va Hwhtwklv. . ' 1 THE wc; . lECQlip ''.vj' V,. v(V ? " marshal y. c; ,oct. 13, - V i VW'dXDu OH at itATES FOR WANT ADS 25 words or less Fifty Cents Per Issue aSU3BER STAMPS For Sale imp Pads, Notary and other lis. Stencils, Rubber Type, Numbering Machines, Staplers sand Ink. Write in your sMxiers or call me at The News- Stecord Office. coleman Caldwell 3-7 tf c Painting OUTSIDE and INSIDE PRICES REASONABLE Chandler Hardware Company MARSHALL, N. C. '.HELP WANTED SEE ME for Doortunitv of lifetime. Good RawleiKih business open in Modi sum Ooaintv. Products well esbab ; ffisihed. Over $50,000 sold there. I sell in adjoining locality. Been there nine vears. - Will help you. See or call G. R. Forrester, Moore Street. Weaverville. Telephone 64-K. or write W. T. Rawleiph ' Company. Dept. NCJ-510-216, Bicumond. Va. "aO-C 13, 20, 27p REPORT OF CONDITION OE V The Batik OfFtenchB of in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business pu October B. 1955 " "', iJ.'' ASSETS ' Uash, balances with ouier banns, mciuaing reserve iNtram-ni, fli unii raisih i turns in nrocess of collection i 266,936.03 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 1,570,687.60 Ob-Jigutious of Daies and pobj.cai suoduvisions 3j,uUi.lH, Other bonds, notes, and debentures --- 1??'50,29 Loans ad discount (including $Z, overaraira; iwo,uu. Bank premises owned $32,350, furniture and A fixtures $845.00 ?'ioSS9 Other assets 10.898.M TOTAL ASSETS $2,638,487.26 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $ 898,735.81 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 1,138,2.68.98 Deposits of United States Government ( including postal savings) - 24,528.98 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 279,876.2 Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 6,979.41 TOTAL DEPOSITS $2,348,388.98 Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money - --- iuu,"uv-w Other liabilities 17,483.16 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below :,4bD,8o4S.14 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital $ 100,000.00 Surplus 50,000.00 Undivided Profits 22,605.1: TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 172,605.1 CODY MOTOR SALES 3963 2-ton CMC; tandem axle; priced sell atSCS CHEVROLET Ckiib Coup; R&H , wihihs wall feres FORDi'S-door; 8-cyHnder; R&H a49XSRU 8-Axlr; 8 cylinder; heat. r; 'new psist If&OPONTIAC 2-dtoor; R&H t&tS MBRCURT 4-door CB XEKP ' aJU FORD 2-door t9 DODGE TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $2,638,487.2 This bank's capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $100,000.00 iuiu ueposius uj me creoii oi tne Crtate oi XNortn uarolnna or any official thereof $190,000.00 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for otfcfr purposes $389,500.00 1 Blanche M. Navy, of the above-named bank, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly represents f ho trim ortSorfn f 4-Un A..nuun1 1.1 1 . -m . j j . w uuc vcitti iiunuters rem oonxainea and set forth, to the "l "j imvwicuc Him imueu. Correct Attest: BLANCHE M. NAVY C. L. RUMISILL, Director W. T. McKINNEY. Director BRUCE K. MURRAY, Director. State of North Carolina. Oounifav nf MmI;i , . Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of October 1955 iuf I hereby certify that I am not an officer or direoboof this! nk ' TL R. WORLEY, Notary Public. l1 :ri i 1 t I t 1 t If,' , ' 1 i. M ' L J O mLj ik 4 to Aat very room In your Aomof HEATMAKEK Ns.1 TIRES ON -CAST PAYMENT PLAN 25o can boy four new uncon- 4BuHiBtsaiiy (unuiMa urei V SPAT AS LOW AS . S2.7S PER WEEK fiZom mlL tire niy innke the v l . Down Payment ( Xnr,-SZON'3fGARAGE iMir TAKD w ana ci MWW m ns; Ez- 11 .wJfji7r i T-Cl" Ptor Tnuinilons; Ex- "e ' jo.i 1 lias : Juxoaango 9o.w tneraiors, older ears; Exchange i S&00 SaesflitiDns. late models; Exchange Osra, tall models; Exchange Trailers $35.00 each. Damp Bed n , sftAJKTS from 80 Junk Oars & Trucks For Sale Spring Creek PTA (Continued from page six) Ferguson; Alice, Barbara Cogddll; the New Wife, Betty Ferguson. The actors played their parts well. Bar bara Jean Caldwell made a perfect mother, both injooks and acting the part. After the stage show, a call for members was made bv Mrs .kimberly. Forty joined. Refresh ments were served in the auditorium, Mrs. Glen Davis being in charge. The next meeting will be held Nov. 8. t 7:80 n. m. Our member- sUp Ml is 100 befor S6. LefSil smkeaonC W wli to nr ttta best ewhool year in tbe iistory of Spring Oreek. MRS. JACK JOYCE, reporter. Idle Acres (Continued from Page One) will grow timber of good quality t If you have some idle land, why not put it to work growing wbitt You may get free seedlings fo this land if you will contact you1 county agent, forest warden,vooi tiorml agricultural teacher, or tb soil conservationist. Any of th above named neoole can take von order and it wM be flled: witfa TV seedlings a long as the Supply HU We in Madison County are alloWt : vi ijij 7 j " - Y II N BtH lUIS HIATMAKII Ns, la) A JL tmjJ i m Dowsndir. innar hast 'mi. tube. Room air is'forcsd VPV,!'-!',''r (through tb heart of th hot. flT "&4 ' ' ?V Air k art spM krtir tfcof vattn Isst sf tb duamy h m th ctdlRf fartiag yu U live hi tw rotas. I Ssjhr k art csotnl htstaf plant wis ntmin ajtolollowl Sfejlw Is a revebflosery Dilbd of Hlf wimMff MltY DVT COUKIttt) MB AND atOBIBU flOl ICCX-aW ctfif y IT0 Kofif il nmoiiBTO INPUT . thew h BTO OUTPUT, bat what DMfis your BMajhT wsna Is BTO UBEPUT . . tbsvoridng iTlTi that bnt nor hom! In BTU U8EPUT Sieder OUT IBAtS'EMAIXI A 60000 BTO SfrMsamliBABLK 1BAT tfaaa mnch hiffa ratal efd&sry haatan. A 76,000 STO Osdsr furaaeohfl ssstsr ess only be esnpsiMto csntfsl bsstinf plant SieflioT costt yw sa Bttto fa. 4 i Own snd 9p&N&9B jtjpfB f aj travofcaWaysbwlKlstMlisiiMQ H - !' mum 1 OIL fctst I1IATC3 ;jf P. R. Elam Farm Supply Go. MARSHALL, N. C. sat ott have alreadv used timber cnads of nanai fmm -vnmi . 1 . some S0.O0O mora vhita vjiua. im I Ln-4 w . A - JZ.JTZr vn. WTOa 07 od prodocU ft 1st IniAVim M MAtra kawna I Jit 'saai s. alb.i ii'UA. .J' a.' ' V- a . ... . . . -.s W , MOSUI the plant It is also rft viUMai tawny thtegsmadtf Vod. Jieyi wcM need houses barns, books other wood products. In fact, with-1 :J, , P , Mem debt arouad trees .on our idle land. RTOVE CLEANPNG TIME Krmhuv vour old joints, elibows nnd collars at YOVR BOB DAVIS Suto, Hardware and Appliance Store l ott springs, n. WANT 75 A WEEK or better 10b, .Tailing on farmers and families towns? Farm and Houe- : lssW Supplies. Just the job, too, - for persons on pension or social ! top KEWS. RECORD. PO Box a a-a-sw - B4l3,-2Xtp WPGS. SALE 3 year old cow, now ' jready to freshen. ' . FRANK FLYNN Marshall, N. C, RFD 4 ' i Walnut Creek MOLASSES FOR SALE. SEE TV-. MRS. W. O. RECTOR HFD 1, Marshall. N. C. ' ii BtoP "WANTED Booming busi- - . ' asM makes opening available for saapsnsuNe man or wmwu wiw 'j t.J'"! jcar ter call on larm women in ' ' 1 3adison County. Full or spare a.t ivfiHi McNESS .7 T fg, pahitnore X.Md. Candler Schedule Of Home ' Dcrlioiitration Clalia in County r : 9 o y; Oct: n.; :00 Clea; ' Mrs. Osnd Cibbs, V Oot l8 2:0 p. m. : Ilrai T.' B., Worley, host- -, Oot,l C 2.00 p. m. : ".a: r.-rfn Ammo lis, 4 Jf V'' 4 L 0 i 1 4 v V ".1 eajaathh;.