VOL. 54 NO. 45 16 PAGES MARSHALL, N. C. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1955 PRICE: $2.50 A YEAR Torques Defeat Liars Hill To I "Jin County Football Title Clarence (Edwards Scores All Three Touchdowns; Win (Was "Team Victory" The Marshall High School Red Tornadoes, playing before one of the largest crowds of the season, rose ur to hand the Wildcats of Mars Hill High School a 19-6 lick ing, and capture the Madison Coun ty championship, on the Island here Friday night. Marshall took the opening kickoff and drove 64 yards for the firs score. Clarence Edwards and Elzie Wdlde alternated carrying the ball on this drive. Edwards broke loose off his right tackle and rambled 17 Pi rat downs Yds. gained rushing Puses attempted Passes completed Yds. (pained passing Pawns intercepted by Yds. gained in caption Punting average Yds. kicks returned Opp. fumbles recov'd Yds. lost penalties MH M 7 15 !MI 253 4 5 1 1 15 12 0 1 0 9 34 33 90 15 1 2 35 35 I KU tS (SUNDAY 1 tXTf I 1 1 - - l ROGERS SAYS ROAD SURVEY NOT COMPLETE JURY PROBING VOTE CHARGES WILL REPORT By Citizen Staff Writer Mars Hill Marshall 6 6 619 yards for the score. Edwards again -went off tackle for the extra point. Tlte Tornadoes missed a scoring op portunity in the second period when thtey drove to the 11 -yard line be fore losing the ball on downs. The Tornadoes struck again in the third period, when Donald Hunt er, playing an outstanding game at end, blocked a Mars Hill punt on the Wildcat 5-yard Hne. Edwards again (Continued to Page Three)': " : I Cl w wv I I w. wo Sheriff E. copper still MARVIN C. WOODSON FINAL RITES TO BE HELD SUNDAY FOR MARVIN WOODSON Former Marshall Man Died On Midway Island While En Route Home V - D..J ntliriwl ' '. .... . I in w emenon xjnurc Funeral services will be held Sun day afternoon t 2:30 o'clock in Alexander Baptist Church for Sflgt. Marvin Carrol Woodson, 22, of Alexander and the U. S. Air formerly lived in Mar- Midway IslaiidV while en route homi from Japan. Marvin graduated from Marshall Morganton, Nov. 8 Information for the suggested economic . irvey of a French Broad River highway route is still being gathered, William H. Rogers Jr., chief engineer of the State Highway and Public Works Commission, said here today, here today. He said he did not know how soon the survey would be completed. Rogers' connmenit was in reply to a question concerning the survey the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads sug gested last month. He was here for today's dedica tion of the Morganton by-pass. The bureau said at the time it would like more information on the Asheville-Dandridge, Tenn., route before rendering a decision concerning the designation of an in terstate highway. Rogers said he planned to come to Asheville tomorrow to study the area at the west end of the Smoky Park Highway bridge. He said a proposed shopping cen ter in that section might be a factor in the study, but explained that he didn t know for certain whether it would be or not. And if it were, he added, he was not saying that it would be a "det rimental" factor. The North Carolina engineers are obtaining information on the route as far as the state line, and the Tennessee engineers are gathering data on the stretch beg!n Dan dridge and the '.state border can l a,viti Mil a Asheville, Nov. 9 Two Federal grand juries will be in session here next week. A new grand jury will be impaneled Monday on bho open ing of the regular criminal term of U. S. District Court, and the "vote fraud" grand jury will return. The grand jury probing alleged election irregularities was impan eled last November during the fall criminal court term here and much of its deliberations were devoted to election fraud charges. The same jury continued in an active status last May when, during the regular spring term of criminal Federal court, a grand jury was impaneled for regular cases. The special jury was last in session Sept. ,'!. At that time, the (lovei'nnient wanted still further time on the al leged election fraud charges from Madison County. The vote fraud grand jury has been oiiiered to report Thursdav. Nov. 17. It is expected that the regular grand jury will have com pleted its deliberations and returned any bills of indictment by that time. The office on District Aattorney James M. Baley has reported that about 75 cases anp on the calendar for trial at this ttrm here. The final session lff criminal court for the Western District of North Carolina will be in BryW City on Nov. 28. Most of the cases to be tr:H here are car theft or liquor law viwla- Marshall F. F. A. Team Is Stele Uinner In Tobacco Grading ELECTED TO OFFICE Madison County F.F.A. And 4-H Teams Win 7 Of 15 Top Honors At Fan PENDER McELROY Mcelroy elected vice president wnc beta clubs tions. Marshall High School Student Succeeds IBlackwell; Miss Roberts Chosen Reporter The Marsnall Ci,vitan CI bers met Tuesday for their regular luncheon-meeta-iff ait the Presbvteri- section last Friday morning. The 40-i High School in 1951. He yn angn ohurcn but at 12:30 o'clock, the gallon outfit was destroyed along now muror m boiiwi cutiu with 20 gallons of mash. nJ sports. He attended N. C. State No arrests were made. uouege oeiore enwnng wie n. force in April, l'Joz. He was sent 1 AMERICAN LEGION TO PURCHASE TWO BAND UNIFORMS Turkey Dinner Planned For Legion Members Here Next Thursday Boyce Mayhew, Commander of the Davis-Sexton Post, American Le gion, announced here this week that the metnbers decided at their last monthly' meeting, held last Thurs day, to purchase two band uniforms for te Marshall High School band. A turkey dinner was also planned overseas in June, 1954. He served at Air Force bases in Okinawa, Japan and Formosa as a Control Tower Operator. The Reverends Ervin Sluder, Joe Hunnicutt Jr., John Lowder end Arthur Tlensley will officiate and burial will be in the West Memorial Park at Weaverville. Pallbearers will be Ronald Bailey, Joe Paul Roberts, James Albert Fisher, Clyne Rector, Douglas Shel ton and Ray Workman. Honorary pallbearers will be friends of the family. Flower bear ers will be sistcrs-in-law, cousins, former classmates and members of ithe Young Ladis' Bfble Class of Alexander Baptist Church. The body, now at the Bowman Rector Funeral Home in Marshall, I members went into the recreation room, only to find it cold and desert ed.' For some reason, the ladies hadn't prepared the meal. Knowing that there had been some mix-up in dates, the Civitan mem bers just laughed it pff and went elsewhere to cat but not to meet. to be held at the Legion Building taken to homJ in Weay next Thursday night at 7 o'clock. ervjll Thursday afternoon, and re All members and honorary mourners main there untiJ funeral nou). are invited to be present. Ellsworth Succeeds Michaels At Hot Springs Plant Mr. J. B. Talbert, Superintendent of Goodall-Sanford, Inc., Hot Springs plant, announced today that Calvin A. Michaels, Personnel and Office Manager, is being transferred to Burlington Industries' Lakedale Plant as Personnel Manager. Mr. John Ellsworth, formerly with Burfngton Industries, Oxford, N. C,' plant is being transferred to Hot Springs to succeed Mr. Michaels. Rummage Sale By Vc Viii Class Hz 3 Saturday, Nov. 12 A XMnnutt ale will be riven by 'the Vota Vita Sunday School class " members Saturday, Nowmber M. 'the court bouse-yiwB.irV;V , Tfca sals wUl begin a -o'clock and contir -s antil la afternoon. ... - la c-r.E. :n ith tbt nnntaage t ' (' -n r:i also b eakes pies, 3 tr.J tiaiy for ile ' ; . . . . ' ' . S .t... 'X- ' Sui-vivors are the widow, the for mer Miss Shirley Bailey, of Weav--rville; the parents, Mr. and Mrs .tome S. Woodson, Weaverville; anc me brother, Harry Woodson, oi towah fjri Weaverville. Bowman-Rector Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. PREP GRID GAME SET TURKEY DAY; PHILLIPS TO COACH Kyker Of Owen High School, Johnson, ' Reynolds High, Assistants A new football bowl game for high school seniors in portions' of West ern North Carolina was born Tues day night at a meeting between the Enka .fiigb School Boosters Club and the Valley Springs Atheltic As sooistion ; .-. , Gathering at the new, Enka High School, these organisations voted to qponsor a.'. Senior AH-Str Football Gam at Memorial fSUdiuro 4a Ashei ville, Thanksgiving Day, . November U, at S:8Q p. inc. VV M. ; A team' alv aenior rrI4iron Uy (Continued. V rage SlcW JERRY CROWE ON ALL-CONFERENCE FOOTBALL TEAM Blue JUdjge Parkway .fv ATraffic rorrflgfre8! jnst released by Howard-B, Stricklin, acting Superintendent of the fclue Ridee Parkway, - 614,880 persons in 186,624 cars traveled the Blue Ridge Parkway in October of 1956. This is an increase of 180, 515 or 41.5 over September and 20.5 over October of 1954. The travel figure to date this year for the Parkway is 4,085,751 per sons. Since 1950, when the Park way had 1,825,491 people, it has led all other Park areas in the United States in travel. Pender McElroy, a member of the "ore class of Marshall High o'eeted vice president of Caroljna District .second annual tint iHisa raw ttooeref, of Walauw The Western Carolinas Junior College Conference today released a roster of the all-conference football team. At one of the halfback spots, Jerry Crowe, former star at Mar shall High and outstanding back at Mars Hill College this season, was chosen. The 145-pound Senior is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crowe, of the Walnut Creek section. The announcement came from Toach Norman Harris of Gardner Vebb College, chairman of the foot ball committee. Other members of ihe commrittee are Coaches Fred Dickerson of Lees-McRae and Don (Continued to Page Eight) BLOODMOBILE TO BE AT MARS HILL NEXT THURSDAY The Red Cross Bloodmobile Unit will be at the Mars Hill College gymnasium next Thursday, Novem ber 17, instead of at Marshall, as it had been previously announced. Miss Virginia Hart, blood chair man at Mars Hill, announced thai the unit would be at the gym from 10:30 to 12:30 and from 1:30 to 5:30 o'clock on next Thursday. Citizens throughout the county are asked to give blood on this date be cause it will be several months be fore the unit is in Marshall. FIRST PLACE WINNERS AT STATE FAIR High School, was elected reporterj succeeding Patricia . Watkins North Buncombe High School Mr. McElroy, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. McElroy, of Marshall, Is a pop ular student at the Marshall school, being very active in all student ac tivities. Amonr the many activi ties he has engaged in are the fol lowing: Vice president of Freshman Class; Vice president of Band Freshman year; Baseball Fresh man year; Beta Club Play Fresh man year; Football Freshman and Sophomore year; Beta Club Freshman and Sophomore year; President of Sophomore class; Mon ogram Club Sophomore year, and President of the Youth Fellowship of the Marshall Methodist Church. Miss Roberts, a student at Wal nut High School, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roberts of Wal nut, and is a very active member in all activities of that school. She is a member of the school basketball team. Dr. John W. Harris of Spartan uijr, S. C, secretary of the Nation il Beta Clubs, made the nations ff ice reported at the openinpr ses ion of the meeting. Approxm lately 400 delegates fron 52 clubs in the western district par ticipated. R. A. TomberLin of Asheville, as sistant Buncombe County school su penntendent, was director of thi conference. A tea was hold in the afternoor for the delegates in the faculty lounge of the new Memorial Library at Mars Hill College. The Marshall High School Future Farmers of America (F. F. A.), coached by Lyman 11. Martin, agri cultural instructor, won first place in the statewide Burley Junior To bacco Grading Contest held recently at the N. C. State Fair in Raleigh A list of the various winners was received today by Mr. Martin accom panied by a check for $150.00 as the award for winning top honors. Memlers of the F.F.A. who par ticipated are Dale Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Fisher of Mar shall RFD 2; Ralph Ball, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ball, of Marshall RFD 4; Donald Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sankie Bradley, of Mar shall RFD 2; and Gail Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mallie Brown, of Marshall RFD 1. Brown was an al ternate in the contest and his score did not count in the team score. A team score of 296 points, highest in North Carolina, was amassed by Mr. Martin's group. This ia espe cially significant because tbe agri culture' department at Marshall High is 0nly two years old. The Marshall F.F.A. group, also coached bf Mr. Martin in 1954, won second plate honors in the state last year. Individual scores in the contest were announced as follows: Dale Fisher (119), Donald Bradley (105.5), Ralph Ball (71.5). Gaff Brown, alternate, score was aat counted. Second blace honors were woo- by Virgil Holkxway's 4-H dub tarn frnrti irtimai i " ' i minnst firjj i W "Boring CreekV-F.A. o ft der ,the superyfcton and coasting el air. uuy Angei -mis warn , jsbsiih a 'check for $50.00. Members' ef Vanes Da- Spring Creek team were vis (107) Layten Davis (84), ell Miller (80) and Joe Gentry, alternate. The Spring Creek 4-H team, coached by Donald Colvin, wee 6th place honors of $30.00. Members of (Continued to Page Three) Shown above a .va ci.t4 ir&iwkil ih,.t School F.F.A.' team who won first place in the State. ;N Burley Junior Tobacco Gradin? Contest, held recent-" ' ly at the N. C. State Fair, Raleiffh. TheState win- Y ners are, left to right: Halph Ball, Gall Brown, Coach l&min IL-Martin, D: -M Trsdley and" Dale Fisher. A ei&o cnecK was av . ,.jtjtrt-1. Brevard Beta Club Delegation Visits In Marshall Tuesday A Brevard Beta Club delegation, comprised of Harvey Sigmon, Bar bara Lyda, Sharon Carlson, Judy Goodwin, Jkmnie Allison, Sarah HjUntsr, James Opie. Wells Jr, John ny Allison, Lynn Smathers, Betty jTa Lyda, Patricia Proitt and ..Mrs. WJUis BrUtain, club sponsor, were U' Marshal ea ; Tuesday afternoon ajfter attending ls district Beta Club' eonvenUoa at Mart HOI Col lege .where r ey ;- ananlmoosly ' snp ported V Che r Marshall Beta aob's caRv!ite,' render McElroy, In his su r ; ; ' " ' camps' for !ect!cs tJ C. cL- of Ktftrict Vice IV: ' Eastern Stars To Meet At Temple On Monday Night 1 The Marshall Eastern Star Chap ter will observe "Americanism Awareness" with an original pro gram written by Miss Jean Stines, a past matron of the chapter, dur ing its regular meeting Monday night, November 14, at the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Sprinkle, worthy matron, will preside and Mrs. Vei l a Mae Stevens, Of Ashe ville, State Chairman of the "Amer icanism Awareness" Committee will be a special guest. A social hour will follow the meet ing, and refreshments will be serv ed. All members of the Order are invited. MADISON GETS $4,415.09 FROM FOREST FUND 1146,699.31 repre- A .(-' se&tir :'5', of the oast vearis ceipts on the National . Forsets ta North Carolina was mailed to tbe Stats Treasurer on November The receipts were mainly from tte sale of timber stunuafi. W fnelmf- ed minor aeioonts fKm special ase V and . mining permits.: Distrotioa t the counties is based on tie j- -tional Forest acreage ercLrpr-1 U eacK??Bia';;srgest;jsr"tszS, ' 022.76, "fees to ITaecn Co'ur ' - second. 'A recent t ( these payments ' c i sis, exceed 't' s i rs'i eu f - v ' J1 t' i 1 1 y H: ; 4 4 I- it 'St. e . v. , . I; .T j A i. .t'..'. 'i i,.. V 7 r