i ; "AM i ' A t " Y'. it " I V 7 1 A?' v, jour ft - f r, y4- or 5 m VOL. 54 NO. 13 Uddiss' Night, Installation Oc C2cld By Civitan Club Tuesday The Rev. Robert Seymour To Be Principal Speaker; Officers Named The Marshall Civitan Club will ob- 'aerve Ladies' Night and Installation services next Tuesday night in the social hall of the Presbyterian Church here. The program will be gin at seven o'clock. Approximate ly 10ft Civitan members, wives and guests are expected to attend. The Rev. Richard Mellin of the Marshall Presbyterian Church, will pronounce the Invocation. The group ... 11 f A tl A will then sing one stanza of "Amen ca." A bountiful dinner, prepared and served by the ladies of the Pres byterian Church, will then be en joyed., Mrs. Coleman Worley, accompa nied lit the piano by Mrs. Joe Eads, will play a violin solo. This will be followed by a vocal solo by Mr. John Corbett, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Corbett. ,Mr. Mellin will recognize guests present J. J. Ramsey, president of the club, will introduce the main speaker for the occasion who will be the Rev. Robert Seymour, pastor of Mars Hill Baptist Church. Following Mr. Seymour's address, .Installation services for newly elect- Id officers of the Marshall club will held with District Governor, R. Lee of Mars Hill, in charge. The following officers will be in stalled : Joe Eads, president; the Rev. Richard Mellin, vice,, president; W. F.) Holland, secretary-treasurer; the Her; D, D. Gross, Chaplain. Also ta be fartallad is the board of di Mnr oauosed- of J. - J. Ramsey, ?Joha;Cbrlt,.Pr. P. Jh." PinwiMb, ' Range (Buyer ' The tnoit amaaing offer ever made in Madison County , is being made ' during April and May, by seven pro ' gressive Madison County firms. They bave officially announced in a page advertisement in this issue (Page 2) that they will give 1200 BJUowatU of electricity absolutely s free to anyone buying a new electric ange for the first time. This is es ' timated at about one year's supply ; Jf electricity. s f Those desiring free installation can C havs their choice of free installation or the kilowatt deal. The participating firms are listed ' in the advertisement which everyone should read. SENIORS TO LEAVE FOX WASHINGTON rlilOf AY MORNING . Seniors from Marshall High School ' wffl1 leave Monday morning for ''-Waahlngton, D. C, where hey will 1- - :peia ieversl days on an educaUonal 5 ' trip. They will travel on a charter '. ed Trallways bus. Among tfce many places they Will r 'visit wiU include the White House, -'. CapitoV Mt Vernon, Smithsonian " ' Institute,. Tomb of the Unknown Sol dier,, the Monument and various ? Government buildings. . .Accompanying the gronp ;W Srsi Harden Hensley and Principal irnard i Brigman. They will be bartered It the Cairo- Hotel -jThey plan to return to Marshall o . Weekly?. ; I Tislitive : . ' 1. .nwnary'-r' . :;, O T; Tkit -.devinth f O . haulaUv0 ttaff of tltf orvrrrmmt " ths work Cer'' ,i4 5 It is c' " 'or i ! 1 ' , , t - 1 talk 12 PAGES Estimated $300,000 Damage In County By Cold Heather Unwelcome winter 'started a slow retreat out of Western North Car olina Monday night after cutting a fk.aa anA in lVl a I "f million (lltll H V aWath through the section's agricul- I . .... tural celt. Ito Madison County, Harry Silver, farm agent, estimated that crop damage would amount to approxi mately $300,000. County tobacco plant beds were 50 lost with enough plants lost to seed 1,500 acres. Pastures and apples were al so hurt, Mr. Silver said. Temperatures which set record-low marks in all WNC counties wiped out most of Henderson County's million-dollar apple crop and did 'more than a million in damages to Bun combe County's burley and apples. Four Marshall Men --Announce For Town Offices In Election Elswhere in this issue can be found the official announcements of four Marshall men seeking town offices in the election to be held Msv 3. 1965. JTor; Mayor: 'Clarence Nix; For tMormitil ' 'J rti DbdsOn. Frd Red nik and, Liston B. Ramsey, "A " ' Mariall PTA-To Meet:NelJy y In School ,Lunc:irodm ' The ' Marshal! Parent-Teacher As sociation will meet next Tuesday af ternoon at three o'clock in the school lunchroom, it was announced by Mrs. Wade Huey, program chairman. The Rev. D. D. Gross, pastor of the Marshall Baptist Church, will be the guest speaker. He will discuss "Character and Spiritual Educa tion." Mrs. J. M. Baley Jr., will be in charge of devotions. Following the regular meeting, of ficers for the ensuing year will be elected. "I urge every member to attend this important and informative meeting," Mrs. Walter Ramsey, pres ident, said. Medical Society Approves Salks Vaccine For Grades V Dr. Margery Lord announced that the Madison County Medical Society had gone on record as approving the Salks vaccine to be used in the first and second grades in Madison Coun ty schools provided the vaccine was a-DDroved nationally.' The decision was made at the meet ing of the Society held at Mars Hill Tuesday night BILLS B Y WINTERS AFFECTING COUNTY ARE NOW PENDING 1 March' 4, 1955 Madison County. Record Vt j Marshall, North, Carolina Dea Editor: v ., 'r-t am . anclaaifur WinV. of. two trills which I have introduced in" the.' Sent ate.- : ,v.va : v, -' At Tooknow. r introduced a Bui calling for the outrigtyj-epea ef the ftM A M . T.ln 1r. I Thia Bill' Is still pending. .1 am going to do all oasuly can to get . the ' original Bill through, but fear of undue pres sure opposing ths Bill from the Wel fare Department, it might be- that the original Bill will not get favor able action. , Ifhave, therefore, introduced thiB Bill S"' 'rz for the ex '"t'on of fve 1 . c ,e 1' j . . 1 1 "1 i r-t T -I. T1 o o'her c " r c 1 1 i i ; MARSHALL, N. C, SKYLINE LOOP TO: PUT BASEBALL TEAM IN PLAYOFFS Conference Met Last Thursday Night To Adopt League Schedule; Peek Pres. "We were all caught by surprise," Bill Peek, president of the 'Skyline-A Conference said in' a meeting at the Sports Mart last Thursday night. "We had set upthis conference to start next fall with football, but we got a State Playoffs schedule which included a member of our confer ence. So we got together and we'll have a representative," Peek said. ;Most of the 12 schools in the league had already made sched ules for the coming season or do not play baseball. But representatives of four of the (Continued to Last Page) Palmist Is Guest At Lions Meeting Here Monday Night Douglas Hills, an honorary mem ber of the Haw Creek Lions Club of Hendersonville, entertained the Marshall Lions Club and other guests at the regular Lions meeting at the Rock Cafe here Monday night. Following a delicious and bountiful meal, Mr. Hills was introduced by Lion President Jody Barber, of Hen dersonville. From that point for over two hours, Mr. Hills explained the wonders of palmistry and told of its origin from the Scriptures. Large charts showing the palms, fingers, bone Joints and nails were explained to the attentive audience of 22rjnembers and guests, . After" "Discussing his -experience in this field, Mr. Kills .read many ?aka with, am fectsT .?olute' meeting many Mr. Hills. Included among the guests were District Governor Alston ' Broom; Zone 6 chairman Allan Taylor and Zone 3 chairman Hubert Kanipe, all of the Asheville Lions Club. Others from Hendersonville in cluded Bob Starnes, past president; Eark Higdon, tail-twister; Jody Bar ber, president; and Mr. Hills. Bill Would Give Madison Sheriff Expense Account Raleia-h. March 28 Rep. Fred Holcombe of Madison tonight intro duced a bill to allow the Sheriff of Madison Courity an expense allow ance of $150 per month for operation of his car. It also would fix the salary of the Madison first debuty-jailer at $180 per month in addition to fees or other compensation allowed him by the Sheriff and the salary of the second deputy at $100 in addition to fees or other compensation allowed by the Sheriff. " VacMiast .members and t.-v.M,MJ'f v LT. fl. " Aimrfcin nfL ' nftet the Tegular. Cjr0M; l ,-A-y remained to taltor Cb CIsIdCZsro S:fcr:y f-Kornccn TA Start At 1 tOO O'clock; Marshall Band To Participate i " Citizens In Marshall Saturday af- turnoofl will have the ODDortnnity of viewging one ox we most impnww naradea aver heldV ' Officials or tn Crippled Children's Drive : announced this weslc that the parade will form i l AA .'ilutcv and would proceed across , the bridge, up baca street w upper riogo otrvei. It will then swing nn Main Street to thaf depot, turn, and 1 proceed down Bain Street to the lower, end I vie street. The parade will theft come back up the. street and end" on . the Island. ! y V -. TV's r-srsdVwas soVHnled f;r 1 vaf on, I t c" THURSDAY, MARCH TRUSTEES NAMED FOR PROPOSED LIBRARY SERVICE J. C. Chandler, chairman of the Madison County board of commis sioners, . announced today that a board of trustees for the proposed Madison County library service has been named. The following will comprise the board: Mrs. J. B. Tweed, Hot Springs; Mrs. Judson Edwards, Beech Glen; Mrs. Dorothy B. Shupe, Walnut; A. W. Coates, Marshall RFD 2; Win ston Cook, White Rock; and Rex Al len, Mars Hill. The Bewly-named board is expected to meet in the near future to elect a, chairman. It is expected that the trustees and other officials will meet soon to discuss the movement now underway to secure a bookmobile for Madison County. LAST APPEAL MADE FOR RED CROSS . March has been National Red Cross month. , Probably every person in Mtadison County has had good inten tions, but lftte a lot of other things, neglected. joining their American Red Cross. ::J j": IT IS .NOT TOO LATE - YOUR GIFT DS( IMPORTANT ! At present Madison iy County is far behind her goal, but with your gift being given tethe Representative in your com monity 'or mailed to the chairman, R." . N. 'Barefoot, Marshall, we can stUI reach our goal. With 300 pints of blood being used by citizens from Madison 'County last tr and look ing forward to First Aid and Water each Red During the trly part of April those people who have collected funds are asked to send them to the Red Cross Chairman, the Rev. R. N. Bare foot, Marshall, or take them to his office in the Citizens Bank .Building. Mrs. Huskins To Assist Income Taxpayers Of County April 7 And 8 Mrs. Sam J. Huskins. deputy collector of the State Department of Revenue, has f nnounced her itinerary for assistance to any taxpayer in filing their state income and intan gible tax returns. She will be at the Court House in Marshall Thursday. April 7, and at the City Hall in Mars Hill on Fri day, April 8,: for the purpose of as sisting taxpayers. Mars Hill Students Return To Classes Spring holidays for approximate ly 900 Mars Hill College students ended at 8 a. ; m., Tuesday when classes were resumed. The holidays began March v 18. a . FAatured in the narade will be a horse-drawn; float' with one of Madi son County V crippled children ' rid ing, on it ; a!1sq scheduled to partici pate in the parade- will be the Mar khsU School Band, the Marshall Boy Scents Girl ' Scouts' and Brownies, Walnut Boy ScoaU.MaraHill. Boy Rmnts: the four' automobile agencies of Marshall; "the two banks will' have cars in the parade, and , Mayor Clyde M.: Roberts is expected to participate a Well as of 'kiala of the drive. t The Davi-Cexton. Post, American Legion, of llarshali; will furnish the color guarl ' The ra noon U 1 Uc to t ' to f i-V-i."''! 'a here Saturday, afters ' 1 to v alert tve pub- t i of contrilnu CilJrcna Emv? . " ' t J- r j 2f ety fir w in ih'a, efftaityf 31, 1955 flll-fJight Singing Program Hill Be Held Here Saturday Night Road electing To Be Held Here On Saturday Calvin R. Ednev. chairman of the Madison Countv Road Organization, announced today that an important road meetine would be held at the courthouse here at two' o'clock Sat urday afternoon. iMr. Ednev stated that the nurpose of the meeting was to discuss prob lems facing Madison County regard ing our interstate highway and the possibility of losing the highway. "This meeting is of primary im portance to every citizen of our county and everyone is urged to at tend the meeting here Saturday af ternoon," Mr. Edney stated. Manv hiehwav officials and other interested citizens have been invited to attend the meeting, including Mr. Snipes, commissioner; Don Elias, of Asheville. John Walker, of Asheville and several from Hot Springs and other points. DINNER MARKS HAMMARLUND ANNIVERSARY Employees of the Hammarlund Manufacturing ' Co., Irf Mars. Hill Tuesday arranged , and prepared a i plant f W :'. observance 'rst aai)ivi2Si7 . wnn,ifuw(ni. of the : 2a employes., who began ' wor)t on March 29, 1954, with 85 of their fellow employes, celebrated the anni versary. ' Lloyd Hammarlund, president of the company; Hugh McCloskey, gen eral plapt manager; Edward Losier, Mars Hill plant manager; Rudolph M. Gibbs, personnel director; and Frazer Hammarlund, business man- ager, w3 honor guests of the em- ployes. Lloyd Hammarlund said the first year of operation in Mars Hill has been "very gratifying." He express ed keen appreciation of the effort and attitude of the employes dur ing this first year. Hammarlund said the payroll of the Mars Hill plant exceeded $225,000 this first vear. and is expected to more tnan double the next year. Employment is expected to reach 200 before the end of 1955. The Hammarlund plant had its Mars Hill beginning in a rented buildinir in the town of Mars Hill. Twenty-five women and four men started training, and in a relatively short time they were producing elec tronic components and a short wave communication receiver. While this nroaram was being conducted in the temporary quarters, a modern brick buildinir was being constructed on a nearbv location. On July 6, 15, while the outside of the building was not yet completed, the move was made from the temporary quarters Inti a brand new. well lighted, mod ern plant with 25,000 square feet of floor space. The west wbji i bufldin is a temporary one that can be moved to allow an expansion to twice the present area. Wreck Injures Lady v Here Sunday Morning rA "1949' Nash sedan from outf with im. nassentera. struck a fw most " et the intersection', of Walnut Creek Road with Highway ok-ta Mfitt RnnHv mornine.'.wtth ... ' kaMRiirara ecivinr fc win . w : m r r kwvi 1m ... AU the sassengers were vivn disnensartt treatment -la Aahe-j ville far cnts and. bruises. .-" ' -' Patrolman P. S: Eagwell Jrvwhsi Investigated 'etatedi that the- driver admitte.1 that he had fallen asieep n the wheel and crashed into the guard r&U and -pos's. '--r -' -' A r i f 1 "r ' PRICE: $2.50 A YEAR To Benefit Crippled Children Drive; Starts At 8:00 O'clock An All-Night Singing, with pro ceeds going to the Crippled Chil dren's Drive, will be held in the Mar shall High School auditorium on Sat urday night, April 2, beginning at eight o'clock. Ed Ball, well-known promoter and entertainer, will act as master of ceremonies. Among those featured on the pro gram will be the Faith Quartet, Payne Family, Jubilcers ,Dalton Sis ters, Harmony Four, Smith Trio, Gospelaires, Banks . Trio, Herron Valley Boys, Sluder Trio, Redden Trio, Gunter Quartet, Harmonettes, Melodettes, Joyfulaires, Southerland Sisters, Gospel Lights, Gospel Five, Metcalf Family, Mt. Olive Colored Choir, Toneaires, West Asheville Trio, and Roper Trio. Officials of the Crippled Children's Drive stated that hot dogs, sandwich es and soft drinks would be sold. "This musical entertainment will climax the current Crippled Chil dren's Drive and we urge everyone to attend this program," one of the officials stated. MARS HILL PTA TO SPONSOR REVIE FRIDAY NIGHT Read Wilson To, Bo Emce At Hilarious Fashion Rome At Mara Hill Mrs. W. O. JBncav president eflfllj: Mars .Hill. faiemVTaacher AaBpdaw Uon, announces thai a bllarious s vue of tiie fashions, of yesteryear from the Indian days to the "55 beHst of Mars Hill will be held in the Hit School auditorium at MarsU! Fri day night. The entertainment wuf begin at 7:30 and a small admission will be charged. The proceeds wiH be used for school improvement. The name of the entertainment i "Crazy Parents and Fluzsie Teach ers." "See your teachers and parents ia the costumes of your grandmothera hear them sing, too," Mrs. Duck said. The PTA of Mars Hill is sponsor ing the entertainment and Read Wil son, well-known WWNC radio an nouncer, will serve as master of cer- emonies. Five Vehicles Involved In Wreck At Walnut Tuesday One of the most unusual accidenta happened at Walnut Tuesday morn ing about 7:30 o'clock in which three cars and two trucks were involved. Fortunatelv. no one was injured but one of the cars was badly damaged Lad another slightly damaged. According to State Patrolman r. S. Bagwell Jr., who investigated the freak accident, the wreck occurred at the top of; the bill at Walnut at the intersection. f Jt was reported that a pickup track.' traveling . from ' Marshall, atarted : to cross the highway Into thel Walnut road ! and a ; Cadillac f rem Tennessee., WM f anproacning ( the top' of the bill from the opposite , , . direction at ths ; same - tone, . torn .. driver of the Cadillac applied hia, brakes" to : keens' from striking the, nidron trnca. t-ioseiy oeiunn , Cadillac: wai Chevrolet ear Vi.kh. was ' pulling another Chevrolet t- . ward MarshalL V.Tien . V. e river . of We lead car also tr ' 1 : ' brakes H cause! the: car - , Lknife. Striki- j a 1" ' which was d; 7" ,i i - n r 0f MarshaU ly struck ti e C to "the truck Vf. u s i V f J "A

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