-.Mrf'A " r . 'VtyVP " s v ' V.,'-'.-- 'I. 1.. ' I ' - I f'.".'.':'-'-. ' ' V.'.".,.. "ssswjssssss T PRICE: $2.5,0 A YEAR NO. 8 8 PAGES MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1956 1 " ' I ?l VOL. 55 1 . Qs. Grace Freeman To Retire As Postmaster rJextl7ednesday After 15 years of responsibilities as postmaster here, Mrs. Grace Freeman will retire optionally on the last day of February. Mrs. Free man has reached the required age and years of service with th Post Office Department and in speaking of her retirement, she looks back over the past 15 years with many kind memories as well as hard work and strenuous hours. In an inter view with this newspaper she spoke kindly of the people who have been associated in the post office with her and praised the entire personnel of the office and department. During her tenure as postmaster, Mrs. Freeman has received many let ters of commendation for her faith ful and untiring service. As her re tiremeSit became known, she- has been the recipient of several nice gifts and has also been honored with luncheons. Mrs. Freeman, who was educated at Dorland School in Hot Springs and Cecil's Business College, Ashe ville, wafe the first woman postmast er ever appointed at the Marshall office. In addition to her duties as postmaster, she has also been ac tive in business and civic affairs. She was one of the first Matrons of the Marshall Chapter of Eastern Stars. Mrs. Freeman also served as president of the Marshall Parent-Teacher Association in 1936 and lias been associated with several women's clubs and other organiza tions. She is a member of the Mar ' shall Presbyterian Church. In retiring, it can be said that Mrs. Freeman has worked assidu ously with her fellow citizens in -carrying on the duties as post master. , ' Mrs. Freeman , and her husband are planning a : trip' to California this summer and it isithe hope of many Marshall citizens that she en joys every minute of the trip a trip she so rightfully deserves. BULLCREEKNOWIN RURAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Final Plans To Enter Contest Made, Officers Elected At Recent Meeting Final organization plans were made and officers were elected at a recent meeting of members of the Bull Creek Community Development Club, and at the same time members voted to participate in the Western North Carolina Rural Community Develop ment Contest. This decision was . a climax of weeks of planning with ilia nnntv farm nnr! home airents. community leaders and pastors of churches in the area. : Officers elected were: President, Rev. James Buchannan; vice presi f " dent, Aldeen Waldrup; junior vice r-1 president, Joyce Merrill; secretary, V Xooellen Waldrup; treasurer, Mrs. , " Glenn Whitley; reporter-photogra- i f ?Ir, Inn Sprinkle. "t Community boundary lines will ex-Y-Vf1' tend -from Kenneth Hensley's horn ' on Marshall highway to Harry " - - mil M Itl 1vnv home near Man Hill, and will . 4' indoda all. secondary 'roads between 'these two .point.. If yon live 4n this , ctkn c0diaUy 4avit yon fear fc tnd our next Joeeting. Th pro. 3c eannot: bo " entirely wwwenfnl ? "without the cooperation of amy one. t Future club meetings will be bold ; ,n the third Monday In eacb month, 7:80 p. ni At present, meetdnge are being bold In U ompty store ; i :: g near the home of Olfford , rip. . a , , . -t ., j, 13 TO CATCT1 CO,Y7- '' " Ky ilrm." Illene ,Cook - , t , . ,?i --y rayton, 1 t ' 1 1 17 r ; ' " INTEGRITY AND OPTIMISM TRAITS OF DR. BLACKWELL President Of Mars Hill College Heads Enlargement Program .', W A LT$ 11 SMITH Mais Hill, Feb. 18 Integrity ind optimism characterize Dr. Hoy tlackwell, president of Mars Hil1 College, mine than any other words His- honesty, which s;iirii's from leep Christian convictions, has man fostcd itself in the character of thi ollege and has fostered confident n the institution among a host o! 'riends. His optimism rises from eonfl ience in the ultimate triumph ol right and in an unfaltering faith in 3otl. Such optimism has been the ifoblood of an enlargement program which lcgan under his leadership in 19:55 and is still progressing. Three dormitories for women, a modern cafeteria, a science building, a sewage disposal system, a dormi tory for men and a spacious new li brary have been added to the college plant. In addition, the endowment has been increased to $500,000 and improvements to older buildings and extensive landscaping have trans formed the campus into "a gem in the emeral ring of the hills." When he succeeded Dr. R. L. Moore as president in 1938, Dr. Blackwell inherited an awesome job. He"- was - responsible for erdwrtyig the college physfcaUy and, at the same time, maintaining the high ac ademic standards and Christian character of the institution. To say simply that he has suc ceeded in this undertaking would be a gross understatement. The aca demic standards have been raised, tho character of the college has been preserved and strengthened. The college is enjoying the largest en rollment in its history, and its assets foretell an even greater future. When he was appointed director of enlargement in l!t35, Dr. Black .vell undertook the expansion and Improvement of the physical equip nent of the college. The first ma or project was a dormitory for .vomen. The optimism with which he approached the task impressed '.he trustees and friends of the ichool. Sufficient funds were rais rently engaged in a thelogical study in which he is especially interested. In 1928 he joined the Mars Hill faculty as teacher of Greek and Bi ble, a position he held until he be ( Continued To Last Page) Store To Start Wednesday Afternoon Closing On March' 14 The Marshall Merchants Associa tion met Tuesday night and voted to begin the Wednesday afternoon closing; on' Wednesday, March 1 and continue - through Wednesday, October 17. Th daWIav tvdiiUv rivea th em plnyjiee - jLfld mpfeyen an -4ppofct nity - to "set out" from- unaer W (mvIif rrind and 'rark b nrddis. yards, bomes and to "enjoy ontings, fishing and picnics., Dr. W. A. Sams Urge Ue Of Polio Vaccine Dr. W. A. Sams, a member of the Madison Obtntr . Medical 8oeiety, nrget all'tl.-dren to take advantage of the polio Taoeine. ; "--. li-:' -The ruiilie in generai ean now f ! g:rtl thse Use polio vs;tn st4 . the l!wn , ' " ! r-'.-'y s a 'tr.H l . t '.' f ' t 1 ' - i t' i " ' ' ' ' ? r ' ! BOBBY REESE TO PLAY IN ALL-STAR GAME ON AUGUST 3 To Be Played In Greensboro Between Last-West All-Stars Bobby "Ta-Ta" Reese, outstand ing tackle of Marshall IlighSchool for the past four years, has been .lamed by the N.C Coaching Asso ciation to play in the Fast-West All Star (lame to be played in reensboro on August .'!. Reese, a 2: 15-pound, fi foot 1 inch acklc, has been named as lineman if the week on several occasion by he Asheville Times during his high chool career. He made practically very All-Ve.-.U-rn North Carolina lythical learn in his senior year. Several major colleges have talked Reese about scholarships. Hob Tate, coach of the Hcmierson .ile Bearcats, is on the coaching .aff of the All-Star game. Marshall P.T.A. Will Hold Clothing And Rummage Sale A meeting of the Ways and Means Committee of the PTA was held Tuesday at the Marshall school to make plans for a money-raising event in order to assist in worthy nroiects in the school. A clothing and household rummagej 1 .. l. ..'itl. - tnnA Colli iff sale, lugciitei wiwi a -iw ouii, being planned tentatively for Saturi day, March 10. Further details will be announced later. Jn the mean time, the committee urges everyone to scour through their attics and ilottte- forarticle.?. ofelothkr i-fcfac, household -items such as cur-f tains, oictures. 'blankets and such that are still serviceable and for which you may have no further use. If you have such articles and are not able to bring it to school, please advise any member of the commit tee or send a note to Mr. Brigman's office at the school. Arrangements will be made to pick up such ar ticles. Or, leave articles at the school with Mr. Brigman. It is not intended that this sale will conflict with the drive for clothing for needy youngsters as the two com mittees will work closely to see that the children are taken care of. Com mittee members who attnded the meeting are: Mrs. Frank Fisher, Mrs. A. M. McEIyea, Mrs. Coy Hay nic, Mrs. Barbara Henderson, Mrs. Kermit Cody and Bernard Brigman. County Tournament In Progress At Ualnut; 4 Games Played I'M Marshall, Laurel Girls, and Walnut, Marshall Boys iA6vm.nct In Tourney Marshall and . Laurel girls and Walnut and Marshall bova oosted wins in the oneninir round ol'Play of the annual Madison County cage tournament' which got underway last Wednesday) night at the Wal nut High School gymn. The results: Marshall 68, Spring Creek K8 fffirla): Walnut 78. Laurel 3 .(beys) ; Laurel 68, ' Hot Sprigf 9 tgtris) ; Marsnaii oz, not springs 85 (boys). -':X: Jean Thomas poored in 43 points i nea the Marshall srirla in the in itial game while Beverly Keener bad 7. for Spring Creek. Ed Stlnes IS poinU was high for the Walnut boys and Glenn Shewn . topped lAsrei with 14. J( 1 - x Sub Eula Cantrell . and Ethel Thomas paced th Laurel gvls with 25 and 23 Mints reroertrfelr while Madelen lUadenon loop Hot Springs With 2S potato.' - ':; ;; -. Pairlnrs for tonight (Thursday): :C : rrhall vs.. Walnut (rfs) 7:C3::rshall vs. Spring C:- S.-CJ Li!-rtl vs. I'rs K13 ( ' ' ) t-XT T:;' in. t'"i T:"l ( N POSTMASTER F. RAY FRISBY F. RAY FRISBY POSTMASTER AT MARSHALL OFFICE Succeeds Mrs. Grace Freeman ; To Be Installed On February 29 F. Ray Frtsby, former clerk of the superior Icourt, a veteran of World War II and an active member of the French Broad Masonic Lodge and Order of Eastern Star, has been designated acting postmaster at Marshall effective February 29. Mr. Frisby will succeed Mrs. Grace Free- inan who is retiring optionally on February 29 after serving as post master since March 1, 1941. The following letter, in part, was received by Mr. Frisby Monday: "Under the provisions of the Act alproved yPunfi 25, 1938, you are be totej&il postmaster at lar&iltfl, N1C," The letter was signed y K. R. AJbrams, Assistant Postmaster General, Post Office De partment, Washington, D. C. Mr. Frisby is a former tax su pervisor of Madison County, past Master of French Broad Lodge No. 2H2, AF&AM, and is now secretary oi the Lodge; Worthy Patron, Order Eastern Star, Marshall Chapter 35; former Scoutmaster; member of Loughran-Malloy-Grant Post, 801. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ashe ville; former member N. C. State Republican Executive Commiuee; former secretary Madison County Republican Executfve Committee. In 1950, he was married to Miss Carlene Waldrup, daughter of Mr and Mrs. C. T. Waldrup, of Mar shall RFD 2. They have two chil dren, Franklin Ray Jr., and Susan. SLEEPTOLLEY RAT CAT.IPAIGN IS NW IN PROGRESS Mr. Eusrene- Goode. President of the Sleeov Valley ' community de- yelopement organization, reports that tne xn campaign is weu, unaer wjr. Farm Ismilies in the community claim .signli, are apearing . rapidly.; When yon,consioer. taat one rat can do up to $23 damage during one year yen ean see that the community is 'saving a considerable amount of money by tsllrj a active part in the rat ear-'jn. t Also, the filth and diseaas t rrying that is asso ciated with i ia euickly becommg a thing ft -t .- ' . An act: t is being spon sored in i t the rat eam- natau F. -ee -individuals bri-ffS i rat toils'at tX ifxt r prises will be 3-ts"iwi:i APPOINTED (lot Springs Makes Plans For Improvements At Sleeting Mod. ENUMERATOR POSITION OPEN AT $1.53 PER HOUR Norwood, District Supervisor, To Be At Court House Friday Morning Fur a number of years Ihe W S liureaii of the Census lias conducted i monthly survey on employment arm unemployment in a number of -ample areas located throughout the United States. The last Congress authorized the expansion of these sample areas by 100 -one of trio ad ditional areas will be the counties of Madison - Haywood - Yancey, N. C. Therefore it is necessary to secure a Census F. numerator to work in these counties. It is preferred that this Enumerator live in or near Marshall. Each applicant must at their own expense, appear at a set location and take a one hour test. Creditable high school graduates as a rule have no difficulty with the test. Appli cants who successfully pass the test will be eligible for further considera tion. Final selection will be based on the test score, previous work expe rience and an interview (at the time of test). Although only one person is re quired, previous experience has demonstrated that at least four ap plicants should be supplied since some might not pass the test and others might withdraw for other rea sons'. n'?e wark of Coniiuj-Enumerator. will consist of personally interview ing selected housholds in certain areas of the counties mentioned above each month. After the first 2 months the work will always start on the Monday of the week that con tains the 19th of the month. Inter views will be both in the town and rural areas, white and colored per sons. A car IS necessary. Al though the job is a part-time one it does require that a person put in at east an 8 hour a day while working (those persons able to devote only afternoons or evenings or week-end should not apply). About 40 hours a month may be expected after one month. Housewives (those without very young children or other re fponsibilities) are the main source of applicants. Persons in the full time labor market should not apply (those seeking full time work). Some evening work will be required. Rate of pay is $1.53 per hour while working and 7c per mile for the use of automobile. The successful applicant will be trained for 2 days in the Census of fice in Charlotte, beginning March 8. They will receive the usual rate of pay while training, plus travel allowance and Government per diem rates to reimburse them for hotel and meals. Work in the home dis trict will start on Monday, March 12. Interested applicants should apply at the jury room in thevCourthuse on Friday morning at 10:00 o'clock, when Joseph C Norwood, District Supervisor, will be present Message From Medical Society Tha follow! mr letter was received from Dr. W. Otis Duck. President of the Madison County Medical So ciety, fqr the information of our readers: h-.-;'?'''; r .'t.x.-,. Morftie toMtr Voiiest SoeW To Tha PeoDle of Madison County: We- of the Madison JDounty Kedi- eaT, Society, reeommend that -every one who possibly can should ray - protection against fcorx'.t&l, r" "-.1 and aurjicJ V"x vw!l It a I j Carolina Power And Light Co Sponsors Dinner; Many Attend A Finer Caiolinas I'ro;;ram wa held Monday cvninjr at the Hot Springs School 1. un broom. Prayer was offered by t!i- Kev. Ralph Ho icaii, paster of the Hot Springs Bap tist Church. V m's of welcome were by Mrs. .-. . r I'ushong. Tha nveting was for the leaders of Hot Springs for the better program of the town. Various points were brought out .ibout the I'.i.V) Finer Caiolinas pro gram. Wiaverville won the $500 award, while other WNC towns, Micluding Hazelwood and Swanna noa, won smaller prizes. Mrs. Bush ong spoke at length about the awards . to various towns, and as to the best projects. A good scrapbook with pictures before and alter a project has been started and finished, was mentioned. iFather Graves spoke next and. made marry fine remarks about tho food and fellowship, and the out standing inspiration we are receiv ing from the Finer Carolinas pro gram. He stated that we were in debted to Hot Springs Fellowship Club for the bountiful dinner. Father Graves then stated that Hot Springs was fortunate to have a lively Burlington Industries here working 100 persons and now ex panding under the guidance of Mr. Reade Jolliff and his able staff of foremen and supervisors. We lost the Magnavox Corporation of Radio and Television to Greene ville, Tenn., because we were not "on the ball." But friends, we are mov ing and working since that .small de feat. , ' 'Wo al-e meeting new rvfeifdsVamT people and with the help of Carolina Power and Light Co., the board of education and our county commis sioners and city fathers of our town, we are going forward. (Continued to Page Three) $3,622.85 HAS BEEN COLLECTED FOR MARCHOFDIMES Mrs. K. G. Franklin, Drive Chair man for the March of Dimes, report ed this week that a total of $3,622.85 was collected in the Vounty in the re cent March of Dimes campaign. The following donations received too late to be published in last week's issue: Meadow Fork Baptist Churcn, $25.00; Town of Hot Springs, $134.25; Bluff and Spring Creek Communities, $10.00; Marshall Pres byterian Church, $20.00. Mrs. Franklin stated that she wishes to thank all the people of Madison County who helped to make the drive a success. Serviceman Arrested In Stolen Automobile In County Wednesday Richard L. Ward. 80-year-old serv iceman from Greenville. S. C WS beta held here on a motor -'vehicle n icaific violations charges follow ing Jui arrest near Hot ; Spring. .Tuesday. . ; ' Stato Highway Patrol Tfe. A.'I. feldman said Ward was-' charge" with Interstate transportation of vehicle stolen , m Knoxvute, xenn and with reckless driving and oMv-, ing Intoxicated. ' . " ' -" , ' Ho said Ward Is an AWOL s"rv-.: iceman, j ."""' - T Faldraan quoted Ward es :' T' he was rekssed - from T County Ja3 at AshtTl" ; after serv!-? ' " t day Cr-.. C on a C r t I 1

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