1 I , 'A - tort' " f : ).f: i t f.r . y '--. I,-t . 4 van. V- W.v ic J -J 1 L -3, w 1 X4 i s VOL.55N0.6 i"i-::::3 Car.:bnstrhtfon Gotincil tFor District r.-bsfing Mrs. Huff To B InaUllcd As District Chairman; . : ' Leaders Named . K Jfsdiaon County Home Demon stration Council met in the Court ' ' House, Saturday, Feb. 4 at 2:00 p. ,, m.v Jtfrs. Howard Payne, president, . presided at the meeting. . y Plans were made to attend the all v r day District meeting to be held at ' ' Bald Creek Methodist Church in i Yancey County on April 6. .- Hadiffon County Home Demon- trsiton Club memfcerg will serve .;v on committees as follows: ' Response of Welcome, Mrs. Leon- ard Baker. ' . Chairman of Courtesy, Mrs. Frank Fisher. " Ohairman of Time and Place, Mrs. Vi" At the District meeting; in April, Mrs. A. W. Huff of the Mars Hill ' lub, will be jnsUlled as 1967 Dis-t.-vrict Chairman and 'Mrs. Dorothy , V 'Shppe, of Walnut club as secreta J Tf'and treasnrer, r County project leaders were also :y appointed at this meeting-. They are: Foods and Nutrition, Mrs. Earl , - Robinson; Home Gardens, Mrs. T. R. Worley; Home Poultry, Mrs. Bryan Wallin; Home Dairy, Mrs. E. B. Proffitt; Food Conservation, Mrs. Sprinkle; Housing vft House E . T CI.. J TT ..aaiuigeinent, an. iwwey rosier ana Mrs. O.'E. Anderson; Family Life, i !.... Mrs. E. 0.- Burnette; Home Beauti fication, . Mrs, Uoyd : Bryant -Cloth-, ine. Mrs; Rahh JHoeant Arts and vrafw, Mrs. Hal Carter coaimuni fy Bet-rice, Mrs. Paul Gillis; Health , 1-Safetyl " JTrs.,leoiiard Baker; -t'on, Mrs, Judson Edwards ; rt. White s' lsHft! ' -YncV Mv- ' ! 8" Walling ;.PuJicity, Krs. U. G. Edwards Cc i' :fK"OitlBned To list Page) ' :,cC104 Recctied In TJarGh Of Col; Drive; .Drive Ended Wednesday; ' - Schools Total Not V 'Yet Reported : Mrs. E. G. Frahklin, chairman of :, the March of Dimes Drive. in Madi ! son County, reported yesterday that ri total of $1,6304 was now deposit ed m the bank with many reports h 'not; yet available. Mrs. Franklin ';stated that she hoped all schools and Vwrnmntrlties would report at once so final tabulations could be made. - Dne to the enormous number of ; ' personal , contributions, it will be impractical to publish them, but it is bowed to nublish the major con "iributions.of -churches, schools, clubs and coin collectors. A partial Hst is published below with manjr yet to report ' If your church or club is not included, it is because the tabulations have not yet been completed. It Ur hoped that a tor jlete list of ssajoat donors can I s published In , next week's issue. The part'al list Js-as follows: . T7ALNUT, iMIss Odessa Hender n, collectdV: Gbthrie Service Sta -Ti, "M2; 4 Walnut Presbyterian rc x 25.06; " Walnut Missionary . 'it Church," 10.00;-Walnut Sup y Co- (Coin Collector), 78; Wal- .t I'ree Will Baptist Church, 7X0; ale i t acc a, . "Methodist V Church. M0; in collectors at,! the following Eonald Siinea -Service Sta '; Ilartlii's Service Station, Thomas t Service Station, ;'s rtore,;lX7fi;5.f me, ; 'A'l-Ctars y vs i r 'tool, 'ClC3f L! ' rview, i C: hotln, y 'itn'ty c: x 8 PAGES QIORAL CLINIC FOR HIGH SCHOOLS AT MARS HUL SAT. Marshall, Mars Hill Students To Take Part In Clinic At College Mars Hill Six more hitch schools have entered in the eighth annual WiNC choral clinic scheduled at Mars Hill College Friday and Saturday. They are: Lee Edwards, Asheville; MeKee High School, Cullowhee; Cranberry School in Avery County, and high schools in Belmont, Canton and Marshall. Two 'schools, Waynesville and Ba kersville, have canceled reservations. In all, 26 will be represented. Guest director for the two-day mu sic school will be Dr. Arnold E. Hoffman, state supervisor of music for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. As a climax to the school the students 'will , be combined into one large glee club and will give a concert Saturday night under direction of Dr. Hoff man. Buncombe County will be well rep resented. Arnold Penland, director of the glee club at Lee Edwards High School, Talmage Penland, di rector at Erwin High School, and Woodfin Rhodes of Owen High School each plans to bring along $ of its best singers. - Other schools, which wilt be repre sented are' Dallas in Gaston .Coun ty, Kickory, Hendmtjrille, Glen tA pine, E'-rs I- Ut ' Tolly, Newton- r, , -jrtt-Oi ('tu. i.iaua,"'Ti oh -t,. j C. trj, f.-om Nor. i Wilkesbpp),- W.s. IU Valdese and Troutmans in :Iredell County. any Hot Reported LEDFORD BUYS PART INTEREST IN RAMSEY STORE Popular Marshall Man To Be Active Manager; Store Closed Four Days " I. JT. Ramsey wishes to announce that he has sold part interest in his store to Arthur Ledford, formerly with Watson's. The store will be. closed for , four days commencing Monday, February;' 13, and continu ing through Thursday, February 16. Mr. Ledford will then assume the position as active manager of the store. Both he . and Mr. Ramsey assure their old and new customers and friends that the policy of handling on ly first finality merchandise will be continued, and they will now be in a position to serve the public much better than ever..- Vota, Vita Class To Entertain Husb&nds Tuesday &re-ers of the" Vote Vita Sunday I class of the Marshall Baptist Crch will entertain -their hus bsnus and other guests ''at- the, an nual Valentine Party to fee held T ' r ev-,;n, Ft' ruary 14, in s ! r.'r. an J I'rs TalU.r 1 MARSHALL, N. SLEEPY VALLEY THEY EVEN CIVE Ssleepy Valley, Fairview, Shutin, and Antioch communities of Madison County are populated with good peo ple. You will always find a welcome to the dinner table there. The rats are now being served a banquet in these communities. The rats of loww Madison Coun ty are being offered a special meal of the finest yellow corn meal, con lectionery sugar and, ah ah warfarin concentrate. They are get- ting a little "Arsenic and Old. Lace" treatment, and are receiving the tempting dish only to find it their last. Next thing you hear of the Sleepy Valley rats, they will be like the "Three Blind Mice," for the boys of that community are out to out off their tails. A rat til con test is in progress with prizes of $12.00, $8.00, and $5.00 being of fered the boys who have the most rat tails on the night of March 7. The 116 families who put out 291 pounds of rat poison on February 2, have 100 pounds more to serve as dessert. Robert Browning's poem, 'The Pied Piper of Hamlin," de scribed a number of rats as: 'Out of the houses ' the rats: came tumbling Great rats, small rats, lean rats, brawley rats, Brown rats, Mack rats, grey rats, tawny rats, Fathers, mothers, uncles, cousins, Families by tens and dozens, Brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, Followed the pipers for their lives." . The -Sleepy 'Valley rats wilt be scooting to safety for their lives for $25.00 in prizes for their tails will snre geftnem oa the dangerous line. "This p r wilTgive the outcome -die, l.. 3 ct. -immune involved wji bo better place in which t live. One 'ant does $20 worth of damage per year.-. MARS HILL MAN RECEIVES KNIFE WOUNDS AT HOME Jess English, 37, of Mars Hill, is reported in fair condition at St. Jo seph's Hospital, where he is reeeiv ing treatment for knife wounds of the scalp, face and back. English, an employe of the Amer ican Enka Corp,, was injured dur ing a scuffle at bis home Saturday about 10:30 p. m., according to Sher iff E. Y. Ponder of Madison County. Woodson Roland, 46, is being held in the Madison County jail at Mar shall on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill in . connection (with the case, the sheriff said. SIIALL WE IN THE RIVER? Jeter Buckner of Marshall, with three neighbors In hi car,, lost con trol of his machine at a bridge on Laurel River Sunday. . Buckner'a car flipped over several times- and landed , upright in Laurel River.,-' " r S J , i Tfc't The river , being somewhat v chilly, Buckner and Ms neighbors swam forthwith to showTS'S ,'. f. .Then along ame Garfield , Gald vell another, Marshall sresident'r He'Dglid' the' Bucknewas it swept down stream. t t " v 4 ; Caldwell's car careened into - one driven by T, J. Tl? of Greereville, Tern and tui' I over, , t CM '.1 .four I limself la the t "v r t o. . y " '' ' Cuckner and: his neighbors rlooLci RATS A BANQUET C, TI 3DAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1956 i: AL FOi. MAKES LOVERNOR Leaksylile, N. C, Feb. 4 Luther H. Hodges 'made it official before his home (folk today. After two years, a governor of North Carolina, he want JK full four-year term. Hodge& yrho was elected lieuten antgOVrnor in 1952 in his first political 'campaign, made the formal announcemHt of his candidacy at a rally 'sponsored by the Young Dem ocrats of; this area. He has no an- nounceoSjsipjwsitien. He Joecftmev governor upon the death pf William B. U instead in No- veroper. -tvM. A Successful textile executive who retired 'from the business world in 1950, Hodges told an audience of about 'OV- - in the Tri-City High Sc hoOl XLeaksville-Spray Draper) auditorium: "I shall, be a candidate for gover nor on i the Democratic ticket sub ject to the May 26th primary." He reaffirmed his stand in favor of continued public school segrega tion infe, voluntary basis. "I do 'jjptrfavor mixing the races in the scnools and I believe the vast majority" of white and colored citi zens feel: the1 same as I do," he said. Beware Speedsters! Police Car Now- In Use; In Marshall Bewre,; speedsters; The Town of Marshall has purchased a 1954 Ford with, brillnt red lettering on ' the sides and back, "Marshall Police -Department.'',' . The car -will. bo used solely .by the ; police departmenit in an V'Jort iVibJtter enforce thcllaws. eta Group Plans Projects' ' For Community Members of the Beech Glen Com munity Development Program met for their regular monthly meeting in the community building Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 7:30 p. m. After the in vocation by Rev. David Roberts, the president announced the meeting open for any old or new business which should be brought up. Sev eral things were mentioned and dis cussed one being the Rat Cam paign. A Project .Committee, composed of James Robiuofl chairman ; Judson Edwards, Loye ijllddle.v Coye Jamer son and Ro,M(tW$ittey, was ap pointed to, decide on projects we might be able to undertake for the coming, year. Mrs. Judson Edwards, Mrs. Coye Jamerson, Mrs. Glen Whitley, Mrs. Paul Gillis and Mrs. Frank Maney were appointed on the Refreshments Committee. - The visitors,, Mrs. Edsel Buckner, Messrs. MoMahan and Miller froni the Farm Office, ' were recognized and made veteome. by the president. We were then wonderfully enter tained by the ReVf Mr. Roberts, who gave a recitatioh; also' a anmber of true but funny experiences which he has had.-aloagtho way Also littief Glenda Whitley sang a- song, which was very sweet.' Those who failed to get " out to tho-meetingi-eertainly missed a lofof good wholesome fun and fellowship? ..After the program Messrs. Miller and MoMahan presented the film on rat: extermination,, and Mr.'- Miller gave us. some points. on methods to usev and prices on this concentrate we might secure to rid our places of rats. The pre.' t rJ..n-.ittee are to decide at an e undertake the Kefreshme then adjourn '. ' if we are to -a served and we r D!cc:!nc!;ile To Do In arstell Hcxt Wednesday; 1C9 Pints Goal $400 ADDED TO BANDIMFORMS BY LEGION POST Davis-Sexton Post Has Donated A Total Of $1,490.00 Toward Uniforms Another sizable amount $400.00 was donated by the Davis-Sexton Post, American Legion, toward the purchasing of Marshall High School band uniforms at its meeting held last Thursday night. It ia recalled that the Legion started the "ball rolling" toward the band uniforms by donating an initial $1,000.00. No only has the Legion made these two sizable contributions but has also given an additional $90. The tota) amount given by this Post now stands at $1,490.00. Members of the Post also voted to install a new heating system St the Legion Building on Upper Bridge Street and bids are now being ac cepted for this project. 4-H COUNCIL TO MEET SATURDAY MORNING HERE Madison County 4-H County Coun cil will meet, Saturday, Feb. 11, at 9:30 a. kn., in the Court Houm to Marshall to plan future meetings and to discuss the District elimination Clubs Jn .'the eounty. . " SuJ.es I shown -that the ' east' ns-B CluU throughout the country are located Where they have an active 4-H Coun ty Council. All 4-H Club officers are urged to attend this meeting. Contest jto he" held- in AfdavUle, la comoosedof all offices "from 4-H WHO IS TEMPTATION JONES? ystery To Be Unveiled Here Folloiving rJIinstrel Saturday MRS. MATTHEWS HEADS GROUP TO WELCOME W-F Former Madison Resident President Winston-Salem -Woman's Club Mrs. C. Odell Matthews, president of the Winston-Salem Woman's Club, has been elected as chairman of the city-wide program to welcome Wake Forest . College to Wlnston-Sa- Mrs. Matthews g the former Mis Madge Tweed, tfattghtei- bf the late Mr. and 'Mrs. Bobctt Tweediand formerly taught'school at Marshalk Mr. Matthaws'also is a fonnelreschvi er'at UjMarshaU ffch6ob , v,bfflcial greeting plans 'are Very much- i, the unofficial stages; Mrs. Matthews, .- .states, but .every , effort, will be made to welcome Wake For est in a cordial "manner, ''- J 1 ' i: Mrs. Matthews said that x unless Wake Forest is properly welcomed to' Winston-Salem, the college com munity may develop m a "suburb lnad, of.as a.pa.rt of Winston-Sa- lern.", , - .''' , '. I'-s. I' ' ws sur--" at a re st U i f 3 c.. e a 1 is t 1 t PRICE: 12.50 A YEAR 'Dr. W. A. Sanaa Urges Asv "All-Out Participation; County Climbs Madison County citize-is between the ages of 18-56 are attain reminded -that the Red Cross Bloodmobiler Unit will be at the American Legion Building on Upper Bridge Street in Marshall next Wednesday. The unit will be ready for volunteers by 11:00 o'clock in the morning and will re main open throughout the day as long as donors are available. Dr. W. A. Sams, .chairman Of the Red Cross Blood Bank in Madison County, stated this morning that he hoped at least 100 pints of blood would be given here Wednesday. He again emphasized the need for a surplus from Madison iCokinty to take care of emergency needs. He also explained that each person is thoroughly examined before blood is taken. "There -is absolutely ho dsn. ger and very little pain in giving "blood," Dr. Sams said. - He also expressed gratitude at the increasing number of pints which are being donated and said that he feels that 1956 will be a "banner year" for Madison County. Figures released by the regional office, reveal that the quota last year was 450 pints for Madison County. A total of 284 pints were collected by the unit and 161 pints collected by the Blood Center in Asheville. In other words, Madison County only lacked five pints during 1956 of reaching its quota. j .' .Tbis is -most encouraging," Dr. Sams said, ' "but We mast strive to exceed! our flnotsv ia-tf-V f atJ ' $epert& front V Center alndj re il -SZs 'JLSL ed from I v'..joh Coy-'y, if " j J. .y cf . yr. " ;spltau.id-strt . for, JtL . and; it la hopedhat at least 100 1 pintsVcan be . added when , the i visits Marshall next Wednesda. Dr. Sams, concluded. - ' Capacity Crowd Expected To Attend Show) Program Loaded With Jokes The first Minstrel Show to be held here in years will be presented I Saturday night in the Marshall mgfl school auditorium at 7:au o'clock. The entertainment is being sponsored by the Marshall (ions Club and a capacity audience is ex-, pec ted to be present. Jim Bean, of .Asheville, is pro moting the Minstrel and the cast is made up of local tajent 'which in cludes several members of the Lions dob and many hoys and girls from the high school. In addition- to "the hilarious Jokes and ntfc-t W'Negro" men, many musical-nmbWsv will be pre-sTpntvt-reiuirlg' intricate dance frpuiiie4f mixed with tomedy and un expected ad lining by the inter locu- tort.' . 1 ' ' The chorus Hne is- featured by Misses ' Nancy Rector, Madeline , Ramsey, Bobby 3 Nix and Patsy ' Houston - with Jack Zink, obby- Reese, WQlihm Wilde and many oth- er boys and .girls in the background and also in special numbers. s. s v ?C In addition to the Minstrel, Temp- ; tatlea Jones will he unveiled 1 w ' Ing the lZ-'xel. For se f 's n f 1 commur.'ty v, j ' T several v y r iv IF 4f 1 ' k4 - on. M r v on his i r - t 1" - cr