if J!"-,... ' 1 '.i 1 i yojus5 NO, 4 10 PACES MARSHALL, N:ersTHU THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1956 PRICE : $2.50 A YEAR Tttc:yis;Last Day :F6rilirig; For L'civ Tg'jccco Allofacnts IAD1ES' i: TO BE or DAN WINDSOR Oliio Han Confesses To Twin Murder In County During 1913 NEW MANAGER WATSONS STORE ) t . 4 BY Um luUiJAYr . I ''' T ' ' 1. ,' , l Annual Event To Be HeU- A S&W Cafeteria) Lawrence),' ASC Office It Now Taking ' Anniication ; Eligibility Requirement Listed iliirms of taking applications for Idol new farm tobacco allotments nref available in the ASC office. Any farmer who has a farm that does not have a burley tobacco allotment and who thinks he and the farm can meet the rigid eligibility require ments for 1956 new farm tobacco al lotment; should place his applica tion with the ASC office at once. Public Law 21 enacted by Con gress last spring made quite . a few changes in the marketing quota law on burley tobacco which are to the old growers' favor one which should be of primary interest to most Madison producers is that of the rigid eligibility requirements for establishing acreage allotments for jieiw farms. . The major requirements which -most be met under the revised Act are: , 1. The applicant must have had experience in growing burley tobacco qa a share cropper, tenant, or as a farm operator , during two of the past five -years. (No experience credit is allowed for producnig to bacco on a non-allotment farm in 1955.) 2. The applicant must live on the fajnm for "which the 1 application is filed. 3. The apnlicant must own and operate the farm for which the ap plication is filed. 4, The farm covered by the appli cation shall be the only farm owned or operated by the -applicant for which a barley or flue-cured tobacco allotment Is established ' Jo 1955. 5. ..The applicant,, shall , Obtain eoj GUEST SPEAKER a ' ?)M - - m JLeatherwobd Tp 'Speak , k i anow and 5lic yx -wit? 'ilMOTAT Despite the heavy roads, fourteen methbeck shall Lions Cafe here Monday night President Bill Zink ;discusse ;the I .ions I nternational Convention -which. Arthur Ledford Resigns; New - 'Manager Resumed Duties Here On Tuesday Henry iNOT TO RUN N. Carmichael, personnel mttltfltyaw lA ntdnn if A Ann i4- an Club met at 'lhe-Boclt;.. - ani;oun.ed thilt weei. that Arthur Ledford, manager of the lo cal Watson's store for the past four VAfir haA Vtia raaiornntinn will be held at Miami. Beacon Jixm.) efeotive Tuesday of this week. Mr. The State Lions Conventton aut ' Crmlchol announced that Dan ! Kegional Meeting at HicKory fratur- j ; 7 , gryr Final plans were-announcodior "Ladies' Night," whfotf will be'held at the S&W Cafeteria in" Ashevillel next Monday night Kt 730 VUck. Several prominent Lion offic'ials-i'are expected to be present with District Governor Lawrence Leathel!Wood,'r of Waynesville, being the '- principal speaker. All members'.-and? their wives are urged to b at theJ-S&W not later than :15 o'clock-'" the group can go through the iHntt tfc gother. :: '. "We are looking forward to fine program and a largo' turnout, and hope every member fcnds pros pective member will be present,1' on Zink stated. Lion Louie Zimmerman -was1 elect ed to Third Vice President 'when this office became vacant . recently.-' A. DR. J. C. CANIPE SEIINARY TO HAVE REVIVAL THIS WEEK-END i jroara & 8. TK lor the farm.s ' the farm eovered by the application. 1 t. Tb farm jnnst be .non-aIIotr nut It of shsl not nave wen a per .01 a allotment - farm during .the 95M955. ere must be cropland suitable production of tobacco on the (No new allotment will be established unless each and all of (Continued to Last Page) J. C. Canipe To Be Guest Speaker; Services At 7:00 O'Clock Mr. were Windsor, assistant manager of the local store, had been named to suc ceed. Ledford as manager. ' Mr. Windsor, who resides on Mar shall RPD 2, has been connected with the store here for the past nine years, where he has : served as as sistant manager. . He assumed his new duties here Tuesday morning. Ledford's immediate plans not made public. j,.-1 ........ WOODROW W. JONES YEAR'S WORK IS MEXAMINEDBYFHA FARM BORROWERS The Rev. E. J. Hall, pastor of the Madison Seminary, announced this week that a "Week-End" Revival will be held at the Seminary on Fri day, Saturday and Sunday nights, January 27y 28 and 29, with services beginning at seven o'clock. ' - . v V The Tamest speaker for 'the revival percent or mm of Ma Uvel&codiroMwUJ fypt, Q, Canipe president efL,. toe . jsapust jtaie vonvooiion sm-w 1 soprsidentr '-of; TmltUnb ;Sapist le4ostltate.-f X"y:l ing 'Dr. Canipe r for, this series, of meetings and w cordially-invite:;h public to attend the services while Dr. Canipe is in this area,'' Mr, Hall, .aaid. Soy iScouts To Sell Blue Crutches Here On Saturday 1 - .". It was announced-this week that the Marshall Boy Scouts, would sell: Forest named Amen as the man th March of Dimes Blue Crutches for the label here this Saturday in an. effort to further stimulate in terest in the Polio drive now in pro gress. J he public is urged to purchase tokens and in . doing so help Mad ison County reach its goal for the March of Dimes Thrive. k IlARS HILL GOT $(33,054.00 IN WTBT PROGRAM sleigh, Jan; 19-rMar- Hill Col receivcdJFi33,05 foe operating y sn4 capital outlay requirements from "KHrth Carolina ; Baptists.- financial " repbrts for jl85S show.- A- ,rf ' r pUsta eontributeea total 875 through thf cooperatifrr pro gram to ftf .support of the state's seven Baptist colleges. ;-, , .i this year" ars expect $1154,000 r the The f Uegi ed rto' r -IvJ ch:'rche4 j;f " Tnrd f -J th6 tme r c 1 c si ,- stuofinl .s- and ' ls:t .'.1. 1 st a Paul Amen Named Football Coach At Wake Forest College Winston-Salem, Jan. 24 Paul John Amen, 39, backfield coach and head scoot of the United States Mil itary Academy, was named today head coach Of Wake Forest College. The board of trustees of Wake to bring Wake Forest football to Winston-Salem when the college is mov ed here next summer. While no official announcement was made as to the terms of the con tract it was understood to be for 8 years at 810,000 per year. Amen will have full authority to name his assistants. No action was ' taken on the se--lection of a new athletic director to succeed Pat Preston who resigned In December. Amen will assume his duties at once. He succeeds Tom Rogers, iwhose contract was not renewed at the December ; meeting of tRe . AjthA letic Council ;' ,, l , "l am ready to take, over, right how.'v, Amen'said tonight' Ha plant; to spend several 'days at Wake For est, then go to West Point "to clean iip? a-fewx-tningfVk)o1farjrtuWag 10-wax K. Leake was elected to theward of directors and Page Brlgman ' was named assistant treasurer. 4 1 MARSHALL ; BALIS TO OPEN AT C. TO CLOSE AT- Jttr,; Wnsri' handVer? Ma4''nMa-'Cv v of the 9 1 Was our farm and farm land used to its. best advantage last year Gould, we "have planned more profit able use of our family labor? Did we have expenses that out too much into; farm profits? If so, why and what an we do about it? $ These are some of the questions Madison & County farmers who are operating, buying or miproving their farms with "Farmers Home Adminis- ton loans are asking themselves "'rrheir .-WB14 year's weal -'county sBpervl- business., reasons. r.vJt of French -BroA. a. Farmers Rome Adrain'ffr- U:. ilu i.:.. 11.. 1 a! i. w t..i . ? ' day, ' January 30, the banks would open for business '. at1' 9:00; o'clock each morning and semain open tot business until 3:00 o'clock m the af ternoon. - i ' Both banks have been remaining open until five o'clock to accommo date farmers during, the tobacco sell ing season. RATTLED TRAFFIC Bethel, N. C. Traffic,' became slightly rattled here recently ' wheft a rattlesnake coiled at ail "in terse tion and struck at passing ears. The snarl continued until Jerry, Autman drove a farm tractor Over1 Its -head and collected a souvenir- 14 rattles i. At the' time they ate examining their" past year's operation, they are mapping plans for next year a work. They are using last year's mistakes and successes as guides for better farming .ht.l9oo. ; The local county supervisor of the Farmers Hotte Administration helps thsV-.with their plans. Each family cooperating with the agency makes a definite appointment with the coun ty supervisor, usually in the agency's county office, to carry out the an nual year-end analysis. o Mr. Anderson explained that the yearend analysis is one of the foun dations tor i, the eredit-wtth&farm- manarement Aaid program of the (Continued on Last Page) WOODROW JONES NOT TO RUN FOR SEAT IN CONGRESS Will Return To Private Law Practice; Appreciates People's Support Congressman Woodrow Jones says after many months of earnest consideration, I -have reluctantly de cided not to seek re-election to the Congress of the United States. It is not easy to arrive at a decision to leave public service,, hut f- Jeel, com pelled to do so for ' personal -rand Us He Forest te work.!'; Local Civitaii Cli$M- Postpones 'f.Ieetinaf Until Next "TnzzdsT"- i The Karshall fvi'w C h WHO IS TEMPTAttON JONEST, uons uiqd jo l - rior ums Local Talent To Be Used: Body To Lie In jSUttf February -10 iry-10 w i;--ff ea-E.eetiiig, , s .T-"'". y vi r" snow s"l t" k i Tit f . 1 i r- t T - ' - .'d to U 1.: ' , the Marshall Lions Ciob'.isl spon soting: an .rold-time Minsfrsl . Show on the . Marshall High School': Stage Saturday ; eight: Eebruary 11,' begin ning at7:S0oclock. t- Manyjocal people': Ivill ' partlcipateiq the enter-. tainment including school boys ana girls; Jt was announced this w week by Jim Bean, promoter..' r ,The' burning question being .he1" . through Marshall and Kidiwt Cou ty- is tWaeJ Tempt ' 1 Jontt? This is how, It worVsc Tor -'wcn-k- C-J IT- ' vt S3 V r '!: 1 1 1 . -y v. ' son guessing correctly . will receive Untold '-merchandise--" and valuable hx)nly-.twovipIe wifi'-actualiy 1 wo, ""piMuun jons reauy is they are Jim Beaa,- promoter, and TemptathnV; Jonesf" Temptation tones' ' name and liiiess will he sealed in ? an) envelope and I left in Ui custody df "V.eliable person-' or It vault until, opened n r the Minstrel. 1 on to the dues, .Tbmpta " ill lie tn stated a tat- wroom of Service Mo :., on Friday nlghVFeh ' om 7:C5 to 9:00 o'clock : is i'-vued to look at s while .the- body is . ' ie is mllyi. ' 'terrify, f-- wswl,, rKToi'Siefo be awajfc.front my iamOy for consbtarv hie periods of time.; .'Due .to the fatt thatI have two young sons, ages 1$ and 15, in; school at Rntherfordton, if has not been practical for me to have my family with me in Wash ington during the sessions of Con gress. Since the school terms do not coincide with these sessions, Mrs. Jones and I have not felt it wise to transfer our boys back and forth be tween ' the schools of Rutherford 'County and Washington. Then too, it has been our desire that they be reared and educated in North Car olina. As is known throughout my Dis trict. 1 am an Attorney at Law. For some time now, I have had the desire, to return to private practtice. After weighing all factors involved, I feel that now is the proper time for me to do so. However, in my return to private life,. I shall always main tain an4 active and vigorous Interest in public affairs. As I have said this has been no easy decision for me to make. How ever, the 11th District has. many able men who can represent our peo-J pie with honor ana distinction in the Congress. I am making my decision Irnnwn in tfmitlA time for the Deople of the District to select such a man. ijahall always be grateful to the people of the 11th. Uongressonai District for the honor' they have be stowed upon me in permitting, me to. represent' there in the Congress. Sheriff Ponder Gets Letter; No Records Found Of Slaying Here Were two people whose last names were Poore, murdered in Madison County in 1913? This is the question which has Sheriff E. Y. Ponder stumped at the present. Sheriff Ponder told this newspaper that he had found no rec ord of any murder being committed in this county in 1913 but that he is still searching for records which might bring light on a letter he re cently received from H. W. McClel land, Chief of Police of New Phila delphia, Ohio. After reading the letter, Sheriff Ponder contacted Haywood County officials and they, also, have no ree- ' ord of a murder there in 1913. The following letter is published so that any information which might be supplied concerning the murder might bemade known: POLDCE DEPARTMENT ' City Of NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO January 11 ,1956 Prosecuting Atty. Madison County, North Carolina, Dear Sir: On January 10th, 1956, a Mrsv John Wolf came to my office and" reported her brother a Mr. McKin ley L. Poore of Cleveland, Ohip while he was in the hospital and thinking that he may not live, sad" a confession to her that he had kill--ed two relatives of his in Mrdison County in 1913. Their names) were Poore. Mrs. Wolf states that an has no "knowledge of these Borders er any information as to their first Waai2WM2ta &,B&k orT thS-matter. . U Wktaf.wi Mrs. Wolf, I got f the feeling her brother may have been a mental patient and that there' is no basis for this letter, but I ea not pass up this opportunity or fsiX In mf job to pass this informatioa on to you. In questioning Mrs. WeUi the county- of Haywood came up sev eral times, and request you cheek these also. Advise if you need any more in formation on this matter and I will' try and get it for you, although Mrs. Wolf knows very little about tbi matter except what she states above, Hope we may be of service to you. in the futureT . I remain Sincerely, h. w .McClelland Chief of Police. "MR. TEXAS" TO BE SHOWN HERE SATURDAY NIGHT Two Enter Race For&att)fCon. ?Two Nrtrth CaroliaiaBv u-j' . Basil Whitener,' of Gastonla" and ' Huh Wells, of Shelby ' have" announced v!.st liey':.l sevk'i's s.-t 4 Con- r.res rW'.T will- v - .-aaa . . ' n ,t'--t C: -.at 9 Wl .-.for . i i:';7 '. "MR. TEXAS," called "the world's first Christian western." will be shown here Saturday night, January 28, in Marshall Methodist Church at 7:30, according to an announce' ment by. R. N. Barefoot, hi charge of the t local presentation. The film'fi the first major pre-duetionVof-BillyGraham"1 Evangel listic 'Film,' 'Atc," and? features ' the faened'young evangelist and, his en tire evange Us tic team. t TIaying lead 4ng roles in: the Julljeagth-color pk' ture are Sedd Harper ' and - Cindy Walker,: toth f professional wester stats wh have made .their decisiow to give their lives "and ' talent te Or'-tf service. 3 v ' FrouUed as an experiment, TCXAS" has amazed rel'-'o-"? ? 's a'Tii nofoa $ r" ' d-!r'- '.'if ' ' 'V r-'- .. " i 1 I" t . .0 V '-I i . y t 1! r.i 1 '4 I A IK A ' I r-

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