1 . -Tilt, T in i' J J - V, t s v y i x t la. f SftV0L. 54 NO. 24 tlammarlund I First Anniversary Sat., June 25 Employees To Receive Salaries In Silver Dollars Friday; Open House Saturday The Haramarlund Manufacturing Co., Inc., of Mars Hill, will observe its first anniversary in starting op erations in Madison County next -week, according to Mr. Lloyd Hara- marlund, of New York, president of the vast electronics plant. The observance will begin next Friday, June 24, when the employees' of the plant will receive their sala ries in silver dollars. On Saturday afternoon, between three and five o'clock, open house will be held with, the public cordially invited to visit the Hamimarlund plant and tour its spacious building. Next week's issue of this newspa per will publish many congratulatory Advertisements, pictures of. the plant, interesting information con cerning the Hamimarlund products and more about the Open House to be held Saturday. Be sure to read next week's issue! QVTTAN AND LIONS CLUBS SEE4-H FILM HERE w' The Civitan Club held iU regular luncheon meeting in the Presbyterian Church here Tuesday, 21 members and 2 visitors were present, . , . m. rknnaM TSdvin. uaiatant farm - iagent,snowea a mm yrraium w , 4rH'Pk,-otftiepT-T0'ir VMpe' 0CK. mr. uniui e"' -trodueed by Jimmy Sprinkle, program -Acbairman. V JISs,'- H- Bal8' president of the V lbluib, JSflided . Bill Riokerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ricker, was chosen by the -club to attend the Wildacres Camp Tne Lions uuu mci i jwn. Cafe here Monday night where Mr. Colvin also preseineu me --n BAPTIST V. B. S. COMMENCEMENT TO BE SUNDAY NIGHT - Commencement exercises for tne aoation Bible School at the Baptist Church will be held at P- "... Sunday. The school will close to morrow (Friday) with a picnic on the church grounds for the students and faculty. The school had a total of 88 people registered with an av- atfMulance of 75. At the Sunday evening commence-( jtient exercises the students and fac- ju fh rjiurcn and hold a worship service similar to tne worship held each day during the uttv Wiu iimuwm " - . school. Each deparanem ww aent a sample of its memory work and teU some of the things learned and done in that department Handwork will be on display, and milter tne service each stedent w4U take his own handwork home with bin. Parents are cordially invited to come with their children to this Service. Glee Club To Give Concert At liw H01 , - ' - - -U a 'm iriLmttea'BaVtow. Florida, "Eigb School Glee CW wfll.ars-a ; eaaoert toaist , (rnrsday) at 1:00 p.m.iMdM liars Ul Uouaga w : wisra. iA-r.i z At - r 16 PAGES Plant To Observe . ... i . RECEIVES HONOR s. A. ' E.' LEAKE ' ' LEAKE ADMITTED TO PRACTICE AT U. S. SUPREME COURT Prominent Marshall Attorney Receives High Honor Last Week Arthur Eldridge ,eake, prominent Marshall attorney, test week receiv ed the . highest honor ever given ' a Madison County lawyer -when, bs ma adjnittod to prattle. before ?'-ti tlrtkaV &ttes Sunieme Oourl ' The cereinoirj po,'-PCT ',n wy'"" 'TSwiri Building, one of fbe moat im- 'oeretapn& tokplee in tho Sup'reeae posing buildings in Washington, D. C. Aifter being welcomed by Chief Justice Warren, Mr. Leake, along with 50, other attorneys, including three members of the North Caroli na congressional delegation, were presented. They are Representa tives Wocdrow W. Jones, of Ruther- iorcaon, nugn v. akmuuci, napolis, and George A. Shuford, of fordton Hueh 0. Alexander, Kan- Asnovuie. Senator Sam J. fc.rvin jr., oi ivior ganton, presented the men to the nation's highest tribunal. Mr. Leake, who resides at Walnut, passed the N. C. Bar in August, 1933. He is a meimber of the N. C. Bar Association, the Madison Coun ty Bar Association and has also been admitted to practice in the U. S. District Court for the western dis- i J tnct- A few vears &g0' ne mjtted praofcice fore the U. S. Aooeals for the 4th Cir- cuit and last week attained the dis tinction of being admitted to practice before the U. S. Supreme Court. Mr. Leake is a member of the State Democratic Executive Com mittee, secretary of the Madison County Democratic Executive Com a an1 treasurer of walnut Presbyterian Church, a ... , r a.... memtier of vne wainui ioy ow conanittee and the Marshall Lions He is married to the former Miss Annie Lee MteDevHt. They hve two children, A. E. Leake Jr., and Larry Bruce Leake. FHA Meetinsr Held At Marshall School nn Jfmwl.v. June 12. the Marshall FHA Club held a workshop at tna Biwi tMti laannaa fr. tha.BanK saeiWbladM a sis-ewjpaf Asbivilhf on' Juna ; 14, and "iswimi ming pariy "a she Marshall aaq aa Wedaasday, June X3. V ' t i . c:r: Crrcd- .... i i..ff-. F. 8.' 1 "", i.'iver'a licwea ex- i ii a4iir, t - J t"s r 't I r - c" t ii t r ' ' MARSHALL, N. C, MUSTBOILLEI) Burley Tobacco Income To Be $200 Less Per Farm For 1955 Crop Farmers of MadisonCounty will recerve about ?700,000 less income, in 1955 from burley tobacco than they did for their 1954 crop! This figure represents an average of about $200 per farm. The above representation is not the true item represented. The true representative items are as follows: food, clothing, Farm improvements, educational opportunities, home im provements, lack of prosperity for business, savings and financial sup port for religious and social activi ties. In short' it -amounts to $200 less money available to support a standard of living. What are we going to do about this situation? To answer this question it is first important to know who is going to be interested in doing anything about it! The answer shoul be every farmer, business firm, agency, or ganization, family, school teacher, lawyer, doctor: in start, everybody in our county. Many of the above may feel. "Oh, no: that's not my responsibility. I'll do my job nd let the farmer do his." To answer this 1 would say this is an agricul tural county and the county will prosper or stagnate as and in direct relationship with the farmer. Farm ers support every activity in Mad ison Oountv with the' possible excep tion of three manulaoturing firms, end they would gain by tm pros perity in tttie county. i Therefore, ' No one person in this county of ours has the anejgfer to this $700,000 question. Many people will be able to contribute part of the answer and the parts added together will build up the entire amount. Let's seek this answer put it to work let's get out of this hole and ad vance. Let us all contribute our efforts to make Madison County the greatest place to live in North Car olina. Return Of Bebik In Bank Holdup Case Expected 1 Cleveland, June 13 Norman Beb ik, arrested .-.ere or a bank robbery charge, probably will be removed to Asheville, N. C, this week to stand trial. Federal Judcre James J. McNa mee today denii-1 a writ of h.ibcas corpus filed in nis be.ia'f. Bebik, a Ci'jvr.lar.d resident held under $40,000 bond, has been charg ed with participation in the $19,000 holdup last May of the Hot Springs branch of the C ti;cns Bank .-I Marshall, N C FBI agents a.-resuo V.m alonx with tw0 other J.iei lbs? a'cuied of rhe njbbery ' lidwsrd Gosnell of Peyton .Ohio. ?. s Atheville, N. C, snd irl "acser so arrested in .ytin. i w auu uo in r- i r-- i "The Eton", County's Only Criue-ln ?bqtro,T6 C3n Cat Vtrar paw w awupipaaw j'22Sqars itt Madiaoa DrivaIa Tftaafea. ra- Mntly eenIstad, wiW sCcLSy apaa mm Smtardmt BbTht. it WmS OHOUBCea kH &1a waek try H. W.' ZJimrd, TOsyJsr; Tba nodara and apacioos t "ra h iowtad ai Brtt.CreU t ?ea UsTeJta3 a4 , Talaut on ' i t! Jit s is I1 "tH THURSDAY. JUNE 16, SWAIN DECLINES TO MAKE PUBLIC VOTE LETTERS Bailey Willing To Release Exchange on Madison Probe Letters exchanged by State Dis- tnct Solicitor Robert S. Swain and U. S. District Attorney James M. Baley Jr., concerning investigations of alleged election irregularities in Madison County stayed in the file caibinots when Baley said he was willing for them to be released bat I Swain declined. Swain said that he felt publishing of his letter to Baley concerning Federal cooperation in a Madison grand jury investigation and Baley's reply would "serve no pood purpose, but would just keep the situation in a turmoil". On May 30, Swain said during the opening of the criminal term of Superior Court in Marshall that the investigation of reported election irregularities in Madison was in complete. He claimed a "lack of co operation" on the part of Baley as the reason for the delay. Swain said at the time that Baley had refused to permit use of evi dence or information of election ir regularities which his office had secured. WILLING TO RELEASE Baley had told the Citizen that he would be willing to release the let ters for publication if Swain was willing. "I believe my letter to Swain made plain the government's position," Baley said. The;- Madison County Superior 3 lor ig an election. '. I - . - iv Federal officers bad' tmpouttded MJadison County election mate en Dec. 30-31, 1954, and later it (Continued to Last Page) V.B.S. Commencement At Methodist Church On Friday Evening The Vacation Bible School at the Mamhall Methodif.t Church will close Friday with a Comimencement Pro- cram at 8:00 p. m. Handwork ana Pupils' Workbooks will be exhibited from each department. The Ali-Bible Vacation School has been under the direction of the Rev. R N. Barefoot with the following teachers :nursery, Mrs. Preston Bag well, Mrs. Millard Hensley; begin ners, Miss Nellie Connor, Miss Sara Ann Davis; primary, Mrs. Ed Hous ton, Mass Eloise Ward Mrs. Cleo phus Ward; junior, Mrs. R. N. Bare foot, Mrs. S. B. Roberts; interme diates, Mrs. Clyde Roberts, Mrs. Weldon Ramsey. Secretary and treasurer for the school has been Miss Houston. Refreshments have been served each day by the ladies of the church. There has been an en rollment of 64 during the school with an average attendance of 60. Everyone is cordially invited to attend the commencement program to see the fine work the boys and girls have done. mmm. simetascaiM 'and wide-screen pictares. The latest projection equh mant Ku been aoreMSM woion -wmi give Madlsott Oaoaty aaa a tba most itedera thaatrsa In Wis area. , im A imr la la the eaater ex fee theatre wbwa bo daga, saad- wkbas, eeM driatar aad aopeora wiu tie aoU. Tha buiUln alas ba jnedr era vast rooma a4 j"a ; M. v. i j anaaanead that two V?ow wiU be arwaatai sack ic? two frire tatnriay wEl bt "r ta Ch." c'Tdrj E :""st Tiy- ... vajui v viwini iui Mavu mesm J rT...' 4 atuVAi Mdnth Uit. U hehfin eonducti 1955 County library Fund Drive Short Of Goal; Deadline June 30 REPRESENTS DEAJLERS JOHN CORBETT Mr. John Corbe-tt, popular Mar shall Ford and Mercury dealer, was selected to represent the Ford Deal ers in Zone B at the Ford District Dealers Council meeting held in Charlotte Tuesday. He left Tues day morning for the meeting and returned Wednesday. Service Motor Sales Now Mercury Dealer Announcement has been made that Service Motor Sales, Inc., of Mar shall, have been granted the fran chise as Mercury dealers for Madi- uin (Toutitv. .. Tie- official awwincement can be n kol.fnf.Mi advert! cement elsewhere in this. issue. "We are uroud to be the Foi Mercury dealers and are looking forward to serving" this . . county," Mr. John Corbett, dealer,, stated. County To Rate Two Pages In July Progressive Farmer Two papes of the July issue of The Progressive Farmer is devoted to Madison County. Farm Agent Harry Silver stated here this week that the article would also include sc pictures giving .ne progre made in the county during the past year. GIRL SCOUT DAY CAMP TO BE HELD HERE ON TUESDAY A training session for the staff of the Girl Scout Day Camp will be held at the camp site at the Mar shall Memorial Park on Tuesday, June 21. Mrs. R. H. Kaplan, Acting District Director of Hie Pisgah Girl Scout Council, will direct the ses sion Which wiU begin at 10:00 a. m., and will last until 3:00 p. m. In addition to the camp staff, troop leaders, troop committee members and mothers of Scouts are invited to attend. Twsntv-one airls have registered for the Day Camp which is to be held from June 27 through July 1. Mem bers of the staff include Mrs, J. s1m jti- Mm. C. E. Masuburn. Miss Clara Elisabeth Ramsey, Miss Bermce Thomas and Mrs. D. u. CRMS. Mm Grass. Scoot Leader, attend ed a training session bald at Swan- tsutoa .Tuesday . la preparation., tar .".M-..-. . ... . i - tne uay uaasp aea .. wees ; r :rrru-n G!t!i To v" - PRICE: $2.50 A YEAR $3,000.00 Needed To Assure Bookmobile For First Year; Funds Needed "We're a long way from that $5, 000.00, remarked Mrs. Kzra O. Bur nette recently when asked about the drive for funds for library service for Mtodison County. "Wre must have at least $3,000 by the end of June," she added. Mrs. Burnette and her workers are trying to solicit funds to start li bmiy service for the county, one of the three counties in the state which does not have a library. (The other two counties are Alexander and Jones. ) The need for library service has long been felt in Madison County. Several attempts have been made to secure it but never got any farther than an unsuccessful request to pre vious county connmissioners. The newly formed Friends of the Library appeared before the present county commissioners who expressed favor for the idea, but had no funds available for such service. However, they said they were will ing to appoint trustees and do other necessary legal work if the group and other Madison County citizens wanted service badly enough to so licit the 3,000 to match state funds. They promised either to provide, for it in the budget a year hence or submit the matter to a vote of the people, if the group could sponsor the first year's service financially. Officers of the Friends of the Li brary are Mrs. Walter Ramsey of Marshall, president; Mrs. M. P. Zu ver of Hot Springs, vice president; Mrs. Dorothy Huff of Mars Hill, secretary; and Mrs. fctnet pwnmi - . - ,ie of Marshall, treasurer; - , Members of the board of' trust are Mrs. Dorothy B. Shape, ehal: man; A. W. Ooates. vice chairman Mrs. J. B. Tweed, secretary; Mrs. Judson Edwards, treasurer; and Bex Allen and Winston Cook, members. 4-H Club County Dress Revue To Be Held Saturday The 4-H Club County Dress Re vue will be held Saturday morning. une 18, at 10:00 a. m., in the Mar shall High School Cafeteria. Girls participating are winners in their Club Dress lievue hl'l May 20. They will model dresses made this year on their 4-H Club clothing pro ject. Club members, leaders and friends of 4-H are invited to attend. The winner Saturday will represent the county and compete with others in the State Dress Revue t, U' held in, Raleigh in July. Bill Ricker Chosen To Attend Wildacres ; By Civitan Club Here ' Billy Ricker, 14-year-old bob of Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Ricker, of Mar shall, has been chosen by the Mar shall Civitan Club to attend Wiw acres Camp next weak He will leave Sunday along, with other, boys aneV girls throughout North Carolina, , Thk ia an annual event SDone6reV , by the various .Oivttaa 'dabs of Mortn uarouna. . The Mara Hill Club Wifl send tw. v 1 canoiaates, a ooy na gin. w- w w ) , s acre. names ox ur m were not available ia time' for J issue. wm-- n u. r- . r .v . -m 1 ' in- ' 'i' 1 1 si a i " -! J' ,ri f Si a.

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