7a WW. A.' A I I 1 r ' ... w f 1 a ,4 I "V t' V 3 ..i : tv,vif t t,r. . . V, ' f ' . " ,! L- w- fc " ?'')-y- M-w srr(tu lit 1, t ; f 'A 4t i t . J A i l i c. Tno:3 t 1 M ' 10 PAGES MARSHAL! ' ' ' ' -.-., . ( THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1956 PRICE: $2.50 A YEAH IIAnOIOPDEaS DPtlVEBKOW INFUUSPG ttchooU Ar PUymy Big Part A In Canpaigni Fund ! Are dd T Officials of the March of Dimes Drive In Madison County were optl- .nistic this week at the progress shown Ifeug far in the drive. Area chairmen have been named through out the county and they are ,hard at work soliciting contributions. Mrs. JL C Franklin, county drive chairman, stated this week that the 'schools are cooperating and she soon expects to have some reports sent in. YIICAM BE OBSERVED JANUARY 22-29 January 82-29 is National YMCA jWeek. During this period the pur- ptose and prograim of the Yqang Men's Christian Association is brought to the attention of the Amer ican public. Within the United States there re 1,802 Associations 'with over two million members. In Aahevllle the YMOA has been an Influence for good since 1889' and currently is working through the Branch Com mittees of Market Street, Central, Woodfin, and West Asheville. Due tor week tiat he bad received several sizeable donations from civic clubs and individuals and urged the pub 'Mb to send or bring their contriba- -Jtionis to Prank Fisher or Mrs. Ron aprinlde at the CitUena Bank here r give tbem to the community work. er. I Gowrnor Luther Hodgea stated tUa week. "I urare each of you to gre genereosry to the March : Tylntes Orrre to the extended Hi-Y Club program Arthur I-e4ford,.wnty W?l.tiie Y is touching every section of for .IWanHeraraiysiv 8tateaUM Buneombe County. Aiericn Lcffion Officialt Donate tCO To Dime Drive It was announced this week that f 50.00 had been donated to the cur- ir..f IfatvW vf rHm Drive hv the fSc1aIs"Sr the Davis-Sexton jjtlwbRthnJerit System "American" Legion, The next regular meeting of the PoajL will be held at the Legion building on Tbursday, February 2. All members are asked to attepd The Young Men's Christian Asso ciation is a "laymen's movement" and, due to the nature of its pro ftratm ennphaeis, is eonaixiercd "an Arm of the Church." This Church congratulates the YMCA. local and national, on its more than a century -of service .-toi American boyhood and manhood; Merit System To Have Clerical Exama Saturday, March 3 Raleigh The North Carolina Merit System Council has announced March 3, 1956 as the examination date for clerical positions with' all State and county departments serv-' WJj 'WIURIGATIOH S3ver Saya Marahall, Madlaoa Cotmtjr Are Dry REA T Sponsor Study v Bulletins r(No. 1) giving informa tion concerning these positions may be seenred from 4he Merit System Office, Mansion Park Building, Ka leigji, 7. C. Applications must be submitted - on official ;fonns o or beforefFebraary,10, 19B. ,,Appla- tion blanks may be obtained from the iSrdT'iktitm any- 1CC3 f. in t :i?o:lllFa 7V v 1 h-F i rtnsri CANTOilMANB QRL SCOUTS PLAI) KIllED WI1EN CAR PATROL CAJIPM Farmar R q u a I a WA. C Any Madison Count farmer Is el igible to partlcipatfr fid the. I$j59 Aff rioultural ConservanlPwni and fanners may sign rw$::.iH,fcoii erate In tbtaf umppfn.9 son ana waur eoneervwon,,povue Hawkins, Chafn''::',''eS3oq ASC Connnkteealoyllfe.. The initial lm' yfiiAial vring araetiess UliMMl 'gUr and will mS'Js$tnmn who da-.aai fi:l(hrjit;f. by January U Itiml' portuniy to , file arwardsp;!'! :ffo sign up! a farmer should'eoatact ;h ASC office in. Marshall J fli Signing up under the IMS AC.to afy ftat approved soil and1 water eonseivation practices, the fanner does o$ :Obi gate -MmJlK&yiiw beeome Vg$Me 'piajafaaattf; ance in eanyinf eat AeedeeVwasetw wation paaettees.. '''m'SV Mr. Hawkins Uteept .that BMEWMI1955; ft: Aecprding to Harrjr . Silver. jsWintyjagent, farm families in Mad- isoa: V)un.ty are now taking a kbfc ai year's records and planning for. 1366. The records, an bad and the outlook is worse 1 The, 1965 re taction in tobacco allotment by 26 fcoiiiSed -fth- higher apesating ' coat ow. almost every Kern except pur- shased livestock feed has dug deep into farm income. ;,f Information taken from Agricul tural Outlook Charts for 1966, pre pared by the U. S. Department of Agrfeulture,reveals tbe following: Realized net income by fainv r"ift' 1955 wa&.h towest in VS fe The fmis share of tM'Mn farmm irtw coeverata in is -onlr Ic as gram must bear 4haJr abara al !Wmmr!r oouhty welfare," "healtV. ' pt 'emj4oyr tteni.aiflceUV Z ' Tv Exaiadnatkms will bt given for th foUowfeg' aeries or Stata and county (, re 'meis' i. Seediiig Permanent Pa level positions: typist, stenographer, tnre or Hayj Z. Additional , Vageta uu Tuut ciartcai. jEixaminaHons ; tivo Cover "in ouVof-ipoeltet cost Itoirayed conservatioq practice "whiel amounta to approximately ; 40 per cent, of the total cost of materUls W acre as well as perform the labor 'involved. In turn, the fanner and tbi; nation enter into a contract which worKs to benefit both the farmer and the na tion. .-A . ' ty$'$ffi&ii&V) In concluaion the-'eounCV irJmaif said that his committee woul4 meet on January 26 for the?Jpurpbsa ef reviewing farnwr requests whfch art filed during , the inlttaBi'iiiM. riod and that the iSfiw?raeiM Je notified by mal) ''KiM! Wb approvaL . FraifeeV on' Hrfilch able tale spring inemdayotite foUowinc for ilHWis':Vl4st. and, the Trtawt-ja-Mrt: will also be given for the statistical! Liming Materials a FarmlahdH. series and for stock clerks on thejstripcropping 5. Forest free Plant- ww. fw ireiuiucuk . mr: a. rarmanent Fuhin m Hat positions with opportunity for ad vancement and qualified .interested persons are urged to apply. If there are a sufficient number of -applications, .the, examinations will be given in 12 cities throughout the State. The drought of 1962 caused a great interest to be shown in irriga tion "ra Madison County, according to Harry G. Silver, Madison County Farm agent This interest was "pan ic" interest in that crops were dry inr un and thousands .of dollars worth of crops were being lost by the day due to the hot dry air rob- f . I ajfJl bing the soil and plants of their ""ere III MOdel moisture. Artificial applicatios of water appeared to be the only insur ance, against a crop failure, v Droughts cost farmers more today than they did 20 years ago. Water becomes the limiting factor on -100 bushels per acre com much sooner l&an-it does on SO bushels per acre corn, i Tobacco treated in such a manner as to enable jttoreach aS.OOo Cbtttinued-to Page Two) Fred Sams Sells Interest In Mode Grocery Store Here Improvement; 12. Field Drain Tile. Installation 'f It was announced here this week that Fred . Sanvi,; .popular grocery man and butcher,- has sold his inter est iq the Model Grocery here to under the cownership of Mr. Sams J6 Building .Marshall, and yrf and Mr,.,Srinkl4' MTlw4raM Tuesday an Thursday was made early this month. i mornings tnrougaont -(M I cucn session on tne coaijse .-wiu ,pe- SOCIAL WELFARE AD) COURSE KOW BEING HELD Hp Meetings Being Held At REA BfHldinsi . To Contintto. Thronik Fmb.S," A Social Welfare Aiof-urle; sponsorea oy tne Aaieracai . Aep Cross, started this mornlhg at the Mr, Sams is remaining with the grocery store until another" butcher be obtained. .. - Co,Heklthpepartoem Annoiiaces lJunic Date ' , , , Chan-e At Hot, Springs JJf h" P t . J Tt- : . - - .Church To Be Razed; JLZE SaT? I N Church Is Planned SpjHlgs eliaie days ' from 4kH ' 2nd 'and last Tuesdav to. the 2nd and 4th Moarfay in each month from lOiW a, jBWHOi.iwv ffciJawA- - i v TbaxtkCliniJ igiU be haJd-Mon- V . - " '- Chein -a" - f 3 I - r f . c:; t V.; i gin at 9:46 o'clock and"continuft unr til 11:46 o'clock, it wJexDlalneV ' The purpose 1 of the puris is rto better acquaint the eitibenraf Madi son County with -Bed Owss H acjli- tiea, welfare aid and aid front ath ec agenciea available during a jtis- .'tlf The Marshall Baptist ChurchI- regular ' business .s aession 1 ttttn jvotea npon recommendation M . v . Building Committee to hold Ita final servlca in the presentT htIdint on Sunday, March 4 and tobegin on March 6 to move out an equipment in preparation tot tearing the build ing OOWn. - v.i".p t It ia hoped that the building can bo removed and the. Jot e!erel f Apra J. Caearating a HI rrc , l frV-4 the. rct il'-j t ' ru.'-5on - of a noira ttl Vrts. JohWright affWeavervllle, "achinr th course rand aeleoted eakars from the .various agencies & ; jVmert debt free fihaneial as sets are the lowest of ' recent years and ire getting progressively lower; 1 4. One farm worker now supplies himself and 18 other people with food, fiber and' tobacco and his out put per man hour is up 85. since 1940, but efficiency isn't enough. JThe situation is not rood, t hut AaBBiecs. of Madison 'County ot the Bation don't give up or call a strike when the going gets rough. There always ways to keep; going" and haw is no exception. It has often been said that our industrial eapaoL, ty has nude the United SUtee great rlo grottp: of people' in this- country hre; arC hoAoat alaJmilh'.mftkics: ..Sli'tha-tiHT.r4 r". k.-wni-'lj The farmed dat avery Ie1edacates hto .children; ad then sends half af them tot tlx fac tories to produce industrial supplies ai and his farm neighbors do mora 'to keep a healthy religious; foundation under this great country than any single group for they know God in Hta fullest glory by living with life and death each day with every ray of God-given sunshine and every drop of rain meaning something to hinv Has any subversive group aver- developed in the farm commu nities except the rebellion against Great Britain? Have the farm peo pl not thus subsidized American growth? In looking over the past we get eonaage for the future. We must cay harder than ever to keep a (mong economic foundation under Our .farm way of life. There are ome bright spots in the future. Here SKIDS NEAR HERE AT NEW SITE Icy .Raoafa Wanted Few Wreck I The new Girl Scout Camp site wOI Aa Car Overturner Second open for patrol camping in 1964L. WKC FataOMy j This is the announcement made fey the Pisgah Girl Scout Council waUb- Winter's cold, icy weather claimed! serves girls in swen Western North a second life in W!NC in as many Carolina counties, including MadS days last. Friday, January 13, 1956 toe. when Bobert Charles Wilde of Can- The 131 -acre camp site is Jocaosat ton was injured fatally as the car in Transylvania County, 8 raflnr in which, hewas riding skidded and south of Brevard. Development ? overturned on a Madison County the property was started last year ttL with funds from the Girl SeausV Wilde, 28, and Glenn Green, 17, Cookie Sale which paid for drill! of Newport, TeoiL, were riding ia an a. well, building a pump house, aadt automobile when the driver attempt- construction of a road. Additions ed to pass a truck about four miles 1 will be made to the camp each year aerth of UacshaU on, U.S.'2&f9: aifund. are ..available throaghJW The vehicle hit aa icy spot ia the sale of more cookies, road, went out of control and over- According to the Camp ComsnhV turned. tee, the Council will hold two Fav Green was carried to Memorial trol Encampments at the -estaofiaaw Mission Hospital in Asheville for ed camp site for five-day perioda is observation. It was reported that July. A session for white girls wQl Green was the driver of the autonto-1 be held- July .17 tfitough 21 and too We. i second encamltheat4. will- be for Me 3fleeoa the toad atvtmr scene f efcre gtrU: Jttlis 4Vtarari Julv 2K. n-rerft had, W .emted with) . sand;! .ah' -ielghnoTbod' uv-4h eotosatr pbut :ee,a.tappalntljr. hit a aTtoay Md one-qualified patrol of S ept, yfwmvwyrm-ie awe, e tneigrusMat teast feart oM). jumv trtedcaadrlhen-'went aver mn"emlant-eaoh- wghrheoiv wMl furnish, a iMsntt tleeet one' leader, tents, eookinc near' The accident occurred at about land equipment, furnish and eea 98o a. m., and Wilde died about (their own food. 10:30 a. m. I The Council will furnish a directs Funeral services were held Sun-1 or, waterfront director, and a day in the Rocky Branch Baptist lor a qualified First Aid person. Church on Allen's Creek near I . Girls , participating in the Wayneavilie at 3 p. m, . The Bev.j-must meet certain reoulrementa. ao be a L. Queen officiated. '"v H teast1'l94,years' of age,ViniaxeaOam widow and and 2zp-ndhrdlmfwym health, and shall have partkipaoadl included among the survivors are I in a patrol camping experience aadl his parents. His father is well known lb skilled in the use and practice eft in Madison County. jfte patrol system. Final stliiilial of tbi eanroers will be made bv tin irelclioihood Selections Commtttoar basU of akiU in primiUve eaoa- 1d bt tt eamphMr' Irtrfflir aaeaav,-, ledge, to he taught or Aani.' tSt'" " - j f - r , , ; i w vAre vou-nlannitt fat sow i anvleemnoriies." and story -teHiaci a2b meadow permanent pasture or aabiejieoraemenc ox leaaers aM fa Purina? the serine or fall of 19M? I members;; ' : .r . , , Do you esooect to get assistance from f - Plana for thir "FimJtoundup,,i the ASC in buying your lime or fer-jthe 1966 camp is termed,! were amV; tilizer? If you expect to get assist-1 Bounced along with anoumwjr fr anco through the ASC yon should I Giri Scouting in the area dwtofcW take a soil sample and have it an-11965. This summary is contaih t alysed. The ASC requirement states attractive blotters which are that in the absence of a soil test, you 1 distributed to supporters of the muft use 2 tons of limestone per Scout program. acre on land that has not been lim- The report shows an increase .ant ed, within 'the past 6 years, and one registered girls from 1,400 in tteaV ton of limestone per acre on land that to 1,772 in 1955 and an increase has been limed within the past five adult volunteers from 435 in ! years. By a recent soil-test, that! to 556 in 1955. Total receipts Mm from $17,914.96 to 20,Z36.2& dUKUgr the same period. The Pisgah Council is suppoTtaaT? by Buncombe County, Waynesvflla. Canton-Bethel-Clyde, Yancey Coaa-. ty and Transylvania County Unitsd Soil Samples ShcSld n-sTr'seaFor ASCV, Ion means that the test should have been made in the last 12 months. Any soil test taken over 12 months before the farmer makes application will not be acceptable. It will be to all farmers' advantage to take a soil samnle for all their crons. but fori Funds, and Girl Scout Driver ia ia Madison County we have an oo-. farmers who have limed their soil Avery, Madison and Mitchell - I l portunity to take up some of the Slack by growing more of the things wo; use. A good garden should be planned and produced by every farm (Continued, to Page Ten) Jones, Favors f . Balanced Budget : Foreign Aid Cut Conaresswan JJenes of the lltl Kel(r' CVv Wstrict vstated in Wasnington today he was glad ta see a balanced budget submitted to Con gress. ; Jone aid." "While t do not I - jmmmmm -n,i .. ... u j - . 4B.A Madison -orty .nr.b, wwVrl'Zl?2lZ:& speakers during the eoorse. W V. ''- rLT It is hoped that tltiaens front every community ta the eouflty will ; take this, opportunity .to learn mora about the aids which can be secured in case of disaster.- K a w .. . wJ av see a balanced budget proposed. The budget calls for the expenditure of 1:500,000,000.00, ouring th fiscal year,' 1887, which fa In my opinion still exeessiva, , This total aum can be further reduced and I am inclined to : believe that the ' Congress wi3 make serious efforts ra that dZre tion. V Tb ltam'';ef;l1r,,.":3,;:3.5 for' f s-fe'.rn aid caS, a: j t.ouU tt c I T If C " I ? a!4 ir '":.:' la . "-.", ' 'fist seeon' , Aw;frktn f T ' tt f r t within thf na.it. S veara ti is verv I ties. important to take a sample to cut down on cost of establishing alfalfa or permanent pasture . pertinent of Agriculture, Raleigh, N. C, the soil will be analysed free of charge. - Soil 'sample boxes and In structions on how to take a eoQ sam ple may, be, obtaihed, at tha -Coufcty AgenM office In the Coafthonsa ia MajnhaU. FOUR IM HURT INAUTOTTKEOl NEAR 1JIARSIIALL ; , v.--. KSLTiflUlE'. C7i JAIOJMY 28 r v kr.; Taxis,- called thd fworld's first Christian Western," wCl be siowt at the ' Harohall Ifc.od'.st CVah' on 'Saturday t'J t, Ja??ry t r wrdtag1; t ' an anns-i; - r.t . . . i , i -wacz- ay i.,e uer, .js. . ..e The cOnditian of. Aud Amcnonar . ta ef .Marshall. JiFD , who was lav-; Jured along with three other meav , -avatotoot' aceident near Kism OcirriKturday, waa reported' asr-. -MfySbd" thU week, by Mematia:;' stlssMi ftospttal in Asheyille. J N Itiif Piul Amammr, t2 -MawJis"; J1asaer,;28, and Coy BoUIfialdV TT all of Marshall EFD 2, were l " jKnaa'thete er Vsnt out of . cc-: while 'passing a . track and err " into an embankment ' ' r t The car overturned .and t' " 141 feet on its top, the C'.s'j way r. r l said. - - irr'r- t' JI ..a A. ' U r i .lv f-t r r T c- t 4 'U 4i I i . i L

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