'y'W'" '"" """"" y s . a e co n - ; V .1 'ff. '$;! VIA h Ifll ?.fi,". V-MC , Hi.' i R - PERSONAL' and . OTHERWISE f I Mr.' and ' Mrs. J. H. Bagwell an von of Washington, D. C., are vw!t ing friends end relatives here thi: week. Mr. Bagwell is the forme fflOas Faye Simmons. J Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin of Con way, S. C, are spending this weel ,i . inere with relatives. V . n. Mrs. J. N. White returned home lEktturdty from Port Huron, Mich., nl where she spent several weeks with .w granddaughter, Mrs. E. E. rjhandler, and family. Lyman Mlartib spent the week-end 0n Boiling Sprigs with relatives. He was accompanied home Sunday by Mrs. Martin who had been spend ing a few days in York, S. C and Boiling Springs, as the guest of relatives. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Pain Sprinkle pent the week-end in Charlotte as gneats of Mr. Sprinkle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sprinkle. Mrs. Sam Rudisill and son, Lewis, cjpent tie week-end in Hickory visit ing; relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Stines and Mrs. "Bill Roberts and two daugh ters, Patricia and Billie Lynn, spent the week-end in Glen Alpine. ota VittClass To Meet Tuesday The Vota Vita Sunday School -lass of the Marshall Baptist Church wll hold its regular monthly meet ag at the home of Mrs. Wade Huey, ,'ueeday night, October 18, at 8:00 o clock. Mrs. Calvin Edney will have jharge of the program. . Recent Births y y y sfc 9fc y j 9& To Mr. arid Mrs. Curtis Edwards, MlareihaU RFD 2, a daughter Oct. 10, 1955 in Memorial Mission Hos pital. To Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Ponder of Route 1, Alexander, a son, Ralph Clark, oif September 80, 1955 in Memorial Mission Hospital. Well, what do you knowt the nursery in the Baptist Church base ment is a dilly pretty pink walls and . green ceiling crjfes, chairs, TOP" By To Mir. and Mrs-Ed Shelton, Al exander RFD 1, a son October 10 1956 in St Joseph's Hospital. Mrs. Guy English of Marshall, and her sister, Mrs. Lundy Cornette, of Flag Pond, left' Wednesday 'for Biloxi, Miss, .where they will spend several days visiting another sister. . Miss Ruth Guthrie of Wahiut had as her house guest last week-end Kjes Elisabeth . Routt, teacher at Warren' Wilson College. Miss Girth, tie and Miss Routt previously taught together at Chagrin Falls, Ohio. ' Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Reeves and son of Port Huron, Mich., are spend ing this week with Mr. Reeves' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Reeves, ef Walnut To Mr. and Mrs. Jess Proffitt of Marshall a son October 11, 1955, in St. Joseph's Hospital. With The Siek 9 Winston Outshall of Marshall is in Moore General Hospital where he is having his tonsils and adenoids removed. His condition is satisfac tory. Mr. Richard Freeman, who has been in the Moore General Hospital undergoing treatment, returned home Tuesday. He is employed at the Service Motor Sales, Inc. A2e Joseph M. Reeves of Wash ington, D. C, is visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mirs. A. S. Reeves, of Walnut BIRTHDAY SUPPER ENJOYED FRIDAY A, birthday supper was given Fri- Wf'f'' the home 0f.Mrdsmd Buehanan, daughter of the Rev. and Mr. J. C. Buchanan Jr. Mr. Bu chanan is pastor of the Old Bull Creek Baptist Church. Donna was also given a birthday party ' Saturday alternoon at the home of Mrs. James Sprinkle. Ap proximately thirty children enjoyed the occasion. LEAVES FOR CALIFORNIA Ben Frieby Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Frisby of Marshall, is in Moore General Hospital where he underwent an appendectomy. He leaves today (Thursday) for Cali fornia, where he will then be sent to Japan for shore duty. Ben Jr., is a Fireman in the U. S. Navy. YOU hiO GOOD UKILES5 YOU USE 9 Rites Held Tuesday S'tKElier funeral services for James C. El ler. 23. of Raleigh, who was killed in an automobile accident at Chapel Hill Monday morning were held Taesdav afternoon at the Coates Baptist Church near Raleigh. Buri al was in Mont Lawn Cemetery in Raloigth. Mr. Eller was the son of the Rev. and Mrs. J. Ben Eller of Coates. The Rev. Mr. Eller is a native of Madi son County. Surviving Mr. Eller are the wid ow, a 7monthsld dauglhter, his parents, one brother and three sis ters. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Zink of Mar shall and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Eng .sh of Mars Hill- attended the fu- ril service. The Drive-ln SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 9:30 THURSDAY ON Y FAMILY NITE ($1.00 PER CAR FULL) TONY CURTIS FRANK LOVEJOY "BEACHHEAD" They fought with tibe fury of the dasnned FRIDAY and ' SATURDAY GEO.? MONTGOMERY "GUN BELT" The life, at BILLY RUKSO ths -west amm forgot him In Color i--vvWD JUMP INTO rELL" The Qurilling-story of . handful of men and one woman SUNDAY A MONDAY. BING CROSBY GRACI KELLY WM..H0LDEN ; - . ;count.:y girl" ; , ' The most fAed tU-i movie of the aaomant ' v; . t -r . .Y CALEICUri i 4 A Defiantly they mads their stand v In. 0bMr , -9 Esy ts bnt et e?rt'-Mnt bi tha prfvasy rf jw . T I'va - ', f , .Coll Dr--t rt r,if f.-aTwv--. pictures on wall and , everything suitable for the "um uapnasw' several , of the men and ladies worked, hard getting it all fixed up last Saturday Wade . Huey furn ished the paint and Everett Boone, Virgil Smith and S. B. Smith paint ed the room J. C. Henderson also did a lot of work getting it all ready for Sunday r. Mr. Gross was quite surprised and delighted to come, down Sunday morning - and find that moat of the fitlng-up had been done as a surprise to him -r-no excuse now, mothers bring your lttle tots and leave 'em in the nur- iery while you attend the services - capable ladies are in charge of the nursery both Sunday a. M. and p. m. the revival . is going on;t cne napuat : Lauren w, ween mm everyone is enjoying tile" fins ser mons being delievered by Mr.;D. P. Brooks be sure to donate to the White Cane Drive now being car ried on by the Lions many blind children and adults are being helped through this drive sorry; that Helen Hunter had such a tpothache Tuesday she still remained pa tient and sweet, though Joe Nix, who is on vacation, seems ' to. be enjoying the out-of-doors ,1 sure have had plenty of geod'naav: 4ur-l ing the past week Saturday ' night, we had about 14 guests-up' home lot supper with ham being fhe-jnain meat on the table Mondagr night we were served ham at the Lions Club meeting and on Tuesday, the ladies had delicious ham at the Civiban Club meeting stall, I nev er get tired of ham the "Big One" comes up Friday night mean, or course, the urevara vs. Marshall football game on .the I$ .and it's going to be .strange trying to "beat" Coach Wayne Bradburn, popular Marshall coach for three years, who is how , head coach at Brevard Coach Glen fainter, however, will ''throw the works" at the Blue- Devils ifVof- course, Brevard, fs heavily "jfaf'd ': co defeat thejocals, but Ita positive thai tinrj.miaPWV.W-tf. nadoes mm :but-tfc aho v former coa& lJ. still "6laV ioot- ball here ihtittehtaUy,. Bramtrd r! bringing Its V60iece band- the game will be broadcast play-by-play jhe Marshall band will perform, and everything points to a "big nfight" in the old town these mornings are so cold I almost freeze getting dressed by ten o clock, I'm so hot I wish I had frozen it's hard to know what to wear when winter and summer weather comes during the same day Evelyn itamsey is now working at the of- .ice here and is surprised at the amount of work it takes to get out a newspaper she says she thought we loafed most of the time until she started working in here Bruce rayne is also getting his apprentice ship here and is doing real well nope Valerie Shelton gets over he! sore throat soon the school "Kids' ,eemed migihty happy Tuesday p. m., when they were "turned out" of school because of the teachers' meet ng glad that 83 people took ad- antage of the Bookmobile on open ing day remember, books are FREE absolutely no charge for good reading leave it to me to get things messed up in last week's issue in giving the names of those "who helped prepare the fine fuh fry at the Old Mill Wheel, I florgot to list Mr. W. F. Holland Jearned later that he worked the mfcoje atfttsrnoon peeling; potatoes ad onions if I overloload anyone -please excuse me I didn't fh"!' '...'' i siajlKHUa. 1 u J TWO ACRES of tobacco so far have paid for Mr. and Mrs. Hil liard Teague's 156-acre farm on Marshall RFD 2, Madison County. Now they're planning to let it pay for their new demonstration home shown here. Cut courtesy Ashevill Citizen-Timea. Open Elouse Tonight " At Milliard Teagae EZdnie Never underestimate the power of two-acre tobacco patch. Mr. and Mlrs. Hiilard Teague of RFD 2, once put their, faith in a small burley plot. And they've never regretted it. , Just seven years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Teague bought Mrs. Teague's Ihomeplace" from the other heirs. TOBACCO MONEY They decided - to put aside the money - they -made from the tobacco to pay off the mortgage. The 15-acre farm is now paid for. Since it worked so well before, the Teagues are using the same system to pay for their new home. In fact, they're already putting .this year's tobacco receipts on the mortgage. The Teagues' new demonstration' house in Hayes Run community will; be open to -the public Thursday. Hours for the "open house" are 6:30 p. m., to 9:30 p. m. STARTED MAY 17 According to W. C. Warrick, ex tenon agricultural engineer . at. State College, the Teagues began construction of their new home on May 17 and moved in August 24. The attractive brick-veneer struc ture has two bedrooms, combination living room and dining area. "U" shaped kitchen with eating area, and an abundance of storage space. The master bedroom baa two clos ets and all closets have sliding doors. There are 1,250 square feet of heated ' area and a large front porch. INSULATED OVERHEAD Other f eafawea. af tbe house- in Ohide jnaulatod ovsthead,--plastered walls, plastic tile; miiiwrn Ing living room, a high bog fceaaing system which fits into tae utiliUy room, a breezeway, and one-car garage. Warrick says that Teague itracted all of the labor and furniafc ed the material except for the ing plant. Teague got 'the for the house off the farm bought the oak flooring. He furnished 300 hours of labor. The Teagues are a Farm Home Development family. A total of 120 of their 156 is in permanent pasture. In to the 2.1 acres of burley tobacea ems their own farm, they rent of an acre of tobacco and also registered Hereford cattle. Teagae has 34 head at the present time. He worked in the post office be fore naaertaking full-time fanmiug; two years. Mrs. Teague has been ieeihfcsgj in the elementary school siBJbe 'Aet graduated f rom 'college. Mrs. Roberts Honored With A Household Shower October 1 Mrs. Pauline Payne and Mrs. Howard Payne honored Mrs. Fred Roberts, the former Miss Dorlene Payne, with a household shower Sat urday night, October 1, at the home of Mrs. Howard Payne. They were assisted by Misses Ed- nfi and Lucy Payne, Miss Irene Payne, Mrs. Billy Guthrie and Mrs Ruth Henderson. g playea. and Mi kwardeA to l&rTilda Redmon, Mral- Richmond yyna, Mrs. Richard Conner, iBar nettPayne and Mts. Glenn Reams. The ' present wsre: Mrs. Tilda Redman, Mrs. Clarence Redmon, Mr. and Mrs. Jobie Redmon, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Redmon, and Mrs. Al bert Redmon, all of Asheville; Mrs. Maggie F. Ramsey, Mrs. T. R. Wor- ley, Mir. and Mrs. Lon Sluder and daughter, Mrs. Allen Roberts, Mrs. Walter Wijson, Phillip Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Ledford, Mr and Mrs. Floyd Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Payne, Joy Payne, Alma Payne, Mr .and Mrs. Richard Con ner, Mr. ana Mrs. turner league and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Reems and son, Mrs. Herschel Uob- erts, Mr. and Mrs. Howar 1 Roberts Mrs. Ada Payne and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Payne and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Roberts and soi', Mir. and Mrs. Howard Payne, Mrs. Bill Roberts, Mrs. Vader Shelton and daughter, Mrs. Billy Guthrie, Mrs. Pauline Payne and family, Herman Payne, Tillery Payne, Mrs. Ruch Henderson and son, Lucy Payne, Edna Payne and Irene Payne. ante-little dog Tfeesdayv mgM-r ihmw ah gets to keep it glad .Bit ty. Sicker is afala to be home nope he soon recovers from injuries re ceived m a wreck last week. f -Often a man boast of the rich, eouanaw of hh eonvjctions, but atUl is unwilling :tovbet on them, x VATCH. REPAIRING BROTHERHOOD COMMITTEE. WILL MEET MONDAY NIGHT The regular monthly meeting of the executive committee of the Brotherhood of the Marshall Baptist Church will be held Monday night, October 17, at 7:30 at the home of James Story. All members of the compnittee are invited. ATTEND MEETING Miss Thomas Is 'Bride Of Gerald F. Wjlkie Mr. and Mrs. Buford Tho nounce the marriage of tv ter, Janice Delee, to C Wilde, son of Mrsn Wilde, of MarsV The vow--'' 1965 in f The er Michagp' ejnpioy Happiness is a the mora f it' we jthe more1 we have lei f . Mirs. LUlie F. Ehnor, Mrs. Grace 8. English, and Miss . fancy Lisen-beei;';:43-wokars3nj Coua Weifart fieirtme at ed the ' Western District meeting of held Tuesday in the Dogwood Room classes in school now has a wi na of Gaither'a Cafe in Brevard. lectures him daily. The fellow who hated to,.atten RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Bill Ricker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ricker, of Marshall, haa re turned home after staying six days in Mission Hospital as a result of an automobile accident fast Wed nesday, Ootober 5. He received outs and bruises, and a fractured pelvis to Jackie Paynw footi bene. His condition is satislaataTy. : f Jim Patrick j ' - torrT rtanaf ef ot , - 1 Ix Girl Scout Troop Elects Officers Ctrl Scout Troop 85 divided into two Patrois and eleoted officers at the' regur meeting Monday afiter- neon "Margaret Corfcefct was elect ed Troop ;Soribe and Ann Ramsey, Troop .Treasurerv The members oi Patrol 'Noi X Taa Katnertna UocV asPatroiLv . i amd,ffrbara JHen- mi 'as ASw4aivt I . (Leader. neTMfcElj'ojf -.waa aleoUd" Leader : ratrol 1 and Sheila KMl7 Aasl t Leader. i ,t v . ..a members l Patrol w 1 are present Flag ceremon' at the t troop meeting and refreshments Kr to be served by Patrol Na. X V.'orfca Cd'Ji Way , rt f- ..IV Vat makes their noma u a Ismt i v it pretty sura to maks DHY IVORRY IVITll HIGH PRICED F6ELS? YOU can have 24-hour constant heat with your OWN FUEL WOOD! at little or no cost or worry GET AN ASHLFY AUTOMATIC HEATER i KEAT WITH WOOD V Onr 3.000 ntailtd h m atf. Many onn raport am ibmSOXnvawtiiiiMlcMti. stiS atyH ! IfcawmW WUhrwl iaiii(iiiiisiiiiii jfiWVaiBtas- . ft t . IWk m JMtt .' ' to. -ivtl THESE i. . . ,JIEMARKAL( . MEATUS TODAY! . I : C:d Grctafi't. . m. -J wT ' '. J ? - - V i -J 1 M . 'J I. Y If jcavea t'- t hoot, i .A i ... -, 4 "i i t N 1 . t. Yi:r