles immediately instructed Solicitor Robert S. Swain to subpoena "anybody who knows anything" about the alleged irregu larities. U. S. District Attorney James M. Baley, a Madison County resident, has not taken any official stand on the matter, saying that until the pa-J pers are served he cannot comment. At present, he says, "All I know is what I read in the papers." Swain says that "things are mov ing along" but that at present he can make no official comment on the situation. Federal authorities stepped into the Nov. 2 general ' election picture in Western North Carolina early this year, with a Federal grand jury, wjtfch is still impaneled,- having in dicted ,a total of 43 persons in Gra ham. Glav and Swaia counties. Dec. 30-31, officers frojh the office of U. S. Marshal Roy A. Harmon impounded election materials in Mad ison County at the order of Judge Wilson Warlick of Newton, presid ing jurist in the western district of North Carolina. Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted an investiga tion into the alleged election irregu larities in all four counties and made an inventory of the impounded Mad ison records. The Federal grand jury has not been called into session since the indictments in Swain, Clay and Gra ham were returned Dec. 17. Although a Fedeial grand jury is impaneled for 18 months, customari ly a new jury is drawn each May (Continued to Last P") "Friends-of-4-ll" Banquet Is Well Attended Here Friday Ugh School Phone 1 Number Changed! The telephone number of the Mar shall High School has been changed from 3576 to 2511. Because of the many people inter ested in this particular phone, this information ij, published in th in terest of the public. , Remember when you call Mar shall High Sclfool, dial 2511. Many a fellow is able to size up everybody except himself. Weekly Legislatives Summary " : Afr 9fc 3fr 9$ Jft Jft ) NOTE: This is the ninth of a Beriea of weekly summaries pr pared by the legislative staff of the Institute of Government on the work of the North Carolina General As sembly of 1955. It is confined , to discussions of matters of general interest and' major importoncesi. On, Tuesday' morning Lady! Aster cams'1 from Southern' Pines to jolly the' legislators with stories of her parliamentary j p t i en-e e a, her thoughts about men and women and t Continued to page S ; " PRICE: $2.50 A YEAR Plans Completed For 1955 Campaign; Chairmen Appointed The Rev. R. . Iiarcfoot is chair man fur Madison Countv for the American Re Cross P,i.",") camnaiirn with .Mrs. K:cd ). Tilsnn servinir as co-chairman. The Mars Hill drive is sponsored by the Woman's Club with .Mrs. ,fim Cox as chairman, and by the Civitan Club with the Rev. M. H. Kendall, Joe Hernandez and Leonard Brige.s as chairmen. At Hot Springs, a central commit tee will be in charge of the Red Cross Membership Drive. Heading the committee are the following: Men's Civic Club, Charles Sheaffer; Wom en's Friendship Chil. M, f: R Sunimerel; Women's Civic Club, Mrs. J. B. Tweed. Also aiding in the drive is the (ioodall-Southern Plant with Mr. Herb Hattaway as drive chairman. Mr. Barefoot, county director, has appointed Mrs. Fred 6. Tilson solic itor for the Marshall business dis trict; Mrs. A. J. Ramsey, Home Demonstration Clubs; and Mr. Alon zo Dennis, rural communities. Mrs. C. D. Bowman has accepted chairmanship of Nursing Services for Madison County, which includes all Red Cross volunteer nursing ac tivities. Assisting Mrs. Bowman will be Mrs. Edwin Mashburn, Mrs. James Baley Jr., Mrs. Leonard Ba ker and Miss Gayle Isensee. Dr. W. A. Sams will be 1955 Blood Program chairman, assisted by Miss Virginia Hart, chairman for Mars Hill . Mr. Glenn Painter will be water safety chairman with Mrs. A. M. McElyea serving as -co-chairman. Mrs. George Shupe is First Aid chairman. The following community chair men have been named to help in the current drive: Red Hill, Fred Rigaby; Redmon, Riley Fisher; Madison Seminary sec tion, Mrs. L. B. Bryan; East Fork, Woodrow Dill, Mr. Woode; Pleasant Valley, Mrs. Edd Howell; Chapel Hill, Starling Gentry Sr.; Davis Chapel, Mrs. Knox Brigman; Bluff section, Ted Russell; Upper Little Pine, Mrs. Lon Sluder; Lower Little Pine, B. J. Ledford; Little Ivy. W. J. Grindstaff; Grapevine, Arvil Gos nell, Margie Triplett; Spillcorn, Mrs. John Roberts; Big Laurel, An dy Lewis; Marshall, Sarah Tilson;. Mars Hill, W .H. Kendall; Laurel Valley, A. C. Honeycutt; Laurel Branch, R. C. Eller; Bull Creek, (Continued to Lart Page) The "Friends of-4-H" Banquet, held Friday evening in the Marshall High School cafeteria, was one of the most successful events held here in years. More than 100 4-H Club members and "friends of 4-H" were highly entertained in the beautifully decorated cafeteria which had a huge sign of white and green "planted" be tween pine trees back of the speak ers' table. On .the sign were the words, "National 4-H Club Week." Miss Glinna Ponder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Ponder, who is president of the Madison County 4-H Club Council, presided and open ed the banquet. The Bev, D. D. Gross, pastor of the Marshall Bap tist Church, pronounced the inroca tton. Edwin Stines, of the Walnut 4-H Club, played several selections ott the piano as the dinner was being served. -y-vu Following a delicious dinner tn entire group- repeated th 4-E. Pledre. led hv Mlitta Pnnfev - -V. Harry Silver,-county lartv agent, j then recognized the gueata pifesent v Mrs. Janie M. Ramseyj home dem- ' -Onstration agenxpressed thanks to ths many who nade the occasion r"" eible and 'espectally eonunend ! Home Economics DepartirVnt, the leadership of I.'- i . Black, and the 4-II f pared and serve J t! "Miss Tct'y : ' J- ; (Cont. I 1 r 4