f 1 iir Vii V 1 z-'1 ,' (, V 1 1 I 1 Vi f 3 4 -V 1 VOL.54 r NO. 29 "L; j' 3:rc!!:3 Pui:: j C:!:::!3 C20 To fctarafioh . Sihki& S n Amut1 For Caiaf Jr, i tn till Ute nfoi tbu m '4 iaid fee does not baliere be put into ef- W4dU WroUin on thftwwli Aool ywr. He oid be ttfpfctf jfMr wiU be time enough to AnVnt f MM would abolaen MiOeeohooU hOuld integrwaoo. 2T wtL riitdi -ma. w ;d i s 1 4Mnk the iwould feriotMty ooneSder doing , r ""- vnPRS FOR SaHJTION Bodfet, wh prevwualy h stated 1m doe not believe the Negroee of Kotth CtVoHu , Integration, nld he bopee the problem on be rwOrked out by "consent'' wittvin the next yeer, , m mid ttkn for integration M ttie sdwoh ia being brought about by " bunch rf misguided white peo Je in New York,'' teferrlng'to of ftoiale of the NUonl Aasociation ' thA Advancement of Colored People; . - 4. W. C Henneasee of Syiva waa named ehnirnmn of the annmarfi nanctai; campaign t a meeting of repreaentativea of the Daniel Boone Boy Seont Council Wednesday in the S and W Cafeteria in Asheville. The campaign will begin October 4 and continue for two weeks, A. W. AMen, Boy Scout executive, report ed. xr,. will he soturht in 11 Wesf- xt.u r...Hn counties: Madi- son, Clay, Graham, Cherokee Ma con, Swain, Jackson, Haywood, Yan cey, Avery, and Mitchell. John B. Hackney of Atlanta, Ga., deputy regional executive, outlined ' campaign details for the approxi mately 25 Boy Scouts representa tives who attended the meeting. Council financial support m Bun - ! combe Coudty is received through ItltuMl - a United Fund, 'CAlleti ahnounced plans for an en- ' laised budget to care ror sucn. " creasing needs as additional -troops, itiAintng activities and camping pro- granis. OPEN HOUSE AT TE5IPLE THURS. t Th- "Sheriffs Skyline Quartet' T of the Sheriffa Pwrtaient of BuU- iN-T combe Ci1?; -J, 1 . muimwI bv tha Masons ;of ''French Broad Lodge No m.h .AM, to be hew inwrsoay JHDy'28, ! , da composed of 1 Myrtla lnca,let ' tenor; Glenn.: Cwaaman, tod tonor md. plwiist; ' F.;S. Moffitt, haruone, tad Er-Greggbaas:?--Y In ! ::tion to the. quartet,. John C -Jt will sing a 'aolo and tta, ta- n m win be given by the Rev. Gross, pastor bftha Maranau Chore!. - - The - tf'A:-.-ne; Revj O.; L. wO' dt-Iiver I Tr-'s I 12PAGES ay Mich SNIPES GIVES -: FKENdlDROAD ROUTE BOOST Bkdk Mountain, All hope for a better road Hnltftig Mm I viUe, Mailtall and the Tennessee line ia not bat. J. Flemin thtipea of ifarion, , lth. district WgWay muaroner, aaia vooay. "I haven't given-hope of get ttne socnetMnr done-about the d." Snipes said. Ho-wa,av teat, akafc with Gov. Hodges and other poi. oal officiala, at a mountain lodge near here today. HOPES FOR FtajvD Snipes said he hopes to obtain money for1' -bringing about .broad' re pairs on the road from the special so-called governor's fund.- This is state money which- ewnes from: 1-Hgfcer tax income thai bud get requests, and Matoning . funds which the state does not have to put to match f ederal allocations. , It waa estimated early this year thin fund might run into aeverai millions. It is turned over to the governor to be used among the coimties for road work. REQUEST NOT MADE .j Snipes ' said he has not made a request to Hodges yet, but that ne has "talked the matter over witn bisn." ' 1 "I think this section be. good. friend, in the govornor, SMpes said, j "bo there isa possSWlUy we" will be Broad and JKiKWn wwtj.iWBww over a- wioposed interstoto fotito- to Tenneasee epaea , recently wwrnww Stato-H.wy Commission decided on the Pigeon River route and then turned down a request for a full survey of the French Broad route. Snipes soi6 the amount' 01 the . , . j . governor s fund srnou w d e - maue known within the next several weeks. 'i! hope to be able to convince the governor tnat we neea una muucjr worse than the other counties," Snipes said. DIVIDENDS ARE DECLARED BY CITIZENS BANK Charlotte Firm Continues Examination And Audit Here' E. R. TweedVjpresident of the Cit izens Bank, announced" thiAmorjiing that the board of directors has em ployed the certified publie account ants Campbell & Fechhelm,of;Char- lotte, to make the annual directors, examination and audit the booke of the bank. ' . The directors have begun mailing letters asking depositors vahd bor rowers to verify and confirm (help deposits and Joanr wita thaibank. It i cxiDeoted that large number off depositors have 'had' iatorest credited on .their savings book,'ind throhefc ,thf process of yarift.cation, s the records of the depositors may be oorrected. tfr.v Tweed- said. .; ",i 'Mr, Tweed asks that all4 persons receiving letters f rom "he board f diraotori matt their .reply tn e . en velopes enclosed -to" .their 'actount. ants, usmpoeHt ana iwmwoi. Aa tha.Citiaena Sank serv'nll of MWison, County, w' r ' 1 ofr-ficea-ia IarahaU,and i-.-.- . ea in Hot Springs and 1'ara LU, the .voltwte of eteTKw v.ic work fa targe. Jtispo ttr .1 t!icn some; aocou ' 1 l t f.lU-'..LL, NT C. tARCSf COAT IN Gimm imam LAUKGZiD ON SAT. v s, ,,,, Pleaaur Crulaer Lowered Into Pd On Roberts MoantaJa It sounds wfully erasy but it ac tually happened! Madison County's largest boat was launched last Sataffty afternoon in the hogavfblf p6d of Clyde M. Rob erto o Roberto Mountain. The assaMooldng oafcia crujaer, which will be need fog pleasure, was ehris- tmi'vtftagm " Tf& Sam ttti?Wllf Zttik. owners of ha. boat. Utod today ftiWW hip move ft to Ladar'Doulhu and higr watora fhhfvwek-endy TIhT erniser (s IS1 feet in " length with--At beam and is attrect- tvaiy paintea an manogany ana white. Owners -Stated "the the cruis er will be equtoped-witit a 8 horse power outbaaroV motor, an It eapaK ble of attaining 2548 mitts, net hour planning apasat.g.: " r Thei vesaoW. is registered -with- the UnHad States Coast Guard and la in readioessv for pleasuro tripSj fishf ing, etc Construction of the boat started ini Marshall witix Moderns,, Ernest FrJsby and Charlie -Sawyer working at odd times on it. This cruiser ia thought to be the largest ever built in Madison Coun ty and- is certainly . the - first .boat to be launched on "Roberts Mouhtairi. Again, this sounds fantastiic, but it's true! Melhoditt Men' Club - The -Methodist Men's tW lueeto this (Wiursday) evening1 at, 7:04 at the horn at, Mr. and Mrs. J,A Dennis for a picnic supper, ;ionjthe lawn. They are inviting alT' the members of .the church and .their friends. The speaker for the Eve ning will be - the Rev. Lee Barnett, a Madison County man who is now. pastor of the Biltmore Methodist Church. The people from both the Walnut and Marshall Methodist Churches are invited. Plans for re ceiving the Metnodist Mens Lnar- ter will be discussed. Wiar will end when nations are ripe for progress Mary B. Eddy -r THURSDAY. JULY 21, CRIMINAL COURT TO START HERE MONDAY MORNING Judge J. Frank Huskins, Of Burnsville, To Preaide; Swain Is Solicitor The regular July term of superior court for the trial of criminal oases will begin here Monday morning with Judge J. Frank Huskina, of Burnsville, presiding. Robert S. This term was moved up a month r ' under the new court term set-up which was made when the 24th Judicial District formed. This U - Juvfee BTuskinV ' firsT' Urm A Madison County. Approximately 80 cases are oa the docket for the one week's term. Below is a list of jurors drawn to serve during the term: Ronnie Grooms, R. - E. Shook, C. V. Lamb, Merty Buckner,. Jake M. Drake, Roy ' Snyder, Starling- Chand lery WoodalL Worley, Hillard Clarke, John Grifffn, Arthur Canerell, Gtover GiUia,- Lester Roberts,. J. J. Casaedy, Fi '6 N. - Lawson, Hobert' Wortey, Jim ' Shelton, Floyd, H. Baldwin, Bill Hensley, Joe Woody! Will Thomas. Glen Brooks, B. Z Reeves,,., Ernest Holt, Will Moore, Otto ' Reese, Ernest Snelson, Watael Norton, E. N. Norton,' Mrs. D. M Robinson, H. S., Davis,, Josh' Chand ler, Joa-Ctewi Sanford MtaGalllard, Ranee Jienalay Grodylhudwlav, U. G,ChUreh. B. G. JJedford. - Leo Keened, .Mrs. Ned Ramsey, Manassie Gunter and Mrs. Emma- Brown. '"If 1 Announcement wae mww una wnu by the Madison County Health De ipartnwnt .that the- county's free chest X-ray for every person in the county who is .15 years of age and cider will begin August 6 and. con tinue through September 3. There" will be two moBole X-ray units' in the county during this peri od and the-trailers will be. set "up in convenient places within reach of everyone,- ... . . Getting a chest X-ray requires no undressine, takes, only a minute or two, and is free. Each . person X- TRUCK LANDS IN FRISBY. BRANCH TUESDAY 1 : t 1MD t 1955 Ccdnty Library Ssnico Pftdst J- Ctssk At "YOUTH WEEK" TO BE HELD HERE; OFFICERSNATtlED In keeping wh "Youth Week' ' ... ... 1 . .1 1 Iffawfl. " w , "'7 w xla. . -wa - A. Ab a. hall Baptist Church next week, of- m nQ teacners nv oeou u. The young people 01 tne enurcn wiu 1 ui evarr ornce ox we emmen nu of all activities of the church next week. The young people will have charge of services on Sunday, July 31, when all members and the public are invited to attend. listed below are the. offices and youiun oeoole who will fill them next week.; Pastor, Howard Banks; Sunday School Superintendent, Charles flu ey; Training. 9nion, Peggy Holland; Organist, Barbara Davis ; Chorister, Manila Ramsey; Ushers, Virgil Smith, Luther Nix, Johnny Corbett, Ronny Candler; Deacons, James Hney, Buck Freeman, Johnny Cor bett, Bobby Ponder, Greenwood Edney, Lynn Sams, Lawrence Ponder, Jimmy Eads: Trustees, Bernard Ramsey. Tommy White, Luther Nix Treasurer, Billy Jean Bedoson; Clerk, 0g Sprinkle. ' v' ' Sunday School Teacherai Beginners. Bobbie . Jo Kix; PrH mry, Janice Thrones; Junior Girls, Blanche" Stines;, Junior Beys, Virgil Jb:Ji!S?edeJ'' fuey yntermeStatif Gtrls, - Faj e NefWnr Mehr'TomAy-mite; Vota VitoCOgaprinkleDeboralV Beatrice. Ward; AduH Womenv Cal vin Bdne Jtr.1 , Wnitehurat 1 Bible, Glenn Ponder. . - Choir Miembers": James Baley Jr., Wade Allen, Mlangrpt Corbetit, Katheidne Cody, Helen Fisher, Judy Pegg, Leta Jo Rdmsey, Patsy Ramsey,' Sandra "Ramsey, Billy Jean Ramsey, Jean Thomas, Jerry Thomas, Barbara Henderson, Ann Ramsey, Patsy Redmon, and Kermit Cody, Jr. rayed receives a confidential report by mail at his home address. Location of the two units and the dates will be announced in this pa- per next week. 1 . PRICE: 52.50 A YEAR, soting Here Dr. Weaver Delivers Mail Address; Bookmobile Now Assured Dr. David S. Weaver, director ea the N. C. State College Arricolter al Extension Service, delivered tao main address at the courthouse' ear Wednesday aifternoon when Madisoa County waa honored for winning the Rural Progress Contest in 1964. Dr. Weaver told of the great posa&aV ties and vast resources ia Medisois County and urged farmers to prac tice ' ntoredirl6rsJffo!nia. ox fo come other than tobaem. Too much emphasis is being placed ea one crop," he said. "IVn not criti cizing the growing of tobacco but I do feel that there are too many egg in one basket',1 he said. Dr. Weav erv praised; the rural- eleotrifkwuos of Madison County and the. fine co operation between the various agen cies, the public and the press, - Dr. Weaver was inrtorduoed- brv Harrr Silver, Madison County farm agents who presided at the meeting. ' Following Dr. Weaver's inforouw tive 'address, Mr. William D. FosVi of Raleigh, associate editor of The Progressive Fanner, presented the $500 check which was awarded Mad. ison County in the Rural Progress) contest to Mr. Harry Silver.. IXzw-' Sliver then praised, the fine work of the-people, of Madison .'County an , atraamdi the-1 great nrogreaa'jMnr made throughout the county. 1 HL presented 1 the check to, lira,,,. to' Bameer. ' home ' fwn"-' : juiid chairman -fur ihe eouutr Z,im rSerriee'aiHl boofanobile. .XTno-f. ZCiO joheck!, 'coupled with donationa" ibade by citisena of Madison Counw; ' ty, pot lie 'Bookmobile Drive" for $3,000.00 over the top..,; .t Y Mr. ' Kenneth Anderson totrodoced the various agricultural which were represented at the ing and .also the state and county officials and businessmen who were present. The meeting was attended by ap proximately 100 persons. June Bond Sales iln County: $3,712.5,0 Sales of U. S. Savings Bonds in North Carolina continued to with purchases in June being trreater than last year. This seta a new ten-year sales record for the month. For the first six months of this year, a new all-time peace rec ord was set with sales amounting to $28,907,934.00, 21 greater than 1954. This amounts to nearly S0 of the annual state quota of 68A million dollars. - f This report, released today by Mr. C. L. . Rudisill, Madison ' Countjr Chairman, shows that Madison Coun ty sales for June were $3,712-50. HELP THE BUND ,r " . f f 1 7 v'f "'1 si -A V. ?4 4 ft t ,

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